Obama's uncle arrested in Massachusetts

  • Thread starter The Rated R CMStar
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Another great job, I respect your appreciation for Benoit to show it in your BTB, RIP Benoit


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Nice collection of Chris Benoit matches. Good job.

The Rated R CMStar

BTW rumors presented by PWinsider.com

The Triple H-Christian Cage feud is considered a succes backstage and opinions said it has only gotten better with the inclusion of Mark Henry. Reports says the feud could go on for at least two more PPVs.

The stipulation of the match in which if Orton beats the Mcmahons they disappear from the BTW, it is done to separate BTW from WWE. Eventough some backstage want the Mcmahons to win the match so that BTW could get some more matches out of them.

The other stipulation in which if Randy wins he gets a title shot is to have a true main eventer against Edge or Mr. Kennedy, as Triple H, Christian, Lesnar, Goldberg and Big Show are in other feuds.

Samoa Joe is ready to come back. He is just waiting writters to create an angle for his return.

Umaga, who is yet to make his debut in BTW, is not one of the two man who are going to be presented this Sunday at Apocalypse.

Reports said workers were extremely sad yesterday as they found out the news concerning fellow worker Chris Benoit.

Mr. Kennery is said to be very nervouss concerning his match this Sunday as he has never worked on a Texas Bullrope match. Edge is a lot more relaxed. Both are supposely working angles for the match.

Workers RVD, Elijah Burke and Muhammed Hassan are about to get a singles push, as some road agents informed this web site.

No word yet as for who are the men being presented this Sunday, but it is suppposed that one of them is going to feud with Umaga and the other one is joining the HHH/Cage feud.

The secret partner of Triple H in the Tag Match this Sunday is said to be a worker with some background with Cage, and he will be staying in BTW as long the feud lasts.
Jun 10, 2007
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when Joe comes back make him win the World Title lol

sorry thats just the Joe mark in me...

I'll review your next show!


New Member
Jun 25, 2007
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Few colour changes cud do nice for the cards


Jun 30, 2007
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I'm leaving some comments since you did for me... Not that big of a Rikishi fan so I wasn't that into the first match. Since I'm new to the thread who is Crushing C? I like the match between Edge and Mr. Kennedy which looks to be really good, and it should be good. I like the Main Event, and since Edge got the win over Kennedy tonight, I see Kennedy winning the title at Apocalypse, but I could be wrong. 7/10 pretty good show.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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interesting rumors...looking forward to Joe coming to the BTW Federation...HHH/Cage & Henry feud continuing is also good news...could get very interesting curious to see who Trip's partner is...

The Rated R CMStar

Thanx everyone for the reviews and replies. Tri, if you check the first page you will se that I also created some characters, being Crushing C the most used and the most important, being the GM of BTW. And I most say last show wasn't one of my strongest one, I think the HHH/Cage match ruined it being so short, but I didn't wanted to be a blockbuster as I plan more encounters between those two and I can't let a normal match steal the rivalry.

And for everyone, be sure to order Apocalypse PPV tonight, as it goes live tonight.

The Rated R CMStar


Toyota Center
Houston, Texas

Men have lived in Earth through out history, and have made his inerasable mark. But, as announced by the wiser, a day of reckoning will come, in which you will face your worst fears.

-Video of the Rope going to be used in the Texas Bullrope match.

But hope will come, and at the end of the pain and suffering, glory will come for those deserving, those worthy, who will be saved of the Last Day.

- BTW World Title is shown

And now Born To Wrestle presents………Apocalypse!!!


Styles: Ladies and Gentleman, we are finally here, Apocalypse. I am Joey Styles and next to me is…

JBL: Is the Wrestling God, John Bradshaw Layfield. What an honor it is for all of you that I am your commentator tonight.

Styles: But let’s get down to business, tonight we have Edge’s first title defense, against Mr. Kennedy in none other than a Texas Bullrope Match-

JBL: But not only that Joey, we have Christian Cage and his problem solver Mark Henry teaming against Triple H and his secret opponent, now, who in Earth is his partner?

Styles: I guess we will be finding out that later, but you can’t forget Randy’s match against the Mcmahons, Jeff Hardy and Test defending their titles and the brutal match, Last Man Standing between Goldberg and Brock Lesnar.

JBL: This night is going to be unbelievable, and look, it is already starting.

“I’m coming†plays as MVP comes out through the blow-up tunnel. He does the ballin’ taunt as he then makes his way to the ring. MVP there climbs to the top rope and stares to the stage doing the title sign moving his hands around his waist.

JBL: And look how this night is starting, No DQ, Jeff Hardy, MVP, BTW Extreme Title.

Styles: I can’t wait to see another expression of Hardcore.

“Loaded†sounds as a very pumped up Jeff Hardy comes out and starts highstepping on the stage, showing his title to MVP. He makes his way down to the ramp saluting all the fans around him. He enters the ring and shows one more time the title to MVP. The referee makes the bell sound.

1st match: BTW Extreme Title: No DQ: Jeff Hardy© vs MVP

Jeff immediately goes for the offense on MVP but Montavious quickly rolls out of the ring to a lot of boos. He tries to enter the ring but Jeff faces him making him retrieve to the outside, where he makes the ballin’ taunt to Jeff Hardy. Hardy sees to the crowd, dashes to the ropes and hits a plancha over the ropes all the way to the outside of the ring connecting MVP. Porter gets out shocked and start trading punches with Hardy. Jeff gains the advantage and tries to Irish Whip MVP to the steel steeps, but MVP blocks it and instead throw Jeff to them, but Jeff jumps the steeps and then kicked them making them hit the legs of MVP and making him fall. Jeff sees the position of the steps and MVP and dashes toward the steps. He use the steel steps as a trampoline and hits a high kick on MVP who was trying to get up.

Hardy immediately goes for a chair. He grabs it and waits until Porter gets up. He finally does and the BTW Extreme Champion dashes toward him aiming for a shot but MVP counterattacks with a leg sweep that makes Hardy hits his head with the steel chair himself. MVP then grabs Jeff Hardy and slowly makes him lift until he is bent. Out of a sudden MVP connects a DDT on the steel chair. He gets up with a cocky smile and throws Jeff inside of the ring. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Jeff amazingly kicks out to a pop of the crowd..

JBL: How did he do that?

Styles: It’s the spirit of a champion.

MVP gets up very frustrated. He lifts Jeff up and throws him to the corner. Porter takes a run and goes for his kick, but Jeff ducks it and connects a dropkick. MVP quickly gets up and gets clotheslined by the champion. Porter gets up again and tries to punch Jeff, but he ducks it and connects his reverse mule kick.

Jeff goes to the outside of the ring and searches under him a table. He gets it out and returns to the ring. He starts to set the table, close to the corner. He gets MVP up and puts him on top of the table. He taunts for the crowd and climbs to the top rope.

JBL: Don’t do it Jeff! Don’t do it!

Styles: This is going to be great!

Jeff taunts one more time and goes for a Swanton Bomb, but MVP rolls off the table making Jeff pass through the table himself. The challenger drags himself toward Hardy and makes the cover: 1…2…, Jeff kicks out again.

MVP gets up completely angered and complains to the referee about a slow count. The referee maintains his decision of a two count pinfall. MVP continues the intimidation on the ref, but out of a sudden Jeff Hardy rolls MVP up. Referee makes the count: 1…2…, MVP gets his shoulder up. Both competitors get to his feet, but the challenger wastes no time and connects a very powerful kick to Hardy’s head, that falls like dead weight. Montavious smiles and dashes to the ropes and connects his trademark ballin’ elbow. MVP then gets Hardy up and throws him to the corner. He climbs to the top rope and drags Jeff with him. He attempts a superplex, but Hardy blocks it. Jeff continues to fight back and connects a series of punches. He then grabs MVP and seems to be looking for a superplex himself, but instead he connects a facebuster from the top rope.

Styles: OH MY GOD!!!

Jeff quickly returns to the top rope and hits a Swanton Bomb, he makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Jeff Hardy pins MVP to retain his BTW Extreme Title.

JBL: A back and forth match that was decided by a crazy maneuver by that man in the ring celebrating right now.

Styles: He did what he had to do, and that super facebuster definitely paid as he is still your Extreme Champion.

JBL: But tonight, besides all of the action, we have a new teammate, as Jeremy Borash is debuting here on Born To Wrestle.

Styles: It is true. We now go backstage with Jeremy Borash.

Jeremy Borash: Thank you John and Joey, as I am accompanied by none other than…

Mr. Kennedy: Excuse me, I now that you are new here so let me explain things for you, no one introduces me, no one is worthy of that pleasure, so get way and let me cut my damn promo.

Jeremy Borash: Whatever man, suit yourself.

Mr. Kennedy: Houston Texas! Tonight, you all get an opportunity like none other. Not only do you get to see me competing in your main event tonight, but you will also get to see me winning the World Heavyweight Title, now Jeremy-boy, do you want to ask me something?

Jeremy Borash: What do you think of Edge as a competitor?

Mr. Kennedy: Edge is just another loser stealing my thunder. In fact he is not even a worthy opponent, and I think it is not fair for all the fans who bought a ticket tonight to see such a lame wrestler as Edge not only in their Main Event but also as their champion, but all of that ends tonight, as at the end of the night, having touched all the corners of the ring, you will all hear it: “The winner of the match, and your new BTW World Heavyweight Champion, Misterrrrrrrrrr Keeeneedyyyyy!!!

Jeremy Borash: Keeneedy!

Mr. Kennedy: What the hell is wrong with you?

Mr. Kennedy gets away as Jeremy Borash returns the transmission to JBL and Joey Styles.

Styles: And next is the Loser Leaves BTW match, between CMS and Elijah Burke.

JBL: These guys are the future and they know it, but both want to be the only prominent young star in BTW.

CMS comes out to a little crowd pop. He goes out running all the way to the ring, where he climbs to all four corners and salutes the fans.

“Don’t waste my time†plays as a cocky and confident Elijah Burke comes out both bragging and insulting CMS. He finally enters the ring where he faces and badmouths CMS as the match gets underway.

2nd Match: Loser Leaves BTW: CMS vs Elijah Burke

They start brawling testing each other’s strength. CMS gets the advantage as he locks in a headlock. He tries to make Burke submit but Elijah gets out of the hold pushing him away toward the ropes. Burke tries to hit a dropkick but CMS grabs the ropes making him fail the kick. CMS then goes for his attack dashing toward Burke, but Elijah attacks first hitting an arm drag. He goes for a quick cover: 1…2…, CMS gets his shoulder up. Burke gets up frustrated and immediately continues his attack lifting CMS and connecting a rolling neckbreaker. He then dashes to the ropes and hits a jumping high knee drop. He goes for the cover again: 1…2…, CMS kicks out, Burke covers him again: 1…2…, CMS gets his shoulder up. Burke waits for his opponent to get uo and goes for a jumping enziguiri, but CMS ducks it and on the mat he locks in a clover leaf.

You can hear Burke screaming in pain as CMS applies more pression to the hold. He tries to drag toward the ropes, but CMS pulls him to the center of the ring away of the ropes. He is about to tap. His hand is about to hit the canvas, but he finds a new source of strength and manages to push CMS away. CMS waits for Burke to get up, when he does CMS dashes to the ropes looking for a clothesline, but Burke comes back to life and hits the Elijah Experience. Burke then collapses and the referee starts the count for both competitors: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7, Burke reacts and drags himself putting one arm on top of CMS, the referee starts the count: 1…2…, CMS puts his both on the ropes. The referee sees it and stops the count. Both competitots drag themselves to the ropes and use them to get up. They dash toward each other looking for a clothesline, but CMS ducks Burke, then he stops and hits a neckbreaker. He taunts for the crowd as he sings for the end. He gets Burke up and puts him in the Bomb to Facebuster position. He gets him up but when about to hit the facebuster, Burke reverses it and hits a facebuster of his own. Burke makes the cover: 1…2…, Burke puts his boots on the ropes for leverage …3.

Result: Elijah Burke pins CMS

JBL: Yes!!!, Elijah Burke has now prove that he is truly the future of BTW.

Styles: Yes, but he did it costing a man’s career and a life of dreams.

JBL: It is not his fault: CMS accepted this match and he got what he deserved.

Styles: Look, not only did Burke cheat this victory, but… you know what, it doesn’t matter anymore, CMS is now gone from BTW.

JBL: Yes that’s the spirit, now let’s go to one hell of a match. And one very important for BTW’s future.

Styles: Yes, as young Randy Orton defends the pride of BTW taking both Vince Mcmahon and Shane Mcmahon in a Handicap match.

JBL: And with the stipulation that if Randy Orton defeats the Mcmahons not only do they can not appear anymore in BTW, but Randy Orton gets a title shot.

Styles: But we have to see the dark side of this match, if the Mcmahons defeat Randy he will be forced out of his BTW contract.

(Video recap of Orton interfering in Vince’s match against Crushing C at Busted Open and the entire rivalry between he and the Mcmahons unfolding)

“No Chance in Hell†plays as both Vince and Shane Mcmahon come out to a loud chorus of boos from the entire arena. Vince walks straight to the ring as Shane intimidates the fans wanting to touch his father. They enter the ring and smile as they wait their opponent to get out.

“Burn in my Light†sounds throughout the Toyota Center as the crowd pops hugely as Randy Orton comes out. He stares at the Mcmahons as he does his “destiny†taunt. He walks toward the ring and the crowd continues to pop amazingly. As Randy enters the ring Vince gets out leaving Shane alone in the ring with Randy as the match gets underway.

3rd Match: Handicap Match: Randy Orton vs Vince Mcmahon and Shane Mcmahon

Randy gets face to face to Shane; he then does his “destiny†taunt. Shane turns around to see where his father is; he finally finds him and turns around and gets connected by an RKO out of nowhere. Randy covers Shane: 1…2…, Vince pulls Randy from the outside of the ring breaking the count. Vince tries to pull out some offense on Randy hitting some punches but Orton retaliates pushing Vince Mcmahon back and hitting him with an uppercut. He then looks at Vince on the floor cockily, but out of nowhere Shane Macmahon dashes toward the ropes and then hitting a plancha over the top rope connecting Randy. Shane, after recovering from the maneuver, throws Randy Orton’s body to the inside of the ring.

Shane enters quickly and makes the cover: 1…2…, Randy gets his shoulder up. An angered Vince asks Shane to cover Randy again: 1…2…, Randy gets his shoulder up again. An angered Shane kicks Randy as he tries to get up. Randy grabs one foot of Shane and knocks him down. He gets up and slowly, almost methodically gets him up locking in a headlock. He holds it tight, but Shane manages to unlock it and pushes Randy away toward the ropes, but when he is about to bounce back Vince lowers the ropes down making Randy go to the outside, the referee starts the count out: 1…2…3…4…, Vince starts attacking Randy making hard for him to return to the ring, 5…6…7, Randy counterattacks with an uppercut on Vince and slides back into the ring. Shane approaches him and both competitors begin trading punches. Randy gets the advantage but with Vince distracting the referee Shane hits a kick to the nuts on Randy. Shane then rolls Randy up: 1…2…, Randy reverses it into an inside cradle: 1…2…, Vince enters the ring and kicks Randy breaking the pinfall, as the crowd start chanting: “Vince sucks, Vince sucksâ€. Vince tries to continue his assault but the ref doesn’t allow it. Randy gets up really angry. He takes the referee out of the way and starts punching Vince, knocking him down. Shane comes back to life at that moment and hits a neckbreaker on a distracted Orton. Vince rolls out of the ring. Shane climbs to the ropes and then points at Randy and smiles. He goes for the Leap of Faith, and connects

Styles: OH MY GOD!!!

JBL: This is over now, goodbye Randy.

Shane starts rolling complaining in pain. He finally stops and puts one single arm on top of Randy, the ref one more time starts the count: 1…2…, Vince surprisingly pulls Shane breaking the pin. Shane gets up very shocked looking for an answer from his dad. Vince tells to him that he wants him to do one more thing. He approaches to his ear and whispers something. Shane retrieves as his dad gets Randy up. Orton is unconscious as he has no control over his body. Vince slaps him making him fell. He then tells his son that it is time now. Vince drags Randy to the corner, where he sets him and then goes back to his corner. Shane climbs to the top rope of the other side. The crowd roars in amazement as Shane flies through the air looking for a Coast-to-Coast, but when he is about to hit Randy, Orton moves making Shane fail. He then moves backward toward Vince’s corner, still looking at Shane. Out of a sudden he snaps connecting an RKO on a surprised Vince using also the ropes as a guillotine making Vince fell unconscious.

Randy looks at Vince on the outside of the ring and gives a cocky smile. He then turns around and sees Shane on the top rope. Shane throws himself toward Randy, who still in shocked manages to hit an RKO on flying Shane. When he is about to cover Shane, an snapped Vince enters the ring with a chair and tries to hit Randy, but Orton moves out of the way making him hit Shane, he looks Shane on shocked, and when he turns around to confront Randy Orton, he gets connected again by an RKO. Orton then puts his right foot on Shane’s chest and his left foot on Vince’s chest and does his “destiny†taunt as the referee makes the count: 1…2…3.

Result: Randy defeats Vince and Shane Mcmahon.

JBL: I’ll be damned, he did it, Randy defeated both Mcmahons, and in the process he has earned a World Title match.

Styles: And now BTW has gotten rid of the trash, no more Mcmahons over here, it is truly a great day.

JBL: I assume you were rooting for Randy on that match.

Styles: No need to answer that, but let’s go with this.

(Video hype for Rebellion)

Styles: Rebellion will be the next time we will be serving you in a PPV.

JBL: Rebellion, check your local listings and tickets are already available.

Rhino’s music hits as he comes down. He looks very intense and fired up as he enters the ring. Rikishi also does his entrance and both competitors come face to face in the ring as the referee rings the bell.

4th Match: Rhino vs Rikishi

Rhino looks really angry and tries to connect some heavy offense, but Rikishi shows his resilience and hits a headbutt. He then goes for a splash, but Rhino lifts his boots and hurts Rikishi middle section. Rhino goes for the Gore, but Rikishi reverses it into a Samoan Drop. He then dashes to the rope and hits a leg drop. He stays there to start the count, but Rhino moves before the ref starts the count.

Rikishi starts looking very confident and hit methodical punches, but at the third punch, Rhino avoids hit and start connecting elbow smashes. He connects right and left punches and out of a sudden hits modified neck breaker. He takes impulse and connects a soccer kick right to Rikishi’s mouth. Rikishi is bleeding from his mouth. Rhino notices it and applies a mandible claw. Rikishi then reverses it into a jaw breaker, leaving him open to the Side Kick, Rhino ducks it and goes for the Gore, but Rikishi again ducks it and dashes Rhino to the ropes, and when he was coming to him he applied a Flashback. Rhino refuses to be beaten and gets up from the hit. He throws himself toward Rikishi and then Irish wips to the turnbuckle and then taunts for the Rhino driver.
Once on the corner, Rhino tries to put Rikishi in position, but he failed in the application, letting Rikishi connect a rotating sitting powerbomb from the top rope, also letting Rhino in position to the Stinky face. Rikishi applies the Stinky face, Rhino gets up disgusted and apparently blinded only to get hit by a sidekick. Rikishi goes for the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Rikishi beats Rhino.

JBL: Well, that was a hard fought match, in the end Rikishi ended it all with a sidekick.

Styles: Those men should be proud, they put each other to the limit on this match.

We go backstage to Christian’s locker room, who is discussing the match later on tonight with Mark Henry.

Christian: So Mark, you hit him with that move and then I enter, pin him and it all ends.

Mark nods in approval.

Christian: Now, we have to take care of that other thing.

Henry: You mean Hunter’s secret partner.

Christian: Exactly, Hunter said he new me, that he had history with me, that…

Henry comes face to face with Christian.

Henry: You now Cage, I think you haven’t completely understood who is your problem solver and your partner tonight. You are teaming with the World Strongest Man, with Mark Henry.

Christian: Yes I know who you are, but what if…

Henry: With me in the ring there is no if. It doesn’t matter who enters the ring tonight as Triple H’s partner, he has to face me. And there is no one in the Earth that can come face to face with the silverback.

Mark Henry leaves the room leaving Cage in shocked.

JBL: That’s confidence. And I agree with him. No one can defeat Mark Henry.

Styles: Let’s see if can back it up when he enters the ring with an angry Triple H and his partner.

JBL: Exactly, we will see.

Styles: But now it’s time for the second title defense of the night, as RVD and Sabu defend their titles against the team of CM Punk and Colt Cabana and the team of Maven and Albert.

JBL: And I don’t now about the chances of the champions. RVD and Sabu don’t like each other and that can hurt a team.

Styles: Well, how can you like the man that set you on fire? But we will see as the match develops if they can overcome that and defend their titles.

“This fire burns†plays as CM Punk and Colt Cabana come down the ramp. They hug in the ring and wait for their opponents.

“Maverboulous†sounds as the team of Maven and Albert come to the ring. They start arguing with the Straightedgers waiting for the champions to come down to the ring.

“Arabian Pulse†plays as Sabu comes down to the ring, with his title around his waist. He stops at the border of the ring.

“One of the Kind†plays to a great crowd pop as Rob Van Dam comes out very confident. He then stares at Sabu and finally they both enter the ring as the match starts.

5th Match: Triple Threat Tag Team Match: RVD and Sabu vs Straightedgers vs M & A.

RVD and Sabu stare at each other one more time before unloading punches to their opponents. RVD start trading punches with Maven. Maven then grabs RVD by the shoulders and calls Albert. He sees it and dashes to the ropes trying to hit a big boot on RVD, but Rob ducks him making him hit the big boot on his partner Maven. Albert remains shocked looking at Albert, he then turns around and gets connected by a dropkick of Rob Van Dam. Colt Cabana sees Rob on the floor and quickly goes after him, locking a Boston Crab on him. Sabu tries to defend his partner, he dashes to the ropes looking to connect Colt, but CM Punk gets on the way hitting a powerful clothesline. Colt applies more strength to the submission maneuver on Rob, but out of a sudden Maven climbs to the top rope hitting a flying dropkick on Cabana breaking the hold. CM Punk sees Maven and goes after him, they both start trading punches. Albert gets on his feet and grabs Sabu. He lifts him up and hits a suplex. Colt dashes toward Albert looking for a clothesline, but Albert doesn’t even move and retaliates pushing Cabana away, knocking him off.

CM Punk gets the advantage against Maven and throws him to the corner. He takes a run and dashes toward Maven, hitting a big knee to Maven’s jaw, he then goes for a bulldog, but when about to connected it RVD hits him with spinning kick in mid-air. Three man collapse and fell to the canvas. Albert sees the opportunity and hits a leg drop on Van Dam. Makes the cover: 1…2…, Sabu breaks the pinfall with a springboard elbow drop. Albert gets up angry, but Sabu hits a dropkick to the knee knocking him down. He makes his taunt pointing to the sky, not realizing Punk is behind him, he finally turns around and gets hit by a springboard bulldog. CM Punk covers Sabu: 1…2…, Maven pulls Punk off of Sabu and then covers him himself: 1…2…, Punk pulls him up and punches him, Maven returns the puch and then both start trading punches rapidly. Rob Van Dam takes advantage of them fighting and helps Sabu recover and get up. Colt Cabana dash toward the tag champions, but RVD and Sabu see him and hit a double suplex. Then they continue their team work getting him up and hitting a double DDT.

Albert finally gets up and bring both champions down hitting a double clothesline. Punk hits a roundhouse kick to Maven’s head. He knocks him down and dashes toward Albert, hitting a low tackle bringing Albert down. Maven drags himself toward Punk and hits a devastating low blow. Albert tries to return to his feet. Sabu sees it and climbs to the top rope and hits Albert with an Arabian Facecrusher. Colt Cabana then tries to dash toward Sabu but he gets out of the way making Cabana go all the way to the outside of the ring.

Sabu then calls RVD and points to the corner. Rob goes to the top rope and taunts for the crowd. He goes for it. Five Star Frog Splash on Albert. He covers him: 1…2…3.

Result: RVD and Sabu defeat Straightedgers and M & A to retain the Tag Titles.

RVD and Sabu stay in the ring and confront each other. After discussing each other from some time, RVD throws his Tag Title to Sabu and hits him with the Van Dominator.

JBL: This team may have retained the titles, but they are not OK with each other.

Styles: As difficult it is to me to accept it, I have to agree with you. RVD and Sabu still have bad blood from their match at Busted Open.

Still to come:

Goldberg vs Lesnar Last Man Standing

Triple H and ??? vs Mark Henry and Christian Cage

Big Show vs Test

Edge vs Mr. Kennedy Texas Bullrope Match

The Rated R CMStar

"Here Comes the Pain" plays to a ton of heat as the “Next Big Thing” Brock Lesnar walks down to the ring

"Goldberg’s March" plays to a fabulous pop as a pissed off Bill Goldberg wastes no time in getting in the ring

Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg

The bell sounds as the two combatants circle the ring looking for the advantage in this brutal match. They lock up as Goldberg over powers his opponent and pushes him back into the corner as he uses his pent up rage and goes wild hitting Lesnar with lefts and rights. He grabs him and pulls him back in the center of the ring where he hits him with a knee to the gut several times, and then he hits Lesnar with a big double arm butterfly suplex! The crowd goes wild for there fan favorite, but instead of trying to win the match Bill mounts over him and fires away with some hard right hands to Lesnar’s face forcing ‘The Next Big Thing’ to cover up. Lesnar then uses his legs and arms to throw Goldberg off of him sending him through the second rope onto the outside of the ring!

Lesnar shakes off his head as he grabs the ropes lifting himself back up as he commands the ref to being the count 1…..2…..3…..4…..5….. Goldberg reaches his feet with the use of the guard rail. Lesnar slides out of the ring, and kicks his opponent in the stomach, and then lifts him up in a spine buster position and drives him back first into the ring apron! Brock then grabs him by the arm and brings him closer to him as he wraps his arms around his opponents body and tosses him like a doll over his head with a huge belly to belly suplex on the outside of the mat! Lesnar looks underneath the ring to try to find a weapon, and he pulls it out from underneath and it is a steal chair! He grabs Goldberg and tosses him back into the ring where he follows him in. ‘The Next Big Thing’ stalks his opponent waiting for him to get up, and when he does he hits him with the chair in the stomach, and then lifts him up into the air and hits him with a Powerbomb on the chair!!! Lesnar keeps the Powerbomb hold on, and lifts him back into the air and plants him with a second Powerbomb on the chair! He lets go as the ref begins to count, 1…..2…..3…..4…..5…..6…..7…..8…..


NO Goldberg gets up just in time before getting counted out. Brock doesn’t believe it as he grabs the ref by the scruff of his shirt, and tells him that it was a 10 count. While he is wasting time arguing with the ref it allows for Goldberg to get up and regain health. As Brock finishes arguing he turns around to a huge SPEAR from Goldberg!!!!!!!!! The crowd goes insane as both men are down treating there wounds as the ref starts a ten count trying to get either man to answer. Both men get up at around the same time, and then meet in the center where they trade punches back and forth. Goldberg looks to get the upper hand, but Lesnar rakes his eyes, and puts him onto his shoulders where he tries to hit the F-5, but Goldberg slides off, and picks up the chair from the ground and knocks Lesnar down with a huge chair shot! The ref begins another 10 count


Brock Lesnar gets to his feet! The crowd and Goldberg can’t believe it as he stares up in to the sky wondering what he has to do to win the match. He goes over to Lesnar who has a dazed look in his eyes, and grabs him by the throat and lifts him into the air with a press slam, and then tosses him over the top rope to the floor!! Goldberg follows him out of the ring where he takes off the covering of the announce table. He grabs the monitors and tosses them away as he sets up the table to put his opponent through it. Goldberg takes sometime doing this, and when he turns around to pick up Brock, Lesnar has the monitor in hand and smashes it over his opponents head busting him open making him bleed! Lesnar then grabs Goldberg onto his shoulders and finally connects with the F-5 through the announce table!!!!!!! Both men are out cold, but Lesnar begins to make his way up after about 15 seconds from hitting the move. The referee begins another count


NO Goldberg gets up from the move just in the nick of time! Lesnar can’t believe that he got up from that move as he drops to the mat and pounds his fist on the ground going berserk! Lesnar almost comes to blows with the ref, but he gets out of the ring, and tosses Goldberg back into the ring as he hits him with a couple of stomps. Lesnar the goes back to the outside of the ring where he looks under the apron, and pulls out a table! He slides it in the ring where he sets it up in the middle of the ring. Lesnar picks up Goldberg where he lifts him up onto the top rope. Goldberg at this point has a crimson mask of blood on his face. Lesnar climbs up onto the top rope with Goldberg, but when he gets to the top rope Goldberg hits him with a right hand. He then hits him in the head with a head butt trying to stop Lesnar from hitting a move, Bill Goldberg reaches the top rope where he lifts Brock up, and then he hits him with A JACKHAMMER OFF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE SET UP IN THE CENTER OF THE RING!!!!! The crowd goes insane as both me are laid out in a pool of Goldberg’s blood! The ref starts one more ten count trying to get them back up




The rest of the matches will be posted like that, individually. I asked Tri to write this match because I wanted to post the entire PPV together, but at the end decide to post the last matches individually as they are all Slobber Knockers. So, for the record, Tri wrote the Lesnar vs Goldberg Last Man Standing match, I wrote the rest and I will write the rest of the matches


Best Match: Goldberg vs Lesnar LMS

Worst Match: Rhino vs Rikishi

Best Promo: Kennedy/Borash

Worst Promo: N/A

Additional Comments: I really liked reading your PPV here CMS, you got me, but I had to wait until the end to read Goldberg's match because he's my fav, once again great PPV.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
PPV: Apocalypse

1st match: BTW Extreme Title: No DQ: Jeff Hardy© vs MVP - 8/10

2nd Match: Loser Leaves BTW: CMS vs Elijah Burke - 7/10

3rd Match: Handicap Match: Randy Orton vs Vince Mcmahon and Shane Mcmahon - 7.5/10

4th Match: Rhino vs Rikishi - 6.5/10

5th Match: Triple Threat Tag Team Match: RVD and Sabu vs Straightedgers vs M & A. - 8/10

6th Match: Last Man Standing Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg - 10/10

Another great PPV you've got there man! I've enjoyed reading your last man standing, 3ple threat tag match and the handicap match, well.. I still can't give you my overall rating coz the PPV is still unfinished, well its a great show so far! keep it up!

The Rated R CMStar

JBL: What a match that was! Those men smell like smoke because they’ve been through fire.

Styles: And now it is time for the third title defense of the night, as BTW Continental champion Test defends against The Big Show.

JBL: And that promises to be a hell of a match as well.

Test’s music plays as he comes down to the ring. He looks mad as he goes down the ramp. In the ring he climbs to the top rope and raises his title up high.

“The Show” plays to a mix reaction from the crowd as The Big Show. He stares at Test all the way to the ring. In the ring they stare at each other as the ref rings the bell

7th Match: BTW Continental Title: Test © vs The Big Show

The match starts with both men comparing each other strengths. The Show gets the obvious advantage and pushes Test away, but he returns and they both reenter in the strength comparison. The Big Show takes the advantage again and hits a headbutt sending Test to the outside of the ring. The referee starts the count: 1…2…3…4…5…, Test rolls to the inside of the ring and immediately start connecting the Show with right punches. He then throws the Big Show to the ropes, but The Show takes advantage of that and hits a big boot. The Show then dashes toward the ropes and hits a big leg drop. He covers him: 1…2…, Test kicks out, The Big Show makes the cover one more time: 1…2…, Test kicks out again.

The Big Show, frustrated, retrieves to the corner letting Test get up. Test drags himself up slowly using the ropes. The Big Show then runs toward Test looking to hit a Big Boot, but Test hits a clothesline that surprisingly brings the Showster down. The Show gets back to his feet and challenges Test for more. Test fires himself up and starts delivering quick right punches to his opponent. He then throws Paul Wight to the ropes, Test follows him and hits connects him with an elbow, but The Show doesn’t fell and grabs Test, then hitting a side slam. The Show then puts his foot on top of Test chest, he looks at the crowd and walks right on top of Test. He then makes the cover: 1…2…, Test gets his shoulder up to the frustration of his challenger. Big Show continues his attack pulling Test up. He performs a violent Irish Whip toward the corner. The Big Show slowly approaches his opponent and tries to hit a right punch, but Test recover and block the punch, hitting one of his own. The Show tries again to connect a punch, but Test blocks it again and now unloads on The Big Show. He then dashes to the ropes and hits a tackle on the Big Show knocking him down. Test then goes to the corner and climbs to the top rope, waiting for his opponent to get up.

JBL: No Test, that’s not on your repertoire!

Styles: He is doing whatever it takes to keep his gold here tonight.

The Show starts getting up, giving his corner to Test. The Showster finally returns to his feet. He slowly turns around and sees Test on the top rope, who throws toward him looking for a shoulder block, but The Big Show catches him in mid-air, and then hitting a Falling Powerslam. On the mat The Big Show puts Test in an abdominal stretch. He applies all of his strength trying to make the champion tap out, but instead Test starts to recover. He puts his left knee on the mat. The crowd shows his support to the challenger chanting “There goes Big Show”. Test finally puts his second knee on the mat and slowly returns to his standing position. He then hits some elbows trying to force The Show to release the hold. The Big Show finally releases it. Test hits him with a right punch, but The Showster retaliates and connects a clothesline sending Test to the outside of the ring. The Show follows him to the outside.

JBL: C’mon Test, beat that giant’s ass.

Styles: He is not doing two well I must say.

The Big Show slams Test head to the steel steps and then throws him back to the ring, where he raises his right hand taunting for the Showstopper. Test gets finally up and gets grabbed by the throat by the Show, but he blocks the move connecting a kick to Big Show’s gut. He then hits a DDT. Test taunts for the end of the match, and insults the crowd. The Show gets up, Test goes after him and kicks him one more time in the gut, he then tries to put The Show over his shoulders looking to hit the Test Driver, but The Big Show hits an elbow to the face blocking Test, and then when he returns to his feet, he grabs Test by the throat. He gets him up and hits the Showstopper to a big crowd pop. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Test miracously gets one shoulder up.

The Shows argues to the ref before finally accepting that he has not beaten yet Test. He lifts Test up and methodically puts Big Show in a Cobra Clutch, Test slowly starts to fade way from the hold. The Show realizes this, and hits one backbreaker waiting for this to end the match. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Test gets one shoulder up as the crowd pops for the great match displayed.

The Big Show gets up completely angered and lifts his right hand up taunting for a second Showstopper. Test slowly tries to shake all the punishment received and get up, he finally returns to his feet using the ropes. He turns around and gets connected by a devastating Showstopper. The Big Show makes a cover, the referee starts the count with the crowd counting with him: 1…2…3.

Result: The Big Show defeats Test to become your new BTW Continental Title.

Styles: Big Show did it, after weeks of suffering to become number one contender, it took only one match to defeat Test and win the Continental Title.

JBL: I can’t believe it. How could Test lose that match? Anyways, let’s take a look at this.

(Video of the jackhammer from the top rope through a table of the Last Man Standing Match between Goldberg and Lesnar)

We see backstage trainers still attending Goldberg and Lesnar.

JBL: This is truly sorry; we can just hope that these competitors are OK.

Styles: That is the prize you pay in a Last Man Standing Match, what is truly sorry is that we still don’t know who is the better man between those two.

JBL: Maybe, but it is for sure we are going to see more confrontations between these two.

Styles: And now it is the time to now who are the two newest signees of BTW.

Crushing C comes out to a good reaction of the crowd. He grabs the mic and gets ready to address the crowd.

Crushing C: As you all now thanks to BTW text messaging system, BTW has two new superstars in its constellation of wrestlers, and it is now time for you to meet them.

Crowd roars in expectation.

Crushing C: Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy to persuade these superstars to sign with BTW, as they had lots of other offers, but they are here now, and they will come out and sign their new contract.

He raises a clipboard with the contracts on it.

Crushing C: The first man to be introduced here as the new superstar, he, he has won it all in the last promotion where he was. He was truly in the top of the mountain. This man is awesome, this man is great, this man is…Phenomenal!!!

“I am” plays as an excited crowd welcomes AJ Styles. He acts cocky as he goes down the ramp. He salutes some fans and finally enters the ring, where he greets Crushing C to then sign BTW’s contract.

Crushing C: Ladies and Gentleman, AJ Styles is now officially a BTW superstar. Now AJ, thank you for your time, you may go to back and meet all your new mates, and on Monday Night BTW, you will be have the opportunity to address the crowd, and welcome one more time.

AJ Styles climbs to the ropes saluting the crowd before finally returning to the back.

Crushing C: AJ Styles Ladies and Gentleman, and now, it is time to present the second signee of BTW. He was a free agent, but probably the most wanted free agent out there. He has already made history, and we look forward to him continue doing history right here on BTW, please welcome Chris Jericho!!!

“Break down the Walls” plays as Chris Jericho comes out and the entire Toyota Center wants to come down. He greets some fans and enters thering where he hugs Crushing C and signs BTW’s contract.

Crushing C: Well Chris, welcome to BTW. The same as AJ, on Monday Night BTW you will have the opportunity to address all of your fans. But, when I thought that back in my home, I said to myself: “He is Chris Jericho, he has to have a match”, and then it just hit me. Also on Monday Night BTW, it will be a double debut match, as Chris Jericho goes one on one with the also debuting Samoan Bulldozer Umaga, and as a special referee, it will also be the debut of AJ Styles!!! Thanks, that would be all.

Crushing C gets out of the ring and retrieves to the back as Chris Jericho stays in the ring taunting for the crowd, after he then finally leaves the ring and the Arena through the crowd area.

Still to come in the Last Part of Apocalypse:

Mark Henry/Christian Cage vs HHH/???

Texas Bullrope Match: Edge vs Mr. Kennedy