It creates a certain big event feel when you have someone singing the national anthem before the show, so well done on your part. The stage and entrance area is massive I might add, as massive as WrestleBowl. Great video package to start the show off, and a good way to summarise the major events in the year for people like me who wasn’t around for the beginning of BTW. I would have thought that a bigger match would have started off the show, but nonetheless, here we go!
I don’t like Sapp having two heel versus heel matches in consecutive events, even though Umaga can be classified as a tweener of sorts. Better than the usual big man match if you ask me, you didn’t have a normal big boot and throws match like someone on this forum did (not mentioning any names

), even though I am not sure if I would want to see this match in real life. Umaga is one of the most versatile big men today. The Samoan Spike to the interfering Heyman was inevitable, and it proved to be the distraction that his client needed to win the match. As I said earlier, I think that there should have been a bigger match to start off with it being the first match in WrestleBowl history, but a good match.
This promo with one of the best mic workers in the business was a bit too short for my liking, as I think that you should have had something along the lines of Mr. Kennedy talking trash to his opponents in the Monster’s Ball match. It was in character, however, and it was a nice way to incorporate the Kennedy line at the end of the promo.
Yay, he is the match that I have been waiting for even though it is only the second match on the card, as I simply love Hardcore matches. RVD pwns, nuff said, so he should win this match without any questions. I think you should have added that this is RVD’s hometown, but whatever. It did not take long for the hardcore action to begin, with Rob using Ken’s own microphone to pulverise him. The Hurricanrana spot and Sunset Flip Powerbomb spots were sick and this has been a nice match from the get go so far. You killing RVD with a trash can and baseball bat does not float my boat

. You did a nice job in describing the Triple Jump Moonsault, and you showed that this match is every man for themselves when Sabu attacked him occasional tag team partner Rob Van Dam. The introduction of the barbwire steel chair and the use of it was sick, and it was a nice encounter between RVD and Sabu. The fork to the face was something that I wanted to see. A bit too much I think by introducing the saw I think. Took a bit longer than I expected for either Styles, Sabu or RVD to bring in the ladder, but it was used greatly. I knew that Styles wouldn’t let Sabu’s attack on Kennedy go, and the chair assisted leg drop was sick. An awesome spot with the 5 Star onto AJ on the ladder. This has been a great match so far, and it got even better with the Steamroller onto the steel steps. HOLY SHIT! Another absolutely crazy spot with Sabu, RVD, the ladder and the crowd. Full Nelson Face buster right onto the thumbtacks was great as well. 17 FOOT DROP FROM SABU! That was awesome, and since he has seemingly been taken out, RVD FTW. OMFG! AJ just got smashed by RVD from the ladder into the steps! That is the true meaning of Monster’s Ball right there, and RVD is the new Number 1 Contender for the Extreme Title. Awesome, awesome match.
This was a good promo and a great way to have the debut of Cody Rhodes and the return of Muhammad Hassan, and it seems as though you have just started a feud here, classic Anti American against All American. I am looking forward to it, and you made Cody look super strong here.
Here is the match that I have been looking forward to the most along with Orton vs. the Rock. Christian owns and has looked really strong in his BTW Continental title reign, but Y2J, he simply pwns all. Creative opening to start off with Christian going straight to the nose of Jericho. I thought that Christian would dodge the splash, which he did. The reversal from the Superplex into the Diving Elbow Strike was nice, and now it looks as though Jericho is back into this match. The Cloverleaf and the attempted Walls of Jericho was nice, as Jericho almost got the win with a creative roll up. Very creative with the Frog Splash with the forearm to the broken nose of Jericho, and the roll up into the Walls was a nice touch. Both men then get up, but Jericho locks it in again, and wins the title! Jericho is the new champion! Alleluia!
This is sure to be a great match also with these two being so versatile in the ring, and Punk is one of my favourites. Samoa seems to be playing the heel in this match, which I have, no problem with whatsoever. The ST Joe was nice but there was no way that that would finish the match. The match is a real back and forth, reversal filled match, and it creates excitement throughout the whole match. Good to see that you have the Anaconda Vice still in Punk’s move set, and I honestly thought that it was all over when Punk locked it in. Anyway, the exciting match goes on, and the creative reversals continue for quite some time, and then Punk looks to hit a GTS, but Joe gets him in a roll up, but Punk gets him in a roll up of his own and wins the match, and it is all over! Nice sign of respect to finish the feud between the two, where both will hopefully move to bigger and better things.
This was a good Rock promo, and the length of what your Kennedy promo should have been I think. Nice family moment to have Rikishi come in, as it creates hype for both the Rock vs. Orton and the big Kishi against Crushing C. Looking forward to both matches.
Nice highlight package for a match between two of my favourite workers in Jeff Hardy and Edge, and I guess that can be said for you for one half of these men, and this video package made this match have the certain big match feel about it. Nice way to signify that the feud is personal by having Hardy charge at Edge. Jeff taking the early advantage was nice and somewhat obvious, as I then expect that Edge will use some dirty tactics or dodge a high risk move from Hardy to gain the advantage and go onto win the match, but I am not 100% sure. The guard rail clothesline was nice, and you have managed to write both Superstars move set and characterisations perfectly so far. I was right in saying that Edge would get the advantage from Hardy’s high risk backfiring. Edge kicking out of the Swanton Bomb made him HUGELY over, and Jeff’s move once again backfired. I think it was a bit of overkill having Edge kick out of two Whisper in the Winds following a Swanton Bomb. If Edge does lose this match, he will come out looking super strong. Edge getting the chair was very Edge- esque, but Jeff hits another Swanton Bomb! Certainly shocked that Jeff won, getting my second prediction wrong.
Nice interaction between the former tag team which I believe was called Domination, who have gone downhill since their breakup, leading me to think that Brock may actually come out on top tonight. Christian vs. Triple H once again? Hopefully?
Another video package for the King of the big stage the Undertaker against the future World Champion and perhaps the future of BTW, MVP. This gave me a good idea as to how this feud began as I cannot remember TBH, but I am with the times now. Awesome entrance from MVP, but watching the Undertaker’s entrance live is absolutely awe inspiring. As stated in my predictions, I believe that Undertaker will come out the victor but Porter will look strong. Undertaker taking the early advantage was good and you managed to incorporate Undertaker’s boxing style in the early going. Unfortunately, I think that all of your singles matches have had the same structure with the face dominating the early going and then the heel taking the advantage before the face mounts a comeback to win. This match was no different, but you did put Taker over a little bit by showing resiliency and having him kick out various times at two. You made Wrestle Bowl feel Wrestlemania like by having Undertaker do his Mania sized Suicide Dive, and it looks all over for MVP, looking to hit the Last Ride. I have always loved the Dragon Sleeper, and I have always preferred it over the Triangle Choke, and you made MVP look strong by getting out of it. Same goes with Porter kicking out of the Chokeslam, things like these make a Superstar look super strong in my opinion. Woah! Undertaker kicks out of the Playa’s Boot! :O. This pretty much confirms that Taker will come out the victor, and one Tombstone Piledriver later, it is all over!
Yay! Orton vs. the Rock, the match that I have been looking forward the most along with Jericho vs. Christian (as previously mentioned). Once again, great video package to show us how this feud started off, although there was a slight formatting error which slightly took away from the package. Damn, that was a quick way to get into the match, having Orton hitting his backbreaker less than one minute in. This was a slightly different structure to your matches as the heel took the advantage in the early going, but nonetheless I do believe that it is effective. Once again, you had the opponent take the advantage and then dominate, something I don’t like. That Orton DDT off the announce table was absolutely sick, kudos to you for that one. Good to see that you had some fans actually chanting for ‘the Legend Killer’, and the head of the Rock is really taking a beating. A DDT has been a popular move in this match I must say, as the Rock just used one of his own. I love the Sharpshooter and the last time I saw it utilized was Trish vs. Lita at Unforgiven a few years ago, and I would love to see it again. Anyway, Randy looked good by getting out of it and then almost hitting the RKO. The Rock seems to have every trick in the book to getting out of the RKO, and then he hits the Rock Bottom only for Orton to kick out, making him look even more stronger! And then he kicks out of the People’s Elbow! Holy shit, you are going all out in building Orton, but Rocky kicks out of the RKO! Shocking stuff there but Orton then hits another, and gets the huge victory over the veteran! Great match, and even greater aftermath with Orton looking like the demonic freak that he should be when he hit Rock with the punt.
Not really the type of promo I imaging either Goldberg, Couture nor Lesnar to be in to be honest. I know that this was an attempt to hype the men’s matches for later tonight, but I do not feel that this promo was needed tbh.
This is a match of epic proportions even though both BTW competitors are not that good of competitors, but I am looking forward to this anyways. You do a great job in choosing the vital parts for your video packages, hypes the match up well and shows us how the story started. I am not familiar with UFC or MMA but I have heard of big things for both Couture and Ortiz, and it certainly was a nice touch at the start with the crowd chanting for Randy to be tagged in and having the two start it off. Creative idea to have the Big Show be tagged in and have him dominant, as Goldberg cannot help. I liked the Knockout Punch turned straight into the Standing Armbar, it was a creative idea in my mind. This match has been kind of bland to start off to be honest, as it has mainly been Show dominating. Goldberg getting booed was funny, and Big Show choking Goldberg behind Shamrock’s back was a nice touch also. The Big Show and Shamrock event that followed were extraordinarily similar to Mayweather and Show from No Way Out from 2008. Couture using wrestling techniques was nice to see, and the three Spears to Show was great. Nice way to have Couture pick up the win, as the faces prevail here tonight. It was a good ending also with Shamrock, Goldberg and Couture standing tall.
A huge match here between the Big Kish and Crushing C, as this is perhaps the biggest feud in Born to Wrestle history. A good opening video package which highlighted the main parts of this very long, important feud. Rikishi dominated Crushing C was the obvious and the right thing to do in the early going, and using the Kendo Stick, utilizing the No Holds Barred stipulation. With Rikishi having all of this aggression for the past couple of months, he should dominate the whole match in my opinion. The AJ Styles interference was inevitable which would give C a little bit of an advantage, but Rikishi will take it back, no doubt about it. There was good utilization of weapons in this match and it told a great story, where Rikishi let out months of rage on Crushing C. The Banzai Drop through the two stacked tables was sick, and here is the end to a good match and the end of this feud seemingly. Once again, you use WWE’s ideas like Mayweather vs. Show, as this was a repeat of the aftermath of Michaels vs. McMahon from Wrestlemania 22.
AND HERE WE GO! IT IS TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT! Awesome video package to show how this rivalry escalated, and this time you incorporated a song to make the video package more ‘dramatic’. The live song from Motorhead made this make WrestleBowl seem even bigger, so once again, kudos to you for that. I must admit, Ross praising Triple H was quite odd. Good way to start off the match, relatively high paced submission moves, wearing each other down. With Triple H dominating this portion of the match and judging by the way you write your singles matches, HHH will win this match after Lesnar gets some momentum back. With Triple H working over the leg of Lesnar, it was only a matter of time before he would attempt the infamous Figure Four Leg Lock. Later on, the reversal from the Pedigree into the Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex was pretty innovative. You did a nice job in adding in Brock’s amateur wrestling background also. Brock attacking the ribs was sensible as it enabled more effect on the F5, but Lesnar’s leg is suffering some real punishment, as this time the Figure Four Leg Lock is successful. With Lesnar catching HHH on his shoulders, it would mean that HHH would be going for something along the lines of a Diving Hurricanrana or a John Cena style leg drop which is very uncharacteristic for him, but him going to the top rope is unrealistic full stop. This could be a sign of three things, an act of desperation, unrealistic in real life, or trying to create more of a big match feel. For me, unrealistic is the answer. Anyway, Brock’s leg buckling was smart as HHH goes straight back to it, as this has been a very good match so far, perhaps even match of the night in my opinion. The action is nowhere near finishing, as Brock soon after attempts an F5 only for HHH to reverse. Whoever comes out the victor, they will come out looking really strong, as will the loser. Brock kicks out of the Pedigree! Holy shit, this match is awesome. The injured leg comes into play once again as he does not have the strength to hit the F5, but soon after, he manages to hit it, only for Triple H to now kick out, what a match! Desperation now, as Brock hits Triple H with a Pedigree of his own, but that can’t put the champion away! HHH looks incredibly strong here (as strong as Cena IRL

), but Lesnar is an absolute beast, kicking out of a second Pedigree! Brock then recovers and eventually manages to recover and hits a second F5, but this time goes up top and hits the Shooting Star Press! NEW CHAMPION! BROCK IS THE NEW CHAMPION! Congratulations on a great match, absolutely fantastic, and great aftermath.
CMS, this is no doubt the best BTB show in IWF history (well at least for how long I have been here
). Some may disagree with me and I am simply saying this because it is long but that is far from the truth, it starts some new stories (Rhodes and Hassan) and ends some (Rikishi and Crushing C), and most matches were of the highest quality. I suggest that you change the structure of your matches, however, as most of your matches have the eventual winner start off dominating, then the opponent mounting a comeback only for the other to come back and win, but apart from that, there were pretty much no other faults. This show had it all, from an outstanding main event to a great Continental Title match to an incredible, brutal, action packed Monster’s Ball match, this will go down in the history books as one of if not the best show in IWF history. CMS, congratulations, and kudos to you man, you deserve it.