Every match at a big event ever from no on for nothing but pride Jeff will beat edge
English? Here’s the review for the final BTW Nitro.
Over The Top Rope Battle Royale: The eliminations came to fast in the end, but the action, and exchanging between all four men was good. Everyone except RVD has had some momentum going into the match. Kind of makes you think about my earlier prediction.
Joey Styles, and Christian Cage promo: In reference to Comic, he was gone because The Big Show got pissed at Turning Point I believe, and chokeslammed Styles during his number once contenders match for the BTW Continental Championship against Chris Jericho. Styles was bashing Show, not really, but that’s how Big Show thought, and reacted. Anyway, Styles is awesome whoopee! What will happen to Jim Ross though? :sad:
Chris Jericho vs. Elijah Burke: Second best match of the night. Great action, and Cage's commentary was done appropriately. 'nuff said here.
Umaga, and Sapp versus Gavin Spears (lol): You should have had Gavin win
![smh :smh :smh](https://i.imgur.com/CvXvdop.gif)
. The battle afterwards was telegraphed, and not surprising at all.
Crushing C, and Montel Vontavious Porter: This promo really just made me lol, MVP seemed in character, and I love the Crushing C character as well.
Submission Challenge: Great idea to keep this friendly feud alive, and well. This is pretty awesome, and I liked how it was booked. We saw, well I saw who the heel in the feud clearly was for the first time, and Punk came out strong in the end having a face moment. Great booking CMS.
The Rock Promo: To short to give much feedback IMO.
The Rock vs. Mark Henry: I was wondering who you would put in this match. The way you incorporated Orton's interference without having him touch The Rock is very well written, and this match IMO wasn't a squash at all. I thought Henry was going to win it for a moment, but by the last paragraph I knew Rocky was going to pull out strong. Match of the night honors for me.
Cutting Edge Interrupted by Jeff Hardy: "Ladders get me in the mood" best quote I've seen in awhile from a BTB. The other one was "Baptism of the age of Orton" something along those lines. Anyways, this is an awesome segment, and you played Edge well. But the whole Edge saying the greatest guest on The Cutting Edge is him is getting old. We saw it done in SWA, and here. Jeff coming down to get PWNed is pretty suprising.
Christian Cage vs. Colt Cabunny: Alright match. I guess after Wrestlebowl you will be pushing Colt to the moon, as he is an awesome wrestler, and I'm sure you like him. Colt 45 is an awesome finisher btw.
Randy Orton promo: The promo was really good at first, and really dealt Orton his massive heel-ness, but The Rock attacking him was really unlike himself. I doubt he's ever done that other than his heel programs with Austin, and Foley. To do it to Orton where he is the obvious face is just weird. I disagree with the booking.
Couture versus Ortiz in a MMA Fight: This was really an interesting idea, much like the Submission Challenge except this one never really happened. I thought you would have Couture, and Ortiz get their hands on each other fairly for at least a little bit before Big Show comes in, and 'Berg makes the save. This got the heels over as big time, and Shammarock as special referee ftw! This is going to be kickass.
Montel Vontavious Porter, and Crushing C stand off with The Undertaker, and Rikishi: What can I say. Porters a pussy, and Rikishi, and C will have a slug fest at Wrestlebowl.
The main event, Lesnar, and Triple H in a war of words: Great promo, but the repetitiveness off Triple H saying Lesnar isn't in his league is getting pretty annoying. The brawl at the end was good, and the metaphors you were using were good to. A few grammar mistakes here, and there but who cares. This is big time, and this match will be awesome. Is still think Triple H is winning it though. I don't see Lesnar as champion just yet. As a matter of fact I think he won't win the belt. I have a feeling when Goldberg wins he sky rockets into the main event, and they have a triple threat at Busted Open, and Berg wins the belt off Triple H. That’s just wishful thinking though. Promo of the night honors here.
Additional Comments: Great show, and I said all there is to say. I can't wait for Wrestlebowl, and I already have my predictions up.