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Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BTW Wrestlebowl Review

tl;dr lol

Opening segment-Really plays up the spectacle and massiveness of the show (as if it really needs it).

Bob Sapp vs. Umaga-Interesting choice for an opener having a big man match. I personally would have gone with Monster's Ball or Christian vs. Jericho. Anyway this was pretty good, surprisingly back and forth with a nice finish.

Kennedy Promo-Typical Kennedy promo. Nothing too extraordinary.

Monster's Ball-Interesting styles clash (no pun intended). Anyway this should have been the opening match simply because of the amount of action. This match was all over the place, violent (just the way I like it) and the finish was awesome.

Busted Open Hype-I can already see that this show will not be as epic. But how can it be? It wouldn't make any sense to follow the biggest show ever with an even bigger show. Should still be great nonetheless.

Hassan return-Great promo. Hassan was in great heel form. Rhodes kinda fell flat in comparison.

Christian vs. Jericho-Another awesome match. Pretty funny with Christian pointing out that Jericho is bleeding. The finish seems painful with Christian being locked in the original Lion Tamer for a long time.

Punk vs. Joe-This match had a lot of anticipation. Not only from a BTW match standpoint but from a BTB standpoint. would CMS be able to pull it off? Would it live up to the standard set by HFH? This was yet another great match. Joe did a good job of working over the neck of Punk and Punk was never actually able to connect with the GTS despite several attempts. Overall good wrestling, lots of counters and a great way to stay in shape.

Motorhead-Yippee. That's all.

The Rock Promo-Awesome as usual. Pretty entertaining with Rikishi stealing half of Rock's lines.

Jeff Hardy vs. Edge-This started out hot as expected with Jeff Hardy trying to kill Edge after everything he put him through. Pretty sweet use of Delirious's cobra stretch by Edge. This was another incredible match with several false finishes.

Christian and HHH promo-Typical HHH lives for high pressure matches promo.

Undertaker vs. MVP-Both men controlled a decent amount of the match (which was a nice change from the Elijah Burke-Undertaker match where Burke dominated only to get beat in the end). MVP looked strong in this one. I wonder if this will be the beginning of the Undertaker's Wrestlebowl streak.

Randy Orton vs. Rocky-I was wondering how you would play up the fact that Rocky hasn't wrestled in four years. You showed his rustiness while still giving us the impression that the Rock still has it. Not surprised that Orton won since he's a current star.

Brock/Bill/Couture promo-Felt a little awkward.

Goldberg and Couture vs. Show and Ortiz-Kind of interesting that this is the only tag match on the card. Anyway pretty much a standard wrestler and celebrity vs. wrestler and celebrity tag match only this one didn't suck ass like Hogan and Bischoff vs. Page and Leno. Not surprisingly the face team gets the victory. There seems to be a lot of faces winning tonight, with Orton as the lone exception. Could see some interesting storylines play out based on that fact.

Busted Open Hype-Yippee. That is all.

Rikishi vs. Crushing C-Wild brawl as expected from a match with this much heat behind it. The interference was also well played with Styles. Finish was brutal with the table bump.

Brock Lesnary vs. Triple H-I don't believe these two ever fought IRL because of the brand extension. But I would imagine if they did it would be just as epic as this match. This match definitely lived up to the build up.

Overall-Epic. That's the only way I can describe it. Don't even try to top it CMS because this should stand out as your biggest show.


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
It creates a certain big event feel when you have someone singing the national anthem before the show, so well done on your part. The stage and entrance area is massive I might add, as massive as WrestleBowl. Great video package to start the show off, and a good way to summarise the major events in the year for people like me who wasn’t around for the beginning of BTW. I would have thought that a bigger match would have started off the show, but nonetheless, here we go!

I don’t like Sapp having two heel versus heel matches in consecutive events, even though Umaga can be classified as a tweener of sorts. Better than the usual big man match if you ask me, you didn’t have a normal big boot and throws match like someone on this forum did (not mentioning any names :p), even though I am not sure if I would want to see this match in real life. Umaga is one of the most versatile big men today. The Samoan Spike to the interfering Heyman was inevitable, and it proved to be the distraction that his client needed to win the match. As I said earlier, I think that there should have been a bigger match to start off with it being the first match in WrestleBowl history, but a good match.

This promo with one of the best mic workers in the business was a bit too short for my liking, as I think that you should have had something along the lines of Mr. Kennedy talking trash to his opponents in the Monster’s Ball match. It was in character, however, and it was a nice way to incorporate the Kennedy line at the end of the promo.

Yay, he is the match that I have been waiting for even though it is only the second match on the card, as I simply love Hardcore matches. RVD pwns, nuff said, so he should win this match without any questions. I think you should have added that this is RVD’s hometown, but whatever. It did not take long for the hardcore action to begin, with Rob using Ken’s own microphone to pulverise him. The Hurricanrana spot and Sunset Flip Powerbomb spots were sick and this has been a nice match from the get go so far. You killing RVD with a trash can and baseball bat does not float my boat :p. You did a nice job in describing the Triple Jump Moonsault, and you showed that this match is every man for themselves when Sabu attacked him occasional tag team partner Rob Van Dam. The introduction of the barbwire steel chair and the use of it was sick, and it was a nice encounter between RVD and Sabu. The fork to the face was something that I wanted to see. A bit too much I think by introducing the saw I think. Took a bit longer than I expected for either Styles, Sabu or RVD to bring in the ladder, but it was used greatly. I knew that Styles wouldn’t let Sabu’s attack on Kennedy go, and the chair assisted leg drop was sick. An awesome spot with the 5 Star onto AJ on the ladder. This has been a great match so far, and it got even better with the Steamroller onto the steel steps. HOLY SHIT! Another absolutely crazy spot with Sabu, RVD, the ladder and the crowd. Full Nelson Face buster right onto the thumbtacks was great as well. 17 FOOT DROP FROM SABU! That was awesome, and since he has seemingly been taken out, RVD FTW. OMFG! AJ just got smashed by RVD from the ladder into the steps! That is the true meaning of Monster’s Ball right there, and RVD is the new Number 1 Contender for the Extreme Title. Awesome, awesome match.

This was a good promo and a great way to have the debut of Cody Rhodes and the return of Muhammad Hassan, and it seems as though you have just started a feud here, classic Anti American against All American. I am looking forward to it, and you made Cody look super strong here.

Here is the match that I have been looking forward to the most along with Orton vs. the Rock. Christian owns and has looked really strong in his BTW Continental title reign, but Y2J, he simply pwns all. Creative opening to start off with Christian going straight to the nose of Jericho. I thought that Christian would dodge the splash, which he did. The reversal from the Superplex into the Diving Elbow Strike was nice, and now it looks as though Jericho is back into this match. The Cloverleaf and the attempted Walls of Jericho was nice, as Jericho almost got the win with a creative roll up. Very creative with the Frog Splash with the forearm to the broken nose of Jericho, and the roll up into the Walls was a nice touch. Both men then get up, but Jericho locks it in again, and wins the title! Jericho is the new champion! Alleluia!

This is sure to be a great match also with these two being so versatile in the ring, and Punk is one of my favourites. Samoa seems to be playing the heel in this match, which I have, no problem with whatsoever. The ST Joe was nice but there was no way that that would finish the match. The match is a real back and forth, reversal filled match, and it creates excitement throughout the whole match. Good to see that you have the Anaconda Vice still in Punk’s move set, and I honestly thought that it was all over when Punk locked it in. Anyway, the exciting match goes on, and the creative reversals continue for quite some time, and then Punk looks to hit a GTS, but Joe gets him in a roll up, but Punk gets him in a roll up of his own and wins the match, and it is all over! Nice sign of respect to finish the feud between the two, where both will hopefully move to bigger and better things.

This was a good Rock promo, and the length of what your Kennedy promo should have been I think. Nice family moment to have Rikishi come in, as it creates hype for both the Rock vs. Orton and the big Kishi against Crushing C. Looking forward to both matches.

Nice highlight package for a match between two of my favourite workers in Jeff Hardy and Edge, and I guess that can be said for you for one half of these men, and this video package made this match have the certain big match feel about it. Nice way to signify that the feud is personal by having Hardy charge at Edge. Jeff taking the early advantage was nice and somewhat obvious, as I then expect that Edge will use some dirty tactics or dodge a high risk move from Hardy to gain the advantage and go onto win the match, but I am not 100% sure. The guard rail clothesline was nice, and you have managed to write both Superstars move set and characterisations perfectly so far. I was right in saying that Edge would get the advantage from Hardy’s high risk backfiring. Edge kicking out of the Swanton Bomb made him HUGELY over, and Jeff’s move once again backfired. I think it was a bit of overkill having Edge kick out of two Whisper in the Winds following a Swanton Bomb. If Edge does lose this match, he will come out looking super strong. Edge getting the chair was very Edge- esque, but Jeff hits another Swanton Bomb! Certainly shocked that Jeff won, getting my second prediction wrong.

Nice interaction between the former tag team which I believe was called Domination, who have gone downhill since their breakup, leading me to think that Brock may actually come out on top tonight. Christian vs. Triple H once again? Hopefully?

Another video package for the King of the big stage the Undertaker against the future World Champion and perhaps the future of BTW, MVP. This gave me a good idea as to how this feud began as I cannot remember TBH, but I am with the times now. Awesome entrance from MVP, but watching the Undertaker’s entrance live is absolutely awe inspiring. As stated in my predictions, I believe that Undertaker will come out the victor but Porter will look strong. Undertaker taking the early advantage was good and you managed to incorporate Undertaker’s boxing style in the early going. Unfortunately, I think that all of your singles matches have had the same structure with the face dominating the early going and then the heel taking the advantage before the face mounts a comeback to win. This match was no different, but you did put Taker over a little bit by showing resiliency and having him kick out various times at two. You made Wrestle Bowl feel Wrestlemania like by having Undertaker do his Mania sized Suicide Dive, and it looks all over for MVP, looking to hit the Last Ride. I have always loved the Dragon Sleeper, and I have always preferred it over the Triangle Choke, and you made MVP look strong by getting out of it. Same goes with Porter kicking out of the Chokeslam, things like these make a Superstar look super strong in my opinion. Woah! Undertaker kicks out of the Playa’s Boot! :O. This pretty much confirms that Taker will come out the victor, and one Tombstone Piledriver later, it is all over!

Yay! Orton vs. the Rock, the match that I have been looking forward the most along with Jericho vs. Christian (as previously mentioned). Once again, great video package to show us how this feud started off, although there was a slight formatting error which slightly took away from the package. Damn, that was a quick way to get into the match, having Orton hitting his backbreaker less than one minute in. This was a slightly different structure to your matches as the heel took the advantage in the early going, but nonetheless I do believe that it is effective. Once again, you had the opponent take the advantage and then dominate, something I don’t like. That Orton DDT off the announce table was absolutely sick, kudos to you for that one. Good to see that you had some fans actually chanting for ‘the Legend Killer’, and the head of the Rock is really taking a beating. A DDT has been a popular move in this match I must say, as the Rock just used one of his own. I love the Sharpshooter and the last time I saw it utilized was Trish vs. Lita at Unforgiven a few years ago, and I would love to see it again. Anyway, Randy looked good by getting out of it and then almost hitting the RKO. The Rock seems to have every trick in the book to getting out of the RKO, and then he hits the Rock Bottom only for Orton to kick out, making him look even more stronger! And then he kicks out of the People’s Elbow! Holy shit, you are going all out in building Orton, but Rocky kicks out of the RKO! Shocking stuff there but Orton then hits another, and gets the huge victory over the veteran! Great match, and even greater aftermath with Orton looking like the demonic freak that he should be when he hit Rock with the punt.

Not really the type of promo I imaging either Goldberg, Couture nor Lesnar to be in to be honest. I know that this was an attempt to hype the men’s matches for later tonight, but I do not feel that this promo was needed tbh.

This is a match of epic proportions even though both BTW competitors are not that good of competitors, but I am looking forward to this anyways. You do a great job in choosing the vital parts for your video packages, hypes the match up well and shows us how the story started. I am not familiar with UFC or MMA but I have heard of big things for both Couture and Ortiz, and it certainly was a nice touch at the start with the crowd chanting for Randy to be tagged in and having the two start it off. Creative idea to have the Big Show be tagged in and have him dominant, as Goldberg cannot help. I liked the Knockout Punch turned straight into the Standing Armbar, it was a creative idea in my mind. This match has been kind of bland to start off to be honest, as it has mainly been Show dominating. Goldberg getting booed was funny, and Big Show choking Goldberg behind Shamrock’s back was a nice touch also. The Big Show and Shamrock event that followed were extraordinarily similar to Mayweather and Show from No Way Out from 2008. Couture using wrestling techniques was nice to see, and the three Spears to Show was great. Nice way to have Couture pick up the win, as the faces prevail here tonight. It was a good ending also with Shamrock, Goldberg and Couture standing tall.

A huge match here between the Big Kish and Crushing C, as this is perhaps the biggest feud in Born to Wrestle history. A good opening video package which highlighted the main parts of this very long, important feud. Rikishi dominated Crushing C was the obvious and the right thing to do in the early going, and using the Kendo Stick, utilizing the No Holds Barred stipulation. With Rikishi having all of this aggression for the past couple of months, he should dominate the whole match in my opinion. The AJ Styles interference was inevitable which would give C a little bit of an advantage, but Rikishi will take it back, no doubt about it. There was good utilization of weapons in this match and it told a great story, where Rikishi let out months of rage on Crushing C. The Banzai Drop through the two stacked tables was sick, and here is the end to a good match and the end of this feud seemingly. Once again, you use WWE’s ideas like Mayweather vs. Show, as this was a repeat of the aftermath of Michaels vs. McMahon from Wrestlemania 22.

AND HERE WE GO! IT IS TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT! Awesome video package to show how this rivalry escalated, and this time you incorporated a song to make the video package more ‘dramatic’. The live song from Motorhead made this make WrestleBowl seem even bigger, so once again, kudos to you for that. I must admit, Ross praising Triple H was quite odd. Good way to start off the match, relatively high paced submission moves, wearing each other down. With Triple H dominating this portion of the match and judging by the way you write your singles matches, HHH will win this match after Lesnar gets some momentum back. With Triple H working over the leg of Lesnar, it was only a matter of time before he would attempt the infamous Figure Four Leg Lock. Later on, the reversal from the Pedigree into the Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex was pretty innovative. You did a nice job in adding in Brock’s amateur wrestling background also. Brock attacking the ribs was sensible as it enabled more effect on the F5, but Lesnar’s leg is suffering some real punishment, as this time the Figure Four Leg Lock is successful. With Lesnar catching HHH on his shoulders, it would mean that HHH would be going for something along the lines of a Diving Hurricanrana or a John Cena style leg drop which is very uncharacteristic for him, but him going to the top rope is unrealistic full stop. This could be a sign of three things, an act of desperation, unrealistic in real life, or trying to create more of a big match feel. For me, unrealistic is the answer. Anyway, Brock’s leg buckling was smart as HHH goes straight back to it, as this has been a very good match so far, perhaps even match of the night in my opinion. The action is nowhere near finishing, as Brock soon after attempts an F5 only for HHH to reverse. Whoever comes out the victor, they will come out looking really strong, as will the loser. Brock kicks out of the Pedigree! Holy shit, this match is awesome. The injured leg comes into play once again as he does not have the strength to hit the F5, but soon after, he manages to hit it, only for Triple H to now kick out, what a match! Desperation now, as Brock hits Triple H with a Pedigree of his own, but that can’t put the champion away! HHH looks incredibly strong here (as strong as Cena IRL :D), but Lesnar is an absolute beast, kicking out of a second Pedigree! Brock then recovers and eventually manages to recover and hits a second F5, but this time goes up top and hits the Shooting Star Press! NEW CHAMPION! BROCK IS THE NEW CHAMPION! Congratulations on a great match, absolutely fantastic, and great aftermath.

CMS, this is no doubt the best BTB show in IWF history (well at least for how long I have been here :p). Some may disagree with me and I am simply saying this because it is long but that is far from the truth, it starts some new stories (Rhodes and Hassan) and ends some (Rikishi and Crushing C), and most matches were of the highest quality. I suggest that you change the structure of your matches, however, as most of your matches have the eventual winner start off dominating, then the opponent mounting a comeback only for the other to come back and win, but apart from that, there were pretty much no other faults. This show had it all, from an outstanding main event to a great Continental Title match to an incredible, brutal, action packed Monster’s Ball match, this will go down in the history books as one of if not the best show in IWF history. CMS, congratulations, and kudos to you man, you deserve it.


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Feb 8, 2008
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That review had to be the greatest review ever, long as heck, but CMs, i can't review this, its too long for me, ive rea about a quarter of it only so i couldn't review, yet what i read was truly stunning.

The Rated R CMStar

You could leave your comments of what you read, not necessarily do a full review

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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I’m skipping the America The Beautiful. Can’t comment that.

Introduction: I don’t know, I wasn’t feeling this too much. It doesn’t really matter to much, but yeah. I mean it was alright.

Umaga versus Bob Sapp: Well this is a good powerhouse match, and looks pretty good on paper. Two dominant power’s in BTW. The beginning Umaga spinning 360 degree’s in air, is something I’d love to see. Sapp seemed to be in control for more of the match, but you traded control well, as one second Sapp would have it, then Umaga. Good match, and choice of an opener.

Mr. Kennedy: Good promo, and was in character. Loved the ending. Perfect interview.

Monsters Ball Match: God damn, this was violent, brutal, and hardcore. I’ve never seen a saw being used in a match, and hope to never bear eyes to it. You described it horridly. RVD starting off with a some what hellish attack on Kennedy was unexpected, and I think out of character. Isn’t Rob a face? You had the four pair up quickly, but then tied it back together in the ring. Good way of getting rid of Sabu at the end with the jump off the deck. Sucks that AJ Styles didn’t win, and I’m not a fan of Rob Van Dam so: boo! Amazing match. Loved every line of it.

Muhammad Hassan: Well I wonder where this leads up to. *reads Cody Rhodes coming out* Oh so you’re doing the USA vs. Arabia thing? This seems like it can be good, and Rhodes is a pretty good addition to the roster. Hassan could have been one of the greatest stars in wrestling, but due to current events, was cheated out of his career imo. Cody Rhodes on the roster is also a great addition, and he, is also a very good character to write with.

Y2J versus CLB: Great match, and I loved how Cage attempted to humiliate Chris Jericho consistently. At the end Jericho rolls out of the Wall of Jericho, and then coincidentally locks Christian in the one and only Walls of Jericho. Good read.

Samoa Joe versus CM Punk: A lot, of good, classic, mat wrestling right here. Really portrayed the style of both men’s wrestling abilities well. The ending was well thought out, as it had me thinking Joe had it, then Punk, then that last split second with Joe almost winning, but a crazy turn of events has Punk win it. Amazing match, and I believe tied with HFH’s variation of the match. The chemistry between the two can never be wrong, no matter the writer, and you definitely showed how easy it was from the first lock up, to the ending small package turn over. This match was just amazing.

The Rock, and Rikishi: Iconic promo. Really. Wow. Some good responses between the two, and the ending was awesome.

Jeff Hardy versus Edge: The package was really good. Never tried too do something like this. Now this was a great match up, and this is how we should have had the main event for The Royal Rumble. ‘Nuff said here. Nice flow of things, and the ending was at its best. The spots kind of lacked here, and weren’t really anything too crazy, just a few classic heel spots, and the generic “out of no where†face maneuver, or counter. Similar to Joe, and Punk you cant really get their flow wrong in many ways. These two are awesome to the core, and the product of putting them in the ring is exponential, as it grows, and grows ‘til exploding.

Triple H, and Christian Cage: Lol, good promo. Trips is a jerk lol. Just lol. Really in character by the way.

MVP versus Deadman: The package was just oozing coolness, these things are pretty damn, awesome. I felt the eeriness, and I felt like this was a package for an actual Undertaker match. Awesome. Honestly, I’m tired of The Undertaker. I just released how repetitive the guy was. CMS, dude, don’t get me wrong. The match was well written, and everything. But, its just that we’ve seen so much of The Undertaker, I’m somewhat tired of him. He’s faced heavyweights, lightweights, submission artists, big time heels, powerhouses, high flyers, everything. So the match is just losing prestige, and what not. The Undertaker, I cant believe I’m saying this, is somewhat washed up.

Randy Orton versus The Rock: Another awesome package, but the errors were pretty lame. We all do it though. Legend Killer versus The Legend Whoa, this match is just amazing on paper. Yet, the product, in the actual ring, is just wow. The spots are just too out of this world, and the chemistry between these two third generation stars is phenomenal. The action outside of the ring, is good, as each move takes its toll on the stars, as they start to get more, and more fatigue, and The Rock nearly loses by count out. You captured the picture amazingly. The action was good inside the ring as well, bringing back the gut wrench neck breaker was unexpected, and unique. Good move there, but had he not really used it in that long? You really made built Orton by having him kick out of tremendous Rocky moves, and you balanced it out as The Rock did also counter several maneuvers, and even kicked out of an RKO. Each move towards the end, made me think, that it was over. Whoa. This match would probably be match of the year if it was to come to realization. Oh well, for now we have this incredible read, to help pain the portrait of a match of the decade. The aftermath, and ending was so from left field, and I see Orton’s next movements on BTW being him reigning terror upon the roster until becoming the next world champion.

Goldberg, Randy Couture, and Brock Lesnar: What is this teasing? No, this seemed like a feel good moment, as the two were enemies throughout the course of BTW, and now they are both on the same side of things. I mean being the good guys, and this led to the two having that “totally not a smile†moment.

Randy Couture, and Goldberg versus Tito Ortiz, and Big Show with Ken Shamrock as the referee: Good package, as it covered all the imperative points in this storyline. This is Wrestlebowls celebrity involvement without a doubt. The storyline reminds me of the first Wrestlemania main event match, with Hogan, Mr. T, Piper, and Paul Orndoff. Anyways, this felt to be the shortest match, but the action was actually impressive, as I thought we’d see some dragging match between the four. Instead, I was treated to a match gingered with some good spots including the four spears by Goldberg. The formatting of the match is real generic, and I don’t blame you really. Faces are on top, heel move, heel is in control, face comes back, and then it repeats until the face win. I liked the action with Ortiz, and Couture, and how wrestling was sparsely put in there, but when it was, it’d be something big, notably when Ortiz had the rear naked choke, then Couture put his weight, and covered. I really wanted Ken Shamrock involved a lot more in the match. He wasn’t which was a let down. Anyways, the match was good, and I liked it. Now its time for the two last huge matches.

Rikishi versus Crushing C (the moment he’s been waiting for): Well, probably, the most well built feud in BTW. This match has carried on since BTW began to enter its prime, since BTW went against WWE. All these essentials in the rivalry have been covered in the also good, video package. The match; it has an explosive beginning, with Rikishi exorcising his demons, as Joey Styles always says, inflicting the pain upon CC. The weapons are quickly in the match, with Rikishi utilizing a Kendo stick to its full potential. I think the first offensive maneuver performed by the boss was him pulling the ropes, countering a clothesline I believe. Crushing C is on top for quite a bit now, as he utilizes his only skill in this match, the ability to inflict pain using objects. A baseball bat which can be brutal, enters the match, and doesn’t get used, as Rikishi saves his ass. Rikishi now back to getting revenge on all the hell he’s been through. Rikishi brutalizes Crushing C until a very, very unexpected interference is made, by a man who went through hell earlier. AJ Styles comes out, and helps his boss take out Rikishi. A couple of failed attempts, until a Phenomenon attempt is sought out, but Rikishi makes a move that I wouldn’t be able to see him do in real life. He makes a swift transition into the inverted DDT position, to a Samoan Drop. Rikishi is really hefty, and sluggish, so I doubt he’d be able to pull that off really. Thought I’d put that out there. Rikishi gets rid of Styles smoothly although I think a more brutal move should have been in order for the schmuck. Some more playing hot potato with the control of the match between the two official match competitors. Crushing C gets some good offense in on Rikishi, until eventually being took out by Rikishi with a Banzai Drop! Rikishi picks up a much longed for win, in a much awaited match. I wonder if this truly is the end of the feud, and if so, what is next for The Samoan?

Brock Lesnar versus Triple H (the moment we’ve been waiting for): The video package is excellent. My Way by Limp Bizcuit is also an awesome joint imo. Great song, and really sets that “fuck you. Lets kill each other†attitude for this match. Now, no video package will make up this match. Moterhead playing Triple H’s entrance is pretty cool. Lets kick this segments review into full gear. A simple mistake in the beginning as I think Brock Lesnar, the competitor should come out first, but due to the performance, I don’t know really. The beginning opens up like any huge match should. Smack talk until you cant no more. Then, this leads up to some tied up wrestling, as the two match each other for everything. Not letting someone to get the edge over the other. Triple H is the first to take matters into his own hands at his own will. Triple H has a slugfest upon his opposition, a confusing transition of the match leaves me confused as too who covered who. You said Brock takes a face breaker knee smash, then covers Triple H? Well, I guess you were excited to write CMS. Anyways, not too many huge spots early during the match. Instead, we have some classic, real good, wrestling between the two. With the gingering of heel maneuvers by the champion, and Brock Lesnar losing control thanks to those devilish moves. I love the usage of the Figure Four Leglock. Who doesn’t? Brock Lesnar’s history was referenced a hell of a lot in this match, as every time he got technical there was a line saying how he shows his amateur wrestling background. Lol, it was pretty much the only nuisance the whole match. Business escalades by the eighth paragraph, with big moves being performed on each other. A cradle pin attempt a la Lesnar isn’t really common, but it isn’t out of character completely. I believe. Well played, as you had Lesnar use the deadly Pedigree against its own franchiser. Although, the movement before the Pedigree was kind of weird, and awkward leaving me not knowing what was going on. I somewhat got an idea after double taking it. I foretold the Shooting Star Press finish, and I’m still pumped after seeing it come to life in the match. I’m kind of shocked that you didn’t use the F-5, or Pedigree as much. Anyways, great match. I mean. Match of the month, really. Can this be passed up? CMS, this is legendary. This is awesome. This is Wrestlebowl.

The Aftermath: Well I see feuds continuing, and other feuds dieing out. I defiantly see Triple H versus Brock Lesnar continuing, and wouldn’t be shocked if Rikishi, and Crushing C started up again. Although, I do see CC taking a break, and AJ Styles to step in. Rob Van Dam versus Chris Jericho can be good, and I can’t wait to read really. I hoped this is what would happen in real life at The Rumble, but that, I doubt will take place in the WWE. My three favorite matches of this event had to be Monsters Ball, RKO vs. Rock, and the main event. CMS, I can’t say anymore. This show was long as fuck, but all worth the time spent. It took me over three days to read. So I commend you for being one of the most legendary bookers in IWF history, and not to mention delivering probably the most well written, entertaining show of the year. All honors go to you for this show. Now I’m going to go, and try to read other shows, but I have a feeling if I read another sentence I’d belch

The Rated R CMStar


BTW Official News


Developmental wrestlers Yoshitsune and Davey Richards have parted ways with Born to Wrestle Federation. We would like to wish both of them good luck in their future endeavors.


Jake Hager has been signed to a developmental contract. He will be reporting to DSW next Monday.


Rumors from BTW
Your informer about Born to Wrestle

WrestleBowl passed by but not without casualties. Chris Jericho indeed had a broken nose at the event. CM Punk has bruised ribs and AJ Styles had a hurt shoulder. He should be getting further examination too make sure the damage isn't worse Surprisingly enough, discounting bruises, scars and blood loss, that was the only seriouys injury in Monster's Ball.

Crushing C is said to be beat up real bad after his match against Rikishi,. It is likely he'll be kept out of TV for a couple of weeks selling the beating he took from the Samoan.

While The Undertaker and MVP might most likely distance from one another now that MVP will face Rob Van Dam at Busted Open, there are plans to continue this feud down the line.

As we have been reporting months ago, Monty Brown is said to have finally signed with Born to Wrestle Federation.

Cody Rhodes has indeed been called up from developmet. He joins Teddy Hart and Bob Sapp in the list of wrestlers getting called up from developmental to the main roster.

There is talk of changing Umaga's character. One of the aspect being discussed is making him speak.

Agents are divided as for Samo Joe, and whether mantain him as a face, or continue with the role he has taken in his feud against CM Punk and turn him heel.

Evil Austin

The news is good, and lol you do have a lot of casualties in that show. About four injuries.

By the way I don't think that you should be saying stuff like 'Taker and MVP might happen again down the road.' Or 'Joe might be turning face' even on an insider or WWE.com they don't say things like 'Randy Orton is going to be a tweener'. You just play out the storyline and do it.
I don't think you should tell us who is face and heel before hand. But that's just me.

The Rated R CMStar

It's not like WWE.com, it's more like let's say PWInsider.com


Jul 10, 2008
Reaction score
west coast
my god what a looooooooooooooong BTB, I can't believe my eyes, it's impossible to read it from the start, it would take 3 days lol, but i want to be a reader, and a reviewer , I will start with your next show !

The Rated R CMStar


WrestleBowl's Aftermath

At WrestleBowl, in a match for the ages, we saw an epic battle between Brock Lesnar and Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship, which Brock won. As the old saying goes, it's easier to get to the top than to stay on the top, and that hard road starts this week for Brock Lesnar, as in a slobber knocker of a match, he'll go one on one with another recently crowned champion: Chris Jericho, who defeated Christian Cage at WrestleBowl to win the BTW Continental Championship. Both men will enter this match with the desire to prove that they are worthy of their newly won belts. Who will succed?

Both Triple H and Christian Cage failed to retain their championships at WrestleBowl. While nobody has seen or heard Triple H since his defeat at the hands of the Next Big Thing, Christian Cage is indeed scheduled to appear at BTW Nitro. What will Christian Cage say? What is next in the radar of Captain Charisma?

Vicious. Sick. Merciless. All those adjectives suit one man: Randy Orton. On Sunday, Orton accomplished one of his bigger feats when he KILLED the legend of The Rock, and he made sure he killed him, when Randy punted The Great One right in the head. But on BTW Nitro, Randy Orton will measure with up and comer Colt Cabana. Cabana has been on a roll in the last couple of weeks, but will he see his meteoric rise come to sudden holt when he steps into the ring with the now proved Career Killer, Randy Orton? Or will instead Cabana pull an upset shocking the Age of Orton?

While one member of the Anoa'i family failed to get the victory at WrestleBowl, Rikishi was succesful, as he finally got his long awaited revenge on Crushing C by beating the living hell out of him all over Ford Field. Now, in BTW Nitro, for the first time in months, roles will be reversed, as it will be Rikishi the one present in the arena while Crushing C will be lying in a hospital bed. Will Rikishi sarch for some revenge over the man who took out The Rock?

Very succesful in big match situations, The Undertaker started a new legacy of his own at WrestleBowl by defeating Montel Vontavious Porter. On BTW Nitro, and in not classic Undertaker fashion, The Deadman will stand in the middle of the ring and he will give us his edict? What is the edict about? What can we expect from all of this?

But while The Undertaker gives us his edict, MVP has to quickly forget about the past and The Deadman and focus on the future...and Rob Van Dam, as he will be facing the winner of Monster's Ball at Busted Open putting the BTW Extreme Championship on the line. And on BTW Nitro, MVP will team up with the returning Muhammed Hassan to take on Rob Van Dam and the debuting Cody Rhodes. Rhodes and Hassan already showed they can be pretty volatile elements after their confrontation at WrestleBowl, but will the same ring will be able to content them AND MVP and Rob Van Dam?

Goldberg was part of one of the most unique matches in BTW, when he teamed up with Randy Couture in a winning attempt to take on Big Show and Tito Ortiz. However, this week in BTW, he'll have to focus on only one man instead, as he goes one on one with young, brash Elijah Burke. Will Goldberg continue his momentum with a win? And will The Big Show play a role in all of this, as we are sure his defeat at WrestleBowl doesnt have him exactly satisfied.

In a match qualified by many as show stealer, Jeff Hardy defeated Edge, getting revenge for all what Edge did to him in the weeks leading to WrestleBowl? Are those two finally over each other, and if not, what can be expected from these two? And will we get an update on the investigation on the situation of Hardy introducing illegal substances to a BTW event?

At WrestleBowl, in the battle of the behemoths, Bob Sapp defeated the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga. But on BTW Nitro, he'll have another test to pass, as he faces the World Strongest Man, Mark Henry.

Plus, Mr. Kennedy goes one on one with Sabu. With both men still feeling the effects of Monster's Ball, will any of them really be able to put up a fight?

Also, Umaga, CM Punk and Samoa Joe will all be in attendance.

Known Card:

Champion vs Champion
BTW World Champion Brock Lesnar vs BTW Continental Champion Chris Jericho

Randy Orton vs Colt Cabana

Bob Sapp w/Paul Heyman vs Mark Henry

Mr. Kennedy vs Sabu

Goldberg vs Elijah Burke

Cody Rhodes and Rob Van Dam vs MVP and Muhammed Hassan

The Undertaker's Edict.


Evil Austin

Champion vs Champion
BTW World Champion Brock Lesnar vs BTW Continental Champion Chris Jericho - Someone will come in and it will probably be Triple H, their feud isn't over yet. Cost him the match and wholla we have ourselves a rematch.

Randy Orton vs Colt Cabana

Bob Sapp w/Paul Heyman (this should be a funny big man match, should be a good read.) vs Mark Henry

Mr. Kennedy vs Sabu

Goldberg vs Elijah Burke

Cody Rhodes and Rob Van Dam (it's the debut) vs MVP and Muhammed Hassan

The Undertaker's Edict.
Looks really interesting, to be honest I don't know what on earth that means but it will probably be an interesting promo where Undertaker has himself an opponent for Busted open or a new feud to begin

Looksgood, the aftermath of Wrestle Bowl should be epic.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Champion vs Champion
BTW World Champion Brock Lesnar vs BTW Continental Champion Chris Jericho
Trips tries to interfere, but Brock proves him wrong, and comes through with the clean win, as Jericho probably gets involved some how maybe.

Randy Orton vs Colt Cabana
Don't push him JUST yet. Have him feud with Goldberg. Winner gets a title shot.

Bob Sapp w/Paul Heyman vs Mark Henry
Becoming a midcarder fast.

Mr. Kennedy vs Sabu
Don't see much coming out of Sabu winning now that you have an extremist being a big player in the BTB (RVD), and Kennedy can come off a good enough push, and go somewhere.

Goldberg vs Elijah Burke
Push please. Push PLEASE.

Cody Rhodes and Rob Van Dam vs MVP and Muhammed Hassan
Rhodes's debut, should be good. I'm not to confident in my decision as Hassan also needs to look strong. DQ?

The Undertaker's Edict.
When you post Edict I think of a new authorative figure, or something, but The Undertaker as that? idk. I'm lost as to what you do here.


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Known Card:

Champion vs Champion

BTW World Champion Brock Lesnar vs BTW Continental Champion Chris Jericho
No contest with Triple H and Christian interfering, resulting in a tag team match the next week.

Randy Orton vs Colt Cabana
Squash. That is all.

Bob Sapp w/Paul Heyman vs Mark Henry
Should prove to be a shitty affair, I hate big man matches :eek:.

Mr. Kennedy vs Sabu
Simply because he owns... OWNS!

Goldberg vs Elijah Burke
I can't believe you are going to squash Burke.

Cody Rhodes and Rob Van Dam vs MVP and Muhammed Hassan
RVD just won the huge Monster's Ball and Rhodes just debuted.

The Undertaker's Edict.
Not sure what will happen here, I was going to predict a continuation of his and MVP's feud, but he is already competing in a match.


BTW World Champion Brock Lesnar vs BTW Continental Champion Chris Jericho

I predict an upset win or DQ win here after HHH interferes. I doubt it will happen, but it would be a nice change of the expected.

Randy Orton vs Colt Cabana

Bob Sapp w/Paul Heyman vs Mark Henry

Mr. Kennedy vs Sabu

Goldberg vs Elijah Burke

Cody Rhodes and Rob Van Dam
vs MVP and Muhammed Hassan

The Rated R CMStar


Live from Anaheim, California
Honda Center


JR: Ladies and Gentlemen, from Anaheim California, we welcome you to a brand new edition of BTW Nitro.

Styles: And after a ground shaking, landscape changing WrestleBowl, tonight we start the road towards Busted Open.

JBL: And once can say Joey, we start building the road toward next WrestleBowl.

“Here Comes the Pain” blasts through the speakers to a massive ovation from the crowd. The expectation grows until finally the new BTW World Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar, steps out to the stage, with the BTW World Heavyweight Championship wrapped around his waist. Brock looks around the arena and then he starts making his characteristic jog.

JR: And what better way than to start this show with our new World Champion, Brock Lesnar!

JBL: Brock Lesnar smells like smoke ‘cause he’s been through fire. Last night, Brock went through hell, he went through The Game, and he came out on top.

Brock Lesnar starts finally walking down the ramp, a smile lightening his face, while he proudly slaps the belt around his waist. Brock Lesnar reaches to ringside and in classic fashion he jumps all the way to the apron. The moment his feet hit the apron, tons of pyro blast from the turnbuckles. Brock Lesnar enters the ring and he starts climbing to all the corners, showing his championship to the crowd.

Styles: Do you noticed how the roof just came off this place?

Lesnar asks for a microphone and when he’s given one, he settles in the middle of the ring, ready to address the fans.

Lesnar: Game on!

Crowd cheers at the Triple H reference. Brock grins hearing the pop of the crowd.

Lesnar: Last night, in the main event of WrestleBowl, it was Brock Lesnar, going one on one with Triple H, with the BTW World Heavyweight Championship on the line. For weeks, you had listened to Triple H say over and over and over again, how there was no way I was going to win the match, how I was no competition for him, how I wasn’t even on his league.

Brock stops talking for a second and he looks at the championship hanging around his shoulder.

Lesnar: Well Triple H, not only did I in fact defeat you, but I did what you said I would never do and I became the new BTW World Heavyweight Champion.

Crowd pops loudly.

Lesnar: Now, as you may or not know, nobody has seen or heard from Triple H since our match…

Crowd boos.

Lesnar: Hunter, I don’t know where you could be, I don’t know why you aren’t here, but I do know two things. First, most of the people here are very, very happy about the fact that they won’t see you tonight.

Crowd pops

Lesnar: And second, the moment you decide to bring your ass back, I’ll be here, waiting, because you and I Hunter, this thing between us, is far from being over.

Crowd cheers again. Brock, who has gotten a little more intense, calms himself pacing around the ring.

Lesnar: Now, I know that previous champions have thrown big parties, big celebrations, we even had a Thrown Recovery ceremony once, but I am just not that kind of champion, that’s just who I am. I became champion fighting, and in my first night of champion, I’ll do just that…fight.

Brock Lesnar lifts his BTW World Heavyweight Championship over his head looking around the arena. He then leaves the ring and walks up the ramp.

JR: Brock Lesnar says he will be a fighting champion, and tonight he has just that, a hell of a fight, as he will be going one on one with new BTW Continental Champion, Chris Jericho.

Styles: The clash of the champions, tonight.

Brock Lesnar continues walking up the ramp, until he reaches the stage, where he turns around and taunting to the crowd he lifts his championship one more time.


“One of a Kind” receives from commercials. Rob Van Dam finally appears on the stage looking fired up and ready to go, although he has a band aid on his forehead covering a wound.

Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back to BTW Nitro, and it seems that next is a huge tag team match pitting MVP and Muhammed Hassan against the team of the debuting Cody Rhodes and that man right there coming down the ramp, Monster’s Ball winner, Rob Van Dam.

JR: You can see the battle wounds on RVD, starting by that huge band air on his forehead.

JBL: I have never seen violence like we saw at WrestleBowl in Monster’s Ball match, and I have my doubts about Van Dam’s physical well being. There’s no way you wrestle in a match like that and then go back to being the same.

“Out to Kill” plays to a nice reception from the crowd as the debuting Cody Rhodes steps out from the back to the stage.

JR: And here he is, the son of the American Dream Dusty Rhodes moments away from wrestling his first match in BTW.

JBL: I don’t care who his father is, I don’t care if we might be witnessing the beginning of a Hall of Fame career like his father’s, the lack of respect Cody Rhodes showed to Muhammed Hassan at WrestleBowl was just too much.

Styles: Well it wasn’t as if Hassan wasn’t disrespecting all of us before. But let’s take a look of what JBL is talking about, let’s take you back to the debut of Cody Rhodes.

Hassan: But now, I am back, and I am back to get revenge. You think I will just stand and watch how BTW, how America spits on my face and disrespect me? Oh no, not now. Muhammed Hassan will…

“American Dream” plays to a huge ovation from the crowd expecting to see Dusty Rhodes. However, the person who comes out is not Dusty Rhodes. We see a young man, tanned and with dark hair. He walks down the ramp and he enters the ring.

JR: Thank God somebody put a stop to Muhammed Hassan’s rambling.

JBL: Be respectful JR, we have not seen Hassan in months and now he’s pouring his heart in that ring.

Styles: But who is that men walking down the ramp?

JR: I have an idea, but I don’t want to start a rumor, so let’s hear what the young man has to say.

The man walks toward the middle of the ring, with microphone in hand, and confronts Muhammed Hassan.

Hassan: You certainly aren’t Dusty Rhodes.

Man: No, I am not. But I’ll tell you who I am. I am his son, Cody Rhodes.

Crowd gives a little cheer.

Hassan: Well, how fitting. Just like every normal American, you are here sticking your nose in other people’s business. Or worse, you are here to play homage to your dad’s “American Dream” tagline and run the nasty, bad Arab away.

Rhodes: To be honest with you, no. I…

Crowd interrupts Cody Rhodes with an USA chant directed toward Muhammed Hassan.

Hassan: Yeah, that’s really smart. I am also American you know.

Rhodes: That’s the thing. You claim to be America, but you don’t prove it. You come here and ask America to respect you? How about you start by respecting America first!

Crowd pops. Muhammed Hassan steps toward Cody Rhodes and gets right on his face.

Hassan: You know, I don’t have to stand here and listen to what you, boy, have to say. When you stop coasting from your last name to being somebody in life, then maybe I’ll consider so.

Rhodes: And maybe when you stop using your lineage as to why nobody likes you, then I’ll…

Muhammed Hassan snaps and he slaps the taste right off the mouth of Cody Rhodes. Hassan then sets Rhodes up for his Modified STO, however Cody gets out of the maneuver with an elbow strike right to the side of the head of his opponent. Hassan staggers back, turns around walking right into Cody, who kicks him in the middle section and connects him with a DDT. Cody gets back to his feet and he lifts his arms up in the air taunting to the crowd.

“Arabian” breaks through the PA system to a lot of heat from the American crowd as Muhammed Hassan comes out from the back into the stage and slowly walks down the ramp. He stops at ringside, obviously afraid to enter the ring by himself and confront Rob Van Dam and Cody Rhodes.

JR: This man has no respect for all of us, nor he has respect for the country he lives in. It was about time somebody stepped up to shut him up.

JBL: Cody Rhodes is the odd card among this 3 other wrestlers, and his immaturity is going to show in there, I guarantee.

“I’m Coming” plays to major heat from the crowd as the BTW Extreme Champion, MVP makes his now characteristic flamboyant way out. MVP taunts to the crowd showing his arrogant swagger until he reaches Hassan. Both men stare at each other before they finally enter the ring. The referee keeps both teams separated.

JBL: But that man is certainly no odd card. You talk about the future of sports entertainment; we have him in that ring, MVP.

Styles: MVP looking to overcome as fast as he can his loss to Undertaker at WrestleBowl, because in four weeks he has to defend his championship against one of his opponents tonight, Rob Van Dam.

Rob Van Dam and Cody Rhodes vs MVP and Muhammed Hassan

Muhammed Hassan leaves the ring to the apron, making it clear that it is the BTW Extreme Champion MVP the one who will start the match for their tandem. Cody Rhodes and RVD discuss on their corner who to kick off the match. RVD seems to be the one step up into the action, however a hungry Cody Rhodes decides his debut match starts right now and he tells RVD to go back to the apron, as he will be the one starting this match. RVD stares at Rhodes and then grins, effectively leaving the ring. MVP and Cody Rhodes stare at each other from different ends of the ring. MVP and Cody Rhodes storm toward one another meeting in the middle of the ring in a collar elbow tie up. MVP applies the most of his strength trying to get the advantage, however Cody Rhodes will not be denied and it is he the one who gets the advantage, as he locks MVP in a side headlock. Rhodes applies pressure to the hold, until he transitions the headlock into a hammerlock. MVP’s face reflects pain and surprised, obviously not expecting this from the rookie. The experience however prevails and MVP is able to counter out of the hold by going under the arm of Cody Rhodes, turning Rhodes’s hammerlock into a hammerlock of his own. MVP keeps the lock in, before he scoops Cody Rhodes, then slams him down to the canvas connecting a hammerlock suplex. Rhodes rolls in pain toward the corner, holding his shoulder in pain. MVP stares at him with a grin showing his satisfaction, as by himself Cody Rhodes is getting in position. Cody Rhodes finally incorporates himself but he does so lying against the corner. MVP taunts to the crowd announcing an early end to the match, and he explodes toward the cornered Rhodes looking to connect his jaw breaking Player’s Boot. However, Rhodes’s instincts save him as Rhodes is able to sidestep getting out of the way, making MVP crash and burn hitting his boot against the turnbuckles. MVP turns around staggering back from the corner, only to walk right into Cody Rhodes who connects him right in the head with a huge dropkick. Rhodes and MVP get back to their feet. MVP runs toward Rhodes, getting received by a huge lariat by Rhodes. Cody Rhodes continues his momentum as he picks up MVP up. Rhodes grabs the right arm of the Extreme Champion, performs an arm twist and then connects MVP with a huge clothesline knocking him down to the canvas. Cody Rhodes then explodes, screaming and taunting to the crowd. The crowd answers back to him with cheers.

Rhodes goes toward his corner and he makes the tag to Rob Van Dam, who gets welcomed by a nice amount of cheers from the audience. RVD springboards to the inside of the ring and immediately goes toward MVP, who is trying to get back to his feet. MVP quickly backs down, asking for a time out and not wanting any confrontation with his challenger. MVP retrieves all the way to his corner, where he manages to make the tag to Muhammed Hassan. RVD seems a little disappointed that he couldn’t get his hands on MVP, but that doesn’t stop him from bringing it into Hassan, as he receives the dashing Hassan with a clothesline. Hassan gets back to his feet only to get clotheslined for the second time by RVD. Muhammed shows his resilience as he gets back to his feet, but Rob Van Dam stays on top of his opponent picking Hassan up and slamming him down to the canvas. RVD looks down at Hassan, then immediately he crosses the ring dashing to the ring ropes. RVD bounces back and starts performing Rolling Thunder doing a roll, however Hassan’s sixth sense warn him of the coming danger and he simply rolls to the outside of the ring avoiding any attack. RVD stops his attacking maneuver and stares at Hassan, who looks back at him from the outside of the ring. RVD steps away from the ring ropes and welcome Muhammed to return to the ring. Hassan cautiously climbs up to the apron and then returns to the inside of the ring. RVD lifts his right hand as he walks toward Hassan proposing a tie up. Hassan walks toward Rob as well, however instead of accepting the lock up he nails RVD with a toe kick to the middle section. Hassan weakens RVD with a couple of straight right hands then goes behind RVD locking in waist lock. Muhammed Hassan slowly puts his left leg in front of Van Dam’s legs and then he sweeps him down to the canvas. Hassan keeps the gutwrench synched in, targeting the middle section of Rob Van Dam. RVD fights back, searching with despair a way out of the maneuver. Hassan’s eyes shows his determination, but even he can feel that RVD is about to indeed break the hold, and so he lets RVD go, but before Van Dam gets back to his feet, Hassan stomps RVD right on the spine. Muhammed Hassan immediately goes to his corner and makes the tag to MVP. MVP enters the ring and he measures MVP. Cody Rhodes paces on the opposite corner, salivating and anxious to return to the match.

RVD slowly starts pulling himself back to a standing position, however as soon as he does so, MVP dashes toward him and takes him down with a tackle straight to the previously targeted middle section. On the canvas, MVP continues his attack with a series of straight right hands until the referee finally stops him. MVP walks right toward RVD and picks him back to his feet. Montel grabs RVD by the arm and he Irish Whips him to the ring ropes. RVD bounces and MVP waits for him bending, probably going for a back body drop, however, RVD is able to react first and showing his characteristic athleticism and he performs a roll over MVP’s own back, landing right over his two feet behind MVP. RVD continues his dash toward the ring ropes in front of him crossing the ring. RVD bounces back coming right towards MVP, but MVP reestablishes his control in the match as he receives RVD with a huge big boot knocking RVD down to the canvas. MVP doesn’t let Rob Van Dam breath and quickly he picks him up pulling him by the ponytail. MVP grabs Rob Van Dam and keeping the focus on the middle section of his challenger come Busted Open, locking in an Abdominal Stretch. MVP puts in all what he has in the maneuver, looking for RVD to tap out…or simply pass due to the pain. MVP applies more and more pressure to the maneuver, then, MVP punished Van Dam even more as he nails clubs to the middle section of Van Dam, aggravating Rob’s situation. On the apron, Cody Rhodes starts getting the crowd going, making them to clap cheering Rob Van Dam. The crowd support seems to start motivating RVD, who starts showing signals of life. However, MVP stops that as he modifies his Abdominal Stretch by grabbing the right leg of RVD and bending it over his hip making the hold even more hurtful. Rhodes keeps cheering Van Dam, trying to motivate him into getting out of the hold, even if the hold has gotten harder to get out off. RVD however starts showing signals of life, struggling trying to get out of the hold. Finally, RVD manages to get out of the hold and he reverses the maneuver with a hip toss. MVP and RVD lay next to each other on the canvas. Both men start crawling toward their corners. RVD to a big pop from the crowd makes the tag to Cody Rhodes. Rhodes enters the ring and rushes toward MVP. Rhodes grabs Porter by the leg and gets him back to his feet. Cody tries to set MVP up but instead Porter snaps back to his senses and nails Cody Rhodes with his one knee facebreaker smash. MVP then leaps to his corner and makes the tag to Hassan. Hassan enters the ring and he dashes toward the groggy Rhodes and connects him with a Running STO. Hassan makes a confident cover: 1…2…, Cody kicks out.

Hassan seems a little frustrated, but he goes back to work over Rhodes. Muhammed picks Cody Rhodes up and sets him for a suplex, however, in mid air Cody manages to reverse by sliding out of the control of his opponent, landing over his two feet behind Muhammed Hassan and then Rhodes connects him with a neckbreaker. Rhodes gets back to his feet and he lifts both his arms announcing to the crowd that he’s planning the end for Muhammed Hassan. MVP notices this and not wanting to lose the match he rushes to the inside of the ring and nails Cody Rhodes with a club to the back knocking Cody Rhodes down to the canvas. MVP stands over his opponent with a confident smile on his face. RVD rushes to the inside of the ring and goes after MVP. Montel sees RVD coming and he quickly slides to the outside. RVD stares at him from the inside of the ring, but he quickly decides to go after him and leaves the ring. MVP sees his career pass in front of his eyes and he lets his legs do the thinking and quickly he runs away, up the ramp and to the back, with Rob Van Dam dashing behind of him in pursuit. We go back to the inside of the ring. Muhammed Hassan has gotten back to his feet and is back in control taking advantage of the attack of MVP. Hassan picks up Cody Rhodes and sets him in position for his Modified STO. Hassan goes for it, however Cody Rhodes manages to block it. Hassan goes for it again, but Rhodes blocks it for the second time. Hassan loosens up his grip of Cody Rhodes as a result of getting distracted by getting shocked at the fact that Rhodes kept blocking his finisher. Hassan tries to tight his hold again, however Rhodes takes advantage of the opening Hassan let and floats over Hassan going behind him, then wraps his hands around Hassan’s waist and pulls him backwards rolling him up: 1…2…3.

Result: Cody Rhodes pins Muhammed Hassan

JBL: Oh come on! You have to be kidding me!

JR: Amazing technique on the roll up, and Cody Rhodes gets his first win here in BTW.

JBL: Oh come on, this was Hassan’s return! Nobody cares about Cody Rhodes debuting, but about Muhammed Hassan returning.

JR: Well, I know one thing, Cody Rhodes is the winner tonight.

Styles: And I know another thing, MVP ended up running from Rob Van Dam.

JBL: Don’t go there, just, don’t.

Hassan rolls to the outside of the ring and with his arms on his head in shock he stares at Cody Rhodes, who gets his hand raised on the inside of the ring.

We go backstage and we see Jeremy Borash.

Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, he is the former BTW Continental Champion, Christian Cage!

Crowd receives Captain Charisma with a huge amount of boos.

Borash: Christian…

Cage: Wait a minute, how did you call me?

Borash: What do you mean man; I called you by your name, Christian Cage.

Cage: Don’t try to be funny Jeremy, it just doesn’t fit you. You called me “former”, you called me the former BTW Continental Champion.

Borash: Well, you lost your championship to Chris Jericho last night.

Cage: And you think that’s what makes a champion? A belt? I’ll tell you one thing, Captain Charisma is more champion than any of those losers actually holding the belts. Gosh, at least I’m here taking questions from an idiot like you, not like Triple H.

Borash: On that topic, have you heard anything about him?

Cage: No, I haven’t, besides, this interview is about me damn it! Bottom line is this Jeremy, I know I am a champion, the peeps know that as well, but losers like you will never recognize me as one unless I have a belt wrapped around my waist. Now, I heard there’s some champion vs champion match later on tonight. Well, you can bet your ass that Captain Charisma will be there to…make a statement.

Christian turns around going to leave, but then he turns back around going to speak again.

Cage: If you didn’t know, now you know.

Finally Christian Cage walks away.


Styles: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome back from the break and the question in everybody’s mind right now is, what did Christian mean with his statement?

JR: I am not sure, but one would guess he will be looking to go after Chris Jericho and recover his championship.

“No more Words” plays to a rock star reception as Jeff Hardy appears high stepping on the stage.

Styles: And there he is, the man who conquered, who exorcised his demons and got revenge on Edge.

JBL: Well, he has more demons to come, as the resolution of that legal case he’s in should be here any time now.

Jeff Hardy walks down the ramp taunting to the crowd before finally entering the ring. Hardy climbs to the corners playing to the crowd some more until he finally settles in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand, ready to address his fans.

Hardy: You know, I had forgotten how loud you were here in Anaheim!

Crowd cheers even louder.

Hardy: Tonight, tonight is all better, tonight everything is better. We can scream little if we want…

We hear a little of screams, mostly from female fans.

Hardy: We can go a little crazy if we want to…

Fans pop.

Hardy: Because this screw up, this screw up defeated Edge last night.

We hear a massive pop from the fans.

Hardy: All these weeks, Edge had made fun of me, he had diminished me, put me down, he said I didn’t even worth it. He even went as far as trying to implicate me in a legal situation by putting illegal substances on my backpack and actually calling the police on me.

Crowd boos.

Hardy: But it was all worth it, because I got to shut Edge up and pin him one…two…three inside that ring.

Crowd cheers again.

Hardy: And from now on, ev…

“Metalingus” explodes through the PA system to a lot of boos from the audience as Edge comes out from the back to the stage. The Rated R Superstar walks down the ramp staring at Jeff Hardy. Edge has a microphone in hand. The Rated R Superstar slides to the inside of the ring and he stares at Jeff Hardy.

The crowd stars a “You suck” chant directed towards Edge.

Edge: (toward the crowd) Shut up!

Crowd boos.

Edge: And you Jeff, it’s really cute all what you have been saying. Do you seriously think that you are less of a screw up, less of a worthless loser just because you got one lucky night? Uh Jeff? You know, you know that last night, that you beating me, was a FLUKE!

Crowd boos. Jeff grins a little.

Edge: I have won more championships than I can remember, I am a former World Champion, former BTW World Champion. What are you Jeff? You’re the guy telling all these morons to go a little crazy. Yeah, that sure screams championship material.

Hardy: Look Edge, you can say all you want, you can talk all you want, nothing is going to change the fact that I beat you at WrestleBowl.

Edge seems to be getting more and more worked up.

Edge: One night Jeff! You were…better me than me (Edge says this with disgust), one night, but I’m better than you 364 days of the year.

Crowd boos.

Hardy: Look dude, to me it sounds that you want one thing…a rematch.

Crowd cheers.

Hardy: And, I’m free tonight, so what do you say, you and me, right now, come on.

Crowd explodes. Camera zooms on Edge’s face showing a little intimidation.

Edge: That’s really cute Jeff, but you know very well that...that…that I don’t wrestle in front of these Anaheim fans. People who actually cheer for the Ducks don’t deserve to see me wrestle.

Crowd responds with a lot of heat.

Hardy: Coward…coward…coward…Coward COWARD COWARD COWARD

The crowd chants along with Hardy, screaming “Coward” towards the Rated R Superstar.

Edge: S…SHUT UP!

Hardy: Coward, coward, coward!

Edge: STOP IT! I am not a coward! How about this, you and me, one on one at Busted Open?

Hardy: Haha, you got it!

Crowd explodes with cheers, although there are also some boos, probably of fans disappointed that they will have to wait for until Busted Open to see both of them wrestle.

Edge: But take this into account Jeff, I w…

Hardy: You know Edge, I have had it with your crap, and I’m about to…

Edge: To do what? Pop up some of those “things” you like to sneak into arenas?

Nobody in the arena can believe that Edge just say that. Hardy seems to be about to snap…

And he finally does. Jeff throws a big straight right to Edge, followed shortly by a series of haymakers that knock Edge down to the canvas. Edge rolls to the outside of the ring, escaping from any bigger conflict with the now rabid Jeff Hardy.

Styles: You mess with the bull you get the horn, and I think Jeff Hardy won’t take any more from Edge.

Edge walks quickly backwards up the ramp, while Jeff Hardy stares at him from the inside of the ring.

JR: And these two, as you just heard, will meet in the ring again, at Busted Open.


Styles: Welcome back to BTW Nitro.

“Voices” plays to a monstrous amount of boos from the audience as Randy Orton appears on the stage and slowly walks down the ramp, evilness shimmering on his cold blue eyes. Orton enters the ring and he taunts to the crowd climbing to the top rope.

JBL: And there he is, the man of the hour so to speak, a man who is on a career high. If The Rock ever wants to wrestle again, he’s going to have the flashback of Randy Orton kicking him on the head.

“Copa Cabana” plays to a nice reaction from the fans as a happy, rowdy Colt Cabana makes his way out.

JBL: Poor guy, he’s walking right into the slaughter house.

Styles: Or into the biggest victory on his career.

Randy Orton vs Colt Cabana

Colt Cabana immediately steps toward the middle of the ring. Orton stares at him disrespectfully, not taking Colt serious for one second. The Legend Killer finally walks to the middle of the ring and gets right on the face of Colt Cabana. Orton begins to lay the jaw smackdown, verbally running Colt Cabana down, Finally, Cabana has enough and he starts unleashing over his opponent, landing lefts and rights directly into the face of the surprised Orton. Cabana grabs Randy by the arm and tries to Irish Whip him to the ring ropes, however Orton counters and instead he’s the one who sends Colt Cabana toward the ring ropes. Colt bounces back toward Randy Orton, who is waiting for him looking to attack him. However, Cabana manages to react first and connects Orton with a nicely performed crossbody. Cabana remains on top of Randy Orton, then hooks one leg: 1…2…, Orton kicks out. Cabana steps away from Randy Orton getting closer to the ring ropes, looking backwards to watch Randy Orton. Orton starts getting back to his feet, and when finally Orton does so, Cabana dashes toward the ring ropes in front of him and uses them to springboard, flying through the airs performing a moonsault aiming Randy Orton. Orton however steps forwards getting out of aim. Cabana makes the adjustment in mid air and lands right on his feet. Randy turns around and gets connected by a straight right hand of Cabana. Orton answers back and lands a punch of his own. Cabana continues with the slug fest with a punch of his own. Randy does the same, followed shortly by Colt Cabana. Randy nails yet another straight right hand, only to get answered this time by a huge lariat by Cabana, which sends Randy down to the canvas almost decapitating him. Randy rolls to his left and gets back to his feet, only to get connected by a second consecutive lariat. Randy does the same yet again getting back to a standing position and walking right into Colt Cabana, who goes for yet another lariat. This time however, Orton sees it coming and he ducks the attempt making Cabana miss. Colt Cabana turns around after his failure. Randy tries to receive him with a punch, however Cabana blocks. Colt goes for a punch of his own answering Randy’s attack, but Randy blocks the punch, then counters the situation turning it into a quick side headlock, getting Colt in position and connects him with his Inverted Backbreaker.

Randy gets back to his feet and stares at Colt Cabana with a legitimate WTF look on his face, surprised at the flurry of offense Colt Cabana managed to get in. Randy then takes his aggression to a whole new level, as he screams at Colt Cabana “Randy then takes his aggression to a whole new level, as he screams at Colt Cabana “you think you’re better than me? Uh, don’t you? DON’T YOU!, while he circles the grounded Cabana like a deadly scorpion, stomping on every exposed limb, on every exposed body part. Orton punishes the legs, the arms, then viciously he stomps right on the head of Colt. Orton stands near the head of Cabana, measures him then connects him with a huge jumping knee drop right to the skull of his opponent. Randy Orton makes the cover: 1…2…, Colt Cabana kicks out. Orton looks up to the referee with a surprised look on his face, which then turns into anger. Orton gets back to his feet, then he guides Colt Cabana up with him. He grabs Cabana by the right hand and Irish Whips toward the ring ropes. Randy waits for him to bounce back and he jumps going for his picture perfect dropkick, however, Orton doesn’t connect Cabana as Colt never bounces back, and instead he just holds on to the ring ropes, letting Randy crash and burn landing over his back. Colt storms toward the floored Orton, grabs his legs and performs a jackknife cover: 1…2…, Randy kicks out. Both men get back to their feet and explode toward each other, however Orton gets the advantage connecting a violent falling clothesline. Orton takes his time getting back to his feet. When he finally does so, Randy grabs Cabana by the arm and pulls him up to a standing position. Randy immediately tries to lock in a Reverse Chinlock, however Colt Cabana counters with an arm twist, from where he then hits a Northern Light Suplex. Cabana bridges making the cover: 1…2…, Randy Orton kicks out. Colt Cabana gets up to his feet and visibly fired up, motivated at going toe to toe with the Legend Killer. Colt starts taunting Randy Orton, waiting for him to get back to his feet. Orton slowly gets up to his feet, then walks right into Colt, who kicks him in the middle section and then hooks him in a front facelock.

Orton however manages to get out of the maneuver as he shoves Cabana away toward the ring ropes. Colt Cabana bounces with the ring ropes and right into Randy Orton, connecting him with his characteristic Flying Asshole, driving his buttocks right into Randy’s face. The crowd roars, pumped up by Colt Cabana’s control. Colt Cabana walks toward the corner and he climbs to the top rope. Cabana looks around the arena taunting to the audience. The Legend Killer finally gets up to his feet and immediately Cabana flies through the airs and connects Randy Orton with a crossbody plancha. Randy is barely able to grab his ribs in pain before Cabana makes the cover: 1…2…, Orton kicks out nonetheless. Colt Cabana gets back to his feet and feeling he came so close from winning the match, he walks toward the corner again and climbs to the top rope, going to repeat the punishment. Colt waits for Randy Orton to get up, and when Randy finally does, Colt comes from the top looking for his crossbody again. However this time, Randy was waiting for it and he leaps connecting Colt Cabana in mid air with a huge dropkick. Colt comes raining down to the canvas, contorting in pain on the canvas holding his middle section. Randy Orton gets up with a confident grin on his face and he stares at the floored Cabana, waiting for him to get up to his feet. Colt gets himself up and immediately Randy goes toward him looking for the RKO. However, Colt blocks it pushing Randy Orton away into the turnbuckles in the corner. Orton crashes with them then staggers back right into his opponent, who drop toeholds him down to the canvas. Colt floats over Randy and then grabbing Orton’s left leg going for his Chicago Crab. Colt synchs the lock in causing Randy Orton to scream in pain. The crowd roars expecting the Legend Killer to tap out giving Colt Cabana the upsetting win. However, instead, Randy Orton slims his way to the ring ropes, rapidly managing to grab the bottom rope managing. The referee screams at Colt telling him to break the hold, and eventually, although rather reluctant, Colt Cabana breaks the hold. The referee keeps Colt away letting Randy get up to his feet.

Randy Orton favors his left leg while getting up to his feet. Colt Cabana immediately goes toward him, but Orton keeps him distant with a huge European Uppercut, connected with such power that it knocks Colt Cabana down to the canvas over his knees and forearm. Randy Orton’s eyes glimmer, seeing Cabana set in the perfect position. Randy Orton quickly walks backwards to the corner taking impulse, then he storms toward Cabana looking for his field goal punt to the head. Colt however manages to get out of the way avoiding it. Cabana gets back to his feet and receives the returning Orton with a front waistlock. Cabana hoists Randy up going for a Side Belly to Belly, however before getting connected by the maneuver Orton escapes out and away of the control of Colt Cabana. Orton lands on his two feet behind Cabana. Colt turns around and for his bad luck he gets right into an RKO. Randy Orton makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Randy Orton defeats Colt Cabana

JR: And the match is over, but what a hell of a contest and what a hell of a performance here by Colt Cabana.

Styles: He certainly took Randy Orton to the limit.

JR: No doubt about it.

The referee lifts Randy Orton’s arm in the air announcing him as the winner. Randy then gets out of the ring and with a cold, ice-like expression on his face, he looks around the arena and then walks up the ramp going to the back.

JBL: You have to be kidding me. Took Randy Orton to the limit? Are you kidding me? Randy didn’t even break sweat out there.


We come back from the break and we see Leticia Cline.

Cline: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, he is the man who defeated Crushing C in a No Holds Barred last night at WrestleBowl, Rikishi!

Crowd erupts as Rikishi steps into the scene.

Cline: Rikishi, how are you feeling? I mean, after almost an entire year of being punished, humiliated and disrespected by Crushing C, you finally got your revenge last night at WrestleBowl. What is going through your head?

Rikishi: You know Leticia, I’ve never felt better. Since I woke up this morning after WrestleBowl, the sun has been brighter, food has gotten tastier, flowers are more colorful, everything is better now that I have put Crushing C to sleep

Cline: Now Rikishi, do you think the problems between you and Crushing C are over? I mean, after all, he is coming back.

Rikishi: No, I don’t think it’s over, I don’t think it never will, however, from now on, I think Crushing C will be a little more hesitant about messing with me. But now, I am looking to the future, I am looking for a new phase in my career.

Cline: Have you set your target on something or someone yet?

Rikishi: As a matter of fact I have. There’s one man who have not only messed with me, but he also messed with my family. Randy Orton, I never got the chance to thank you for the concussion you gave me at Turning Point. And now, you did the same to my family, to my blood, to The Rock.

Crowd boos.

Rikishi: Randy, you may think you are on top of the world after that, but all you have accomplished is paint a huge bull’s eye on you, and when I get you, because trust me, I will, I won’t rest, I won’t stop, until it is you the one in the hospital.

Camera zooms on Rikishi’s determined eyes.

We then cut to another place backstage…CM Punk’s locker room.

We see CM Punk sitting on a bench listening to music on his iPOD. Out of a sudden, Samoa Joe enters into the scene getting in front of CM Punk. Punk notices Joe’s shadow first, then he gets up and sees Samoa Joe. Punk takes off his headphones and shakes hands with Joe.

Punk: How are you doin’ man?

Joe: Cool, cool, I just thought of, passing by and, congratulating you for your win last night. You always take me to the limit and last night wasn’t an exception, and on this occasion, you were the winner.

Punk: Thanks man, it means a lot to me, especially coming from you. I always have a blast with you in that ring and, I really take pride on being able to say that for one night I was better than the Samoan Submission Machine.

Joe: (a little laugh) Yeah, you sure were better last night.

Punk: What, (laugh), what was that?

Joe: Nothing, nothing, I mean, one night, it doesn’t really mean that much.

Punk: Is that a challenge?

Joe: Well, Crushing C isn’t here but, I’m free at Busted Open.

Crowd erupts.

Punk: Well, you wanna go, I wanna go, you got yourself a rematch. See you at Busted Open pal.

CM Punk offers his right hand to Joe. Joe looks down to it but then he shakes it. CM Punk and Samoa Joe stare at each other while shaking their hands. CM Punk finally walks away leaving his locker room and Samoa Joe behind.

Joe: Yeah, I’ll see you at Busted Open, Punk.


We come back from the break and we see Mr. Kennedy already inside the ring, jogging warming up, with his music playing on the back. Mr. Kennedy is sporting a band aid on his forehead and his right hand is heavily taped.

Styles: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, and seeing Kennedy in the ring, you can tell we are ready for some action.

JBL: Look at the fire on those eyes.

Styles: Yes, but you have to wonder in which state Mr. Kennedy really is after competing in Monster’s Ball last night.

“Arabian Beat” plays to cheers from the audience as a heavily taped on the ribs and visibly injured Sabu walks down the ramp into the ring.

JR: But you also have to wonder on what state this man is.

Mr. Kennedy vs Sabu

Mr. Kennedy immediately takes it to Sabu and he nails him with a huge knee to the middle section, bending Sabu in pain. Kennedy continues his attack with clubs to the back, doubling Sabu more and more toward the canvas. However, Kennedy soon feels his own attack as well as he resents his hurt right hand. Kennedy walks away grabbing his right hand with grins of pain. Sabu, gingerly, grabbing his ribs in pain, gets up to his feet and he goes toward Kennedy, connecting him with a low dropkick right to the knee, and collapsing Ken down to the canvas. Sabu mounts Kennedy and starts connecting punch after punch applying all his strength and power to them. The referee separates both men taking Sabu away, and we can see that Mr. Kennedy’s wound on his forehead has been reopened, heavily pouring blood down his face. Sabu shoves the referee away and goes back to work on Mr. Kennedy, landing more and more punches on the bleeding forehead of his opponent. Sabu finally walks way from Mr. Kennedy, only to then dash toward the ring ropes and springboard, coming back and connecting a plancha landing right on top of the floored Kennedy. Sabu hooks the leg making the lateral press: 1…2…, Kennedy kicks out. Sabu gets back to his feet and pulling Mr. Kennedy by the hair he guides him up as well. Sabu weakens Kennedy more with straight shots to the heas before he finally Irish Whips him toward the ring ropes. Mr. Kennedy bounces back towards the awaiting Sabu, and surprises him by connecting him with a DDT out of nowhere. Kennedy gets back to his feet and he touches his bleeding forehead. Kennedy looks mad about it. Ken Kennedy stares at the floored Sabu for a while, and then he just gets out of the ring. Inside the ring, Sabu starts getting back to his senses, and seeing this Mr. Kennedy starts further and further away from the ring. Sabu sees this and he walks toward the side of the ring closer to where Mr. Kennedy is. Kennedy turns around to take one final look to Sabu before walking to the back (and lose the match via count out), but what he gets is a flying Sabu right over him, as the genocidal, suicidal, death defying Sabu puts his body on the line yet again and connects Mr. Kennedy with a slingshot plancha. Sabu immediately takes his hands to his ribs, resenting the maneuver as well. Mr. Kennedy and Sabu, both greatly punished from last night and as seen by now, in no condition to be competing, remain knocked out next to one another, the referee making the count out: 5…6…7…, both competitors start getting back to their senses and they struggle to get up to their feet, 8…9…, just being able to beat the count, both men slide to the inside of the ring.

Slowly, Sabu and Mr. Kennedy both start getting back to their feet. After a couple of seconds they finally get fully back to their feet, and immediately both men dash to the ring ropes behind each one of them. Kennedy and Sabu bounce back and they meet in the middle of the ring in a huge double clothesline, in which both men fall on their backs holding their sternum in pain. The referee looks around the arena, then down to the competitors, and as he sees Kennedy and Sabu both trying to get back to their feet, his face shows shock as how these men just keep wrestling despite obviously not being in condition to do so. Kennedy and Sabu fully recover, and immediately they step closer to one another. Kennedy throws a roundhouse kick to Sabu, however Sabu manages to duck avoiding it, nonetheless, Kennedy manages to keep spinning and he spans his maneuver into an enziguiri, right to the head of Sabu, knocking him out cold. Kennedy screams raising his arm up high taunting to the crowd. Kennedy then walks toward the corner and he climbs to the top rope, where then again he taunts to the crowd announcing his intentions. Ken measures his floored opponent, and finally he comes from the top rope looking to connect his Kenton Bomb, but Sabu manages to roll out of the way avoiding the Kenton, letting Mr. Kennedy crash and burn down to the mat. Sabu coughs badly and then slowly, holding his ribs, he gets back to his feet, dashes toward the ring ropes and using the second rope he springboards turning in mid air to land over Mr. Kennedy connecting a leg drop. Sabu makes the cover: 1…2…, Kennedy kicks out. Sabu knows he has to stay on top of Mr. Kennedy, and quickly he grabs Kennedy by the hair and pulls him up to his feet. Sabu locks his opponent in a front facelock and he walks backwards to the corner. Sabu climbs to the ropes, obviously going for a Tornado DDT.

Sabu goes for the maneuver, however as he attempts it, Kennedy blocks it using his strength holding Sabu in a waistlock, and in a rather stiff looking maneuver, he does a version of a flapjack dropping Sabu face first into the turnbuckle. Sabu slims down on the corner ending up sitting against the turnbuckles. Mr. Kennedy dashes to the ring ropes in front of him crossing the ring. Ken then bounces back and comes at full speed towards Sabu, finally connecting him with a vicious Face Wash. Kennedy grins showing the pleasure kicking Sabu in the face gave him. Mr. Kennedy grabs Sabu by the hair and pulls him away from the corner into the middle of the ring. There, Ken Kennedy sets his opponent up and connects him with his Mic Check. Mr. Kennedy makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Mr. Kennedy defeats Sabu

JR: My God, I can’t believe these two actually went ahead with that match.

Styles: They were in no condition to wrestle, but this goes to show their desire to make it to the top here in BTW.

Kennedy whips blood from his forehead and then he raises his hand showing the blood to the crowd, seemingly proud of it. Mr. Kennedy then leaves the ring with a smile and swagger proper of the winner of the match.

We go backstage and we see Bob Sapp and Paul Heyman in Sapp’s locker room. Bob Sapp is getting his elbow pads out from his bag, while Paul Heyman is watching at his wristwatch.

Heyman: C’mon Bob, you’re match is almost next, we have to get moving.

Bob Sapp drops his elbow pads back into his backpack and turns around, looking at Paul.

Sapp: What do you mean?

Heyman: What do you mean with what do I mean? Your match is almost next and we have to get ready to get out there.

Sapp: I thought I had already told you. I’m going out there alone tonight.

Heyman: …what?

Sapp: Last night, I defeated Umaga, but all I have been hearing is how you had a lot to do with that, so tonight, when I defeat the so called World’s Strongest Man, I wanna be out there by myself, so there aren’t any excuses.

Bob Sapp turns around and he grabs again his elbow pads from the bag. Heyman stares at him shocked.


“Don’t Waste my Time” plays to boos from the crowd as a confident Elijah Burke appears on the stage and starts walking down the ramp.

JBL: Look at the confidence in that man.

Styles: Elijah has the tradition of looking extremely confident in extremely unusual times.

JR: We’re talking about a man who even called out The Undertaker for crying out loud.

[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][/font]Goldberg’s March” plays to a big pop from the audience as Goldberg makes his way out, all the way from his locker room to the ring. He stares at Burke as the referee rings the bell.

Elijah Burke vs Goldberg

Goldberg advances toward Elijah Burke as soon as the referee rings the bell. Elijah Burke backs down trying to escape and avoid Goldberg, however he traps himself in a corner. Goldberg smiles and he starts unfolding straight right hands landing first on the head of his opponent and then start landing on the middle section of his opponent. Goldberg steps back taking impulse and then dashes in full speed toward Elijah Burke, then planting him with a big clothesline. Burke staggers back from the corner and Goldberg back body drops him. Goldberg makes the cover: 1…2…, Elijah Burke kicks out. Goldberg gets quickly back to his offense and he picks Burke back to a standing position lifting him by his dreadlocks. Goldberg then grabs him by the throat with both his hands, and tosses him toward the corner making him clash spine first to the turnbuckle. Goldberg takes impulse once again making a circle. He then runs directly toward the corner Elijah Burke looking for another clothesline, however this time Elijah Burke is able to attack and react first and he plants the running Goldberg with a dropkick right to the legs. Goldberg immediately collapses grabbing his knee in pain. Burke notices it and goes toward that limb, as he starts viciously putting the boots in it, stomping repeatedly on the right leg of his opponent. Burke then grabs the right leg and twists it, then follows up by letting his entire weight fell over the punished limb of Goldberg. Burke makes the cover: 1…2…, Goldberg kicks out. Elijah Burke gets immediately back to his feet and goes back to punish the right lower extension of Goldberg, as he stomps on it a little more. He then drags Goldberg close to the ropes. Burke grabs the top rope and uses it as leverage, as he pulls himself up and then fells, landing right on the leg of Goldberg with his entire weight. Burke smiles and he grabs the right leg of Goldberg, he twists it as he rolls Goldberg and then locks in a One Legged Boston Crab.

The crowd roars for Goldberg and gets behind him with chants, as Burke just bends even more the right leg of his opponent, and sits on his lower back aggravating the punishment created on the submission hold. However, Goldberg begins getting motivated by the cheers from the audience. He begins crawling, making his way toward the ring ropes. Elijah Burke tries to stop him and sits, then incorporates and then viciously sits again on the lower back, punishing even more Goldberg, however, and after a few moments of crawling and effort, Goldberg finally manages to reach the ropes. Elijah refuses to release the submission hold and so the referee begins the count that would end in a DQ: 1…2…3…4…, Burke finally releases the Boston Crab letting Goldberg free. Elijah waits for his opponent to recover and get back to his feet. Goldberg finally incorporates, Elijah Burke advances toward him and kicks him right on the middle section. He then sets him up for a DDT. He looks around the audience taunting before applying the move. He then goes for it but to a big pop from the crowd Goldberg is able to block it. Burke attempts the DDT again but Goldberg blocks it once again, and this time he hits an attack of his own as he lifts Elijah Burke up and plants him with a spinebuster. Goldberg gets back to his feet, after a while, so does Elijah Burke, and Goldberg, limping, runs toward him and plants him with a powerful clothesline, that turns him inside out making Elijah Burke flip in the air. Goldberg limps going to the corner and he taunts Elijah Burke going for his Spear. Elijah Burke finally gets back to his feet and turns around and Goldberg runs toward him looking for the Spear, however and right of the nick of time, Elijah Burke shows his athleticism as he jumps over Goldberg avoiding the maneuver. Goldberg then turns around and Burke plants him with a jumping calf kick.

The kick surprisinglydoesn’t send Goldberg down to the canvas, but it does send him toward the corner. Elijah Burke quickly takes impulse and then storms toward him planting him with a very booed Elijah Express, landing his knees completely on the chest of Goldberg. He collapses down to the canvas, and Burke quickly climbs to the top rope. He there taunts his opponent waiting for him to get back to his feet. Goldberg after a while, gets back to his feet. He turns around coming front to front with the climbed on the top rope Elijah Burke. Burke immediately leaps from the top rope looking to plant Goldberg, however out of nowhere Goldberg catches him and plants him in mid-movement with a Spear-Spinebuster maneuver that turns out the lights for his opponent. Goldberg then gets Burke back to his feet and plants him with The Jackhammer. He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Goldberg defeats Elijah Burke

Elijah Burke immediately rolls out of the ring in pain, leaving the squared circle all for Goldberg.

JR: Great match, but Goldberg was just too much of a challenger for Elijah Burke.

Goldberg paces in the ring celebrating his victory, but out of a sudden “Big” blasts from the speakers, announcing the presence of The Big Show.

JBL: You might as well say it JR, because business is indeed picking up.

Big Show finally appears on the stage getting received by a wave of boos. The giant was a microphone in hand.

Show: Congratulations, really Bill, great work.

Crowd interrupts the giant with even more boos.

Show: And it really seems as if you are in a huge roll, I mean, you won last night, and now you win tonight. Then again, I wouldn’t be too proud about winning last night. Not only did you have that leech of Randy Couture taking away from your victory, but…what is it really to be proud of?

Crowd boos again.

Show: You think you actually won last night? Uh? You think you were the winner? It took you 4 Spears during the match and a biased referee to pin me.

Goldberg gets fired up inside the ring, wanting a piece of The Big Show.

Show: And Goldberg, you can keep avoiding the truth all you want, you can keep telling yourself that for one night you were better than this seven foot freak, but until you do it like a man…one on one, nobody will believe you.

Big Show drops the mic and he stares at Goldberg, who is getting more and more worked up inside the ring.

JR: Well, that sounded to me like a challenge.

JBL: We got ourselves a hell of a challenge.

Big Show finally turns around and he returns to the back.

We see a graphic that indicates us that when we come back, we will see The Undertaker make his edict.


Styles: We’re back and…

We hear a gong.

JR: Oh my!

Lights go out after we hear the second gong and “The Darkest Side” starts playing to a big ovation from the crowd. Finally, Taker appears on the stage and he starts his slow walk down the ramp to the ring. Taker steps into the ring and he removes his jacket and hat. Then he asks for a microphone. Lights are still gone, except for one that hits right on The Undertaker illuminating.

Styles: So Mr. Color Commentator, do you have any idea of what we are going to see in here?

JBL: I don’t. You never know with this man, The Undertaker.

Taker: For many years, many dragons have tries to…

Out of nowhere, lights go on and turns green and yellow, along with “Virtual Voodoo” announcing the arrival of the Samoan Bulldozer, Umaga.

JR: What the..?

Taker’s face shows Umaga isn’t exactly his guest for the edict. The Samoan finally appears on the stage looking even more savage than usual if that’s possible. Umaga starts walking down the ramp as Taker continues to stare at him. Umaga finally enters the ring and both behemoths continue staring at each other.

JR: I don’t know why Umaga is here, but I have a feeling we are just about to find out.

Umaga and Taker meet in the middle of the ring, still staring at one another. Hell finally gets unleashed as Umaga throws a punch at Taker. The Deadman blocks it however, then he starts unfolding straight right hands of his own. Taker manages to get the best of Umaga and to end his flurry of offense he dashes to the ring ropes behind him and bounces back probably looking for a flying clothesline, however as he bounces back he gets grabbed by Umaga and squashed by a huge Samoan Drop. Umaga looks down at Taker and then he starts stomping the living hell out of him, punishing more. Umaga picks Taker up by the arm, pulls Taker toward himself and connects him with a second Samoan Drop. The Undertaker holds his spine in pain, however, and much to the shock of everybody, he starts trying to sit up.

JBL: Stay down Taker, or that monster just won’t stop.

Umaga sees this and he walks back toward Taker, picks him up, sets him and then Umaga connects him with a massive, vicious looking Sidewalk Sideslam. Taker will not be kept down nonetheless, and trying to recover, he crawls toward the corner. Taker gets there and trying to recover he lays his weight against the turnbuckles. Umaga sort of grins seeing this, and quickly he crosses the ring at full speed from corner to corner, finally connecting Taker with his deadly Samoan Wrecking Ball, only that on this occasion, instead of driving his hip to the face of an opponent, he performs his running hip attack right to the back of the head and neck of the Undertaker.

Styles: Oh no.

JR: Bah Gawd, somebody stop that monster damn it, he has no business in there, and he may just have permanently injured The Undertaker.

Umaga looks down to the immobile Taker and he says something in Samoan while he does so. Finally, Umaga grabs Taker by the hair, pulls him back to his feet and mercilessly he executes the Deadman by connecting a huge Samoan Spike. Taker falls down to the canvas, not able to put on any resistance However, Umaga is not done, and instead he picks Taker back to his feet. He grabs Taker with his left hand and extends his right arm, sticking out his thumb. Umaga connects Taker with a second Samoan Spike. This time, we see that even more damage has been made, as there’s blood coming out from Taker’s mouth.

JR: That’s enough damn it.

Umaga finally gets out of the ring, staring at Taker and mumbling things in Samoan all the time. Umaga walks up the ramp backwards, lifting his arms still taunting to the crowd, which does nothing but boo him.

JR: I can’t believe what we just saw, I just can’t.

JBL: I have never, never seen The Undertaker be dismantled in that way.

JR: But why? We were going to hear Taker’s edict, and out of nowhere Umaga comes out and…this.

Styles: One could say JR, that after losing to Bob Sapp in the battle for dominance, Umaga needed to send a message to BTW, a message that talked about his own dominance.

We go to commercial with the image of Undertaker lifeless inside the ring lying on the canvas.


JR: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen and…I’m sorry, I am disgusted. We might have just seen the last of The Undertaker just because of what in my opinion was a completely random attack by Umaga.

JBL: Joey said it JR. Umaga lost the battle for dominance against Bob Sapp, and he just needed to state that he is still an intimidating, dominant monster.

“Somebodies Gonna Get it” plays to boos from the audience as Mark Henry powerwalks down the ramp into the ring. He gets there and he taunts to the audience showing his power and physique.

“Get Back” breaks through the speakers to boos from the crowd as well as Bob Sapp…alone, comes out.

Styles: Well, I’m still shocked that Bob Sapp told his manager to stay on the back.

Bob Sapp vs Mark Henry

Bob Sapp and Mark Henry stare at each other from different ends of the ring. Then slowly, they walk toward each other and meet in the middle of the ring, where they get forehead to forehead, face to face with one another. Both men continue staring a hole at one another, however, out of a sudden, they both snap toward the referee and they connect him with stereo punches, knocking him down to the canvas.

Styles: What on Earth?

Sapp and Henry look down to the referee, then they turn around toward one another and they shake each other’s hand. Then, they both laugh.

JBL: What’s going on?

Sapp palms Henry on the back and they both leave the ring together. Paul Heyman out of a sudden appears on the stage. Henry and Sapp reach the top of the stage and they get their arms raised up in the air.

Styles: What is all of this?

JR: Someway, somehow, I smell set up, I smell conspiracy.

Styles: Of course, there’s no doubt Henry and Sapp never intended to wrestle tonight. They were in all of this together.

JR: But what does this mean? I see Heyman, Sapp and Mark Henry all together with their arms raised up high, but I have no idea what it means.


Styles: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen and next week, we come to you with a very special edition of BTW Nitro.

JBL: The best of the past year, the best matches, the best moments, the best of everything.

Styles: Indeed. Jeremy Borash and myself will come to you with that amazing show next Monday.

“Break Down the Walls” plays to a nice reception from the crowd as the newly crowned BTW Continental Champion Chris Jericho appears on the stage, fired up and ready to compete. Y2J taunts to the crowd as he walks down the ramp into the ring.

JR: But now, it’s main event time.

“Here Comes the Pain” explodes through the PA system as the new BTW World Heavyweight Champion gets received by an overwhelming amount of cheers from the audience as Brock Lesnar jogs on the top of the stage. The champion walks down the ramp high fiving fans at ringside. Brock jumps to the ring in his classic way and then enters the squared circle. Brock stares at Chris Jericho as the referee rings the bell.

Champion vs Champion Match
BTW World Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar vs BTW Continental Champion Chris Jericho

Brock Lesnar and Chris Jericho step toward the middle of the ring and in a huge display of sportsmanship both men shake hands. The crowd applauds both competitors and we all get ready for our main event. Lesnar and Y2J circle each other. Jericho immediately storms toward Lesnar looking to take him down by the leg, obviously still knowing that Brock Lesnar might still be hurt from his match against Triple H. However, Brock manages to remove his leg out of the way, letting Chris Jericho fly by missing. Chris Jericho gets up to his feet and he storms toward Brock Lesnar, however Lesnar receives him with a huge Tilt the World Powerslam, starting the high power offense. Brock immediately goes after Jericho, locking him in a Bearhug, keeping Jericho grounded on the canvas. Chris Jericho struggles, trying to get out of the hold. Lesnar feels this, and he quickly modifies the hold, floating over Y2J and instead locking him in a Front Facelock, continuing to showcase his amateur background. Chris Jericho however won’t be denied, and he starts getting up to his feet, trying to fight out of the lock. Finally, Jericho manages to return to his standing position, and in the final step into fighting out of the maneuver, he goes for a back body drop. Brock Lesnar however doesn’t let the head of Jericho go and Chris gets whiplashed behind with Brock Lesnar. The crowd awes as they see Jericho landing over his head. Brock immediately makes the cover: 1…2…, Jericho kicks out. The World Champion immediately gets back to his feet and grabbing Jericho by the arm he pulls him up with him. Brock wraps his arms around the middle section of Chris Jericho, hoists him up and then he explodes toward the corner, dropping Jericho spine first against the turnbuckles. Brock has changed gear and now he looks like a machine driving his shoulder to the gut of Chris Jericho, hitting his characteristic and showcasing of his animalistic traits shoulder thrusts. The referee steps in the middle and he separates both men, taking Brock Lesnar away. Brock however knows that to win the match he has to stay on top of the Continental Champion, and so he shoves the referee away and dashes toward the cornered Jericho, looking for a huge tackle. Y2J however foresaw this move and manages to sidestep out of the way, letting Brock Lesnar drive himself shoulder first against the steel ring post. Brock staggers backwards from the corner and away from it. Chris Jericho measures him and then connects him with a dropkick right to the back of the knee of Lesnar’s right leg.

Jericho immediately goes after the leg, grabbing it and dropping his entire weight over it in sort of elbow drops. He then grabs the leg of Lesnar, puts it under his armpit and Jericho lets himself fell backwards, pulling the leg of Brock Lesnar. Jericho makes the cover hooking exactly that leg: 1…2…, Lesnar kicks out. Jericho jumps right back to his feet and he stays on top of Brock, targeting his leg. Jericho drags Brock Lesnar by the leg close to the ring ropes, then places the leg on top of the second rope. Chris Jericho immediately targets the leg and stomps all over the leg, the rope playing as an even hurtful factor. Jericho then notices that they are close to the corner. Chris goes toward it and he climbs to the top rope. Chris measures Brock and then he comes flying from the top rope, landing on the set and exposed right leg connecting a Double Foot Stomp to it. Brock screams in pain, and quickly Jericho drags him to the middle of the ring, where he makes the cover: 1…2…, Lesnar somehow kicks out. Chris doesn’t waste any time and he goes after the leg once again. He grabs Brock’s right leg and lifts it, however this time Brock uses his free leg to kick Jericho away. Chris stops his dash and then he storms back toward Brock, who gingerly had made his way back to a standing position. Jericho aims for an attack, however it is Brock Lesnar who reacts first, receiving the dashing Jericho with a waistlock and a swift Belly to Belly Suplex. Brock immediately takes his hands to his right leg, getting affected by the maneuver as well. Both men remain knocked on the canvas, and the referee makes the count for both men: 1…2…3…4…5…6…, both men start getting back to their senses, 7…8…9…, finally, both men get up to their feet. Immediately, Jericho dashes toward Lesnar, however Brock is the one who reacts first receiving him with a huge clothesline. Chris rolls over his back and gets back to his feet, then he immediately dashes back toward the World Champion. Nonetheless, Brock receives him for the second time with a clothesline. Brock doesn’t waste any time and he picks Jericho up, hoists him up and connects a huge Standing Spinebuster. Brock grabs Chris by the hair, pulls him back to his feet and connects a second consecutive Spinebuster. Brock shakes his leg trying to get some feeling back on it before making the cover: 1…2…, Jericho kicks out.

Brock goes back to work and he gets back to his feet, then slowly he starts pulling Jericho up. Lesnar gets Y2J fully back to his feet and keeps him under control, however out of nowhere Chris snaps back to his senses, pushes Brock away a few steps creating enough room for him to connect his characteristic enziguiri. Chris Jericho sees the opening, and immediately he dashes toward the ring ropes and uses the second rope to springboard, perform and connect the Lionsault. Chris stays on top of Brock hooking one leg to complete the lateral press: 1…2…, Brock kicks out. Jericho gets back to his feet and starts taunting Brock Lesnar waiting for him to get back to his feet, screaming “Come on Baby”. Brock eventually makes his way up, favoring his right leg. Jericho storms toward him and goes after the vertical base of his opponent, trying to take Brock down. However, Lesnar manages to block the attempts refusing to be taken down, then he adds some clubs to the back to his defense. Eventually, Brock manages to get Jericho so weakened that he’s open to get attacked. Brock wraps his arms around the middle section of the new doubled Y2J in a Gutwrench hold, and hoisting Chris up high, he connects a Gutwrench Powerbomb. Lesnar’s leg gives in after this, but he manages to get himself together and makes the cover: 1…2…, Jericho kicks out. The crowd awes and they buzz, talking to each other about the resilience of Chris Jericho. Brock Lesnar immediately walks toward Chris Jericho and guides him up to a standing position. Lesnar, taking in the pain, hoists Y2J over his shoulders in a Fireman’s Carry position, obviously looking for his F5. However, before Brock is able to go for it, Jericho counters with by sliding down of the control of Lesnar and performing an inside cradle: 1…2…, Brock kicks out. Immediately, both men get back to their feet. Jericho dashes toward Brock Lesnar and in this occasion he does manage to take Brock down to the canvas by the legs, and quickly Jericho turns Brock Lesnar over his belly locking in the Walls of Jericho. Brock screams in pain, however he knows what he has to do and he starts crawling toward the ring ropes.

Even though Brock is hurt, his power is just too much and he manages to crawl and reach the ring ropes, finally grabbing the bottom rope forcing Chris Jericho to let him go. Jericho doesn’t seem happy, and as soon as the World Champion rolls away, he goes toward Brock, however as Jericho bends to grabs the legs, Brock nails him with a shoulder strike right to the face, staggering the Continental Champion away. Jericho stops, then turns around and runs right back toward Brock, who performs a quick go behind, locks in a waistlock and connects a huge German Suplex. Brock Lesnar gets up to his feet and he taunts to the crowd, lifting his arms up in the sky taunting to the crowd and announcing the end of the match once again. Chris Jericho is almost knocked out as Brock Lesnar gets him up to his feet and sets him in a Fireman’s Carry, again looking for his F5. Brock goes to spin Jericho, however, involuntarily, and since the referee was too close to the action, when Lesnar spins Jericho, Y2J’s boot hit the ref in the face knocking him out. Brock goes to complete his finishing maneuver, however Chris slides down of the control of Lesnar and lands over his two feet behind the champion. He quickly locks in an Inverted facelock and drops Brock over his neck hitting a Falling Reverse DDT. Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar remain knocked out next to each other, as Jericho just hasn’t enough in him to capitalize on his attack.

Out of a sudden, no other than Christian Cage starts walking down the ramp, with a steel chair in his right hand.

JR: Now what on Earth is Christian Cage doing in here?

Styles: He said he was getting himself some gold, and he’s coming for some gold.

JBL: Watch out Jericho, you have the belt that just until last night was from Christian.

Cage walks down the ramp and enters the ring. The referee, struggling to get back to his feet and senses, notices Cage in the ring and he rings the bell.

Result: No Contest

Christian Cage, with the steel chair firmly in hand, stares at both Brock Lesnar and Chris Jericho, waiting for someone to get up to his feet.

JBL: Don’t get up Jericho, you won’t like the view.

Finally, not only the BTW Continental Champion, but the World Heavyweight Champion starts getting up. Christian measures Jericho, however, out of nowhere, he turns around and instead he nails a huge chair shot to the head of Brock Lesnar, knocking him out cold.

Styles: What the…

Christian Cage stares at the floored Brock Lesnar, then he rolls out of the ring and takes away the World belt from the time keeper.

Styles: Good God, do you know what this mean?

JBL: Of course I know…Captain Charisma is coming for the BTW World Heavyweigh Championship.

Show ends with Christian Cage lifting the BTW World Heavyweight Championship high over his head.


BTW Extreme Title Match
MVP(c) vs RVD

Edge vs Jeff Hardy

CM Punk vs Samoa Joe