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The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Hardy/Burke

Worst Match: Hassan/Kamikazee, yeah they're right, it's a squash match

Best Promo: Opening Promo, Kennedy/Orton

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedback: Another good show CMS, the main event is great! it's well written! good job!

The Rated R CMStar

BTW rumors brought to you by PWInsider.com

The squash of Muhammed Hassan is an intent to bring him back in the route of being a contender to a World Title. He will probably remain winning in a powerful way and then awarded with a big feud.

As BTW heads toward Rebellion, being billed as one of their top PPV, management is said to be divided in what should be its Main Event, as some say Kennedy vs Edge, others say Orton vs Edge and some have dare to recommend Edge vs Orton vs Kennedy with Samoa Joe playing a major role.

Samoa Joe as we informed weeks before Busted Open was never really injured, but he had lots of heat from management from his attitude backstage. Apparently he solved that differences and he is telling other talent that he had some neck problems. He is scheduled to feud Mr. Kennedy as he is the one that injured Samoa Joe on screen.

Altough the incredible matches between Lesnar and Goldberg, their feud has lost interest backstage as writters see more important the Triple and Christian Cage feud and are said to give a lot of importance to RVD and Sabu's upcoming feud.

AJ Styles signed with BTW as Christian Cage recommended him to let his TNA contract expire.

Plans for Triple H/Mark Henry/Cage/Tomko feud have been unveiled, this may be spoilers, read them under your concern.


Triple H has recommended that thanks to the succes of adding more people to the feud(Henry and Tomko) they should add one more superstar per band and solve their problems at Rebellion in some sort of a gimmick match. As things stand of right now, the match is scheduled to be a Tag Team Elimination Chamber. Triple H is pushing for Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair or The Rock to be signed to be their third partner. If HBK and Flair sign, it will be a Tomko kind of deal of only being there as long as the feud lasts, but rumors said that if The Rock is the chosen he will sign a full time contract. Writters are said to create tension between him and HHH to create a feud. For Cage side AJ Styles is said to be his third partner.

Some rumors, remember, may be true, may be not.


Like AJ signing and I like the gimmick match idea...If it happens...Check out my btb as I posted SD...This should be all good stuff and Im looking forwards to seieng the gimmick match and hope it happens:)

The Rated R CMStar

Monday Night BTW Preview

We continue the road toward Rebellion with confusion sorrounding our World Title. Both Randy Orton and Mr. Kennedy have made their points on why they should be the Number One Contender, and this week Edge will finally have his challenger as Edge and Kennedy go one on one with the winner challenging the Rated R Champion at Rebellion.

Last week we also witness the return of Samoa Joe. How will Mr. Kennedy will be able to concentrate himself on his match with Joe around? And which will be the next step in revenge for Joe to the man that injured him?

Triple H scored another victory on Christian Cage, but one more time Mark Henry destroyed everyone on his path making the scores even. What will Triple H and Tomko have to do to finally end this rivalry?

The tension between Goldberg and Brock Lesnar continued to grow last week as Goldberg was seen talking to Lesnar's manager Paul Heyman. Will Heyman's position toward Lesnar will change in the quest if both men to show who is better?

Chris Jericho debuted last week on BTW, but unlike all the fans, AJ Styles and Umaga weren't as happy and cheated him out of his first victory. Will Jericho achieve revenge, or will he be decimated on the attempt?

Last week was a great one for two superstars, Elijah Burke and Rhino, the first one winning the Extreme Title and Rhino becoming the Number One Contender for the Continental Title. What will be next on their careers?

Paralel to all the rivalries going on at BTW, we will have the champion of champions match, as Edge faces Elijah Burke and The Big Show.

Rob Van Dam, Sabu and CM Punk will be making their returns.

Tune in this Monday at Spike TV.

Confirmed Monday Night BTW Matches

Champion of Champions
BTW World Champion Edge vs BTW Extreme Champion Elijah Burke vs BTW Continental Champion The Big Show

BTW Word Heavyweight Title Number One Contender Match
Randy Orton vs Mr. Kennedy

Mark Henry vs Tomko

Rematch from past Monday Night BTW
Chris Jericho vs Umaga

MVP vs Jeff Hardy

Champions forced to tag(non title match)
Straighedgers vs RVD and Sabu(c)

Muhammed Hassan vs Thrilling Stevie

The Peepshow
Christian Cage invites Triple H

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Preview looks great as does the card...here are my predictions...

Champion of Champions
BTW World Champion Edge vs BTW Extreme Champion Elijah Burke vs BTW Continental Champion The Big Show

BTW Word Heavyweight Title Number One Contender Match
Randy Orton vs Mr. Kennedy

Mark Henry vs Tomko

Rematch from past Monday Night BTW
Chris Jericho vs Umaga

MVP vs Jeff Hardy

Champions forced to tag(non title match)
Straighedgers vs RVD and Sabu(c)

Muhammed Hassan vs Thrilling Stevie

Looking forward to the show...


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Great preview. Hope it lives up to the hype built on it.

My predictions:

BTW World Champion Edge vs BTW Extreme Champion Elijah Burke vs BTW Continental Champion The Big Show

BTW Word Heavyweight Title Number One Contender Match
Randy Orton vs Mr. Kennedy

Mark Henry vs Tomko

Rematch from past Monday Night BTW
Chris Jericho vs Umaga

MVP vs Jeff Hardy

Champions forced to tag(non title match)
Straighedgers vs RVD and Sabu(c)

Muhammed Hassan vs Thrilling Stevie

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Here's mine:

BTW World Champion Edge vs BTW Extreme Champion Elijah Burke vs BTW Continental Champion The Big Show

BTW Word Heavyweight Title Number One Contender Match
Randy Orton vs Mr. Kennedy

Mark Henry vs Tomko

Rematch from past Monday Night BTW
Chris Jericho vs Umaga

MVP vs Jeff Hardy

Champions forced to tag(non title match)
Straighedgers vs RVD and Sabu(c)

Muhammed Hassan vs Thrilling Stevie


May 25, 2007
Reaction score
Washignton DC
Here's mine:

BTW World Champion Edge vs BTW Extreme Champion Elijah Burke vs BTW Continental Champion The Big Show

BTW Word Heavyweight Title Number One Contender Match
Randy Orton vs Mr. Kennedy

Mark Henry vs Tomko

Rematch from past Monday Night BTW
Chris Jericho vs Umaga

vs Jeff Hardy

Champions forced to tag(non title match)
Straighedgers vs RVD and Sabu(c)

Muhammed Hassan vs Thrilling Stevie

The Rated R CMStar

BTW is Back



BTW Federation has released the official Rebellion PPV Poster. It features Triple H on it. Rememeber we are three shows away from the biggest PPV of the summer.

The Rated R CMStar

Monday Night BTW
Wachovia Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

JBL: Welcome Ladies and Gentleman to a brand new edition of Born To Wrestle Federation. And what a night we have ahead of us!

Styles: Joey Styles here and yes indeed, not only do we determine the Number One Contender for the World Championship at Rebellion, but we have a Champion of Champions match.

JBL: An incredible night and we better get started.

Styles: And let’s kick it off with an old fashion grudge match.

(Video of MVP costing Jeff Hardy the BTW Extreme Title to Elijah Burke)

“I’m Coming” plays to a chorus of boos as MVP does his entrance and starts his way to the ring.

“Loaded” plays as the crowd pops for Jeff Hardy as he makes his way to the ring.

1st Match: MVP vs Jeff Hardy

MVP starts the match measuring Jeff Hardy and circling him. They begin to brawl with Porter getting the advantage. Hardy reverses the hold and puts Montel in a hammerlock. The grappling competition continues as MVP reverses the hammerlock one more time turning himself and pushing Jeff to the ropes and knocking him down with an elbow smash. Jeff gets quickly up and ducks a right punch by Montel, Porter then tries to connect another punch, but Jeff ducks it one more time and hits a kick to middle section of his opponent. Hardy then dashes to the ropes and tries to hit a spinning DDT, but MVP catches Hardy in mid-air reversing the hold and converting it into a falling powerslam. MVP then gives a cocky smile to the crowd and begins stomping Hardy’s head. He then goes to the mat and locks in a sleeper hold with scissors to the body. He begins applying pression to the entire Jeff Hardy with both his arms and his legs. The crowd starts to cheer and chant Jeff’s name and Hardy begins to recover his strength. Hardy tries to get back to his feet but MVP applies more strength to the hold and pulls Jeff back down to the mat.

Jeff starts rolling trying to fight his way out of the hold. He finally makes MVP release the hold a little. Jeff turns around and hits a jawbreaker to force MVP completely to let the hold out. Jeff immediately dashes to the ropes and hits a bulldog on Porter. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Montel gets his shoulder up. MVP starts returning to his feet while Jeff tries to stop it hitting him with a series of punches. MVP slowly gets up despite the punches and fights back, but Jeff throws a kick to MVP. Porter blocks the kick grabbing Hardy’s leg but Jeff connects the reverse mule kick knocking Porter down. Jeff makes the cover: 1…2…, Porter kicks out one more time.

Hardy screams to the crowd taunting and gets outside of the ropes and on the apron. He waits for MVP to get up and goes for a plancha, but MVP counterattacks and hits a boot to the face on Jeff in mid-air. Porter grabs his gut complaining in pain but he looks at the crowd and smiles cockily, he then dashes to the ropes and does his Ballin’ taunt followed by an elbow drop, he makes the cover: 1…2…, Jeff gets his shoulder up. MVP gets frustrated and makes the cover again: 1…2…, Jeff kicks out again. Porter screams out loud in frustration and starts arguing with the referee. He then looks at Hardy and taunts for the end. He gets him up and Irish Whips him to the ropes. MVP then starts walking to the opposite corner bragging and mumbling. He measures Jeff Hardy and runs toward him looking for the kick to the head. He connects it and immediately after it he sets Hardy in the Playmaker position, he tries to hit it but Jeff reverses it and connects, to a huge pop from the crowd, the Twist of Fate. Hardy follows the attack climbing to the top rope. He taunts for the Swanton bomb and he throws toward MVP looking for it, but Montel gets out of the way making Jeff Hardy miss the Swanton Bomb. MVP immediately covers Hardy: 1…2…3.

Result: MVP pins Jeff Hardy.

MVP then climbs to the corner and begins yelling: “I want you now Burke” as the camera cuts backstage to Jeremy Borash.

Borash: Ladies and Gentleman tonight I am accompanied by none other than the Rated R Superstar and BTW World Champion Edge, tell me Edge, tonight you are involved in a Champion of Champions Match, what are your comments on Elijah Burke and The Big Show, the other two champions?

Edge: Wow, you really talked a lot for that small brain of yours didn’t you! Answering your question, there will never be someone as good as me, I am the most dominant champion not only right now but on the entire wrestling industry. Burke, he has plenty of other problems, see MVP and Jeff Hardy battling to face him, plus he is just a rookie with no talent getting his ass caned in November, and The Big Show is just a big thurd with not a clue of where the hell he is. I am truly the Champion of Champions.

Borash: Moving on, who do you think will win the Number One Contender’s Match for your title tonight?

Edge: I really don’t know why I should be defending my title. There is no other superstar that represents this company as good as the Rated R champion. That’s the bottom line, none of the challengers deserve nothing. Orton is just a loser whose championship reign lasted a month and whose entire career is based in beating geriatric wrestlers, and Mr. Kennedy is a wannabe that has never and will never win the big one, that’s just….

Mr. Kennedy walks in and comes face to face with Edge. He then takes the microphone out of Edge’s hand.

Mr. Kennedy: Edge, you really like that belt don’t you? You better buy your imitation and take your photos of it because after tonight and after Rebellion it is going to be around the waist of the real future of this business…

Edge turns his head and stops seeing Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Kennedy: Misteeerrrrrrrr Keeeenedyyyy………..Keeneedyyy(spitting a little on Edge’s face)


We return with the Peepshow Set completely done.

Just close your Eyes” starts playing to a lot of heat from the crowd as Christian Cage comes out wearing street clothes. He comes down to the ring with a smile on his face and asks for the mic inside the ring.

Christian: Welcome Ladies and Gentleman, peeps all around the world, to the debut of the Peepshow right here on BTW, of course, hosted by the one, by the only, the Instant Classic Christian Cage!

Crowd boos as Cage looks around with a smile on his face.

Christian: But first, I have to apologize for our guest tonight. I know that being this the debut of the Peepshow we had to get someone great as our guest, but with the lack of time and, well, who are you for me to give explanations?

Crowd boos one more time and begins a “You suck” chant.

Christian: The bottom line is that we had to settle with this guest, so please forgive us and just hang on that this will be a quick interview.

Crowd chants “Triple H, Triple H”.

Christian: Just send him here.

“The Game” plays as the crowd goes completely wild with Triple H coming out. He is wearing a suit. Triple H enters the ring and sits on the stage chair as Christian looks at him nervous.

Christian: Welcome Triple H to the Peepshow and remember, no physicality, this is just an interview.

Triple H nods and signs Christian with his hand to continue.

Christian: No aggression, just talking, alright?

Triple H: Just make the damn questions.

Christian: Alright, here is the first question, how does it feels to be constantly humbled and humiliated by the Instant Classic?

Triple H: (Standing up), Humbled? Humilliated? Instant Classic? This is coming from a guy that use to dress as Elvis and make a fool of himself in the middle of the ring.

Crowd laughs as Christian Cage begins to get angry.

Triple H: Now, now, if I recall, you have never beaten me in a match.

Christian: But I constantly keep humiliating you and manhandling you, do you think I care that I have never beat you in the ring when I keep beating you outside of it?

Triple H: Not you, Mark Henry. That sick behemoth is the only reason I haven’t bury you and your useless career.

Christian: You know, I am tired of hearing you talk shit every time you come to this ring Hunter. This is my show for crying out loud!

Triple H:(talking like a baby) Boo Hoo, look the little Chrissy crying over his showy.

Christian: Stop, this is enough. Let’s just end this rivalry once and for all.

Triple H: Speak.

Christian: At Rebellion, it will be you Hunter, teaming up with Tomko facing me, the Instant Classic and my Problem Solver Mark Henry in a, in a TLC Tag Match.

Crowd cheers in approval.

Triple H: You are on!

Triple H and Christian Cage come face to face and begin trading insults.


“Arabian” plays to boos from the crowd as Muhammed Hassan comes out very serious and impressive.

JBL: Look at this man! He might not be one of those monsters, but he can hurt you like one.

Styles: He certainly is on a role lately and has looked really impressive.

JBL: And the next wrestler to lose is Thrilling Stevie.

2nd Match: Muhammed Hassan vs Thrilling Stevie

Thrilling Stevie starts jogging and circling Hassan looking for an opening. Muhammed remains still in one same spot looking at Stevie. Thrilling finally decides to attack and throws himself toward Muhammed looking to connect him, but Hassan ducks the fist of Thrilling Stevie and immediately hits the Modified STO on Stevie knocking him down. He taunts for the crowd raising his arms up high and he then returns to the action and locks in the Camel Clutch. It doesn’t takes long before Thrilling Stevie tap out.

Result: Muhammed Hassan defeats Thrilling Stevie.

Muhammed Hassan climbs to the ropes and taunts for the crowd receiving tons of heat. He does the title taunt as we go backstage to Lesnar’s locker room.

Lesnar: Tell me Paul, what were you and Goldberg talking last week?

Heyman: I have told you thousands of times. He was making me a proposal.

Lesnar: Yeah, but you haven’t told me what kind of proposal that was.

Heyman: That is because I was waiting for tonight. He said he feels the people out there still doesn’t know who is the better man.

Lesnar: Right.

Heyman: So he told me that he has been thinking, and the only way to prove who is the better man is to make the other one…

Lesnar: The other one what?

Heyman: Quit! He was proposing me an I Quit Match between you and him at Rebellion.

Crowd cheers in the background.

Lesnar: Did you accept it?

Heyman: Of course not! I told him that I was going to discuss it with you.

Lesnar: You did good, you did good.

Heyman: So, what do I tell him?

Lesnar: Nothing.

Heyman: What do you mean by nothing? I have to tell him something. What do you mean by nothing?

Lesnar: My answer, I will give him my answer personally next week, but I have something you can tell him for me.

Heyman: What is that?

Lesnar: Next week, it will be me, Brock Lesnar, and Goldberg, in an Arm Wrestling Match!

Lesnar leaves the room as the camera shows Heyman giving a maniatic smile.

(Goldberg video)

Styles: Did you hear that? An I Quit Match, that should be amazing.

JBL: As much as it hurts me, I have to agree with you, it would be a hell of a match and it would be the perfect occasion for Lesnar to finally prove he is the better man.

Styles: And next week and Arm Wrestling Match, who will come out on top?

JBL: Don’t know, should be a great moment that no one would want to miss.

Styles: As for the next match. Personally is a pleasure to see this man in a BTW ring, and next he will enter in one again in search of revenge for the actions of Umaga and AJ Styles from last week, as Jericho faces Umaga.

JBL: A slaughter if you ask me.

“Break the Down the Walls” plays to a big pop from the crowd as Chris Jericho does his complete entrance.

“Virtual Voodoo” plays to a lot of boos as Umaga comes out completely wilds and savage

3rd Match: Umaga vs Chris Jericho

Umaga stares at Jericho and he then yells raising his arms. Jericho jogs around his opponent. He dashes toward him and tries to connect a clothesline, but Umaga doesn’t move. Jericho attacks again and dashes one more time toward Umaga looking for a clothesline, but Umaga ducks letting Jericho pass. Jericho continues toward the ropes and tries to hit a lionsault on the standing Samoan Bulldozer, but Umaga catches him in mid-air and hits a powerful Samoan Drop. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Jericho gets one shoulder up. Umaga gets up and looks at the referee really angry, he then looks back at Jericho and dashes to the ropes, and he tries to hit a flying headbutt, but Jericho gets out of the way. Umaga gets up very angry but Jericho immediately connects an enziguiri. Umaga gets quickly up and Jericho dashes to the ropes and hits a cross body slam and immediately grabs Umaga leg and pulls it making a pinfall, 1…2…, Umaga pushes Jericho up breaking the pinfall. Jericho looks frustrated and immediately goes toward Umaga continuing his attack. Chris starts getting his opponent up, but when he tries to attack Umaga counterattacks poking Jericho’s eyes. Umaga then follows his offense climbing to the top rope.

Umaga waits for his opponent to recover. Jericho finally turns around and Umaga immediately throws toward him and goes for a Samoan Spike from the top rope, but Jericho reacts and gets out of the way, Umaga lands on his feet but Jericho immediately hits a kick to the head. The Samoan Bulldozer feels the pain but doesn’t fall. Jericho immediately dashes to the ropes trying to finally knock Umaga down but the Samoan wrestler reacts and hits a Sidewalk Slam out of nowhere. Umaga stares at Jericho as he lays motionless on the mat. Umaga comes a little closer to his opponent, he then mumbles something and then taunts for the crowd lifting his hands up high, but Jericho out of a sudden snaps and reacts making Umaga fell pulling his legs and locking in the Walls of Jericho to a big pop from the crowd.

Umaga screams in frustration and in pain as Jericho applies more force to the maneuver. Umaga starts dragging himself to the ropes in an attempt to break the hold, but Jericho pulls him back to the center of the ring. The referee comes near Umaga and lifts his arm to check if he is still conscious. He lifts it for the first time, it fells. The referee lifts it for the second time, it fells with no reaction from the Samoan Bulldozer. The referee lifts it for the third and final time, but Umaga reacts and comes back to his senses. He flexes his legs and pushes Jericho away making him bounce to the ropes, and then connecting a clothesline. Jericho gets up and gets clotheslined again. Jericho gets up for the third time, Umaga goes for a clothesline again, but Chris ducks and attempts a rolling kick, but Umaga ducks it goes immediately for the Samoan Spike, but Jericho ducks it and plants a powerful kick to the head knocking the Samoan down. Jericho immediately goes for the Lionsault. Jericho lands perfectly and makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Chris Jericho defeats Umaga

Jericho celebrates with the crowd as we go to a commercial.


We return backstage with Jeremy Borash interviewing AJ Styles

Borash: And now I am accompanied by the one, the only…

AJ: Hey Borash, stop licking my boots, they are shiny already. I don’t need any introduction. Everybody knows who I am. And everybody knows that I am Phenomenal.

Borash: As you just saw, Jericho defeated Umaga in a rematch from last week, a match in which you were refereeing….

AJ: Stop, I know where you are going with this. Umaga won fair and square last week. I just did my work when I DQed Jericho.

Borash: That’s not completely true as you clearly…

AJ: I thought you I told you to shut up. Chris, I hope you are listening this, I don’t care how many Samoans you defeat, you prove to me nothing. In BTW there can only be one of us, and there is only one way to find out who is the true Phenomenal one, and you know what way is that.

AJ walks away and we return to out commentators

JBL: That’s a true competitor. AJ Styles wants to settle his differences in the ring with Jericho as he should be.

Styles: I don’t know, there is something fishy about it, although I would love to see this men going at each other.

JBL: It would be a pandemonium of a match.

Styles: Here we go. I guess we just have to wait and see where this is going. But next we have some action from the ECW Originals.

JBL: This is disgusting. They hate each other, just fight for god’s sake. Why keep torturing us teaming week after week.

Styles: I think the fans are more than happy to see Rob Van Dam and Sabu still being able to set their differences apart and be our tag champions.

“This Fire Burns” plays as CM Punk and Colt Cabana come out to a lot of pops from the crowd.

“Arabian Pulse” plays to a mixed reaction from the crowd as Sabu does his entrance. He lifts his title up high and stares at the stage waiting for his partner to come out.

“One of a Kind plays as RVD comes out to a huge reaction from the crowd. He starts making his way down the ramp but he suddenly stops. He stares at Sabu, points himself saying his name and retrieves to the back.

Styles: What? Has RVD just abandoned his partner?

JBL: I think I am starting to like the guy!

Both men are all fired up to attack but out of a sudden, Colt Cabana is about to attack Sabu, but CM Punk stops him and immediately rolls out of the ring and gets a microphone.

CM Punk: You now, I am all about competition, but this wouldn’t be fair, in fact it wouldn’t even be a match.

Crowd gives him a mixed reaction.

CM Punk: Sabu, I don’t care what’s going on between you and RVD, but what he did to you… In my opinion you should solve all of this in the ring. But that is not my business, what it is my business is that thing you are wearing around your waist.

Punk points to the BTW Tag Title, Colt Cabana nods his head.

CM Punk: You are dragging the tag titles in this little rivalry of yours. The bottom line is that we are not fighting in a Handicap Match, but next week, we want a title match, then, you will be free to kill RVD.

Sabu: You are on.

CM Punk smiles and tells to Colt Cabana to leave. The Straightedgers roll out of the ring as Sabu stays in the ring angry.

(Video for Rhino vs Big Show at Rebellion)


Styles: We are back live and next we have a battle between monsters, as Mark Henry takes on Tomko.

JBL: This is gonna be great. These behemoths will go at each other just two weeks before Rebellion.

Styles: By the way, we are only two shows away, aside from this one, from the Rebellion of BTW.

“Somebodies Gonna Get it” plays as Mark Henry comes out really angry and intimidating the fans at ringside.

“Takeover” starts playing as Tomko comes out to a small good reaction from the crowd.

4th Match: Tomko vs Mark Henry

Tomko and Henry remain still staring at each other. They then start circling slowly still looking at each other trying to send a message. Both competitors out of a sudden stop and start trying to impress each other showing their strength and power. They finally approach each other and start comparing their forces in a brawl. They release the grapple and stare at each other one more time before entering the brawling again. Tomko gets the advantage this time and locks in a headlock, but Henry starts fighting out of the hold and starts lifting Tomko, to finally hit a sideslam. The World Strongest Slam flexes his arms showing his strength as Tomko slowly gets up. Tomko gets up and Henry immediately goes after him if he tries to connect right punches, but grabs Mark’s fist in mid-air and clotheslines him, but Henry doesn’t fell. The former Problem Solver dashes to the ropes and goes for another clothesline, but Henry ducks it letting Tomko pass and bounce back to the ropes, Henry tries to hit him with a punch, but Tomko stays on the ropes making Mark hit the air. He then dashes full speed toward Mark and tries to connect him with a Big Boot, but Henry catched him in mid-air and hits an Spinebuster to reverse it. Mark immediately dashes to the ropes and tries to connect an elbow drop, but Tomko moves out of the way making Henry fell. Tomko gets quickly up and hits a surprising suplex to a pop from the crowd. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Henry savagely breaks the hold pushing Tomko away.

Tomko and Henry return to his feet and stare at each other one more time. Tomko wastes no time and starts connecting a series of right punches making Henry back down, Mark counterattacks and pushes Tomko away knocking him down, but Tomko rolls over his head and immediately clotheslines Henry making he and his opponent fly over the top rope. The referee starts the countout: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8, Henry recovers and rolls in to the ring, only to immediately roll out to continue his attack, but when he comes close to Tomko, Tomko reacts and brings Henry down and against the barrier with a toehold. Tomko yells and taunts for the crowd as he then goes and removes the bell keeper from his char. Tomko grabs the chair as the crowd pops. He aims and calculates at the World Strongest Slam, to finally land him with a devastating chair shot knocking him down.

Result: Mark Henry by DQ.

Tomko then goes completely wild connecting chair shots to Henry before finally the trainers and the referees retrieve him to the back leaving Henry knocked down.

(Samoa Joe video)

We go backstage with Mr. Kennedy at his locker room.

Kennedy is watching his TV and he sees Samoa Joe’s return video.

Mr. Kennedy: Focus Ken, tonight is your night, you get to prove to them how big of a star you are, focus.

Someone knocks the door.

Mr. Kennedy: Go away!

The person enters the room and taps Kennedy shoulder.

Mr. Kennedy: Get out, I don’t care who you are, go away!

Mr. Kennedy turns around only to see Samoa Joe behind of him.

Mr. Kennedy: And what do you want?

Samoa Joe: What? Can’t I come in and wish my good friend luck on his match tonight?

Mr. Kennedy: Luck, don’t you know who I am? I am Miiisteeeer….

Samoa Joe: Yeah, Misteer Keeneedy. I know exactly who you are. You are the man that injured me and cost me my title shot at Busted Open.

Mr. Kennedy: Hey man, I did what I had to do. I am sorry; I know I shouldn’t have done it, so I am sorry.

Kennedy extends his hand to Samoa Joe.

Samoa Joe: Like I said, I just came here to wish you good luck, because if you don’t beat Orton tonight and win that title match at Rebellion, you can beat your ass I will be killing you in that very ring at Rebellion.

Mr. Kennedy: Don’t worry, I would defeat Orton tonight, and once again I would be in the main event, not in sorry ass match with you.

Mr. Kennedy leaves the locker room as Samoa Joe smiles as he walks of.

We return to our commentators

Styles: And right after the break we will have the Number One Contender’s Match, as Randy Orton takes on Mr. Kennedy.

JBL: It doesn’t matter who wins Joey, Edge will always come out on top. He is the Rated R Champion, you can’t keep him down.

Styles: Will be right back.


We return and see Mr. Kennedy circling and jogging inside the ring looking at the stage waiting for his opponent.

“Burn in my Light” plays through the system as the crowd goes wild as Randy Orton comes out. He does his entrance and enters the ring and does a staredown with Mr. Kennedy as the referee rings the bell.

5th Match: BTW World Heavyweight Title Number One Contender’s Match: Randy Orton vs Mr. Kennedy

Randy Orton and Ken Kennedy stare at each other circling around the ring. After a while of jogging and circling each other they come near and start badmouthing each other. Kennedy spits on Orton’s face to a lot of heat for the crowd. Orton gets really angry and throws a punch to Kennedy. He continues the attack and delivers a series of punches to Mr. Kennedy, until he finally rolls out of the ring to take a break. Orton immediately dashes to the ropes and connects Kennedy with a baseball slide as the crowd start chanting “There goes Orton”. Mr. Kennedy slowly gets up but when he does he stares at Randy really angry. Ken rolls to the inside of the ring but immediately backs down as he gets up and gets confronted by and angry Orton. Randy quickly dashes to the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Kennedy attacks first connecting a kick to the calf. Ken continues his attack hitting chest slaps and followed by punches. He then Irish Whips Randy Orton to the ropes and tries to connect an elbow smash, but Orton ducks the attack and locks in a headlock. Kennedy tries to fight back, but Orton changes the hold and locks in a reverse chin lock. Mr. Kennedy finally pushes Randy out of the hold toward the ropes and connects a dropkick knocking him down.

Out of a sudden, Vince Mcmahon appears on the Titantron.

Vince: Good night BTW, sorry to clash your little show but, I promised that this war between BTW and WWE was not over, and tonight, I am living to that promise, and I have something plan for you. Troops, attack!

The camera crew runs all over the business trying to find where the attacks are being held.

JBL: I can’t believe we are being attacked!

Styles: Where are those troops? Look, the camera man have found them.

In the Titantron we see Edge’s locker room.

JBL: No, no! That’s our champion

Camera enters the locker room and sees WWE Champion John Cena still punching a bleeding Edge, camera cuts and we see BTW Continental Champion Big Show and World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali trading champions with Khali finally getting the upperhand and finally we see in another backstage part ECW Champion John Morrison kicking and throwing Elijah Burke to a concrete wall.

The action cuts suddenly to the ring and we see Mr. Kennedy distracted seeing the action on the Titantron, Orton is up behind him. Randy grabs Kennedy and turns him around to connect the RKO. He makes the cover as the referee starts the count: 1…2…3.

Result: Randy Orton defeats Mr. Kennedy.

Vince gets back on the Titantron.

Vince: Now troops end the job.

Suddenly, Mistico comes running down the ramp to a chorus of boos. Orton gets ready to fight him, but behind him Shane Mcmahon lands him with a chair. Mistico starts kicking the knocked Mr. Kennedy and Shane lands Orton with the chair.

Vince: Now BTW, the show is truly over.

Scene fades to the back with WWE superstars celebrating inside the ring.


BTW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Edge(c) vs Randy Orton

BTW Continental Title
Big Show(c) vs Rhino

TLC Tag Match
Triple H and Tomko vs Christian Cage and Mark Henry

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Umaga vs. Chris Jericho

Worse Match: Muhammad Hassan vs. Thrilling Stevie

Best Interview/Segment: Christian/Triple H

Worse Interview/Segment: Mr. Kennedy/Samoa Joe

Additional Feedback/Comments: Nice show; I really enjoyed reading Umaga/Jericho, the main event was great as well. Keep it up, man.


BM- Jericho vs. Umaga

WM- Davari vs. Thrilling Stevie

BP- Christian/HHH

WP- Kennedy/Joe

Rate- 8.5/10

AC- I was gonna do something like what you did at my BtB. Great show keep up the good work

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Y2j/Umaga

Worst Match: Hassan/Stevie

Best Promo: Kennedy/Joe, this is really good,imo!

Worst Promo: n/a, I enjoyed all of em!

Additional Feedbacks: Good to see ur back! lol... and another great show you have there! Rebellion also looks good so far!

The Rated R CMStar

PWInsider.com rumors:

The idea of a six man tag team Elimination Chamber that was rumored for Rebellion was nixed first because writters have decided to go in a different way in the HHH/Cage feud and because the WWE/BTW renewed on-screen feud.

By the way HHH is said to be booked to gain the BTW World Championship down the road.

With advertisements of Rebellion already running, there is no adverstisement for a Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg match, and concerning WWE vs BTW they are just refering to it as the Final Encounter.

Mr. Kennedy is gaining more and more respect backstage thanks to his role on defending wrestling on the steroids issues.

Spike TV is pitting for a 3 hour super show right before Rebellion.

Test is said to have been fired from BTW in a steroid related issue.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Interesting rumors and news; the six man tag team Elimination Chamber match would have been sick and I'm curious to see what direction they take the Triple H/Christian Cage feud.