NXT - Weekly TV Show Discussion

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The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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Is that a reference to that Manga I don't read?
People yelling about the cleaning product?
Nah, it was a thing a Youtuber called Leafy did and his fans would echo it.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Another quality episode this week. Really enjoyed Nikki Cross's terrifying psychotic screaming at Shayna as the bully has met her match... and call me crazy but Shayna really does have a lot going for her. With more experience in the ring she might really become something special as a quality heel for NXT and whatever cutie wrestler that eventually overtakes her.

But it feels like mostly we can copy and paste "It was a good episode, I like how everyone came across well and was consistently entertained by surprisingly good wrestling" for each NXT report.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Catching up on this and watching Dakota Kai vs Bianca Belair, Candace LaRae vs Lacey Evans, the buildup for another Kairi Sane match, and Dakota Kai vs Santana Garrett, then remember who the champions on Raw and Smackdown are.

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The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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Catching up on this and watching Dakota Kai vs Bianca Belair, Candace LaRae vs Lacey Evans, the buildup for another Kairi Sane match, and Dakota Kai vs Santana Garrett, then remember who the champions on Raw and Smackdown are.

Man, someone hasn't heard my rant about that, lol. How? Easy, WWE doesn't give a shit about how talented you are in the ring or what you did in the Indies. They also prefer their homegrown talents over grassroot stars like Kai, Asuka, Sane, and many more. If you ask me l, the reason why grassroots don't get a push or anything is basically WWE's way of saying Fuck You to the indies, Japan, Mexico, etc. As a way to show they think they are the best and as a Fuck You to people who call themselves professional wrestlers because Triple H has been on record saying that they, WWE, really don't wrestling fans as wrestlers, but would rather have people who just look good and do it for a paycheck more or less.

As far as why Long Nose and Thot are championships it is because they white, blonde, have some tits, and are what Vince, Kevin, and some others think about when they masturbate. As well they are products of WWE, and it shows so easily. So yeah, there you go.

Tl;Dr WWE hates talented grassroots women and whether push their no talented thots.
  • Haha
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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Man, someone hasn't heard my rant about that, lol. How? Easy, WWE doesn't give a shit about how talented you are in the ring or what you did in the Indies. They also prefer their homegrown talents over grassroot stars like Kai, Asuka, Sane, and many more. If you ask me l, the reason why grassroots don't get a push or anything is basically WWE's way of saying Fuck You to the indies, Japan, Mexico, etc. As a way to show they think they are the best and as a Fuck You to people who call themselves professional wrestlers because Triple H has been on record saying that they, WWE, really don't wrestling fans as wrestlers, but would rather have people who just look good and do it for a paycheck more or less.

As far as why Long Nose and Thot are championships it is because they white, blonde, have some tits, and are what Vince, Kevin, and some others think about when they masturbate. As well they are products of WWE, and it shows so easily. So yeah, there you go.

Tl;Dr WWE hates talented grassroots women and whether push their no talented thots.

... I have not read said rant! :O Been a lousy lurker as of late, please enlighten me!

When you look at WWE as a whole though, with one obvious exception it feels like there's plenty of babyfaces near the top like AJ Styles, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Finn Balor...
They seem to get it that people want to cheer for the best workers in the company but are missing all the other aspects like how they always love face vs heel matches, and only have a couple of heels on the roster who can do anything in the ring, so since the only good heel singles workers on Raw are feuding with Seth and Roman, you get bullshit like a forced Balor vs Corbin feud

I usually just assume (outside of the obvious reasons) Alexa and Carmella are pushed more for how they can be trusted to handle mic segments on their own, they can handle the talking as well as anyone and an old-school writer would see we'd cheer a quality worker like Asuka trying to get the title back from these bums and set up dream matches with anyone on the women's roster that isn't Carmella, but...that's not how modern wrestling works

Still these two are garbage and they have so much amazing talent on this roster that I wish was in the hands of other companies.
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Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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In other news in NXT...

I absolutely love this Gargano/Ciampa feud. Probably my favorite feud since I started watching, and IMO Johnny Wrestling right now is really doing the blueprint of what I'd love to see Roman doing. Not a heel turn, but a total character change driven by logical things that happened to the character. Ciampa has done so much to get in his head for so long and now it's completely worked. That psychopath was so driven to destroy his best friend that he spat on his wedding ring, threw it away... and now Gargano is on the way to becoming everything he hates. This is so wonderful and I can feel everything right here... *pumps my chest*

Enjoying watching War Raider squashes, but don't they feel like... Unnecessary signings? With the Bludgies and AOP on the MR who already do everything they do, as well as Heavy Machinery and Otis being such a ball of fun, we don't really need another set of trees. They're awesome but this roster is bloated enough. The Mighty are the definition of meh

...I really like Shayna Baszler, even if I don't know how to spell her last name lol. Spectacular in-ring character work and a beast on the mic, outside of her looks she's pulling off the Alexa/Carmella role really well (though Bianca BelAir seems like an obvious call for the next top girl of the division, she's great on the mic, in the ring, on a magazine, etc. But Sasha Banks was that way too, maybe I'll subscribe to Seth's conspiracy theory and say they're too black) But it was probably a bad move with the Women's division the way it is to have two people on the same show run down how everyone else in the division sucks, then have Kairi Sane call out Vanessa Borne of all people after Bianca BelAir and Shayna Baszler just talked shit.

It's so much fun when characters have just enough of a gimmick that they clash perfectly. Velveteen Dream being interrupted by EC3 and them clashing as spotlight hogs is fun


The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
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... I have not read said rant! :O Been a lousy lurker as of late, please enlighten me!

When you look at WWE as a whole though, with one obvious exception it feels like there's plenty of babyfaces near the top like AJ Styles, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Finn Balor...
They seem to get it that people want to cheer for the best workers in the company but are missing all the other aspects like how they always love face vs heel matches, and only have a couple of heels on the roster who can do anything in the ring, so since the only good heel singles workers on Raw are feuding with Seth and Roman, you get bullshit like a forced Balor vs Corbin feud

I usually just assume (outside of the obvious reasons) Alexa and Carmella are pushed more for how they can be trusted to handle mic segments on their own, they can handle the talking as well as anyone and an old-school writer would see we'd cheer a quality worker like Asuka trying to get the title back from these bums and set up dream matches with anyone on the women's roster that isn't Carmella, but...that's not how modern wrestling works

Still these two are garbage and they have so much amazing talent on this roster that I wish was in the hands of other companies.
Eh, that was only half of the rant. Jacob and Grievous know my full rant and I rant pretty often in LDs about stuff like that.

Oh, I agree with what you said except I think Seth and Finn are better at being Heels then Faces, but that is just a personal bias. The thing is those people like Finn and AJ and Seth get cheered naturally because of their personality, in-ring work, and other things, and yeah a lot of the decntly good heels or great heels are working with people that eithe rmake sense for them to feud with or are being wasted away.

Alexa and Carmella are champions because Vince and Kevin beat off to them, plain and simple. Neither woman can wrestle and their promos are always super generic and cookie cutter and damn near the same shit over and over and it gets old. That is not how modern wrestling works in WWE because elsewhere Asuka would easily be the champion and would be having a feud with Becky, a dream match that if allowed the women to do what they do best would be a 4 or 5-star match hands down. I mean that is what really burns me about WWE is they push no talent hacks like Alexa, Carmella, Nia, Corbin, etc and punished talented wrestlers like Nakamura, Asuka, Bryan, Finn, etc. In NXT, it is even worse for me because you have talented people like Kai, Sane, and now Io who will be put in useless matches against no names or whatever when one of them should be the champion instead of Shayna, who is only champion due to being friends with Ronda, but that is a whole different rant.

Thank you, you have echoed what I rant and bitch about.
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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Dakota Kai finally won a match this week...so Yay for that
I guess.

I am looking forward to Black vs. Ciampa...even if we all
know Johnny Wrestling is going to interfere in the match.


The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
Reaction score
Dakota Kai finally won a match this week...so Yay for that
I guess.

I am looking forward to Black vs. Ciampa...even if we all
know Johnny Wrestling is going to interfere in the match.
Since, I am too lazy to watch NXT, who did Kai win against.