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Wow, looks like I missed alot in BTW. I got to catch up, but here's a review of your latest show...

Best Match: Y2J vs. Lesnar. It was a classic champion vs. champion match that delivered. I was amazed how much offense Jericho got on Lesnar for the size difference. I would have really wanted to see a winner, but Christian had to make his mark at this match's expense I guess.

Worst Match: Henry vs. Sapp, if you can call it a match I guess. Looks like BTW will have a new faction with Heyman, Sapp, and Henry. Heyman will manage 2 gigantic black gentlemen lol.

Best Promo: I really liked the direction of Hardy and Edge. It really will further that feud. I like the straight one on one confrontation promos, it means alot, and who gets the upper hand at the end in which this one went to Hardy. Thumbs up also goes to Big Show's return and sending the message to Bill Goldberg, I can't wait to see Goldberg Jackhammer Big Show if that is even possible.

Worst Promo: The Taker vs. Umaga promo was throwing me off a little. I never believe Taker promos because of the weird little voodoo tricks, and in addition to Umaga, it's pretty lame. I am not saying your work is lame, I just think their characters aren't up to par. From a creative standpoint, this promo was flawless though.

Additional Comments: Now, I know I have to go back and read through WrestleBowl because it sounded like a damn fine show. I am glad to see that you have all your feuds lined up this early for your next PPV right after WrestleBowl. BTW (lol get it, it hasn't gotten old.) CHRISTIAN IN BTW!!!! (in the words of Mike Tenay) HOLY CHRIST!!! lol

Evil Austin

Best Match -- Champion vs. Champion. Brock vs. Jericho. Really good match and even though there was no winner it set up a whole lot of things. Jericho and Cage have some unfinished business and they have themelseves a good expected match at Busted Open (kinda clear) and Lesnar showed his dominance during the match adn the fact that he is on a roll and Triple H better be ready. In fact next week I see Jericho and Lesnar vs. the former champions Cage and HHH which should be a kick ass match.

Worst Match -- Mr. Kennedy and Sabu; both men could have given a bit more. But it was a good match with lots of back and forth actoin and no real clear winner until the end but that's what I didn't like it was even back and forth both men giving it their all and reversing each other and then it was over. Both men could have given a bit more into it I thought.

Best Promo -- Edge and Jeff Hardy really set the scene that their match at Wrestlebowl was not all and that they still have unfinished business. Both men were in character and it got personal with some harsh calls near the end. Really good promo here intersting to see what happens next week between the two.

Oh and a good mention goes to Brock Lesnar's promo in the begining of the show it was in character and it shows the cocky new champion getting over with the crowd and the cowering heel not in the building.

Worst Promo -- Samoa Joe and CM Punk; I don't know. Just really didn't feel right to me. I mean it served it's purpose just some of those lines felt a tad out of it but I could be wrong. (Oh and I was tempted to say Mark Henry and Sap match / promo :p)

Overall -- A great aftermath of Wrestlebowl; with three matches already announced it looks great so far. Busted Open should be a great one.


XBA I know you have been away for a while but; Christian has always been in BTW :confused: He faced Jericho a few times and teamed up with Triple H.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
BTW Nitro review

Sorry about not reviewing Wrestlebowl, it was just too long. It sounded like a great show.

Lesnar promo- This was perfect for a Lesnar promo. Confident, but not to over the top.

RVD/Cody vs. MVP/Hassan- Ugh, Why'd you have to bring in Cody? lol Not a bad match. A little lengthy, but still good. I was just hoping that Cody wouldn't pick up the win, but he did just that. Hopefully you do something good with him.

Christian promo- What a jackass lol. Great promo from Mr. Cage. It may have been a shorter one for you, but it was still really good.

Edge/Hardy promo- Two great promos in a row. I liked the hockey reference from Edge. This has been one of my favorite feuds in BTW.

Orton vs. Colt- That was a damn good match. I enjoyed this a lot. Colt got a lot more offence in than I expected him to. I'm hoping for a rematch down the road. Match of the Night.

Rikishi promo- You know what'd be awesome? If Rikishi would hit someone with a car. The promo was good and in character.

Punk/Joe promo- Yay rematch! It's cool to see a face vs. face feud in a BTB for once.

Kennedy vs. Sabu- A huge clash in styles here. I cant say that I'm suprised that Kennedy won, but I thought that Sabu might be able to pull out a win at times. The blood in this match was kinda suprising, you don't usually see nonhardcore midcard matches get blood.

Sapp/Heyman promo- A nice short promo. Got the point across and was in character.

Burke vs. Goldberg- This was kind of a drawn out squash. Burke did get a good amount of offence in, but come on, did anyone expect him to win?

Show promo- Better than me for one night; that's the theme for promos tonight, I guess. It's come up three times now which may be a bit too much.

The rape of Undertaker by Umaga- WTF was this!? Taker just got killed. This was kinda weird.

Sapp vs. Henry- Two WTF moments in a row. This should be an interesting team.

Main Event- This was a very good match. I do think that the ref called for the No Contest way to soon. A very even match just a shy away from being best match.

AC- This was a great show. Everything's looking good for the future of BTW after Wrestlebowl. It was weird having a show without Triple H. Thanks for the review.

The Rated R CMStar


The Best of the Year

This week on BTW Nitro, Jeremy Borash and Joey Styles will relive with all our fans the best moments we saw during the last year here in BTW. Watch the Rated R Superstar climb to the top of the mountain, Bob Orton turning on his son, the epic battle between Triple H and CM Punk on BTW Nitro, and many, many more moments.

Remembering is living.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
I think this should be a pretty good show. I remember I was going to do one for the Commencement but decided against it because I didn't think anyone would actually bother reading it to begin with. Anyway, I think a highlight of the show should be the hype surrounding WrestleBowl and how so many were looking forward to it and had such high expectations which many believed to had been exceeded.

I think the highlight of Edge's rise to the top will be great. Maybe use a timeline of some kind to show just how long he remained the champion. If I can remember right he held the championship longer than any other champion in a BTB. Wasn't it something like 8 months? I don't remember at this moment but I think that will be a great memory to relive.

I also think you should have the main event from WrestleBowl; Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H since it was the main event of your biggest pay-per-view which was hyped out the ass from the get go. Orton vs. Rock should also be remembered. That was momentous as well.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Ok so I FINALLY caught up. I'll give a review later on. After reading that much, I doubt I can type a lot. lol

I can, but i'm too tired and lazy.

The Rated R CMStar

Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to a special edition of BTW Nitro, here as you can see, in what I think is the first time we have come to you from a…studio. Next to me is who will be my partner for tonight, Jeremy Borash.

Borash: That’s right, and it’s truly a pleasure to be here sharing with all of you, BTW fans, the best of the year. Now, we know 2 hours won’t do us justice, but we’ll damn sure try.

Styles: Well, how about we begin… from the beginning. Before there was a Brock Era, an Age of Orton, the Rated R Superstar, the King sitting on his throne, before of all that, what we had were 6 men looking to become for the first time ever BTW World Heavyweight Champion.

Borash: And what better way to solve it, than on the first ever BTW PPV, Busted Open, with the championship being held on the line in a big, humongous main event.

Styles: A 6-man Hell in a Cell, CM Punk, Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Edge, Mr. Kennedy and The Big Show, all fighting to win the coveted championship.

Borash: Let us remind you that originally scheduled to be in this match was Samoa Joe, however an attack from Mr. Kennedy took him out. His spot would be taken by the debuting Brock Lesnar.

Busted Open PPV

6man Hell in a Cell

BTW World Heavyweight Championship

Edge vs Mr. Kennedy vs Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg vs CM Punk vs Big Show

Kennedy gives a shot with the chair to Goldberg that was trying to make a comeback and enters the ring leaving a bloodied Edge and an unconscious Goldberg outside of the ring. Lesnar is distracted hitting shots in the back of the Big Show. CM Punk is trying to get up, but Kennedy is in front of him and tries to hit him, but Punk ducks it and kicks Kennedy in the gut making him drop the chair, he then hits a DDT on the chair. Lesnar is controlling the Extreme Giant and Irish Whips him to the ropes, but CM Punk is on the way and the Showster hits him with a big boot. He then hits a series of clotheslines on Lesnar. The Big Show lifts Lesnar and hits a side slam.

Show raises his arms in a signal of celebration. He then approaches CM Punk, with a single hand he grabs Punk’s skull and lifts him. ´

JBL: Look at that! Punk looks like a muffin standing next to the Angry Giant.

The Show grabs Punk and raises him on top of his shoulders attempting a military slam. He then walks toward the ropes and throws Punk all the way making him hit the cell. He again raises his arms celebrating but when he turned around he got hit by a spear from the opportunistic Edge that had return to the ring.

Edge, still a little dizzy, is able to walk giving a cocky smile to the audience. Kennedy reacted and hit a low blow on Edge. He then hit a rolling neck breaker on Edge, he goes for the cover: 1…2…, Goldberg breaks the count hitting Kennedy with a chair.

Goldberg seems angry as he hits savagely with the chair Edge and Kennedy getting his revenge. Brock Lesnar returned to his standing position and hits a shoulder block on Goldberg. Punk returns to the ring making an incredible effort. Lesnar taunts for the end but nobody is up. He then sees Punk and grabs him putting him the Fireman position. He hits the F-5.

Goldberg outside of the ring invites Lesnar out. Goldberg takes impulse and hits a shoulder block breaking the Cell’s door. He comes out and starts climbing the cell. Lesnar accepts the invitation and began climbing also the cell. Edge rolls out of the ring and follows Lesnar and Goldberg to the top of the cell.

Kennedy looks really angry and yells: “You are mine Edge†and goes after him. CM Punk and The Big Show are left in the ring. The Show points to the top off the cell and says no. He lifts CM Punk and chokes him. He then goes for the Showstopper but Punk amazingly reverse it into a DDT on a chair. They both are knocked down and none of them are moving.

On top of the cell Kennedy acts really cocky. He comes close to Goldberg and pushes him. Goldberg return pretty aggressive but Kennedy tries to hit him. Goldberg ducks it and hits a jackhammer on Kennedy. He goes for the cover: 1…2…, Lesnar breaks the count.

JBL: Lesnar is great. Thanks to him this match is still going.

Styles: Are you kidding me? Goldberg was about to become our champion but Lesnar showing envy screwed him out of the victory.

Lesnar pulls a frustrated Goldberg up and moves his finger saying no. He then hits a powerful clothesline kocking Goldberg down. He taunts showing his strength but when he turned around he received a spear by Edge. Edge goes for the pin: 1…2…, Edge pulls tights, 3.

Result: Edge pins Brock Lesnar to become the first ever BTW World Heavyweight Champion.

JBL: Yes, he did it. Edge is our new world champion.

Styles: Edge, the Rated R Superstar, had done it. He had finally climbed to the top of the mountain and stood in there as the first ever World Heavyweight Championship.

Borash: That’s right, but with that victory, a huge bull’s eye was down on his back. Nonetheless, Edge would manage to retain his championship challenge after challenge, after challenge.

Styles: So let’s take you back to one of those challenges Edge had to overcome. This is Rebellion PPV, for the World Heavyweight Championship, Edge goes one on one with Randy Orton.

Borash: Randy Orton had won this title shot by defeating Mr. Kennedy in a Number One Contender’s Match with some unexpected help from Samoa Joe.

Styles: And prior to that, he had been Crushing C’s saving light at Apocalypse, helping him to get the win over Vince Mcmahon in the roots of what would become a war between the WWE and BTW.

Borash: But let’s stop with all this history and let’s take you right into the action. Edge, Randy Orton, one on one.

Rebellion PPV

BTW World Heavyweight Championship

Edge(c) vs Randy Orton

Edge pulls himself up using the ropes and turns around. Randy Orton immediately jumps up and goes for the RKO, but the Rated R champion blocks it and pushes Orton to the ropes, Edge then runs toward the bouncing Orton looking for the Spear, but Orton gets out of the way making Edge pass all the way to the outside of the ring. Randy remains in the ring for a few seconds recovering his breath, until he finally rolls out of the ring pursuing the champion. Edge sees him coming and tries to run away, Randy runs following him, Edge continues his run rolling into the ring, but when Randy Orton enters he kicks him in the gut and connects the Edgecution. Edge makes the cover: 1…2…, Orton kicks out. Randy drags himself to the ropes trying to reincorporate. Edge stomps him on the head making him fell back to the canvas. The champion then drags the Legend Killer toward the center of the ring and locks in the Edgecator. Orton screams in pain as Edge punishes his legs.

JBL: He’s going to tap, he’s going to tap!

Randy slowly, fights and drags himself toward the ropes in attempt of breaking the submission hold. He successfully comes close to the ropes but when he is inches way from them Edge pulls him back to the center of the ring. Orton continues to scream in pain and frustration and Pepsi Center start chanting: “Randy, Randy, Randyâ€. Orton once again starts making his long way of reaching the ropes. He stretches in despair his right arm and accomplishes to reach the ropes, and when he reaches the ropes he pulls and pushes his legs making Edge ran toward the referee bringing him down. Edge looks shocked at the knocked down referee and finally turns around, only to get connected by a surprising and unexpected RKO, which is received by a lot of cheers from the entire audience. Orton grabs his previously punished leg and after seconds of agony he drags and covers Edge, but there is no referee.

Styles: One…Two…Three…Four, c’mon Randy, wake up that referee!

Orton gets up whining and complaining. He goes toward where the referee is and shakes him, first quietly but then violent trying to wake up the referee, but with no avail. He gives up and goes toward Edge. He tries to lift him up but Edge fights back and connects a low blow that brings Orton down. Edge then drags himself, really punished, to the opposite corner, and starts taunting the Spear. Orton gets up and turns around, immediately Edge runs toward him searching for the Spear, but Orton jumps over Edge making him fail. Edge continues running until he goes to the outside of the ring, where he grabs a chair. Randy Orton confronts him from the ropes but gets connected by a chair shot. Edge quickly slides to the ring and runs to the ropes bouncing back and hitting the Spear on a groggy Edge. Edge makes the cover as the referee recovers: 1…2…3.

Result: Edge retains against Randy Orton.

We go back and we see a slide with the title “Edge’s Title Reign†on it.

Borash: And let’s take a look at this timeline and let the numbers do the talking for the Rated R Champion.

- Busted Open PPV: Edge defeats CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, The Big Show and Mr. Kennedy in a 6man Hell in a Cell Match to win the championship.

- Apocalypse PPV: Edge defeats Mr. Kennedy in a Texas Bullrope Match.

- Rebellion PPV: Edge defeats Randy Orton

- BTW Show: Edge defeats Rob Van Dam and The Big Show

- Unbreakable PPV: Edge defeats Randy Orton

- Deathly Hallows PPV: Goldberg defeats Edge via DQ

- CyberSlam PPV: Randy Orton defeats Goldberg and Edge to win the championship

Styles: An impressive reign by Edge finally ended by Randy Orton at CyberSlam.

Borash: And many actually consider Randy Orton would have ended Edge’s reign sooner, more specifically at Unbreakable PPV, however…

Styles: Stop right there, hold your horse right there. Don’t get ahead of yourself, we will get to what happened that night at Unbreakable later on tonight. Because right now, we are going to cover a championship reign that if you consider Edge impressive, well, then I don’t think there’s a word to describe this one.

Borash: Almost twice the size as Edge’s, and still going strong, MVP and his BTW Extreme Championship is the longest championship reign of any form here in Born to Wrestle.

Styles: So how about we take you back to a very special edition of the VIP Lounge. This one is the week before UpRising, night in which MVP would defend his belt against Sabu. Trust me, in this one, you can see MVP in the peak of his arrogance.

VIP Lounge with Terry Funk

“I’m Coming†plays to a lot of boos from the audience as MVP makes his way out, in a fancy black suit with matching glasses, and the BTW Extreme Belt wrapped around his belt. He enters the ring, with a microphone in hand.

MVP: MVP in the house, and that can only mean one single thing, big things popping, little things stopping, so sit back, enjoy the view, ‘cause the VIP Lounge is for people that are better than you. And tonight, oh boy do the people inside the ring are better than each and every one of you.

Crowd boos.

MVP: You see, this past week I went home, I read my books, I watched my tapes, did my research, because you see, I promised to bring someone from the past of my Uprising opponent, Sabu…

Crowd cheers at the mention of Sabu.

MVP: And with me being FedEx, I always deliver, and that is exactly what I will do tonight, because my guest at this time is some who knows Sabu quite well, who has been in some amazing matches against him, obviously not as good as the one this Sunday, because well, I was not wrestling back then, but anyways, let’s waste no more time, my guest at this time, please welcome, Terry Funk!

“Desperado†plays to big welcoming ovation from the crowd as Terry Funk makes his way out. He greets some fans and finally then enters the ring.

MVP: Terry Funk everyone.

Crowd pops again.

MVP: Terry, I can’t tell you how pleased I am that you took my invitation to be tonight as my guest, I know that you are a busy man these days doing, well, doing whatever you do these days in retirement homes.

Funk: Very funny Montel.

MVP: Nah, but in all honesty Terry, I invited you here with a reason. You see, this Sunday, I go one on one against Sabu, with the BTW Extreme Championship on the line, in a type of match you are very experienced in, an Extreme Rules match.

Crowd pops for the match mention.

MVP: In fact, in fact, you have faced Sabu with extreme around you two. And that’s exactly the reason why you are here Terry, because you see, I know what I can do, I know just how talented I am, and God knows I am better than Sabu, but I don’t know what to expect from an extreme rules match against him, so how about we go back to Born to Be Wired, the night in which you faced Sabu in a No Rope Barb Wired match.

Funk: So you invited me for that, so that I told you some stories about my match against Sabu.

MVP: Of course I invited you for that. What do you think? That someone like me would care about you for any other reason? Look, I am MVP, the highest paid athlete in BTW, and chit chatting with “The Funker†(he says that in a mocking voice).

Funk: You know kid, I would slap the taste right out of your mouth just for that comment you just made.

Crowd pops

Funk: But you know, I would gain anything with that. Because, I am already a legend in this business, each and everyone in this arena already respect me, and instead, each and every one in this arena thinks of MVP, that he is sissy!

Crowd pops at the comment.

Funk: You wanna know about facing Sabu in Extreme Rules? You want to know what to expect? Well kid, let me tell you, it will hurt, and it will hurt a lot! You asked me about my match against Sabu at Born to be Wired, well, in all honesty, I still have nightmares with that night.

Terry takes a deep breath and continues talking.

Funk: Let me tell you, I saw, and after that night, I continue seeing, things that any other men would never ever dream about, but seeing Sabu getting his bicep wide open by the barbwire, and then taping it himself, and continuing the match, is something kid, that marked me for the rest of my life.

Crowd pops.

Funk: And keeping in this honesty trend, I don’t think, Montel, that you have the balls, to survive what you are damn sure going to experience this Sunday when you go one on one with Sabu in an Extreme Rules match!

Crowd cheers once again as MVP looks offended.

MVP: How dare you? Don’t you know who you are talking to? I am MVP, the future of this business, I am the one true marquee this business has left, but you know, with your age and all, maybe you forgot who you were talking to, but you know something, this will remind it to you.

MVP drops the microphone and he cheap shots Terry Funk with a punch right to the face. He then continues taking advantage of the surprise factor and pummels Terry Funk with straight right hands. MVP gets up and steps back, and starts taunting Terry Funk for a big boot to the skull, however, and just in time to make the save, Sabu starts making his way down the ramp.

Styles: Oh good, here comes the back up.

MVP invites the running Sabu to enter the ring. Sabu finally slides to the interior of the ring, but right when he does so, MVP slides out of the ring. MVP leaves walking backwards to the back, as inside the ring Sabu stares at him, and helps Terry Funk get back his feet

Styles: When we come back, we continue looking at the BTW Extreme Champion MVP and his reign.


Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to BTW Nitro: Best Of the Year Special Edition. Before the break we got the chance to see MVP in a full state of arrogance as champion. But how about we see MVP’s arrogance right before he became champion. This is MVP moments away from winning in one of the most controversial matches in history at Rebellion the BTW Extreme Championship from Elijah Burke, starting his reign as co-champion with Jeff Hardy.

Rebellion PPV

MVP promo

We go backstage and see MVP close to the curtain that separates the halls from the stage.

MVP: As you can see, I am minutes away from my title match, and as the superstar that I am, I should be focusing on going out there and give you the amazing performance you came to see from your servitor.

Crowd heavily boos.

MVP: But, considering my opponents tonight, I don’t need that, the match is already won, and I have decided to take this time and explain to all of you once again, why I’m better than you, in fact, why I’m better than anyone in this area. Let’s take a look.

MVP starts walking as the camera follows him. He takes at the corridor at his left and sees Abdullah the Butcher that gets a nice pop from the crowd.

MVP: Take for example that guy (pointing at Abdullah). See his face. Scarred for life. Myself, I have the face of a champion, and that’s why I am better than you (pointing at Abdullah).

Montel quickly gets away to avoid Abdullah, he walks to another corridor and this time sees Masato Tanaka, who gets an amazing pop from the Denver audience.

MVP: Do I really need to explain why I’m better than this guy? I have a green card. (He smiles and looks at Tanaka). Wan Chin Chon my brother!

Vontavious also walks away again avoiding Tanaka, he walks to another corridor, the camera turns to the left and we see Terry Funk buying a soda from a machine. He’s about to say something when someone taps his shoulder, the camera shows that is Jeff Hardy and the crowd goes wild.

Jeff: Hey Montel, think you are better than me?

MVP: I don’t think it, I know for a fact that I’m better than you.

Jeff: That’s funny, that’s funny because you have never beaten me before.

MVP: Until now. Tonight, I will be the new Extreme Champion, simply because I’m ballin’!

Styles: (talking to Jeremy Borash): MVP has never been a shy guy, or humble for that matter.

Borash: Certainly not. And by now, I know there’s one thing in the mind of our viewers: can he back it up? Can MVP walk the walk and not only talk the talk? This match should answer that question and many more. CyberSlam, a Ladder Match, Jeff Hardy facing MVP.

Styles: But let me set the stage for you. Entering that match, Jeff Hardy and MVP both were the Extreme Champion coming from Rebellion PPV. This was the third match in a series of matches that had ended in a draw trying to finally determine a sole possessor of the championship. But let’s talk no more, it’s Jeff Hardy and MVP in a Ladder Match!

CyberSlam PPV

Ladder Match

BTW Extreme Championship

Jeff Hardy(c) vs MVP (c)

Finally Jeff Hardy and MVP start moving again. Jeff Hardy is close to the ropes and uses them as leverage to pull himself back to a standing position. MVP slowly incorporates putting one knee on the canvas and then the other regaining a vertical position. MVP looks with anger at Jeff Hardy and storms toward him, however Jeff Hardy reacts first one more time and he lowers the top rope, letting Montel Vontavious Porter run all the way to the outside of the ring. The crowd roars as Jeff Hardy finds himself alone in the ring again and he sets the ladder again. He starts climbing it again but this time slower feeling now the effects of the match. He is on the second step from the top to the down and stretches trying to grab the belt, however he fails to do so and collapses on top of the ladder. He does a second go and stretches one more time looking to grab the Extreme Title, however while all this happens MVP has gotten back to the inside of the ring, and he is with a ladder in hand. He uses the ladder to knock out Jeff Hardy as he plants Jeff right on the ribs with the ladder. MVP grabs Jeff and puts him on top of a ladder. He then grabs the other and lets it fell on top of Jeff Hardy, squashing his humanity between both. MVP removes the ladder on top of Hardy and pulls Jeff by the hair getting him back to his feet. He then turns around grabbing Hardy, giving his back to where the ladder is laid. He then connects MVP with a suplex, landing Hardy’s back on top of the steel ladder. Jeff Hardy contorts of pain favoring his lower back. MVP picks Jeff Hardy back to his feet and then locks in a sort of Abdominal Stretch maneuver, but instead of focusing its pain on the abs, he also passes his right leg on front of Hardy to also apply pain to the lower back of Jeff Hardy. MVP finally gets tired of applying the hold and just releases, letting Jeff Hardy collapse down to the canvas in pain favoring his lower back.

MVP then taunts Jeff Hardy waiting for him to get back to his feet. Jeff Hardy finally starts incorporating putting one knee on the canvas, then fully regaining his vertical position. MVP immediately runs toward him and hits him with his version of the running knee facebuster. MVP sets the ladder in the center of the ring and starts climbing it, however, he hasn’t even reached the third step in the ladder when he feels something stopping him, he then looks down and sees the hand of the almost unconscious Hardy grabbing his ankle trying to stop him. Porter comes down the ladder and goes to continue the attack of Jeff Hardy before going up the ladder again. He picks Hardy by the hair and starts planting him with straight right hands. He then Irish Whips him hard making him clash against the turnbuckle, to the one he connects spine first aggravating his punishment on the lower back. MVP steps back and goes to the opposite side of the ring. He then storms toward him and plants Jeff Hardy with a vicious Player’s Boot. Jeff Hardy collapses down to the canvas. MVP starts setting the ladder back again but he then stops. He goes toward Jeff Hardy and picks him back up again. He puts him one more tine laid against the turnbuckle. He then changes his mind and throws him to a side. He grabs a ladder and puts it on the corner, then putting Jeff Hardy over it. MVP now goes to the opposite side of the ring taunting once again for a second Player’s Boot. He runs toward the cornered Hardy and goes to kick him, but Hardy manages to get out of the way and rolls out of the way, making MVP crash and burn hitting his leg with the ladder. Hardy then incorporates and running in a full circle runs and plants MVP with a splash against the ladder. Hardy then grabs the other ladder in the ring and sets it on the middle of the ring and starts climbing it. He is half way up it and MVP gets back on the game, carrying a ladder of his own.

MVP sets his ladder close to Jeff’s one. He also starts climbing it. Both competitors reach the top of the ladder and start trading blows. Hardy manages to keep balance and plants Porter with a toe kick to the gut. He then sets MVP and does his classic scream, then shows his extreme side planting MVP with the Twist of Fate out of the top of the ladder. The crowd roars a both opponents remain not moving inside the ring. Hardy finally recovers and gets back to his feet. He sets him in the middle of the ring and starts climbing it. He is a few steps away from it. He finally reaches the last step on the ladder and stretches going for it, however he doesn’t get to it. He stretches one more time for it but doesn’t grab it. He is about to make a third attempt when out of nowhere MVP incorporates and lays his weight on the ladder, making it go down and bringing Hardy from the top of the ladder to the outside of the ring. Hardy lands hard on the outside of the ring. MVP sets the ladder again and climbs it, then grabbing the belt and winning the match.

Result: MVP defeats Jeff Hardy to win the BTW Extreme Title

JBL: Yes! I told you Joey, the Human Highlight is now the sole owner of the BTW Extreme Title.

Styles: Well, I have to accept it. And not only that, but for the first time, MVP defeated Jeff Hardy in a one on one match.

JBL: And in his first Ladder Match!

We go to a slide similar to the one we saw earlier about Edge.

Styles: Let’s take a look to MVP’s reign, by the numbers.

- Rebellion PPV: MVP and Jeff Hardy pin Elijah Burke at the same time to become Co-Champions.

- Unbreakable PPV: Jeff Hardy and MVP defeat Elijah Burke in a Handicap Match

- BTW Show: MVP vs Jeff Hardy goes to a draw

- BTW Show: MVP vs Jeff Hardy in a No DQ match goes to a No Contest

- Cyber Slam PPV: MVP defeats Jeff Hardy in a Ladder Match

- Souled Out PPV: Chris Jericho defeats MVP by DQ

- UpRising: MVP defeats Sabu in an Extreme Rules Match

- Starrcade: MVP and Christian defeat RVD and Sabu in a Texas Tornado One Fall to a Finish Tag Team Match, with both the BTW Extreme and BTW Continental belts on the line.

Borash: That and his pending match against Rob Van Dam at Busted Open

Styles: An impressive reign indeed, but it could be all over 2 weeks from now when MVP defends the BTW Extreme Championship against RVD. Now, you might have noticed how MVP’s reign started with an uncommon role played by Jeff Hardy, man who has had a lot of highs and lows in his run here in Born to Wrestle Federation.

Borash: And that is exactly what we are going to show you next. Jeff Hardy’s highest high and lowest low. Let’s start with his highest moment. A series of 3 matches with Mr. Kennedy all had ended in draws, and we still were missing a winner for the King of the Ring tournament.

Styles: The stage was set. Fourth time this men would face each other, and this time, there had to be a winner.

Turning Point PPV

King of the Ring Finals Version 4

Jeff Hardy vs Mr. Kennedy

Hardy runs toward the ropes behind of him. Jeff Hardy bounces back and he goes to connect Mr. Kennedy with a clothesline.

However, Mr. Kennedy is able to retaliate and he lifts his opponent over his shoulders, then connects his opponent with a running Green Bay Plunge reinjuring the middle section of his opponent. Kennedy remains knocked out on the canvas, but starts crawling toward his opponent. He finally reaches Jeff Hardy and makes the cover: 1…2…, Hardy is somehow able to get one shoulder up. Kennedy looks even more shocked than what Hardy looked before. However, he then goes back to his offense. He picks his opponent up and lays him against the ring ropes. Kennedy takes impulse going to the other side of the ring. He finally storms toward him looking to clothesline him, however Jeff Hardy is able to react first and counter, sending his opponent out of the ring with a back body drop. However, Mr. Kennedy manages to land on the apron instead than on the outside of the ring. Hardy turns around and somehow yet he is able to attack first Ken Kennedy even with the surprise factor on Kennedy’s behalf, as Hardy nails his opponent with a straight right hand. Hardy then dashes to the ring ropes on the other side of the ring and bounces back crossing the squared circle and storming against Kennedy. However, and just like Hardy did a while ago, this time it is Mr. Kennedy the one who is able to counter, as he sidesteps out of the way on the apron letting Jeff Hardy crash and burn in his suicide dive and land hard on the floor on the outside of the ring. Kennedy collapses between the ropes back to the middle of the ring exhausted by the match. Jeff Hardy takes advantage of this to recover, although he does it slightly slow as he is suffering from all the damages he has taken in the match. Jeff seems to have gotten back to his feet and tries to advance into the inside of the ring, however Jeff Hardy collapses once again close to the apron. However, Hardy doesn’t give up and instead he starts looking for something from under the ring .The crowd explodes with cheers as he gets down from the ring a table. Hardy slides the table back to the inside of the ring, and then he tries to return, however immediately Kennedy goes toward him and nails him with a clothesline knocking him down. Kennedy sees the table his opponent just brought up and takes it to the middle of the ring, then starts setting it. Kennedy finally fully sets the table and then he walks toward Jeff Hardy, guiding him back to his feet.

Kennedy looks him dead in the eye and then sets him putting him over his shoulders. He looks at the table going for the Green Bay Plunge through it, however, right when he is going to storm toward the table and drive Hardy through it, Jeff gets right back to his senses and slides out of the grab of Kennedy, and lands over his two feet behind Kennedy. Ken turns around only to get connected by a toe kick to the middle section. Jeff follows up and he sets Kennedy in a powerbomb position. Hardy then turns around turning his back on the table. Hardy locks Kennedy and then, to the awe and pop of the crowd, nails Kennedy with a snap reverse powerbomb driving him through the table. The crowd explodes in reaction. Hardy grabs Kennedy by the arm and drags away from the crumbles of the table. He then taunts to the audience and climbs to the top rope. Hardy looks down to his floored opponent, and then he launches through the air connecting Ken Kennedy with the Swanton Bomb. Hardy makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Jeff Hardy defeats Mr. Kennedy

JR: And young Jeff Hardy just took his game to new heights.

JBL: You have to be kidding me JR! This freak cannot be our King, he can’t!

JR: Sure he is, and he has gone through months of hell to be called so.

Hardy, before the crew members enter the ring with the cape and the crown enter the ring, Jeff goes to the outside of the ring and he picks up the ladder taken out by Ken Kennedy earlier on the match, and throws it back to the inside of the ring. Hardy then sets it in the middle of the ring.

JBL: What the hell is he doing?

The crew members enter the ring and they put the red cape on Hardy, and then they hand him the crown. Hardy dresses up like a king and he starts climbing the ladder. Hardy reaches the top of the ladder and sits on it, taunting. Pyro comes out as Jeff Hardy celebrates on top of the ladder.

JR: And finally, Jeff Hardy has reached the top of his proverbial ladder.

JBL: I sure don’t like him, but what a win, what a win for Jeff Hardy!

Styles: Certainly one of the most satisfying moments in the career of Jeff Hardy, but what is next, well, it isn’t certainly favorable for the Rainbow Haired Warrior.

Borash: A spiky issue that even deals with the law happening in the war between the Rated R Superstar and Jeff Hardy, and a case in which we are still waiting for a fall out.

BTW Nitro

Jeff Hardy faces the police

We go backstage and we see Jeff Hardy in his locker room. His bag is right next to him on a bench. He takes from out of his bag a bottle of water, and he takes a zip out of it. Out of a sudden, two police officers enter the room.

Police Officer #1: Excuse me, are you Mr. Jeffrey Hardy?

Hardy: Yeah, that’s me.

Police Officer #1: Sorry to bother you sir but we have received an anonymous report that someone, who would be you, introduced an illegal substance into this arena.

Hardy: Come on man, that’s ridiculous.

Police Officer #1: I’m sorry but, you will have to come with us so we can have a more detailed conversation about.

Hardy: I’m not going anywhere. I don’t know who the hell sent that report, but it’s completely ridiculous. You can go ahead and check my stuff all you want, but you will not find anything illegal or anything forbidden by the arena.

While Jeff and one of the two police officers are talking, the second police officer opens Hardy’s bag and starts checking over Hardy’s stuff, not finding anything.

Hardy: See.

Police Officer #1: I’m sorry sir; we were just doing our job. We got a report and it’s our duty as public servitors to check the situation.

Hardy: No man, I completely understand and…

Police Officer #2: I have found something.

The second police officer has a little jar filled with pills.

Police Officer #1: Nothing illegal uh? What are those?

Hardy: I, I don’t know…I have never sent that in my life, those aren’t mine, I swear, those aren’t mine.

Police Officer #1: You’ll have to come with us, now.

Before Hardy can even argue, the second police officer goes behind him and cuffs him.

Police Officer #1: Let’s go.

All three men leave the room. The second police officer guarding the cuffed Jeff Hardy and the first police officer analyzing the jar.

On the distance, hiding behind a wall, we see the figure of a man watching all this happen. The camera follows Hardy leaving and then zooms on the figure of the man. It’s Edge, who has a huge grin on his face.


Borash: Welcome back and before the break we saw highs and lows from Jeff Hardy, and concerning the last moment we showed you, like I said before the break, we are still waiting to hear the fall out of this case and get the answer: Is Jeff Hardy guilty or not? Did he really introduce those substances to the arena on his backpack?

Styles: It all seems a little sketchy, and, I just don’t know, call me crazy but this has Edge written all over it.

Borash: We will have to wait and see but next we will profile another wrestler here in BTW, and that is the Legend Killer, Randy Orton.

Styles: An amazing year for Randy Orton here in BTW, but how about we start with the moment we talked about earlier in the show. At Unbreakable, it was Edge defending the BTW World Championship against Randy Orton. Orton had the match won, but out of a sudden, his dad, Bob Orton Jr, came down the ramp and even though it seemed he was going help his son, blood turned on blood and he literally cost Randy Orton his championship win.

Borash: Let’s take a look at the confrontation between these two generations of Ortons two weeks after Bob Orton cost Randy Orton the World Championship.

BTW Show

Randy Orton confronts Bob Orton Jr.

“Cowboy†plays to a lot of boos as Cowboy Bob Orton comes out. The referee holds Randy back as Bob Orton enters the ring. The referee keeps them both separated for a while. Randy starts talking.

Randy: Well dad, apparently you do have the balls to stop avoiding me and come face to face with me. And…

Bob: Oh stop it Randy! I am not here to put a damn show to this people or listen to you run your damn mouth! You said you wanted an explanation of what I did and well, I am here to give you one.

Randy: I am waiting.

Bob: Let’s first see the footage shall we?

(We see again the footage of Bob Orton attacking Randy and costing him the title)

Bob: See Randy, there was a point in your career that I was proud of you, heck, I even got involved. Those were good times, you and me, father and son, we were on the top of the chain. But then, you got your ass handed in that Hell in a Cell and it hit me.

Randy: Hit you what?

Bob: That you were never going to be that good, you were never going to be the best. That you were and embarrassment for the Hall of Famer Orton name.

Randy: An embarrassment? I am the youngest World Champion in history! How many legends have I beaten?

Bob: So, you keep living in the past Randy. And after two years of shame, seeing you ruining your career. I met Edge. That’s the reason of what I did. You didn’t deserve that World Title, Edge did. You are not good enough, Edge is!

Crowd boos.

Randy: I am not good enough? I had already the match won before you entered! I had the match won?

Bob: Well, if you were that good then you’d have won the title at Rebellion, in your first title match!

Randy: So, you screwed me because I wasn’t good enough for your taste? So, how about you find out yourself, dad?

Bob: You are challenging me? Make no mistake son, I may be old, but I am a Hall of Famer, I am Cowboy Bob Orton and I can still kick your ass!

Randy: Is that a yes, or a no, Bob?

Bob: You’re on!

Randy and Cowboy Bob Orton come face to face, staring madly at each other. Randy, still face to face with his dad, raises his mic to talk.

Randy: Dad, mark my words in stone, at Deathly Hallows, another legend dies!

The referee sense there can be problems and goes to separate the two. Cowboy Bob Orton takes advantage to roll out of the ring. Randy Orton is left alone in the ring.

Borash: Randy Orton would go on to indeed defeat his own dad at Deathly Hallows.

Styles: And after winning that match, he was more than ready to get back into the title chase. And that chase would take him into winning the BTW World Heavyweight Championship at CyberSlam in a Triple Threat over Edge and Goldberg.

Borash: Randy had finally done it; he had finally become the champion. But as said many times before, it’s harder to stay on the top than getting there, and at Souled Out, boy did things get hard for Randy Orton.

Styles: Four challengers, all former champions. Randy Orton would defend his belt on the called “Champions Challengeâ€, in which the current World Champion would face a former BTW World Champion, a former Extreme Champion, a former Continental Champion and a former BTW Tag Team Champion.

Souled Out PPV

Champions Challenge

BTW World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton (c) vs The Big Show vs Jeff Hardy vs CM Punk vs Edge

Jeff covers Punk: 1…2…, CM gets one boot over the rope breaking the count.

Jeff gets back to his feet frustrated, and he turns around, only to get planted out of nowhere by a Spinning Heel Kick by Edge, that had recovered and gotten back to his feet. On the outside, Randy Orton finally ends his taunting and he nails The Big Show with a running RKO, planting the giant head first to the floor of the outside of the ring. Randy collapses to his knees after the attack. Edge then taunts at CM Punk. The straightedge superstar gets back to his feet, only to get broken in half by a spear of Edge. Randy Orton enters the ring sliding from the other side of the ring. Edge notices it and he dashes toward the BTW World Champion, however before the Rated R Superstar is able to plant him with the Spear, Randy Orton plants him with a picture perfect dropkick. Randy makes the cover: 1…2…, Edge kicks out, keeping the match going and stopping the champion from retaining his belt. On the opposite side of the ring, the Rainbow Haired Warrior is getting back to his senses. Randy Orton then starts taunting Edge for the RKO, with a face of expectation and anxiety showing. On the outside of the ring, and surprisingly enough, The Big Show is getting back to his senses after the RKO. On the other side of the ring of the action between The Rated R Superstar and Randy Orton is happening, Jeff Hardy uses the ropes to finally pull himself up to a standing position. CM Punk is up on one knee over the canvas, trying to recover. Edge takes his time to get back to his feet. Hardy gets up to the top rope facing the outside of the ring, targeting at The Big Show. The giant gets back to his feet finally and he turns around. Hardy leaps out of the top rope only to get shockingly grabbed by the throat. The Big Show then turns around, with Hardy grabbed by the throat, and just Chokeslams Jeff Hardy through the announcing table, and breaking it with Jeff’s body. Big Show then collapses to his knees afterwards.

Edge on the ring finally gets back to his feet and turns around, Randy goes for the RKO but Edge counters, pushing him away toward the ropes. He bounces back, but when he is going back toward Edge, out of nowhere CM Punk snaps back to his senses and storms toward Randy, planting him with a Calf Kick in mid run sending the BTW World Champion over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. CM Punk grins, but when he turns around, Edge nails him with a match ending Spear. Edge gets back up knowing the match is over. He sees The Big Show trying to get back into the ring, and he dashes toward him, planting him with a sliding kick, and sending then The Big Show head first toward the rests of the announcing table. Edge goes to make the cover, but without he realizing it, AJ Styles makes his way out from the back and runs toward the ring. Edge makes the cover on the knocked out CM Punk: 1…2…, AJ Styles reaches the ring and he breaks the cover. AJ Styles then gets Edge back to his feet and nails him with an Implant DDT, knocking out Edge. AJ Styles leaves the ring with a grin on his face knowing he has just cost Edge the BTW World Championship.

Randy Orton gets back to the inside of the ring. He guides CM Punk back to a standing position, steps back creating some room and then advances toward him planting him with the RKO. The Legend Killer makes the cover: 1…2...3.

Result: Randy Orton pins CM Punk

Borash: A huge victory of Randy Orton, that just went to showed that the Age of Orton was on full steam.

Styles: However, somewhere along the line, Orton lost that connection with his fans, especially after losing the BTW World Heavyweight Championship and his subsequent rematch against Triple H.

Borash: Something certainly changed on the mind of Randy Orton after that moment, and unfortunately for Rikishi, he faced he Legend Killer on the worst time possible.

Styles: Let’s take a look at this, it is Rikishi vs Randy Orton at Turning Point, a night in which Orton would let all of his evilness out, and after that, we will see the confrontation between Randy Orton and an angry, returning superstar who was looking to avenge the actions on Rikishi.

Turning Point PPV

Rikishi vs Randy Orton

Randy Orton slowly is incorporating, following the same movements of the samoan and looking for the RKO. Rikishi finally turns around and immediately the Legend Killer leaps going for the RKO, which gets connected. Orton takes his time before his is finally able to crawl toward his opponent and make the cover: 1…2…, Rikishi somehow kicks out!

Orton gets right back to his feet going berserk. He argues with the referee about the count, however he doesn’t get an answer. Orton immediately goes the outside of the ring and he grabs a steel chair. Orton returns to the inside of the ring with the chair in hand. The referee immediately rings the bell.

Result: Rikishi wins by DQ.

JBL: Oh come on ref, Randy didn’t use the chair!

JR: But we all know that no good son of a bitch was going to. Damn Randy Orton, he can’t get the win so he resorts to thinks like this.

Rikishi slowly makes his way back to his feet, walking right into a steel chair shot by Randy Orton. However, the Legend Killer is not over. He grabs Rikishi by the head and slowly he guides him back to his feet. Orton sets him up in a one arm headlock only to connect him with another RKO. The referee tries to step in and take Randy Orton out of the ring.

JR: Well done ref, take him out of the ring.

Rikishi shows his fighting spirit, as he starts moving and getting up to his knees and forearms, but with a knocked out look on his face. Orton in matter of seconds shoves the referee away and storms toward Rikishi, nailing him with the punt kick right into the head turning out Rikishi’s lights.

JR: No, No! Come on!

JBL: Nighty night prince. The few brain cells left in Rikishi just got kicked away.

Orton asks for a microphone on the outside of the ring, as the referee forces him finally to leave the ring.

Orton: Rikishi…welcome back to BTW.

Orton drops the microphone and walks up the ramp. Immediately coming from the back and passing right next to Orton, EMTs and doctors rush down into the ring, to take attention of the now injured Rikishi.

The Rock returns to BTW

Orton: I hope that you’re smarter than Rikishi and that you don’t need to get a kick to the head and a concussion to understand that you don’t mess, and that you don’t try to stop the Age of Orton.

Crowd boos again.

Orton: So whoever you are, stop making us waste our time, and come out already to face your destiny.

JBL: Who is it? Who is it?

JR: We’re finding out right now.

Orton: Come on, we d…

“If You Smell†plays to a big, massive ovation from the crowd. Orton remains quiet and stares at the stage waiting for the man to come out.

JBL: No way, there’s no way.

Finally, and increasing the pop from the crowd, no other than The Rock comes out from the back into the stage, with a microphone in hand and ready to address the fans.

Rock: Finally, the Rock has come back to BTW!

Crowd erupts.

Rock: And no no, it’s not to be referee like last time, and it’s not to pass the barbecue to JR and JBL, no, this time Randy, this time is for family.

Crowd pops again as Orton paces on the ring.

Rock: The Rock will never, and The Rock says…

The crowd says “never†along with him,

Rock: ever forget, and what you did to Rikishi, I promise you, will not get unharmed. However Randy, don’t feel bad, because it will neither go unrewarded. No because in fact Randy, you won yourself an all included, one way ticket to The Smackdown Hotel! And…

Orton: Wait a minute, wait a minute, God how didn’t I saw this coming? Who in the hell do you think you are coming out here, throwing some of your catchphrases and stealing my spotlight?

Rock: Ok, ok, fair enough, I understand. I guess it’s been a little longer than I thought. In that case, let me remind you, I am the jabroni beating, aaaawww pie eating, trailblazing, eye brow raising, legend killer you may be, but the Great One is kicking your ass guara-damn-tee!

Crowd pops.

Rock: Because Randy, maybe you forgot about this when daddy told you how ashamed he was of your sexual preferences…

Crowd cheers.

Rock: But there’s nothing, and The Rock means nothing, more important than family, and at WrestleBowl, yeah, The Rock said WrestleBowl, I will layeth the smackdown on your candy ass!

Crowd pops.

Rock: And when it’s all said and done, when the smoke has cleared and your legend killing ass is laying on the floor, The Rock just hopes you have understood the lesson and you have gotten that sense you run your mouth about so much, and you understand why The Rock took his boot, shined it up real nicely and…

Orton: Coul…

Rock: Don’t ever, ever interrupt The Rock while he’s speaking!

Crowd cheers.

Rock: Damn it, I promised myself I wasn’t going to get myself all worked up.

Crowd laughs and cheers.

Rock: Anyways Randy, you see me right here throwing jokes about what I am going to do to you at WrestleBowl, but there’s one thing certain and one thing that is definitively not a joke, and that is the ass whooping I will give you, and no, The Rock will not do it because it’s fun.

Crowd pops.

Rock: The Rock will not do it for The Rock.

Crowd pops again.

Rock: The Rock will do it, The Rock will do it for Rikishi!

Crowd erupts.

Rock: If you smeeeeeeeeellllll, what the Rock is cooking!

JR: Oh my God! I can’t believe it! The Rock, The Rock right here in BTW!

Styles: An epic confrontation but as you might know, it was Randy Orton who got the win over The Rock at WrestleBowl.

Borash: Not only that, but The Rock suffered Rikishi’s same fate and got a punt right to the head.

Styles: We’ll be right back.


Borash: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen and let’s continue with our revival of the most important, exciting moments that have happened during the last year here in BTW.

Styles: And now, we are going to take you back to a huge debut in BTW. For weeks and weeks, we saw encrypted videos announcing the coming of a certain superstar, and right after the match of Mark Henry and Messiah at Unbreakable, we would witness the debut of that superstar.

Unbreakable PPV

The Undertaker debuts

Messiah leaves the ring and the ring area celebrating his victory. Mark Henry gets back to his feet holding his head as he watches Messiah leave to the back. He then gets a tantrum and starts punching the turnbuckles and he even pushes the referee. But out of nowhere, a gong sounds.

JBL: No! No! It can’t be!

The gong sounds again and the lights go out. Then a bluish light takes over. This video starts playing in the tron.

The crowd heavily pops after it. When it ends, a series of droids come out carrying lighten torches. They stand on the border of the ramp, leaving the space opened. Another gong sounds and out of nowhere a thunder breaks and lands on the stage. After it, the man with a black hat and hood comes out to a lot of cheers from the audience. The man starts making his way to the ring. Mark Henry waits for him and invites him to enter it. The man finally reaches the steel steps and with a movement of his hand, the lights of the arena return.

JBL: Could it be him? Right here on BTW?

The man maintains his head down so that people can’t see him. Mark Henry pounds on his chest anticipating and waiting for him to reveal himself. The man finally removes his hat and looks up revealing his identity.

Styles: It’s, it’s the Undertaker! The Undertaker right here on BTW!

JBL: I knew it! I knew it! But I was hoping for it not to be true. Now who can save us from the Deadman?

The Undertaker doesn’t remove his sight of Mark Henry, until he once again lowers it to start removing his jacket. Mark Henry takes advantage of this distraction and runs toward him trying to attack him. Henry assaults him and then throws him to the ropes, but when bouncing back, Undertaker counterattacks with a jumping clothesline. Undertaker gets out first, then Mark Henry and then plants him with a Chokeslam. Undertaker signals the end of Mark Henry crossing his thumb across his throat and lifts Mark Henry up, to then connect him with a very cheered Tombstone Piledriver. Lights go out as Undertaker celebrate in the middle ring side by side with the knocked out Mark Henry

Styles: The Phenom, the Demon from Death Valley, The Undertaker finally here, in BTW. However, after a few months of running wild especially through Mark Henry, he was suddenly stopped…and buried.

Borash: Mark Henry and Muhammed Hassan did was consider impossible when they buried The Undertaker alive, and they just couldn’t wait to rub it on the face of everyone.

BTW Show

Undertaker’s Burial Ceremony

Hassan: Wow, this is truly beautiful. It really is.

Crowd boos.

Hassan: We are gathered tonight to remember the man who made sports entertainment live in fear for almost two decades, and most importantly, we are gathered here tonight to feast on the fact that me, standing in front of you, and Mark Henry, the most powerful man in the world, buried The Undertaker alive.

Crowd boos loudly.

Hassan: And…

The crowd breaks a “Taker†chant.

Hassan: Would you please remain silent, please have some respect to the ceremony we are having here.

Crowd boos.

Hassan: So first, my partner here, the World Strongest Man Mark Henry has some words for all of you.

Muhammed Hassan gets down of the little stage that has been set for the person to talk and lets Mark Henry get on it.

Henry: Thank you Hassan. You see, me and Taker go way back, we have battled long time and…

Crowd breaks with a “You suck†chant.

Henry: Me and The Undertaker go way back, and for many time, the people thought I couldn’t beat him. But they forgot who I am, I am the Silverback, the King of the BTW Jungle, I started it at CyberSlam, and I ended the job at Krakatoa. Taker, now you rest in peace!

Crowd boos as Henry grins and he goes off the stage. He lets Muhammed Hassan then go in.

Hassan: No I have something to say. You see, all my life I was told I could not do things, all my life I have been told wrong, and just for one simple fact, because I am Arab-American!

Crowd heavily boos.

Hassan: Americans always hold it against me, but not anymore, I killed you hero, I showed everyone what an Arab American can do, what I can do, and now you Americans, but you know what, not all Americans are like you, you see, Mark Henry is the example of what a true American should be.

Crowd boos.

Hassan: But now, this Arab-American you hate so much has slayed your monster, I have buried alive the Deadman, and now we put an end to his legacy, tonight, we burn his legacy, tonight, we burn this symbolic casket you see here officially ending The Undertaker’s career, and life.

Mark Henry walks toward a bag placed on one corner of the ring, and out if it he takes out a can of gasoline. He then walks toward the casket and starts pouring the gasoline in it.

Hassan: (He starts saying something in his language, apparently a prairie)

Henry throws the can away and then takes out of his pocket a match box.

Hassan: And so it ends, say goodbye to the Deadman’s legacy.

Henry takes out a match and lights it, but out of a sudden, a gong plays and lights go out, to a pop from the crowd. Hassan stares at the stage waiting for the man himself to appear. However, he doesn’t.

Hassan: Quickly, quickly Mark do it, burn the damn casket!

Henry throws the lighten match at the casket, making it to burn. The casket burns with a huge blaze of fire, however, and out of a sudden, another gong plays, and the lid of the casket breaks open, and out of it The Undertaker comes out!

Styles: The Undertaker! He’s here, he’s here!

Hassan sees this and he slides out of the ring. Mark Henry stays and tries to confront his opponent, however Taker gets the upperhand and he grabs him by the throat, then Chokeslamming him down to the canvas. Muhammed Hassan and The Undertaker stare at each other one from the inside of the ring and another from the outside. Lights turn blue and Taker does his classic taunting and poses.

Styles: The Undertaker was back, however, would he be as good as he was once was? For example, did he have in him to adapt to the style of let’s say a…AJ Styles?

BTW Nitro

First Time Ever

The Undertake vs AJ Styles

Styles goes to crash against Taker, however Taker sticks out his right hand on the way and stops the run of the Phenomenal One by grabbing him right by the throat. Taker squeezes the life out of AJ Styles punishing him. Taker, still from the apron, lifts AJ Styles and finally he is able, after many attempts during the match, to connect the Chokeslam.

Undertaker returns to the ring and immediately he makes the cover: 1…2…, AJ Styles is able to put one boot on the bottom rope. The referee immediately sees it and stops the count, causing The Undertaker to stare a hole right on him, obviously not amused about the call. Taker returns to his standing position and raising his right arm up in the air to a big pop from the crowd, he announces he is going for yet another Chokeslam. AJ Styles uses the ropes as leverage to pull himself back to a standing position. AJ Styles is noticeably groggy as he returns to his standing position, and not fully knowing where he is, he walks right into The Undertaker, who receives him by grabbing him by the throat. The Deadman lifts him once again with another Chokeslam on his mind, however Styles is able to avoid it as he just escapes from the grasp of the Deadman landing right back to his standing position in front of The Undertaker. The Demon of Death Valley attempts immediately with a bad intentions filled straight right hand, however AJ Styles is able to avoid it ducking and going right behind the arm. The Undertaker turns around after his failed offensive maneuver and out of nowhere he gets connected by the Pele Kick. AJ Styles drops his weight on top of The Undertaker making the cover: 1…2…, Taker is able to kick out. AJ Styles seems to be extremely frustrated, and so he walks toward Taker and puts the boots on him, stomping all over him. AJ Styles then, taunting to the crowd, points toward the corner and he walks toward it. AJ Styles then climbs to the top rope, and there he looks down to the floored Undertaker, measuring where he is and what would the flight span should be. AJ leaps a little on the ropes preparing to get more impulse on his aerial assault. AJ Styles finally comes down from the top rope connecting The Undertaker with a Shooting Star Press double foot stomp, that gets the awe from the crowd. AJ Styles recovers his balance after that maneuver and once again he taunts to the crowd. He turns around and staring to The Undertaker, announces the end of the match.

The Undertaker starts getting back to his senses, grabbing his middle section in pain. Styles walks toward him and turns The Undertaker flipping him over his belly. AJ walks toward him and stands above him, then grabbing him by the legs he tries to set The Undertaker for the Styles Clash, however before it gets connected The Undertaker is able to counter by using his arms to pull the right leg of AJ Styles and bring him down to the canvas. Taker remains on his knees not able to fully get back to his feet. AJ recovers his standing position and going to continue his offense, AJ dashes toward the ring ropes and he, as soon as The Undertaker gets fully back to his standing position, springboards flying all the way over Taker himself and landing right behind The Deadman. AJ secures Taker’s head and apparently he’s going to go for his patented Reverse DDT, however this time, having secured Taker, he lifts him getting him in position for a Tombstone Piledriver of his own. But before AJ Styles is able to connect it humiliating his opponent, Taker reverses throwing his weight onto the body of AJ Styles flipping the situation and ending with him standing on the canvas with AJ Styles in the Tombstone Piledriver position. Taker drops to his knees connecting it. Taker makes the RIP cover: 1…2…3.

Result: The Undertaker defeats AJ Styles


Styles: Welcome back. A lot of names have come and go here in BTW, but never one as unique and special as Teddie Guerrero. Teddie, in reality Teddy Hart, claimed he was a member of the Guerrero family, while blatantly ripping off Eddie Guerrero. Teddy Hart would be forced to leave BTW after he lost against Chavo Guerrero at Starrcade, but that doesn’t erase him from our memories. Let’s take look at his first interviews prior to his debut.

Souled Out PPV

Teddie Guerrero (Teddy Hart) interview

Cline: Joining me at this time, none other than one could argue the most controversial man in BTW, Teddie Guerrero!

Crowd boos.

Cline: Teddie, we are literally just moments away from your debut match, your first ever match in a BTW ring. Are you nervous?

Teddie: You see, I could go and say that I am nervous, that I have butterflies on my belly, pero estaria mintiendo, I would be lying esse, I know what I can do in that ring.

Crowd boos.

Teddie: I…

Out of a sudden an “Eddie†chant breaks from the crowd.

Teddie: Thank you so much.

Teddie generates a ton of heat from that.

Teddie: As I was saying, I know what I can do in that ring, in a few seconds, you will also know what Latino Heat can do in that ring.

Crowd boos.

Teddie: And you(coming close to Leticia), baby, you will also know what Latino Heat is capable of, a little later, esta noche, esta bien bebe.

Teddie walks away with a big grin on his face

Borash: A lot of big names have indeed come to BTW over this last year. Terry Funk, Chavo Guerrero, Bob Orton…but how about three, huge, amazing names of this business all gather together in the ring at the same time? Impossible you say? Let’s take a look at this.

BTW Show

Crushing C presents the 3 options for Special Guest Referee for the BTW Tag Team Title Match at CyberSlam

Crushing C: It means that I had right there what the fans will be voting for. At CyberSlam, the fans will vote for the Special referee in the Tag Team Title Match!

Crowd pops.

Triple H: Then tell us, who are exactly the possible referees?

Crushing C: First of all, Hunter, let me tell you something, you know every individual quite well, and have a story with all of them. But let’s waste no more time. Here is the first option our fans will get to vote for, he has been involved with the company before, has wrestled for the company before, that until, you Triple H, betrayed him and took him out.

Crowd pops.

Crushing C: That’s right, out first option is, Tomko!

“Takeover†plays to a pop from the audience as Tomko makes his way out. He enters the ring.

Triple H: (nervously): Hey man, nice to see you!

Tomko tries to advance and gets face to face with The Game, however both Christian and Crushing C stopped him.

Crushing C: Again, save it. Now, moving on. Your second possible referee is quite frankly the best wrestler ever to lace up a pair of boots. Not even time have been able to stop, as he is still styling and profiling!

Crowd massively pops.

Crushing C: He is, Ric Flair!

“Also Sprach Zarathustra†plays as Ric Flair makes his way out. He enters and he hugs both Triple H and Christian Cage.

CM Punk: I wonder on whose side he is.

Ric Flair: Whoa, whoa. Ric Flair is in anybody’s side. If I get voted, you could be sure the Nature Boy will call it right by the middle, Wooooo!

Crushing C: And last, but not less, to be honest, words cannot describe him. I will only say about him that he is the most electrifying man this industry has ever seen.

Crowd gives an amazingly loud pop and start chanting “Rockyâ€

“If you Smell†plays to a big amount of cheers as The Rock makes his way out. He takes his time to enter the ring as he plays to the crowd. He finally enters the ring.

Rock: You know, The Rock has goose bumps, because finally The Rock has come back to…., well, to be honest, The Rock is just back!

Crowd pops.

Rock: Screw big beard over there, screw Ric Flair over there, how you doing Naitch by the way?

Ric Flair: Woooo!

Rock: Screw them all, when you have the Great One back in a wrestling ring. The Rock enters this ring and he looks at Christian Cage, the poser that created his character out of me. (Mocking Voice) Peeps!

Crowd laughs.

Rock: He looks at Christian at then wonders, seeing all of these big events happening in front of his eyes, and in front of his little brain, The Rock wonders is he understands. Tell me Christian, do you understand?

Christian: Hell…

Rock: It doesn’t matter if you understand!

Crowd pops and laughs.

Rock: But now, getting serious. Punk, Cabana, Christian, Hunter. If I get voted as your referee I will direct the match right down the middle. And if any of you…

The Rock gets on Triple H’s face.

Rock: Try to overpass my authority, then I…

Triple H: You what?

Rock: I will layeth the smackdown on your candy ass!

Triple H looks to the side and he confronts even more The Rock. Crushing C tries to stop him but Triple H pushes him, Crushing C trips with Tomko and both go over the top rope. Finally all hell breaks lose as Triple H and The Rock begin trading punches. Christian Cage and Ric Flair try to attack The Rock as well but Punk and Cabana stagger against them, sending them over the top rope. The Rock gets the upperhand in his exchange with The Game and with his classic “spitting on the hand†punch he sends Triple H over the top rope as well. We go to commercial with The Rock, Punk and Cabana standing tall in the ring

Borash: Boy, it will be hard to top that moment.

Styles: Yeah, but I think that with what we have next we might just do that. Because when we come back, we will depict one of the most personal rivalries here in BTW, Rikishi vs Crushing C.


Styles: Welcome back. This show definitively wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t talk about the most important rivalry in this entire year, BTW. And that’s why we will show you the entire evolution of this feud. For that, we will start with the proposition that changed Rikishi’s life, one way or the other.

Rebellion PPV

Vince Mcmahon and Rikishi backstage

Vince: Think about it, coming back to the WWE.

Rikishi: I don’t know.

Vince: Why not? Here nobody respects you, do you remember how Umaga treated you?

Rikishi: Yes, but…

Vince: I cannot make a better offer. Recovering your good ol’ job at WWE, and all you have to do is guarantee that Team WWE defeats Team BTW.

Crowd loudly boos.

Rikishi: I…

Vince: Think about it, the match is next.

Vince leaves and the scene fades to the back with Rikishi confused and thinking about the proposal.

Borash: Later on that night, during the Team BTW vs Team WWE match, Rikishi would indeed come out, and even though he didn’t screw BTW, him being out was enough to distract Chris Jericho and cost him the match.

Styles: Crushing C would not forgive him for this, and after setting adversary after adversary on Rikishi’s road without any real success, Crushing C decided to take matter into his own hands.

CyberSlam PPV

Loser Gets Fired
Rikishi vs Crushing C

Rikishi grabs Crushing C again and then he begins crashing the head of his opponent repeatedly against the ring post and then to the apron, until he finally throws him back to the inside of the ring. Rikishi also gets back and he does a little more stomping, putting the boots on the General Manager and he stomps repeatedly the face of Crushing C. The samoan steps back and after looking around the coliseum, he announces the end, as he starts taunting Crushing C, waiting for him to get back to his feet. Crushing C slowly, not in a good shape thanks to all the punishment delivered by the revengeful Rikishi. The GM finally gets back to his feet and he turns around, Rikishi immediately advances toward him and goes for the Savate Kick, but instead of nailing his opponent, Crushing C ducks and Rikishi plants the referee, that gets knocked out cold. Crushing C hen turns around but can’t nail any offense as Rikishi plants him with a big uppercut knocking him down. Rikishi measures him and connects a big leg drop across the throat and chest. He then, with a maniacal smile on his face, dragging the general manager by one arm close to the corner. The crowd roars knowing what’s next. Rikishi climbs to the second rope turned around and after a few seconds of expectation, Rikishi finally connects Crushing C with a chest and sternum crushing Banzai Drop. Rikishi makes the cover, 1…2…3…4…, he has more than won the match, but there is no referee. Rikishi gets back to his feet and goes toward the referee, trying to get him back to his senses. Crushing C is completely knocked out and he is not even moving, completely demolished by the Banzai Drop. Rikishi continues shaking the referee trying to get the conscience out of him.

However, and out of nowhere, a man slides to the inside of the ring. The camera first can’t see who he is as his back is the one on the shot, however, when the camera changes, we see that it is AJ Styles, that has a chair on his hands. He waits for Rikishi to turn around. The samoan finally does so and gets immediately planted by a powerful shot with the steel chair shot that knocks him out. AJ then drags Crushing C and puts him on top of Rikishi: 1…2…3.

Result: Crushing C defeats Rikishi

The crowd heavily boos as Rikishi is just knocked out cold, now without a job. AJ Styles picks Crushing C up and both celebrate raising their arms.

Borash: Rikishi however wouldn’t stay down and being fired didn’t stop him from continue to appear on BTW events.

Styles: That’s right. I lost count of how many times he crashed BTW live events, but his face offs with Crushing C when doing so were something to behold.

UpRising PPV

Rikishi inside Crushing C’s office

We go backstage and we see Crushing C walking, apparently mad, as he walks down a corridor. He stops in front of a door and takes out his keys, and starts opening the door. He enters the office and the light is turned off. He turns it on, then turns around, and finds Rikishi sitting on his couch.

Crushing C: Wait, you again here, in my office?

Rikishi: Yeah, me again, in your office, managed to sneak in, again, inside your office, hey, seriously, who writes this crap.

Crowd laughs in the back as Rikishi grins.

Crushing C: Oh so you got jokes, you’re a funny man know. Well, I gotta give you credit, you are pretty funny for a man who has no job. Besides, the police is somewhere in this office, really close, and it would take me only seconds to call them so they could arrest you.

Rikishi: Well man, I’m not stopping you, go ahead.

Crushing C: Why, do you think I am lying? I’ll call them, and they’ll come in here, put that handcuffs in your wrists and take you away to put you down, just like they did four weeks ago when you crashed into my office at Souled Out.

Rikishi: Ok man, I’ll be honest with you here, I don’t give a rat’s ass if you call them.

Crowd pops.

Rikishi: Because bottom line is Double CC, if I can call you that way buddy, I am not giving up, I’ll continue coming over to events, running into your office, hell, I’ll interfere matches if it is what I need to get the point across, because Crushing, you know that what you did was wrong, and you know, that I will get my job back, that you will give me my job back.

Crushing C: C’mon Kish, open your eyes, I made you a favor, I gave you a worthy retirement, you lost to a premier athlete like myself, you got a rub to a performer like AJ Styles.

Rikishi: Little cheating jumping bean.

Crushing C: Let’s face it, what are you, 46, 47 years old.

Rikishi: 42, and Crushing C, we can keep up here playing nice, and you keep dodging what I say, or you face reality, and reality is that I will not just go way, you’ll start seeing more and more of me until I get a chance to return.

Crushing C: You know what Rikishi, I can’t…

Rikishi: See this is what I am talking about, I don’t trust you, never will, but you need to make a decision right now, I am warning you, for the safety of BTW, because you don’t want to see me interfering all the matches and crashing on every event or do you?

Crushing C: Rikishi, here’s what I am going to do, I’m going to turn around, and get out of this office, search the police officers and tell them exactly where you are. I’ll give you the advantage so you can get out before they reach to you, consider it my gift to you, and consider it a way of me to show you just exactly how much you meant to me.

Crushing C turns around and he leaves the office, leaving Rikishi nodding his head meaning “NOâ€.

Styles: But the constant crashing of events wouldn’t go without a toll for Crushing C.

BTW Show

Crushing C gets Fired

We go backstage and we go to the parking lot, where outside a limo, we see Crushing C and AJ Styles.

AJ: Seriously man, we need to do something about Rikishi, you need to come up with something, you can let him run over here as he pleases, he could…he could come after me!

Crushing C: AJ, I am sorry but I don’t want to talk about this now. Thank God Rikishi didn’t show up here tonight, but now that the night and the show are over, I just want to get back home.

AJ: But…

Out of a sudden, AJ gets interrupted as man in a suit walks toward them.

Man: Mr. Crushing C?

Crushing C: What the hell do you want?

Man: I come in regard of BTW’s owner, Matteo Quintavalle, and he sends this letter to you.

The man gives the envelope to Crushing C and then walks away. Crushing C stares at him and then he opens the envelope. He reads the letter, and as he does, his face expression changes methodically.

AJ: What’s wrong Crushing?

He gets no answer.

AJ: What’s wrong man, what does the letter say?

Crushing C: I’m, I’m, I’m fired?!...

Styles: This would eventually lead to the return of Rikishi for one more match against AJ Styles, and then after beating Randy Orton at BTW Nitro, his return to the active roster.

Borash: And with that, it was only a matter of time before Rikishi and Crushing C crossed paths, and that is exactly what we saw two weeks ago at WrestleBowl, when Rikishi put what could have been the final stamp on this rivalry.

Styles: But don’t go anywhere, because when we come back, we profile the two member who were part of BTW’s biggest main event up to date, Brock Lesnar vs Triple H.


Borash: Welcome back to BTW Nitro, The Best of Show. At WrestleBowl, we saw Triple H defend and lose the BTW World Championship against Brock Lesnar, and later on tonight, we will see the first time ever this men stepped in the ring with the other and confronted each other, but first, we will take a look at Triple H’s year, and to depict Triple H’s year, we have to talk about Domination.

Styles: At Rebellion, Triple H betrayed Tomko, who had come to BTW to help The Game in his war against Christian Cage and Mark Henry, to shock the world and join who was his nemesis, Captain Charisma.

Borash: Triple H and Christian Cage would go on to form one of the most dominant tag teams in history, even holding every championship except the Extreme belt at the same time, but we will take you back to the first time these men were together as a team, and when they definitively owed the BTW Universe an explanation.

BTW Show

Domination Debuts

Triple H: Ladies and Gentleman, before BTW starts, we wanted to clear this whole situation up.

Christian: See, we want to have a peaceful, quit night, so we decided to straight this whole thing right away.

Triple H: That’s right. The thing is, since Rebellion, all what people do is asks us “Why?, Why do you teamed up at that TLC match?

Christian: I wasn’t expecting such a reaction, but of course, I overestimated how famous we are.

Triple H: We teamed up because one morning, I woke up and asked myself “why are you still fighting with Christian?†And the funny thing is that I didn’t have an answer. For months we had been fighting and having spectacular matches that simply stole the show. But what was next? Keep fighting for the next month, the next year? Or…

Christian: Or join and dominate BTW?

Triple H: Answer was easy. Beating Tomko up was even easier (gets lot of boos). And now I have to ask the entire BTW, are you ready? Are you ready to be taken over by The Game and The Instant Classic? And have no doubt about it, we will take over BTW, simply because we are that damn good!

Christian: And that’s how we roll!

Styles: Domination was on full force; however, it wouldn’t be long before Triple H heard the call of higher prizes, and the temptation of going after the BTW World Heavyweight Championship was just too powerful to fight against.

Borash: Current champion Randy Orton was not going to back down neither, and he eagerly took the challenge of his new Number One Contender.

Styles: Two huge egos, both confident of their victories, although one would give the edge in confidence to Triple H, who actually went as far as holding a Throne Recovery Ceremony, sure he was going to sit back on his throne as the 11 Time World Heavyweight Champion.

BTW Show

Triple H’s Throne Recovery Party

The Game†plays to big amount of boos from the audience as Triple H in a long sleeved shirt makes his way out. He enters the ring making his classic entrance, then plays to the crowd climbing to all four corner, until he finally settles down in the middle of the ring, with a microphone in hand, and ready to speak.

HHH: Well, I gotta handed to those guys, they really did a good job with the lights. But well, ladies and gentlemen, let all of you be invited to the official Throne Recovery party, hosted by no other than yours truly, Triple H!

Crowd boos.

HHH: Throne recovery party because you see, this Sunday, I go one on one with Randy Orton, with the BTW Heavyweight Championship on the line, and when all is set and done, I will get back what’s mine, and once again, I will be World Heavyweight Champion, and what better reason, than that, to have a party!

Some cheesy music starts playing, as then glitter, confetti and balloons start coming down from the ceiling.

HHH: C’mon live it up, it’s a party, live it up, everybody get to their feet.

The camera goes through the arena showing the fans having a blast with the balloons that just come down.

HHH: I have been sitting on the back all night long, thinking on what to say here tonight, on what I should say here tonight, and even if it sounds as a party boomer, I think I should speak first about Randy Orton.

Crowd pops at the Orton mention.

HHH: You see Randy, between me and you, there’s no much difference, well, maybe that I am extremely better than you but, putting that away for a second, we are not that different. And here we are, once again, you and I, for the biggest prize this business has to offer, and only one will be able to call himself champion when all is said and done. But you see Randy, in the interest of fairness, I gotta admit, I kinda respect you a little bit.

Triple H kicks out of the way one balloon that was inside the ring.

HHH: Yes, you see, ever since our Evolution days, I have a little respect for you Randy, and that’s why, that’s why I got you this.

Triple H points at the portrait in the middle of the ring.

HHH: Yeah, it’s my party, but with everything we have went through, I thought it was only fitting to give you something.

Triple H walks toward the portrait, then removes the protector that was covering it, revealing the portrait in the middle of the ring to be a picture from last week, with Triple H blasting Randy Orton with the sledgehammer right in the gut.

HHH: You see Randy, in here we got well, of course me, The Game Triple H and, there’s you getting your guts tangled by the sledgehammer.

Crowd boos.

HHH: You see Randy, this is something you should cherish, this is something you could hang in your hall of awards, if you have one which I seriously doubt, and remember every day, this is something your little baby girl can take to school, to show and tell, and prove to their friends that she was not lying, that his dad was actually in the very same ring with The Game.

Heat from the crowd.

HHH: Besides Randy, this is something you can use to show your daughter how real men are, to give your daughter a real parental figure, because that’s exactly what I am Randy, and you’re not, a real man. But you know, this is just a picture, and we are having a party, and the image won’t do it justice, so how about we see a little compilation I did about Randy Orton.

(We see a video of the infamous Evolution turning on Randy Orton, as Batista gets thrown down by Batista per order of Triple H)

HHH is laughing at the video, meanwhile the crowd is heavily booing.

HHH: Man, after watching that, I am really that good don’t I?! But I’ll tell you what, let’s stop talking about Randy Orton and let’s focus once again on the real important focus of this party, me, the King of Kings, going back to his throne, this Sunday. Because Randy, as much as things go and change, they really stay the same. Back to when you were champion, I was the one taking you out of your cocktail dream, and you can expect the same thing to happen this Sunday.

A little “Randy†chant breaks from the fans.

HHH: Because it doesn’t matter how many times we meet, it doesn’t matter how many times we go to war, it doesn’t and will never change the fact that you are just not up to play the Game!

Crowd boos.

HHH: But Upper Marlboro, we are just getting this party started! This is a throne recovery party isn’t it, so how about we stop talking about something that inferior, and keep on partying, king style shall we, after all, we should all be happy, I am getting back to my throne. So let’s get it on!

Some more cheesy music play, now with a royal air, as a bunch of dancers, clowns and jugglers make their way out from the back, and party their way out. They continue their party around the ring, interacting with the people in the front row.

HHH: Really, only I could put together something like this, let me hear it, how about a HHH chant. Well, you know, it’s H…H…H, because well, we are in Marlboro, I don’t expect you people to know how to spell my name.

Crowd boos.

HHH: But now, the moment you’ve been all been waiting for, what kind of Throne Recovery party would this be, without the actual throne.

The same music that played before plays, as the throne makes his way out. It is being carried away by a man and a woman, both wearing masks. They finally enter the ring and with the help of some clowns, they put in the middle of the ring. The lady and the man who bring the throne out enter the ring as well.

HHH: Here it is, but before we go any further, like I proved before I am a thoughtful man, and I would like to say thank you to the people that helped bringing out my throne. So first, let’s hear it for this gorgeous lady right here, no other than Leticia Cline!

Leticia removes her mask and poses to the crowd, getting cheered by the audience.

HHH: And last but not least, thank you to….uhm, who the hell are you?

Triple H stares at the masked man, who doesn’t even move a muscle, showing no intentions to answer.

HHH: Anyways, suit yourse…

Out of a sudden, the masked man spins Triple H and nails him with the RKO! To a big pop from the audience, the man removes his mask and shows to be none other than Randy Orton.

Styles: Randy Orton! Is Randy Orton!

JBL: Talk about party crasher.

Some clowns and dancers try to assault Randy Orton, but one by one are taken out by Randy Orton. In the end, Randy is left all alone in the middle of the ring. Orton, removes the upper part of his costume, and it shows that he has the BTW Heavyweight Championship wrapped around his waist. Orton grins looking at the knocked out Triple H and he sits on the throne.

UpRising PPV
BTW World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H

Randy Orton out of nowhere reverses floating over the arm of his opponent and connects Triple H with the RKO. Randy Orton collapses down to the canvas after connecting the maneuver, not able to capitalize right off the bat. The Legend Killer takes his time, but he starts getting back to his senses and he starts crawling toward his knocked out opponent.

However, before he is able to capitalize, a lot of time has passed and has been wasted. Randy Orton finally reaches Triple H and he puts one arm across the chest of his opponent: 1…2…, Triple H somehow gets one shoulder up. Randy Orton looks shocked and the crowd erupts in shock, and then they pop as they know they are seeing a hell of a contest. Randy Orton is in complete shock. He slowly gets back to his feet and he still can’t believe that the match wasn’t over with the RKO. However, he then manages to overcome it and goes back to focus on his opponent, and starts taunting Triple H for yet another RKO. Triple H is not even moving after the kick out, he’s not close to reacting. It doesn’t take long before Randy Orton notices it, and he takes the RKO taunt right toward Triple H, as he starts picking him back to his feet, however, Triple H shows that he was playing as possum as he grabs the tights of his opponent and throws him toward the ropes, making the Legend Killer guillotine himself with the ropes. Triple H crawls away from Orton and recovers his standing position away from them. Randy Orton pulls himself back up using the ring ropes. He then runs toward his opponent, however Triple H kicks him in the middle section and sets him once again for the Pedigree, but Orton once again counters and he pushes his opponent away. Triple H is staggered back, then turns around and goes toward him once again, then Randy Orton looks to plant him with a dropkick, however Triple H is able to avoid it side stepping from the kick. Triple H waits for Orton to get back to his feet. Orton gets back up after a few seconds and goes again toward Triple H, that almost for the fifth time in the match, he sets Randy for the Pedigree, however once again the Legend Killer reverses and he goes for the RKO, but The Game pushes his opponent away avoiding it. Orton is staggered back, then turns around returning to where The Game is, gets kicked in the middle section and connected with the Pedigree. Triple H makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Triple H defeats Randy Orton

JBL: New champion! New champion!

Styles: I have to say one thing, OH MY GOD!

JBL: Joey, the lights were bright and the stage was like no other and boy, this two delivered, and in the end, it’s time to play the game.

Styles: I am not trading Christmas Cards with The Game, but as for now, he rules over BTW.

Triple H is awarded the BTW World Heavyweight Champion, he hugs it and then lifts it up in the air. Triple H screams as serpentines and pyro goes off celebrating. Out from the stage, Christian Cage comes out with the BTW Continental Title to celebrate with is partner.

Styles: Triple H had done it, he was finally the World Heavyweight Champion.

Borash: 11 time World Champion.

Styles: And a few months later, he would face his biggest challenge, the biggest any champion had face…a never beaten before challenger, but that doesn’t mean he would lose some of his swagger being intimidated.

BTW Show
Bob Sapp Video and Photo Showing

Paul Heyman has a microphone in hand and gets ready to talk.

Heyman: Ladies and Gentleman, I ask you to rise up to your feet and welcome your Number One Contender and the man that will be facing Triple H for the BTW World Heavyweight Championship at Turning Point, Bob Sapp!

“Get Back†plays to a lot of boos from the audience as Bob Sapp appears on the stage. He has a grin of self-satisfaction as he walks down to the ring and joins on the inside his manager.

Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Bob Sapp!

Crowd gives a huge amount of boos.

Heyman: Because tonight is indeed about you Bob because, in a meteoric rise of just months, in which you are still yet to be pinned or made to submit may I add, we found ourselves in a championship opportunity.

Crowd once again boos Heyman and Bob Sapp.

Heyman: However, that is not all that can be told about Bob Sapp, but before we go any further in this Video and Photo showing, how about we witness the debut match of Bob Sapp here in BTW, facing no other than Brock Lesnar.


Brock Lesnar once again starts taunting, but before he can do anything Sapp from the canvas takes him down leg sweeping him and throws him toward the referee, and Brock Lesnar crashes with the official knocking him down. Sapp gets back to his feet again and goes for a clothesline on Lesnar, however Lesnar ducks and then gets his opponent over his shoulders. On the outside, Paul Heyman rushes and gets a steel chair. Brock Lesnar loses more time taunting to the crowd showcasing his strength as being able to lift and carry the weight of Bob Sapp, however and from behind Paul Heyman enters the ring and nails him with a steel chair to the back. Brock doesn’t feel a thing, lets Bob down and turns around to confront Heyman. He grabs Heyman by the throat and then gets him over his shoulders, then plants him with a very cheered F-5. Brock gets back up and turns around, only to get kicked in the gut by the newly standing Sapp and then nails him with an impressive Falling Powerbomb. He makes the cover, and the referee gets back to his senses, just in time to make the count: 1…2…3.

Result: Bob Sapp defeats Brock Lesnar.

Heyman: That’s impressive uh? But it doesn’t end there. Let’s take a look at how Bob Sapp then defeated no other than…Goldberg!


Goldberg announces the end and he goes toward the corner, where once again he begins taunting for the Spear. Bob Sapp gets back to his feet and this time he goes with full speed for the spear, however Sapp is able to sidestep letting his opponent pass by, and instead Bill Goldberg connects the Spear on the referee. He turns around shocked and he walks right into a big boot from his opponent. Bob Sapp yells something to Paul Heyman on the outside. Heyman rushes and he gets a steel chair. He grabs the steel chair and goes to enter the ring, however, out from the back, and running down the ramp, Brock Lesnar makes his way down. Lesnar is able to circle the ring and he clashes Heyman knocking him down with a straight right hand. Lesnar then grabs the chair and he slides back to the ring. Bob Sapp is still distracted stomping all over the humanity of Goldberg. He turns around and gets blasted by a chair shot of Lesnar right on the head of his opponent. However, Brock is not over, and showing he’s not related to nobody, he picks Goldberg back to his feet, sets him up, and connects him with the F-5. He pulls Bob Sapp and sets him on top of Bill. Brock Lesnar walks toward the referee and gets him back to his senses. The referee sees the pinfall being made and he starts the count: 1…2…3.

Result: Bob Sapp defeats Goldberg

Heyman: And then last night, he defeated both of them. I’ll assume you have good memory and that we don’t have to go over that match. But you see, it’s more than that. Because, besides wrestling, Bob Sapp shines on other fields. He has also starred in many motion pictures, let’s take a look at this, from the movie Elektra.


Heyman: And I will not even talk about his music career, MMA career, sponsorships, because, show time would ran out on me, but let me just say that…

“The Game†plays to a boos from the audience as well as Triple H makes his way out, with the BTW World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder.

Heyman: What on Earth are you doing here Triple H?

HHH: What I am doing, I just wanted to come out here and join this little celebration you have going on for Bob Sapp. And let me tell you, I had to went back and research about Sapp over there because well, to be honest, I didn’t know who the hell you where.

Crowd gives cheers.

HHH: Now, with all the investigation I had to do I came up with my own photo showing about our friend over here Paul. Now, it will not be as elaborated or gracious as your Paul but I think it will be enjoyable.

Heyman: Don’t you dare.

Bob Sapp is growing restless inside the ring, but is held back by Paul Heyman.

HHH: Apparently, Bob Sapp is a huge, dangerous man that can destroy other behemoths with ease but, I think I have discovered the real Bob Sapp.


Crowd laughs as Sapp gets mad inside the ring.

HHH: But, I wanted to know how on Earth did Bob got that big and pumped so, a friend of me hooked me up with the regime that Bob Sapp follows for his exercise routine and apparently, it was created by Paul Heyman himself!


Heyman talks trash to Triple H, and now it is Bob Sapp who stops him from leaving the ring.

HHH: But at the end of my little investigation I am glad to say that I managed to meet Bob Sapp even better than you ever did Paul, I honestly think I discovered the real Bob Sapp.



Crowd laughs at the photos once again. Bob Sapp is infuriated and is about to leave the ring, however Paul Heyman maintains a cool mind and stops Sapp from doing so.

HHH: But Bob and Paul, there’s one picture missing over there, both in my presentation and in your Video and Photo Showing Heyman because, the moment hasn’t been captured yet, but it will at Turning Point when I, Triple H, beat you Bob, end your streak and remain World Champion.

Crowd gives a mixed reaction now.

HHH: Because Bob, it will not be about movies, it will not be about photos, videos or jokes, it will not be about that, it will be, for you Bob, about playing the Game!

Triple H drops the microphone and lifts his BTW World Heavyweight Championship.

Borash: At Turning Point, Triple H would indeed go and do what nobody had done until that point, defeat Bob Sapp.


Apocalypse PPV
Last Man Standing
Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg

Brock Lesnar gets to his feet! The crowd and Goldberg can’t believe it as he stares up in to the sky wondering what he has to do to win the match. He goes over to Lesnar who has a dazed look in his eyes, and grabs him by the throat and lifts him into the air with a press slam, and then tosses him over the top rope to the floor!! Goldberg follows him out of the ring where he takes off the covering of the announce table. He grabs the monitors and tosses them away as he sets up the table to put his opponent through it. Goldberg takes sometime doing this, and when he turns around to pick up Brock, Lesnar has the monitor in hand and smashes it over his opponents head busting him open making him bleed! Lesnar then grabs Goldberg onto his shoulders and finally connects with the F-5 through the announce table!!!!!!! Both men are out cold, but Lesnar begins to make his way up after about 15 seconds from hitting the move. The referee begins another count


NO Goldberg gets up from the move just in the nick of time! Lesnar can’t believe that he got up from that move as he drops to the mat and pounds his fist on the ground going berserk! Lesnar almost comes to blows with the ref, but he gets out of the ring, and tosses Goldberg back into the ring as he hits him with a couple of stomps. Lesnar the goes back to the outside of the ring where he looks under the apron, and pulls out a table! He slides it in the ring where he sets it up in the middle of the ring. Lesnar picks up Goldberg where he lifts him up onto the top rope. Goldberg at this point has a crimson mask of blood on his face. Lesnar climbs up onto the top rope with Goldberg, but when he gets to the top rope Goldberg hits him with a right hand. He then hits him in the head with a head butt trying to stop Lesnar from hitting a move, Bill Goldberg reaches the top rope where he lifts Brock up, and then he hits him with A JACKHAMMER OFF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE SET UP IN THE CENTER OF THE RING!!!!! The crowd goes insane as both me are laid out in a pool of Goldberg’s blood! The ref starts one more ten count trying to get them back up




Styles: That was another chapter in the rewrite of a huge rivalry, Brock Lesnar and Goldberg. Welcome back as you join us as now we focus on the second wheel of the biggest main event in BTW, Brock Lesnar.

Borash: Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman formed a powerful unit, however, Heyman being the snake that he is, it was a matter of time before he turned on his protégée.

Styles: But not only did Paul Heyman left Brock Lesnar, but he actually brought a new client to combat Brock Lesnar.

BTW Show
Bob Sapp debuts

Lesnar: Last week, I was betrayed by that fat bastard called Paul Heyman.

Crowd boos.

Lesnar: Normally what I would do is kick his ass and move on, but apparently, he has gotten a new client, and he’s making his debut tonight, so Paul. E, why don’t you bring him out, so I can kick his ass instead!

Crowd pops.

“Extreme†plays as Paul Heyman makes his way out. He stops on the lower ramp, afraid to enter the ring.

Heyman: Brock, how ungrateful of you! I gave everything to you, I tried to take you to the top of BTW…

Crowd starts a “You suck†chant.

Heyman: But you, are nothing more than a loser, a loser that couldn’t get the job done. However, my new client will, and I am happy you are out there so you can meet him.

Some generic music plays as a big, black guy comes out. He stands at the right of Paul Heyman.

Heyman: Brock, please meet my new client, his name is Bob Sapp! I am sure you have heard of him before.

Lesnar: Hey, but why is he staying that far way, why don’t he get over here so we can discuss better!

Crowd pops. Bob Sapp goes to enter the ring, however Paul Heyman stops him.

Heyman: I never stop getting shocked of how stupid you are, you want to battle this 6 ft 5, 350 lbs beast? It’s fine by me, but it’s not going to happen here tonight.

Crowd boos.

Heyman: But since you want it so badly, I’ll tell you this, Brock Lesnar vs Bob Sapp, at Krakatoa!

Lesnar: You know Paul, you’re on!

Heyman and Bob Sapp smile. Sapp then steps forward and begins badmouthing Brock. Brock grins inside the ring and then flexes his muscles answering the intimidation.

Styles: Bob Sapp?

Borash: Brock Lesnar and Bob Sapp would battle many times throughout the year, with every time Bob Sapp getting the best out of Laesnar, but it wasn’t until Brock found himself in the Road to WrestleBowl and with a World Title shot looming, that he managed to defeat Bob Sapp.

BTW Nitro
Brock Lesnar vs Bob Sapp

Brock Lesnar starts taunting Bob, waiting for him to get back to his feet. He turns around for a minute and also taunts Triple H on the stage, inviting him to come down the ramp, however the champion doesn’t. Sapp finally gets back to his feet and walks right into Brock Lesnar, that immediately lifts him and gets him right over his shoulders, looking to the F-5, however before he is able to nail it, Bob Sapp manages to fight out of the hold driving his elbow to the jaw and head of his opponent. Sapp then returns to his feet on the canvas. Lesnar turns around and Bob Sapp weakens him with a punch to the head, and then nails him with an awe inspiring in such a big men Dropkick, that nails Brock Lesnar right on the chest. Paul Heyman on the outside of the ring starts yelling at Bob Sapp, indicating him to end the match. Bob Sapp agrees and he goes to grab Brock Lensar and lift him up, however Brock Lesnar manages to react first as he somehow rolls his opponent up: 1…2…, Bob Sapp kicks out. Both competitors take their time, as they remain knocked out on the canvas. Finally, both behemoths Brock Lesnar and Bob Sapp start recovering and getting back to their feet. They do so and the first to attack is Lesnar, that imprinting more intensity on the match throws Sapp to the corner and starts nailing him with powerful tackles to the middle section, however, and after a flurry of this maneuver, Bob Sapp counters and he gets out of the way, then throwing himself Brock Lesnar to the corner, and then The Beast Bob Sapp is the one tackling Brock Lesnar, driving his shoulder repeatedly to the middle section of his opponent. Brock staggers back from the corner as Bob separates from him. Bob gets him up and nails his opponent with Snake Eyes. Bob then throws himself to the ring ropes behind him, and bounces back trying to attack Brock, however Brock frog leaps over him, and when Bob Sapp turns around Brock nails him with a big clothesline that knocks The Beast down.

Brock Lesnar once again starts taunting, but before he can do anything Sapp from the canvas takes him down leg sweeping him and throws him toward the referee, and Brock Lesnar crashes with the official knocking him down. Sapp gets back to his feet again and goes for a clothesline on Lesnar, however Lesnar ducks and then gets his opponent over his shoulders. On the outside, Paul Heyman rushes and gets a steel chair. Brock Lesnar loses more time taunting to the crowd showcasing his strength as being able to lift and carry the weight of Bob Sapp, however and from behind Paul Heyman enters the ring and nails him with a steel chair to the back. Brock doesn’t feel a thing, lets Bob down and turns around to confront Heyman. He grabs Heyman by the throat and then gets him over his shoulders, then plants him with a very cheered F-5. Brock Lesnar turns around and Bob Sapp tries to attack Brock as he storms toward him, however Brock Lesnar reacts first receiving him with a toe kick right to the middle section. Lesnar sets his opponent over his shoulders and nails him with an F-5. Brock makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Brock Lesnar defeats Bob Sapp

JR: He did it! Finally Brock Lesnar has defeated Bob Sapp! After all this time, finally Lesnar has done it!

Styles: The roads have been showed, and when we come back, we will show you the first time Triple H and Brock Lesnar entered the ring to confront each other, as champion and challenger.


The Rated R CMStar

Styles: Brock Lesnar became the Number One Contender by over lasting 19 other men in a Battle Royal, winning the right to go to WrestleBowl.

Borash: But Triple H just didn’t see Brock Lesnar on his level, and he would never did until he lost the championship at WrestleBowl.

Styles: But let’s take a look at the first time Triple H and Brock Lesnar entered the ring as champion and challenger, 5 weeks before their showdown at WrestleBowl.

BTW Nitro
Brock Lesnar and Triple H face-off

Brock Lesnar appears on the stage and he jogs. He walks down the ramp taunting to the crowd. Brock salutes some fans on his way down until he finally enters the ring. Brock, with a mic in hand, lets the crowd reaction die down before starting to speak.

Lesnar: I…

“The Game” plays to a lot of boos as Triple H appears on a suit interrupting Brock Lesnar. He has the BTW World Heavyweight Championship wrapped around his waist.

JR: And here we go, right at it and right away!

Triple H is also rocking dark sunglasses. He walks down the ramp arrogantly and showing his confidence, we see Triple H make his complete entrance, ignoring Brock Lesnar all during it until The Game settles in the middle of the ring right in front of Brock Lesnar,

HHH: I’m sorry, did I interrupt something? Where you about to say something?

Lesnar: I was about to ask if someone has seen the mom of a certain baby. The baby is tall, blonde and has a five week death warrant hanging from his neck waiting to be made effective at WrestleBowl.

Crowd cheers.

HHH: That’s pure gold, that’s pure gold right there Brock, it truly is. I like it that even though you are just over a month away from the biggest deception, the most embarrassing moment in your career, when I show to the world you just don’t belong to this level, you are still in the mood to think in clever jokes like that one.

Crowd boos.

HHH: But you’re not the only one who has being doing some thinking. Speaking of careers and humiliating moments, I took myself the mission of scouting your career and examine your bigger than life moments and, well, what I found out Brock is, that every so called big moment or turning point moment in your career, has been in fact, a mistake.

Crowd once again boos Triple H.

HHH: Last time you were on the Grandest Stage of them All and on the top of the mountain, you drove yourself head first into the canvas and almost cost yourself that match. You are also known as the man who tried to enter the Minnesota Vikings only to fail miserably, and you are also world wide known as the biggest example of “dropping the ball and walking out” this industry has ever seen.

Brock stares at Triple H as the crowd boos.

HHH: And yet, here we are, you once again back on the top of the mountain and staring death in the eye at the measuring stick of this business.

Lesnar: Are you done?

A little round of applause starts for Brock Lesnar.

Lesnar: For months, even before I became your Number One Contender, you have been running your mouth about how I don’t belong in your level, and how I will never hold the big one here in BTW. But you know what Hunter, I have a chance at WrestleBowl to prove you wrong on both, when I beat you and became the new World Heavyweight Champion.

HHH: Hold on just a minute. Beat me? I thought you were going to forfeit that match, or at least aim for survival, but win the match? Brock, let me leave something to you absolutely clear, at WrestleBowl, you will not be going to face 18 other men and throw them over the top rope. You’re not going to face Bob Sapp and his overweight cheerleader. No, you’re jumping two feet into the ocean and step into the ring with The Game. At WrestleBowl, you’ll stop messing with the little feet, and instead, get right on the face of the biggest, meanest shark in the ocean.

Lesnar: Tell me something Hunter, all this talk, does it get you psyched? Or do you just enjoy talking trash you know you can’t back up.

HHH: Are you serious? I know standing right next to me puts you a little nervous and messes with your senses a little, but I didn’t think I had that big of an effect.

Boos can be heard from the audience.

HHH: I am an eleven time World Heavyweight Champion, and current BTW Champion, and let’s not forget, I did in three seconds what you couldn’t do in 5 months, and that it’s to defeat Bob Sapp.

Lesnar: Hunter, you talk so much and yet, you just don’t get it. At WrestleBowl, it isn’t about Christian Cage, it isn’t about Bob Sapp, it isn’t about anybody else. You can say all you want to get me off my game but it will just don’t work, because at WrestleBowl, I am not aiming for Bob Sapp, I am aiming for your BTW Championship!

Crowd erupts.

HHH: Well excuse me if I am not scared about the man who needs to change brands just to avoid facing me.

Crowd boos.

HHH: And I am sorry if I am not intimidated by the man who needs more than five matches to not even defeat a man I defeated easily in just one.

Crowd boos again.

HHH: Don’t get me wrong Brock. You’re a monster, you’re a damn beast. Amateur wrestler, college all American, you have every gift a man can be given, but in this ring, you cannot touch me. You are good, but not on my level good, Brock. Brock, I have defeated the best this business has to offer and I do just that day after day after day, and believe me, you don’t even come close.

A group of fans start a “Triple H sucks” chant.

HHH: And at WrestleBowl, whether you like it or not, I am going to eat you alive, retain my World Heavyweight Championship and show you, the thousands of attendance and the millions watching at home, why I am that damn good, and better than you.

Crowd boos again.

Lesnar: Since you like running your mouth senseless to give a simple message, let me summarize it for you, let me summarize what WrestleBowl will be for you…

Crowd roars in expectation and excitement.

Lesnar: At Wrestlebowl, Here comes the pain!

Crowd erupts with a huge pop.

HHH: Good, confidence, that will soften the hit. But Brock, since I know it, and every single one knows it, how about next week, you try to prove me wrong? How about next week, you prove me that you indeed belong in this ring with me and face your friend, Bob Sapp.

Crowd cheers in approval.

HHH: Who knows, maybe after that, and if you win, you’ll make people to believe you and not laugh at you when you tell them YOU are main-eventing WrestleBowl.

Crowd boos.

Lesnar: You’re on!

Crowd gives an ovation for the agreeing of the match.

Lesnar: I’ll first go through Bob Sapp and then, then I’ll go through you.

Brock Lesnar and Triple H stare at each other. Lesnar is about to leave the ring, however, as Triple H starts speaking, Brock stops and turns around.

HHH: And just for the record son, this time, there’s no GM to send you to a different brand, there’s no football team recruiting, there’s no way out. At WrestleBowl, Here Comes The Game!

Brock Lesnar and Triple H advance toward each other and get right in front of each other, face to face.

JR: Bah Gawd, Triple H, Brock Lesnar, for the BTW World Heavyweight Championship, at WrestleBowl.

Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen, that has been all for us tonight…or not? Did you think we would really have a show without this match?

Borash: The grand finale, because we will show you in full, in full, what could possibly the most intriguing match in history.

Styles: It’s Rebellion PPV, Team WWE vs Team BTW.

Borash: Thank you, good night.

Team WWE vs Team BTW
John Cena, John Morrison, The Great Khali, Mistico and Shane Mcmahon vs Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Chris Jericho, Muhammed Hassan and AJ Styles

AJ Styles starts for Team BTW and after a moment of discussion between the team, John Morrison is designed to kick off for Team WWE. Both competitors come close to each other and after a moment of staring at each other they unfold, trading blow after blow. John Morrison gets the advantage driving his knee to Styles’s gut. He then slaps his opponent’s chest, connecting. He then slaps it one more time. John Morrison goes for the third one but AJ ducks it. Morrison goes this time for a right handed hook but Styles knocks it again, connecting this time a sidekick of his own. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Morrison kicks out. Styles lifts Morrison up and connects a right hand. He then Irish Whips John to the corner, then running toward him driving his knee to his opponent’s jaw. Styles makes the tag to Muhammed Hassan. Hassan enters and goes on to work on Morrison’s middle section landing a series of punches. He then brutally Irish Whips John Morrison to the opposite corner punishing the ECW champion’s back. Once in the corner and before Muhammed Hassan reaches to continue his attack, Shane Mcmahon auto-taps himself into the match. Shane enters and immediately goes and makes his classic dancing and jumping routine. He then approaches his Hassan and connects a series of jabs, but they have no effect as Hassan clotheslines him to the mat. Shane gets up and immediately knocked again by a second clothesline. Muhammed covers Shane: 1…2…, Mistico enters the ring and breaks up the count. Hassan gets up angry and confronts Mistico, time that McMahon takes advantage of and rolls down Muhammed Hassan: 1…2…, Hassan kicks out. Shane McMahon gets up and starts taunting Muhammed. Hassan gets up and Shane kicks him in the gut, then goes for a DDT, but Hassan reverses it and hits his Modified STO. Hassan gives the cheered tag to Goldberg that sits on the corner taunting on Shane. Mcmahon slowly gets up and turns around, getting landed by a powerful Spear. Goldberg then drags Shane McMahon close to his corner as a measurement that no one in Team WWE is interfering. He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Shane Mcmahon gets eliminated via pinfall.

Mistico quickly enters taking Shane’s place. He runs toward Goldberg but he plants him with a Big Boot. He lifts Mistico by the head and floors him back again with a strong punch. Goldberg walks back to his corner taunting again for a Spear. Mistico gets up and Goldberg looks to hit his Spear, but Mistico jumps over him avoiding it, then knocking Goldberg down with the Tiger Feint Kick. Mistico makes the tag to John Morrison that immediately climbs to the top rope and hits Goldberg with a Corkscrew Moonsault. John makes the cover: 1…2…, Goldberg gets one shoulder up. John covers him again: 1…2…, Goldberg kicks off again. John Morrison gets up frustrated and as soon as Goldberg tries to get up Morrison punishes him on the back, then landing a series of punches and throwing him to his team’s corner again. He drives his knee to his opponent’s middle section and then makes the tag to The Great Khali. Khali enters received between a lot of boos from the crowd. Khali starts connecting his elbow to Goldberg’s face. He then grabs the beaten BTW member and pulls him toward him flooring him then with a clothesline. Khali then announces the Khali Vise Grip raising both arms in the air. Goldberg gets up and Khali tries to grab his head, but to the pop of the crowd Goldberg blocks the maneuver grabbing Khali’s hands. Khali finally surrenders on applying the hold and lands a headbutt on Goldberg. He then lifts the groggy Goldberg with brutality to his corner and makes the tag to Mistico. Mistico then uses the ropes and his legs to apply a chokehold. The referee calls for the illegal maneuver and starts the count: 1…2…3…4…, Mistico releases the hold and enters the ring. He waits for Goldberg to get up and then connects him with a kick to the calf, he then goes for a punch but Goldberg surprisingly ducks it and throws Mistico to the ropes trying to start his offense. He goes for a clothesline but Mistico ducks it and passes by bouncing to the opposite ropes, jumping on them and flooring Goldberg with a springboard DDT. Mistico then pushes his luck and goes on to punch the member of Team BTW trying to knocking them down of the canvas, but Muhammed Hassan reacts getting madly and enters the ring in pursuit of revenge to Mistico. He grabs him and Hassan brutally starts punching him and stomping on him. The referee tries to talk him into his senses but Hassan pushes him away, continuing his brutal abuse on Mistico. The referee one more time tries to get Hassan away and once again gets pushes. This time he doesn’t take it and calls for a DQ.

Muhammed Hassan gets eliminated via DQ.

Hassan looks in shocked at the referee but he decides to take out his frustration on the opposite team, he goes on and punches everyone of Team WWE out of the apron and then lands Mistico with the Modified STO. He then locks in a brutal Camel Clutch punishing Mistico until the referee manages to get Hassan out of the ring. Meanwhile Goldberg drags to his corner and gives the hot tag to Chris Jericho, that immediately dashes to the ropes and lands Mistico with the Lionsault: 1…2…3.

Mistico gets eliminated via pinfall.

The Great Khali enters and Chris Jericho yells (I’m the King of the World). Jericho cockily goes and tries to attack Khali, punching him on the gut, but The Great Khali knocks him down with a headbutt. Jericho gets up and goes back again attacking Khali with punches to his middle section, he then steps back and hits a jumping enziguiri, but with no effect to his opponent that barely moves. Jericho gets up and looks up to Khali, then bouncing to the ropes and tries to clothesline Khali, but Khali grabs him and lifts him in mid air, trying to hit the Military Press, but when he releases Jericho, Chris fells standing and when Khali turns around he gets knocked down by a dropkick to the knee. Jericho quickly goes to his corner and makes the tag to AJ Styles. AJ climbs to the top rope and waits for Khali to get up. He eventually returns to his feet and Styles jumps toward him trying to hit a cross body, but Khali catches him in mid air and powerslams him, making him brutally fell over his head. Styles is treated like a doll as he is tossed with one hand to the corner, then squashes by Khali. Styles gets slowly up, and when Khali goes after him, out of nowhere he manages to connect a Pelé Kick, but it doesn’t makes Khali move. He gets up and unfolds on Khali with a flurry of punches, the series of kicks to the legs and calves of him, but with little effect. Styles bounces to the ropes but gets grabbed by his neck with Khali’s two hands, then brutally connected with the Choketoss. Khali puts his right foot on AJ Styles’s chest making the cover as he raises both arms screaming in victory: 1…2…3.

AJ Styles gets eliminated via pinfall.

Lesnar enters the ring with a confident grin in his face, and invites Khali to attack him. Khali approaches him and Lesnar throws a fist at him, Khali answers it hitting a right hand, but Brock also throws a fist, Khali tries to fight back but his blow gets blocked. Brock Lesnar connects another punch and goes for a Belly-to-Belly suplex, but Khali blocks it attacking Lesnar’s back, making him bend over, then Khali knocks Brock with a Big Boot. Khali then hits a standing leg drop. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Brock kicks out. Brock drags himself getting up but Khali lifts him up and hits him with a headbutt. He then throws Lesnar to the ropes and tries to hit him with a clothesline, but Lesnar ducks it passing by and bouncing to the opposite ropes, getting planted by a kick by Khali. Khali goes back to his corner and gives the tag to John Morrison. John enters and goes like a vulture to punch and attack John Morrison. He quickly enters in momentum getting Brock Lesnar back to his feet and planting him with a Superkick. John Morrison lifts his right arm taunting for the crowd. He announces another Superkick and lifts Lesnar up. He takes impulse and goes for the kick, but Lesnar ducks it and lifts Morrison over his shoulder, throwing him head first to the turnbuckle. Brock then dashes to the ropes and gets the pop from the crowd hitting a Spinning Belly to Belly Suplex. Both men collapse to the canvas.

JBL: What a brutal contest this has been Joey! This men smell like smoke because they have been through fire.

The referee starts the count for both competitors: 1…2…3…4…5….6…, both wrestlers come back to their senses and start dragging to their corners. John Morrison arrives first and makes the tag to The Great Khali that quickly grabs Lesnar’s feet avoiding him from making the tag and pulling him back to the center of the ring. Khali announces his Vise Grip. Brock Lesnar gets back to his feet, Khali tries to lock in the Vise Grip, But Brock Lesnar get Khali’s hands out of the way and hits on him a German Suplex. He then makes the tag to Goldberg that sees Khali beaten and taunts for the Spear. Khali gets up and turns around, getting planted by the Spear. Goldberg gets up celebrating and turns around to cover Khali but realizes he is still moving. Goldberg makes the tag to Chris Jericho, that bounces to the ropes and hits the Lionsault on Khali, but he doesn’t covers him as he sees he is still moving. Jericho makes the tag back to Goldberg that taunts once again for the Spear. Khali slowly gets up and gets plastered by a brutal Spear. Goldberg makes the cover: 1…2…3.

The Great Khali gets eliminated via pinfall.

Goldberg remains in the middle of the ring with one knee on the canvas still pretty beaten and tired. Khali gets up in disbelief after his elimination and bounces to the ropes, hitting a Big Boot on Goldberg’s neck, knocking him down completely immobile. Khali is then forced out of the ring receiving a lot of boos and “You suck” chants. Morrison enters pretty confident and tries to get up Goldberg by lifting up his head, but realizes he is dead weight and is not answering. Morrison gets up with a grin on his face and taunts to the crowd. He then goes to canvas again and this time he lifts Goldberg, setting him in his Neckbreaker position. He spends a little more time taunting for the crowd before actually hitting the maneuver. He finally goes for it but Goldberg surprisingly reverses it and hits his Jackhammer. Goldberg manages to get one arm across John Morrison’s chest: 1…2…3.

John Morrison gets eliminated via pinfall.

Styles: Yes, only one left in Team WWE, the WWE Champion John Cena.

JBL: What a great work by Team BTW! And I can’t believe the effort made by that man over there, Goldberg, he is completely beaten but he still manages to continue competing.

John Cena enters slowly into the ring as the Pepsi Center receives him between “You can’t wrestle chants”. He meets Goldberg in the middle of the ring and badmouth each other by a couple of seconds, before they finally start trading blows at each other. Goldberg gets the quick upperhand hits a suplex on Cena. John Cena gets up and gets knocked again by a clothesline. Goldberg explodes and taunts for the Spear. Cena gets up and turns around getting connected by a very cheered Spear. Goldberg gets up and lifts John Cena going for the Jackhammer. He gets him up but John Cena slides right back over Goldberg’s shoulder, then when Goldberg turned around Cena puts him over his shoulder and lands him with the F-U. He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Goldberg gets eliminated via pinfall.

Brock Lesnar mocks Goldberg as he makes his way up the ramp remembering their competition and rivalry. Goldberg suddenly stops and turns around answering to Lesnar insults, insulting him back. They trade words at each other until John Cena takes advantage of Lesnar’s distraction and rolls him up: 1…2…3.

Brock Lesnar gets eliminated via pinfall.

JBL: What? Cena eliminated two superstars all by himself.

Styles: Yes he has, and now it’s down to Chris Jericho by Team BTW and John Cena by Team WWE.

Chris Jericho enters the ring and both he and Cena circle each other looking for an opportunity. The crowd starts chanting “Go Jericho Go”. Chris smile and go right on to fight John Cena. They enter in a brawl comparing their strengths, with John Cena getting the advantage locking in a headlock. Chris Jericho fights back and pushes Cena to the ropes and out of the hold, hitting John Cena with a jumping sidekick. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Cena rolls over his back and makes a cover of his own: 1…2…, Jericho gets one shoulder up. Both get up and get back to exchanging fists, this time Jericho gets the advantage grabbing his arm and locking in an armbar, then modifying it into a hammerlock, until he finally brings Cena down with a facebuster still grabbing his arm. Jericho taunts for the crowd and then goes on to work on Cena’s legs, stomping on them. Jericho then goes for the Walls of Jericho, but John Cena fights trying to avoid him from finally locking in the maneuver. Jericho continues to use all of his strength and he manages to lock in the Walls of the Jericho to a pop from the crowd. John Cena screams in agony as Jericho tries to make him tap out. John starts making his way to reaching the ropes. He is about to grab one but Jericho pulls him back to the center of the ring. Finding himself in a Put Out or Tap Out situation, John Cena starts brutally and despairly looking for a way out of the Walls of Jericho. He pushes his legs making Jericho release the hold but the impulse of that makes Jericho crash with the referee bringing him down. Chris looks at the referee but then turns around and sees the recovering John Cena, Jericho then bounces to the ropes and hits his version of a Bulldog. Chris Jericho moves on the make the cover but realizes there is no referee. He goes and tries to wake up the official, but when he is trying to do it Rikishi starts walking down the ramp carrying a steel chair. Jericho looks at him with a bedazzled look on his face. He tells him not to do it, but he gets turned by John Cena, that has got back to his feet and puts him over his shoulders. He goes to the center of the ring and hits the F-U. John Cena makes the booed cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Team WWE defeats Team BTW.


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Feb 8, 2008
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Well I can't give a review but well done, i enjoyed reading that, it was well writen, and ok it wasn't a show but i enjoyed looking at BTW''s history.

The Rated R CMStar


BTW Official News


BTW has signed Michael Hettinga to a developmental contract. Michael will be reporting to DSW next Wednesday.


Rumors from BTW
Your informer about Born to Wrestle

Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs have been pushing hard that if they get called to the main roster, they should keep the Age of the Fall gimmick. Both men have been in the radar of being called up before, however it is said that some agents are against the gimmick.

Chris Jericho has been become a leader of sorts backstage. He has been pushing for programs with younger talent so that he can elevate them.

BTW Tag Team Champions Test and Albert are not in the kind eye of management. It has been said that the only reason they are still employed is because they are the tag champions, and creative doesn't want to devalue the belts by taking the belts off from them in a non built feud.

Paul Heyman is more than excited with the idea of managing both Bob Sapp and Mark Henry, and he has said that if booked correctly they could be bigger than Studd/Andre/Heenan.

Colt Cabana is in line for a push.

The Rated R CMStar



Two weeks ago, Christian Cage made his intentions very clear, as interfering in the Champion vs Champion match between Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar, he floored the BTW World Heavyweight Champion, instantly sending a message that he was coming for him. Brock doesn't forget quite easily, and it's a given that he isn't happy with getting attacked from behind. Will he answer Christian's message?

Another person who send a clear message was Rikishi, who warned Randy Orton that steaming to what he did to Rikishi himself at Turning Point and to The Rock at WrestleBowl, he was coming after him. Orton continued his dominance on the same night by defeating rising star Colt Cabana. With so much emotion and history between Randy Orton and Rikishi, and with a challenge set in between, can we expect to see this two confront in BTW Nitro?

And a third message was sent two weeks ago, altough this wasnt as clear as the two, as nobody quite knows why did it all happened. While The Undertaker attempted to do his Edict to the BTW Universe, out of nowhere, and with no apparent reason, The Undertaker got attacked by the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga, who completely destroyed The Undertaker. What will happen this week? Will Taker be able to bounce back from this attack, and will somebody explain to us why did Umaga attacked The Undertaker?

At WrestleBowl, Edge and Jeff Hardy stole the show with an impressive match, however, it is certain that they weren't aiming to put a wrestling classic, but instead they where looking to completely destroy each other. Jeff Hardy was the hunter the, but now, and with the hunger Edge has now to revenge his defeat from WrestleBowl at Busted Open, one has to assume Jeff Hardy is the hunted and the Rated R Superstar is doing the stalking. What kind of mind games will the Master Manipulator will try to pull on Jeff Hardy?

Two superstars who suffered defeat at WrestleBowl let it clear that they are not done with their counter parts just yet. Samoa Joe got just what he wanted: a rematch with CM Punk at Busted Open. However, this week he will have to do nothing more than to sit on the announcing's table to watch his rival, CM Punk, do battle with Sabu.

The second superstar is Big Show. Big Show was somehow even humilliated at WrestleBowl, when Goldberg and Randy Couture defeated him. Big Show however won't be denied, and he said he was going to get a piece of Goldberg, so more than likely he WILL get a match with Goldberg.

Bob Sapp, Mark Henry and Paul Heyman shocked the world when instead of a Mark Henry vs Bob Sapp match, we got the inception of this alliance. With none of the two in an scheduled match, will we get some explanations was to how all this happened?

MVP, RVD, Muhammed Hassan and Cody Rhodes all competed in a huge tag team match two weeks ago. On this BTW Nitro however, while their association won't exactly end, it will be considerably different, as there will be a swap of opponents. Rob Van Dam will go one on one Muhammed Hassan, while the BTW Extreme Champion MVP, scheduled to defend against Rob Van Dam at Busted Open, will face newcomer Cody Rhodes.

Known Card:

Rob Van Dam vs Muhammed Hassan

Montel Vontavious Porter vs Cody Rhodes

Samoa Joe in commentary
CM Punk vs Sabu

...and much, much more


Feb 18, 2009
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Hey Rated R CM Star, Those are my prediction for your next episode...

Muhammed Hassan Vs. RVD

MVP Vs. Cody Rhodes

CM Punk Vs. Sabu

*PS: There is a preview of all the matches that will be in the AWE premiere show. You can write your prediction. + I love your show


Gards Jr.

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Oct 21, 2007
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Rob Van Dam vs Muhammed Hassan
MVP Interference is very likely here.

Montel Vontavious Porter vs Cody Rhodes
Champs gotta win.

Samoa Joe in commentary
CM Punk vs Sabu
Joe distraction with Punk still managing the win tbh.

Evil Austin

Rob Van Dam vs Muhammed Hassan
I dunno, Faces should win.

MVP vs Cody Rhodes
It's his debut match or one of his first matches, he should start off on a roll.

Samoa Joe in commentary
CM Punk vs Sabu
No Contest when Samoa Joe and CM Punk brawl around the middle of the ring, referees need to break it up.


May 9, 2007
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DSW Preview

wrestlingobserver.com News Flash!

Connorten signs contract to write DSW!

The headline says it all. Connorten and CMS have agreed to terms on allowing Connorten to write the development territory show, DSW. He will be gving the responsibility along with a Television and World Title for the show. He is expected to bring the DSW further then CMS ever brought it and he also says that you will expect lots of action for a one hour show, along with many surprises and new superstars.

DSW Preview

It will be the first DSW show showing on live TV with stipulations of both titles on the line.

The Television Title will be on the line in a 4 man Ladder Match between Matt Bentley, Adam Pearce, Rene Dupree and Teddy Hart.

We will then witness a huge Hardcore Match to kick off our DSW World Title Tournament. With Necro Butcher and Vladimir Kozlov going one on one.

As well we will have interview segments with the four wrestlers who will be in World title Tournament matches next week, Mike Knox, Jimmy Jacobs, Austin Aries and Tyler Black.