The Rated R CMStar

Scene opens up and we are taken to the General Manager’s office, where we see a group of utility guys taking away the portraits from the walls and lifting a chair to take it away. Suddenly, Crushing C enters the scene. He immediately gets shocked by all the doing in his office. Crushing C steps toward an utility guy who is carrying a lamp away.
Crushing C: Whoa whoa whoa, what do you think you’re doing? Hey you, leave that in there!
Utility guy: The General Manager told us to get all of this out.
Crushing C: I am the General Manager; give me that! I am the General Manager!
The crew member gives Crushing C his lamp and walks out of the scene. Crushing C puts the lamp back on the table and lifts his head…his reaction when doing so showing that he has seen something he obviously didn’t expect. The camera shot widens and we can see that standing in front of Crushing C is no other than…Eric Bischoff.
Bischoff: Not anymore you’re not.
Crushing C: Wait wait, what do you mean?
Bischoff: Apparently, the Board of Directors were less than satisfied with what has been happening as of late in here and they wanted some change…some controversy…
Crowd cheers at the mention of that word.
Bischoff: And we all know all of that can only be synonymous with one man…
Crushing C: You have to be kidding me, you are the new General Manager? You? And what about me…YOU?
Bischoff: Look man, don’t take it like that, it’s nothing personal, it’s just business. Then again, that seems like something you don’t know how to do properly.
Eric grins at Crushing C before turning around and leaving. The crowd is heard cheering in the back. Crushing C is about to blow a gasket, when out of a sudden Eric Bischoff returns to the scene.
Bischoff: Oh, nothing personal but…get the hell out of my office!
Mellon Arena; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
JR: Ladies and Gentlemen this is BTW Nitro and could you wish for a more unpredictable beginning for us tonight?
JBL: How could you be satisfied JR? Crushing C just got his job snapped! He got his job stolen!
Styles: I don’t know about job being stolen, but we do know one thing starting this broadcast ladies and gentlemen, it appears that Crushing C is no longer our General Manager, but Eric Bischoff is.
JR: Can you believe that? Eric Bischoff
“Here Comes the Pain†blasts from the speakers to a big pop from the audience as the BTW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar steps into the stage and with the title wrapped around his waist jogs taunting to the crowd.
JR: And if you can believe this, business is about to pick up here with the BTW World Champion, Brock Lesnar!
Brock makes his way down the ramp and into the ring, where after climbing to each corner to taunt to the crowd, he asks for a microphone and settles in the middle of the ring ready to address the BTW Universe.
Lesnar: Last night, I was in nothing short to a war with Christian Cage.
Crowd boos at the mention of Cage.
Lesnar: I knew I was faster than Christian, I knew I was stronger than Christian, I know I was plain out better than Christian, but I also knew Christian was willing to do anything and everything to walk out of Busted Open the BTW World Champion. Then again, this baby is still around my waist!
Crowd pops as Brock raises his belt above his head.
Lesnar: And to everybody in the back, you better get used to it, because I don’t plan on letting this championship go for a long, long, LONG time!
Brock starts pacing around the ring seemingly getting fired up.
Lesnar: Now, former champions…might look for every possible way, every hole they could find, just so that they wouldn’t have to defend this championship until they really, really had to. That’s not me. That’s why, just 24 hours after defeating Christian Cage, I will put this World Title on the line against no other than the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga.
Crowd boos.
Lesnar: Umaga, I’ve watching you. You’re big, strong, people even say there’s nobody than can stop you. We’ll see about that, because…
Out of a sudden, interrupting the champion, “Just Close your Eyes†blasts from the speakers as Christian Cage steps into the stage, his face showing anger and frustration.
Christian: No, NO, NO! NOO! I refuse to be overlooked once again! Can somebody tell me why on Earth the Samoan Fatty is getting a title match?! Everybody knows last night was nothing more than a fluke, and if anybody should have a title match is me!
Crowd boos.
Lesnar: Haha, a fluke?
Christian: That’s right, nothing more than fluke, and you know it. All I need is one more chance to expose you as the paper champion you are and bring this belt right where it belongs, the waist of Captain Charisma!
Brock Lesnar grabs his championship and he puts on the canvas right in front of him.
Lesnar: What’s stopping you?
Following this, Brock starts doing his classic jog, while inviting Christian Cage to come into the ring. The crowd roars in anticipation, wanting to see the encounter.
Christian: You know Brock, I could walk into that ring and beat you down within an inch of your life, I could have you beg for mercy like this (Cage snaps his fingers)…but I am not. You think you can play mind games with me kid? I’ll get to you, you better believe that, and when I do so, the world will know who the rightful champion is, because that’s just how I roll!
Christian grins and stares at Brock Lesnar, who picks back up his World Championship and lifts it over his head showing it off to Captain Charisma, as Christian’s music plays on the back.
Styles: I hate to point out the obvious but, we don’t even know if Christian will get to face Brock Lesnar, because Brock Lesnar might not even be World Champion when the night is over.
JBL: You better believe Brock Lesnar won’t be the champion when the night is over. There is no man walking this Earth that can stop Umaga. Not even The Undertaker, who is not even mortal, could stop him.
JR: That title match is our main event, a massive main event, but when we come back, we’ll have another main event, MVP looking to regain what he lost last night, the BTW Extreme Championship, now held by Rob Van Dam. That’s next.
“I’m Coming†plays to boos from the crowd as the former champion MVP makes his way out, He doesn’t seem to have his normal swagger and instead he looks a little down, almost without confidence.
Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back and, I don’t know about you guys, but if judging by how MVP looks, RVD will have no problem retaining his championship in his first ever defense.
JBL: Don’t count MVP out Joey! Remember who he is, he’s FedEx, because when the lights are bright, he always delivers, and it doesn’t get any bigger than a BTW Extreme Championship Match.
“One of a Kind†plays to cheers from the audience as the newly crowned BTW Extreme Champion Rob Van Dam comes out preceded by his pyro. Van Dam, with the belt around his shoulder, walks down the ramp saluting fans at ringside. RVD enters the ring where not removing his eyes from MVP, taunts to the audience.
BTW Extreme Championship Rematch
RVD (c) vs MVP
As the match starts, MVP indeed seems to be have lost his step, not having his usual swagger in the ring and practically not doing anything to answer or even block Van Dam’s punches and kicks as they come. MVP doesn’t have an answer neither for RVD as he throws Porter to the corner and dashes toward him full speed and nails him with a spinning kick right to the jaw. RVD sees Porter lying on the canvas and he continues his attack by dashing to the ropes and when coming back he performs and connects Rolling Thunder. Rob Van Dam gets back to his feet and cockily he taunts to the audience, satisfied with what he just did. Porter gingerly and holding his gut starts recovering, trying to get back to his feet by putting one knee on the canvas. His face shows a surprising lack of confidence. RVD invites MVP to bring it, which seems to fire up MVP and motivate him into getting focused in the match. Both meet in the middle of the ring in a collar elbow tie up, which sees RVD get the upperhand with a headlock, hold that then RVD transitions into a hammerlock and back into a headlock. RVD takes down MVP to the canvas where he not only drains more energy out of his challenger, but confidence as well. Van Dam finally releases the hold and he gets back to his feet. RVD addresses the crowd once again, talking to them as he points to himself and then moves his hands around his waist meaning he’s the champion. RVD sees MVP close to the ring ropes, and wanting to take advantage of the opportunity he dashes full speed toward him, however MVP snaps back to his senses and for a split second to his usual self as he receives RVD with an impressive over the head Belly to Belly suplex hurling Van Dam over the top rope to the outside of the ring. MVP staggers to the middle of the ring before collapsing to his knees. Montel takes his hands to his head and mumbles something, then, apparently being able to motivate himself, Porter gets back to his feet and he walks once again closer to the ring ropes. RVD is already climbing back on the apron, which allows MVP to grab him and continue targeting the spine of the champion by connecting a suplex out of the apron to the inside of the ring. MVP makes the cover: 1…2…, RVD manages to kick out. This time, MVP doesn’t get discouraged, instead, he reacts with anger and frustration, getting back to his feet and landing three, four, five elbow drops directly into the heart of Rob Van Dam. This is followed by a grounded bearhug, which MVP doesn’t release, despite Van Dam repeatedly rolling to his left and right trying to get out, until RVD finds the bottom rope with his boot.
MVP walks away and he measures Van Dam, then as he gets back to his feet MVP dashes full speed toward RVD looking for a big boot directed to the head of his opponent, however Van Dam catches the boot with both his hands, lowers them to reach the height of his own middle section. RVD has created himself an opening and plans on taking advantage, as he moves in to connect his trademarked windmill kick, however right after Van Dam passed his left foot over his own arm an Porter’s leg and before RVD brings his right foot at full speed toward the face of MVP, Porter reverses the move in mid performance by hooking Van Dam’s right arm, then, from that position, MVP connects a vicious Half Nelson Suplex, which drives RVD head first into the canvas. MVP walks closer to RVD and seeing him immobile, preceded by his usual mannerisms and taunts, he bounces with the ring ropes and connects his Ballin’ Elbow Drop. MVP makes the cover, however RVD manages to kick out. Porter doesn’t give up as he knows he can put Rob away right there. Porter grabs Van Dam and guiding him back to his feet he sets him in the Playmaker’s position. Porter goes for it but Rob Van Dam manages to reverse it with an arm twist, transitioned then into a front facelock and a DDT. MVP fells relatively close to the corner. Van Dam walks toward the corner where with the agility of a tiger he comes up and down from the top rope connecting a Split-Legged Moonsault. MVP nonetheless manages to kick out as keeping the match going. RVD goes back to his comfort zone climbing to the top where he waits for Porter to get back to his feet, and when MVP finally does so RVD flies through the airs looking for his diving super kick, however Montel manages to sidestep out of the way. Nonetheless, Van Dam adjusts in mid air and lands over his two feet, however he doesn’t completely escape from falling to the canvas as he gets caught by MVP and connected with his single knee facebuster. RVD takes the impact and remains on a vertical standing, although this is more of a whiplash effect from the move, as we soon see RVD dazedly stumble toward the corner.
MVP walks all the way to the opposite corner and after taunting he speeds across the ring looking for the Player’s Boot, however Van Dam gets out of the way right on the nick of time making MVP fail. RVD runs away from the corner, then immediately turns around and runs right back toward Porter, looking to hit his Monkey Flip, however Montel manages to block it out of sheer strength and nails a Flapjack dropping RVD head first into the turnbuckle. RVD staggers back from the clash right exposed to be grabbed and set for the Playmaker. MVP is about to connect when out of nowhere RVD reaches in with his left arm, grabs the leg and reverses the Playmaker into a roll up: 1…2…3.
Result: Rob Van Dam retains his BTW Extreme Championship.
RVD gets handed his championship and he immediately rolls out of the way, where he lifts his title over his head and salutes fans as he walks up the ramp. This leaves Montel Vontavious Porter alone in the ring, on his knees, covering his face with his hands, not only knowing that he didn’t regain his championship, but that his losing streak continues.
JBL: Did you see that? He cheated! Van Dam cheated!
Styles: All I see John is MVP on his knees about to have a break down.
JBL: And I see one of the finest champions I have seen in the last 20 years get screwed out of his championship.
We return with a shot of a portrait of Eric Bischoff hanging on a wall, which we then see is in the GM’s office. We then see Eric Bischoff sitting on his desk, going over some papers. Suddenly, we hear the door get opened and no other than Randy Orton enters the room, walking slowly toward Eric Bischoff.
Bischoff: Mr. Orton, long time no see, what have you b…
Orton: Save it Eric. The only reason I’m here is to let you know that I agree with you, Crushing C had no idea how to run this place, and to tell you, that I will be waiting for you to make the right decision, the right call, and name me the Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Eric stands from his chair and walks toward Randy with a grin on his face. However, once he’s really close to Randy, he changes his smile into a serious frown on his face.
Bischoff: Randy, I’m not going to give you anything. You want a title match? Show me you deserve one.
Orton: Eric, I thought you learned from Crushing C’s mistakes, I thought you would be smart enough to recognize in me the crown jewel of your BTW.
Bischoff: And I, I thought you would be smart enough not to make comments like that and get on my bad side so soon.
Orton: If anything, you should be the one worried about getting on my bad side. Ask how that worked for The Rock and Rikishi.
Randy Orton coldly stares at Eric Bischoff, before finally turning around to leave, only to find himself face to face with an unknown man. Randy Orton stares confused at the man, who has long, curly black hair, a moatee (goatee connected with mustache) and an intimidating look of hate on his face.
Orton stares at him for a couple of seconds before finally walking out of the office.
Styles: What was that all about?
JBL: The part of Randy Orton demanding his title match or the part of the unknown, intimidating man staring at Randy Orton?
Styles: The second one.
JBL: I have no idea.
JR: Well ladies and gentlemen you can see Eric Bischoff is already letting his impact be felt in BTW, and you have to wonder how will he make his impact be felt next?
“Turn up the Trouble†plays to a lot of boos from the audience as a very confident and fired up Mr. Kennedy makes his way out. Ken ignores the fans as he makes his way into the ring. Once in there, he motions as if he’s going to ask for the microphone to drop from the ceiling, however he then changes his mind and doesn’t.
JBL: And this is another man Eric Bischoff should consider making his crown jewel in BTW.
JR: Big talent in the young man from Green Bay, but he also has a big mouth to go along.
“Crow’s Sent†breaks through the PA system as Messiah slowly walks out of the back into the stage and eventually into the ring. Inside the ring, Messiah lifts his arms taunting to his fans.
Mr. Kennedy vs Messiah
Kennedy and Messiah stare at each other before they start circling one another, looking for a spot to attack. Kennedy taunts Messiah yelling “Kennedy…Kennedy!†before locking up. Mr. Kennedy storms toward Messiah, who receives with arm drag, then having on the canvas he locks him in an armbar. Mr. Kennedy manages to find a way out turning the situation into head scissors. Messiah eventually breaks free. Both men distance from each other. Messiah storms toward Kennedy, who returns the favor also connecting an arm drag and locking in an armbar. Messiah gets out of it the same way Kennedy did and we are back to no man’s land. Ken Kennedy gets the upperhand with a kick to the middle section and then weathers his opponent down with a side headlock. Messiah tries to reverse it into a belly to back suplex, however he cannot handle the weight and torque of Mr. Kennedy, and ends up collapsing frontward, still on the headlock. Kennedy releases the hold and getting back to his feet he measures Messiah, and then plants the now incorporated Messiah with a big clothesline that brings Messiah down to the canvas. Kennedy dashes to the ropes again and connects Messiah with a second clothesline on Messiah sending him down to the canvas. Messiah gets up to his knees. Kennedy measures him, then dashes to the ropes and bounces back planting him with a kick right to the head, knocking him down. Mr. Kennedy sees Messiah not giving up and getting back to his feet. He throws a roundhouse kick, however when Messiah ducks it Kennedy spins into an enziguiri. Ken Kennedy gets back to his feet with a confident swagger on his face, which he doesn’t erase as he drags the carcass of Messiah, throws him against the corner and after taking impulse kicking Messiah’s jaw out with a face wash. Mr. Kennedy feels the match ending, and after taunting to the crowd he goes to the top rope and measures Messiah, however he fails when performing his Kenton Bomb as Messiah gets out of the way.
It takes a while before both men start making their way back to their feet, but when they finally do, they seem to have renewed energy and intensity. Messiah and Kennedy begin throwing big straight right hand after big straight right hand. Kennedy breaks he cleanness of the punch fest by driving his knee to the middle section. Mr. Kennedy leaves Messiah doubled and bounces back to the ring ropes, however Messiah reacts and receives him with a delayed spinebuster. Messiah gets all fired up and taunts announcing the end of the match, and as Kennedy starts getting back to his feet Messiah gets ready to connect the Straight to Hell. Kennedy gets back up and walks right into Messiah, however Kennedy manages to reverse the Straight to Hell attempt with an arm twist into a front facelock and finally into a swinging neckbreaker. Messiah is out, and so he can’t go anywhere as Mr. Kennedy climbs to the top rope and comes crashing down on him connecting the Kenton Bomb.
Result: Mr. Kennedy defeats Messiah
JBL: I am telling you guys, this is man to build the future on.
We go backstage and we see Jeremy Borash.
Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Jeff Hardy.
Crowd erupts as Jeff Hardy walks into the scene.
Borash: Jeff, you’ve been in nothing short that in an extremely personal war with Edge. Now that he is under, uhmm, police supervision and well, gone for God knows how long, what do you see as the next target, the next goal in your career?
Hardy: Edge and me, we have never been friends, but he took things to a whole new level with what he did to me. To try to incriminate me and…; Next target? No, I am not over with Edge, not by a long shot. For you Edge, things are just about to get EXTREEMEE!
Jeff Hardy stares at the camera before walking away.
JR: Jeff Hardy in action, next.
“Loaded†welcomes us back from the break as Jeff Hardy comes out to a rock star reception.
JBL: Is that man out of his mind? Does he not understand? He wants Edge? Edge is not here, and only God knows when he’ll be back.
JR: A great amount of controversy surrounding Edge, that young man is indeed in deep, deep trouble…
Styles: Legal trouble that is.
JR: But things can only get worse when he comes back and has to face the rage of that young man, Jeff Hardy.
“Arabian†plays to heat from the crowd and a “USA†chants from a contingent of fans as Muhammed Hassan walks down the ramp, with his arms over his head trusting himself to Allah.
Styles: Hassan looking to regain some momentum after his defeat to Cody Rhodes last night at Busted Open.
Jeff Hardy vs Muhammed Hassan
Hardy amps the crowd up by screaming “Hardy, Hardyâ€, getting them to chant his name. Hassan and Hardy stare at each other, however soon Jeff shows his lack of patience due to his mind state and storms toward Muhammed Hassan, taking him down to the canvas with what seemed to be a spear and landing a storm of punches on Muhammed Hassan. The referee manages to take Jeff away but not for long, as Jeff comes right back with mauling Muhammed Hassan with yet more punches. Hassan somehow survives the onslaught and gets back to his feet, only to get kicked in the middle section. Muhammed tries to block but it all ends in a Reverse Mule Kick by Jeff and Hassan laid, sitting against the corner. Jeff Hardy sees this and he continues his flurry with his rope aided dropkick directly into the chest of Hassan. Hardy jogs away and then turns around and right back toward Muhammed as Hassan gets back to his feet, clotheslining the Arabian sending him over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Jeff Hardy wastes no time and as soon as Muhammed gets back to his feet on the outside of the ring, Jeff uses the top rope to propel into the air and connect a perfect pescado. Jeff Hardy gives Muhammed Hassan a little tour of the outsides of the ring, sending him against the steel steps and the ring posts before rolling him back to the inside of the ring. So far Muhammed Hassan has had no answer for Jeff Hardy, and so nobody thinks he will do anything as Jeff Hardy climbs to the top rope, however Hassan manages to roll out of the way avoiding the classic Hardy leg drop Jeff tried to connect. Seeing Jeff exposed, sat on the canvas after his crash and burn, Muhammed Hassan connects a vicious kick to the spine of Jeff Hardy, enough to change the tide of this match. Hassan exhales with relief having put on hault Hardy’s offense, and then proceeds to weather Jeff down by stomping all over him. Hassan grabs Hardy by both arms and pulls them backwards, then viciously drives his knee against the back of Jeff continuing the punishment.
Muhammed repeats this two more times, before finally settling by locking in a Bow and Arrow submission. Hardy screams in pain as Hardy punishes him with the submission hold. It takes a while, but finally Hardy manages to put a boot on the bottom rope escaping the punishing hold. Gingerly Hardy gets back to his feet and after connecting a couple of punches on Hassan trying to mount some offense, Jeff gets connected with a kick to the right leg making him double in pain, and then floored once again with a Double Axe Handle to the back by Muhammed Hassan. Hassan punishes Jeff more with a series of calculated knee drops to the lower back of Jeff Hardy before going back to taunting to the crowd. Muhammed Hassan picks up Jeff Hardy, kicks him in the gut and connects a snap suplex. Hassan arrogantly gets back to his feet and announces that he will repeat the punishment. However, when he goes for another suplex, Jeff Hardy manages to counter in mid air by sliding out of the grasp of Hassan, and as Muhammed turns around, Jeff starts his comeback with a falling clothesline. Jeff Hardy connects three more of these clotheslines before impacting Hassan with a kick to the middle section and connecting his unorthodox inverted suplex slam. Jeff gets back to his feet and although holding his lower back in pain, he feels the momentum, and starts taunting Hassan. Muhammed slowly gets back to his feet and when he does, he gets set for the Twist of Fate, but Hassan manages to reverse this maneuver when being spun after the kick to the middle section and the front facelock hold by kicking Jeff Hardy himself in the gut and driving him head first into the canvas with a vicious DDT. Muhammed Hassan gets back to his feet and invokes Allah raising his arms up high over his head. Hassan grabs Hardy by the hair and after pulling him back to his feet he pinpoints once again the back of Jeff with a reverse front facelock dropped into a backbreaker. Muhammed Hassan does this twice and seeing Jeff Hardy broken down he announces the end of the match. Hassan slowly, methodically walks toward Jeff and then he doubles reaching for him, looking to lock in the Camel Clutch.
Hassan is about to fully sit over Jeff Hardy and lock in his finishing submission hold when out of nowhere, as if he were playing possum, Hardy gets back to his senses and pulls the legs of Muhammed Hassan bringing him down to the canvas. Jeff quickly gets back to his feet and bouncing to the ring ropes he comes back hitting a front dropkick into the face of Hassan as he was trying to get back up. Jeff Hardy goes to the corner and climbs to the second rope, where he repeats the attack, dropkicking Hassan on the face once more. Jeff Hardy measures Hassan and once he has gotten back to his feet, Hardy storms toward him, however Muhammed reacts first and driving his knee to the gut of Jeff he makes the Charismatic Enigma go head over heels. Muhammed Hassan pulls Jeff back up and sets him for his Modified STO. Jeff reverses with an arm twist into his Twist of Fate, however Hassan avoids this predicament pushing Jeff away into a corner. Jeff goes full speed against the corner, however he takes advantage of this momentum and uses it to perform the Whisper of the Wind. Nonetheless, counters keep coming as Hassan gets out of the way letting Jeff jump into an empty pool. However, somehow, Jeff manages to land right over his feet. Hassan sees this and runs toward Jeff, only to get received by a huge Twist of Fate. Jeff goes to the top rope and seals the deal with a Swanton Bomb. But he’s not over. Jeff stares at Hassan, and obviously sending a message, he goes to the top rope and connects a second Swanton Bomb. Hardy makes the cover and gets the three count.
Result: Jeff Hardy defeats Muhammed Hassan
Styles: Edge, you better be paying attention, because Jeff Hardy is waiting for you.
Jeff leaves the ring and he lifts his hands doing his classic taunt, toying to the crowd.
We go backstage and we see Samoa Joe walking in a corridor, when out of a sudden he bumps with CM Punk and Colt Cabana. Fans can be heard talking and whispering to one another, obviously expecting things to get out of control between the two men that met last night at Busted Open.
Joe: Punk.
Punk: Look Joe, let’s not make a big deal out of all of this. When you and I meet, we know the best man will always win, and last night, you were the better man. Congratulations bro.
CM Punk pads Samoa Joe on the back before walking away. Colt steps frontward and confronts Samoa Joe.
Cabana: You gotta be feeling real proud uh? Feeling real good about yourself. You did practically everything to get that match with Punk, and you cheat to win? Cheat? Give me a break. To think that some people actually have the nerve to call themselves wrestlers.
Cabana turns around to leave, only to get grabbed by the arm by Joe. Cabana returns and faces Joe once again.
Cabana: What, will you deny it? Face facts Joe, CM Punk is not only more of a wrestler than you, he’s also more of a man.
Colt turns around once more to leave, however, he turns around one more time.
Cabana: Watch your back Joe. You never know what could happen.
This being said, Colt Cabana finally turns around and leaves. Joe watches him leave before turning around, however, when Joe turns around, he finds himself face to face with no other than Chris Jericho.
Y2J: Yeah Joe, watch your back. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt right?
Samoa Joe and Chris Jericho stare at one another, however Joe promptly removes his sight from Jericho’s eyes and takes it instead to the BTW Continental Championship wrapped around the right shoulder of Chris.
“The Wall†By Heet Mob plays as we return from commercials. Nobody knows whose theme song this is at first, however when they see Big Show and Paul Heyman leading Mark Henry, Bob Sapp and Monty Brown out, they know what’s the deal and welcome to the unit with boos.
JR: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to BTW Nitro and it finally seems as if we are going to get some explanations about what happened last night at Busted Open.
All five men make their way into the ring. Big Show, Monty Brown, Mark Henry and Bob Sapp all stand behind Paul Heyman, who takes a center spot in the middle of the ring, with a microphone in hand.
Heyman: The theme song to which we came down to the ring, performed amazingly by Heet Mob, is called The Wall. And seeing the gentlemen standing behind me, no name could be more appropriate than that.
Paul turns around to see Henry, Sapp, Brown and Big Show and they all share a grin.
Heyman: Because that’s exactly what we are, a wall. Nobody, and I mean nobody, comes through us. Then again, that’s to be expected when you get together men such as the World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry. Men as the Alpha Male, Monty Brown, men as Bob Sapp, and…
Paul Heyman is interrupted with a “You suck†chant.
Heyman: And men as the World’s Largest Athlete, the piece who was missing on our puzzle and the man under whose leadership we will take over BTW, The Big Show.
Everybody inside the ring applauds The Big Show. Paul Heyman gives him his microphone as Big Show steps to the front.
Show: Thank you Paul. It is truly an honor to be in this ring not only with you, but with the three most imposing men I have ever seen in my life. The Wall? I like it.
Crowd boos again.
Show: Bill Goldberg. I bet you didn’t see it coming. Nobody did. But hey, how about we give you a fair shot, I mean, we are all here, how about you bring your ass out here and face us like a man.
JR: Oh yeah, really brave, a 4 on 1 assault.
JBL: You aren’t counting Paul Heyman right?
JR: Of course I’m not.
Heyman: (having asked for another microphone) Actually Show, actually, it seems Goldberg had better things to do than being here because he decided to miss the show.
Crowd boos, knowing that can’t be the reason Goldberg isn’t here.
Brown (taking the microphone from Heyman): That, or he can’t get up from his bed thanks to the ass kicking we gave to him last night!
The Wall laughs at this comment making fun of Bill Goldberg.
Show: That’s Ok. Bill, there’s no running away now. I’ll be here, and so will Mark Henry, Monty Brown and Bob Sapp, so you know where to find us. Just know this, there’s no going through The Wall!
All five members of The Wall lift their right arm up in the air, getting heat from the crowd. Finally, they make their way out of the ring with their theme song playing on the back.
JBL: Have you ever seen a more impressive gathering of men in your life?
Styles: No I haven’t, but I’ll tell you something, Goldberg will be back, and he’ll put to test the resilience of this Wall.
We return and we see Elijah Burke inside the ring jogging, getting ready for his upcoming match.
“Out to Kill†plays to cheers from the crowd as young Cody Rhodes makes his way out and very fired up he makes his way down the ramp and into the ring.
JR: Cody Rhodes has been on a very impressive roll since debuting at WrestleBowl, let’s see if it continues tonight.
Cody Rhodes vs Elijah Burke
Burke circles Rhodes in boxing attack position, looking to punch Rhodes, however after three failed swings, Rhodes jumps toward Burke and locks in a side headlock. Elijah Burke tries to find a way out and the only one he finds is pushing Cody toward the ring ropes. Cody bounces back and shoulder blocks Burke down to the canvas. Cody Rhodes dashes to the ring ropes on his right. Burke does the classic routine of advancing toward him while being still on the canvas forcing Cody to jump over him. Cody crosses the ring and when bouncing back he gets leap frogged by Burke. Elijah probably expected Cody to continue his sprint all the way to the opposite set of the ring ropes once again, however Cody stops his dash, which allows him to take by surprise Elijah when he turns around and connect him with a picture perfect dropkick right to the face. Cody gets back to his feet and amped up he taunts to the crowd. Cody measures Burke, who is getting back to his feet close to the ring ropes and dashes toward him, however Elijah sidesteps letting Cody run himself to the outside of the ring. Nonetheless, Cody adjusts and holding to the top rope, he agilely returns to the ring skinning the cat and once again surprising Burke he floors him with a clothesline. Rhodes clotheslines Burke at least two more times before going to the top rope looking to end his flurry. Burke gets back up and gets connected with a crossbody plancha out of the top rope, however Burke manages to roll through. Cody kicks out, however Burke finally manages to mount some offense as he gets quickly back to his feet and hits a hard jumping knee drop to the side of the head of the still grounded Cody Rhodes. Burke hits three more knee drops, each one more vicious than the latter. Elijah gets back up and bringing Cody with him, Elijah sets him up and connects him with a German Suplex. Burke grabs Cody by the arms and drags him close to a corner. Elijah grabs the turnbuckle and uses it to propel himself into the air looking to perform and connect his awe inspiring Outer Limitz Elbow, however Cody puts his knees on the way hurting Elijah Burke instead. Cody Rhodes slowly gets back to his feet and drags Elijah Burke back to the middle of the ring, where he measures him and summons Harley Race by connecting a knee drop.
Rhodes has control of the match, however once again, just like it happened at Busted Open, Cody Rhodes spends too much time toying to the crowd and not staying on Elijah. Finally, Cody refocuses on his opponent, picking him up and Irish Whipping him to the ring ropes, however all that time wasted has allowed Elijah Burke to get himself together and he comes back from the ropes connecting Cody Rhodes with his Running STO. Burke makes the cover: 1…2…, Cody kicks out. Elijah overcomes his initial disbelief and getting Rhodes back to his feet he sets his opponent for his Elijah Experience Russian legsweep, however Cody reverses it into a hip toss. Burke gets back to his feet and storms toward Cody Rhodes only to get kicked in the middle section and DDTed down to the canvas. Cody makes the cover: 1…2…, Elijah also kicks out. Cody Rhodes gets back to his feet and grabbing Burke by the hair he also brings him up, but before Cody is able to do anything, Elijah Burke nails him with an European Uppercut regaining control of the match. This strike is followed by 4-Up combination, strike flurry that leaves Cody weakened enough for Burke to set him up and connect him with a lifting sitout spinebuster. Elijah Burke mocks Cody Rhodes’s taunting to the crowd, which gains him heat. Then, he grabs Cody by the head and throws him to the corner. Elijah stares at him and confidently announces the end of the match after he walks to the opposite corner. Elijah Burke explodes crossing the ring at full speed and finally jumps toward the corner looking to drive his knees into Cody Rhodes connecting the Elijah Express, however Cody Rhodes slithers between the ropes out of the ring to the apron letting Burke collide knees first against the turnbuckles and bounce back down to the canvas. Rhodes makes his way to the top rope turning his back to the inside of the ring, and after looking back and seeing Burke is back to his feet, groggy, but back on a standing position, Cody Rhodes leaps down performing a perfect moonsault, which connects perfectly. Cody Rhodes makes the cover: 1…2…3.
Result: Cody Rhodes defeats Elijah Burke
We are taken backstage and we see that Muhammed Hassan was watching this match on his locker room. Hassan kicks the wall in anger seeing Cody Rhodes celebrating on his screen.
JR: What was that all about?
Styles: It seems Muhammed Hassan is mad once again, here tonight, Cody Rhodes has outdo him.
Cody Rhodes continue celebrating, until we are taken to the shot of the BTW World Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar walking backstage.
Styles: And it is main event time, here in BTW Nitro, when we come back, Brock Lesnar defends his gold, against Umaga.
JR: Welcome back, this is BTW Nitro, as we are moments away from the highly anticipated BTW World Heavyweight Championship match between Brock Lesnar and the man who took out The Undertaker last night, Umaga.
JBL: I’m telling you JR, there is nobody, nobody that can stop Umaga at this point in time, and tonight, he takes his rightful place at the top of the food chain as World Champion.
“Here Comes the Pain†blasts from the speakers to a big ovation from the crowd as the BTW World Champion Brock Lesnar makes his way out, jogging on the stage.
Styles: Look at the confidence in the face of the champion.
JBL: He better be confident. If he’s not, Umaga may very well eat him alive.
Brock walks down the ramp before jumping to the apron and entering the ring, where he waits for his opponent.
“Virtual Voodoo†plays to a big amount of boos as Umaga rampages his way out and power walks down the ramp. Umaga enters the ring and intimidating Brock, he stares at him.
BTW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Brock Lesnar (c) vs Umaga
Umaga and Brock dash toward one another clashing in the middle of the ring, both attempting shoulder blocks, however neither gets the advantage. They repeat the routine, but once again nobody gets the advantage. A slug fest starts, with Umaga getting the upperhand with a knife like uppercut. On the floor, Umaga continues abusing Brock Lesnar, putting the boots all over him stomping him, then he locks in an iron claw like submission maneuver targeting the carotids. Brock however shows his amazing strength with a rather unique counter – getting right up and powering Umaga over his shoulders out of the maneuver. Umaga manages nonetheless to slid out of the control of Brock and then levels him with a huge super kick. Umaga continues his flurry of big time offense by hitting a series of jumping head butts after bouncing to the ring ropes. Umaga hits exactly three before making the cover. Brock kicks out, and on the mind of Umaga, showing he is smarter than what one would think, the idea that he needs more height sinks in. Umaga walks to the corner and climbs to the top rope, obviously looking for his Wild Samoan Splash. However, before he’s able to do so, out of nowhere Brock jumps right back to his feet and dashes toward the corner. Umaga sees him coming and in an unexpected feat of athleticism he jumps down from the corner into the canvas landing right behind Brock, who passed by dashing. Brock turns around and gets connected by a punch to the throat, resembling the effect of the Samoan Spike. Brock ends up knocked out laid against the corner. Umaga walks to the opposite corner and announces the end. He then crosses the ring at full speed looking for his Samoan Wrecking Ball, however right at the nick of time Brock gets out of the way making Umaga crash and burn against the turnbuckles. Brock gets back to his feet, hooks the groggy Umaga up and connects a Belly to Belly suplex. Both men get back to their feet and Brock Lesnar repeats the punishment. [FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']
[/FONT]The fast pace of the match continues as for the third time in a row, Brock Lesnar goes to hit a Belly to Belly suplex, however Umaga counters leveling out of the hold ending back on the canvas. He then reaches down and picks up Brock, sets him up and connects his Swinging Sideslam. Umaga taunts to the audience lifting both his arms in intimidating fashion. He picks up Brock Lesnar and grabbing him with his left hand, he announces the Samoan Spike. The monster swings with his right hand, however Brock ducks the match finishing spike, and as Umaga turned around he nails a huge Standing Spinebuster. Brock continues the attack with a series of 4 elbow drops right to the chest of the monster, trying to slay the Samoan Bulldozer. Brock grabs Umaga by the hair, gets him up and tries to get him over his shoulders to set him for the F5, however he cannot do it thanks to all the punishment he has suffered. Brock Lesnar nonetheless is smart enough to change the attack and returning Umaga to the canvas he locks in the equally hurting maneuver, the Brock Lock. The crowd cheers Brock as he might just make Umaga tap or pass out, and for a few seconds it sure looks that way, however Umaga turns the situation around with a double open hand attack to the ears of Brock, forcing him to break the hold. Guzzled, Brock Lesnar dashes toward Umaga, who receives him with his awe amazing Samoan Drop. Umaga makes the cover: 1…2…, Brock kicks out. Umga cannot believe it. He gets back to his feet and with his imposing ways he intimidates the referee. Umaga grabs Brock Lesnar and helps him return to a standing position, then grabs him by the back of the head and goes for another Samoan Spike, however when he swings for it, Brock Lesnar blocks it using both his hands, then grabs Umaga by the waist and connects a Belly to Belly suplex. Brock Lesnar remains, exhausted, over one of his knees, not being able to capitalize right off the bat.
Brock Lesnar finally goes to continue his match. He walks toward Umaga and picks him back to his feet. The World Champion once again locks Umaga in a waist lock, looking for another suplex, however Umaga nails a couple of headbutts and staggers Brock Lesnar away. Umaga rampages towards Brock and goes for an impressive spinning heel kick, however much to the shock of the crowd Brock Lesnar manages to get out of the way, letting Umaga crash and burn, not hitting anybody with the kick and going down to the canvas. Brock Lesnar waits for the Samoan Bulldozer to gets back to his feet, and when he finally does, Brock puts him right over his shoulders looking for the F5 once again. Umaga tries to get out of this predicament by driving his elbow violently to the jaw of Brock Lesnar. Eventually, this technique works, and Umaga manages to get out returning to the canvas, standing right in front of Brock Lesnar. The Samoan immediately hoists The Next Big Thing up and connects a Swinging Side Slam. Umaga makes the cover: 1…2…, Brock kicks out yet again. Umaga gets back to his feet and brings up with him the champion. In the middle of the ring, Brock Lesnar and Umaga engage in a punch fest, trading fists back and forth. Out of a sudden, “Just Close your Eyes†blasts from the speakers, introducing Christian Cage, who comes out to the stage. Brock Lesnar forgets about Umaga and he focuses on Christian, who starts making his way down to the ramp.
Styles: Oh come on, what he’s doing here?
Christian continues making his way down the ramp, when out of a sudden a gong blasts through the arena. Umaga recognizes this and immediately, knowing the coming of The Undertaker, shoves Brock Lesnar away and gets out of the ring, wanting to face The Deadman. Christian Cage can’t get out of the way and into the crowd any faster.
JBL: What’s going on in here?
JR: And one has to assume that in this title match, there were more than Lesnar and Umaga’s interests involved by seeing all of this transpire.
Umaga stares at the stage and screaming in Samoan he awaits the coming of The Undertaker. The referee starts to count out Umaga. The Samoan Bulldozer doesn’t realize this and he continues to wait for the Phenom of Death Valley, however, Undertaker never comes, showing it was all just a mind game, and Umaga gets himself counted out.
Result: Brock Lesnar wins via count out.
Brock Lesnar is given his World Championship and holds to it tight in the middle of the ring.
JBL: Brock, you know it, tonight, you are walking out champion out of luck.
Styles: And The Undertaker.
JR: Well, Christian wasn’t exactly coming down here for a BBQ party
Umaga mumbles and screams in Samoan as he angrily walks up the ramp into the back, still confused at Undertaker not coming out and probably going in there to look for him.
We go to commercial with the visual of Brock Lesnar inside the ring staring at Christian Cage, who remains inside the crowd.
“White Train†plays to cheers and a eventually a big ovation from the crowd as we see Eric Bischoff makes his way down the ramp and eventually into the ring. Bischoff salutes some fans as holds a microphone on his right hand.
JR: Well, I thought the night was over after that amazing World Title match, but it doesn’t seem that way.
Bischoff: I know, I know, you probably were expecting to be going home right now after that amazing World Title match we just saw, but I had to come out here and make my very first address to all of you as your new General Manager.
Crowd cheers.
Bischoff: You see, for so long, you’ve been mistreated, you’ve been exposed to the bottom of the pit as far as sports entertainment is concerned. Crushing C, Crushing C has to be the worst authority figure in the history of this business. He has no idea whatsoever of how to run this place. I even consider sending him a copy of my book just so that he could some guidance on what the hell he was doing because, I mean, he was making so many mistakes it was not even funny.
Crowd applauds, obviously agreeing with Eric.
Bischoff: Anyways, I am not out here to take about the lousy handling of the Edge scandal or the Rikishi debacle or any other mistake by Crushing C that has embarrassed BTW, I am out here to…
“I’m in Charge†plays to the crowd gaining a lot of heat, as Crushing C steps into the stage.
Crushing C: So that’s your big plan uh? You plan on gaining all this fans by running me down? Well that’s just…
Bischoff: Oh, Crushing C, so glad that you are here, how about to take out a sheet of paper, a pencil and take some notes, because this is how you are supposed to run a company. This is the type of decision that you make when you are running the top wrestling company in the world.
Crushing C: I’m waiting.
Bischoff: OK, stay back and listen. Next week, we will determine the man who will challenge Brock Lesnar for the BTW World Heavyweight Championship at Apocalypse. Next week, right here in BTW Nitro, we’ll have ourselves, for the first time since 1991, a BattleBowl match for the Number One Contendership.
Crowd explodes with cheers.
Bischoff: And second, we’ll, I’ve been in talks all this night with a very good friend of mine, trying to come up with something and well, we did. That’s why, I am proud to be the first one to announce that at Apocalypse, for the first time ever, the Immortal…Hulk Hogan will be in BTW!
JR: Hulk Hogan!
Eric Bischoff stares at Crushing C with a grin on his face as he enjoys the amazing pop from the crowd.
Scene comes to an end with Crushing C, with his face telling he’s amazed at what Eric Bischoff did.
BTW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Brock Lesnar(c) vs The Winner of the BattleBowl match
For the first time ever, Hulk Hogan appears in BTW.
Crushing C: Whoa whoa whoa, what do you think you’re doing? Hey you, leave that in there!
Utility guy: The General Manager told us to get all of this out.
Crushing C: I am the General Manager; give me that! I am the General Manager!
The crew member gives Crushing C his lamp and walks out of the scene. Crushing C puts the lamp back on the table and lifts his head…his reaction when doing so showing that he has seen something he obviously didn’t expect. The camera shot widens and we can see that standing in front of Crushing C is no other than…Eric Bischoff.
Bischoff: Not anymore you’re not.
Crushing C: Wait wait, what do you mean?
Bischoff: Apparently, the Board of Directors were less than satisfied with what has been happening as of late in here and they wanted some change…some controversy…
Crowd cheers at the mention of that word.
Bischoff: And we all know all of that can only be synonymous with one man…
Crushing C: You have to be kidding me, you are the new General Manager? You? And what about me…YOU?
Bischoff: Look man, don’t take it like that, it’s nothing personal, it’s just business. Then again, that seems like something you don’t know how to do properly.
Eric grins at Crushing C before turning around and leaving. The crowd is heard cheering in the back. Crushing C is about to blow a gasket, when out of a sudden Eric Bischoff returns to the scene.
Bischoff: Oh, nothing personal but…get the hell out of my office!

Mellon Arena; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
JR: Ladies and Gentlemen this is BTW Nitro and could you wish for a more unpredictable beginning for us tonight?
JBL: How could you be satisfied JR? Crushing C just got his job snapped! He got his job stolen!
Styles: I don’t know about job being stolen, but we do know one thing starting this broadcast ladies and gentlemen, it appears that Crushing C is no longer our General Manager, but Eric Bischoff is.
JR: Can you believe that? Eric Bischoff
“Here Comes the Pain†blasts from the speakers to a big pop from the audience as the BTW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar steps into the stage and with the title wrapped around his waist jogs taunting to the crowd.
JR: And if you can believe this, business is about to pick up here with the BTW World Champion, Brock Lesnar!
Brock makes his way down the ramp and into the ring, where after climbing to each corner to taunt to the crowd, he asks for a microphone and settles in the middle of the ring ready to address the BTW Universe.
Lesnar: Last night, I was in nothing short to a war with Christian Cage.
Crowd boos at the mention of Cage.
Lesnar: I knew I was faster than Christian, I knew I was stronger than Christian, I know I was plain out better than Christian, but I also knew Christian was willing to do anything and everything to walk out of Busted Open the BTW World Champion. Then again, this baby is still around my waist!
Crowd pops as Brock raises his belt above his head.
Lesnar: And to everybody in the back, you better get used to it, because I don’t plan on letting this championship go for a long, long, LONG time!
Brock starts pacing around the ring seemingly getting fired up.
Lesnar: Now, former champions…might look for every possible way, every hole they could find, just so that they wouldn’t have to defend this championship until they really, really had to. That’s not me. That’s why, just 24 hours after defeating Christian Cage, I will put this World Title on the line against no other than the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga.
Crowd boos.
Lesnar: Umaga, I’ve watching you. You’re big, strong, people even say there’s nobody than can stop you. We’ll see about that, because…
Out of a sudden, interrupting the champion, “Just Close your Eyes†blasts from the speakers as Christian Cage steps into the stage, his face showing anger and frustration.
Christian: No, NO, NO! NOO! I refuse to be overlooked once again! Can somebody tell me why on Earth the Samoan Fatty is getting a title match?! Everybody knows last night was nothing more than a fluke, and if anybody should have a title match is me!
Crowd boos.
Lesnar: Haha, a fluke?
Christian: That’s right, nothing more than fluke, and you know it. All I need is one more chance to expose you as the paper champion you are and bring this belt right where it belongs, the waist of Captain Charisma!
Brock Lesnar grabs his championship and he puts on the canvas right in front of him.
Lesnar: What’s stopping you?
Following this, Brock starts doing his classic jog, while inviting Christian Cage to come into the ring. The crowd roars in anticipation, wanting to see the encounter.
Christian: You know Brock, I could walk into that ring and beat you down within an inch of your life, I could have you beg for mercy like this (Cage snaps his fingers)…but I am not. You think you can play mind games with me kid? I’ll get to you, you better believe that, and when I do so, the world will know who the rightful champion is, because that’s just how I roll!
Christian grins and stares at Brock Lesnar, who picks back up his World Championship and lifts it over his head showing it off to Captain Charisma, as Christian’s music plays on the back.
Styles: I hate to point out the obvious but, we don’t even know if Christian will get to face Brock Lesnar, because Brock Lesnar might not even be World Champion when the night is over.
JBL: You better believe Brock Lesnar won’t be the champion when the night is over. There is no man walking this Earth that can stop Umaga. Not even The Undertaker, who is not even mortal, could stop him.
JR: That title match is our main event, a massive main event, but when we come back, we’ll have another main event, MVP looking to regain what he lost last night, the BTW Extreme Championship, now held by Rob Van Dam. That’s next.
“I’m Coming†plays to boos from the crowd as the former champion MVP makes his way out, He doesn’t seem to have his normal swagger and instead he looks a little down, almost without confidence.
Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back and, I don’t know about you guys, but if judging by how MVP looks, RVD will have no problem retaining his championship in his first ever defense.
JBL: Don’t count MVP out Joey! Remember who he is, he’s FedEx, because when the lights are bright, he always delivers, and it doesn’t get any bigger than a BTW Extreme Championship Match.
“One of a Kind†plays to cheers from the audience as the newly crowned BTW Extreme Champion Rob Van Dam comes out preceded by his pyro. Van Dam, with the belt around his shoulder, walks down the ramp saluting fans at ringside. RVD enters the ring where not removing his eyes from MVP, taunts to the audience.
BTW Extreme Championship Rematch
RVD (c) vs MVP
As the match starts, MVP indeed seems to be have lost his step, not having his usual swagger in the ring and practically not doing anything to answer or even block Van Dam’s punches and kicks as they come. MVP doesn’t have an answer neither for RVD as he throws Porter to the corner and dashes toward him full speed and nails him with a spinning kick right to the jaw. RVD sees Porter lying on the canvas and he continues his attack by dashing to the ropes and when coming back he performs and connects Rolling Thunder. Rob Van Dam gets back to his feet and cockily he taunts to the audience, satisfied with what he just did. Porter gingerly and holding his gut starts recovering, trying to get back to his feet by putting one knee on the canvas. His face shows a surprising lack of confidence. RVD invites MVP to bring it, which seems to fire up MVP and motivate him into getting focused in the match. Both meet in the middle of the ring in a collar elbow tie up, which sees RVD get the upperhand with a headlock, hold that then RVD transitions into a hammerlock and back into a headlock. RVD takes down MVP to the canvas where he not only drains more energy out of his challenger, but confidence as well. Van Dam finally releases the hold and he gets back to his feet. RVD addresses the crowd once again, talking to them as he points to himself and then moves his hands around his waist meaning he’s the champion. RVD sees MVP close to the ring ropes, and wanting to take advantage of the opportunity he dashes full speed toward him, however MVP snaps back to his senses and for a split second to his usual self as he receives RVD with an impressive over the head Belly to Belly suplex hurling Van Dam over the top rope to the outside of the ring. MVP staggers to the middle of the ring before collapsing to his knees. Montel takes his hands to his head and mumbles something, then, apparently being able to motivate himself, Porter gets back to his feet and he walks once again closer to the ring ropes. RVD is already climbing back on the apron, which allows MVP to grab him and continue targeting the spine of the champion by connecting a suplex out of the apron to the inside of the ring. MVP makes the cover: 1…2…, RVD manages to kick out. This time, MVP doesn’t get discouraged, instead, he reacts with anger and frustration, getting back to his feet and landing three, four, five elbow drops directly into the heart of Rob Van Dam. This is followed by a grounded bearhug, which MVP doesn’t release, despite Van Dam repeatedly rolling to his left and right trying to get out, until RVD finds the bottom rope with his boot.
MVP walks away and he measures Van Dam, then as he gets back to his feet MVP dashes full speed toward RVD looking for a big boot directed to the head of his opponent, however Van Dam catches the boot with both his hands, lowers them to reach the height of his own middle section. RVD has created himself an opening and plans on taking advantage, as he moves in to connect his trademarked windmill kick, however right after Van Dam passed his left foot over his own arm an Porter’s leg and before RVD brings his right foot at full speed toward the face of MVP, Porter reverses the move in mid performance by hooking Van Dam’s right arm, then, from that position, MVP connects a vicious Half Nelson Suplex, which drives RVD head first into the canvas. MVP walks closer to RVD and seeing him immobile, preceded by his usual mannerisms and taunts, he bounces with the ring ropes and connects his Ballin’ Elbow Drop. MVP makes the cover, however RVD manages to kick out. Porter doesn’t give up as he knows he can put Rob away right there. Porter grabs Van Dam and guiding him back to his feet he sets him in the Playmaker’s position. Porter goes for it but Rob Van Dam manages to reverse it with an arm twist, transitioned then into a front facelock and a DDT. MVP fells relatively close to the corner. Van Dam walks toward the corner where with the agility of a tiger he comes up and down from the top rope connecting a Split-Legged Moonsault. MVP nonetheless manages to kick out as keeping the match going. RVD goes back to his comfort zone climbing to the top where he waits for Porter to get back to his feet, and when MVP finally does so RVD flies through the airs looking for his diving super kick, however Montel manages to sidestep out of the way. Nonetheless, Van Dam adjusts in mid air and lands over his two feet, however he doesn’t completely escape from falling to the canvas as he gets caught by MVP and connected with his single knee facebuster. RVD takes the impact and remains on a vertical standing, although this is more of a whiplash effect from the move, as we soon see RVD dazedly stumble toward the corner.
MVP walks all the way to the opposite corner and after taunting he speeds across the ring looking for the Player’s Boot, however Van Dam gets out of the way right on the nick of time making MVP fail. RVD runs away from the corner, then immediately turns around and runs right back toward Porter, looking to hit his Monkey Flip, however Montel manages to block it out of sheer strength and nails a Flapjack dropping RVD head first into the turnbuckle. RVD staggers back from the clash right exposed to be grabbed and set for the Playmaker. MVP is about to connect when out of nowhere RVD reaches in with his left arm, grabs the leg and reverses the Playmaker into a roll up: 1…2…3.
Result: Rob Van Dam retains his BTW Extreme Championship.
RVD gets handed his championship and he immediately rolls out of the way, where he lifts his title over his head and salutes fans as he walks up the ramp. This leaves Montel Vontavious Porter alone in the ring, on his knees, covering his face with his hands, not only knowing that he didn’t regain his championship, but that his losing streak continues.
JBL: Did you see that? He cheated! Van Dam cheated!
Styles: All I see John is MVP on his knees about to have a break down.
JBL: And I see one of the finest champions I have seen in the last 20 years get screwed out of his championship.
We return with a shot of a portrait of Eric Bischoff hanging on a wall, which we then see is in the GM’s office. We then see Eric Bischoff sitting on his desk, going over some papers. Suddenly, we hear the door get opened and no other than Randy Orton enters the room, walking slowly toward Eric Bischoff.
Bischoff: Mr. Orton, long time no see, what have you b…
Orton: Save it Eric. The only reason I’m here is to let you know that I agree with you, Crushing C had no idea how to run this place, and to tell you, that I will be waiting for you to make the right decision, the right call, and name me the Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Eric stands from his chair and walks toward Randy with a grin on his face. However, once he’s really close to Randy, he changes his smile into a serious frown on his face.
Bischoff: Randy, I’m not going to give you anything. You want a title match? Show me you deserve one.
Orton: Eric, I thought you learned from Crushing C’s mistakes, I thought you would be smart enough to recognize in me the crown jewel of your BTW.
Bischoff: And I, I thought you would be smart enough not to make comments like that and get on my bad side so soon.
Orton: If anything, you should be the one worried about getting on my bad side. Ask how that worked for The Rock and Rikishi.
Randy Orton coldly stares at Eric Bischoff, before finally turning around to leave, only to find himself face to face with an unknown man. Randy Orton stares confused at the man, who has long, curly black hair, a moatee (goatee connected with mustache) and an intimidating look of hate on his face.

Orton stares at him for a couple of seconds before finally walking out of the office.
Styles: What was that all about?
JBL: The part of Randy Orton demanding his title match or the part of the unknown, intimidating man staring at Randy Orton?
Styles: The second one.
JBL: I have no idea.
JR: Well ladies and gentlemen you can see Eric Bischoff is already letting his impact be felt in BTW, and you have to wonder how will he make his impact be felt next?
“Turn up the Trouble†plays to a lot of boos from the audience as a very confident and fired up Mr. Kennedy makes his way out. Ken ignores the fans as he makes his way into the ring. Once in there, he motions as if he’s going to ask for the microphone to drop from the ceiling, however he then changes his mind and doesn’t.
JBL: And this is another man Eric Bischoff should consider making his crown jewel in BTW.
JR: Big talent in the young man from Green Bay, but he also has a big mouth to go along.
“Crow’s Sent†breaks through the PA system as Messiah slowly walks out of the back into the stage and eventually into the ring. Inside the ring, Messiah lifts his arms taunting to his fans.
Mr. Kennedy vs Messiah
Kennedy and Messiah stare at each other before they start circling one another, looking for a spot to attack. Kennedy taunts Messiah yelling “Kennedy…Kennedy!†before locking up. Mr. Kennedy storms toward Messiah, who receives with arm drag, then having on the canvas he locks him in an armbar. Mr. Kennedy manages to find a way out turning the situation into head scissors. Messiah eventually breaks free. Both men distance from each other. Messiah storms toward Kennedy, who returns the favor also connecting an arm drag and locking in an armbar. Messiah gets out of it the same way Kennedy did and we are back to no man’s land. Ken Kennedy gets the upperhand with a kick to the middle section and then weathers his opponent down with a side headlock. Messiah tries to reverse it into a belly to back suplex, however he cannot handle the weight and torque of Mr. Kennedy, and ends up collapsing frontward, still on the headlock. Kennedy releases the hold and getting back to his feet he measures Messiah, and then plants the now incorporated Messiah with a big clothesline that brings Messiah down to the canvas. Kennedy dashes to the ropes again and connects Messiah with a second clothesline on Messiah sending him down to the canvas. Messiah gets up to his knees. Kennedy measures him, then dashes to the ropes and bounces back planting him with a kick right to the head, knocking him down. Mr. Kennedy sees Messiah not giving up and getting back to his feet. He throws a roundhouse kick, however when Messiah ducks it Kennedy spins into an enziguiri. Ken Kennedy gets back to his feet with a confident swagger on his face, which he doesn’t erase as he drags the carcass of Messiah, throws him against the corner and after taking impulse kicking Messiah’s jaw out with a face wash. Mr. Kennedy feels the match ending, and after taunting to the crowd he goes to the top rope and measures Messiah, however he fails when performing his Kenton Bomb as Messiah gets out of the way.
It takes a while before both men start making their way back to their feet, but when they finally do, they seem to have renewed energy and intensity. Messiah and Kennedy begin throwing big straight right hand after big straight right hand. Kennedy breaks he cleanness of the punch fest by driving his knee to the middle section. Mr. Kennedy leaves Messiah doubled and bounces back to the ring ropes, however Messiah reacts and receives him with a delayed spinebuster. Messiah gets all fired up and taunts announcing the end of the match, and as Kennedy starts getting back to his feet Messiah gets ready to connect the Straight to Hell. Kennedy gets back up and walks right into Messiah, however Kennedy manages to reverse the Straight to Hell attempt with an arm twist into a front facelock and finally into a swinging neckbreaker. Messiah is out, and so he can’t go anywhere as Mr. Kennedy climbs to the top rope and comes crashing down on him connecting the Kenton Bomb.
Result: Mr. Kennedy defeats Messiah
JBL: I am telling you guys, this is man to build the future on.
We go backstage and we see Jeremy Borash.
Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Jeff Hardy.
Crowd erupts as Jeff Hardy walks into the scene.
Borash: Jeff, you’ve been in nothing short that in an extremely personal war with Edge. Now that he is under, uhmm, police supervision and well, gone for God knows how long, what do you see as the next target, the next goal in your career?
Hardy: Edge and me, we have never been friends, but he took things to a whole new level with what he did to me. To try to incriminate me and…; Next target? No, I am not over with Edge, not by a long shot. For you Edge, things are just about to get EXTREEMEE!
Jeff Hardy stares at the camera before walking away.
JR: Jeff Hardy in action, next.
“Loaded†welcomes us back from the break as Jeff Hardy comes out to a rock star reception.
JBL: Is that man out of his mind? Does he not understand? He wants Edge? Edge is not here, and only God knows when he’ll be back.
JR: A great amount of controversy surrounding Edge, that young man is indeed in deep, deep trouble…
Styles: Legal trouble that is.
JR: But things can only get worse when he comes back and has to face the rage of that young man, Jeff Hardy.
“Arabian†plays to heat from the crowd and a “USA†chants from a contingent of fans as Muhammed Hassan walks down the ramp, with his arms over his head trusting himself to Allah.
Styles: Hassan looking to regain some momentum after his defeat to Cody Rhodes last night at Busted Open.
Jeff Hardy vs Muhammed Hassan
Hardy amps the crowd up by screaming “Hardy, Hardyâ€, getting them to chant his name. Hassan and Hardy stare at each other, however soon Jeff shows his lack of patience due to his mind state and storms toward Muhammed Hassan, taking him down to the canvas with what seemed to be a spear and landing a storm of punches on Muhammed Hassan. The referee manages to take Jeff away but not for long, as Jeff comes right back with mauling Muhammed Hassan with yet more punches. Hassan somehow survives the onslaught and gets back to his feet, only to get kicked in the middle section. Muhammed tries to block but it all ends in a Reverse Mule Kick by Jeff and Hassan laid, sitting against the corner. Jeff Hardy sees this and he continues his flurry with his rope aided dropkick directly into the chest of Hassan. Hardy jogs away and then turns around and right back toward Muhammed as Hassan gets back to his feet, clotheslining the Arabian sending him over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Jeff Hardy wastes no time and as soon as Muhammed gets back to his feet on the outside of the ring, Jeff uses the top rope to propel into the air and connect a perfect pescado. Jeff Hardy gives Muhammed Hassan a little tour of the outsides of the ring, sending him against the steel steps and the ring posts before rolling him back to the inside of the ring. So far Muhammed Hassan has had no answer for Jeff Hardy, and so nobody thinks he will do anything as Jeff Hardy climbs to the top rope, however Hassan manages to roll out of the way avoiding the classic Hardy leg drop Jeff tried to connect. Seeing Jeff exposed, sat on the canvas after his crash and burn, Muhammed Hassan connects a vicious kick to the spine of Jeff Hardy, enough to change the tide of this match. Hassan exhales with relief having put on hault Hardy’s offense, and then proceeds to weather Jeff down by stomping all over him. Hassan grabs Hardy by both arms and pulls them backwards, then viciously drives his knee against the back of Jeff continuing the punishment.
Muhammed repeats this two more times, before finally settling by locking in a Bow and Arrow submission. Hardy screams in pain as Hardy punishes him with the submission hold. It takes a while, but finally Hardy manages to put a boot on the bottom rope escaping the punishing hold. Gingerly Hardy gets back to his feet and after connecting a couple of punches on Hassan trying to mount some offense, Jeff gets connected with a kick to the right leg making him double in pain, and then floored once again with a Double Axe Handle to the back by Muhammed Hassan. Hassan punishes Jeff more with a series of calculated knee drops to the lower back of Jeff Hardy before going back to taunting to the crowd. Muhammed Hassan picks up Jeff Hardy, kicks him in the gut and connects a snap suplex. Hassan arrogantly gets back to his feet and announces that he will repeat the punishment. However, when he goes for another suplex, Jeff Hardy manages to counter in mid air by sliding out of the grasp of Hassan, and as Muhammed turns around, Jeff starts his comeback with a falling clothesline. Jeff Hardy connects three more of these clotheslines before impacting Hassan with a kick to the middle section and connecting his unorthodox inverted suplex slam. Jeff gets back to his feet and although holding his lower back in pain, he feels the momentum, and starts taunting Hassan. Muhammed slowly gets back to his feet and when he does, he gets set for the Twist of Fate, but Hassan manages to reverse this maneuver when being spun after the kick to the middle section and the front facelock hold by kicking Jeff Hardy himself in the gut and driving him head first into the canvas with a vicious DDT. Muhammed Hassan gets back to his feet and invokes Allah raising his arms up high over his head. Hassan grabs Hardy by the hair and after pulling him back to his feet he pinpoints once again the back of Jeff with a reverse front facelock dropped into a backbreaker. Muhammed Hassan does this twice and seeing Jeff Hardy broken down he announces the end of the match. Hassan slowly, methodically walks toward Jeff and then he doubles reaching for him, looking to lock in the Camel Clutch.
Hassan is about to fully sit over Jeff Hardy and lock in his finishing submission hold when out of nowhere, as if he were playing possum, Hardy gets back to his senses and pulls the legs of Muhammed Hassan bringing him down to the canvas. Jeff quickly gets back to his feet and bouncing to the ring ropes he comes back hitting a front dropkick into the face of Hassan as he was trying to get back up. Jeff Hardy goes to the corner and climbs to the second rope, where he repeats the attack, dropkicking Hassan on the face once more. Jeff Hardy measures Hassan and once he has gotten back to his feet, Hardy storms toward him, however Muhammed reacts first and driving his knee to the gut of Jeff he makes the Charismatic Enigma go head over heels. Muhammed Hassan pulls Jeff back up and sets him for his Modified STO. Jeff reverses with an arm twist into his Twist of Fate, however Hassan avoids this predicament pushing Jeff away into a corner. Jeff goes full speed against the corner, however he takes advantage of this momentum and uses it to perform the Whisper of the Wind. Nonetheless, counters keep coming as Hassan gets out of the way letting Jeff jump into an empty pool. However, somehow, Jeff manages to land right over his feet. Hassan sees this and runs toward Jeff, only to get received by a huge Twist of Fate. Jeff goes to the top rope and seals the deal with a Swanton Bomb. But he’s not over. Jeff stares at Hassan, and obviously sending a message, he goes to the top rope and connects a second Swanton Bomb. Hardy makes the cover and gets the three count.
Result: Jeff Hardy defeats Muhammed Hassan
Styles: Edge, you better be paying attention, because Jeff Hardy is waiting for you.
Jeff leaves the ring and he lifts his hands doing his classic taunt, toying to the crowd.
We go backstage and we see Samoa Joe walking in a corridor, when out of a sudden he bumps with CM Punk and Colt Cabana. Fans can be heard talking and whispering to one another, obviously expecting things to get out of control between the two men that met last night at Busted Open.
Joe: Punk.
Punk: Look Joe, let’s not make a big deal out of all of this. When you and I meet, we know the best man will always win, and last night, you were the better man. Congratulations bro.
CM Punk pads Samoa Joe on the back before walking away. Colt steps frontward and confronts Samoa Joe.
Cabana: You gotta be feeling real proud uh? Feeling real good about yourself. You did practically everything to get that match with Punk, and you cheat to win? Cheat? Give me a break. To think that some people actually have the nerve to call themselves wrestlers.
Cabana turns around to leave, only to get grabbed by the arm by Joe. Cabana returns and faces Joe once again.
Cabana: What, will you deny it? Face facts Joe, CM Punk is not only more of a wrestler than you, he’s also more of a man.
Colt turns around once more to leave, however, he turns around one more time.
Cabana: Watch your back Joe. You never know what could happen.
This being said, Colt Cabana finally turns around and leaves. Joe watches him leave before turning around, however, when Joe turns around, he finds himself face to face with no other than Chris Jericho.
Y2J: Yeah Joe, watch your back. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt right?
Samoa Joe and Chris Jericho stare at one another, however Joe promptly removes his sight from Jericho’s eyes and takes it instead to the BTW Continental Championship wrapped around the right shoulder of Chris.
“The Wall†By Heet Mob plays as we return from commercials. Nobody knows whose theme song this is at first, however when they see Big Show and Paul Heyman leading Mark Henry, Bob Sapp and Monty Brown out, they know what’s the deal and welcome to the unit with boos.
JR: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to BTW Nitro and it finally seems as if we are going to get some explanations about what happened last night at Busted Open.
All five men make their way into the ring. Big Show, Monty Brown, Mark Henry and Bob Sapp all stand behind Paul Heyman, who takes a center spot in the middle of the ring, with a microphone in hand.
Heyman: The theme song to which we came down to the ring, performed amazingly by Heet Mob, is called The Wall. And seeing the gentlemen standing behind me, no name could be more appropriate than that.
Paul turns around to see Henry, Sapp, Brown and Big Show and they all share a grin.
Heyman: Because that’s exactly what we are, a wall. Nobody, and I mean nobody, comes through us. Then again, that’s to be expected when you get together men such as the World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry. Men as the Alpha Male, Monty Brown, men as Bob Sapp, and…
Paul Heyman is interrupted with a “You suck†chant.
Heyman: And men as the World’s Largest Athlete, the piece who was missing on our puzzle and the man under whose leadership we will take over BTW, The Big Show.
Everybody inside the ring applauds The Big Show. Paul Heyman gives him his microphone as Big Show steps to the front.
Show: Thank you Paul. It is truly an honor to be in this ring not only with you, but with the three most imposing men I have ever seen in my life. The Wall? I like it.
Crowd boos again.
Show: Bill Goldberg. I bet you didn’t see it coming. Nobody did. But hey, how about we give you a fair shot, I mean, we are all here, how about you bring your ass out here and face us like a man.
JR: Oh yeah, really brave, a 4 on 1 assault.
JBL: You aren’t counting Paul Heyman right?
JR: Of course I’m not.
Heyman: (having asked for another microphone) Actually Show, actually, it seems Goldberg had better things to do than being here because he decided to miss the show.
Crowd boos, knowing that can’t be the reason Goldberg isn’t here.
Brown (taking the microphone from Heyman): That, or he can’t get up from his bed thanks to the ass kicking we gave to him last night!
The Wall laughs at this comment making fun of Bill Goldberg.
Show: That’s Ok. Bill, there’s no running away now. I’ll be here, and so will Mark Henry, Monty Brown and Bob Sapp, so you know where to find us. Just know this, there’s no going through The Wall!
All five members of The Wall lift their right arm up in the air, getting heat from the crowd. Finally, they make their way out of the ring with their theme song playing on the back.
JBL: Have you ever seen a more impressive gathering of men in your life?
Styles: No I haven’t, but I’ll tell you something, Goldberg will be back, and he’ll put to test the resilience of this Wall.
We return and we see Elijah Burke inside the ring jogging, getting ready for his upcoming match.
“Out to Kill†plays to cheers from the crowd as young Cody Rhodes makes his way out and very fired up he makes his way down the ramp and into the ring.
JR: Cody Rhodes has been on a very impressive roll since debuting at WrestleBowl, let’s see if it continues tonight.
Cody Rhodes vs Elijah Burke
Burke circles Rhodes in boxing attack position, looking to punch Rhodes, however after three failed swings, Rhodes jumps toward Burke and locks in a side headlock. Elijah Burke tries to find a way out and the only one he finds is pushing Cody toward the ring ropes. Cody bounces back and shoulder blocks Burke down to the canvas. Cody Rhodes dashes to the ring ropes on his right. Burke does the classic routine of advancing toward him while being still on the canvas forcing Cody to jump over him. Cody crosses the ring and when bouncing back he gets leap frogged by Burke. Elijah probably expected Cody to continue his sprint all the way to the opposite set of the ring ropes once again, however Cody stops his dash, which allows him to take by surprise Elijah when he turns around and connect him with a picture perfect dropkick right to the face. Cody gets back to his feet and amped up he taunts to the crowd. Cody measures Burke, who is getting back to his feet close to the ring ropes and dashes toward him, however Elijah sidesteps letting Cody run himself to the outside of the ring. Nonetheless, Cody adjusts and holding to the top rope, he agilely returns to the ring skinning the cat and once again surprising Burke he floors him with a clothesline. Rhodes clotheslines Burke at least two more times before going to the top rope looking to end his flurry. Burke gets back up and gets connected with a crossbody plancha out of the top rope, however Burke manages to roll through. Cody kicks out, however Burke finally manages to mount some offense as he gets quickly back to his feet and hits a hard jumping knee drop to the side of the head of the still grounded Cody Rhodes. Burke hits three more knee drops, each one more vicious than the latter. Elijah gets back up and bringing Cody with him, Elijah sets him up and connects him with a German Suplex. Burke grabs Cody by the arms and drags him close to a corner. Elijah grabs the turnbuckle and uses it to propel himself into the air looking to perform and connect his awe inspiring Outer Limitz Elbow, however Cody puts his knees on the way hurting Elijah Burke instead. Cody Rhodes slowly gets back to his feet and drags Elijah Burke back to the middle of the ring, where he measures him and summons Harley Race by connecting a knee drop.
Rhodes has control of the match, however once again, just like it happened at Busted Open, Cody Rhodes spends too much time toying to the crowd and not staying on Elijah. Finally, Cody refocuses on his opponent, picking him up and Irish Whipping him to the ring ropes, however all that time wasted has allowed Elijah Burke to get himself together and he comes back from the ropes connecting Cody Rhodes with his Running STO. Burke makes the cover: 1…2…, Cody kicks out. Elijah overcomes his initial disbelief and getting Rhodes back to his feet he sets his opponent for his Elijah Experience Russian legsweep, however Cody reverses it into a hip toss. Burke gets back to his feet and storms toward Cody Rhodes only to get kicked in the middle section and DDTed down to the canvas. Cody makes the cover: 1…2…, Elijah also kicks out. Cody Rhodes gets back to his feet and grabbing Burke by the hair he also brings him up, but before Cody is able to do anything, Elijah Burke nails him with an European Uppercut regaining control of the match. This strike is followed by 4-Up combination, strike flurry that leaves Cody weakened enough for Burke to set him up and connect him with a lifting sitout spinebuster. Elijah Burke mocks Cody Rhodes’s taunting to the crowd, which gains him heat. Then, he grabs Cody by the head and throws him to the corner. Elijah stares at him and confidently announces the end of the match after he walks to the opposite corner. Elijah Burke explodes crossing the ring at full speed and finally jumps toward the corner looking to drive his knees into Cody Rhodes connecting the Elijah Express, however Cody Rhodes slithers between the ropes out of the ring to the apron letting Burke collide knees first against the turnbuckles and bounce back down to the canvas. Rhodes makes his way to the top rope turning his back to the inside of the ring, and after looking back and seeing Burke is back to his feet, groggy, but back on a standing position, Cody Rhodes leaps down performing a perfect moonsault, which connects perfectly. Cody Rhodes makes the cover: 1…2…3.
Result: Cody Rhodes defeats Elijah Burke
We are taken backstage and we see that Muhammed Hassan was watching this match on his locker room. Hassan kicks the wall in anger seeing Cody Rhodes celebrating on his screen.
JR: What was that all about?
Styles: It seems Muhammed Hassan is mad once again, here tonight, Cody Rhodes has outdo him.
Cody Rhodes continue celebrating, until we are taken to the shot of the BTW World Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar walking backstage.
Styles: And it is main event time, here in BTW Nitro, when we come back, Brock Lesnar defends his gold, against Umaga.
JR: Welcome back, this is BTW Nitro, as we are moments away from the highly anticipated BTW World Heavyweight Championship match between Brock Lesnar and the man who took out The Undertaker last night, Umaga.
JBL: I’m telling you JR, there is nobody, nobody that can stop Umaga at this point in time, and tonight, he takes his rightful place at the top of the food chain as World Champion.
“Here Comes the Pain†blasts from the speakers to a big ovation from the crowd as the BTW World Champion Brock Lesnar makes his way out, jogging on the stage.
Styles: Look at the confidence in the face of the champion.
JBL: He better be confident. If he’s not, Umaga may very well eat him alive.
Brock walks down the ramp before jumping to the apron and entering the ring, where he waits for his opponent.
“Virtual Voodoo†plays to a big amount of boos as Umaga rampages his way out and power walks down the ramp. Umaga enters the ring and intimidating Brock, he stares at him.
BTW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Brock Lesnar (c) vs Umaga
Umaga and Brock dash toward one another clashing in the middle of the ring, both attempting shoulder blocks, however neither gets the advantage. They repeat the routine, but once again nobody gets the advantage. A slug fest starts, with Umaga getting the upperhand with a knife like uppercut. On the floor, Umaga continues abusing Brock Lesnar, putting the boots all over him stomping him, then he locks in an iron claw like submission maneuver targeting the carotids. Brock however shows his amazing strength with a rather unique counter – getting right up and powering Umaga over his shoulders out of the maneuver. Umaga manages nonetheless to slid out of the control of Brock and then levels him with a huge super kick. Umaga continues his flurry of big time offense by hitting a series of jumping head butts after bouncing to the ring ropes. Umaga hits exactly three before making the cover. Brock kicks out, and on the mind of Umaga, showing he is smarter than what one would think, the idea that he needs more height sinks in. Umaga walks to the corner and climbs to the top rope, obviously looking for his Wild Samoan Splash. However, before he’s able to do so, out of nowhere Brock jumps right back to his feet and dashes toward the corner. Umaga sees him coming and in an unexpected feat of athleticism he jumps down from the corner into the canvas landing right behind Brock, who passed by dashing. Brock turns around and gets connected by a punch to the throat, resembling the effect of the Samoan Spike. Brock ends up knocked out laid against the corner. Umaga walks to the opposite corner and announces the end. He then crosses the ring at full speed looking for his Samoan Wrecking Ball, however right at the nick of time Brock gets out of the way making Umaga crash and burn against the turnbuckles. Brock gets back to his feet, hooks the groggy Umaga up and connects a Belly to Belly suplex. Both men get back to their feet and Brock Lesnar repeats the punishment. [FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']
[/FONT]The fast pace of the match continues as for the third time in a row, Brock Lesnar goes to hit a Belly to Belly suplex, however Umaga counters leveling out of the hold ending back on the canvas. He then reaches down and picks up Brock, sets him up and connects his Swinging Sideslam. Umaga taunts to the audience lifting both his arms in intimidating fashion. He picks up Brock Lesnar and grabbing him with his left hand, he announces the Samoan Spike. The monster swings with his right hand, however Brock ducks the match finishing spike, and as Umaga turned around he nails a huge Standing Spinebuster. Brock continues the attack with a series of 4 elbow drops right to the chest of the monster, trying to slay the Samoan Bulldozer. Brock grabs Umaga by the hair, gets him up and tries to get him over his shoulders to set him for the F5, however he cannot do it thanks to all the punishment he has suffered. Brock Lesnar nonetheless is smart enough to change the attack and returning Umaga to the canvas he locks in the equally hurting maneuver, the Brock Lock. The crowd cheers Brock as he might just make Umaga tap or pass out, and for a few seconds it sure looks that way, however Umaga turns the situation around with a double open hand attack to the ears of Brock, forcing him to break the hold. Guzzled, Brock Lesnar dashes toward Umaga, who receives him with his awe amazing Samoan Drop. Umaga makes the cover: 1…2…, Brock kicks out. Umga cannot believe it. He gets back to his feet and with his imposing ways he intimidates the referee. Umaga grabs Brock Lesnar and helps him return to a standing position, then grabs him by the back of the head and goes for another Samoan Spike, however when he swings for it, Brock Lesnar blocks it using both his hands, then grabs Umaga by the waist and connects a Belly to Belly suplex. Brock Lesnar remains, exhausted, over one of his knees, not being able to capitalize right off the bat.
Brock Lesnar finally goes to continue his match. He walks toward Umaga and picks him back to his feet. The World Champion once again locks Umaga in a waist lock, looking for another suplex, however Umaga nails a couple of headbutts and staggers Brock Lesnar away. Umaga rampages towards Brock and goes for an impressive spinning heel kick, however much to the shock of the crowd Brock Lesnar manages to get out of the way, letting Umaga crash and burn, not hitting anybody with the kick and going down to the canvas. Brock Lesnar waits for the Samoan Bulldozer to gets back to his feet, and when he finally does, Brock puts him right over his shoulders looking for the F5 once again. Umaga tries to get out of this predicament by driving his elbow violently to the jaw of Brock Lesnar. Eventually, this technique works, and Umaga manages to get out returning to the canvas, standing right in front of Brock Lesnar. The Samoan immediately hoists The Next Big Thing up and connects a Swinging Side Slam. Umaga makes the cover: 1…2…, Brock kicks out yet again. Umaga gets back to his feet and brings up with him the champion. In the middle of the ring, Brock Lesnar and Umaga engage in a punch fest, trading fists back and forth. Out of a sudden, “Just Close your Eyes†blasts from the speakers, introducing Christian Cage, who comes out to the stage. Brock Lesnar forgets about Umaga and he focuses on Christian, who starts making his way down to the ramp.
Styles: Oh come on, what he’s doing here?
Christian continues making his way down the ramp, when out of a sudden a gong blasts through the arena. Umaga recognizes this and immediately, knowing the coming of The Undertaker, shoves Brock Lesnar away and gets out of the ring, wanting to face The Deadman. Christian Cage can’t get out of the way and into the crowd any faster.
JBL: What’s going on in here?
JR: And one has to assume that in this title match, there were more than Lesnar and Umaga’s interests involved by seeing all of this transpire.
Umaga stares at the stage and screaming in Samoan he awaits the coming of The Undertaker. The referee starts to count out Umaga. The Samoan Bulldozer doesn’t realize this and he continues to wait for the Phenom of Death Valley, however, Undertaker never comes, showing it was all just a mind game, and Umaga gets himself counted out.
Result: Brock Lesnar wins via count out.
Brock Lesnar is given his World Championship and holds to it tight in the middle of the ring.
JBL: Brock, you know it, tonight, you are walking out champion out of luck.
Styles: And The Undertaker.
JR: Well, Christian wasn’t exactly coming down here for a BBQ party
Umaga mumbles and screams in Samoan as he angrily walks up the ramp into the back, still confused at Undertaker not coming out and probably going in there to look for him.
We go to commercial with the visual of Brock Lesnar inside the ring staring at Christian Cage, who remains inside the crowd.
“White Train†plays to cheers and a eventually a big ovation from the crowd as we see Eric Bischoff makes his way down the ramp and eventually into the ring. Bischoff salutes some fans as holds a microphone on his right hand.
JR: Well, I thought the night was over after that amazing World Title match, but it doesn’t seem that way.
Bischoff: I know, I know, you probably were expecting to be going home right now after that amazing World Title match we just saw, but I had to come out here and make my very first address to all of you as your new General Manager.
Crowd cheers.
Bischoff: You see, for so long, you’ve been mistreated, you’ve been exposed to the bottom of the pit as far as sports entertainment is concerned. Crushing C, Crushing C has to be the worst authority figure in the history of this business. He has no idea whatsoever of how to run this place. I even consider sending him a copy of my book just so that he could some guidance on what the hell he was doing because, I mean, he was making so many mistakes it was not even funny.
Crowd applauds, obviously agreeing with Eric.
Bischoff: Anyways, I am not out here to take about the lousy handling of the Edge scandal or the Rikishi debacle or any other mistake by Crushing C that has embarrassed BTW, I am out here to…
“I’m in Charge†plays to the crowd gaining a lot of heat, as Crushing C steps into the stage.
Crushing C: So that’s your big plan uh? You plan on gaining all this fans by running me down? Well that’s just…
Bischoff: Oh, Crushing C, so glad that you are here, how about to take out a sheet of paper, a pencil and take some notes, because this is how you are supposed to run a company. This is the type of decision that you make when you are running the top wrestling company in the world.
Crushing C: I’m waiting.
Bischoff: OK, stay back and listen. Next week, we will determine the man who will challenge Brock Lesnar for the BTW World Heavyweight Championship at Apocalypse. Next week, right here in BTW Nitro, we’ll have ourselves, for the first time since 1991, a BattleBowl match for the Number One Contendership.
Crowd explodes with cheers.
Bischoff: And second, we’ll, I’ve been in talks all this night with a very good friend of mine, trying to come up with something and well, we did. That’s why, I am proud to be the first one to announce that at Apocalypse, for the first time ever, the Immortal…Hulk Hogan will be in BTW!
JR: Hulk Hogan!
Eric Bischoff stares at Crushing C with a grin on his face as he enjoys the amazing pop from the crowd.
Scene comes to an end with Crushing C, with his face telling he’s amazed at what Eric Bischoff did.

BTW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Brock Lesnar(c) vs The Winner of the BattleBowl match
For the first time ever, Hulk Hogan appears in BTW.