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The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: CM Punk/Colt Cabana vs. RVD/Sabu

Worse Match: Kennedy vs. Samoa Joe

Best Interview/Segment: Crushing C, McMahon, Orton and Edge Segment

Worse Interview/Segment: Big Show interview

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was a pretty good show though the only negative about it was Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles. As Answer mentioned, both superstars seemed to have been made to look weak with Jericho barely getting any offense and winning while only doing a few moves on AJ. The McMahon/BTW angle is great; I'm really enjoying that. Your main event was great read as well though I enjoyed the Punk/Cabana vs. RVD/Sabu match a bit more. Besides a couple bad interviews/segments (Big show interview and RVD/Sabu segment) and a squash type match (Samoa Joe vs. Kennedy) this was a pretty good show. Keep up the good work, man.


Best match: Colt Punk vs RVD Sabu

Worst Match: Eh, Goldberg and Kennedy, but I love Goldberg it was just the least great out of them all.

Best Promo: Vince's, you cannot screw up on a McMahon promo, it's just impossible. The Arm Wrestling Contest wasn't bad either if that counts as a promo.

Worst Promo: Burke's, I hate his ass.

Additional Comments: Haven't had alot of time to review shows lately, but I am getting back on track, nice show, loved reading keep up the good work.

The Rated R CMStar

BTW Preview: Heading to Rebellion

With one show left to Rebellion, things are out of control in BTW. Edge and Randy Orton's hate finally exploted last show with a monumental RKO. Will they be able to convive in the same ring when they tag this week against the new tag champions?

Mr. Kennedy lost past week to Samoa Joe, giving Joe the chance to face Kennedy at Rebellion. What type of match will he pick this week to face the highest rising star in BTW?

After months of conflicts, including a match ended by a double burn, RVD and Sabu lost the only thing that kept them together, the Tag Titles. Will their agression increase this week heading to Rebelion? And will we find out in what kind of match this extremist battle?

What is next in the confrontation between Elijah Burke and his two contenders angry for extreme gold? And will we find out what strategy will the Extreme Giant Big Show use to tame the ManBeast?

Time is clicking for Triple H and Christian Cage, as we run closer to the last step into their rivalry. With Christian being the only of the four men to ever compete in a TLC match, will he "introduce" the match to Tomko and Triple H?

And finally, after months, since the very beginning of BTW, Vince Mcmahon has interfere in the promotion. Going from trying to retire Triple H, to being pinned by Crushing C and RKOed by Randy, his final move was invading BTW, achieving a final encounter in a 5 vs 5 Elimination Match. But to the surprise of the world, Crushing C decided that Team BTW will not use any already booked superstar at Rebellion, preventing any boycott from WWE's Chairman. Tune in this week as the Elimination Matches for the team take place.

Announced Matches

Team BTW Elimination Matches

Muhammed Hassan vs Thrilling Stevie

Chris Jericho vs Rikishi

Brock Lesnar vs Umaga

Goldberg vs Ricky Banderas

AJ Styles vs Test

Main Event
Edge and Randy Orton vs CM Punk and Colt Cabana

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Preview looks good man! Wonder who will be in the Team BTW, and the main event is also I going to look forward to!


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
To me it looks kind of obvious to who will be on Team BTW, but still a good preview, and there should be great matches. Check out The New Beginning whenever you can get a chance.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
That's a great preview, CMS. Curious to see if Edge and Orton can coexist against the new Tag Team Champions. I'm also curious to see what match Kennedy and Joe will have at Rebellion. Sabu and RVD's match at Rebellion should be sick depending on what match they have. Triple H and Christian's rivalry is honestly one of the best rivalries I've seen in a BTB; I'm looking forward to the last step in their rivalry. The 5 on 5 Match at Rebellion should be great; I wonder who's going to be on the respective teams. Here are my predictions for your show...

Team BTW Elimination Matches

Muhammed Hassan vs Thrilling Stevie

Chris Jericho vs Rikishi

Brock Lesnar vs Umaga

Goldberg vs Ricky Banderas

AJ Styles vs Test

Main Event
Edge and Randy Orton vs CM Punk and Colt Cabana

Anyway, looking forward to the show and I will be reviewing.

The Rated R CMStar

Monday Night BTW
La Crosse Center
La Crosse, Wisconsin

Styles: Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to this brand new edition of BTW.

JBL: What a show we have tonight as we decide the members of Team BTW!

Styles: I wonder who are going to be members of our team, there is so much things hanging in balance in this match.

JBL: And look, it is already getting started.

“Break down the Wallsâ€￾ plays to a fired up crowd as Jericho comes out and makes his entrance, looking very focused.

“Samoan Coolâ€￾ plays to a mixed reaction as Rikishi comes down and starts dancing on the ramp, he then points at Jericho and does a weird jump making a lot of pyro come out.

Styles: Wow!

JBL: That was new!

1st Match: Team BTW Qualifying Match: Chris Jericho vs Rikishi

Rikishi stares at Jericho and he then screams slapping himself in the chest. Jericho jogs around his opponent. He dashes toward him and tries to connect a clothesline, but Rikishi doesn’t move. Jericho attacks again and dashes one more time toward Rikiahi looking for a clothesline, but Rikishi ducks letting Jericho pass. Jericho continues toward the ropes and tries to hit a lionsault on the standing Samoan wrestler, but Rikishi catches him in mid-air and hits a spinning powerslam. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Jericho gets one shoulder up. Rikishi gets up and looks at the referee really angry, he then looks back at Jericho and dashes to the ropes, and he tries to hit a big splash, but Jericho rolls out of the way. Rikishi gets up very angry and mumbling but Jericho immediately connects an enziguiri surprising him and knocking him down. Rikishi gets quickly up and Jericho dashes to the ropes and hits a cross body slam and immediately grabs Rikishi leg and pulls it making a pinfall, 1…2…, Rikishi violently gets his right shoulder up breaking the pinfall. Jericho looks frustrated and immediately goes toward Rikishi continuing his attack. Chris starts getting his opponent up, but when he tries to attack Rikishi counterattacks poking Jericho in the eyes and takes advantage of the moment hitting a spinebuster. Rikishi comes down to his knees like if he was making the cover, but he suddenly gets up and starts moving his side to side signifying no as he smiles receiving tons of boos. He points to the corner and does a sexy dancing before going for his rival.
Rikishi goes for his opponent and starts slowly lifting him up. Rikishi finally manages to get Jericho back to his feet and then slams him very hard toward the corner hurting Chris’s back. The crowd roar in disgust as they see Jericho knocked down sitting in the corner and Rikishi with a dirty smile on his face spanking himself. He slowly approaches Jericho and when he is about to apply the disgusting Stinky Face, Jericho comes back to his senses and hits a painful low blow that surprisingly the referee didn’t see. Rikishi bends in pain and Jericho stands and sees his opportunity. Chris dashes to the ropes and connects the bulldozer, then getting up and screaming firing himself up. Rikishi gets up and Chris Jericho starts connecting a series of right and left punches, Jericho suddenly stops and a dizzy Rikishi gives one spin not knowing where he is. He gives a total spin and returns face to face to Jericho only to get connected by a powerful jumping kick to the head that makes Rikishi fell flat on his back. Chris Jericho makes the cover: 1…2…, Rikishi kicks out, Chris Jericho makes again the cover: 1…2…, Rikishi once again kicks out. Jericho screams in frustration and gets up and starts arguing the decision with the referee. Rikishi takes advantage of the time to recover and gets up to unleash all his weight on a strike to Jericho’s back and neck. Rikishi starts taunting for Jericho and waiting for him to turn around. Jericho finally turns and the Samoan wrestler locks him in a Half Nelson Sleeper Hold.
Chris Jericho at first tries to fight his way out of the hold but he only wastes his strengths into a powerfully applied maneuver by Rikishi. Slowly all the energy is drained out of Jericho that is forced to put one knee on the mat. Chris receives one adrenaline rush but gets wasted as he doesn’t manages Rikishi to release the hold. Jericho finally collapses into the mat unconscious, as Rikishi asks the referee to check the state of Jericho. The referee grabs Jericho free arm and lifts him: 1. It drops with no reaction. The referee lifts it again: 2. Jericho doesn’t react. The referee lifts Jericho’s arm for the third and final time as the crowd roar for Jericho, and Chris finally reacts and starts fighting his way out of the hold. He tries to reach Rikishi’s head using his free arm and finally does hitting a jawbreaker, that doesn’t knock down Rikishi but manages to leave him groggy. Rikishi starts walking through the ring still hurting the maneuver and runs into the referee knocking him down into the mat falling on top of him after tripping. Rikishi slowly gets up and shakes up the impact only to see the referee knocked down. He turns around and gets connected by a DDT by Jericho. Jericho starts kicking repeatedly Rikishi on the head until finally realizing Rikishi is not moving. He goes for the opening and connects the Lionsault. The referee recovers and sees Chris Jericho making the cover: 1…2…3.
Result: Chris Jericho defeated Rikishi

Jericho goes backstage celebrating leaving Rikishi knocked down in the ring, when out of a sudden Umaga comes out and enters the ring. He stares for a while at Rikishi, only for then lifting him up and connecting him with Samoan Spike. He then starts punching and kicking Rikishi until the officials come from backstage and calm him taking him backstage.


We return and see Edge walking backstage to a lot of boos from the crowd. He continues to walk until he suddenly stops as if someone were in front of him.

Edge: And now, what do you want?

Camera shows Triple H as the crowd gives an amazing pop and Triple H smirks.

Triple H: Look, look, look! If it isn’t the World Heavyweight Champion!

Edge: Yeah, that’s right, the World Champion, the most viewed champion in history, the face of this company, and guess how I did all this?

Triple H: Adopting a drag as your manager and lover to help you win your matches?

Crowd pops as Edge turns around angry.

Edge: No, in fact no. I did it by winning matches, not marrying the boss’s daughter like others.

Crowd boos as Edge smiles.

Triple H: Good for you! It seems that you are becoming a nice little man after all! I was a little worried when you started dating and having sex in front of millions of people with a change of sex experiment failure.

Crowd pops again as Edge once again turns his head in anger.

Triple H: Now, talking serious, now that you ran with me, I came to notice something. I haven’t had a title match since coming to BTW. So, consider this, a warning, because you don’t know when the King of Kings would want to came back to his throne.

Triple H walks away leaving an angry Edge standing there looking at his World Title.

JBL: Triple H is just jealous of our World Champion.

Styles: I don’t know, and I think that Edge is scared of Triple H.

JBL: The only one scared around here is Triple H. On Sunday he will participate for the first time in his career on a TLC match.

Styles: I don’t see how that scares The Game? For him and Tomko it should be just an opportunity to punish Christian and Mark Henry.

JBL: Well, we will see what’s left of Triple H’s body and career when the match ends.

“Arabicâ€￾ starts playing to a surprising great amount of boos as Muhammed Hassan comes out and goes directly to the ring.

“Thrillâ€￾ plays as Thrilling Stevie comes down the ramp very fired up

2nd Match: Team BTW Qualifying: Muhammed Hassan vs Thrilling Stevie

Thrilling Stevie immediately throws himself toward Hassan looking to attack, but gets floored by a clothesline. Hassan continues his quick attack viciously stomping Stevie on the head. He then dashes to the ropes and hits a jumping knee drop. Hassan gets Stevie up and sets him in the STO position, he smirks as he sees all the audience, but instead of connecting the STO he surprisingly makes Thrilling Stevie spin and then connects the STO in the same movement. He then makes the cover smiling to the camera: 1…2…3.

Result: Muhammed Hassan defeats Thrilling Stevie

JBL: Who can stop this man?

Styles: For now I must say that no one.

JBL: I know one thing Joey, and it is that no one in WWE can stop this man, and now that he is part of Team BTW there is no way we are losing.

We go backstage and see Jeremy Borash.

Borash: Please ladies and gentleman welcome my guest tonight Rob Van Dam.

Crowd gives a huge pop as RVD appears with a smile on his face.

Borash: So Rob, you asked for this interview…

RVD: I didn’t ask for anything, the fans wanted to see me; they came for me, the Whole Damn Show.

Borash: So what am I doing here?

RVD: Alright look, yeah I asked for this interview to let everyone know the type of match me and Sabu are tearing the house down at Sunday.

Crowd in the back starts chanting “ECW, ECWâ€￾.

RVD: I thought about this all week, and now that it has been approved by Crushing C, I wanted everyone to know that on Rebellion, you will see Sabu getting his ass handed by Rob…Van…Dam in a Barbwire Massacre Match.

Crowd cheers in approval as Rob Van Dam walks out.


Styles: Well, know we all know it, we will see RVD go one-on-one with Sabu in a Barbwire Massacre Match.

JBL: This match shortens careers Joey, and with the hate between these two one of them could very well leave not walk out of the arena.

Styles: And in another match at Rebellion we will have the WWE vs BTW match, and next is another Team Qualifying Match.

“Virtual Voodooâ€￾ plays to a lot of boos as Umaga comes out very fired up.

“Here Comes the Painâ€￾ plays to a very mixed reaction from the crowd as Brock Lesnar making his way to the ring being accompanied by Paul Heyman.

3rd Match: Team BTW Qualifying Match: Brock Lesnar vs Umaga

Umaga tries to intimidate Lesnar moving his head and staring at him with a weird look. They start circling each other until Umaga suddenly stops and raises his arms screaming. Brock immediately starts the attack running toward his opponent and entering in a test of strength. Nobody takes advantage and they release the hold. Both competitors look at each other and they restart the brawl. Lesnar gains the upperhand this time connecting a right punch to the gut; he then connects a left one that makes Umaga back down. Brock steps forward to continue his offense but Umaga reacts first connecting an uppercut that floors Brock Lesnar. Lesnar gets up very quickly and Umaga goes for a clothesline, but Lesnar ducks the attack and counterattacks with a punch to the face. Umaga backs down resenting the punch but Lesnar in a quick move comes close to him and connects him with a Belly to Belly. Lesnar goes for the cover: 1…2…, Umaga lifts one shoulder breaking the pin. Brock doesn’t wastes any time and gets on top of Umaga and starts punching him, but the Samoan Bulldozer reacts and rakes Lesnar’s eyes making him get up and away from him. Umaga gets up and viciously connects Brock with some punches; he then throws him to the ropes and hits Lesnar with a Samoan Drop that gets the shock of the audience. Umaga gets up and stares at Lesnar before raising his arms and taunting his power.

Umaga immediately dashes to the ropes and tries to connect a diving headbutt, but Lesnar gets out of the way making him fail. Both competitors come back to their feet and start trading punches, until Brock Lesnar gets the advantage when he connects a knee to the gut making Umaga bend. He then dashes to the ropes but gets surprised by Umaga that connects him with a rotating Side Walk Slam. Umaga makes the cover: 1…2…, Lesnar gets one of his shoulder up. Umaga gets angry and frustrated and starts stomping Lesnar’s head. Umaga then starts lifting his opponent up. Umaga punches Lesnar and then throws him to the corner in violence. The crowd boos as Lesnar is sitting in the corner and Umaga walks to the other corner. Umaga yells and lifts his arms before start running toward his opponent, but before Umaga can connects him, Lesnar gets out of the way making Umaga clash to the turnbuckle corner. Umaga turns around in pain and gets connected by a Snap Suplex.

Both men collapse to the mat as the referee start the count: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…, Lesnar start getting up and when he returned to his feet and now starts taunting and announcing the F-5. Umaga starts slowly getting up as Lesnar smiles. Umaga finally turns around and Lesnar puts him on his shoulder looking for the F-5, but Umaga manages to slide out of the maneuver and floors Lesnar with a powerful Samoan Spike. Umaga celebrates and is about to make the cover when out of nowhere Rikishi’s music starts playing. A beaten down Rikishi walks down the ramp pointing and threatening Umaga. The Samoan Bulldozer snaps and gets wild pulling the ropes and stomping on the mat, then connecting on the turnbuckle as Rikishi stays on the ramp inviting Umaga to come out. Umaga is about to come out of the ring when surprisingly a recovered Lesnar pulls him back to the ring and hits him with the F-5- He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Brock Lesnar defeated Umaga.

JBL: What the hell is Rikishi doing here?

Styles: He is getting a little payback on Umaga.

Rikishi grabs the microphone and enters the ring and talks to the floored Umaga.

Rikishi: How does that feel Umaga? Look, I may not be the most loved superstar out there, but I demand some respect.

Crowd cheers for Rikishi.

Rikishi: And I don’t know if you can hear me, but on Sunday you will learn respect the Samoan Way, as it will be you, Umaga, facing me, Rikishi.

Crowd cheers as Rikishi smiles and does a little dancing on top of the floored Umaga.

(Triple H Video Promo)

We return and see a table, a ladder and a pair of chairs set in the middle of the ring.

“Just Close your Eyesâ€￾ plays to a lot of boos from the crowd as Christian Cage comes out in street clothes. He comes out smiling and acting very cocky. He enters the ring and kisses the table, the ladders and the chairs.

Christian: For all of you that have been living under a rock for the last years, I am the Instant Classic, Christian Cage.

Crowd boos as a smiling Christian looks around.

Christian: And all of this you see in the ring (he points at the tables, ladder and chairs) is just a little demonstration of my kindness. See, I was thinking about my match on Sunday, and I realize that neither Tomko.

Crowd gives a little pop.

Christian: That neither Tomko and, and Triple H.

Crowd gives an amazing pop.

Christian: Triple have been in a TLC match before, so I wanted them, to get to know the effects of the tables, the ladders and the chairs. And for that, I am going to need one of you (he points all over the crowd) to be my volunteer in my TLC demonstration.

Lot of people of the audience raise their hands.

Christian: Maybe you, the fatty on the green chair, or, or you, the one with the girl with the big boobs, or maybe…

“Takeoverâ€￾ plays to a pop from the crowd as Tomko comes out interrupting Christian.

Styles: Tomko is here! Tomko is here! Will be right back!


We return and see Christian and Tomko in the middle of the ring.

Christian: What the hell are you doing here? Don’t you see I am in the middle of something here?

Tomko: In fact, I do. You said you wanted a volunteer, here is your volunteer.

Crowd pops as Christian looks frustrated around the arena.

Christian: You know what; you know what, suit yourself! You want to be my demonstration guy, you’ve got it.

Crowd pops again as Tomko removes his shirt and starts warming up.

Christian: Ok, Ok, let’s start with the chairs. Triple H, look very closely at what a chair can do to your brain!

He steps toward Tomko and tries to connect him with a chair shot, but Tomko gets out of the way. Christian tries to hit him again but Tomko ducks and this time makes Christian drop the chair slapping the chair out of his hand.

Christian: What the hell! You were supposed to be my demonstration guy!

Tomko: Did you really think you were going to hit me? If you did then you are more stupid than you look like.

Christian looks down like offended but then smirks.

Christian: Like or not, you are my demonstration guy. And if you don’t want to do it the easy way, then you’ll do it the hard way

“Somebodies gonna get itâ€￾ starts playing to a lot of boos as Mark Henry comes out.

Tomko turns around toward the stage and starts yelling at Henry. Christian Cage takes advantage of the distraction and connects Tomko on the back using the chair. Once on the floor he connects him again.

Christian: Now that’s how you use a chair in a TLC match.

Christian lifts Tomko’s dead weight and sets him on a table.

Christian: Mark, now if you would be so nice to show all of us how you use a table.

Crowd boos as Mark Henry climbs to the top rope and stares at Tomko down on the table.

“The Gameâ€￾ starts playing as Triple H comes down the ramp running to make the save.

As he enters the ring Christian rolls out. Mark Henry immediately climbs down of the turnbuckle and runs toward Triple H, but Triple ducks letting him pass, Henry bounces back of the ropes and tries to connect one more time The Game, but Triple H gets one more time out of the way, and as Henry passes along he gets connected with a Big Boot by a recovered Tomko. Triple H then grabs the microphone that Christian Cage left in the ring.

Triple H: Christian, all of this is very nice. Introducing the TLC match to us.

Christian nods from the outside with a shy smirk on his face.
Triple H: The fact is that I need none of your introductions. I was winning World Titles back then when you were dressing up as Elvis Presley.

Triple Hsmiles and looks around as the crowd laughs.

Triple H: TLC match. A match I have never been in and a match you are an expert in. But see, I know how to use tables, ladders and chairs. And…

Crowd pops as they notice the tone of Triple H’s voice turning more serious.

Triple H: And since you were so kind to introduce us the tables, the ladders, and the chairs. I want to do some introduction to you as well.

The Cerebral Assassin rolls out of the ring making Christian run toward the ramp. Triple H looks under the ring and gets out his sledgehammer. The Game then rolls back in to the ring.

Triple H: Christian, this is how you use a sledgehammer.

The Game starts taunting Mark Henry that is starting to recover. Henry gets back to his feet and turns around toward where HHH is and gets connected with the sledgehammer.

Christian goes to the back frustrated and lamenting all that went down as Triple H and Tomko taunt for the crowd inside the ring.


Styles: Ladies and Gentleman we are back and as we saw a few moments ago, it certainly all backfired to Christian.

JBL: Could you at least not be as happy as you are Joey. Christian was just being a gentleman and both Triple H and Tomko ruined the whole thing!

Styles: But the show must go on, and now that we know that Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho and Muhammed Hassan are on our team, we have another tournament match up.

“Countdownâ€￾ plays to a mixed reaction as Test makes his way down to the ring.

“I amâ€￾ plays to a very mixed reaction from the crowd as AJ Styles makes his way down the ramp very confident

4th Match: Team BTW Qualifying Match: Test vs AJ Styles

Immediately after the bell rings Test runs toward AJ Styles starting the match connecting him with some quick punches, he then Irish Whips him to the ropes and lands him with a big boot. Test makes the quick cover: 1…2, AJ kicks out, Test covers him gain: 1…2…, AJ kicks out again and Test gets out and complains to the referee about a slow count. AJ does an agile movement to get up and surprises Test with a kick to the calf while still arguing with the referee. Test turns around and tries to punch him, but AJ ducks and lands with a jumping kick to the head. Test loses balance and falls in the ropes. AJ sees it and runs toward the ropes. He jumps to the corner and connects Test with a springboard leg drop to the back of the neck of Test through the ropes. AJ then connects a springboard splash making the cover: 1…2…, Test pushes AJ Styles up breaking the cover. Styles stomps him in the head a few times before connecting an amazing moonsault.

After AJ connects the moonsault he gets up very cocky and taunts for the crowd receiving boos from some part of the crowd and cheers from other fans. Test slowly starts getting up using the ropes. He finally recovers his standing position. Styles sees him and tries to knock him down again attempting a dropkick to the knees, but Test ducks the kick jumping over it and he then connects a series of elbows to the face as Styles got up. Test then turns around and measures Styles, connecting him with a vicious clothesline that makes Styles flip in the air. Test makes the cover: 1…2…, Styles gets one shoulder up and Test screams in frustration. Test starts unleashing his frustration on the floored Styles kicking him in the middle section and delivering a series of quick elbow drops. He then stops and sees at his opponent immobile for a moment. Test then slowly starts getting AJ Styles up, and then setting him in the suplex position. He goes for the suplex position but he doesn’t connect it right away, but he lets Styles still on the middle of the air. After a few seconds of Styles in vertical position Test connects the suplex and gets up very fired up screaming and taunting the crowd.

Test still fired up goes for the opposite corner and starts taunting Styles waiting for him to get up. AJ slowly drags himself toward the ropes and he uses them to pull himself up. Styles slowly turns around and Test runs toward him going after a Big Boot, but AJ Styles surprisingly jumps over him letting him pass. AJ turns around, looks back to see where Test is and tries to connect the Pelé, but Test steps forward and catches him in mid-air, putting him over his shoulders and then hitting a powerslam. Test passes his thumb across his throat announcing for the end waiting one more time for AJ to get up. Styles finally get up after using the ropes for leverage, he turns around and Test lifts him up putting him over his shoulders. Test makes him spin trying to connect the Test Driver but AJ Styles counter attacks in mid-air and hits a rotating DDT. Styles tries to set Test up in the Styles Clash, but AJ is to small and tired to connect it on Test and Test manages to counter, he throws AJ toward the ropes and then gets up and tries to connect a clothesline, but Styles ducks passing along. Styles stops and connects a surprised Test with the Pelé. The crowd cheers as AJ climbs to the top rope and connects Test with a 450o Leg Drop. He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: AJ Styles defeats Test.

JBL: He did it! And now there is only one spot left in Team BTW.

Styles: That’s right, and that spot is going to be determined in the match of Goldberg and Ricky Banderas.

We go backstage and see Goldberg in his locker room lacing up his boots when Brock Lesnar enters.

Goldberg: Hey, Brock, what are you doing here? Want to know whose next!

Lesnar: No, in fact don’t. I just wanted to wish you good luck on your match out there with Banderas.

Goldberg: Luck? Do you think I need luck?

Lesnar: In fact you do. You never know who can run down on your match and, who knows…

Brock walks out as Goldberg sees him leave and then continues lacing up his boots.


(TLC match at Rebellion Video hype)

We see Ricky Banderas in the middle of the ring before we kicked out. The fans start chanting for Goldberg anticipating his entrance, but his music doesn’t plays. Instead we hear “Here Comes the Painâ€￾ as Lesnar starts making his way down the ramp.

Styles: What is he doing here?

JBL: Maybe this is what he was talking about.

5th Match: Team BTW Qualifying Match: Ricky Banderas vs Goldberg

He enters the ring and immediately Ricky Banderas attacks him, but Lesnar manages to block him and lands in with a powerful clothesline. He then waits for Banderas to get up and connects it with the F-5. Goldberg then comes down running down the ramp and stares at Lesnar that indicates him to make the cover. Goldberg makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Goldberg defeats Ricky Banderas

Styles: What the hell? Lesnar just screw Ricky Banderas.

JBL: He didn’t screw anyone, it was all teamwork. Lesnar knew that having Goldberg as a member of Team BTW is better that having Ricky Banderas, besides the match haven’t even started.

Styles: That is so unfair with Ricky Banderas.

Goldberg goes to the outside of the match and gets a microphone.

Goldberg: What the hell was that? Why did you do that?

Lesnar: I was helping you out.

Goldberg: Helping me out? I told you I need help from none.

Lesnar: Here’s the deal. I didn’t want you to be left out. See, you owe me a one on one match, and I just wanted to keep you in rhythm for when that match takes place, leave Ricky Banderas out.

Goldberg is about to say something but he instead just kicks Lesnar in the middle section and connects on him the jackhammer.

(Video of Mcmahon announcing Team WWE on Raw)

Styles: And now we know it, it will be Goldberg, Lesnar, Styles, Jericho and Muhammed Hassan battling John Morrison, The Great Khali, Mistico, Shane Mcmahon and John Cena, these men were the exact men that Invade BTW two weeks ago.

JBL: I can’t wait to see BTW show WWE who is the dominant company.

Styles: And we have just received this from Crushing C, that is not here tonight. The person that gets the win for BTW will get a title shot at BTW’s next PPV, Unbreakable.

“Kennedyâ€￾ starts playing to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He does his entrance making the microphone lower from the roof.

Kennedy: Ladies and Gentleman, please feast your eyes with the greatest superstar this industry had to offer, hailing from the one and only decent city in Wisconsin, Green Bay!!!

La Crosse fans boo that comment.

Kennedy: And the man that is going to beat the living hell of Samoa Joe in a match of his picking, Misteeeeeeeer Keeeeenneeeedy, Keeeeneeee…

Samoa Joe appears on the titantron to a pop of the crowd interrupting Mr. Kennedy.

Joe: You see Kennedy, shut up, just shut up. Tonight is not your night, tonight you don’t have the spotlight, tonight the spotlight is on me.

Kennedy: See, that is exactly the problem in BTW. Mr. Kennedy is constantly being over looked. I should be the one fighting Edge at Rebellion, and now Crushing C robs me my title match at Unbreakable by throwing the Number One Contender status in a stupid company…

Joe: Damn, I thought I told you to shut up! See, the spotlight is on me tonight as everybody wants to know in what type of match I am beating you on Sunday.

Crowd cheers agreeing with Samoa Joe.

Joe: And after thinking it all week, I decided that I wanted you to live all the things I lived when you injured me that night, and that’s why I chose…

Kennedy: Let me guess, let me guess! It has to be one hardcore, sadistic, fucked up type of match just to hide the fact that you can’t wrestle.

Joe: (smiling) Call it like that or call it a way of getting revenge, but at Rebellion, it will be you and me, in a Stretcher Match.

Kennedy: You know what, I like it, I like it. And on Sunday, you are getting yourself beated by Misteeeeeer…

Joe: JOE.

Mr. Kennedy looks at the titantron enraged as Joe laughs and fades from the titantron.


Styles: What a night this has been and now it’s time for our main event.

JBL: Yes, and the question right now is can Edge and Randy Orton co-exist as tag partners.

“This Fire Burnsâ€￾ plays to a big pop from the crowd as CM Punk and Colt Cabana come down the ramp showing up their Tag Team Titles.

“Burn in my lightâ€￾ plays to a huge pop from as Randy Orton comes out and makes his entrance.

“Metalingusâ€￾ plays to a huge chorus of boos as Edge comes out lifting his World Title and staring at Edge as the ref rings the bell

Main Event: Edge and Randy Orton vs CM Punk and Colt Cabana

Randy Orton and Colt Cabana kick it off. They brawl through out the ring comparing their strengths with Cabana getting the advantage and dropping Orton to the mat pulling his leg. Colt continues the mat wrestling rolling on top of Randy and locking in a crossface. Randy tries to fight out of the submission hold, then to finally drag himself toward the ropes and break the hold. Colt releases the hold and returns to his feet. Randy gets up a little shaken and looks back at his partner Edge. Orton then enters in another brawl with Cabana, this time getting the upperhand and locking in a headlock. Orton maintains the hold for a while to then modified into a hammerlock and then continues the change of holds modifying it into a dragon sleeper hold. Randy starts to drain Cabana’s energy with the hold punishing his back. Orton, still with the hold, looks back at his partner Edge and smirks. He starts dragging Colt toward his corner and makes the tag to the World Champion, still applying the dragon sleeper hold. Edge, now the legal man, climbs to the top rope and takes advantage from the position of Colt Cabana caused by the sleeper hold and connects him in the middle section with a leg drop. Edge immediately makes the cover: 1…2…, Cabana kicks out. Edge continues the attack and starts lifting Cabana up. Once he is on his feet he connects it some right punches, then throwing him with violence to the corner making him hit the turnbuckle. Edge runs toward him and lands him with a clothesline.

Cabana gets up and gets one more time floored by a clothesline. Edge is on fire and he turns around to where his partner is, seeing that he has climbed to the top rope. Edge says something to Randy and then gives him the tag. Orton stays on the top rope waiting for Cabana to get up. Colt comes back to his senses and starts getting up pulling the ropes. Cabana gets back to his feet and turns around to the direction of where Orton is. Randy flies through the air looking for a cross body splash, but Cabana ducks him and makes Orton fail and crash. Colt takes advantage of the opportunity and leaps toward his corner making the saving tag to CM Punk. The crowd pops as CM Punk comes in on fire and connects the already standing Orton with a right punch, he then kicks him in the calf, then delivers a kick to the middle section and finally looks for a kick to the head of Randy, but Orton ducks and step forward to then connect CM Punk with his backbreaker. Orton makes the cover: 1…2…, Punk gets one shoulder up. Orton makes the cover again locking in the two legs: 1…2…, Punk kicks out again to the laughter of Edge on the apron. Randy Orton gets up frustrated and delivers a series of kick to the knocked Punk. Orton dashes to the ropes and tries to hit his jumping knee to the sternum, but Punk gets out of the way making Orton fail and punish his own knees. Orton gets up quickly looking to continue the fight but gets connected by a jumping enziguiri that makes him woos. Punk grabs him and throws him to his team’s corner, then dashes toward him and connects a hard knee to the head. Punk screams working the crowd then giving the tag to Colt Cabana.

Colt enters with Randy beaten down in the corner. He looks around the arena and points at his head signifying an idea. He dashes to one side of the ropes, then bounces to the other side of the ropes, right the place where Edge is, he speeds up gaining velocity but when he is about to bounce again Edge pulls down the rope making him continue straight down to the outside of the ring. Edge acts innocent to the referee gaining him a lot of heat from the crowd. The referee starts the count for Cabana: 1…2…3…4…5…6…, Cabana recovers his senses and uses the barrier to come back to his feet, then rolling back to the ring. Edge is distracted looking at all this when out of a sudden Orton gives him the forced tag slapping him on the back. Edge enters mumbling and visibly molested. He goes after Cabana that is forcing to get up. He lifts him up but Colt reacts and punches him on the gut. He then recovers his standing position and punches him on the head. Edge throws a punch trying to fight back but Cabana ducks it and delivers a kick to the gut, then connecting a suplex on Edge. Once on the floor Cabana starts connecting a series of elbows to Edge’s lower back. Cabana pulls Edge’s hair making him lifts his head and he then kicks it with violence. Cabana taunts for the end and to a pop from the crowd he locks in his Boston Crab.

Edge looks despairly a way to get out of the hold and trying to drag himself closer to the ropes. Edge is about to tap but he then gets a new adrenaline rush and starts again to reach for the ropes, he is a tip away from the ropes when Cabana pulls him back to the center of the ring to a cheer from the crowd. Edge is about to tap out when Randy Orton decides to interfere. He enters and dashes to the opposite ropes of Colt Cabana, then using the impulse to connect him with the RKO. The referee gets distracted and starts trying to get Orton out of the ring. Edge then recovers and makes the cover on the floored Cabana: 1…2…3 as CM Punk fails to interfere after tripping with the ropes.

Result: Randy Orton and Edge defeated CM Punk and Colt Cabana

The referee raises both Edge and Randy Orton hands, with both men not removing their eyes from each other. The referee turns to the other side and Edge removes his view from Orton for a second as he turns out for the other side as well, and Randy takes advantage of this and pulls Edge making him turn around and landing him with an RKO to the pop of the entire arena. The signal fades to the back with Randy Orton raising Edge’s title and staring at him as “Burn in my Lightâ€￾ plays.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Edge and Orton vs. Carlito and Cabana

Worst Match: Banderas/Goldberg

Best Promo: HHH, Christian and Tomko

Worst Promo: Lesnar/Goldberg, all your promos are good but I really didn't get into it

Additional Feedbacks: Another great show you have there CMS. I really liked the Main Event match and it is really your best match in this night. I also enjoyed reading the Styles and Test match and good to see Styles win it. Team BTW really looks pretty powerful... DAMN! I think they will beat the hell out of the Team WWE at Rebellion, great! keep it up!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Edge/Orton vs. Carlito/Cabana

Worse Match: Banderas vs. Goldberg

Best Interview/Segment: Triple H/Christian/Tomko

Worse Interview/Segment: N/A

Additional Feedback/Comments: This is without a doubt one of your best shows in my opinion. Every one of your matches excluding the quick Banderas/Goldberg match delivered. Banderas/Goldberg didn't deliver as much as the others for the simple fact that it was so short though it did add to Goldberg/Lesnar which is a plus. The writing was very nicely done and I really enjoyed every one of your promos. Each promo was on point and made sense; I got into all of them. Also, Team BTW is looking very strong maybe Team WWE can pull a rabbit out of the hat. Anyway, as I said earlier, this is easily one of your best shows to date and I'm definately looking forward to your next show. Keep up the good work, man.

The Rated R CMStar


BTW Official Rebellion PPV Preview

BTW World Heavyweight Championship
Edge vs Randy Orton

Edge has came a long way holding the World Championship. But on Rebellion he faces one of his biggest challenge on his career, when he has to defend his title one on one with the Legend Killer Randy Orton.

Randy Orton's beginning with BTW wasn't sweet, as he came as a representant of Vince Mcmahon and ended without a contract. But he then managed to get to the nice side of the fans RKOing Vince and his son, winning at Apocalypse a shot to Edge's title after defeating Vince and Shane Mcmahon.

Orton had to defend this opportunity over and over to arrogant Mr. Kennedy, finally reafirming his Number One Contender Status.

The vocal and physical exchange between the Rated R Champion and the Legend Killer have been many, as well the showcase of arrogance, but who will come out on top is certainly unknown.

TLC Tag Team Match
Triple H & Tomko vs Christian Cage & Mark Henry

A rivalry that has gone through all steps possible will mark its end at Rebellion, when Triple H battle Christian Cage along with their Problem Solvers or associates Tomko and Mark Henry respectively.

It all started when Triple H made his "secret" debut backstage blooding Christian Cage, to which Cage would react challenging blindly him to a Sadistic Madness match at Busted Open.

Being defeated in that match, Cage searched and found help in Mark Henry signing him as his new Problem Solver, finally getting some upperhand on The Game, including a dismantle on him and his secret partner Tomko.

Long time have passed and the rivalry between the two teams, but specially between Triple H and Christian Cage, and now, they will end it in one of the most brutal matches wrestling has to offer, a TLC match, in which Tables, Ladders and Chairs (Oh my!) are allowed, and one team will be the last standing.

BTW Continental Championship
Big Show vs Rhino

The Big Show has claimed over the years to be the Largest Athlete in the World, and when he won the Continental Title, it seemed that there was nothing and anyone that could beat him. But on Rebellion one beast will attempt to defeat him, or to be exact a manbeast.

Big Show and Rhino are they both brutal on their own styles, but will size be enough to tame the manbeast, or will the beast overcome the Giant?

Stretcher Match
Samoa Joe vs Mr. Kennedy

Samoa Joe doesn't owes many things to people, but one thing he owes, and nothing positive, is the fact that he was left out of the title match at Busted Open by a brutal attack that injured him at the hands of Ken Kennedy.

One month and a half later, Samoa Joe came back ready to get revenge on the loudmouth, and despite all the attempts of Mr. Kennedy to avoid the rage of the Samoan, he didn't only lost his title shot, but the only chance to get out of a match, losing by DQ in a one on one match with Joe.

Winning that match gave Joe the chance to pick the type of match in which they would fight, and in an attempt to make Kennedy live the situation he was put into, he choosed a Stretcher Match.

What will happen in Rebellion, when the loser of the match will have to leave the arena in a stretcher, will Kennedy know how Joe felt, or will Samoa Joe be forced to relive his experience?

Barbwired Massacre
Rob Van Dam vs Sabu

ECW still live in the memory of some fans, with their brutal style and matches. Those fans will relive their memories when two of the symbols of former ECW will fight in a Barbwired Massacre match.

Good friends but better enemies, both stars kicked off with the right foot, becoming tag champions, but soon things turned ugly and a double burn at Busted Open only set them worse.

But these stars didn't have time to end their rivalry, as they were forced to tag over and over again defending their tag gold, until at Madison Square Garden betrayal and hatrery managed to make them lose the titles.

With nothing holding them together anymore, and tons of weapons and specially barbwire, it is going to be an ugly night to the one who loses.

Rikishi vs Umaga

Not a lot of history, not a lot of rivalry between the two. This match is a matter of respect. Savage Umaga attacked Rikishi costing him his spot at BTW Team, only to be paid with the same coin by Rikishi later that night.

This Samoans will battle in the ring of Rebellion, with one trying to teach a lesson of respect, and the other one, do what he do best, destroy.

BTW Extreme Championship
Elijah Burke vs Montel Vontavious Porter vs Jeff Hardy

Extreme and Jeff Hardy have been sinonyms all along the years. And it didn't took long before he become the face of extreme of BTW. He overcome numerous challenges, many of them coming from hungry challenger MVP.

But when it seemed Jeff Hardy had overcome the last of his challenges. Out of nowhere Elijah Burke got a title match and the victory becoming the champion. Now, Burke has to start his relationship with extreme in a match he was put into thanks to his cockyness and self arrogance. Can Burke prove to be extreme? Can MVP finally reach the gold? Or will Jeff Hardy come back on top and recover his title?

Battle of the Companies
Team WWE vs Team BTW

A matter of respect is being held in this match, when five stars from BTW battle five stars of WWE.

WWE definetly chose their top guns, selecting the WWE champion John Cena, the ECW Champion John Morrison and the World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali, not counting former BTW superstar Mistico and the seed of Vince Mcmahon itself, Shane Mcmahon.

But BTW didn't left behind, selecting the best of its roster without interfering with the plans for Rebellion. Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, AJ Styles and Muhammed Hassan will have to coexist as a team to defend the honor of the company, and with a title match waiting for the man to make the winning pin, does WWE have any opportunity?

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
OMG! This one is a damn hell of a PPV. Well Team WWE got really it's top guns having all champs to it, well... I think Team BTW is more tougher imo, lol... I hope Edge ables to retain and here are my other predictions....

BTW World Championship Match
Edge(c) vs Randy Orton

TLC Tag Match
Triple H and Tomko vs Christian Cage and Mark Henry

BTW Continental Match
Big Show(c) vs Rhino

Stretcher Match
Samoa Joe vs Mr. Kennedy

Barbwired Massacre
RVD vs Sabu

BTW Extreme Title Match
Elijah Burke(c) vs Jeff Hardy vs MVP

Battle of the Companies
Team WWE vs Team BTW

Rikishi vs Umaga

The Rated R CMStar


Series of Notes and Rumors for BTW Rebellion PPV on Sunday

by Mike Johnson @ 9:32 PM on 10/3/2007

Management is said to start the push for Chris Jericho on Rebellion. Rumors say that booking wants to direct for a Triple H vs Chris Jericho match at Wrestlefest, BTW's Biggest PPV.

Several finishes have been presented by writters to the match of Triple H & Tomko vs Mark Henry & Christian Cage TLC match, but all have been denied. Still, it is a fact that the feud as itself between Triple H and Christian Cage will end, but I wouldn't expect a clean finish.

Mark Callaway has been in touch with BTW lately. Rumors in the locker room say he could appear on Sunday.

Randy Orton was first booked to become champion at Rebellion, but the decision has been gone back and forth. The main reason why the first booking was put back into argument is that writters want to turn Orton into a hee, and feuding Edge wouldn't help.

RVD and Sabu are said to be very excited with their Barbwired Match, and they are said to be talking and remembering their old ECW moments.

To follow a news a reported a way back, BTW's owner, Matteo Quintavalle wanted to replace Crushing C's on screen role. Now it has been confirmed that his substitute has already sign with BTW. Not a word if he might debut at Rebellion.

Abdullah The Butcher, Terry Funk and Masato Tanaka have been all been confirmed for an appearence this Sunday. But I would expect a backstage segment with them and not a match.

Tickets are sold out for this Sunday at Pepsi Center. I don't have to say that you can catch the show on PPV do I?


The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
nice inside news for the PPV man! Undertaker will be on BTW! This could be great! and good to see giving Y2J some push, I think he's really a great star. I am really checking it out! If you have time, how 'bout you check my BTB, HEW :)


That'd be awesome to see Undertaker in BTW, I've been reading your shows forever, but I have never reviewed and I'll try to review as many BTB's as I can, the PPV card looks solid and I can't wait for the Barbed Wire Match.

BTW World Championship Match
Edge(c) vs Randy Orton

TLC Tag Match
Triple H and Tomko vs Christian Cage and Mark Henry

BTW Continental Match
Big Show(c) vs Rhino

Stretcher Match
Samoa Joe vs Mr. Kennedy

Barbwired Massacre
RVD vs Sabu

BTW Extreme Title Match
Elijah Burke(c) vs Jeff Hardy vs MVP

Battle of the Companies
Team WWE vs Team BTW

Rikishi vs Umaga

The Rated R CMStar


Men have fought, have resisted to the rules through our history. Men have resisted the system as a way to leave under their own command.

(Images of Edge)

Others, fight the rules as they opposed what they stand for, their values.

(Samoa Joe coming back and getting in Ken Kennedy's face).

And others just fight the rules for their amusement, to increase their egos and their arrogance.

(Christian Cage running from Triple H after his TLC demonstration)

This men are called rebels. Men without limits, men that listen to nothing, to anyone. But what happen when this men try to be controlled, when they try to be stopped, to be tame? A...Rebellion.

(Team BTW confronting Team WWE)

And now, BTW presents....Rebellion!


Styles: Welcome Ladies and Gentleman I am Joey Styles and what a night this will be.

JBL: And I am the Wrestling God, JBL. Can you feel it Joey? It is in the air. The atmosphere of something big about to happen

Styles: That’s right, this night we will have a Rebellion on our hands, and some brutal events as well.

JBL: Then we better get started.

“Kennedy” plays as Mr. Kennedy makes his way down the ramp to a lot of boos from the crowd. Some fans try to touch him but he takes his arms apart in disgust. Kennedy stops and sees the stretcher placed close to the ramp He enters the ring and places in the middle of the ring, and waits for the microphone to come down the ceiling as lights go out.

Kennedy: Pepsi Center, admire the future of Sports Entertainment itself, the face of modern day wrestling and your next World Champion. And mark my name in the back of your mind, because I will responsible from putting Samoa Joe on a stretcher and make him leave this arena a bloodied pulp. And that man is Miiiisteeeeeeeer Keeeeeneeedy!!!

He climbs to the top rope.

Kennedy: Keeeeeneeeedy!!!

Killing Vibe” plays as Samoa Joe comes out to a good reaction from the crowd. He does his dance on the top of the ramp. He then walks to the ring completely ignoring the stretcher. He enters the ring and Kennedy rolls out, as the referee rings the bell.

Stretcher Match:
Mr. Kennedy vs Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe immediately rolls out of the ring in pursuit of Kennedy. Ken runs around the ring trying to get away from Joe, but out of a sudden Kennedy stops and turns around encountering Joe front to front, and connecting him with a boot to the face knocking Joe down. Mr. Kennedy immediately jumps over him and starts punching him violently. Samoa Joe manages to roll over and reverse the maneuver and starts connecting punches of his own. Joe finally gets up and away from Kennedy only to continue his attack. Samoa Joe lifts by the head Ken Kennedy and Irish Whips him to the corner post. Joe continues his attack and throws him again to the corner post. Mr. Kennedy tries to shake off the damage but is immediately thrown back into the ring; Joe follows him and tries to continue his offense, but brings Joe down with a toehold. Both men come back to their feet, but Kennedy connects a clothesline after a run toward him of Samoa Joe. Joe gets up quickly but Kennedy hits another clothesline making fell down to the mat again. Ken Kennedy dashes to the ropes and bounces back hitting Joe with a knee drop to Joe’s sternum. Ken stomps his rival on his head before rolling out of the ring. He grabs a chair and rolls back into the ring, and waits for Samoa Joe to get up taunting him with the chair. The Samoan wrestler slowly gets up and turns around to where Kennedy is. Mr. Kennedy wastes no time and dashes toward Joe trying to connect him with a chair, but Samoa Joe reacts first and hits Kennedy with a Back Body Drop that makes Kennedy fell to the outside of the ring. Ken Kennedy gets up shaking his head and disorientated, Joe immediately dashes to the ropes, bouncing back and he then jumps over the ropes landing on Mr. Kennedy with a cross body splash. Joe gets up and lifts Kennedy, placing him on the stretcher. He tries to push it over the ramp, but Kennedy fights back connecting a series of punches. Ken Kennedy rolls down of the stretcher to his feet and continues to connect right and left hands to Joe. The loudmouth proceeds with his attack locking a Rear Chin Lock on Samoa Joe. Ken Kennedy screams and the crowd boos as he increases the pression on the hold.

Samoa Joe tries to fight out of the hold for a few seconds, but as he fails to accomplish he slowly starts to collapse. Kennedy refuses to release the hold, and Joe is forced to down one of his knees as he is losing energy from the maneuver. The crowd start chanting Samoa Joe’s name, but Kennedy applies even more power to the submission hold. The fans in the coliseum increase the volume and speed of the chants trying to motivate Joe. Samoa Joe start shaking and firing himself up looking for a way to get out of the hold, but Mr. Kennedy, knowing that he might escape from the hold, dashes toward the stretcher looking to connect a bulldog on it, but Joe reverses the hold and gets out of the maneuver and pushes Kennedy toward the stretcher, making him clash with it knees first. Joe touches his head and aches about his pain made by the submission hold previously applied by Mr. Kennedy. Joe stares at the floored Kennedy and goes toward him. He lifts him up and makes him then hit chest first into the barricade. Samoa Joe smiles to the crowd and heads toward the ring. He looks under it and gets out a trash can. Mr. Kennedy pulls himself up using the barricade and heads toward Samoa Joe, but when he sees Joe has a trash can in hands, he runs and rolls to the inside of the ring trying to escape from the angry Samoan, but Joe rolls also to the inside of the ring, but he gets out fasten by Kennedy that connects him first with a clothesline, making Joe fell and release the garbage can.

Kennedy walks and grabs the trash can, smiling to the crowd. He goes to one of the corner of the ring taunting for the floored Samoan. Joe gets up and as the camera focuses on his face, Samoa Joe is really angry. He gets up still giving his back to Kennedy. Joe finally turns around and Kennedy runs toward him trying to connect him with the garbage can, but Joe’s anger makes him react first and he connects first a Samoan Drop for the tide shifting. Joe lifts his arms to the crowd playing to them, he stares to his opponent and advances toward him. Joe stops and looks back at the trash can. He picks it up and places it over Kennedy’s head. Joe smiles and he throws to the canvas locking in his Coquina Clutch on Kennedy with the garbage can also punishing Kennedy. Ken Kennedy starts despairly tapping, but the referee can do anything as that has no effect in the outcome of the match. After a few seconds Kennedy stop tapping and also moving. Samoa Joe maintains the hold for a little more time, he then releases it and takes off the garbage can from Kennedy’s head. Kennedy is completely unconscious as Joe drags him and throws him to the outside of the ring. Joe gets out of the ring as well and lifts Kennedy up. He then places Kennedy over the stretcher and begins pushing him ramp up as the crowd cheer. With every step Joe gives his face expression changes with more anger. When he is a few inches away from the marked line to pass the stretcher, he stops and looks away from the stretcher taking a long breath trying to calm him down. Kennedy starts reacting and moving until he rolls off of the stretcher falling to the concrete floor. He drags slowly toward the furious Joe and surprises him with a grueling low blow that is loudly booed by the crowd. Ken Kennedy, still beaten down, wastes no time and pushes Joe toward the stretcher placing him on top of it and gives a final push to the stretcher making it pass the marked line.

Result: Mr. Kennedy defeats Samoa Joe

Ken Kennedy celebrates his victory, but he then stares at the recovering and angry Samoa Joe. Kennedy’s face expression changes as he see Joe trying to get down of the stretcher and he runs backstage. Joe finally recovers and stares at the empty stage where Ken Kennedy just left. Joe then makes his classic “Joe is going to kill you” taunt and starts his walk to the back with his music playing.

Styles: I am speechless. I can’t believe the way Ken Kennedy just stole his victory tonight.

JBL: Stole? Mr. Kennedy smells like smoke because he’s been through fire, and this match was another showcase of why he deserves the World Title.

Styles: Well, Samoa Joe might beg to differ and I’m sure he isn’t through with Kennedy.

We go backstage to the Parking Lot of the Pepsi Center, where we see a Limo arriving. The limousine stops and the door opens, and after a seconds of anticipation, we see Shane Mcmahon getting out from it, receiving a lot of boos, followed by John Morrison, Mistico, The Great Khali, who has a hard time getting out from it and the last one to get out is WWE Champion John Cena.

Shane: So, where are finally here. BTW! Everyone is ready?

Mistico: It’s good to be back. Tonight I show all the people here in BTW the talent they let go.

Morrison: Ready? I am the Shaman of Sexy, the face of extreme. All these BTW nobodies will have their 15 minutes of fame once they are in the same ring of John Morrison.

Shane: I like the attitude. How about you Khali? Are you ready?

Crowd boos heavily as the camera shows The Great Khali.

Shane: Are you ready for tonight’s match Khali?

Khali mumbles something in his language.

Shane: I will take that as a yes. And you Jo…

Cena: (getting amazing amount of boos) Stop, don’t even ask me that. You know Shane, this whole thing got stupid a few minutes ago. Are you Ready? (mocking Shane), we are WWE’s finest, and we are here to defend the WWE. Are we ready? Yes, we are ready. Is John Cena ready? Damn right I’m ready. Because after all the smoke is cleared, and all is set and done, John Cena and the WWE will be left standing, in the middle of a BTW ring, celebrating.

Boos from the crowd become even louder.

Cena: BTW! You are all under notice, The Champ is Here!

Styles: Well, they are here. They have arrived.

JBL: God I hate that punk Cena. I can’t wait for Team BTW to beat the hell out of him and the entire WWE team.

Styles: But that match will be later on tonight. Next is the match for the Continental Title, as the champion, the Big Show battles Rhino.

JBL: A giant facing a beast, I can’t wait!

“Manbeast” plays as Rhino gets out and makes his way down the ramp between cheers from the crowd.

“Big Show” plays through the arena as The Big Show comes out with his title over his shoulder between choruses of boos. He enters the ring and looks down to Rhino, leaving an arrogant grin out. The referee then makes the bell ring.

BTW Continental Match
Big Show(c) vs Rhino

Big Show stays immobile looking back at Rhino that is warming up giving small jumps and jogging. Rhino finally runs toward the champion and connects him with an elbow to the face. Rhino follows it with a series of punches and then dashes again to the ropes connecting a clothesline, but the clothesline doesn’t have any effect on the Big Show. The Big Show screams and taunts toward Rhino inviting him to hit him one more time. Rhino listens to him and plants him with a powerful right hand. The Big Show invites Rhino for another punch. Rhino delivers again with a tondrous right hand, but the Big Show, feeling no effect, lands him with a big headbutt, that knocks Rhino down. Rhino gets immediately up, but The Showster quickly Irish Whips him to the ropes and then when he bounce back knocks him down to the canvas with a Big Boot. The Big Show then bounces to the ropes and connects a powerful leg drop. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Rhino kicks off. Big Show gets up and grabs Rhino by the head, lifting him up and making him get back to his feet, only to then plant him down with a powerful suplex. Big Show stands and then drags him close to the corner. Big Show slowly and methodically climbs to the top rope giving his back to the ring. The Big Show leaves himself go down toward Rhino, but the Manbeast manages to roll out of the way. The champion remains bended suffering the impact on his knees, and Rhino takes advantage hitting him on the back. The crowd cheers as Rhino continues to focus his attack on Big Show’s back.

Rhino tries to lock in a Camel Clutch, but the Big Show fights back and manages to incorporate with Rhino still holding to his back. Rhino tries to asphyxiate the Big Show, but Show lets himself go backwards crushing his opponent. . The Big Show makes the cover: 1…2…, Rhino manages to get one shoulder up once again. The champion starts showing signals of frustration. The Big Show goes to proceed with his flurry of offense locking on the mat his Cobra Clutch, and, still locking the submission hold he lifts Rhino up. The manbeast tries to fight out of the maneuver, but The Big Show is too powerful to outpower and instead the Showster reinforces the strength on the maneuver, until finally Rhino starts to fell to the Cobra Clutch. The referee goes and checks the state of Rhino. He lifts his left arm with no response. The referee lifts his arm for the second time, Rhino cannot answer and his arm drops. The referee goes for the third and final arm lifting. The Big Show applies more force to the submission hold as the referee raises his arm once again. The crowd starts cheering for Rhino and he manages to raise his arm and respond to the referee check.

Rhino starts fighting and taking advantage of an adrenaline rush he tries to find a way out of the Cobra Clutch applied by the Continental Champion. He slowly manages to raise his left and passes it by The Big Show’s neck, and finally he accomplishes get out of the hold by hitting a jawbreaker. Rhino drags a few steps away from his opponent complaining about his neck. The Big Show also aches about the damage suffer remaining on one knee on the canvas. Rhino sees it and advances toward him finally planting him with a DDT to the pop from the crowd. Both men collapse to the canvas. The referee check the condition of both wrestlers but he then is forced to start the count for both: 1…2…3…4…5…6…Rhino starts moving and rolls toward the ropes using them to pull him back to his feet. Suffering the beating from the match he starts walking toward the corner and once in there he waits and taunts for the knocked down champion. The Big Show gets up and turns around toward the corner where the challenger is located. Rhino runs toward him receiving a lot of cheers from the crowd looking to hit the Gore, but Big Show awakens him with a Big Boot that knocks him down cold.

The Continental Champion raises his arms in celebration getting a lot of boos and he announces the Showstopper. He waits for a while for Rhino to get back to his feet, but after he sees Rhino is not moving, so he advances toward the challenger and puts his right hand on the Manbeast’s throat. He gets him up still chocking him and tries to connect the Showstopper, but Rhino blocks the hold kicking him in the gut. Rhino then bounces to the ropes and goes one more time for the Gore, but The Big Show grabs him by the throat once again and this time plants him with the Showstopper. He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: The Big Show retains against Rhino.

JBL: I told you! Size do matters and it sure was enough to tame the manbeast!

Styles: Well, it was a hard fought battle, and Rhino do all he could, but The Big Show was too much of a challenge.

(Busted Open DVD video hype)

Styles: And hard fought battle is certainly what we will see next, as former partners meet in a brutal match.

JBL: I have loved this rivalry from the very beginning. RVD and Sabu on each other throats and now they will have the chance to do in an environment they know very well, Extreme.

Styles: Wooden Plaques with Barbwire are surrounding the ring just waiting for someone to use them. Barbwire Massacre, OH MY GOD!

“Arabian Beat” plays to a nice reaction from the crowd as Sabu makes his way down the ramp taking with him a table with Barbwire on top of it. He places it one the middle of the ring and circles the ring waiting for his opponent.

“One of a Kind” plays to a mix reaction from the Pepsi Center as Rob Van Dam comes out and makes his entrance.

Both competitors play for the crowd a bit until finally the referee rings the bell.

Barbwire Massacre
Rob Van Dam vs Sabu

RVD and Sabu approach each other. RVD raises his arms and starts pointing himself as the crowd, and himself saying: Rob…Van…, RVD takes advantage of the distracted Sabu and lands him with a roundhouse kick before he says his last name. RVD follows his offense and connects his opponent with a series of punches. He then throws Sabu toward the ropes, RVD tries to connect him with a clothesline, but Sabu ducks and pass by bouncing to the opposite ropes, but he jumps standing in the second tope and hits a springboard dropkick. Sabu gives a quick look to the table with Barbwire that he brought to the ring and he then does his taunt pointing to the sky. He goes out of the apron and waits RVD. Van Dam gets up and Sabu looks for a springboard clothesline, but Rob reacts first and floors him with a jumping dropkick. Van Dam proceeds with his offense and connects a spinning leg drop. RVD lifts Sabu up and puts him in a suplex position. He lifts him up but instead of a suplex he connects a facebuster. Van Dam gets up and taunts for the crowd once again raising his arms and repeating his initials. RVD rolls out of the ring and looks under it. Rob Van Dam finally finds out what he is searching. RVD gets out a chair covered with Barbwire, which gets received by a pop from the Pepsi Center.

RVD rolls back into the ring and stares at the floored Sabu. Sabu starts getting up and Rob smiles at seeing it. His opponent finally gets back to his vertical position and RVD throws at him the barbwired chair. Sabu grabs it and Van Dam connects the Van Dominator knocking Sabu out cold. RVD makes the cover: 1…2…, Sabu gets one shoulder up. RVD makes the cover again: 1…2…, Sabu gets again one shoulder up. Van Dam gets up frustrated and grabs again the chair. Sabu slowly gets back to his feet revealing that he is busted open. He turns around to where RVD is and Van Dam swings trying to connect him with a clean shot with the chair, but Sabu miracously reacts and saving himself connects a dropkick to the knee that makes RVD fell and connect himself with the barbwired char. Sabu touches his forehead seeing his blood and immediately runs to the ropes jumping one more time and connects a leg drop to RVD making him bury his face on the Barbwire chair. Sabu rolls RVD, letting everyone see RVD is bleeding. Sabu covers him: 1…2…, RVD gets up. Sabu taunts again raising his arm to the sky and directs to the table. He grabs it and sets the table on the corner.

RVD starts getting up disorientated and faces Sabu. Sabu connects a series of punches and then tries to Irish Whip him to the Barbwire Table, but Van Dam manages to stop himself when he is running toward the table putting one boot on the top rope. Sabu dashes toward his opponent but RVD reacts first and Back Body Drops him to the table making himself hit the Barbwire and breaks the table in half. RVD drags Sabu away from the table and the harmful wire toward the center of the ring and makes the cover: 1…2…, Sabu gets one shoulder up, like an impulse from his beaten body. Van Dam gets up really molested and starts arguing with the referee about a slow count. Sabu starts moving toward the ropes, a bloody pulp. He pulls himself up using the ropes and gets back to his feet. He slowly approaches RVD and turns him around. Sabu throws a right fist; RVD answers it back punching him. The crowd separates between both competitors as they exchange blows.

Rob Van Dam gets the upperhand and connects a knee to Sabu’s gut, then connecting him with a powerful brainbuster. Rob Van Dam rolls out of the ring and grabs one of the wooden plaques to the ring. He walks and grabs another wooden plaque and throws it to the ring. Van Dam enters the ring and hits Sabu to a very cheered Rolling Thunder. He then drags Sabu and places him on top of one of the Barbwired wooden plaques, to which the crowd yells in disgust and Sabu in pain. He then grabs the second plaque and puts in on top of Sabu. He raises his arm one more time and climbs to the top rope, and hits him with a Five Star Frog Splash, hitting Sabu between the two Barbwired Plaques. RVD makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: RVD defeats Sabu.

EMT’s and trainers run to the ring to check on the state of Sabu. They remove the plaques and the Barbwire from Sabu’s bodies leaving him a bleeding mess. RVD leaves in boos as Sabu is taken out in a stretcher.

Still to come:

Part 2

Extreme Title:
Jeff Hardy vs Elijah Burke(c) vs MVP

TLC Match
HHH & Tomko vs Christian & Mark Henry

Umaga vs Rikishi

Part 3

World Title
Edge vs Randy Orton

Team BTW vs Team WWE