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Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: I am going to say the handicap match won it for me

Worst Match: Mark Henry vs. Maven

Best Promo: Jericho/Hassan

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks:Another overall great show. I was so suprised that Rikishi won! Wow, never saw that coming lol. Plus Edge retainikng the title was a nice touch. Great Job CMS.

The Rated R CMStar


BTW Show preview

With 3 weeks missing until Unbreakable, the rivalry between the BTW World Champion Edge and his challenger are certainly heating up. Randy Orton is more than confident that at Unbrekable he will leave with gold around his waist, and for Edge, last week was Do or Die, as he had to defend his title against three hungry other challengers. Somehow he managed to retain the gold, and to his pleasure this week he will have an easier, but not safer task, as in his segement the Cutting Edge Randy Orton will be as his guest.

It appears that to Crushing C revenge on Rikishi has gotten personal. It wasn't enough to put him in a match against Team BTW, match that he surprisingly won, but now he placed him in a match against AJ Styles. And that's not all, Crushing C made the match inside a Steel Cage. Will Rikishi be able to overcome this obstacle, or will he finally be forced to ask for forgiveness?

This week, Crushing C has also announced that we would have a Number One Contender Battle Royal to determine the challenger to Big Show's Continental Title. Participants will be former challenger Rhino, long time enemy Test, the just debuted Messiah and the man seeking for revenge on The Show, Rob Van Dam. Who will come out on top and earn a match against the giant?

Messiah is certainly back, and he proved it by beating Maven, but Maven wasn't the only one beated, as a confused Mark Henry came out and attacked him, thinking the video that taunted him last week was for Messiah, instead, another video appear, continuing to mess with his mind? Who is behind this videos? And when will he make an appearance?

This week we will be a step closer on seeing a rivalry of 7 years in the making come to an end, as we will see if Brock Lesnar accepts Goldberg's challenge to an I Quit Match. This two have been inside Hell in a Cell, competed in Last Man Standing, and after one of them says I Quit!, the other one may say he is better. Will Lesnar accept to the definying challenge?

Triple H and Christian Cage had in mind they wiould be the most dominant Tag Team in all the wrestling panoram, but they didn't count two men would beg to differ. This men are CM Punk and Colt Cabana, BTW Tag champions, that are certainly trying to stop all of The Game's and The Instant Classic's plans. This week, after a DQ caused by interference of Triple H on Colt Cabana, CM Punk has issued an Open Challenge to any of the two, Triple H or Christian Cage, to a match with him. Who of the two will accept?

Crushing C, as stated in BTW.com, has added to Unbreakable a Handicap Match for the Extreme Title, MVP and Jeff Hardy defending against Elijah Burke. As preparation and hype to that match, Elijah Burke will go one on one with Jeff Hardy.

Known Card:

Cutting Edge
Edge invites challenger Randy Orton

Steel Cage Match
Rikishi vs AJ Styles

Jeff Hardy vs Elijah Burke

CM Punk vs Triple H or Christian Cage

BTW Continental Title Number One Contender Battle Royal
RVD vs Test vs Rhino vs Messiah


BTW World Heavyweight Title Match
Edge(c) vs Randy Orton

Ambulance Match
Mr. Kennedy vs Samoa Joe

BTW Extreme Title Match
Jeff Hardy(c) and MVP(c) vs Elijah Burke

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Nice Preview! You're Edge and Orton fued are really heating up! Looks like we are going to see a huge brawl at the Cutting Edge, also curious how will you use Messisas? Now the Rikishi one is also great as he will go for a Steel Cage with Styles. I am checking it out. How 'bout you check out HEW? My new show is up!

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
My Predictions

Steel Cage Match
Rikishi vs AJ Styles by pinfall and he might face another superstar next week from Team BTW

Jeff Hardy vs Elijah Burke by pinfall after a MVP inteference

CM Punk vs Triple H or Christian Cage Winner CM Punk by DQ

BTW Continental Title Number One Contender Battle Royal
RVD vs Test vs Rhino vs Messiah TTo set up a fued with big show


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Edge and Orton is really rising to momentous perportions! Plus Rikishi and STyles I can see Rikishi going over in this one. Judas is here now and I am anxious to see how he will either thrive or dive. I 'm looking forward to your next show!

COngrats on winning 4 AWARDS! All bow before the booker of bookers lol


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
That is aweomse CMS! Really like the website. SWA use to have something like that but our tech guy (weebo) got lazy lol. Lookin good though I hope you keep it up to date.

The Rated R CMStar

BTW Show
Scottrade Center
ST. Louis, Missouri


Styles: Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to a brand new edition of BTW and what a show will we have tonight.

JBL: Not only that, but we are drawing closer and closer to Unbreakable, and things are certainly heating up.

Styles: Indeed partner, so we better get started.

“Crow Omen†plays to a nice pop from the crowd as Messiah comes out. He climbs to all four corners taunting the crowd.

“Count†plays to the crowd, getting an amount of boos as Test makes his way out.

“ManBeast†plays to a nice reaction from the crowd as a fired up Rhino makes his entrance, staring at both his other competitors.

“One of a Kind†plays to a mixed reaction from the crowd as Rob Van Dam makes his way out. He acts lay back as he stares at his competition. The ref rings the bell.

BTW Continental Title Number One Contender Over the Top Rope Battle Royal
Messiah vs Test vs Rhino vs RVD

As soon as the referee rings the bell, Test goes to attack Messiah, hitting a series of punches. Messiah answers back and hits a right blow. The blow exchange begins increasing their speed. Meanwhile, RVD and Rhino start circling each other. RVD motions the manbeast to approach. Rhino shows no intimidation and steps toward his opponent. Van Dam stares at Rhino for a moment and after a few seconds he cockily starts pointing at himself as he and the crowd chant: “Rob…Van…â€, but before he can finish his name, Rhino snaps and connects a stiff clothesline, knocking him down. RVD quickly gets back to his feet but Rhino knocks him again. RVD gets up once again, and Rhino throws him to the ropes, and when he bounces back he tries to hit a Back Body Drop, but RVD manages to land on his feet, and floors Rhino with a roundhouse kick. Rob Van Dam immediately dashes and bounces to the ropes going to attack both Test and Messiah, hitting them with a double clothesline. Messiah and Test get up and RVD tries to hit a double kick, but Test and Messiah each grab one of RVD’s leg, then spinning them letting him fell straight to the canvas. Immediately after the quick double team, Test turns around to face Messiah and slaps him; Messiah looks away holding his jaw and strikes back with a powerful punch. Messiah then grabs Test and suplexes him. Messiah fires himself up and dashes to the ropes looking for his elbow drop, but before he is able to hit it on Test, Rhino reacts and knocks Messiah out with a powerful clothesline. Rhino lifts his arms up working the crowd but gets quickly knocked out by a surprising kick straight to his jaw by Rob Van Dam. RVD finds himself standing alone in the ring and dashes to the ropes, and hits Messiah with his Rolling Thunder. He then gets up and hits Rhino with a standing moonsault. Rob Van Dam gets back to his feet and taunts to the crowd, making the fans chant: “R…V…Dâ€. He then goes to the corner, seeing that Test is knocked out close to it. He uses the ropes as leverage and attempts a split-legged moonsault, but in an act of speed, Test got up and catches RVD in mid-air, setting Van Dam in a Powerbomb position. Test walks close to the ropes, looking to eliminate RVD, but before he can walk a step closer to the ropes, Rob Van Dam reacts and starts fighting back, and finally manages to perform a Hurricanrana, throwing Test away and over the top rope, eliminating him.

Test gets eliminated.

Test acts surprised at the elimination first, but then reacts badly and starts pushing referees away and kicking and hitting the barricade and the steel steps, as he makes his way out. Rob Van Dam looks to the outside holding his ribs, but it doesn’t take long before Messiah pulls himself up and starts attacking the floored Rob Van Dam. Messiah lifts his opponent up and connects a brainbuster on RVD, knocking him down and letting him immobile on the mat. He starts lifting RVD but before he can fully accomplish it, Rhino strikes him from behind knocking him down. Rhino lifts him and starts unleashing hi attack on Messiah, hitting a flurry of vicious punches. Messiah steps backwards holding his head, but Rhino approaches him continuing his attack and hits a Belly to Belly. Messiah gets quickly up and runs toward Rhino, but Rhino prevents the attack and hits a back body drop. Rhino raises his arms working the crowd and goes to end Messiah. He lifts Messiah up and sets him in the Rhino Driver position that receives a nice reaction from the crowd. He goes for the Driver, and hits him finally knocking Messiah down. Rhino goes to the corner and sees at Rob Van Dam, that starts pulling himself back up using the ring ropes. He slowly turns around and Rhino dashes toward him trying to hit The Gore, but Rob Van Dam reacts and steps out of the way, then pushes Rhino increasing his speed and going directly to the outside of the ring, getting himself eliminated.

Rhino gets eliminated.

JBL: I can believe this! RVD is getting his ass handed by every other opponent in the match, and he is still in the damn match.

Styles: He might be getting beaten, but he manages to make the eliminations in the right moment. And now it all has come up to Messiah and RVD.

Messiah and RVD both start slowly getting up, with Messiah recovering first, but before he can fully recover his balance, out of nowhere Mark Henry enters the ring and starts beating him. Henry hits a powerful clothesline on Messiah knocking him down. He then bounces to the ropes and hits the World Strongest Splash destroying Messiah, getting a lot of boos. RVD tries to help Messiah but gets pushed away and straight to the turnbuckle heavily impacting against it. Mark Henry gets Messiah up and hits his World Strongest Slam finalizing the job. Mark Henry then starts leaving the ring receiving a lot of boos from the live crowd, but he suddenly stops and reenters the ring. He stares for a second to the knocked down Messiah. Henry climbs to the top tope and squashes Messiah with a Splash from the top rope. Mark Henry is finally forced to leave the ring area by the referees and the officials. The crowd heavily boos as a beaten RVD, holding his head, that has previously clashed to the turnbuckle by the push of Mark Henry, walks toward Messiah, lifts him up and throws him over the top rope, eliminating him and winning the Battle Royal.

Result: RVD wins the Battle Royal.

JBL: What’s wrong with Mark Henry? I mean, last week he had a reason to attack Messiah, he thought he was behind those weird videos, but he isn’t, so why attack him now?

Styles: I don’t know, but thanks to his attack, Messiah not only got beaten, but he lost a title match. And now, it will be Rob Van Dam facing The Big Show at Unbreakable.

JBL: I still can’t believe what we just saw. Anyways, right after the break, we will have the response of Brock Lesnar to Goldberg’s challenge to an I Quit Match.

Styles: We’ll be right back with BTW.


“Goldberg’s march†plays as Goldberg makes his entrance to a big pop with a microphone in his hand. He enters the ring and gets ready to talk.

Goldberg: Everybody knows why I am here, so let’s waste no more time. Brock, c’mon out, I need an answer.

JBL: Can you feel it Joey? The tension in the air, the anxiety, every person in this arena knows they are seeing history being made in front of their eyes.

Styles: Now all we need is Brock Lesnar to accept Goldberg’s challenge to an I Quit match.

“Here Comes the Pain†starts playing to a mixed reaction, but it quickly turns into a massive amount of boos as Paul Heyman walks in instead of Brock Lesnar.

Goldberg: What are you doing here? Where…

Heyman: Where’s Brock Lesnar? That’s what you where going to ask? C’mon Bill, did you actually thought Brock was going to waste time on you? Do you…?

Goldberg: Paul, Paul, stop, nobody cares what you have to say. So tell me, do Brock Lesnar accepts my challenge to an I Quit match?

Heyman: Gee Bill, I don’t know, why don’t you ask him?

Goldberg stares at Paul Heyman very confused, when out of nowhere Brock Lesnar enters the ring from behind and connects Goldberg with a chair shot in the back of the head. On the mat he begins to hit a series of vicious punches, finally busting Goldberg open. He finally lifts Goldberg up and hits him with the F-5. The crowd heavily boos as he looks around the audience and picks up the microphone laying on the canvas.

Lesnar: Goldberg, you’re on!

Lesnar throws the microphone to the knocked out Goldberg as he leaves with Paul Heyman with a big smile on his face

JBL: Haha! What a brilliant plan, and Goldberg fell completely on it!

Styles: Brock shouldn’t be so confident, as Goldberg will now have a chance at Unbreakable to take revenge in an I Quit Match.

We go backstage to Jeremy Borash.

Borash: Ladies and Gentleman please welcome my guest tonight, he is the World Strongest Man, Mark Henry!

Crowd heavily boos as the camera shows Mark Henry.

Borash: Mark, earlier tonight you attacked Messiah in the Number One Contender Battle Royal costing him a title shot at the Continental Championship, and last show you also attacked him, what are your motives?

Henry: See Jeremy, I am the World Strongest Man, the King of the Jungle, and somebody has been messing around with my head. I don’t care if it is Messiah or not, I will take no risks and destroy everyone in my path.

Borash: But it is clearly that Messiah isn’t behind those videos; wouldn’t you rather go after the real responsible behind them than Messiah?

Henry: (Laughing) I will destroy everyone, because I am…

Suddenly, the screen behind Mark Henry turns completely black, and another spooky video starts playing.


Mark Henry pushes Jeremy Borash away really mad and walks away screaming and hitting the walls.

We see MVP and Jeff Hardy chatting and walking backstage as we go to commercials.


Styles: MVP and Jeff Hardy, certainly an odd couple. They both hate each other but are forced to coexist so that they can retain that Extreme Championship.

JBL: That could be right, but tonight Jeff Hardy is flying solo, no MVP on his corner to support him or save him from Elijah Burke.

“Don’t waste my time†plays as a cocky Elijah Burke comes out receiving tons of boos.

“Loaded†plays as an electric crowd pops for Jeff Hardy. He does his entrance and lifts his title up when entering the ring.

Jeff Hardy vs Elijah Burke

Jeff and Elijah start the match jogging around each other looking for a spot. Elijah takes the advantage and starts his offense connecting some kicks to the legs of Hardy. He continues to focus his attack on Hardy’s legs hitting an atomic drop. He then steps a few times on them and he then locks in a Boston Crab, but Jeff is still fresh and manages to push him away. Jeff gets up and tries to generate some offense, hitting some punches of his own. Jeff hits a Manhattan Drop and a dropkick to knock Elijah out. He taunts to the crowd and hits an Atomic Leg Drop. He then hits a moonsault leg drop and makes the cover: 1…2…, Elijah kicks out. Jeff lifts him up and continues his assault, he hits him with some elbow smashes and throws him to the ropes, but Burke counterattacks and connects him with a rolling neckbreaker. Burke then removes his knee pad and dash to the ropes and hits a devastating jumping high knee drop. Elijah then starts focusing again his attack on Jeff Hardy’s leg. He drags Jeff toward the ropes and start using them to punish his legs. The referee interrupts the attack and forces Elijah to back out. Jeff gets up using the ropes and Burke approaches him to continue his offense, but Hardy reacts and hits a jawbreaker, he then dash to the ropes and hits a running DDT. The crowd cheers as Jeff Hardy climb to the top rope searching the Swanton Bomb. He throws toward Burke looking for his finisher, but Elijah puts his knees on the way making Jeff hit his back to the knees. Burke takes advantage of the bumb and makes the cover: 1…2…, Jeff manages to get one shoulder up. Burke gets up very frustrated and argues with the referee, his frustration then turns into anger and gives some space to Jeff to return to his feet looking at him angry taunting for the end. Jeff slowly gets up, giving his back to Burke. Elijah looks even more frustrated as he waits Jeff to turn around. Hardy finally turns around, Burke smiles in anticipation and dashes to the ropes looking for the Elijah Experience, but when he is about to connect it, Jeff leaps over him and when Elijah turns around again Hardy hits the Twist of Fate. He climbs one more time to the top rope and hits the Swanton Bomb to a huge pop from the crowd. He goes for the cover, but before the referee could start the count, “I’m Coming†plays and MVP comes out to looks the match. Jeff gets up and gets distracted with MVP. Elijah takes advantage and rolls Jeff up, the referee starts the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Elijah Burke defeats Jeff Hardy

JBL: I knew it, Jeff Hardy is not worthy of that title, and the only way he is going to retain it is if MVP carries him through out the match.

Styles: What are you talking about? MVP cost Jeff Hardy the match distracting him, it is all MVP’s fault!

MVP angrily pulls Jeff Hardy out of the ring as a confident Elijah Burke stares at the two as they both walk away. We go backstage and see Triple H and Christian Cage in their locker room.

Christian: Hunter, as I was telling you, we need to decide who is going to face CM Punk tonight.

HHH: Well, I am not facing him!

Christian: Why not? You didn’t have a match last week!

HHH: Yeah I know, but, but, the thing is that I was training and, and I sort of lifted too much weight and I think I might have injured my arm (he holds his arm faking pain)

Christian: Well I am not facing him either, I had to face that guy, something Cabana, last week and now is my time to rest.

HHH: Hey, I think I know what we could do so that neither you or me have to face CM Punk tonight.

Scene goes to a commercial with Triple H indicating Christian Cage to leave

Styles: CM Punk against either this man, next.


We return in the middle of CM Punk’s entrance. He jumps warming up and then stares at the stage waiting for his opponent.

JBL: Look at him; he actually believes he can defeat Triple H or Christian Cage. Poor thing, I will enjoy when he get the hell beaten out of him.

“A mixture of The Game and Just Close your Eyes†plays as both Triple H and Christian Cage make their way out receiving a lot of boos from the audience. Triple H has a mic on his hand.

HHH: Oh no, no, no. Make no mistake and especially not you Punk. Neither me or my friend here are going to face you here tonight.

Christian: No, instead, we found an adequate substitute so that you don’t feel so lonely there in the ring. C’mon out! (Directing to the stage)

“Virtual Voodoo†starts playing to a big amount of heat as Umaga makes his way out. He stares at both Triple H and Christian Cage for a second, and then goes down the ramp, enters the ring and firmly looks at CM Punk, as the referee rings the bell.

Umaga vs CM Punk

CM Punk stares at Umaga for a moment, looking at the major obstacle he would have to overcome. Punk wastes no time and dashes toward the Samoan Bulldozer, but Umaga reacts first and floors him with a clothesline. Punk rapidly gets up defiantly and throws a right punch to Umaga, he then connects a left blow and follows with another right punch, but Umaga strikes back with an uppercut that makes CM Punk back down clashing with the ropes holding his neck. He gives a look, still holding his throat, to Umaga, that taunts to the crowd raising both his arms and yelling. Punk’s face changes reflecting anger and dashes toward his opponent, throwing at him, but Umaga catches him in mid-air and hits his Swinging Bottom. Meanwhile, Christian Cage and Triple start making their way down the ramp. Umaga briefly looks back at them before continuing his offense. He stomps a few time Punk before finally lifting him back up. Umaga then hits Punk with a headbutt, followed by a clothesline knocking CM Punk down. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Punk kicks out. Umaga steps back and watches CM Punk that struggles to get back up. He finally rises pulling him with the ropes. Punk turns around and gets planted by powerful sidekick that knocks Punk out cold, making him collapse against the turnbuckle and down the corner. He ends down sat in the corner. The crowd boos as Umaga looks at Punk with a weird look on his face. He walks to the opposite corner and explodes announcing his deadly hip smash. Umaga runs toward Punk that at the last moment manages to react and roll out of the way, making the Samoan Bulldozer to impact his humanity against the corner. Punk wastes no time and dashes to the ropes, but before he can connect anything on Umaga, the Samoan strikes first and floors his opponent with a Samoan Drop. Umaga makes the cover: 1…2…, CM Punk surprisingly kicks out.

Styles: I can’t believe CM Punk just kicked out of that!

JBL: It was just a strike of luck, but I have a feeling luck is running out on Punk.

Umaga looks confused. He makes the cover one more time: 1…2…, CM Punk kicks out again. The samoan looks mad and he lifts CM Punk back up. There he lifts him and locks him in a Bearhug. Punk despairly tries to fight out of the hold, but in a matter of time Punk stops moving. His legs and arms stop shaking and moving looking for a way out. Umaga continues to apply even mores strength to the hold, sucking out the life of Punk. The referee comes close to Punk and starts checking him. He finally seems forced to start the count. He lifts Punk left arm, with no response, as it drops quickly: 1. The referee once again lifts Punk’s arm but to no avail: 2. The crowd motions for the final checking. The crowd starts chanting: “CM Punk, CM Punkâ€. The referee grabs CM’s right arm and lifts it, the chants become even louder, he drops it but Punk this time reacts to a big pop from the crowd. He starts shaking and firing himself up. CM Punk starts connecting a series of headbutts looking his way out, he then hits a flurry of right punches, but still Umaga doesn’t break the hold. A screaming CM Punk finally rakes Umaga’s eyes getting out of the hold. Punk’s feet finally touch the canvas and he grabs in pain his ribs, but sees an opening as Umaga gets distracted by Triple H, that was giving him instructions and manages to plant him with a right kick to the calf. He follows his offense with a left kick to the middle section and then hits right kick to Umaga’s head. Punk then sees Christian Cage and Triple H climbing to the apron, so he knocks him down with a punch. CM Punk fires up and hits a toe kick on Umaga that was trying to mount a comeback. He then hits a DDT flooring Punk down. Punk gets out of the canvas, and stands in the apron behind the ropes. Umaga gets back to his feet and Punk connects a springboard clothesline, but that doesn’t manage to knock the Samoan Bulldozer down, instead, it just pushes him against the corner. CM Punk wastes no time and dashes toward him driving his knee straight to the Samoan’s jaw. He then hits his Bulldog. Punk gets up feeling the momentum and waits Umaga to get up. He then tries to lifts him over his shoulders looking the GTS, but he is too heavy and he is not even able to lift him a little. Umaga connects him in the back and then grabs him and tries to hit the Samoan Spike, but CM Punk manages to duck it and hit a vicious jumping enziguiri that surprisingly knocks Umaga down to the canvas. CM Punk taunts to the end and takes his distance taunting the Samoan Bulldozer; he comes close to the ropes, and Christian Cage pulls them down almost knocking CM Punk down and out of the ring. CM Punk reacts and starts calling both Triple H and Christian Cage to a fight. Triple H and Christian Cage stick to just badmouth the straightedge superstar from the outside of the ring. CM Punk wastes to much time in the argument and out of a sudden, he gets turned around by the recover Umaga, that floors him with the Samoan Spike. Umaga makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Umaga defeats CM Punk.

Styles: Finally this is over. This wasn’t fair; it should have been Triple H or Christian in the ring and not Umaga.

JBL: Oh muhahaha, life isn’t fair girl pants, get use to it. CM Punk accept the challenge and he just couldn’t live up to it.

Umaga leaves the ring looking firmly at the floored CM Punk. Triple H and Christian Cage slowly enter the ring, like vultures, measuring their prey. Christian Cage enters the ring holding a steel chair. Triple H lifts Punk up and Christian Cage impacts him with a hard chair shot that knocks him out cold. Triple H then rolls out of the ring and grabs, from under the ring, his sledgehammer. He gets back in the ring and measures CM Punk. He is about to connect him when Colt Cabana runs down the ramp. He hits a series of punches on Christian and finally throws him over the top rope. Triple H leaves the ring himself not wanting any business with Colt. Cabana yells at Triple H and Christian Cage as they leave, then he checks his unconscious partner.


We return and see MVP in a locker room sitting with Jeff Hardy.

MVP: I can’t believe you Jeff, tonight you really disappointed me. You had my confidence, the half man, half amazing present and future if this company had faith in you, and you screw it, you lost. You have no idea how embarrassed I am right now.

Jeff: Whoa, whoa! Wait a minute! I only lost because you stuck your nose where you weren’t needed.

MVP: No, no. Don’t try to blame me. Seriously Jeff, you will have to pick up your game if you want to be at the same level of MVP in our match at Unbreakable.

Jeff: Wait a second, tell me something Montel, do you think you would have defeated Elijah?

MVP: You already know the answer. Elijah Burke can’t even hold a candle to me, MVP.

Jeff: Well, we will see that next week, because you will be going one on one with him.

MVP: What? No, no, What?

Scene goes back to commentators.

Styles: Next week another occasion for MVP to prove he can walk the walk, this time against his number one contender, Elijah Burke.

JBL: Of course he can walk the walk, he is the Extreme Champion, and I can’t believe Jeff Hardy was actually trying to blame his lack of talent on MVP.

Styles: I can’t believe this. But next is a match booked just moments away by Crushing C. Chris Jericho teaming up with Samoa Joe to face Muhammed Hassan and Mr. Kennedy.

JBL: So much hatred in that match and is certainly go time for all of them.

“Arabic†plays as Muhammed Hassan makes his entrance to a lot of heat from the crowd.

“Kennedy†plays through the PA system as Mr. Kennedy makes his way out to a mixed reaction, but more boos.

“Gonna kill you†plays as Samoa Joe makes his way out to a pop from the crowd.

Lights go out and “Break Down the Walls†plays to a enormous pop from the crowd as Chris Jericho comes out and makes his classic entrance. The referee rings the bell.

Chris Jericho and Samoa Joe vs Muhammed Hassan and Mr. Kennedy

Samoa Joe and Mr. Kennedy kick off the match for their respective teams. Crowd gets very hot as they get to see this two facing. They approach and start badmouthing each other. They finally start the action as they start comparing strengths in a brawl. Kennedy gains the advantage connecting his knee to Joe’s middle section, he then proceeds and locks in a Hammerlock. Samoa Joe reaches, with his free arm, to Mr. Kennedy. He grabs him and hits an unorthodox hip toss. Kennedy gets quickly back up and runs toward Joe, but Samoa receives him with an Arm Drag. Kennedy once again gets up and runs toward hid rival, but Joe once again connects an Arm Drag. Joe goes toward the floored Kennedy and lifts him back up. He then punches him straight to his face and then lifts Mr. Kennedy up in a suplex position, but hits instead a Brainbuster. Joe drags Kennedy by the arm to his corner and makes the tag to Jericho. Samoa Joe remains in the ring holding Kennedy’s arm. Jericho climbs to the top rope and lets himself go stomping and stepping on Kennedy’s clavicle, causing Mr. Kennedy to scream in pain. Jericho goes on to work on Kennedy’s arm and stomps him viciously. He bends and grabs Kennedy’s arm, pulling it and then jumping and driving his knee against it. Chris Jericho gets up and taunts to the crowd looking everywhere in a cocky manner. Kennedy tries to get back up, and finally manages to get back to his feet. He tries to cheap shot a distracted Jericho, but Chris ducks the attack and chest slaps him. Jericho then holds a hammerlock. He keeps the hold for a few seconds, until he finally lifts him up and throws him hitting a hammerlock suplex. Mr. Kennedy rolls across the canvas in pain as Jericho makes the tag to his partner Samoa Joe.

Joe enters and dashes to the ropes, then jumping and driving his knee straight to the punished arm of Ken Kennedy. We go to a commercial break.


We return and see Muhammed Hassan in the corner punching Samoa Joe.

Styles: Muhammed Hassan now in control and this is what happened as we went to commercial break.

*Joe climbed to the top rope trying to hit his own version of Old School, but Ken Kennedy managed to react and drive his fist straight to Samoa Joe’s gut, making the tide shifter, he then leaps and makes the tag to Muhammed Hassan.

Hassan stops the punching and gets down from the corner, he then dashes to the ropes and clotheslines Samoa Joe knocking him down to the canvas. Hassan goes to work on the canvas and tries to lock in his Camel Clutch, but Samoa Joe fights back driving his elbow to Hassan’s face. Joe gets up and starts mounting on his recovery, he chest slaps Muhammed Hassan forcing him to back down. He hits a series of right punches and then throws him to the ropes. Samoa Joe tries to clothesline Hassan, but Muhammed ducks it and passes by, bouncing with the opposite ropes. Joe goes for a clothesline, but Muhammed Hassan strikes first and hits a reverse neckbreaker. Hassan goes again to work on the canvas and starts connecting a series of vicious mounted punches, delivering right and left blows straight to the face. Once again he incorporates a little and turns around Samoa Joe, and tries to lock in his Camel Clutch. He accomplishes to lock in the submission hold, and starts stretching trying to inflict more pain on Samoa Joe, but Joe starts fighting back, receiving a lot of effort from the crowd. Samoa starts getting up, with Muhammed Hassan still on his back. Joe gets completely up, back on his feet, and Hassan, still over his back, shakes his arms down in despair looking down in disbelief. Joe then connects Muhammed Hassan with his Muscle Buster. Joe collapses to the canvas, and starts rolling toward the knocked Muhammed Hassan. He manages to put one arm over Hassan’s chest. The referee makes the cover: 1…2…, Mr. Kennedy interferes and kicks Samoa Joe on the back breaking out the pinfall. Mr. Kennedy, with a grin on his face, gets a verbal ammonization by the referee. Samoa Joe gets up really mad and confronts Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy tries to back down avoiding any confrontation, but Samoa Joe doesn’t and it about to attack him, but out of a sudden he gets rolled over by a recovered Muhammed Hassan: 1…2…, Joe kicks out. Both men quickly get back to their feet and dash against each other, connecting each other with a clothesline, therefore a double clothesline and both men fell to the canvas. Jericho stretches pleading for the tag. Both Hassan and Joe drag to their respective corners. Muhammed finally gets to his corner and makes the tag to Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy runs trying to avoid the tag from Joe, but Samoa leaps and Chris Jericho gets the tag.

Chris Jericho enters and clotheslines Mr. Kennedy. He continues running and punches Muhammed Hassan knocking him down of the apron. He then turns around and clotheslines Kennedy once again. Ken Kennedy gets up but gets floored once again by a jumping enziguiri. Joe climbs to the top rope and pleads for the tag. Jericho taunts to the crowd about the tag, receiving a lot of cheers from the crowd. Samoa Joe receives the tag from his partner, that remains in the inside of the ring, and hits a Splash from the top rope. Samoa Joe then locks Ken Kennedy up in the Coquina Clutch. Muhammed Hassan pulls himself back up using the ropes from the outside, but Chris Jericho, that was still in the ring, runs to the opposite ropes and connects the recovering Muhammed Hassan with a springboard dropkick. Meanwhile, Ken Kennedy yells in pain as Samoa Joe continues to apply his Coquina Clutch. Mr. Kennedy has no option but to tap out.

Result: Samoa Joe and Chris Jericho defeat Muhammed Hassan and Mr. Kennedy

Styles: Oh my God! What a tag team match and in the end Y2J and Joe get the victory over Hassan and Kennedy. And by the way, this has ended Muhammed Hassan undefeated streak.

JBL: What are you talking about? It wasn’t Muhammed Hassan the one that tapped out, he has still his streak.

Styles: I am not sure about that, but if things keep up as they have been; it shouldn’t be long before Hassan loses his streak cleanly.

We go backstage to Rikishi.

Rikishi: Thank you thank you. See I requested this space so I could explain what I did.

Crowd heavily boos.

Rikishi: When Vince, offered me to betray BTW, I was going to do it. I came to the ring to cost Team BTW. But, I didn’t do it.

Crowd continues booing

Rikishi: I didn’t do it, because I thought of all what BTW have given me. I didn’t betray BTW. I just wanted you to know, and remember that, tonight, when I have to continue the punishment from Crushing C in a steel cage match.

Crowd gives this time a mixed reaction as the camera goes to commercial.


We return in the middle of Rikishi’s entrance. He enters the ring and the cage starts lowering.

“I am†plays to some boos from the audience as AJ Styles makes his way out, making his classic entrance. He acts very cocky and enters the ring acting very confident. He stares at Rikishi as the referee rings the bell

JBL: This match is all about AJ Styles proving last week was a fluke, and inflicting some pain on Rikishi while doing it.

Steel Cage Match
AJ Styles vs Rikishi

AJ stares at Rikishi and acts as if he was about to punch him, but instead he uses his quickness and jumps to the corner and from there starts climbing the cage, trying to get quickly out of the cage and win the match. Rikishi reacts and climbs to the corner in pursuit of his opponent. He finally reaches and grabs his boot, stopping the runaway from Styles. AJ fights back and kicks down impacting on the Samoan’s face. Rikishi doesn’t inmute and pulls down AJ Styles, bringing him down, but doesn’t manages to get him off completely of the cage wall. Rikishi and AJ Styles are now on the same level and start trading punches. Styles modifies the attack exchange and chest slaps the Samoan. Rikishi answers back and after a hard chest slap he headbutts AJ Styles, leaving him groggy and barely able to hold himself to the cage wall. Rikishi pulls him down and sits him in the turnbuckle. Rikishi also goes down and sets AJ Styles for a superplex, that he connects. Both men roll across the canvas in pain. Rikishi gets back on his feet before AJ Styles does and goes back on the offense, connecting a series of elbow drops. He then lifts AJ Styles up and powerfully throws him to the ring ropes, expecting him to bounce back, but Styles jumps to the third rope instead and hits a tide shifting springboard reverse DDT. Rikishi gets up and AJ Styles dashes to the ropes, hitting a crossbody. He rolls over himself using the shades of the impulse gotten from the bouncing of the ropes and hits a kick to Rikishi’s head, that just had sit up. Styles covers Rikishi: 1…2…, the Samoan Bulldozer gets hi shoulder up.

Styles gets back up and climbs to the top rope, taunting and waiting for the slowly recovering Rikishi. Rikishi gets back to his knees, not fully to his feet and drags away from AJ Styles, and starts climbing the cage wall, escaping from the match and the cage. Styles looks in shock and quickly gets down of the corner and runs trying to catch Rikishi, but Rikishi hadn’t climbed a lot and was relatively low. AJ Styles measures his opponent and connects a dropkick on his back, knocking Rikishi down that on his way out also clashes with the ring ropes. Styles then dashes to the ropes and sweeps connecting a dropkick, close to the canvas, on Rikishi connecting him against the steel cage wall. AJ Styles extends his arms doing his classic taunt celebrating with the crowd. He looks for a brief moment at Rikishi and realizes that he is not even trying to incorporate. Styles immediately confident starts walking to the other side of the ring and starts climbing the cage. The crowd, surprisingly, start chanting: “Rikishi, Rikishiâ€.

JBL: What? What are these people doing? Are they out of their minds, how can they be cheering Rikishi?

Styles: I guess they are tired of seeing him being beaten and embarrassed week after week for something he didn’t fully do.

Rikishi, apparently reanimated by the sudden and surprising cheers from the crowd, starts recovering and getting back up. AJ Styles stops climbing and turns around, only to see Rikishi almost fully back to a standing position. AJ Styles denies moving his face and completely turns around, now being in front to the ring and his opponent. Rikishi gets up and walks toward AJ Styles is, but Styles yells “No’ and jumps from the cage wall trying to hit a crossbody, but Rikishi miracously manages to get out of the way making AJ Styles crash and burn hitting hardly the mat. Styles, nevertheless gets surprisingly back up but when running toward Rikishi gets floored with a powerful clothesline. A beaten Rikishi barely manages to bounce to the ring ropes and connects a leg drop on AJ Styles. Rikishi gets back up, and visibly excited and happy, taunts to the cheering audience as he announces and taunts for the end. Seeing how long Styles is lasting to get up, Rikishi goes toward the floored AJ and lifts him back to a standing position. Rikishi then puts AJ Styles on top of his shoulders and goes for the Samoan Drop, but before he is able to connect it, Styles slides down of over the Samoan and when Rikishi turns around manages to hit him with the Pele kick. Both competitors collapse down to the canvas. It takes a while before Rikishi and AJ Styles move once again. They finally come back to their senses and start dragging to opposite cage walls. The both get up using the ring ropes, Styles faster than Rikishi, and start climbing the steel cage looking to get out and win the contest. Rikishi also makes his way up the cage. Styles is gaining advantage, but when he is about to get to the final part of the cage and get out of it, his right foot slips and fells down to the mat, bump that gets received by shock of the audience. Rikishi, visibly exhausted, looks back to the knocked AJ Styles and continues climbing, finally getting out of the cage to a pop of the crowd.

Result: Rikishi defeats AJ Styles in a Steel Cage Match

Styles: One more week that passes, one more victory for Rikishi that just keeps overcoming every challenge on his way.

JBL: And that’s not the worst, now apparently the crowd is behind him.

Rikishi is on the lower part of the ramp celebrating his victory, and AJ Styles is on the inside of the ring still in pain from the bump he took. Crushing C comes out and looks down from the stage, with a disappointment/mad expression on his face. He then turns around denying with his head and leaves as we go to commercial.


Styles: Well folks this is what we say after the break, Rikishi picking up the victory in a Steel Cage Match.

(Before the Break Video, Steel Cage Match ending)

“Metalingus†plays to a massive amount of boos as Edge makes his way out in stret clothes and proudly holding up high his World Heavyweight Title, he enters the ring, where is already put together the Cutting Edge set.

Edge: Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to my show, the Cutting Edge. But before inviting my guest here tonight to come out.

Comment receives a big pop.

Edge: Oh, that’s right! I forgot, we are in St. Louis, Missouri, hometown of Randy Orton. I didn’t know why Orton was like he was, you know, untalented, idiotic, but after seeing this audience tonight, I can only feel sorry for Orton, as it is apparently a thing of the whole city.

Crowd boos.

Edge: Can’t say the same thing about Canadians!

Edge arrogantly smiles as the crowd heavily boos and chant “You suckâ€

Edge: But let’s wait any further, please welcome my guest tonight, the Legend Killer, Randy Orton!

“Burn Inside my Light†plays to a monumental hometown cheer for Randy Orton, that makes his classic entrance before finally entering the ring.

Edge: Welcome Randy, and thank you for accepting my invitation to the Cutting Edge. But before we can start, I think you owe me a congratulation.

Orton: A congratulation? What the hell do you mean?

Edge: A congratulation, see, last week, much to the delight of all my edgeheads, I retain my World Title in a Triple Threat Match, in fact, let’s watch it again.

(We see again the ending of the Triple Threat Match between RVD, The Big Show and Edge)

Edge: You see Randy, I am the face of this company. I have proven it time after time after time. And that’s not changing. It didn’t change last week, and for sure its not changing at Unbreakable.

Orton: The face of the company? You are nothing but an opportunist, a cheater, but most importantly, an obstacle, the last obstacle between me, and regaining my, my, World Title.

St. Louis crowd cheers to Randy Orton.

Edge: Hey, hey, Tandy relax. When will you stop with that “destiny†bullcrap you always say? It is not your destiny to become World Champion, and that’s for one, simple reason, you will never beat me, never. Understand it?

Randy smiles and the crowd chant you suck chants at Edge.

Edge: But that’s not the reason why I invited you here. See, at Unbreakable, it will be Edge vs Randy Orton II, for the World Heavyweight Championship. So, I thought of giving you a gift, a gift to commemorate our long rivalry.

Orton: You know Edge, I am getting tired of this. It wouldn’t be hard to just end this and RKO you.

Edge: No, no, wait, I promise you, you will like this gift. See tonight, we had a wrestling legend visiting us here at BTW.

JBL: What the hell is Edge talking about?

Styles: I have no idea.

Edge: Oh you didn’t know? But it’s true, tonight, no other that Cowboy Bob Orton was visiting BTW.

Orton: Ok, that’s it. That’s not true, I didn’t see him on the entire night.

Edge: No Randy, it’s true, but nobody saw him, nobody, but me. I invited him to a little meeting between him and me.

Orton: What the hell did you do to my father?

Edge: Hey, don’t worry, in fact, why don’t I go and look him in the back so that you can see it by yourself that he is alright.

Edge gets out of the ring and goes to the back to get Bob Orton out. Randy looks to the stage. It passes a few seconds with no movement or answer, but finally Edge appears, walking backwards and apparently dragging something. Edge finally comes out completely and we see that he is dragging a bloody and beaten Bob Orton. Randy looks to the stage in shock as he sees his father a bloodied pulp.

Edge: Hey Randy, how you like the gift? (He laughs) See you at Unbreakable.

Edge wastes no time and quickly leaves. Randy gets out of the ring and worried checks on his dad. The crowd heavily boos at Edge. The scene ends as EMTs come out to check on Cowboy Bob Orton


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
BM:I honestly cannot choose a best match they were all pretty great. I think the closest tie is between the Steel Cage or the Umaga C.M. Punk match.


BP:The edn with Edge and orton. That was simply brilliant bringing in Bob Orton like that. Make the feud that much more personal and its just great stuff.

WP:All were good.

AC:phenomenal Show. All the matches were great. The promos with Mark Henry continue lol. I wasn't too suprised to see Rikishi win but the match was great. All the promo's had everyone in character. once againg reat show man and all the stuff leading up to Unbreakable is just incredible!

The Rated R CMStar


Mark Henry vs Messiah has been added to Unbreakable PPV

Crushing C has confirmed BTW.com that he has added Mark Henry vs Messiah to Unbreakable.

"I don't know who is the man that has been trying to get inside Mark Henry's mind, and I have no control over him, but I sure have control over Mark Henry, and I will give Messiah an opportunity to get revenge on Henry at the PPV", said Crushing C when consulted about his decision of booking this match.

Here is the full article:


Best Match: Steel Cage, AJ Styles vs Rikishi

Worst Match: None.

Best Angle: Edge/Orton-It really helped the fued, now I hope Orton kicks Edge's ass after what he did to Bob Orton :)

Worst Angle: None.

Thoughts: Great show! I really enjoyed it top to bottom, Unbreakable is looking like a pretty good PPV. I am interested in the Lesnar/Goldburg fued, the segment you put them in earlier in the show was pretty good and helped set up for their I Quit match. Overall a great show, keep it up

Overall: 9/10

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Steel Cage Match, Rikishi got another overness on this.

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: The Edge and Orton one is classic and it really hypes their fueds up!

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Another great show man! All of the fueds had been hyped up! I really liked the Edge and Orton one, beating up poor Mr. Bob Orton. And you also now have your own website!!!! Mommy! I wanna have my own HEW website also!!! :(, lol... j/k

The Rated R CMStar


Official Preview Guide

With two shows missing until Unbreakable, there are many vengeances to come in BTW. One of them is certainly the most personal of them all, and it is the thirst of revenge Randy Orton may have on World Champion Edge. The Rated R Superstar, who had invited his Number One Contender to his Cutting Edge segment, dropped the bombshell, the bombshell that he had secretly invited Cowboy Bob Orton, Randy's dad, to the show, and then attacked him. The coold hearted Edge brought out a bloodied Bob Orton to the sight of his son being introduced as a "gift". How will Randy Orton seek revenge? And will the World Champion even be in attendence, trying to hide from his challenger?

Another man in seek of revenge certainly is Messiah, who last week was once again attacked by the mentally disturbed Mark Henry. And now that they are booked in a match at Unbrekable, how will Messiah seek to even the score?

Mark Henry's attack may have cost Messiah a shot at the BTW Continental Title, but it meant the title match to fellow superstar Rob Van Dam. RVD now has a match against Big Show, and in the line will not only be the title, but revenge as well as it was The Big Show the one who costed RVD the World Title. We will have to wait until Unbreakable, or do we? Altough the match is slated for Unbreakable, rumors say that RVD will may effective his title match sooner than that. Will we find out the final date for the match?

One man who is wanting revenge from many months now is Goldberg. His rivalry with Brock Lesnar goes way back and no clear winner have been slated. They have gone through singles matches, arm wrestling contests and even Last Man Standing Matches. But last week, rivalry went further, as Brock Lesnar not only accepted Goldberg's challenge for an I Quit Match, but send him a message by attacking him. Which will be the next step in this quest of this man to find out who is the better man? How will these two prepare for the grueling I Quit Match?

Another man in search of vengeance is CM Punk. He and his tag team partner Colt Cabana have been cheated and beaten by Triple and Christian Cage. Yes, CM Punk has been able to clear the ring with them, but not in a direct wrestling match. Last week was his opportunity, but The Game and Captain Charisma managed to escape the commitment as they found in Umaga a substitute. Will CM Punk or Colt Cabana manage to get a match with Triple H or Christian Cage? And will we found out what are Triple H and Christian after by attacking the tag champions?

Triple H and Christian Cage may be the most vicious tag team in BTW, CM Punk and Colt Cabana may be the tag champions, but there isn't a more odd tag team than the one formed by Jeff Hardy and MVP, forced to be together by the BTW Extreme Championship. Last week Jeff Hardy failed to defeat his Number One Contender Elijah Burke in a singles bout, will his partner be able to defeat the Silver Tongued Pugilist?

Last week, the St. Louis crowd got the priviledge of enjoying a tag match between Samoa Joe, teaming with Chris Jericho against Muhammed Hassan and Ken Kennedy. Controversy surrounded Muhammed Hassan as his team lost the match, but he was not the one to suffer the submission. So, in a clear intend of setting the record straight, Muhammed Hassan challenged Samoa Joe to a one on one match. Will Hassan be able to mantain alive his streak? And what roll will rivals Chris Jericho and Mr. Kennedy play in the bout?

But there is nobody angrier, bitter, and wanting more a piece of revenge than BTW General Manager Crushing C. Since the incident at Rebellion in the Team WWE vs Team BTW match, he has taken as a personal mission to force Rikishi to ask for forgiveness. But know that is just a desire to punish him. But to his desmay, Rikishi has overcome every obstacle on his way, a 5 on 1 Handicap Match, a Steel Cage match, and most importantly, the feelings of the crowd, that now appears to have forgiven him. What other adversity will GM put on the samoan's road, and will AJ Styles be in search of his own personal retribution on Rikishi?
Find out by tuning on BTW on Spike TV.

Confirmed Matches:
MVP vs Elijah Burke

Muhammed Hassan vs Samoa Joe


Nice preview! I am looking forward to seeing what happens with the Edge/Orton fued and I hope Orton gets some revenge. I also hope that Samoa Joe beats the shit out of Muhammed Hassan lol

I'll write up a review once its posted!


Best Match: Steel Cage match was well written :)

Worst Match: I didn't find a flaw in any, CMS rocks

Best Promo: Edge and Orton was genius

Worst Promo: None.

Additional Comments: Well, I am getting back into the swing of things around here and I see the competition is a little harder :O, also read your preview looks like another great show coming up