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Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Both matches were incredible. I am going to say though I liked Edge vs Orton best.

Worst Match: none!

Best Promo: Rikishi+McMahon

Worst Promo - N/A

Additional Comments:Amazing matches. I loved them both. I like how lengty they were. I always love matches that are detailed like that. Bravo CMS on another amazing job!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: As I expected, It was the Team WWE vs. Team BTW is the best match of the night and Edge/Orton comes second.

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: MVP/Jeff Hardy

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedback: What a huge PPV this is with a twist at the end, Wonder what will BTW do to Rikishi at the next show! I am looking forward to it and once again, you've done a great show! Good Job!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Team WWE vs. Team BTW- A great match and as Leviathan said, Orton/Edge comes in second...

Worse Match: N/A

Best Interview/Segment: Rikishi & McMahon

Worse Interview/Segment: N/A

Additional Feedback/Comments: There is no doubt that you pulled out all the stops in this pay-per-view. Every match was written to perfection as were the promos. I honestly didn't think that Rikishi/Umaga would be a good match but you proved me wrong. I loved this pay-per-view; it was really a great read. Loving the twist at the end with Rikishi and I'm looking forward to the fallout to Rebellion.

The Rated R CMStar


Hell is sure to be raised in the next edition of BTW, after company's pride was humilliated when Team BTW lost to Team WWE at Rebellion's main event. And it all can be blamed on one man: Rikishi.

Rikishi is certainly not on the best situation, as he did not interfere in the match, therefore he doesn't gets WWE job offer, but he did cost the match to his partners, so you have to wonder if BTW locker room will be seeking revenge.

Also, a new and dangerous alliance was formed at Rebellion, when apparent rivals Triple and Christian Cage joined forces. What will they say about their partnership? And who will be their first victim?

World Champion Edge took advantage of a referee bump to retain his championship gold against Randy Orton, and with no Team BTW member getting the winning pin and the Number One Contender Spot, who will get the next title shot?

Samoa Joe entered Rebellion, with a single objective: May Mr. Kennedy pay. But some way, Mr. Kennedy managed to get the victory. Will Samoa Joe find another way to get revenge, or will ladmouth Ken Kennedy finally be safe from his vengeance.

Sabu has been sidelined from action for 3 months, thanks to the brutal consecuences of the Barbwired Massacre match. Will he start thinking of ways to protect from the inevitable revenge from Sabu?

Also, see the next step in the rivalry between Jeff Hardy and MVP, as now they are co-holders of the BTW Extreme Championship. Will Elijah Burke use his rematch clause? Or will MVP and Jeff Hardy be able to solve their differences?


The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Nice Preview, I am going to check it out and see what will happen to Rikishi. Poor Guy, he's kinda sad in that pic, lol.... Meanwhile, Overheat Preview is up! Check it out!

DANTE savage

Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
sorry for not reviewing yet, I will definetly get round to it!

Wrestling God

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Great Previw CMS, cnat wait to find out Rikishi's fate, check out EWO Warzone the show has been posted.

The Rated R CMStar


More BTW rumors and notes
by Mike Johnson @ 7:17:24 PM on 10/19/2007

Sabu's injury was prior the match with RVD. The end was worked a few minutes before the match. He will have injury on his knee and on-screen his disappearence will be explained as a consequence of his bump in the Barbwire Match. He will be most likely out for 4 months.

Mark Callaway was indeed backstage at Rebelion and he is sorting out his contract with BTW.

There are a lot of talk backstage of the future of the HHH/Christian Cage new partnership. They are mostly about how long it should be before someone turns on the other one.

Goldberg and Brock Lesnar will continue their feud.

I want to clear some rumors I have read on other sites, Edge and Randy Orton relationship backstage is of friendship. There are no hard-feelings or hate between them. At least it is what they said when I chat with them.

Tomko has supposely ended his relationship with BTW as of Rebellion PPV and is scheduled to report back to TNA next Wednesday. Triple H wanted another way to send him off, but Tomko insisted that was the best for the storyline.

The storyline around Rikishi betraying BTW was written to reactivate his character on screen, as neither sides wanted a separation. There has also been talk that all this storyline might guide to the eventual retirement as an active wrestler of Rikishi at the end of the year. We will keep you updated on this one.


The Rated R CMStar

BTW Show
Pepsi Center
Denver, Colorado

Sign goes backstage to Triple H and Christian Cage, receiving lot of boos.

Triple H: Ladies and Gentleman, before BTW starts, we wanted to clear this whole situation up.

Christian: See, we want to have a peaceful, quit night, so we decided to straight this whole thing right away.

Triple H: That’s right. The thing is, since Rebellion, all what people do is asks us “Why?, Why do you teamed up at that TLC match?

Christian: I wasn’t expecting such a reaction, but of course, I overestimated how famous we are.

Triple H: We teamed up because one morning, I woke up and asked myself “why are you still fighting with Christian?†And the funny thing is that I didn’t have an answer. For months we had been fighting and having spectacular matches that simply stole the show. But what was next? Keep fighting for the next month, the next year? Or…

Christian: Or join and dominate BTW?

Triple H: Answer was easy. Beating Tomko up was even easier (gets lot of boos). And now I have to ask the entire BTW, are you ready? Are you ready to be taken over by The Game and The Instant Classic? And have no doubt about it, we will take over BTW, simply because we are that damn good!

Christian: And that’s how we roll!

(Opening video of BTW plays)


JBL: Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to a brand new edition of BTW, I am John Bradshaw Layfield, and there you have it, the explanation the world was waiting to hear.

Styles: I am Joey Styles, and by the way I don’t quite get it! Triple H and Christian Cage teamed up simply because they saw no reason to keep fighting?

JBL: No, they teamed up because they saw how good they both are, and how they can take control of BTW together. That’s right Joey, together.

Styles: I don’t know, I can really get use to the idea of Triple H and Christian teaming up. But let’s get this show underway.

“Here Comes The Pain†plays as Brock Lesnar makes his way out with Paul Heyman.

Styles: Now that Rebellion is done Lesnar has only one thing on his mind: Bill Goldberg.

JBL: And I can’t wait for those two freaks of nature to fight each other, but right now he has to think in that angry Samoan he has to fight.

“Virtual Voodoo†plays as Umaga makes his way out with a lot of boos from the audience.

Umaga vs Brock Lesnar

Umaga tries to intimidate Lesnar moving his head and staring at him with a weird look. They start circling each other until Umaga suddenly stops and raises his arms screaming. Brock immediately starts the attack running toward his opponent and entering in a test of strength. Nobody takes advantage and they release the hold. Both competitors look at each other and they restart the brawl. Lesnar gains the upperhand this time connecting a right punch to the gut; he then connects a left one that makes Umaga back down. Brock steps forward to continue his offense but Umaga reacts first connecting an uppercut that floors Brock Lesnar. Lesnar gets up very quickly and Umaga goes for a clothesline, but Lesnar ducks the attack and counterattacks with a punch to the face. Umaga backs down resenting the punch but Lesnar in a quick move comes close to him and connects him with a Belly to Belly. Lesnar goes for the cover: 1…2…, Umaga lifts one shoulder breaking the pin. Brock doesn’t wastes any time and gets on top of Umaga and starts punching him, but the Samoan Bulldozer reacts and rakes Lesnar’s eyes making him get up and away from him. Umaga gets up and viciously connects Brock with some punches; he then throws him to the ropes and hits Lesnar with a Samoan Drop that gets the shock of the audience. Umaga gets up and stares at Lesnar before raising his arms and taunting his power.

Umaga immediately dashes to the ropes and tries to connect a diving headbutt, but Lesnar gets out of the way making him fail. Both competitors come back to their feet and start trading punches, until Brock Lesnar gets the advantage when he connects a knee to the gut making Umaga bend. He then dashes to the ropes but gets surprised by Umaga that connects him with a rotating Side Walk Slam. Umaga makes the cover: 1…2…, Lesnar gets one of his shoulder up. Umaga gets angry and frustrated and starts stomping Lesnar’s head. Umaga then starts lifting his opponent up. Umaga punches Lesnar and then throws him to the corner in violence. The crowd boos as Lesnar is sitting in the corner and Umaga walks to the other corner. Umaga yells and lifts his arms before start running toward his opponent, but before Umaga can connects him, Lesnar gets out of the way making Umaga clash to the turnbuckle corner. Umaga turns around in pain and gets connected by a Snap Suplex.

Both men collapse to the mat as the referee start the count: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…, Lesnar start getting up and when he returned to his feet and now starts taunting and announcing the F-5. Umaga starts slowly getting up as Lesnar smiles. Umaga finally turns around and Lesnar puts him on his shoulder looking for the F-5, but Umaga manages to slide out of the maneuver and floors Lesnar with a powerful Samoan Spike. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Brock Lesnar surprisingly gets his shoulder up.

JBL: What? How did he kick out?

Umaga confronts the referee and yells something at him in Samoan. The referee tries to get away of him but Umaga grabs him and pushes him knocking him down. Umaga then goes to the outside of the ring and grabs a chair. As soon as he enters the ring the referee rings the bell.

Result: Brock Lesnar wins by DQ.

Umaga enters with the chair and intimidates the referee with it when he tried to stop the attack. Brock starts incorporating getting back to his feet and Umaga advances toward him and connects a devastating chair shot. He then drags the not moving Lesnar to the corner and puts the chair in front of him, then going to the opposite corner. Umaga taunts for his Brutal Hip-Attack, when out of nowhere Goldberg runs down the ramp making the save. He connects of punches and then a clothesline making Umaga fell to the outside of the ring. Umaga goes to the back mumbling something and really angry.

Lesnar gets back to his senses and he looks up at Goldberg holding his head. Goldberg smiles at the sight of the beaten Brock Lesnar as his music sounds.


(Video promo of Ricky Banderas, in which he calls himself as “The Mesiasâ€, next week in action)

We see Jeff Hardy and MVP arguing backstage.

MVP: I feel you Jeff, but see, for the wellness of this title (he points the BTW Extreme Title) you should consider my proposal.

Jeff: Are you serious?

MVP: Yeah.

Jeff: You are really proposing me to surrender the tile? Are you crazy?

MVP: Look, it’s nothing personal; I just think that it’s better for the company if this title is held by Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP, because, well, I’m better than you.

Jeff: Look, I am as champion as you are, and until we lose that title, I will defend it to the end.

Jeff walks away as MVP stays immobile with an offended look on his face.

JBL: How arrogant by Jeff Hardy? MVP clearly won that match.

Styles: Well, it obviously wasn’t like that as Jeff Hardy is also our BTW Extreme Champion.

“Countdown†plays to a mixed reaction as Test makes his way down to the ring.

“I am†plays to a very mixed reaction from the crowd as AJ Styles makes his way down the ramp very confident.

Test vs AJ Styles

Immediately after the bell rings Test runs toward AJ Styles starting the match connecting him with some quick punches, he then Irish Whips him to the ropes and lands him with a big boot. Test makes the quick cover: 1…2, AJ kicks out, Test covers him gain: 1…2…, AJ kicks out again and Test gets out and complains to the referee about a slow count. AJ does an agile movement to get up and surprises Test with a kick to the calf while still arguing with the referee. Test turns around and tries to punch him, but AJ ducks and lands with a jumping kick to the head. Test loses balance and falls in the ropes. AJ sees it and runs toward the ropes. He jumps to the corner and connects Test with a springboard leg drop to the back of the neck of Test through the ropes. AJ then connects a springboard splash making the cover: 1…2…, Test pushes AJ Styles up breaking the cover. Styles stomps him in the head a few times before connecting an amazing moonsault.

After AJ connects the moonsault he gets up very cocky and taunts for the crowd receiving boos from some part of the crowd and cheers from other fans. Test slowly starts getting up using the ropes. He finally recovers his standing position. Styles sees him and tries to knock him down again attempting a dropkick to the knees, but Test ducks the kick jumping over it and he then connects a series of elbows to the face as Styles got up. Test then turns around and measures Styles, connecting him with a vicious clothesline that makes Styles flip in the air. Test makes the cover: 1…2…, Styles gets one shoulder up and Test screams in frustration. Test starts unleashing his frustration on the floored Styles kicking him in the middle section and delivering a series of quick elbow drops. He then stops and sees at his opponent immobile for a moment. Test then slowly starts getting AJ Styles up, and then setting him in the suplex position. He goes for the suplex position but he doesn’t connect it right away, but he lets Styles still on the middle of the air. After a few seconds of Styles in vertical position Test connects the suplex and gets up very fired up screaming and taunting the crowd.

Test still fired up goes for the opposite corner and starts taunting Styles waiting for him to get up. AJ slowly drags himself toward the ropes and he uses them to pull himself up. Styles slowly turns around and Test runs toward him going after a Big Boot, but AJ Styles surprisingly jumps over him letting him pass. AJ turns around, looks back to see where Test is and tries to connect the Pelé, but Test steps forward and catches him in mid-air, putting him over his shoulders and then hitting a powerslam. Test passes his thumb across his throat announcing for the end waiting one more time for AJ to get up. Styles finally get up after using the ropes for leverage, he turns around and Test lifts him up putting him over his shoulders. Test makes him spin trying to connect the Test Driver but AJ Styles counter attacks in mid-air and hits a rotating DDT. Styles tries to set Test up in the Styles Clash, but AJ is to small and tired to connect it on Test and Test manages to counter, he throws AJ toward the ropes and then gets up and tries to connect a clothesline, but Styles ducks passing along. Styles stops and connects a surprised Test with the Pelé. The crowd cheers as AJ climbs to the top rope and connects Test with a 450o Leg Drop. He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: AJ Styles defeats Test.

We see backstage a limo arriving. The door opens and Rikishi gets down of it receiving a lot of boos from the crowd.

Styles: What a great match we just witnessed!

JBL: Screw the match, that stupid Rikishi has just arrived. We will be right back.


“Arabic†plays as Muhammed Hassan makes his entrance to the ring, holding a microphone in his hand. He enters the ring.

Hassan: For the last few weeks, I have been unstoppable. No man has been able to pin me. That’s why I am making a challenge to anyone who dares entering the ring with me, anyone who da….

“Break Down the Walls†plays to an enormous pop from the crowd as Chris Jericho makes his way out pointing as himself.

Styles: Hassan wanted a challenge, but this may be more that what he asked for.

The referee rings the bell as Muhammed Hassan throws his mic away staring at a smiling Chris Jericho.

Muhammed Hassan vs Chris Jericho

Hassan stares at Jericho as Chris smiles and jogs around him. Muhammed Hassan finally explodes and attack Jericho attempting a clothesline, but Jericho ducks it, Muhammed swings for a punch, but Jericho continues to avoid attempt after attempt as Hassan continue trying to punch him. Jericho ducks a punch one more time and then slaps Hassan enraging him even more. Hassan goes crazy and madly runs toward Jericho, but Chris gets out of the way making Muhammed Hassan continue running crashing to the ropes. Hassan manages to grab from a rope avoiding the fall, but Chris Jericho connects a springboard dropkick over the ropes knocking Muhammed Hassan off the apron. Hassan incorporates on the outside but gets floored once again by suicide dive through the ropes to a big pop from the crowd. Both wrestlers gruel on the outsides as the referee start the count out: 1…2…3…4…5…6…, Jericho recovers and gets back to his feet. He slowly lifts Hassan up and rolls him back into the ring. Chris makes the cover: 1…2… Hassan kicks out. Muhammed drags to the ropes and gets up. Jericho waits for him standing and when Hassan gets up he tries to connect him with his jumping enziguiri, but Hassan grabs his feet in mid-air and a falling powerbomb. Muhammed Hassan gets up and screams taunting firing himself up.

Chris Jericho gets up but gets floored by a clothesline. Jericho gets up and floored again by a second clothesline. Chris gets back to his feet for the third time but Muhammed Hassan hits a standing back body drop, Muhammed lifts Jericho up by pulling his hair and connects a brutal European uppercut that makes Chris collapse out cold. Hassan makes the cover: 1…2…Jericho surprisingly gets one shoulder up. Muhammed Hassan makes the cover again: 1…2.., Jericho kicks out again and a frustrated Hassan makes a third cover looking for the pinfall: 1…2…, Chris gets one shoulder up.

Muhammed Hassan gets up and argues with the referee for a moment, showing his frustration. He then looks back at Jericho and starts taunting him. Hassan starts circling the slowly recovering Jericho looking for a spot. Muhammed Hassan finally gets tired of the taunting and steps forward the floored Jericho. He lifts him up and sets him in the Modified STO position, but before he can connect it, Jericho starts fighting back with elbows directed to Hassan’s face, but Muhammed doesn’t lets Jericho go and fights back with a headbutt to Chris’s face. He tries to connect it one more time but Chris blocks it and lowers his right arm rolling Hassan up: 1…2…, Hassan manages to kick out. Both men get up, but Jericho strikes first with a kick to the gut followed by a DDT. Jericho sees the opening and tries to hit his Lionsault, but Hassan rolls out of the way. Chris Jericho lands on his feet but can’t fully recover his balance and gets rolled by Muhammed: 1…2…, Hassan pulls up Jericho’s tights, 3.

Result: Muhammed Hassan defeats Chris Jericho

Hassan goes out of the ring celebrating, receiving a lot of heat from the crowd as an enraged Jericho remains in the center of the ring.

We go backstage and see Edge entering Crushing C’s office.

Crushing C: What do you want?

Edge: I just wanted to tell you that, I am in condition for a match tonight, so you’d better not book me on one.

Crushing C: Did I hear correctly? Not in condition for a match?

Edge: Yes see, I am still suffering from my match at Rebellion against Randy Orton, and…

Crushing C: You know what, ok, you will not have a match tonight, but…

Edge: See, I knew you where a smart man.

Crushing C: But you will have a match at Unbreakable. See, since no member of Team BTW got the winning pin at Rebellion, we didn’t have a Number One Contender.

Edge: That’s right, that’s right.

Crushing C: So I decided to give a certain man, a second opportunity for the gold, for your gold. So, at Unbreakable, it will be World Champion Edge, facing, Randy Orton!

Crowd gives a huge pop in approval.

Crushing C: And by the way…

Someone knocks at Crushing C’s door.

Cushing C: Come in

Triple H and Christian Cage enter the room receiving a lot of boos.

Crushing C: And what do you want?

HHH: We just wanted to know if we are clear to go home.

Crushing C: Clear to go home?

Christian: Yeah I mean, we already did that big announcement all were expecting, and I see no reason why us should be fighting tonight.

Crushing C: What’s the matter with you people? You are wrestlers; you are being paid to wrestle god damn it!

HHH: Does that mean we can go?

Crushing C: Hell no, in fact, Christian and Hunter, you will have a match next with, with the BTW Extreme Champions: Jeff Hardy and MVP.

Edge laughs at the announcement.

Crushing C: And you Edge, you may not have a match, but that doesn’t means you are not entering tonight in a BTW ring. Tonight, it will be, as our main event, a Rebellion Winners Match, as Rob Van Dam takes on The Big Show and Mr. Kennedy. And you Edge, you will be the special referee of that match!

Edge tries to argue with Crushing C.

Crushing C: And that’s not all Edge. Your Unbreakable opponent, Randy Orton, will be the special enforcer of that match!

Scene goes to commercial as Edge argues with Crushing C and Triple H and Christian Cage look shocked at each other.


(Mark Henry hype video)

We return and see Mark Henry in the middle of the ring.

Henry: See, if you don’t know who I am, I am the World Strongest Man, I am the Silverback, Mark Henry!

Crowd boos at him.

Henry: This is a jungle, and I am the King of it.

Crowd starts chanting: “You suck, you suckâ€.

Henry: Nobody can stop, and I mean nobody, I am in…

A video starts playing on the tron.


The crowd pops huge and Mark Henry goes bizark in the middle of the ring and goes upset to the back.

JBL: What was that? Who’s that video for? Don’t tell me it is…!

Styles: I don’t know John, but I know Mark Henry will not have a pleasant time in the coming weeks.

JBL: Oh C’mon, he’s the World Strongest Man, nobody can stop him!

“Just Close your Eyes†plays to a bad reaction from the crowd as Christian Cage comes out. He stays in the ramp waiting for his partner.

“The Game†plays as the crowd boos Triple making his entrance. He finds Cage in the ramp and both enter the ring.

“Loaded†plays to a big pop from the crowd as Jeff Hardy makes his entrance.

“I’m Coming†plays to a mixed reaction from the crowd as MVP makes his way out carrying the BTW Extreme Title. He comes face to face with Jeff Hardy and then both enter the ring, both teams go to their corners and the referee rings the bell.

Jeff Hardy and MVP vs Triple H and Christian Cage

Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy start the match for their respective teams. Christian gets the quick upperhand locking in a headlock, but Jeff manages to escape and reverse the hold with a hammerlock, but Cage also reverses the submission maneuver with an arm drag. Jeff Hardy gets up and gets connected by a second arm drag. Hardy gets up for the third time and Christian goes for a third arm bar, but Jeff Hardy reverses the maneuver in mid-air turning it into a powerslam. Hardy makes the cover: 1…2…, Christian kicks out. Hardy lifts Cage up and locking a headlock he goes to his corner, where he makes the tag to MVP. Hardy remains the headlock and exposes Christian’s middle section, and MVP takes advantage kicking it punishing his ribs. MVP goes on and connects a right blow to Christian, then a chest slap and another right punch. Porter then bounces to the ropes located behind him and bounce back connecting a reinforced knee facebuster, flooring Christian. Porter gives the tag to Jeff Hardy that immediately climbs to the top rope and tries to connect his Swanton Bomb, but Cage manages to roll out of the way. Cage drags and does a little leap toward his corner giving the tag to Triple H.

Triple H enters the ring measuring the floored Jeff Hardy. He goes toward him and lifts him. The Game then delivers a kick to the gut and goes after the Pedigree, but Jeff Hardy manages to release his arms and counters with a split-legged jawbreaker. The crowd cheers for Jeff Hardy as he tries to drag himself to his team corner and make the tag to MVP, but Triple H recovers first than him and drags him back to the center of the ring, he lifts Jeff Hardy up and connects a right blow. He then throws him to the corner and there continues his abuse with a series of right punches. He steps backward for a moment but then heavily advances and starts choking Jeff Hardy. The referee tries to force Triple H to release the hold but he fails in his intention. The referee then starts the DQ count: 1…2…3…4…, Triple releases the hold and confronts the referee. He argues with him for a moment but then turns toward where Jeff Hardy is looking to continue his flurry of offense, but Jeff Hardy manages to surprise The Game attacking first, connecting him with a kick to the face pushing himself up using the ring ropes. Triple H walks away holding his head and Jeff Hardy takes advantage of it and dashes to the ropes bouncing back and connecting a bulldozer. Once Triple H on the canvas, he connects a moonsault. Jeff Hardy makes the cover: 1…2…, Christian Cage interferes stomping Jeff on the back breaking the pinfall.

The referee immediately tries to get Christian back out of the ring, but Christian Cage manages to distract him enough to let a recovering Triple H connect a grueling low blow, that makes Jeff Hardy collapse to the canvas. The Game makes the cover: 1…2…, Jeff Hardy kicks out. Jeff Hardy tries to get up but Triple H goes back to work on Hardy, but when he tries to lift him up Jeff Hardy fights back with a series of punches to Triple H`s middle section, he then pushes The Game back and lands a spinning wheel kick. Both men collapse to the canvas and the referee is forced to start the count: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…both competitors start dragging to their corners looking for the tag, Triple makes the tag first and Christian Cage enters the ring. He is a few steps away from Jeff Hardy, but Jeff manages to leap toward his corner making the hot tag to MVP, who enters receiving a mixed reaction. Porter enters and clotheslines Christian Cage knocking him down. MVP continues his run and connects Triple H knocking him down of the apron. He turns around to continue fighting Christian Cage, but Christian with a roll-up: 1…2, Christian Cage grabs the rope with his right hand, 3.

Result: Christian Cage and Triple H defeats MVP and Jeff Hardy.

Christian Cage lifts MVP up and floors him with the Unprettier. Jeff Hardy enters the ring trying to help his partner, he runs toward Christian Cage but he gets out of the way letting Hardy pass, getting connected by a Spinebuster by the recovered Triple H. Christian and Triple H look at each other and Christian points at The Game the outside of the ring. The Game rolls out of the ring and grabs the Sledgehammer, which receives a mixed reaction from the crowd. The Game reenters the ring with the sledgehammer and stars taunting Jeff Hardy and MVP, but out of nowhere CM Punk and Colt Cabana appear making the save, forcing Triple H and Christian Cage to go out of the ring. Triple H and Christian Cage exchange insults with the Tag Champions as we go to a commercial.


We return and see Mr. Kennedy running into Crushing C in a corridor.

Kennedy: I finally found you; I have been looking the entire place for you.

Crushing C: Well, you found me, what do you want?

Kennedy: I really see no reason why I should be in that wacky, triple threat match you book me in.

Crushing C: Sweet Lord what have I done? And could you tell me why do you think that?

Kennedy: Because that match is your little way to hype up Edge vs Randy Orton at Unbreakable. Besides, I see no reason why I should be not only between those two rivalry but also facing The Big Show and that crazy, psycho Rob Van Dam.

Crushing C: So, are you telling me you don’t want to wrestle tonight?

Kennedy: Not, in fact I am not. See, I want to be in a match that actually means something. I want a chance to prove everyone, especially you, that I am a better challenger than Randy Orton.

Crushing C: So you want Randy Orton tonight?

Kennedy: Hell yeah!

Crushing C: Well, you’ve got it, next will be Ken Kennedy facing Randy Orton. Hey, and I’ll tell you something, if you win, I will give you Orton’s title match.

Kennedy: Now we are talking, but don’t worry, tonight, your new Number One Contender will be Miiiiiiisteeeeeeeeer Keeeeeneeee….

Crushing C: But that’s not all, if you lose that match, I will grant someone else a rematch.

Kennedy: What do you mean?

Crushing C: If you lose that match, at Unbreakable it will be Mr. Kennedy facing, Samoa Joe, at an Ambulance Match!

Crowd cheers approving the decision.

Crushing C: Oh and Kennedy, go and do me a favor, go tell Edge that he got lucky, because he doesn’t have to even come out to the ring, but next week, next week he will defend his title against the two men I left out of action tonight, Rob Van Dam and Big Show! Now get going.

Kennedy leaves appearing to be mad but when he turns around he gives a cocky grin.


We return and see Ken Kennedy in the middle of the ring waiting for Randy Orton.

“Burn Inside my Light†plays as Randy Orton comes out.

Randy Orton vs Mr. Kennedy

Randy Orton is in the ramp when out of nowhere the crowd starts cheering. Ken Kennedy turns around and realizes it is Samoa Joe coming from into the crowd. The referee has still to ring the bell. Ken Kennedy runs from out of the ring but finds face to face with Randy Orton, that punches him and throws him back into the ring. There Samoa Joe surprises him with a Samoan Drop. Randy Orton enters the ring and intimidates the referee to ring the bell. The referee does so and Orton starts taunting for the RKO. Kennedy slowly gets up and turns around getting connected by the RKO. Orton makes the cover as Samoa Joe smiles from the outside: 1…2…3.

Result: Randy Orton defeats Ken Kennedy.

Both three men leave, Orton and Joe with a big grin and a Kennedy very frustrated.


JBL: What was that? Samoa Joe just screwed Ken Kennedy.

Styles: Just like Ken Kennedy screwed Samoa Joe at Rebellion.

JBL: It isn’t the same thing.

Styles: The fact is that at Unbreakable Samoa Joe will get a chance to get revenge in an Ambulance Match.

JBL: You seem happy...

Everyone gets interrupted by Crushing C that comes out to a mixed reaction.

Crushing C: Now before the show ends, there is one more thing missing, and that is to Rikishi to give all of BTW an apology. Rikishi, if you could come out.

Nobody appears.

Crushing C: Rikishi, don’t waste our time and come on out here.

Nobody appears.

Crushing C: Rikishi, this will be done the good…

Rikishi appears on the Tron.

Rikishi: I will not come out there because I am afraid what the fans can do to me.

Crushing C: Ok, ok, that’s understandable, now, do what you have to do so that we can get this show over.

Rikishi: I am not apologizing.

Crushing C: What!

Rikishi: I am not apologizing, I did not nothing wrong, I tried but I couldn’t.

Crushing C: So let me get this straight, you are not apologizing?

Rikishi: No I am not.

Crushing C: You let me no choice Rikishi, see, you may not ask for forgiveness, but sure as hell ask for mercy, because next week it will be Rikishi facing all 5 members of Team BTW.

Crowd gives a mixed reaction as a desperate Rikishi is seen on the Tron and the show closes.


BTW World Heavyweight Title
RVD/The Big Show/Edge (c) vs Randy Orton

Ambulance Match
Mr. Kennedy vs Samoa Joe


Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Rebellion Review

BM: Edge(c) vs Randy Orton
BP: Mcmahon/Rikishi

Cena/Orton match was intense...very detailed

BTW Show in Denver Review

BM: BM: I liked Orton and Kennedy, but was dissapointed when it ended too quickly and screw Samoa Joe for interefering!

WM: Test/Styles

BP: MVP/Hardy and Crushing C / Triple H

WP: Mark Henry

comments: Pretty good shows but sometimes I get the feeling Crushing C is micromanaging the BTW. I'd like to see him step back and let the wrestlers wrestle...antways..Godd Job!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Hardy/MVP vs. HHH/Cage

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Edge and Crushing C and the last one w/ Rikishi goes for the second

Worst Promo: Mark Henry and the mysterious guy yet the video is good

Additional: Uh - Oh! I smell someone will arrive at BTW, OMG! What will Mark Henry do! The main event match is a great read... I am going to check out your Triple Threat match for the BTW Championship and what will happen to Rikishi...


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Hardy/MVP vs. HHH/Cage

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Edge and Crushing C

Worst Promo: Mysterious video with Henry

Additional: Cannot wait to see what Rikishi is gonna do. The thing with mark Henry is sorta making me have Unforgiven flashbacks...but i am sure you will turn it around.

The Rated R CMStar




Punishment. That's how the actions of Crushing C toward Rikishi can be catalogued. Even if Rikishi assured that he didn't intend to screw BTW out of the victory in the Battle of the Companies, he refused to say sorry, terrible choice in the GM's eyes, that booked him in a Handicap match against all 5 members of Team BTW. Can Rikishi survive the hunger of revenge and pride of Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho, Muhammed Hassan and AJ Styles?

But not everything is candy covered between the members of the reminiscent Team BTW. Brock Lesnar and Goldberg's rivalry and mutual envy only increased after Goldberg saved Lesnar from a brutal attack by the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga. Also, last show we witnessed the clash of Chris Jericho and Muhammed Hassan, with Hassan cheating to keep his undefeated strike intact. With four members of the team having their minds on their personal differences, and not counting out the arrogance and wants to shine of AJ Styles, will they even be able to be a team to face Rikishi?

Life was sweet for World Champion Edge. He was on the top of BTW's food chain, he retained at Rebellion against fierce competitor Randy Orton and he didn't even have to fight at the show. But one simple announcement ruined his night and the rest of the week. Will he be able to survive and retain his World Title against extremist Rob Van Dam and already Continental Champion Big Show?

What kind of impact will Number One Contender Randy Orton, try to inflict after being granted a title shot at Unbreakable?

Triple H and Christian Cage shocked the world after letting everyone know they were partners, and made their first mark by beating the co-Extreme Champions Jeff Hardy and MVP, but not happy with the victory, they attempted to beat them down with the sledgehammer, only to get run off by the Tag Champions CM Punk and Colt Cabana. Will they be planning a revenge? And if they do how will the Tag Champs be able to protect themselves from the vicious partners?

Faith was once again sealed for Ken Kennedy this past show. He had another chance to reach the gold, but he failed and one more time he will have to survive the anger of Samoa Joe, this time in an Ambulance Match at Unbreakable PPV. Will next show be a step toward glory for Kennedy or a step toward recreation of the misery Samoa Joe passed?

Also, as it was announced by himself, we will witnessed the return, the rebirth itself of Ricky Banderas into the Mesiass. Can his new persona help him in his quest for succes?

Cocky Elijah Burke abstained from using his contractual rematch for the BTW Extreme Title. Did he save it for this week's show, or his just scared of how, or against who will he have to fight?

Mark Henry is the World Strongest Man, no doubt about that, and he have had no stops on beating all comers. But there has always been one man, sticked to the back of his mind, that has been an obstacle he cannot overcome, will we found out more about the mysterious man stalking Mark Henry, and if that man is the man always feared by Mark Henry?


BTW World Heavyweight Championship
Edge/RVD/Big Show (c) vs Randy Orton

Ambulance Match
Mr. Kennedy vs Samoa Joe


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Good preview. I am very interested to see how team BTW is going to co-exist and how Rikishi will even survive! The ambulance match is sure to be one hell of a brawl and maybe Kennedy will prevail this time? Also I am anxious to see how Edge is going to fair against RVD and Show. Really great show coming up man and I cannot wait to review it.