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Looking Glass

Active Member
Sep 18, 2022
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"Hello everyone and welcome to the penultimate edition of the What's NeXT preview show. I am your host, McKenzie Mitchell and as mentioned, we are just one week away from the 205 Live: End of the Line special but if this week's line-up is to say anything, it's that the purple brand will not be bowing out with a whimper. We have several familiar faces making a comeback, we have mounting tensions and of course, we have an answer to the NXT Cruiserweight Championship Open Challenge...

"This week's NXT featured a huge announcement when William Regal met with NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Kushida, to introduce him to his opponent for this week's episode. Kushida had welcomed all challengers and NXT UK standout, Jordan Devlin, wasted no time in answering the call. "The Irish Ace" is a former champion in his own right, but it's clear that he's coming into this match to further cement his place in history. However, Devlin should approach with caution as we have already seen "The Time-Splitter" prove that regardless of whether he's facing a friend or foe, he will not back down from the fight. Who will be stamping their ticket to the 205 Live: End of the Line finale next week?"

"Santos Escobar returns to the land of the Cruiserweights this week as the former NXT Cruiserweight Champion hopes to turn his luck around in a match against the former 205 Live General Manager, Drake Maverick. Hit Row appeared this past episode of NXT to throw some light shade at the fortunes of Legado del Fantasma, which didn't go sit well with any of the LdF members - will this be the motivation they need to turn things around? Speaking of motivation, Drake Maverick will no doubt be looking to climb the ranks of the division on the show the very show that he managed. But when the two men meet this Friday, who will come out on top? And will tensions between Hit Row and LdF ever simmer or boil over?"

"While the WWE Universe were saddened to hear of 205 Live coming to a close, there was outrage from two particular talents, long-standing Superstars Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari. The duo felt that they had been the driving force behind the purple brand and that they had the rug pulled out from underneath them when William Regal announced that the show was to end in a few weeks. This week, "The Persian Lion" will return to the ring in a rather special affair as his opponent is none other than the very man he faced at the 2016 Cruiserweight Classic - HoHo Lun. Some of you may remember that Daivari came up short to the Hong Kong representative in their previous encounter. Five years on, the two men will do battle once more, but who will walk out with the win this time? Tune in to find out."

"This past week on NXT, The Grizzled Young Veterans' rant was cut short when Tag Team Champions, MSK, granted them a title opportunity for NXT: End of the Line. Not only that but following some questionable accusations made by the new number one contenders, Wes Lee and Nash Carter, had also confirmed that they would be facing Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel of Imperium on this week's edition of 205 Live. Imperium's in-ring prowess is well-documented from their time in WWE, but will first they will face a team of Cruiserweight Classic alumni, Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik. Will the Lucha House Party have something to celebrate, or will Imperium crash the party as End of the Line approaches?

Looking Glass

Active Member
Sep 18, 2022
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205 LIVE [EPISODE #237] ‣ FRIDAY 25 JUNE, 2021

The penultimate episode of 205 Live opens starts with a cold open, relaying highlights from last week's main event, in which Kushida was able to successfully defend the NXT Cruiserweight Championship in his first open challenge. We are taken back to "The Time Splitter's" entrance to the ring.


"One man..."

The audience is reminded of the champion's win, which was won after answering an open challenge set by the previous champion, Santos Escobar. We cut to footage from Kushida's signing conference, where he stands alongside William Regal and executive producer, Triple H. Cutting back to Kushida standing at the top of the entrance ramp, where the titantron reads "and new Cruiserweight Champion..."

"One prize..."

The next footage is of the grand prize itself, the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. There are various scenes of the belt being displayed ahead of title bouts. We are treated to a timeline, displaying the original purple WWE Cruiserweight Championship belt before this transitions into the current black strap NXT Cruiserweight title.


"One opportunity..."

We are taken back to last week's edition of NXT where departing General Manager, William Regal, confirmed the series of Open Challenges for the championship.

"That could change everything!"

We see Alex Shelley emerge from the curtain as the first challenger for the championship. Shelley, the former training partner and friend of Kushida from back in Japan, put everything aside to realize his championship dreams. Highlights from the tail end of the match begin to play.



We're taken back to this past week's edition of NXT, in which William Regal invited Kushida into his office as the challenge had already been answered! NXT UK standout and former Cruiserweight Champion, Jordan Devlin, wasted no time in making his presence felt.


"The battle continues."

Footage begins showing both Kushida and "The Irish Ace" successful in their respective battles. However, we are reminded that there can only be one champion at the end of the final bell.

"Only one will make it to The End of the Line."

Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuiness welcome us to the show, putting over tonight's big main event, casting speculation over whether Kushida can make it two for two against Jordan Devlin. Joseph confirms that we will hear from both men later this evening ahead of their match. This week, we head straight into the action as Ariya Daivari's music blares across the PA system to a negative response from the crowd.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Minneapolis, Minnesota by way of Tehran, Iran...ARIYA DAIVARI!"

"The Persian Lion" angrily makes his way to the entrance stage, McGuinness commenting that Daivari is a man with a chip on his shoulder. We're briefly taken back to Daivari and his cohort, Tony Nese, furiously lamenting WWE officials for misusing them and 'casting them aside with the news that 205 Live would be ending. The two men would vow to take matters into their own hands.

As Daivari proceeded down the ramp, we would see "The Premier Athlete" Tony Nese sat alone, away from the live crowd in the audience. Nese and Daivari give each other a knowing look before Daivari continues to make his way into the ring.


"And his opponent, making his way to the ring from Tai Po, Hong Kong, weighing in at 155 pounds...HOHO LUN!"

"Dream Within a Dream" begins to play with the Hong Kong star, HoHo Lun, making a surprise appearance. Joseph reminds us that with 205 Live coming to an end, both William Regal and his Mystery Successor wanted to use the opportunity to pay homage to the competitors of the Cruiserweight Classic. Lun being one of them, eyes up the opportunity to score a second victory over Daivari. McGuiness puts over Lun's success on the independent scene since leaving the company back in 2017. Lun stops and notices Nese behind the Plexiglas at ringside, but undeterred slides on into the ring and poses before the crowd.



The bell tolls but neither man rushes to get into the action. HoHo begins to clap to rally the crowd as a small chant begins. Nese can be heard from the crowd clubbing the Plexiglas, clearly irritated by Lun's reception. The taller Daivari lunges forward and immediately goes for a side headlock, only for Lun to get a shot to the kidneys, promptly causing Daivari to release the hold. Lun ducks under a lariat attempt from "The Persian Lion" and hits a dropkick, much to the approval of the fans, who continue with their "HoHo" chants.

Daivari finds his way to the corner, using the turnbuckles to get back to his feet but turns into a running forearm from Lun, who rolls his opponent through and hits a second dropkick - this time catching Daivari in the back of the neck. Commentary put over Lun's fire, questioning whether we may see him in a future open challenge.

Lun hooks the leg but only manages a two-count, though he sticks on his opponent and proceeds to deliver some double axe handles as Daivari rolls outside the ring calling for a timeout. Nese yells at Daivari from the crowd trying to fire up his ally. Lun gets onto the apron and tries with a running knee but instead is thrown into the steel post as the referee initiates the count to ten. The crowd begins booing, while Daivari finds his confidence, waiting for Lun to get back to his feet and hit a massive
ROARING ELBOW! Nese begins to clap at the changing tides of the match while Lun is rolled back into the ring, leg hooked, will he change the narrative from the Cruiserweight Classic bout?



Lun jolts the shoulder up! Daivari looks irritated but waits for HoHo to get back to his feet...JUMPING NECK BREAKER! Lun dodges and hits a SUPERKICK! Lun looks to strike with a RUNNING KNEE TO THE BACK OF DAIVARI'S HEAD! We see a shot of Nese trying to tell Daivari to move out of the way but is Daivari in the right frame of mind to listen!?

He is! Daivari rolls out of the way, causing Lun to drop to the floor, "The Persian Lion" this time manages to hit the jumping neck breaker attempt before jaw-jacking with the crowd and telling Lun that he should have stayed away. This gives Lun some momentum to fight back but Daivari grabs Lun by the hair and throws him into the turnbuckle. The chants for HoHo begin to die down as Daivari hits a




Daivari looks furious while Nese holds three fingers up from his seat. Daivari begins to argue with referee Tom Castor. Lun throws one hand to the second turnbuckle, then another as he drags his way up. Daivari is still berating the official as it looks like Lun is looking for a missile dropkick. Noticing this, Daivari rushes Castor aside (no contact made) causing the referee to drop back on the ropes and throw Lun's balance. McGuinness commends the tactics of Daivari, who has reclaimed the advantage as he climbs the ropes...








"Magic Carpet Ride" begins to play out as Daivari coolly makes his way back to his feet and yells for Castor to lift his arm in victory. Vic Joseph takes us to a reply where we see Daivari's sudden change in tone with the referee, causing the chaos that resulted in Lun's loss.

"Your winner by pinfall...ARIYA DAIVARI!"

Nese applauds from ringside as Daivari places his boot on the face of HoHo Lun and forces Castor to raise his arm in victory once more.

We're backstage in the interview pit with McKenzie Mitchell, who is joined by former 205 Live General Manager, Drake Maverick, who will be in singles action tonight against Santos Escobar.


"Joining me at this time, Drake Maverick. Drake, you're returning to singles action tonight to take on Santos Escobar, who's been facing some..." McKenzie is caught in a rare position of hesitance. "let's say...troubles in the past few weeks. The last time you two squared off it was Escobar who walked away victorious, what do you make of your chances tonight and what does your future hold now that 205 Live is coming to an end?"

"McKenzie, I know better than anyone in this entire company not to take things for granted. I'm just grateful to have the opportunity to compete tonight on a brand that I lead for two years of my career. People find it easy to count me out, even in this division, I don't know whether it's because they think that I can only do admin or maybe they think I have a funny accent, I don't know what the reason is and to be quite frank - I don't care. It's the WWE Universe that has kept me going, they're the ones that decided my future for me and with everything going on at the moment, I think it's high time that I put steps in place to show everyone why I am still here." he pauses. "As for Santos, as you said, he's not had the best luck lately, you could even say he might be a bit distracted....'not all there'. I'm just going to go out there and give Santos the fight he's been looking for and he had better get his head in the game tonight because I don't want any ex...."

Before Maverick can finish his sentence, Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza jump him from behind, sending McKenzie away. The duo, also not experiencing the best luck as of last, seemingly looking to give Escobar the advantage and reverse their fortunes, though "El Jefe" is nowhere to be seen at this time. Wilde and Mendoza stomp away at Maverick until Isaiah Scott, Ashante Adonis, Top Dolla and B-Fab (aka Hit Row) run-off Legado del Fantasma. Vic Joseph criticizes LdF for their blatant showing of disrespect but McGuinness reminds his broadcast colleague that LdF are a team of opportunists and it's not illegal if the bell hasn't tolled. Joseph throws doubt on the status of the Maverick/Escobar match tonight.

This past week on NXT, it looked like The Way would be victorious in their clash with Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan in the main event. However, Lorcan would once again rise to the occasion for "The Bruiserweight" and prove to be the difference-maker, using a lead pipe to strike the damaged hand of Austin Theory. Vic Joseph confirms that Theory will be out of action for up to 6 weeks. In an undisclosed location, Johnny Gargano stands alone.


"Peter. I tried to help you. I tried to take you under my wing and show you 'The Way' but time and time again you have shown me and my family nothing but disrespect. Well, that doesn't sit right with me. I pledged to clean up NXT. A new era may be upon us but your behaviour won't change unless someone stops you and I fully intend on stopping you.

There's an intercut, showing us a replay of the post-match action, in which Dexter Lumis made a surprise appearance to chase off the "Kings of NXT", before shaking hands with Gargano - his on-off rival

"Now I don't know what to tell you about Dexter Lumis, I guess he's just a fan like everyone else?" he shrugs. "But thanks to you and Lorcan, my protégé is unable to compete and I can't tell you when that will change. However, Johnny Wrestling is more than capable of standing on his own two feet. I stopped worrying about being good enough a long time ago, with or without Austin or Lumis, I know that I can beat you Peter because I am NXT. You? You're just a guest. I've not given my seat up for better men than you, Peter. My journey to NXT began back in 2015 at a try-out where I was told I would never make it, I then competed in the Cruiserweight Classic the very next year. I now stand here today as the first-ever triple crown champion of NXT. Yet, you seem to think that you fly above me? Well, I've always been a sucker for nostalgia, Peter. Next week at the very last 205 Live, at the End of the Line. Let's leave the third parties behind. Let's forget about foreign objects. Let's even forget about 'The Way'. This will be the last time I look at a camera and say your name, because after you've accepted this match - and you will accept - and I've beaten you. You will be just another name in another chapter of the Johnny Gargano story."

There's a final pause. Gargano looks more determined than ever. He had faced his fair share of bitter feuds and rivalries in his NXT career, but Dunne didn't just threaten his bragging rights, he threatened his family.

"See you next week."

McGuinness is giddy with excitement at the prospect of Pete Dunne and Johnny Gargano, one-on-one at next week's 205 Live: End of the Line special. Joseph says that we will have to wait for a response from "The Bruiserweight" but with pride on the line, we could surely hope to see the match happen.

Back from the commercial, commentary reminds us of the calculated attack on Drake Maverick at the hands of Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza (most likely under the instruction of Santos Escobar). Vic Joseph remains uncertain over Maverick's ability to compete as Alicia Taylor begins the ring introductions.

"The following contest is scheduled for one-fall, introducing to the ring first, accompanied by Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza and representing Legado del Fantasma...from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing 204 pounds...SANTOS ESCOBAR!"

The fans immediately begin to boo upon the arrival of the former NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Santos Escobar. We're reminded of how last week, Escobar came up short to Ari Sterling in singles action. Vic points out that Wilde and Mendoza also lost their match last week against Ikemen Jiro and August Grey, while as a trio, they lost the 'Winner takes All' match against Bronson Reed and MSK for both the NXT North American and Tag Team Championships. Tonight, Escobar looks quietly confident about his chances of winning as he looks out to the entrance ramp.

"I'm the Man" plays out much to commentary's surprise, but it appears no one is behind the curtain. Escobar looks to referee, Chris Sharpe, who also seems unaware of Maverick's status. Escobar gestures to his allies on the outside as Wilde snatches the microphone from Alicia Taylor and hands it to Escobar.

"What do we have here?" the crowd jeers at Escobar, who only smiles confidently back at them. "Is my opponent too afraid to come out and fight me?" the boos continue, this time Escobar laughs. "Cálmate..." this does nothing to settle the audience. "I said CÁLMATE! Relax, I know that Drake Maverick had a nasty fall earlier this evening..."

Vic is in disbelief over Escobar's gumption to try and gaslight the crowd into believing that Maverick suffered an accident.


"Of course, I wish Signor Maverick a speedy recovery but given that he is unable to compete tonight. That makes me the winner by fore..."

The crowd's tone changes as this time Drake Maverick hobbles out from behind the curtain. With the heart of a hero, Maverick marches towards the ring, determined not to be counted out. Vic points out how much this opportunity to compete in 205 Live's final few episodes meant to him. Wilde and Mendoza look in disbelief, while Santos is infuriated and shouts that his men did not do a good enough job (in Spanish of course, so he doesn't give anything away). Maverick struggles into the ring, watching his back for Wilde and Mendoza before turning to the former NXT Cruiserweight Champion. Escobar tries to dissuade the referee from allowing the match to start but Chris Sharpe checks on Maverick, who confirms that he is cleared to compete.



The referee calls for the bell as the two men begin to circle each other, Escobar immediately goes for the leg. Nigel McGuinness points out how things have come full circle with Maverick previously facing Santos Escobar as part of the interim Cruiserweight Championship tournament, shortly before Escobar took off his mask and revealed his true colours. Of course, the interim champion was decided while Jordan Devlin was unable to compete.

Escobar kicks Maverick in the knee and looks for the SIT-OUT POWERBOMB!


Maverick rolls through! Escobar's shoulders are down...




Escobar quickly gets back to his feet and attempts a lariat but Maverick ducks under and comes off the ropes with a flying head scissors, which pleases the crowd. Though commentary mentions how slow Maverick is to get back to his feet. Maverick roars as he backs Escobar into the corner with a series of forearms. Escobar tries to get his hands up to protect himself as Chris Sharpe backs the passionate Brit out of the corner. RUNNING DROPKICK FROM OUT OF NOWHERE BY DRAKE MAVERICK AS HE SENDS ESCOBAR BACK INTO THE TURNBUCKLE!

The crowd are hot for Maverick, who takes his time climbing to the top rope. Commentary points out how this is a risky move for Maverick as Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde grab Escobar's arms and pull him out of the ring. The former 205 Live General Manager turns his attention to his attackers from earlier in the night and takes to the sky with a FLYING CROSSBODY THAT GROUNDS BOTH MEN!

We return from the reply to see all four men currently on the floor, it seems that the high-risk move has taken the wind out of the sails of Drake Maverick while Santos Escobar struggles back to his feet, trying to get back into the match. Grabbing Maverick, Escobar sends him hurling into the Plexiglas, causing outrage from the fans. Escobar's confidence begins to grow again as Chris Sharpe has now counted to 4 when...

Here they are! Having accepted Legado del Fantasma's invitation to come and watch them in action, the cavalry has now arrived. Initially. the quartet poses and raps along to their entrance music until they see they have caught Escobar's attention. Escobar approaches them as "Swerve" steps forward, the two men go nose to nose until Wilde and Mendoza get back to their feet and greet Ashante Adonis and Top Dolla. The three men are at boiling point when Wilde attempts to strike Adonis, who blocks the move, distracting Mendoza as Top Dolla seizes the opportunity to start a brawl. Escobar and Scott continue to stare each other down until Escobar realizes he's still got a match! The referee is up to SEVEN as Santos turns around to see B-Fab standing before him. B-Fab poses and tells Escobar he's not coming through, holding Escobar's attention as he turns and falls over Adonis.

We're now on the count of EIGHT as Drake Maverick pulls himself up onto the apron. Joaquin Wilde takes out Adonis before chastising B-Fab for getting involved. B-Fab quickly steps aside as "Swerve" hits a ROLLING THUNDER FLATLINER!

Wilde is out as Escobar lifts his head to see Maverick back in the ring as the count expires.


"Here is your winner as the result of a count-out...DRAKE MAVERICK!"

There's a slight cheer from the fans, who barely have time to react before Santos Escobar runs into the ring, mortified at having suffered another loss. Escobar looks to exact some revenge on Drake Maverick and chases him off until Top Dolla steps in to block Escobar. Maverick manages to hobble out to the back (and presumably safety) while a furious Escobar strikes Top Dolla. Top Dolla looks around the crowd and STRIKES BACK! The crowd are on their feet as the three men from each stable take it to each other. LOW-ANGLE ROUNDHOUSE KICK FROM MENDOZA TO "THEE ADONIS!". Mendoza looks pretty pleased with himself when he turns into a CORKSCREW MOONSAULT PLANCHA FROM ISAIAH SCOTT! Escobar looks around and tries to escape when Top Dolla grabs him, pulls him back and beckons over "Swerve". the two men have words again but before Scott can hand out some punishment...

TONY NESE HOPS THE GUARD RAIL AND TAKES SCOTT DOWN! Top Dolla releases the hold on Escobar, throwing him aside when Ariya Daivari also makes the run in and attacks the big guy. The two aggrieved Superstars stomp mudholes into Top Dolla before throwing him into the steel steps. Escobar laughs as he gets back to his feet and throws Isaiah Scott back into the ring. All the other members of Hit Row are down (this time B-Fab is the one blocked off by Wilde and Mendoza). Escobar lifts Swerve.....SAMOAN DRIVER...THE THRILL OF THE HUNT! He chortles to himself, rolling out of the ring while B-Fab runs in to check on "Swerve". McGuinness puts over that LdF may not have walked out with a victory tonight, but they've evened the odds in their rivalry with Hit Row. Joseph ponders why Daivari and Nese would even get involved when we see Escobar gesture to Mendoza and Wilde, both of whom reveal a weighty looking envelope, which they throw over to Nese and Daivari.

McGuinness says that the two men were looking to reclaim the spotlight and what better way to do it than to help a powerful man in his time of need. The five men stand at the top of the entrance stage together, admiring the destruction they've caused.

As promised, we hear from the competitors for tonight's main event. Vic Joseph says that the footage had been recorded earlier today as we open to see the NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Kushida, standing in a dimly lit backstage area. Dressed in a plain white tee, no-frills are needed, "The Time Splitter's" resume speaks for itself. A passionate Kushida speaks in his native tongue, translated in subtitles at the bottom of the screen.


"It has been 73 days since I captured this championship and since then I have done everything I can to prove myself as the most dominant Cruiserweight Champion in the history of WWE. My journey to NXT hasn't been smooth, but now I am a champion, I need to demonstrate why I belong here. To prove why I deserve to hold this." he raises his championship belt. "I am not a patient man, so when I told William Regal I wanted to defend my title weekly and he suggested the open challenge, I knew that I would be able to open eyes around the world. Last week, I defeated a long-time friend in the first part of my ascension to the center of NXT. Tonight, I will enter the second phase when I take on Jordan Devlin. I know that Jordan looks beyond me, he wants to pretend I don't exist because he only sees the championship title I hold. 205 Live may be coming to an end but my division will live on. My championship will live on. So open your eyes, Jordan Devlin. Tonight, you will see Kushida."

We finish the promo with a close-up of the champion.

In contrast, Jordan Devlin is standing looking out from a balcony, he wears sunglasses and a roll neck jumper that displays his physique. The set-up feels more cinematic in comparison to the champion, Devlin walks the halls of the hotel, ignoring the people he passes by.

"The last time I was overseas, I was here to take something that belonged to me..."

We are given some context when we see the initial World's Collide event in which Devlin defeated Isaiah Scott, Travis Banks and then-champion, Angel Garza, in a fatal four-way for the championship. News reports then flash up on the travel ban due to the pandemic and the announcement of the interim championship tournament. Eventually, upon his return, Devlin was able to return to the United States and compete but would lose the belt to the interim champion Santos Escobar. We then see "The Irish Ace" walling the halls again, his voiceover continues...


"I had to leave in shame. Banished like I wasn't worthy."

We see Devlin following the match, devastated at his loss as he is then sent back to the United Kingdom.

"But I know, I am worthy. This is why I've returned to NXT to take back my championship. I don't care about the name of the show, I don't care about whose grasp I have to rip it from, I will do what it takes to restore balance and make things right. You see, I don't seek validation as Kushida does. I don't fight for my family or the fans. You're right, Kushida, I barely even see you. I just see what's mine." he laughs. "Don't take it personally."

We see Devlin following the match, devastated at his loss as he is then sent back to the United Kingdom.

"I am the epicentre of the cruiserweight division. I don't rely on luchador masks or gimmicks, I don't need a catchphrase. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I'm just naturally better than every single person on that roster, including Kushida. Kushida, your desperation for approval will be the undoing of you because I'm not walking out of that ring without the championship. You probably had hoped for one of those rejects from the Cruiserweight Classic to answer the call but now you find yourself against The Irish Ace" we now finally see Devlin, addressing the camera himself. "...and once I have that title back around my waist, everything you strived to accomplish in this company will be erased. In fact, this whole year will be erased and all that will stand is me...and MY championship."

Mirroring the previous segment, the final shot is a close up of the challenger as Devlin looks confidently at the camera.

Back at ringside, commentary reminds us of how NXT Tag Team Champions, MSK, interrupted The Grizzled Young Veterans' interview time - essentially telling them to hold their breath because they had already accepted the challenge to defend the titles at NXT: End of the Line in two weeks. The duo also responded to the outlandish and absurd claims that they were ring-shy by announcing that next week on NXT, they would compete in non-title action against Imperium. Ahead of that battle, Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel would be in action against 205 Live alumni, Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado. Vic points out that all Metalik had made it to the finals of the 2016 Cruiserweight Classic, with Aichner falling at the first round and Dorado in the second.

The lights dim as we see the silhouette of Imperium at the entrance stage. Aichner on the left, Barthel on the right as "Symphony No. 9 - in E Minor" begins to fire up. The former NXT UK Superstars are stood to attention.


"The following is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, the team of Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel...IMPERIUM!"

The two men stand for a moment and look around the Capitol Performance Center before casually and calmly walking to the ring. Both men step up onto the apron from opposing sides, wiping their feet before they step into the squared circle. Aichner and Barthel remove their branded jackets and remain stood still. They turn their heads to each other before reverting to their signature pose while commentary describes them as a dangerous combination of technical prowess and raw power. A picture-in-picture pops up on-screen ahead of the arrival of Lucha House Party (both Italian and German subtitles are used).

The crowd begin to cheer for the arrival of LHP, though it would seem that the pinatas and dancing were a thing of the past, with Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado arriving to a new theme tune. Cementing the end of an era, following Kalisto's release two months earlier.

Nigel McGuinness says that he has heard rumblings in the back that the duo are looking to end the party and get into contention for tag team gold, regardless of what brand they're on. Nonetheless, the crowd still chant "Lucha" as the masked paring slide into the ring. Despite the hokey props being dropped, Imperium seems less than impressed by their opponents.



As the bell tolls, Vic Joseph reminds us that these two teams had faced each other at the top of the year as part of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Interestingly enough, it was the luchadores who managed to secure the win. McGuinness adds that this would have to play a role in the ring psychology of this match and with the added pressure for Imperium to perform ahead of their match against the champions next week, a win for Aichner and Barthel could give them the bragging rights they so sorely seek.

Barthel and Dorado are the first men to start. Dorado paces frantically around the ring, while the 'professional' Barthel showcases his pose with one arm behind his back. Luring his opponent in, Barthel hits an arm drag and immediately begins pummelling the grounded Golden Lynx with forearms. McGuiness points out that Imperium lives by the code of the mat being 'sacred', which clashes with the high-flying stylings of the Lucha House Party. Barthel manages to lift Dorado to his feet for a nicely executed suplex. Barthel immediately covers but only manages a two-count.

Barthel backs up and allows his opponent back to his feet, placing one arm behind the back once more as he approaches Dorado and delivers an almighty
SLAP! There's an echo throughout the Performance Center before Barthel takes Dorado down with a running chop. Aichner applauds his tag team partner from the apron while Metalik looks concerned for his. Joseph commends Imperium for having such firm control over this match so far. Barthel deadlifts Dorado up, it looks like he could be going for a German Suplex but he is met with an elbow as Dorado begins to desperately fight his way into the match. A second elbow strike lands from Dorado, causing Barthel to lose his grasp...SHIRANUI! Dorado lands it but it's not long before Barthel stumbles back to his feet. Dorado lands a spinning heel kick, taking Barthel clean off his feet before he makes the tag to Gran Metalik.

Dorado Irish whips Barthel into his corner while Metalik enters the ring and is then Irish whipped into his opponent. Barthel drops to his knees but promptly rolls out of the ring, assuming he'll be safe on the outside, but as we know, the outside can be just as dangerous...
TOPE SUICIDA BY DORADO! With the referee distracted, Aichner enters the ring, attempting to even the odds by delivering a stiff-looking European uppercut to the legal man. Jessika Carr warns Aichner to get back into his corner. Dorado notices what's going on and attempts to intervene, but this only distracts the referee further as Barthel stumbles to his feet and Aichner gets in some additional stomps to the mid-section.

Dorado retreats to his corner, which allows time for Aichner to play the innocent party and return to his. Barthel picks up the scraps left by his tag team partner. Barthel waits for Metalik to sit up, charging for a
PENALTY KICK! But Metalik ducks the attack and rolls his opponent up...




Barthel looks shell-shocked that he nearly succumbed to a roll-up, but the time wasted allows the Cruiserweight Classic finalist to take control with a
SUPERKICK! "The Master of the Ropes" lives up to his moniker, getting to the second rope and walking the line before hitting a missile dropkick! Feeling ambitious, Metalik gets back onto the ropes, this time walking the top rope for a SWANTON BO...but Aichner goes to greet him...Metalik hops over Barthel back into the ring and comes off the ropes with a head-scissor takedown...until...THE HEADSCISSORS IS REVERSED INTO A TILT-A-WHIRL FACEBUSTER.

Barthel stumbles into his corner to make a tag to "The Next Level". Aichner grabs Metalik and pulls him to his feet, whipping him to Barthel, who hits an over shoulder cutter. The Italian charges at Dorado, knocking him off the apron. Aichner grabs Metalik and hits a power slam in an impressive display of power, the legs are hooked...




Aichner drags Metalik back to his feet, setting him up for a powerbomb (not content with throwing his opponent around already). Metalik manages to get some forearms in, allowing him to reverse the move and roll through into a dropkick. "
The Wonder Boy" looks round for the tag but Lince Dorado is still down on the outside. Aichner runs at Metalik, who drops back and holds open the ropes, causing Aichner to go spilling out to the outside. Barthel immediately enters the ring and falls foul to the same sequence. Metalik tries to rally Dorado back to his feet as they reunite on the apron and pose before the crowd. McGuinness warns LHP to act fast as they both springboard with a PLANCHA MOONSAULT ONTO IMPERIUM! Jessika Carr begins the count with all four men down on the outside - could we see another count-out here tonight?

The short answer is no. Metalik tries to lift Aichner back to his feet but is charged back into the ring apron and rolled back into the ring. Metalik needs to make a tag, but Dorado isn't back in his corner yet. Aichner lifts Metalik to his feet and looks for a running power slam...Metalik manages to drop back causing Aichner to run face-first into the top turnbuckle. Lince Dorado is back on the apron...
TAG MADE! Dorado seats himself up on the top rope...TORNADO DDT! EXECUTED PERFECTLY!




Metalik grounds Barthel with a crossbody. Aichner takes advantage of the situation and has Dorado in a gory bomb position in a case of deja vu, Metalik springboards into a dropkick and takes Aichner down into a pin by Dorado, the shoulders are down...




Aichner manages to kick out again, grabbing Dorado and immediately throwing him into Metalik in the corner, causing the latter to fall and hit the floor HARD. Barthel is back in his corner, prompting Aichner to make the tag. SPINEBUSTER BY AICHNER! PENALTY KICK BY BARTHEL...THE COVER IS MADE!




Fabian Aichner calls for the tag, which Barthel accepts. Metalik is still down on the outside. Barthel is seated on the top rope, and Aichner once again goes for the powerbomb (but not before their signature pose, of course). "The Next Level" lifts Dorado...DIVING EUROPEAN UPPERCUT/POWERBOMB COMBINATION! "The Feline Phenomenon" is down and out.




Imperium has done what they set out to achieve. Aichner and Barthel stand tall, with Lucha House Party's return to the purple brand, proving to be an unsuccessful one - despite their best efforts.

"Here are your winners, by pin fall, IMPERIUM!"

Carr raises Imperium's arms in victory, just before they once again throw their arms behind their backs, paying their respects to the squared circle. Vic Joseph says that MSK will have their work cut out for them next Tuesday when the two teams square off in a non-title bout. Before we head to a break, we get a split-screen of Kushida and Jordan Devlin as the pair prepare to face off in tonight's main event. The NXT Cruiserweight Championship is on the line NEXT!

Back from the commercial, we're treated to our first official advert for the brand new show from the NXT Universe - NXT Evolve. Vic Joseph says that the Evolve will be a blend of today's stars and the main eventers of tomorrow.


A black and white vignette begins to play to the tune of "Swan Lake". We appear to be in a theatre, where a spotlight reveals a silhouette of a figure.

??? (V.O.)

"When the house is divided, they look to me for an answer but I break bones not ties. I am not a mere number and I am tired of being a sidekick. It's not a question of losing faith in myself but simply taking back the power that I have invested in so many others throughout the years. I've spent so many years standing alongside people that I've forgotten how to take a step forward. Well from now on, I'll be standing at the forefront of NXT, I have removed those that burdened me from my path. They say that fools multiply when wise men go silent and I've been gagged for far too long and it's time that the world finally opened their eyes to my legacy - for I am..."

The curtain slowly opens to reveal none other than...




And just like that, we smash to black.

We are welcomed back to 205 Live, with the second Open Challenge about to commence. First, McGuinness and Joseph run down the confirmed card for next week's edition of NXT; as previously concerned, MSK will take on Imperium just one week away from their big title defence. Adam Cole will take on Cameron Grimes in both of their first bouts since Takeover: In Your House, furthermore, will Cole accept William Regal's stipulation to put his career on the line against Kyle O'Reilly? Tegan Nox returns from injury to team with Shotzi in a tag team match against Dakota Kai and NXT Women's Champion, Raquel González. Finally, from the office of William Regal, it has been confirmed that Ariya Daivari and Isaiah Scott will square off following the events from earlier this evening.

It is the moment we've been waiting for all evening as "The Irish Ace" is the first to make his way to the ring. The lights are out as a green hue reveals the challenger standing at the curtain, his back to the crowd. Devlin points his thumb to himself, all attention on him as he turns around to greet the WWE Universe. Devlin proudly displays the tricolour on his jacket as he calmly approaches the ring.

Devlin steps up to the top rope and extends his arms, a look of intensity on his face before he drops back down and walks to the opposite corner, stepping up and allowing the live crowd to bask in his glory.

"New Moon" blares out across the PA system as "The Time Splitter" confidently walks out to a great reception from the crowd, earning the fans' respect with every defence. The champion dons his signature gilét/puffer jacket as he poses at the entrance stage.

Commentary put over next week's End of the Line special and confirm that the winner of this match will defend the title. Vic Joseph gives us another exclusive and confirms that Pete Dunne has accepted Johnny Gargano's challenge and Legado del Fantasma will return in the final episode, looking to cement a victory in trios action, facing the very men who beat them in recent weeks - Ikemen Jiro, August Grey and Drake Maverick!

The NXT Cruiserweight Champion steps to the top turnbuckle and checks the time, a move that goes down well with the fans - Jordan Devlin? Not so much. Kushida jumps back down and comes face to face with his opponent as we throw it over to Alicia Taylor for the formal ring introductions.

"Your main event is scheduled for one fall as is for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship of the World!"

There's a pop from the crowd as the referee, Jason Ayres, pats each competitor down.

"Introducing first, accepting the open challenge from Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland. Weighing 180 pounds...JORDAN DEVLIN!"

Devlin makes his way to the center of the ring and holds out his arms as the crowd's boos pour in for the former champion. This doesn't appear to dent Devlin's confidence. He simply smirks at what he perceives to be the crowd's stupidity.

"...And his opponent, from Tokyo, Japan. Weighing 192 pounds, he is the reigning and defending NXT Cruiserweight champion...KUSHIDAAAAA!"

In contrast to his opponent, the cheers pour in for Kushida, who briefly acknowledges the crowd, trying to keep his focus as he hands the title over to the referee. Jason Ayres displays the championship to both men and then the crowd. Handing the belt over to the timekeeper, Ayres asks both men to shake hands. Despite having shaken hands earlier this week on NXT, it seems that Kushida isn't in the mood for pleasantries, perhaps having seen what Devlin had to say previously and it appears that the Irishman is in no hurry to offer his hand as a mark of respect. Jason Ayres calls for the bell, the match is now underway...



Kushida throws off his puffer jacket and vest before getting straight down to it, Devlin tries to meet him, but the champion picks the ankle to ground the challenger and starts to wrench away. "The Irish Ace" quickly calls for a rope break. Vic Joseph comments that Kushida made a rookie error there, but McGuinness argues that "The Time Splitter" is trying to psych out his challenger and assert dominance in the early stages of the match. Kushida stands back and allows Devlin to get back to his feet, the two locking up for a display of chain wrestling. Kushida manages to get the best of his opponent, leaning into the ropes to whip him across the ring.

The champion charges with a boot, looking to end this one earlier but Devlin manages to dodge the move, coming back off the ropes with a roaring elbow! Devlin smiles confidently looking to follow up with a hip toss but Kushida's given away as much offence as he's willing to, he breaks the move and hits a hip toss of his own as the crowd wills him on. Devlin manages to get to his feet but the Tokyo native strikes with a kick to the back, sending "
The Irish Ace" hobbling into the corner before striking him again with a kick to the shoulder. Commentary speculates that he is likely looking to wear Devlin down for the patented Hoverboard Lock. Kushida goes for another kick, but this time Devlin catches it and steps outside onto the apron to deliver a painful dragon whip across the ropes!

Kushida falls to the mat as Devlin drags his opponent back towards the turnbuckle. From the outside, the challenger locks in a
FIGURE-FOUR LEGLOCK! The heat rises from the crowd as the referee begins to make the count to five for the illegal hold...1....2....3......4.....Devlin releases the hold at the final moment before making his way back into the ring, ignoring the warning from Jason Ayres. Devlin covers his eyes and smiles, with Vic Joseph pointing out that Devlin had said earlier that not only does he not 'see' Kushida as champion but plans to erase him from the championship's history.

The challenger begins to 'play with his food' so to speak, hyperextending the arm of Kushida before delivering a series of boots to his head. Resilient as ever, the champion sits back up, causing the crowd to cheer. The support of the crowd encourages Kushida to get back to his feet and connect with a forearm, he runs the ropes looking to pay tribute to his mentor and former WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Tajiri...
SPRINGBOARD BACK ELBOW.....DEVLIN CATCHES HIM...URANAGE BY DEVLIN! But rather than immediately going for the cover, the challenger follows up with an impressive standing moonsault.

For the first time in the match, Devlin hooks the leg as he looks to win the championship...




Kushida raises his shoulder while Devlin looks frustrated. Joseph states that he cannot afford to lose his cool if he wants to become a two-time champion. "The Irish Ace" gets back to his feet, he yanks on the arm of Kushida again, looking for the Devlin Slide but is met with a stiff shot to the face by the champion. Devlin retaliates with one of his own. Kushida bounces off the first and into the ropes, delivering another shot to Devlin. The crowd are now divided, one half cheering for Kushida, the other for Jordan Devlin. The strikes pick up pace as Devlin flips the script going for a corkscrew roundhouse kick...he overshoots his shot, and Kushida ducks behind and hits a big-time
GERMAN SUPLEX! Devlin staggers back to his feet but the champion floors him with a successful attempt of his springboard back elbow and makes the cover.




With no time to spare, Kushida slowly makes his way to the apron, selling the attack on his ankle/legs earlier in the match and slingshots back into the ring with a DDT. The champion covers again...




Back on the attack, Kushida hits a soccer kick square to the jaw of Devlin, we can see some mild discomfort in using his legs for the attack as he rolls over his opponent once again. The shoulders are down...




McGuinness senses an urgency from Kushida, which could prove costly if he takes his eyes off the prize. Kushida lifts Devlin to his feet but is struck across the face, the champion checks his lip - no sign of blood but he does smash Devlin with another forearm! He charges half-heartedly at this opponent...STANDING SPANISH FLY BY DEVLIN!




Devlin regains control of the match as he looks to return to target the legs of the NXT Cruiserweight Champion, going for another sharpshooter. Devlin gets the legs crossed but Kushida rolls him up for a small package for a near fall! The crowd are trying to catch their breath as Jordan Devlin hastily climbs to the apron - a close-up shot shows Devlin bleeding from the mouth - but Kushida slides through Devlin's legs and grabs him, perhaps looking for a powerbomb? In a desperate move, Devlin manages to stomp on "The Time Splitter's" shoulder to free himself from his opponent's grasp. Devlin is reaching for the stars now as he executes a MOONSAULT TO KUSHIDA ON THE OUTSIDE!

Jason Ayres initiates the count, both men are fatigued as commentary takes us to the commercial break. Once we return, both men are back in the ring as we see a PIP of Devlin briefly getting his lip checked out before rolling Kushida back into the ring for a two count during the break before locking in a half Boston Crab. Kushida is writing in pain as he extends his arm to reach for the ropes, the crowd are cheering for the champion, which again seems to motivate him to crawl his way over...Kushida is just about to touch the bottom rope but Devlin eases the grasp to pull him back to the center of the ring and reapply the hold.....but instead...Kushida rolls through and traps Devlin with a
TRIANGLE CHOKE! Remember, Kushida had dished out some punishment to the shoulder earlier on in the match. Will he tap?

No! The match continues as Devlin makes contact with the bottom rope with his foot. Kushida is forced to relinquish the hold, but it seems that Kushida is struggling. Devlin goes to the apron once more, he springboards looking for a cutter when out of nowhere, Kushida charges over and arm drags Devlin over the ropes and cartwheels into a desperate dropkick! Kushida inches over and lifts the leg...




"The Time Splitter" struggles to his feet and looks around the crowd, taking time to soak in the roar of the crowd, which only increases when he checks the time...it's time for the Hoverboard Lock...he rolls Devlin through, and the Kimura Lock is locked in! Devlin is sweeping the legs trying to get to the ropes, but Kushida is amping up the pressure. Devlin is yelling out to the champion, telling him that this is not his moment. Kushida suddenly breaks the hold, much to the confusion of commentary and the entire WWE Universe. Nigel says that Devlin got into the head of the champion but Kushida waits for Devlin to get to his knees...BUZZSAW KICK! DEVLIN DUCKS and gets back to his feet. "The Irish Ace" applies the waist lock and charges toward the referee, who dodges out the way, completely missing the illegal LOW BLOW! Devlin hits the Backstabber as Vic says the match can't end this way. He hooks the leg...







Ayres tells Devlin, who is in a state of disbelief. Devlin hammers the mat and looks to the ropes, perhaps contemplating a Moonsault? The set-up is slow, both men are fighting tooth and nail for the championship, but the action is taking its toll on their bodies. Devlin steps on the second turnbuckle, then slowly to the third...he is now at the top rope...

The viewing audience could see it coming, the champion rolls out of the way! But fortunately for the Irishman, he manages to land on his feet, he charges at Kushida, who throws him into the ropes and



.....Kushida rolls back through and into the Hoverboard Stretch! THE HOVERBOARD STRETCH IS LOCKED IN ONCE MORE!

Devlin tries to keep his eyes open to see his ring position. Can he hold on? He can't stretch out, Kushida has his weight on Devlin's other hand.



The fans breathe a sigh of relief as the bell rings. Kushida falls to his knees, releasing the hold, he can't quite believe it himself until the announcement is made.

"Your winner by submission and STILL the NXT Cruiserweight Champion of the World...KUSHIDAAAAA!"

The crowd applaud the champion as Vic Joseph confirms that Kushida will headline 205 Live: End of the Line in the final act of the Open Challenge - who his opponent will be this time is anybody's guess but with the punishment taken these past two weeks, what position will the champion be to close out 205 Live? The final moments of the show see Kushida handed the championship. "The Time-Splitter" turns to see Devlin favour his shoulder, bitter in defeat. It looks almost like Kushida is about to offer the hand as a mark of respect but before he can approach, Devlin rolls out of the ring, not interested in creating any Hallmark moments as he angrily storms to the back.


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Looking Glass

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Sep 18, 2022
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It looks as if NXT is looking to book Adam Cole vs. Kyle O'Reilly in an I Quit match, with both men's contracts on the line. While this is a common trope used in storylines, internal sources say that this situation is similar to that of William Regal - whose actual status with the company is unknown following the on-screen announcement that he is to step down as NXT General Manager. Interestingly, it is known that Cole's contract will be expiring in August and the NXT Triple Crown has not indicated his plans, it's no secret that All Elite Wrestling is making a play for him.

There were rave reviews for former NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Jordan Devlin, who appeared across this week's NXT programming, answering the open challenge for Kushida's title. Backstage officials were impressed by the NXT UK talent's promo skills and in-ring ability. The idea to bring him in was said to be risky as there was uncertainty over how recognizable he would be, following his Cruiserweight title reign being cut short due to the pandemic and this was seen as a one and done appearance (similarly to Alex Shelley's appearance). However, it's believed that Devlin may be kept in the United States while creative work on future plans for him.

As seen on this past week's NXT, MSK will defend their championships against The Grizzled Young Veterans at NXT: End of the Line. The champions, consisting of Wes Lee and Nash Carter, accepted the challenge during a segment. While the segment was described as a 'miss' on social media, the powers that be are said to be confident in both teams' talent and ability to put on a good match. While NXT has also had a stronger tag team division compared to its main roster counterparts, the brand will be looking to grow the division further.

On a related note, Vic Joseph noted just before the 205 Live main event that Pete Dunne had accepted Johnny Gargano's challenge to compete at 205 Live: End of the Line. While neither man appeared in any major capacity on the show before its cancellation, officials felt that the match would add bankability to the 205 Live special and highlight what NXT want to achieve it legitimizing the division further moving forward.

It's been a tough week for Gargano's cohorts in The Way. While the stable received rave reviews for their segment on this past week's NXT. It was confirmed that Austin Theory will miss up to 6 weeks of action due to a hand injury at the hands of Dunne and Oney Lorcan. While it's thought that Theory's injury is part of a storyline, there have been rumblings that Candice LeRae is not currently fit to wrestle. LeRae's status is currently up in the air as she was seen on television as part of a segment with The Way, before her co-NXT Women's Tag Team Champion, Indi Hartwell, introduced her to newcomer Persia Pirotta (the debuting Steph De Lander). What this means for the Women's Tag Team Championships is yet to be confirmed - stayed tuned for more news as it comes.

Internal reports suggest that the cruiserweight division weight limit will be increased to 220lbs, which would explain the inclusion of Marcel Barthel (who weighs exactly 220lbs) on this past week's edition of 205 Live. The feeling is that with the show coming to an end, this is an opportunity to 'widen the net' for potential feuds and competitors. It was said previously that the axing of 205 Live was not an indication of a loss of interest in the division. It's also worth noting that cruiserweights are not solely restricted to the title, given that the other championships currently hold no weight limit.

WWE has come to the real of Harv and Gurv Sihra, also known as Sunil and Samir Singh respectively (The Bollywood Boyz/The Singh Brothers). The duo had both been announced as competitors in the 2016 Cruiserweight Classic before signing developmental contracts and appearing across both NXT and 205 Live. As The Singh Brothers, they are likely best known for their time on the main roster alongside then-WWE Champion, Jinder Mahal, in April 2017. Reverting to The Bollywood Boyz name, the pair would return to development, predominantly competing on 205 Live. Their last mast was in the 18th of May edition of 205 Live in a loss to Ikemen Jiro and August Grey. WWE wishes them both the best in their future endeavours.

The releases are the latest in a string of company 'cost-cutting' measures but are the first to take place since June. Previous releases include
Braun Strowman, Aleister Black, Buddy Murphy, Lana, Ruby Riott, Jessamyn Duke, Andrade, Steve Cutler, Wesley Blake, Lars Sullivan, Samoa Joe, Billie Kay, Peyton Royce, Mickie James, Tucker Knight, Bo Dallas, Kalisto and Chelsea Green.

It was previously reported that there was a sense of unease in the locker room, particularly in NXT. However, the new direction and the renewed focus on new talent on the debuting
NXT Evolve has put some minds at rest. According to insiders, the company cannot rule out further releases, but any future releases will likely be focused on creative direction as opposed to the budget.

NXT Evolve aired its first teaser this past week on 205 Live, just two weeks removed from its debut. While the main focus is to use the show as a platform to build newer talent, the 'evolution' aspect is also expected to include those who have not had any creative direction - potentially extending to main roster talent, a rumour which was further fuelled by the appearance of Lucha House Party this last week. Talent poised to feature include EVOLVE Wrestling alumni, Asher Hale, Jacy Jayne, Ari Sterling and WWE Performance Center talents, Parker Boudreaux, EJ Nduka, Gigi Dolin, Cora Jade and Trey Baxter.

It's also believed that WWE has extended contract offers to NWA talents;
PJ Hawx and Colby Corino. The former tag team comprises of Hawx, the son of independent wrestler Luke Hawx, both of whom have competed in Hall of Famer Booker T's Reality of Wrestling promotion. Meanwhile, Corino is the son of trainer/producer Steve Corino, has made two previous appearances with the company - losing to Erik of the Viking Raiders on the 18th of August edition of Raw Underground and then again in a loss to Mansoor on the September 4th edition of 205 Live.

The Diamond Mine may already be over before it's begun. NXT had been airing vignettes since late April, though no names were confirmed at the time. Creative had reportedly been going back and forth over the MMA-styled group/tag team, but no new vignettes have been aired in the past fortnight. This wouldn't be the first time NXT has done something like this. NXT had previously billed the debut of Arturo Ruas back in December 2019 but as of writing, Ruas has yet to make his re-debut with the brand. It could still well be the case that we see The Diamond Mine debut on NXT Evolve as opposed to the main NXT brand, but the omission of any references would indicate that the plans are dead on arrival.

While Toni Storm has not featured on NXT television in recent weeks, that could be about to change as the feud continued online. The 2018 Mae Young Classic winner took to Twitter to respond to a fan, who questioned why she declined to respond to Sarray's request for a match this past week. Storm quipped:










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Looking Glass

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Sep 18, 2022
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"We are at the final step before NXT: End of the Line and what a show we have in store for you this week. What's up, guys? I'm McKenzie Mitchell and this is What's NeXT on NXT...."

"Last week William Regal and his mystery successor came to Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly with a proposal, one final match to end it all, under one condition: one man must leave the company. While O'Reilly was quick to accept, it appears the former NXT Champion was a little more reluctant to rush into a decision. This week, Adam Cole returns to the ring to put his former Undisputed Era bandmate on notice as he takes on Cameron Grimes. We haven't seen Grimes since his loss at Takeover: In Your House and a victory here could catapult his momentum instantly, but when it comes down to it, who will walk out with the victor, and will Cole be willing to put his career on the end come End of the Line?"

"After weeks of being snubbed by Toni Storm, "The Warrior of the Sun" took out her frustrations on The Robert Stone Brand's Jessi Kamea on the edition of NXT. While Sarray fought her way to victory, the match wasn't without its fair share of drama as Zoey Stark was forced to keep The Brand at bay. This week, Stark will look to take on Aliyah in singles action but with so many elements lurking at ringside, will Stark be able to match her ally with a victory?"

"The NXT Women's Champion, Raquel González, will be in tag team action this week as she and Dakota Kai continue their pursuit to become two-time NXT Women's Tag Team Champions. However, it appears the duo's grudges within the women's locker room are proving to be a roadblock to their goal. Shotzi and Tegan Nox threw down the challenge last week, but with the looming threat of Tian Sha after last week's attack on the champion, will "Big Mami Cool" be able to focus and guide her team to victory?"


"The tensions between Hit Row and Legado del Fantasma reached boiling point on the last episode of 205 Live with an almighty brawl breaking out between the two teams. However, the attack from "The Persian Lion" Ariya Daivari and "The Premier Athlete" Tony Nese got heads-scratching in the WWE Universe. While their motivations are unknown, "Swerve" will get a chance to score some vengeance for his crew as he goes one-on-one with Daivari. Of course, that might not happen if Santos Escobar has his way, so what part will he have to play? Tune in this week to find out."

"It's official, we will see MSK defend their NXT Tag Team Championships against The Grizzled Young Veterans at NXT: End of the Line, so you could argue that Wes Lee and Nash Carter choosing to compete on this week's NXT is a rather risky move. Following some probing comments made by Zack Gibson and James Drake, the champions will take on one of the toughest teams in the division, Imperium. We've already seen Aichner and Barthel dominate on last week's 205 Live, and with a championship opportunity in their sights, a big could change the game at this late stage. Join us this Wednesday to find out which team will score the crucial victory when they collide in non-title action."

"And with 'the end' in sight, we'll get some final words from NXT Champion, Karrion Kross, and NXT North American Champion, Bronson Reed. Following "The Devil of Monterrey's" failed attempt to take out the number one contender in last week's 'pick your poison' match, how will he follow up this week? Plus, I'm being told that fresh off his latest defence on 205 Live, the NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Kushida, will be in the building and...oh boy...LA Knight....need I say more? Find out what he has to say this week on NXT. You don't wanna miss it!"

Looking Glass

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Sep 18, 2022
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NXT [EPISODE #463] ‣ TUESDAY 29 JUNE, 2021

It's time for our penultimate visit to the black and gold brand, with NXT: End of the Line, now in touching distance, we are welcomed to the Capital Performance Center by Vic Joseph, who is alongside his broadcast colleagues, Wade Barrett and WWE Hall of Famer, Beth Phoenix.

Adam Cole will return to the ring to face Cameron Grimes, but will the former leader of the Undisputed Era accept the 'loser leaves town stipulation against his former friend Kyle O'Reilly? Plus, the NXT Tag Team Champions, MSK, take on Imperium just one week removed from their big title match at End of the Line - will they be able to send a warning to The Grizzled Young Veterans tonight? Isaiah "Swerve" Scott will take on Ariya Daivari in singles action following the attack on Hit Row and the hinted alliance between Daivari, Tony Nese and Hit Row's rivals, Legado del Fantasma. Then in women's competition, Aliyah will look to put a victory in The Robert Stone Brand's record books but to do that she has to overcome Zoey Stark. Meanwhile, Tegan Nox will return to the ring for the first time in months as she tags with Shotzi, to take on Dakota Kai and the NXT Women's Champion, Raquel González.

This week, we jump straight into the action with a jam-packed show and little time to spare.

There's a unanimous groan from the crowd at the arrival of LA Knight, who had promised us that he would address the whole WWE Universe. Knight is decked out in a navy blue suit, with sneakers just to add an element of 'cool' and 'casual'. His Million Dollar Championship is proudly displayed over his shoulder and of course, he wears his shades so he doesn't have to make eye contact with anyone. We get a replay of last week when LA Knight was set to face Demetri Jackson in singles action, only for Knight to put his title on the line. Vic also notes that Knight has been very vocal recently about how other title holders are conducting themselves as well as referring to himself as the champion of the people.

"Settle down, settle down. I know you're all excited to see me."

Knight laughs to himself, making his way to the centre of the ring.


"In seven nights' time, we're being told that the landscape of NXT as we know will change and in these uncertain times, I thought it was only appropriate that YOUR CHAMPION addresses this new era." the crowd don't take too kindly Knight's claims that he represents them. "When I became a champion, I made a vow that I would not let it all go to my head the others. Let's take Kushida for example, the guy cuts a deal with William Regal and he's plastered all over the place, with people acting as if he can no wrong. No one wants to mention the fact that it's all too little, too late now his show has been canned." The Million Dollar Champion puts his index finger to his lips to silence himself, but his amusement is still very visible. "You know it and I know it, dummies." the boos get louder and louder. "And then you have Bronson Reed, who isn't satisfied with having one championship, he has to chase another and in turn, ignores the same people who cheered him on. Well, I am not that kind of champion. did you not see me last week? Not only did I give a young no-namer a chance to become somebody, but I also gave him the chance to be a champion. When was the last time you saw Bronson Reed or Karrion Kross do that? So I'm here tonight for two reasons: one, I can go back and watch Cameron Grimes get his ass beaten again and two, "The New Million Dollar Man" doesn't forget the little people. I know you're scared, most of you are probably even outraged that I'm not booked at this gig next week...I sure as hell know I am. So please feel free to address your letters, your Tweets, DMs and whatever else to petition that NXT's greatest champion features..." he pauses. "Wait. No. Correction - 'headlines' NXT: End of the Line and let's make a difference, let's introduce positive change and show those bozos who YOUR CHA...."


There's a shock reaction from the crowd, who begin to cheer. LA Knight turns to the entrance ramp to see the NXT North American Champion and the number one contender to the NXT Championship - "The Colossal" Bronson Reed. Reed smiles, staring down at Knight as he makes his way to the ring, where he is handed a microphone.

"I'm sorry to cut you off there." he rethinks his last sentence. "Actually. I'm not."

The live crowd cheer the North American Champion much to the annoyance of Knight, who rolls his eyes at "Aus-Zilla" and his attempt to get the crowd on his side.

"I've been busy lately but I just wanted to let you know that your words haven't gone unnoticed. Every snipe, every jab. It's bad enough that you are out here every week ranting like a mad man about how great you are but when you bring my name into it, I'm not going to take too kindly to that. For me, Karrion Kross, he's an opponent, he's a challenge and at NXT: End of the Line, I will rise to the occasion and I will do everything it takes to capture that NXT Championship." there's a display of support from the crowd. "You, on the other hand, have made this personal and while I'm not usually one to react to childish name-calling, I think you need to be reminded why I am the North American champion or why I am the one headlining NXT: End of the Line for the title and not you."

Reed steps up to Knight, the two are face-to-face but the Million Dollar Champion doesn't appear to be as confident as he was at the top of the segment.

"Calm down buddy!" he takes a step back. "There's a thing called personal space and you're invading it." he fans himself and pulls on his collar, clearly feeling the heat. "Bronson, I would call you a narcissist if I believed you would understand what it meant. You cut in on MY TIME with MY FANS? That's audacious, to say the least." he winces. "Oops sorry, another big word there." Knight looks at Reed, who doesn't look amused. "If you're looking for an apology you're not going to get one. Let me give you the facts of life, you're not going to be the NXT Champion at End of the Line because you can't even be a good North American Champion. How are you going to cope with having two titles or two matches? THINK OF THE FANS! They might have to watch you be mediocre twice a week! Because underneath the big guy act, you're just another chancer who got lucky when he signed his NXT contract. You're not a star Bronson, you're an albatross around this brand's neck and if you were the face of NXT, then ratings would sink faster than the Titanic...not speculation, just a fact."

"Are you finished? Because you call me a narcissist because I've fought my way to the top of a food chain that you barely feature on, while you talk and you talk and you talk. If you want to prove yourself LA, if you think you're a superior 'champion'" he says with added air quotes. "Then you can name a time and place and I'll see to you once I've finished with Kross."

"Of course. I see what you're doing. You see what everyone in this building sees - my potential. I'm a star and just like Darius last week, you want your chance to get some clout from facing me. I'll look at my schedule Bronson and I'll get my people to call your people and...OHMIGOD IT'S KARRION KROSS! BEHIND YOU!"

Knight points frantically past Reed. Falling prey to Knight's schoolboy tactics, "The Colossal" looks out to the entrance ramp only to be struck over the back by Knight with the microphone. Reed stumbles forward slightly, much to the surprise of the Million Dollar Champion, who was clearly looking to floor the big man. Reed can be seen clenching his fists, the aggression building, leading to Knight taking a cautious step back. For a second time, Reed steps up to Knight but this time places his hands around his neck. The crowd are alive and on their feet, with Knight shaking his head and trying to get the Aussie native to reconsider.


The music of Karrion Kross can be heard, distracting Bronson Reed. Reed tosses Knight aside like he was trash and looks up to see the NXT Champion standing at the top of the entrance stage, much like last week. With Scarlett at his side, Kross simply delivers a cold stare to remind the challenger not to look beyond him. Reed remains in the ring, ready to defend himself if necessary but instead "The Herald of Doomsday" looks to Scarlett, who has the egg timer in hand. Commentary informs us that both men have agreed to a no-contact clause as part of their match, but these two forces will collide for the NXT Championship in a week. Kross slowly departs without addressing his challenger at this time. Once again trying to plant the psychological seeds into his opponent's head.

We're shown footage of the most recent episode of 205 Live, which saw Santos Escobar left humiliated once more after suffering a count-out loss to Drake Maverick. To make matters worse, Escobar had invited Hit Row to watch the match and it was only a matter of time before they arrived to rub salt into the wounds. However, Legado del Fantasma would soon have the last laugh when they recruited the help of Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari to outnumber Isaiah Scott's team.

Cut to backstage in the interview pit with McKenzie Mitchell, who is standing alongside Ariya Daivari, who will be in action later tonight. Naturally, Tony Nese is at the side of "The Persian Lion". Both men look disgruntled, something the viewer would have become accustomed to seeing in their personas in recent weeks.

"Gentlemen, we've spoken before about your attitude towards management since we heard that 205 Live would be coming to an end. Last week we then see you both attack Hit Row and receive what I can only assume is payment from Legado del Fantasma. Tell me, what's going on?"

Daivari and Nese both smile, showing no sign of remorse over their actions last week. Daivari rubs his hands together as he addresses the question.

"I love it when a good plan comes together, McKenzie. The last time you spoke to us, we told you that we would be doing things on our terms. We've been messed around for too long now, our heads filled with empty promises - we're not even booked on 205 Live: End of the Line special! That's the show that we built. So what you saw was two men taking back control."

"The Premier Athlete" leans forward, prompting McKenzie to hover the microphone in front of him.

"Even as a former Cruiserweight Champion, I wouldn't have been given the time of day. Now we helped take out those Rap Battle wannabes, our stock has gone up. Everybody wants to know us."

McKenzie squints in confusion.

"So the attack was a cry for attention?"

There's an audible scoff from both men, who come to understand that their interviewer, much like some of the WWE Universe simply won't 'get them' or their motivations.

"Do you see either of us crying, McKenzie? We don't cry for attention, we demand it. I think we made that pretty clear last week and if it wasn't clear before it certainly will be after tonight when I personally see it that 'Swerve' and co. are shut down. Money, I have plenty of it. Without those delinquents sucking the air out of NXT, the two of us can get the spotlight we deserve and prove why we are the premier talent around here."

Nese shrugs, his tone dials up an octave.

"Of course, more money never hurts."

There's a brief moment of brotherhood, with Daivari patting Nese on the back as laughter is exchanged. McKenzie, still very much an outsider in this conversation concludes.

"And by chance, did Santos Escobar pitch this idea to you?"

The laughter comes to a halt.

"A good businessman wouldn't disclose that kind of information but let's just say it was a mutually beneficial agreement or at least it will be tonight when I make good on what I started."

"Gentlemen, thank you for your...."

But before she can even finish her sentence, Ariya Daivari turns to Nese and gestures for him to exit. Mitchell's sentence trails off as she notices her guests have 'taken control' of her interview. Despondently, she looks off camera before finishing her sentence.


McKenzie clears her throat as commentary advertises the Ariya Daivari vs. Isaiah Scott for later tonight. We then cut to a commercial break. Your opening contest: Adam Cole versus Cameron Grimes. NEXT!

The live crowd cheer as "Stackin' Money" plays out across the PA system. Cameron Grimes - who has not been seen since losing his Million Dollar Championship opportunity against LA Knight at Takeover: In Your House - is all smiles, embracing the support of the WWE Universe.

"This opening contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Burlington, North Carolina, weighing in at 209 pounds...CAMERON GRIMES!"

Grimes stops at the bottom of the ramp, pointing his finger to the sky or well...


The fans join Grimes, while commentary highlight what a return to form it will be if Grimes can pull off the victory tonight. Barrett quickly says that it won't happen and Adam Cole. Beth says that people make a habit of counting out Cameron Grimes, but he also has a habit of surprising people. Vic Joseph takes us to PIP, while Grimes readies himself in the squared circle.

Grimes looks around the crowd once more but the atmosphere soon changes upon the arrival of his opponent. Cole is already peacocking, pointing his hands to the sky as he arrogantly chews on his gum, sporting his own merch. Vic reminds us that regardless of the outcome of this match, Adam Cole will have to answer the stipulation made by William Regal and the mystery successor.

"And his opponent, from Panama City, Florida, weighing in at 210 pounds...ADAM COLE!"

Beth comments that Kyle O'Reilly will be watching this match with great intent. Cole is already talking trash from the top of the stage, although he and Grimes aren't all that different in height and weight. Barrett tells Vic to check the history books and that is where the differences lie. The former NXT Champion hops onto the apron and wipes his feet before hyping himself up, looking down and gesturing to himself as the crowd's tune changes for the briefest of moments.


Cole enters the ring and begins to pace around, ignoring Grimes, who looks a little taken aback. Cole stops and crouches before throwing his hands up once more.


"The Panama City Playboy" slowly turns, looking at Grimes and backing away into his corner and removing his vest. Referee, Tom Castor calls for the bell.



The two men meet in the middle and quickly get into a collar and elbow tie-up. Grimes outpowers Cole briefly, but the latter manages to get him into the corner. Castor instructs the former UE leader to break away, to which Cole obliges and submissively throws his hands up, backing away before taunting Grimes and throwing his hands up for another "Adam Cole, bay-bay!" moment. An unimpressed Cameron Grimes steps away from the corner and throws his finger up as the anti-Cole crowd retort with a "To the moon!". Cole laughs off the response and holds his hand up for a test of strength knuckle lock, Grimes extends the arm but is wrestled into a side headlock instead. Grimes attempts to send Cole into the ropes, but the Panama native retains a tight grip, forcing Grimes to get some shots to the kidneys to force a break.

Grimes manages to get in some chops to send Cole staggering back, he goes for a waist lock, perhaps thinking a German suplex but Cole counters with an elbow. Cole looks to spice things up with a SUPERKICK! But instead, Grimes hits a SUPERMAN FOREARM THAT FLOORS HIS OPPONENT.

Beth puts over Grimes' passion for wrestling, she mentions how he wants to make his late father proud but Barrett doesn't think this should automatically give him the win. Barrett says that passion doesn't equate to success and that Triple H himself 'head-hunted' Adam Cole to redefine NXT, which is exactly what he's done. Barrett says it's despicable that he is being forced into a situation in which he could potentially lose his career. We get a shot of Kyle O'Reilly watching from the back on a monitor before cutting back to the action in the ring.

Grimes tries to follow up, approaching Cole, who is leaning against the ropes. Cole grabs the trunks and throws Grimes outside of the ring, but thankfully for him, he manages to land on his feet. Grimes jumps up to the apron, Cole looks to strike with a big boot but this seems to be a ruse. While Grimes moved out of the way to protect himself, Cole strikes him with a forearm and hits a neck breaker against the ropes. Grimes falls back to the outside but before the count can continue, Adam Cole makes his way to the outside.

Dragging Cameron Grimes back to his feet, he runs him into the steel post before returning him to the ring and locks in another side headlock. The crowd try to show their support for Cameron Grimes, who is refusing to give up. Cole starts to get cocky and increases the pressure by elevating himself off the floor further but this allows Grimes to once again get some shots in. Having created some separation Grimes hits a clothesline, followed by a second.

Grimes is on a comeback now as he waits for Cole to get to his feet to hit a splash in the corner. Cole falls into a seated position, causing Grimes to look around the crowd and create some buzz. Grimes runs up and hits THE CAVE-IN!

Grimes drags Cole into the centre of the ring but savvy as ever, Adam Cole quickly rolls to the outside to avoid being pinned. Grimes heads to the top and risks it all...


Unsurprisingly, both men are down as we head to a replay. Cameron Grimes may have fought his way to an advantage but at what cost? We once again see O'Reilly backstage, giving nothing away as he watches this match play out. Castor has counted to 5 as Grimes grabs Cole and tries to throw him back into the ring. The inaugural North American Champion places his foot against the ring post to reverse the attempt and instead slams Grimes face first into the apron before rolling him into the ring. Undeterred, Grimes looks to step back out to drag his opponent back into the ring but Cole hits a wicked enzugiri and makes the break from being counted out. Cole makes the cover for the first time this match.




But Grimes gets the shoulder up. Adam Cole does not look happy. Rising to his feet, he takes down the kneepad, Vic says that Grimes is in dangerous territory. Cole looks to put his opponent out with THE LAST SHOT! But the dazed Grimes gets to his feet at the last second.


The crowd are stunned, Grimes hooks the legs...







Cole manages to get his shoulder up. Grimes himself looks fired up...ROUNDHOUSE KICK! Cole crawls out the way and returns with a SUPERKICK! Once again, Adam Cole goes for the cover...





"Just give up!" seethes Cole, who could be going for another attempt at the Last Shot. Beth tries to encourage Grimes from the commentary desk. Instead, he begins to climb the ropes. He looks around the crowd and yells his name once more, waiting for Grimes to stumble to his feet...




Upon the elevation into the flip, Grimes manages to hoist up long enough for a SWINGING SIDE SLAM! Beth shouts for Grimes to cover but it's clear the match has exhausted both competitors. Castor begins to make the count as each man gasps for air. Grimes looks to Cole who is crawling into position for another Cave-In, this is risky though as Grimes has taken some damage during this match. Relentless, Grimes runs up...


But Cole moves out of the way, causing Grimes to crash into the turnbuckles. Desperately, Cole gets to his feet and hits the snapmare to place his opponent in position...THE LAST SHOT IS EXECUTED WITH IMPACT!




Adam Cole has secured the victory!

"Here is your winner, by pinfall, ADAM COLE!"

The bell rings as we head to replays of the climax of the match. Vic and Beth both put over Grimes' determination to stay in the match but Barrett says the man we should be applauding is the one with his arm raised in the ring. Just then, "Regality" begins to play, Cole turns to the stage to see William Regal making his entrance, clipboard and contract in one hand and microphone in the other.


"A valiant effort Mr Grimes." Mr Regal reaches his hand out to a deflated Grimes, who shakes it quickly, before making his way to the way. "Mr Cole - congratulations - but I'll skip the pleasantries for now. We both know why I'm here, so allow me to introduce the man who has already wagered his career for NXT: End of the Line next week - Kyle O'Reilly."

"The Violent Artist" slowly makes his way out to the stage, stopping and looking down at his friend-turned-foe in the ring. Cole arches his eyebrow as he watches the display of respect between O'Reilly and Regal as they shake hands.

"Sorry to break this up but I believe that I'm the one the people came to watch."

...Though the response from the crowd may say otherwise.

"You can all boo me but it's true. I'm the one who holds the cards and you all came here tonight to see me play my hand." he turns back to the two men, who begin to make their way down to the ring. "Including you two."

Regal brushes his feet on the apron, stepping into the ring with O'Reilly holding the ropes open.

"Cast your mind back to 2017, Regal. You and Triple H himself brought me to this company to 'shock the system' and boy did I shock it. Now, four years on, you want to try and cast me out, to bring me down with you because you and your replacement want to try and back me into a corner? Sure, you claim that you want to clean up NXT but where were you when Undisputed Era was running the show? Sat back drinking tea and eating crumpets, that's where you were."

Regal looks in wide-eyed disbelief, however, he stands up straight and adjusts his jacket. Cole was forgetting, Regal was a veteran and had come eye to eye with many Adam Cole's in his time. Sure, they may not all have had the same amount of merits to their name but he was no pushover and for now, he was still very much the authority.

"Need I remind you, Mr Cole, I am still the man in charge around here."

Cole smiles arrogantly. What good was a matchmaker that made other people make matches? He looked around the crowd, potentially trying to find the fraction that may agree with him.

"Yet here you are, waiting for me to tell you whether I accept your terms and conditions. Hanging on my every word."

Regal goes to respond but O'Reilly, having heard more than enough quickly interjects before the matter at hand is forgotten.

"I didn't come here to listen to you run your mouth Adam, I've wasted many years listening to you and I'm not going to waste a second more."

The intensity on "NXT's Best Kept Secret" is clear but Cole opts not to respond straight away. The pause allows Kyle (who apparently has lost his cool) to reflect, though he doesn't back down. Cole's tone lowers, he walks towards his former friend.

"Relax, Kyle, take it easy. I don't want you running the risk of showcasing a bit of personality. Why don't you do what you always do and stand at the back and nod along?" Cole steps up to Kyle, who isn't looking so 'cool'. Slowly, he pats his cheek. "There's a good boy."

O'Reilly angrily smacks Cole's hand away, causing Regal to step between the two.

"Enough of the silly beggars! This is exactly what got you in this mess in the first place. Adam, give me your answer and we can put a stop to all of this."


"Well William, just like in 2017, I didn't come here to play things safe. Kyle, you may have decided to puff out your chest and sign your life's work but I don't dance to the beat of anyone's drum. So if I'm going to accept these terms, then you're going to be the one dancing Kyle. I'll put my career on the line against you but because I don't want you b*tching at me when you lose or trying to go back on your word - I'll cut you a deal. Next week, it'll be the MVP versus the stand-in: Kyle O'Reilly versus ADAM COLE BAY-BAY!" he gestures beyond him, seeing their name in lights. "in a THREE STRIKES MATCH!" the crowd are confused, some never having heard of this stipulation. "That means you have three opportunities to beat me, Kyle - first you'll have to try and pin me, then you'll have to try and get me to tap out and then if you make it that far, you'll have to try and knock me out and when you fail to do all of that then maybe people will finally wake up and see that you will NEVER compare to me."

Having had the time to reflect, O'Reilly knew that Cole would try whatever it would take to catch him out or dupe him into some type of handicap - so this came as no surprise. Kyle smiled confidently - if anything, this still evened the odds for the both of them. A three strikes match was unorthodox but it was definitive when it came to Adam Cole, he wanted to mark the end of that chapter with a period, not a comma.

"Who are you trying to convince Adam? Me or yourself? I've already signed the contract, you could have stipulated that I would be duct-tapped to the mat and I would still agree if it meant that I had the chance to beat you around this ring." the crowd erupt into a cheer. "I' don't call myself the playboy, Adam, you say that I'm not an MVP, that's because I don't spend an hour in the back greasing my hair. I came here to FIGHT and at End of the Line, I will make you eat your words. You've just made this a whole lot more entertaining for me, I'm really going to have some fun with this." he turns to Regal. "I stand by my decision last week. I will fight you and I will embarrass you, Adam. I hope you've got typed up your resumé because next week the Undisputed Era of Adam Cole is over. BAY...BAY."

The two men step forward, trying to go head to head but the NXT General Manager quickly shuffles forward to make sure that another brawl doesn't break out. Wade Barrett puts over Cole's ingenious thinking in reviving a 'forgotten classic' match. Beth asks her colleagues whether she thinks Cole is underestimating his opponent but Barrett quickly retorts that O'Reilly has minimized the accomplishments of our former NXT Champion. The segment ends with Adam Cole finally signing the contract to make the match official before exiting the ring. O'Reilly stands beside Regal, looking out to "The Panama City Playboy", not a shred of doubt showing on his face.

‣ Click.
It appears that we're in a dimly lit location. We see an extreme close-up of a hand holding a picture of a child. A time of innocence. The picture drops to the floor but before it hits the ground there's another CLICK. We can now see the suited and stylish NXT Champion, Karrion Kross, standing adjusting his blazer and cranking his neck. Prepared, "The Devil of Monterrey" addresses the WWE Universe.



"When I was a child, I would tell my peers stories about the monsters that lurked under their beds. When they told their parents, mine would scold me - why would I want to incite fear like that? And I would just laugh." a smile slowly appears on the face of the NXT Champion while he reminisces. "When you embrace the darkness, you have no reason to fear monsters. Bronson Reed, I do not fear you." Kross keeps a cool composure but his tone becomes more hostile. "Mr Reed, you might have beaten "The Beast" but you've yet to slay "The Devil". You believed that you survived your poison last week, but when you stand across the ring from your champion, you will realize that I am the infection that will end your career. You have already begun to plan your future, blissfully unaware of your fate. A new beginning may be on the horizon but we cannot celebrate a new beginning without there being an end and following the plotting with Mr Regal, the audacity to not challenge me but attempt to humiliate me, I can GUARANTEE that Mr Reed - your time is up."

A spotlight appears on Scarlett in the background, she holds out the egg timer and turns it upside down. We are treated to a close-up of the sands of time passing away and if the prophecy laid out by the champion is to be believed, this could soon be the fate of Bronson Reed. The final shot lingers on Karrion Kross. Smoke billowing from behind him and Scarlett.

"Tick. Tock."

Click. The final shot is of the picture of a young Karrion Kross, seemingly not as innocent as one would have thought. Instead, a snapshot into the past of a terrible and dangerous man.

Back in the Capitol Performance Center, commentary takes us back to last week's episode where one of NXT's newer stars, Sarray, was vocally annoyed at Toni Storm's unwillingness to face her after weeks of disrespect. We also see Sarray score a victory over Jessi Kamea later that evening after Franky Monet volunteered her to take Storm's place in a bid to raise the profile of The Robert Stone Brand. Tonight, Sarray's friend and ally, Zoey Stark, will go to battle with Kamea's tag team partner.

Cutting back to the ring, we see Aliyah posing at the top of the rope, looking expensive as she hops back down and looks around at Jessi and Franky, primping and making sure they look on point. Robert Stone remains in the background, following weeks of bearing the brunt of Monet's putdowns while "
It's All Boujee" plays out.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing to the ring first, accompanied by Franky Monet and The Robert Stone Brand, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada...weighing in at 112 pounds...ALIYAH!"

Beth notes that The Robert Stone Brand are hungry for a victory following last week, they're desperate to elevate themselves in the women's singles and tag team divisions.

There's a small pop as Zoey Stark makes her presence known. Stark is backed by "
The Warrior of the Sun" herself as the pair pose together at the top of the ramp, showing each other respect, much to the amusement of Aliyah and co.

"And her opponent, accompanied by Sarray, from Las Vegas, Nevada. Weighing in at 140 pounds...ZOEY STARK!"

Stark whips off her jacket, making her way up to the apron and throwing her head back. Zoey smiles confidently, despite the numbers game that will no doubt make itself apparent in the match. Leaping over the top rope, Stark runs the rope before looking out through them to the camera. Acknowledging the referee, she begins to warm up as Aliyah readies herself when...

The unfamiliar tune happens to be the brand new theme to the obnoxious
Toni Storm, who makes her first appearance in weeks. Sarray looks surprised to see Toni, who had ducked her countless times, she goes to approach her but stops when Toni heads to the commentary booth. Barrett welcomes her with open arms, but Beth asks what Toni's motivations are - to which she replies, 'scouting new talent', further ignoring "The Warrior of the Rising Sun". Referee, Tom Castor calls for the bell as both Stark and Sarray try to focus on the match.



Aliyah gets into the face of Stark in the early stages of the match, causing the more powerful Stark to shove "The Boujee One" off her feet and onto her derriere. Stark quickly follows up with a vicious sliding knee strike, she hooks the legs but only manages a two-count, much to the relief of The Robert Stone Brand.

Zoey looks out to Sarray, who cheers her on, though "The Warrior of the Sun" gives a few glances back to the commentary booth, where Toni Storm calls the action. Beth asks Toni whether she would accept a match against Sarray, but the Mae Young Classic winner says that Sarray isn't in her league and that she needs to learn that you have to work for opportunities. Beth remarks that she didn't realise Toni was so old-school with her way of thinking.

Stark sends Aliyah flying into the turnbuckle, she hypes up the crowd and takes a run up with a back elbow. Aliyah immediately drops to the mat, where she is dragged to the outside by Kamea and Stone upon Franky's orders. The referee warns the trio for their interference but Zoey is ready and prepared...SLINGSHOT CROSSBODY! Stone, Kamea and Aliyah are down and the crowd are loving every minute of it. Franky holds her hands up, thankful she wasn't caught in the crossfire but also washing away any involvement she had with the backfired scheme.

Zoey rolls to the outside, acknowledging Monet as she tells her to keep her distance. Franky holds her hands up again but as soon as Stark turns her back, Monet approaches. Alarmed, by Sarray, Stark quickly backs Monet off, who pleads her case. This allows Aliyah everything she needs to grab Stark by the hair and throw her into the Plexiglas guard rail. Aliyah looks pretty pleased with herself as she rolls back into the ring trying to get the count-out victory. Storm puts over Aliyah's tactics and how she's happy to accept a victory at any cost.

The count reaches six as Stark makes her way back to her feet, she warns Stone and Kamea who are back on her feet before sliding into the ring where she is met by a flurry of forearms by Aliyah. Aliyah runs the ropes, attempting a Thesz Press but the powerful Stark catches her and hits a spinebuster. Cover...




Franky Monet looks relieved but Stark isn't done! She looks for her signature belly to back GTS but Aliyah manages to drop out and hit a swinging neck breaker. Monet demands she makes a cover...




Stone yells for Aliyah to stay on her opponent, only for Monet to scorn him for getting involved. Monet turns back and then tells Aliyah to stay on her opponent, shrugging off the boos from the crowd. Aliyah tries to follow up with a Northern Lights Suplex but struggles to lift her opponent. Stark delivers a double axe handle, followed by a dropkick. Sarray continues to cheer her opponent on from ringside when Franky Monet decides to approach her. Monet tells Sarray to go to the back and leave Stark out in the ring on her own, she pats Sarray on the head like a small child but "The Warrior of the Sun" quickly brushes Monet off. Franky looks shocked and appalled as Sarray strikes with a kick....but Franky Monet ducks to safety and instead knocks out Robert Stone, who was trying to cool tensions. Sarray looks shocked and upset at what she's done. Toni Storm criticises Sarray's actions, saying that she's an attention seeker trying to look for a 'moment'.

The referee, Tom Castor, hops out of the ring to check on Stone who looks to be out cold. Sarray tries to apologise. Meanwhile, in the ring, Jessi Kamea tries to enter the fray but is met with a pump kick from her efforts, sending her back down off the apron. Turning her attention back to Aliyah, she lifts her for another attempt at a belly to back GTS. Castor re-joins the match as medics tend to Robert Stone, with Franky Monet blaming Sarray for her actions.

Stark has Aliyah hoisted on her shoulders and looks out to see Toni Storm slamming her headset down on the commentary booth and making a run up to an unsuspecting Sarray. Stark tosses Aliyah to the side and rolls out of the ring, warning Sarray off as she turns to see Toni Storm. Storm looks caught off guard as she plays the innocent and begins to back off. Stark rolls back into the ring, maintaining eye contact with Storm and Monet, with Sarray looking vulnerable on the outside. Stark turns...MOLLY-GO-ROUND BY ALIYAH!





Aliyah did it! Sarray looks round in shock as Aliyah slides to the outside, regrouping with an ecstatic Monet and Kamea - not caring for the fact that Robert Stone is being assisted to the back. Still, a victory was rare for them, but it seems that if Monet has her way, this won't be the last taste of it for them.

"Your winner, by pinfall...ALIYAH!"

Stark sits up in the ring, frustrated at what just went down and ever more irritated at having to hear the official announcement. Sarray looks out to a smug Toni Storm, wanting to avenge her friend's loss and settle her own personal score for once and for all, but given everything that's happened so far in these chaotic few minutes, she helplessly looks on in despair and allows Storm to depart.

We're backstage when we suddenly see Dakota Kai excitedly turn a corner to come into frame as she's seen chatting away. Tailing her, the NXT Women's Champion, Raquel González, appears to be calmer - even despite the attack on her last week.


"We are so close to an NXT Women's Tag Team Championship opportunity. I can almost taste it! We just need to run through Shotzi...again and shatter Tegan's knee....again and it's as good as ours. I mean, did you see how useless Indi and Candice were last week?"

Raquel seems a step behind, which Dakota picks up on swiftly. Kai turns to the NXT Women's Champion, who stops to address the elephant in the room.

"I did actually, that's why I went out there. I also noticed how long it took for you to join me."

Dakota exhales loudly and turns away from her friend, she closes her eyes and massages her temples with her thumb and her index finger, muttering to herself.

"Not this again, I thought we discussed this."

González approached from behind, picking up on what Kai is saying.

"If you have something to say, Dakota, then just say it."

Kai practices some wellness and takes another breath, turning to Raquel.

"I just don't know how many apologies you want from me. You might not even have been given the title back if it wasn't for me! I don't even know why you've entertained all this stuff with Tian Sha - I'm pretty sure one of them is an actual demon. I tried to warn you, I tried to keep our focus on the tag team titles but you had to go out there to play the hero. I mean, HELLO!? You were trying to help the same women who have the titles that we want."

Raquel sighs heavily, feeling like her mentor-turned-tag team partner isn't seeing things from her perspective.

"It's not about championships for me, Dakota. How can we even go after The Way if I don't even know that you have my back? Now I'm a big girl, I can handle my own business but when I'm being blindsided, I would have expected you of all people to be there and for what it's worth, I went out there not to protect Candice or Indi or even their friend. I stepped in because if Xia Li isn't stopped now, then she's going to be a much bigger problem later."

For a moment, Dakota is speechless. Raquel goes to walk on, but Kai won't let the matter lie without having the final word. Realizing that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, Kai pouts trying to appeal to Raquel's better nature.

"Well, it's easy to say it's not all about championships when you already have one Raquel. I'm just asking you to put things aside for ONE NIGHT and just do this for me. Please. For once."

After a quick war of words, there's a moment's peace, with tensions beginning to simmer as Raquel reflects. Dakota had been good to her, she had allowed her to fulfil her dreams. In her head, there was some truth to Dakota's plea. Gonzalez looks to the floor and sighs heavily before looking back up to Kai and smiling weakly, she nods. Kai throws her arms around "Big Mami Cool". Even in this exchange, there's an undertone of reluctance in the champion as she slowly and softly pats Dakota's back.

"C'mon, let's go! We've got to finish getting ready."

Dakota takes Raquel by the hand and leads her off to close the segment.

Back in the ring, Alicia Taylor, is standing preparing to introduce the next match. The familiar battle cry of "Symphony No. 9 - in E Minor" begins to play as the lights dim and we see the silhouettes of the distinguished Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel.

"The following non-title tag team match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, at a combined weight of 440 pounds...FABIAN AICHNER & MARCEL BARTHEL....THEY ARE IMPERIUM!"

The two men stand for a moment and look around the Capitol Performance Center before walking in step with one another to the ring. Both men step up onto the apron from opposing sides, wiping their feet before they step into the squared circle. Aichner and Barthel remove their branded jackets and remain stood still. They turn their heads to each other and pose in perfect sync.

Commentary reminds us of Imperium's impressive victory last week on 205 Live, in which they took out Raw's Lucha House Party. Ahead of that match, Imperium warned MSK not to treat them like a 'warm-up' act and set out to showcase themselves as an equal threat to the titles. Whether they'll be able to add themselves into next week's title match, however, will remain to be seen.

"And their opponents, making their way to the ring, weighing 366 pounds, they are the NXT Tag Team Champions...Wes Lee and Nash Carter. M.S.K.!"

he fans begin to cheer for the arrival of the NXT Tag Team Champions. Nash Carter and Wes Lee come bounding out from the back in their matching white and lime tights. The two men shake hands before throwing their three fingers into an 'M' and smiling confidently. Vic says that the champions head into every match with the same confidence, no matter who they're facing and they proved that they will welcome anyone who wants the challenge of facing them when they agreed to put their titles on the line against The Grizzled Young Veterans at NXT: End of the Line next week. Barrett says that they shouldn't be praised for agreeing to defend the titles, that's what you're supposed to be doing when you're a champion, which earns an audible groan from "The Glamazon".

MKS jump into the ring and stand on the top ropes across from each other, raising the gold to the sky. The titles are handed over to the referee, while Imperium looks on, resenting the fact that they're not the ones with the gold.



Barthel immediately approaches Nash Carter, looking to corner him as the pair lock up. Side headlock takeover by Barthel now, who grabs hold of the champion's leg. Carter quickly uses the untargeted leg to kick his opponent away. Carter hits once, twice but Barthel dodges the third attempt and turns it into an ankle lock. Carter hops back to his feet and rolls forward to send Marcel Barthel into the corner and follows up with a drop kick. Barthel crawls to his feet while Nash Carter hops onto the top rope and hits a hurricarana to get the fans going.

Carter takes a step back before running up looking for a diving stomp but Barthel rolls to the outside. Unfazed, Carter looks to have something in mind, he runs looking to take the fight to the outside by Fabian Aichner on the apron quickly cuts him off with a brutal looking uppercut. Barthel commends Aichner with applause before returning to the ring and hitting a beautiful bolt suplex into an early pin.



But it's far too early for Carter to be out just yet. Barthel gets back to his feet and tags in the Italian strongman, Fabian Aichner. Barthel shoves Carter into the corner and hits a running European Uppercut and then throws his opponent to Aichner who lifts him up for a brainbuster!



Wade Barrett praises the tag team skills of Imperium, isolating Carter in their corner and keeping on him with the pin attempts, making him use his energy to kick out each time. Wes Lee looks anxious from his corner as he tries to motivate his tag team partner to make the tag. Aichner looks for the running power slam but Carter is able to drop back and throw Aichner into the ropes. Aichner attempts to rebound with a spinning heel kick but Nash Carter manages to duck it and finally hits the double stomp he was looking for. Carter throws Aichner to his corner making the tag to Lee, but he's not done yet. CORNER KNEE STRIKE BY NASH CARTER! Carter rolls through with the snapmare and finishes with the penalty kick as Barthel protests Carter's presence in the ring. Referee, Aja Smith, warns Carter to exit the ring as Lee (the legal man) leaps in with a double handspring into a Pele kick right across the neck of the big man. Cover...



But Marcel Barthel quickly puts away any dreams MSK might have had about getting a victory there and then. Lee and Barthel begin to have words as Nash Carter comes in once more with a dropkick to get take Barthel down as the two roll out of the ring. The distraction allows Aichner to hit a clothesline as Imperium begin to regain control of the match. Aichner begins to ground and pound away at Lee before stepping out to the apron, in an impressive display, he manages to springboard onto the top rope and moonsault which gets a reaction from the crowd. What gets more of a reaction, however, is Lee getting his knees up as "The Next Level" comes thundering down onto them. Low dropkick executed to the small of Aichner's back as Lee runs the ropes only for Barthel to deliver a knee to the back.

Lee finds himself momentarily distracted by Barthel but it seems he's fully aware of the German's tactics. He ducks the oncoming attack from Aichner, who goes spilling onto the apron. Lee looks to Carter, who makes his way into the ring as both men hit a SUPERKICK! The referee warns Carter once more but Wes Lee goes for a TOPE CON HILO and executes it perfectly onto both members of Imperium, much to the crowd's delight.

Lee musters his way to his feet but he is in dangerous territory now with both Aichner and Barthel on the outside. Lee tries to scoop Aichner and roll him back into the ring but Barthel grabs the champion's leg to prevent him from moving. Aichner finds his way back to his feet inside the ring as he stands on the second rope and reaches over to drag Lee back onto the apron to hit another BRAINBUSTER to bring Wes Lee back into the ring. Barthel gets into his corner as Imperium switches out. Both members begin to stomp away at Wes Lee. Aichner hangs Lee up in the tree of woe before exiting the ring only for both members to hit stereo dropkicks on their opponent.

Barthel quickly steps up to the second rope, holding his hand behind his back and looking out at the displeased WWE Universe, while Aichner joins him on the apron. Nash Carter has his hand reached out for the tag but Barthel is getting back to work. Standing over his back, he has Lee in a Camel Clutch predicament but rather than applying the hold, he simply delivers several clubbing blows to his opponent's back. Barthel attempts to follow up with a running penalty kick but out of nowhere Wes Lee, ducks and stacks Barthel up.




Both members of Imperium are on their feet. The duo attempt a double clothesline but Lee ducks under and steps up onto the top rope before jumping over the pair and rolling through to make the hot tag. Carter comes straight in with a back elbow for Marcel Barthel before drop kicking Fabian Aichner to the mat. Wes Lee rejoins him in the ring and he goes for the HOT FIRE FLAME! Moonsault aided by Lee onto Aichner, who rolls out of the ring.

Barthel quickly runs Carter into Lee to cause a meeting of the minds as he lifts Carter into the LANGDUNGSBRUCKEN! But Carter lands on his feet. Tag made, Barthel didn't see it as Nash Carter lifts Marcel Barthel off of his feet and Wes Lee springboards off the ropes into a BLOCKBUSTER! Nash Carter delivers a kick to keep Aichner at bay while Lee covers.





The champions get the victory. "Swarm" begins to play as Aja Smith hands the NXT Tag Team Championships to Carter and Lee and raises their arms in victory.

"Here are your winners, by pinfall, the NXT Tag Team Champions... MSK!"

Vic Joseph commends the champions on an intense battle against Imperium. Wade Barrett asks how much the champions have left in the tank after that match as they'll defend their championships next week against Grizzled Young Veterans. As if by magic, Zack Gibson and James Drake, make their way out from the back and applaud the victory of the champions. Gibson has a microphone in hand (of course). The pair aren't wearing scarves or jackets tonight, instead opting for a pair of identically tailored suits.

"Cut the music."

The music comes to a screeching halt as the boos begin. Nash Carter and Wes Lee recuperate as they listen to what the challengers have to say.

"We've been thinking..."

Gibson looks to Drake and the two proceed to make their way to the ring.

"We may have been a little harsh on you the past couple of weeks. The thing is, James and I, we're passionate people."

A "what?" chant begins to break out. However, the usually riled up Liverpudlian doesn't seem to be taking the bait of the WWE Universe.

"We've spent so long fighting for recognition, that we failed to recognize good sportsmanship when the pair of you accepted our challenge last week. When you've had to jump through as many hoops as we have, you get your defences up and you lash out - even to those who are just trying to show you respect"

GYV enter the ring as they stand opposite the very men they'll challenge for the title next week.

"This isn't the first time we've challenged for the titles. It won't even be the first time the four of us have shared a ring together but it will be the first time we've fought with respect. Next week, we will find out who the world's number one is."

Drake and Gibson both hold their index finger up. A confused Carter and Lee look at each other.

"So we wanted to make things official, the British way, with a gentlemen's handshake. What do you say? Next week, MSK versus GYV in a tag team match for the ages. Next week, we WILL make history together."

The Grizzled Young Veterans both hold out their hands. The champions remain sceptical as does the WWE Universe. Words are exchanged off the microphone as Gibson gives a reassuring nod and gestures to his hand. Carter accepts Zack Gibson's hand, there's a pause.



Wes Lee then accepts James Drake's offer of a handshake.



The two teams then switch and the pleasantries conclude. GYV begin to slowly back away and are posed to exit the ring. MSK raise the NXT Tag Team Championships as commentary begin to put over next week's title match as the graphic flashes up on-screen.


The graphic is interrupted as Gibson and Drake reveal their true colours, Gibson strikes Nash Carter with the microphone before stomping away at him. Drake clubs Wes Lee with a forearm smash! The crowd continue to boo while the team drag Carter over to the apron, they then exit the ring and continue to carry him for an ASSISTED POWERBOMB ONTO THE APRON! Gibson retrieves the microphone as they inspect the damage they've caused.

"Typical yanks, you stroke their ego and they buckle. We weren't lying though boys, next week, we will be the world's number one when we become the first team ever to have held the NXT UK and US Tag Team Championships. You and the internet dweebs can cry about it, but tonight you made a ROOKIE mistake and next week, the Veterans will make HISTORY."

The medics check on MSK while Gibson simply scoffs and looks to James Drake, both pleased with their handiwork. Beth calls their actions the lowest of the low as Vic hypes next week's match, wondering whether GYV will indeed make history.

Once again, we join McKenzie Mitchell backstage in the interview pit. This time, the intrepid interviewer is joined by Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan, who should be riding high after their somewhat controversial win over The Way in last week's main event. However, as we had seen previously on 205 Live, Johnny Gargano had other ideas. Lorcan and Dunne stand either side of McKenzie, the former carrying the same lead pipe used to win the match and injure Austin Theory.


"Welcome back, I'm being joined by Oney Lorcan and "The Bruiserweight" Pete Dunne. Pete, last week Johnny Gargano challenged you to a match on this week's 205 Live: End of the Line special. It was later confirmed that you had accepted that challenge and the match will now this place this Friday. Given that you already hold a victory over The Way, what prompted this decision?"

"I know what you want me to say, McKenzie. You want me to tell you that I want to 'prove' myself against Johnny. You want me to talk about his history and all the success he's had in NXT - but I won't. I accepted the match with Johnny because he's the only one around here who doesn't seem to realize that things have to change. Johnny's done alright for himself. It takes a respected man to carry a brand on his shoulders. The problem is that I built a brand. McKenzie, I could list my every accomplishment, but I don't rest on my laurels. Johnny says that my behaviour needs to change but when you point a finger, you always end up with five more pointing back at you. I am constantly finding new ways to prove why I am the King here at NXT. Johnny, on the other hand, is still trying to keep this show in 2015. It's not all his fault though, he chooses to surround himself with a 'family' that tells him everything he wants to hear, so I had to make a choice and intervene. When it all began, I'll be honest, I just wanted to shut his mouth but now I think it's time for Johnny to realise that NXT has outgrown him."

"So you're saying you think Johnny Gargano needs to change to stay relevant on NXT?"

"I'm saying that Johnny Gargano needs to shape up or ship out. Telling tales of days gone by doesn't create history, it repeats it. The Johnny I saw last week on 205 Live, now he had a bit of something about him. But it doesn't matter which incarnation of Johnny we see on Friday, it'll still be my arm being raised in victory." he is then reminded of something. "Oh and if Dexter Lumis thinks for a second that I'm intimidated by him...."

Pete turns to Oney who lightly clubs the lead pipe on his palm, making a rather thinly veiled threat to "The Stimulus" should he make his presence known again. The two men smirk as McKenzie cuts through the awkward silence to bring the interview to an end.

"Pete Dunne...." she finds Oney catching her eye having forgotten about him for half the interview. "Oney Lorcan. Thank you for your time."

Dunne looks confident in his mission statement. For a brief moment, something can be spotted on the screen just behind the set, but before eagle-eyed viewers can take a look, the screen fades to black. Commentary hype the match, this Friday on
205 Live: End of the Line.




"Once there was a very
special girl, who was afraid. The girl did not know of her potential so she complied, hoping she would be accepted. The girl smiled and waved, yet the people would turn their heads away from her. The girl tried to support her peers, but she still found herself excluded. The girl realized that to banish her fears, she would have to exchange her soul just as the mother had done many years ago with the dragon. The girl, accompanied by the nobleman, completed the four trials and soon the precious girl was no longer afraid, she was strong. The people grew unhappy with the girl's newfound strength but this time she did not hide. The girl stood tall with the strength of the dragon, and she overcame all each obstacle put in front of her until there was only one left."


Ahead of our upcoming cruiserweight bout, we are backstage with the NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Kushida, who is 2-0 in his open challenge heading into the final match on Friday's 205 Live: End of the Line finale. We are shown highlights of the match, the back-and-forth action between "The Time Splitter" and his opponent, Jordan Devlin, who both received rave reviews for their performance. We see the final sequence in which "The Irish Ace" attempted to turn the armbar into a pinning opportunity, only for the champion to lock in the Hoverboard Stretch for a second time to claim the victory.

Despite being told that Kushida was 'in the building', we see the champion backstage once again as he addresses the crowd.
Subtitles appear at the bottom of the screen.

"I have fought friends. I have fought enemies. I have battled around the world, but never has a match been as important as this. The NXT Cruiserweight division will live on, but I must complete a legacy by walking out of 205 Live as the champion. Jordan Devlin fought hard but I fought harder - let that be a lesson to my opponent this Friday."

The champion stares intensely down the barrel of the camera before someone catches his eye. The camera pans around to reveal...


Kushida looks just as confused as anyone else would be in this situation. The undefeated Superstar simply smiles before the segment ends.

We're back in the ring, where Vic puts over this contest as a grudge match following the hit put on Hit Row at the hands of Legado del Fantasma. Out first, showing off his new gear, most likely as a result of the pay-out from Santos Escobar, is Ariya Daivari. "The Persian Lion" marches down to the ring, stopping just by the steel steps, which he hammers angrily. Wade says that Daivari is here to prove a point tonight, he is here to make NXT his territory. Beth doesn't seem too sure as she says he may have bitten off more than he can chew tonight unless he calls in back. Unimpressed, Barrett points out that Tony Nese is nowhere to be seen.


"The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Tehran, Iran, weighing in at 190 pounds...ARIYA DAIVARI!"

Daivari heads to the turnbuckle and stands on the second rope, looking out at the fans behind the Plexiglas. Vic Joseph speculates that Escobar has likely told Daivari to take Isaiah Scott out at all costs. Barrett commends Escobar's business acumen and overall tactics.

The lights cut out, there's some fanfare and excitement from the crowd, who await the arrival of Daivari's opponent. A single spotlight beams down on a figure. We hear the immortal words...


The titantron lights up with the Hit Row signage, we then see the captain - Isaiah "Swerve" Scott standing at the top of the stage, wearing a confident smile. B-Fab walks out from the curtain, adorned in black and red, removing her glasses while she shoots Scott a smile of her own. Top Dolla and Ashante "Thee" Adonis follow, also getting the black and red memo.

"His opponent, representing Hit Row, from Tacoma, Washington....weighing in at 201 Pounds...ISAIAH "SWERVEEEEEE" SCOTT!"

The quartet poses before the crowd while Daivari plugs his hands in his ears, clearly not enjoying the vocal stylings of the money-making hip-hop artists. Adonis licks the tip of his little finger and runs them over his eyebrows, while B-Fab makes direct eye contact with the camera and raps her verse. Top Dolla looks a little less focused on posing, it is clear that the big man did not appreciate the ambush that took place last week on 205 Live.

The four begin to separate but "The Persian Lion" instructs the referee, Jessika Carr, to prevent the intimidation tactics as she instructs Top Dolla, Adonis and B-Fab to remain where they are. "Swerve" proceeds to climb into the ring and look around the crowd before locking eyes with Daivari.



The bell tolls as Daivari immediately tries to take a run up to Scott, who doesn't meet a beat and meets him with a forearm of his own. The two men exchange fists, with Hit Row heckling from the side. Daivari hammers Scott into the ropes but "The New Flavour" catches Daivari with a jab to the jaw. Irish whip by Isaiah Scott, who bends for a back body drop but instead the move is reversed into a sunset flip. However, Daivari can't keep "Swerve" down long enough for a pin. Instead, Scott kicks his opponent out by the legs and delivers a thrust kick right into his jaw. Scott looks around the crowd, who are firmly on his side, he rolls through as a dazed Daivari makes his way to his feet...JUMPING DDT! NO...Daivari gets his foot out to block the move and instead hits a kneeling backbreaker to change the tide of the match.





Scott gets the shoulder up! Daivari brushes his hands together, acting as if he has just dismantled his opponent and taking the opportunity to taunt the already angry Top Dolla at ringside. Ariya Daivari makes the most of his floored opponent and crouches above him and drags Scott's arms back going for a Camel Clutch! Before he applies the hold, Daivari grabs Scott's nose and pulls his head back, causing the referee to initiate a count, which Daivari quickly breaks before resuming the clutch.

The pace of the match slows right down, with the WWE Universe and members of Hit Row trying to show their support for "Swerve" - who furiously shakes his head, refusing to give up. Daivari's efforts begin to wane, allowing for his opponent to use his momentum against him and roll Ariya Daivari forward into a pin for an impromptu two-count! Daivari looks shocked by this and tries to regain control but is instead met with a series of shoot kicks that send him to the mat. Scott looks around and delivers a HOUSE CALL FOR GOOD MEASURE!






Wasting little time, "Swerve" lifts Ariya Daivari to his feet and pushes him into the ropes, lifting him into a power slam. Determined to teach his opponent a lesson and send a message to LdF, Scott deadlifts "The Persian Lion" into a big-time brainbuster - the far leg is hooked!






Scott pushes his hair back, shaking his head in disappointment. We see a close-up of Top Dolla, who looks irritated by Daivari's resilience. B-Fab calls for "Swerve" to climb to the top and go high-risk with a 'Swerve Stomp'. "The King of Swerve-style" comes off the top...



Fortunately, Scott lands on his feet and rolls into safety but turns into a CHOP BLOCK by Daivari. The Iranian native rolls out of the ring, looking around him to make sure the other members of Hit Row weren't approaching. From the outside, Daivari drags Scott to the ring post so that his legs are on either side. Ashante Adonis warns Daivari, who is heard saying "what are you going to do about it?". Daivari grabs the leg and SLAMS it into the ring post, staring down "Thee Adonis", who receives a warning from the referee. Daivari slides back into the ring and drags Scott into the centre of the ring, grabbing the leg and dropping an elbow. The crowd continue to boo but Daivari ignores them, getting back to his feet and repeating the same move.

Daivari gets to his feet and allows Scott to create some distance. Scott crawls to the turnbuckle to pull himself up but "The Persian Lion" walks up and places himself on the second rope before delivering some further forearms to the face of the Hit Row leader. Scott tries to push Daivari off of him, but failing that, embraces the position and turns around carrying Daivari away from the turnbuckle on his shoulders, panic flashes across his opponent's face...ELECTIC CHAIR EXECUTED!

Commentary takes us to a replay of the risky electric chair move. Beth implores "Swerve" to make the cover but instead, he hobbles to his feet, determined to get to the top rope. B-Fab and co. will him on, when suddenly from the hard corner of the barricades - it's Tony Nese! Adonis and Top Dollar are immediately on high alert. Jessika Carr also has her reservations over "The Premier Athlete's" appearance and warns him to head to the back.

Meanwhile, not wanting to take any chances, Scott decides against going to the top and heads over to Daivari, who has used the distraction to grab one of his new chains from the corner of the ring. B-Fab, who hasn't been distracted by Nese, snatches the chain as the two are in a tug-of-war. Daivari outpowers B-Fab and the momentum causes him to clock "Swerve" with the chain - much to his delight. Daivari discards the chain, while Nese tells Carr to do her job. Cover...








Isaiah Scott gets the shoulder up. Vic questions how he found the strength, but he remains in the match. Daivari is livid at this point, dragging Scott into a wristlock, looking for the short-arm clothesline but Scott manages to duck the move...DUAL THRUST KICKS! BOTH MEN CATCH EACH OTHER AS THEY FALL TO THE FLOOR. Meanwhile, on the outside, Top Dolla and Ashante Adonis continue to have words with Tony Nese, B-Fab tries to interject and point out what Nese is up to but Top Dolla is having none of it as he walks Nese off, followed by Adonis.

B-Fab looks irritated at the hot-headed response, turning back as the referee counts to five. Daivari is the first to make his way back to his feet as the match continues, now with the majority of Hit Row cleared from ringside. Daivari looks around the crowd and slowly makes his way to the top rope, Vic notes that his weapon of choice is the frog splash but "The Persian Lion" wastes time looking around the crowd and talking trash. "Swerve" kips up to his feet from out of nowhere....he rolls forward and jumps onto the top rope, knocking Daivari into a seated position...AVALANCHE FRANKENSTEINER!

"Swerve" comes alive, the momentum shifting once again as he embraces the support of the WWE Universe and yells "WHO'S HOUSE!?", the fans reaffirming what he already knew (lead by B-Fab). Scott is finally on the top rope, he shakes his leg out trying to get over the pain...SWERVE STOMP...









It's done! Isaiah Scott has taken down one of Legado del Fantasma's hired guns. He makes his way back to his feet, where his arm is raised in victory.

"Your winner by pinfall, ISAIAH "SWERVE" SCOTT!"

Scott instinctively looks out to the stage to see Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza make the run in. The two men immediately jump "The New Flavour" in the ring, while Santos Escobar stands in his suit at the top of the stage, refusing to get his hands dirty. With Top Dolla and Adonis nowhere to be seen, Legado del Fantasma appear to have the advantage. Jessika Carr tries to warn the duo while Escobar actively endorses their behaviour with applause.

Wilde lifts "Swerve" to his feet and holds him in place, Mendoza looks to run the ropes for a dropkick to give his tag team partner some added momentum for a flatliner (their double-team finisher). However, B-Fab comes into play as she grabs the leg of Mendoza to stop him from executing the move...LOW BLOW! The crowd pop as Mendoza writhes in pain. Scott delivers an elbow to knock Wilde off of him and rolls through with a jumping DDT onto Raul Mendoza. The smirk begins to disappear from Escobar's face as Daivari comes back into play, taking a run up but missing whatever he was attempting as Scott sends him spilling out to the floor. Finally, having been on the wrong end of the 3-on-1 attempt, Scott turns his attention to Joaquin Wilde. Wilde attempts a clothesline but is met with a big time JML DRIVER! WILDE SCREAMS OUT AS HE COLLIDES WITH THE MAT!

Top Dolla and Ashante Adonis come out through the ring guard and re-group with Scott, who looks out at a seething "El Jefe". Santos Escobar is heard yelling that it's not over as he demands that Wilde and Mendoza get up and come with him, despite being on the receiving end of some heavy hitting moves. Escobar turns where he is met by the trio of Ikemen Jiro, August Grey and Drake Maverick, all three of whom have scored a victory over LdF in recent weeks. Realizing that the numbers are now against him. At first, the situation is fraught and unpredictable, would the trio launch attack?

Not this time, being the bigger men, they simply serve as a reminder of the downfall of Wilde, Mendoza and Escobar. Escobar angrily pushes through the trio in front of him and storms to the back. In the ring, Hit Row nod as a show of respect as their music plays out the scene.

Elsewhere...Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan are walking to the parking lot, seemingly unaware that they're being followed by the NXT camera crew - most likely getting some casual shots in ahead of the special event hype package. "The Bruiserweight" pats himself down...

"I swear I had them on me."

"Do you want me to go back and check?"

Dunne continues to check for his car keys, getting visibly frustrated when he turns to acknowledge the camera crew.

"Do you mind!?"

An angered Dunne begins to mouth off at one of the camera crew, who begins to back off as the audio becomes disrupted, only hearing slight parts of the conversation, in the background there looks like something is happening with Lorcan but the commotion causes him to drop off-screen. Dunne's eyes widen as he hears a slight rattle in his skinny jeans. Sliding his hand down into his pocket (which he must've missed before), Dunne pulls out the shiny object of his desire - other than championship belts, of course. The Brit appears relieved but shoots a look at the cameraman, not willing to apologise for his outburst.

"Just back off. Okay?"


Dunne turns to head back to the car but notices that Oney Lorcan is nowhere to be seen. "The Bruiserweight" looks perplexed, turning to the camera crew for answers before the segment wraps up

For those who missed it, we get another preview of NXT Evolve, which debuts next Friday on Peacock! The advert showcases WWE Superstars from their early days in NXT juxtaposed with their current standings on the main roster - Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Big E, Sami Zayn, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Bayley and Sasha Banks are among those who are featured. The caption reads 'some will rise, others will be reborn but together we all...Evolve'.


Just ahead of tonight's main event bout, Vic Joseph runs down the card for next week's NXT: End of the Line special:

- Bronson Reed vs. Karrion Kross for the NXT Championship
- Adam Cole vs. Kyle O'Reilly in a Three Strikes Match - Loser Leaves Town
- MSK vs. Grizzled Young Veterans for the NXT Tag Team Championships
- Hit Row vs. Legado del Fantasma is announced in an exclusive, following the post-match antics earlier tonight

Beth ponders whether an NXT Women's Tag Team title match may be added to the card if Dakota Kai and Raquel González get their way tonight.

The bell rings to usher in tonight's main event, smoke appears from the entrance stage as a green hue descends on the Capitol Performance Center. Out from the back, Shotzi makes her welcome return to NXT, following a brutal Falls Count Anywhere match two weeks ago that saw her put face-first through a mirror to give Dakota Kai the victory. Shotzi shoots a smile and sticks her tongue out, driving her way down the ramp, looking to settle the score tonight.

"Your main event is a tag team match scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Oakland, California, weighing 125 pounds... SHOTZIIIII!"

Shotzi hops out of the tank and stares straight down the lens of the camera, letting out an almighty roar, which excites the crowd.


Shotzi climbs into the ring just as "Chicane Boys" begins to play, signifying the entrance of her tag team partner. A woman on a mission as she makes her first competitive appearance in 9 months after suffering a torn ACL, the latest in a string of injuries that have plagued her young career.

"And her tag team partner, from the Welsh Valleys, weighing 141 pounds...TEGAN NOX!"

Beth Phoenix states that Tegan Nox is living proof that it's not about how many times you get knocked down but how many times you get back up. "The Girl with the Shiniest Wizard" looks out to the crowd as she removes her leather jacket and lets out a battle cry of her own. Vic reminds us that Tegan made her return after Dakota Kai had defeated Shotzi, not just to avenge her friend and settle some bad blood but to put the NXT Women's Champion, Raquel González, on notice.

Once in the ring, both Tegan and Shotzi exchange a brief hug before heading to the turnbuckle to look out at the crowd, who have nothing but respect for the babyface duo. Beth also reminds the audience that Shotzi is quite the tag team specialist, having previously captured the NXT Women's Tag Team titles from Kai and González alongside Ember Moon - who has been MIA since her defeat at Takeover: In Your House. Shotzi removes her leather jacket and helmet as she returns to the mat when the music begins to change...

"Kombat" plays in the arrival of Dakota Kai, who has her eyes set on the Tag Team Championships, believing that once she's taken care of the 'problems' in the ring, she will have earnt her spot against The Way. Kai crouches, smiling down at her opponents in the ring as the music swiftly changes over.

There's a slightly more positive reaction for the NXT Women's Champion in comparison to her tag team partner, who finds herself trying to focus on the goal ahead, all the while knowing she's made an enemy out of the mysterious Tian Sha. González walks out from behind the curtain, proudly wearing the title around her waist as she turns, looking over her shoulder and posing with Kai.

"And their opponents, at a combined weight of 297 pounds...DAKOTA KAI and the NXT Women's Champion...RAQUEL GONZÁLEZ!"

"Big Mami Cool" stomps up the steel steps during her ring entrance, while Dakota follows the lead, mocking Shotzi's noticeable cuts. The referee, Jason Ayres, is forced to come between the two teams to prevent any pre-match brawls as he calls for the bell.



As the match gets underway, we get a glimpse backstage where someone else is watching the monitor, this time it's NXT Women's Tag Team Champion,
Indi Hartwell, she turns to newbie and Australian 'bestie', Persia Pirotta, who exits the locker room into the hallway. "Is she coming?" asks Hartwell (presumably referring to co-champ, Candice LeRae) but Persia informs her that 'she was busy'. Indi looks slightly baffled by this but turns back to watch the match.

Shotzi demands to face Dakota, who slowly steps out onto the apron. González steps forward, towering over the leader of the Blackheart Battalion, firmly reminding her that the attention should be on her. Shotzi makes the first move by hitting a discus forearm that catches the champion by surprise and following up with a jumping knee strike. Shotzi runs the ropes but the NXT Women's Champion quickly shuts her down with a big boot, checking herself over after the surprising offence from her opponent. González goes to grab Shotzi off the mat by the throat but is met with a kick that sends her back, creating enough distance for Shotzi to tag out to Tegan.

The fans cheer for the arrival of Tegan Nox, who immediately takes advantage of the situation with a roll-up, Ayres makes the count, barely making two before her much larger opponent kicks out. Kai heckles from her corner but Nox wastes no time, not letting González get to her feet before delivering a dropkick to the knee. Not showing any fear of the champion, Nox delivers a forearm, but González returns one of her own. The two women go blow-for-blow in the middle of the ring, with the fans becoming more entertained with each traded shot. Commentary ponders whether Nox could score a singles match with Raquel if she keeps up this performance. Raquel attempts to grab Tegan by the throat, but a stomp of the foot followed by a brutal headbutt puts the champion back in her place.

González stumbles into the corner, which sets up a running step-up knee strike by Tegan Nox. However, the champion manages to get out of the way, which is telegraphed by her opponent, who tries to cool her momentum by extending her leg to prevent her from hitting the corner turnbuckle hard. In doing so, it looks like Nox may have tweaked the previously injured knee. González takes Nox down with a clothesline while Kai encourages her tag team partner to "go for the knee". González chooses to ignore this and instead grabs Nox, dragging her up off the mat into a Roman knuckle lock and then off of her feet momentarily. Retaining the grip, Nox is dragged into a fallaway slam but manages to use her ring awareness to land near her corner and tag back out to Shotzi.

Shotzi climbs the ropes, perhaps to her doom as she howls and comes off the ropes only to be caught in mid-air by the champion, who looks her into a fireman's carry. Shotzi reverses, looking for a rolling crucifix pin but Raquel goes for the elbow drop...and misses! Shotzi rolls to safety, keeping on top of her opponent with a question mark kick and grounding her altogether with a springboard arm drag. Shotzi hooks the leg...



But Dakota Kai quickly breaks the count. Causing the two women to come to blows. The referee is forced to intervene and send Kai back to her corner. Shotzi returns her attention to the champion with a dropkick, that sends Raquel face-first into the second rope. Looking around the crowd, Shotzi powers up again, looking for the dropkick to the back but she misses Kai making the tag. Shotzi runs up but Raquel dodges the attack, which leaves the former hung up and vulnerable as Kai drops down and delivers a
BICYCLE PUMP KICK! Shotzi drops down to the floor as "The Captain of Team Kick" goes to work. Kai drags Shotzi over to the steel steps and sets her up for a reverse DDT that could prove devastating following their previous encounter. Kai locks in the hold...BUT SHOTZI WRIGGLES OUT JUST IN TIME! Kai blocks the forearm and instead throws Shotzi face-first onto the steel steps before returning her to the ring.

Shotzi crawls around the ring, finding herself in the wrong part of town as she clambers towards the turnbuckles, allowing Kai to set up for a
KAI-O-KICK! But "The Ballsy Badass" was just playing possum as she elevates herself over the ropes onto the apron and strikes Kai, stepping up to the top rope and delivering a hurricarana that sends her opponent into the turnbuckle. Shotzi grabs Dakota from behind and executes a TIGER SUPLEX!





Kai manages to escape defeat but finds herself in Nox and Shotzi's corner. A familiar howl is heard as she connects with a RUNNING DIVING SENTON! Tag made to Nox, who quickly follows up with a CANNONBALL! We see Nox favour her leg as she then makes a cover.





González calls Kai back into her corner but Nox makes a quick tag to Shotzi, who hits a reverse slingblade bulldog, before making another tag to Tegan, who looks to follow with the SHINIEST WIZARD! Great tandem offence...but Kai ducks the attack and Nox falls to the mat. Kai lifts Nox, looking for the GTK but "The Welsh Wonder" manages to drop out, landing on her feet. Kai then rolls Nox through into a KNEEBAR! Nox screams out as both Raquel and Shotzi from their corner look uncomfortable with the display in the ring. Barrett says that Dakota is hellbent on wiping Tegan Nox out once and for all and she could do that if she applies the lock any tighter. Kai yells for Tegan to tap but Nox desperately grabs Kai's hair and holds her steady for a jab to the face to break the hold.

Relentless, Kai gets back to her feet and hits the reverse slingshot DDT onto Tegan to 'put her out of her misery. The leg is hooked!




Raquel enters the fray and quickly disposes of Shotzi, running her over the ropes and onto the floor. Meanwhile, Kai is climbing the ropes, looking out to the crowd as she goes for a DOUBLE STOMP!...TAG?! Kai looks confused as the champion tags herself in. Kai goes for the stomp but Nox manages to pull herself over to the ropes for safety. Raquel González, who is now the legal woman drags Nox back into place and hits a SPINNING SPLASH FROM THE SECOND ROPE! Kai orders the cover...






González is back on her feet, she looks set to end this one now as she grabs Nox and hoists her up for a one-armed powerbomb! But as she looks around the crowd, she sees a familiar face make their way down the entrance ramp...Boa! The suited Boa looks to be making his way over to the timekeeper's desk and grabs the NXT Women's Championship, causing a confused Raquel to release Nox. Kai is yelling at her tag team partner to keep her eyes on the prize as she then sees Xia Li and Mei Ying appear at the top of the stage. Boa takes the championship and heads up the ramp. González follows after him but not before Dakota Kai tags herself back into the match.

Boa hands the belt over to Xia Li as he turns into a clothesline from the NXT Women's Champion but Li has already made a getaway. González, seeing red, follows without a second thought. Back in the ring, Dakota lifts Tegan back up for the GTK...





Nox looks around, Shotzi is back on the apron as she contemplates tagging her partner in. Nox works through the pain and nails a SHINIEST WIZARD!






The crowd are elated, Shotzi cannot quite believe it as she re-enters the ring and helps Tegan Nox to her feet. Mei Ying, meanwhile, watches from the top of the stage with the NXT Women's Champion and the remaining members of Tian Sha nowhere to be seen.

"Here are your winners, by pinfall...SHOTZI & TEGAN NOX!"

Wade puts over the determination of Tegan Nox but asks at what cost did she score the victory. Shotzi howls out as Kai comes back to her senses, she is visibly shaking with anger. Nox and Shotzi look over at her in pity before leaving the ring, both now potentially having a claim in either title picture. Beth says that Tegan wanted this returning win so badly, but Tian Sha was responsible for eliminating the NXT Women's Champion. Kai is now slamming her hands down on the mat. Jason Ayres approaches but a vexed Dakota pushes the official away and rolls out of the ring. Having appeased Tian Sha last week, Kai storms straight up to Mei Ying and chastises her for costing her the match and taking Raquel's attention away, she says she tried to play nice but wasn't going to stand for it now that they've taken her opportunity away from her. Ying doesn't flinch once while Kai invades her personal space, however not getting a rise out of her, prompts Kai to grab Ying, who immediately defends herself with...


Dakota Kai's screams can be heard as she falls to the floor. She clutches at her face as referees spill out, but Mei Ying stands back, not saying a word, but making it very clear that they will meet a similar fate if they mess with her. Slowly, she walks away, allowing the medics to check on Kai, who can be heard saying "it burns". One of the agents pours a bottle of water over Dakota's eyes as commentary can't quite believe what they've seen. Barrett says that the mist could contain anything, and that Dakota needs urgent attention now.

Vic says he was hoping to close the show with a reminder of NXT: End of the Line next week, but now we've got a situation that requires urgent attention, there appears to be panic in the team's voices (even Barrett's). Vic says that they will update us on the situation via the website as Raquel González comes running out, visibly upset and guilty as she screams out that she'll make Xia and Tian Sha pay as she helps Dakota to the back.
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Looking Glass

Active Member
Sep 18, 2022
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"The End of the Line is upon us. After four years of risk-taking, high-flying and general chaos, the 205 Live brand comes to a close this Friday. As promised, the land of the cruiserweights will not be going out with a whimper by any means. We have three incredible matches lined up for your viewing please, so join me, McKenzie Mitchell, as we take a look one last time at "What's NeXT" for 205 Live...
"Since the Open Challenge for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship began weeks ago, "The Time Splitter" has fought to showcase the best of cruiserweight competition. First, by defeating his former tag team and training partner, Alex Shelley. Then, by overcoming "The Irish Ace" and former champion, Jordan Devlin. Kushida has made it clear that he will face any cruiserweight, regardless of whether they are part of the NXT roster or even signed with the company. This past week on NXT, we saw an interesting exchange when the undefeated Mansoor interrupted Kushida's camera time - is this a sign of things to come or will someone else answer the call? Join us as Kushida's Open Challenge for the title headlines the final ever edition of 205 Live."
"After weeks of jockeying for position at the top faction in NXT, William Regal made it official that Legado del Fantasma will take on Hit Row at next week's NXT: End of the Line. But it will be double-duty for Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza as "El Jefe" has ordered a match against August Grey, Ikemen Jiro and former 205 Live General Manager, Drake Maverick - a trio who have all defeated LdF in recent weeks. Escobar looks set to prove a point and overcome the three men, who made their presence known during the culmination of Isaiah Scott's match against Ariya Daivari. Speaking of which, will LdF's dealings with the angsty duo of Daivari and Tony Nese spell trouble for Maverick and co. or will their bad fortunes continue ahead of next week's grudge match?"
"...And finally, speaking of grudge matches, the animosity between Johnny Gargano and Pete Dunne has grown and grown since NXT Takeover: In Your House. Initially, it began with "Johnny Wrestling" disapproving of how "The Bruiserweight" handled his business in the ring, deeming it unfit for family viewing. Meanwhile, Dunne didn't take too kindly to Gargano's judgement or his attempts to show him 'the way'. With Oney Lorcan at his side, Dunne took out The Way in a tag team match two weeks ago, seriously injuring Austin Theory after a brutal cheap shot with a lead pipe. However, just when you think Johnny Gargano is down and out, fate intervened in the form of Dexter Lumis. Now with Oney Lorcan MIA, the former United Kingdom Champion will have to rely on his strength and skill if he is to prove himself as the New King of NXT - but you can be sure that Mr NXT himself will be pulling out all the stops to prevent this happening.

Join us this Friday for a night that will be sure to make history as we send the purple brand out in style. You can be sure there'll be plenty more in store, but until then, I've been McKenzie Mitchell, thanks for watching!"

Looking Glass

Active Member
Sep 18, 2022
Reaction score


The final edition of 205 Live opens with a special video package (narrated by Scott Stanford). The subtitles '2016' flash up on-screen with the voice of Mike Rome introducing some of the original sixteen Cruiserweight talents that appeared at the top of the stage of the debut episode. Rome is heard listing some of the names - HoHo Lun, Noam Dar, Tony Nese, Drew Gulak, Ariya Daivari, Cedric Alexander, Lince Dorado, Akira Tozawa, Mustafa Ali and Gran Metalik all appear, each striking a pose before the crowd.


"Five years ago, they arrived..."

We then see some further in-ring highlights of these decorated stars and others, who have passed through the doors of the land of the Cruiserweights. Including, Mustafa Ali leaping onto the announce table to hit a Spanish Fly onto former talent, Buddy Murphy. The Lucha House Party hits stereo plancha moonsaults to their opponents on the outside and a spot in which Cedric Alexander lifts Gulak for a vertical suplex, only for Gulak to land safely on the apron and attempt the same move to Alexander. Alexander then uses his power to land on his feet on the outside of the ring and deliver that suplex to Drew Gulak, straight onto the concrete floor.

"They fought. They took the skies. All for your entertainment."

We cut to the present day where we see further talent, the dominant trio of Legado del Fantasma standing tall back when Santos Escobar held the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. More recent additions, Ari Sterling, Asher Hale, August Grey and Ikemen Jiro in action as well as the man himself, the champion - Kushida. We see highlights of "The Time Splitter's" recent open challenge matches, side-by-side shots of him making his way to the ring before it cuts to both Alex Shelley and Jordan Devlin submitting to the hoverboard stretch. We hear the sounds of the bell as the retaining champion stands tall.

"Tonight, we reach the End of the Line."

We are then treated to a reminder of some of the things said by tonight's competitors ahead of their matches.

First from Johnny Gargano from last week's edition of 205 Live...

Then from the man who he'll face in tonight's opening bout, "The Bruiserweight" Pete Dunne...

And finally, from the NXT Cruiserweight Champion himself, Kushida, who finds himself once again at the mercy of fate as the title is put on the line once more against any and all comers.

"It all comes a close. TONIGHT."

We settle on a triumphant shot of "The Time Splitter" celebrating, holding up his championship before the crowd. A scene he hopes to repeat tonight. "Hail the Crown" by CFO$ (featuring From Ashes to New) plays us into the final ever episode of 205 Live.

For one last time, Vic Joseph introduces us to the End of the Line edition of 205 Live, where he is joined by his broadcast partner, the esteemed Nigel McGuinness. McGuinness jokes that Joseph will make him cry if he carries on, leading nicely to Joseph stating that there will be tears for someone tonight when Pete Dunne faces Johnny Gargano in a grudge match. McGuinness adds that Legado del Fantasma will have one last shot to secure a much-needed victory before next week's NXT: End of the Line, but it will be no easy feat as they face three men who have beaten them previously - Drake Maverick, Ikemen Jiro and August Grey. Joseph then adds that as we saw in the opening package, Kushida will be defending the Cruiserweight Championship one final time on 205 Live, in a special open challenge main event.

Speaking of which, the duo remind us of the unusual and surprising appearance from Mansoor on this past week's NXT. Commentary review what transpired when he was once again spotted backstage ahead of tonight's final NXT Cruiserweight Open Challenge.

The camera crew notice Mansoor present at tonight's event, despite seemingly not featuring on the card - or so we think? Approaching him, the camera operator reminds us that the last time Mansoor was on 205 Live, he still had his undefeated streak (after debuting on Raw against Sheamus in a DQ loss). Mansoor tries to hold a smile, but it's clear the comment had hit a nerve.

WWE and asks whether he looks to put his streak on the line for a shot at the title.

"You're right, I still haven't been beaten here in WWE and I am indeed here tonight for 205 Live: End of the Live, but if you think that I'm here to give you an exclusive" he shakes his head. "Well, you'd have to try better than that!"

The camera operator seems a little confused by Mansoor's response. Maybe he misheard or maybe he was in denial. A figure walks up from behind into the frame, none other than General Manager himself, William Regal.

"Ah, young man. A word, please. My office..."

Regal doesn't make eye contact with the camera crew, suggesting that he's approaching Mansoor focusing on the matter at hand. A potential contract signing maybe? Mansoor looks to Regal and smiles, holding out his hand to allow him to lead the way.

"After you."

Both men turn away as the crew begin to follow. Regal notices this and raises his hand to slow them down.

"A bit of privacy, if you don't mind."

A stern warning issued, the two men turn once more and head to Mr Regal's office. What they'll be discussing remains to be seen, for now at least. However, following this Tuesday's interaction with the NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Kushida, the champion may want to keep an eye out for the undefeated "Big Money Manny".

Vic and Nigel hype the opening bout, stating we are just moments away before we see a pre-match hype package, first featuring NXT Head coach, Matt Bloom. Bloom is repping his Performance Center merch as he sits in a director's chair, with a simple black backdrop behind him. Having been part of NXT since 2014, Bloom undoubtedly has unprecedented knowledge of both of these competitors.

"What you have is two men, who have both had similar journeys to end up here in NXT. Both men are decorated on the independent circuit, both men came in as competitors for tournaments - Johnny for the Cruiserweight Classic. Pete for the United Kingdom Championship. They've had incredible successes in NXT, Johnny solidifying his fanbase here, racking up victories and accomplishments while Pete put NXT UK on the map. He'll tell you that himself...."

Next, we hear from 205 Live and NXT UK commentator, Nigel McGuinness, who offers his memories of Dunne and Gargano's first encounter.

"It was unorthodox to say the least to have Johnny Gargano challenge for the United Kingdom Championship, given that he's an American. I know that didn't sit too well with Pete but he saw it as an opportunity to remind the US audience what he was capable of and why he was a champion. I just remember there being this division amongst the crowd, one side cheering "Johnny Wrestling", the other calling for "The Bruiserweight".

The scene transitions to NXT Women's Tag Team Champion, Mrs Gargano herself, Candice LeRae. "The Poison Pixie" appears to have dropped the act for this segment.

"Johnny took the loss hard. He puts his heart and soul into this industry, he doesn't want to let anyone down and that night he felt like he did."

LeRae shrugs, feeling the same helplessness she did back then. Reliving her husband's disappointment. The audience sees the footage of the match's closing moments back in 2017, in which Gargano springboards through the ropes into an almighty fist from the then-UK Champion. "The Bruiserweight" lifts the challenger into the Bitter End and scores the three-count.

"Competition is the nature of the business, but when someone comes after you when you're riding the wave of success, they become an immediate threat and no matter how many days, months, years down the line it is - even if you lose that title - you'll always be cautious of that person and I think that's why Pete Dunne has such an issue with Johnny Gargano."

We then cut back to Vic Joseph, who adds his thoughts.

"I think Pete Dunne takes his craft very seriously. He doesn't have time for smiles, whereas Johnny Gargano - love him or hate him - he will put a smile on your face one way or another. He's out there doing his thing with The Way, he's trying to uphold his vision for the brand. Pete Dunne doesn't like it, he sees this as Gargano taking the sport lightly. That's the way I see it."

We're taken back to Gargano and Austin Theory chasing Dunne off as he attacks young talent, Cal Bloom, weeks ago. Then the following week, where Dunne and Oney Lorcan stole the victory in tag team action after a lead pipe was utilized to take out Gargano's protégé. The next scene sees Gargano's foe, Dexter Lumis, make a surprise return to even the odds against the so-called Kings of NXT. The scene fades as Lumis is now sitting in the chair, perhaps not the best choice for a talking head.


Finally, we hear from the competitors themselves. First, the 27-year-old British star, who has some words for his opponent following the shenanigans that took place earlier in the week, in which Lorcan, mysteriously went missing. Although, much like the IWC, Dunne has his own suspicions about what happened.

"Are you that threatened by me, Johnny? You had to get your pal, Dexter Lumis, to abduct Oney? Do you seriously think I need help to beat? Have a word with yourself and look in the history books. I have proven that I don't need anyone to take care of you. Whichever version of yourself you decide to dress up as you best be ready."

We then see "Johnny Wrestling" himself, he shakes his head and sighs heavily. It seems that after weeks of dealing with Dunne's ego, he's not here to add to the pre-match drama.

"I'm not doing this again. I said I wouldn't say his name again until I meet him in the ring and that's exactly what I plan to do."

In the ring, Alicia Taylor, stands in the middle of the ring, ready to introduce the first competitors of the final edition of 205 Live. "Menace to Myself" plays out, sending the crowd into a frenzy of boos.

"Your opening contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing to the ring first, wrestling out of Birmingham, England. Weighing in at 205 pounds..."THE BRUISERWEIGHT" PETE DUNNE!"

Slowly, Pete Dunne makes his way out through the curtain, looking around the crowd before closing his eyes and performing his signature pose, commentary note that Dunne carries the difference maker - the lead pipe that has put Austin Theory on the self. A determined Dunne continues to look around the crowd, ready to prove his worth here tonight against one of NXT's mainstays. "The Bruiserweight" slides under the bottom rope and stands before the crowd, getting a few cheers from a minor few. Regardless, Dunne poses again and stands on the bottom rope, looking out at the WWE Universe, a confident smile is on his face. Gargano might have had the fan support, but he was still no match for the man that reintroduced British wrestling to the world (in his opinion).

McGuinness notes that Dunne is at the top of the current weight limit here on 205 Live and while he and Gargano are evenly matched, any advantage can help in a grudge match. Dunne turns and faces the entrance ramp to await his opponent as the lights turn and "Rebel Heart" begins to play.

"His opponent, from Cleveland, Ohio. Weighing in at 190 pounds and representing The Way...JOHNNY GARGANO!"

There's much more of a positive reaction for Gargano, despite the change of demeanour showcased by the former NXT Champion earlier in the year. Vic says that Dunne's attitude has rubbed Gargano the wrong way in recent weeks, leading to this personal animosity between the two. McGuinness points out that times are changing and Gargano seems to be trying to hold on to the way things were, which may be to his detriment as when you're fighting to protect a cause, the stakes are raised even higher. Despite the change in his entrance music, Gargano still sports the official vest of 'The Way'.

Much like his promo last week, Gargano doesn't seem to be about the theatrics this week. Instead, he simply looks out to the crowd and proceeds to make his way to the ring. Vic notes that Gargano is hyper-focused, he is looking to put Dunne in his place and avenge the attack on Austin Theory. McGuinness puts over Gargano's skills and says that this will be an excellent way to kick off the End of the Line.

Referee, Eddie Orenga, pats Gargano down. We see that the lead pipe has been placed in the corner of the ring by the turnbuckle (for...reasons). A tale of the tape appears on-screen as the bell is called for.



199 lbs
205 lbs
Cleveland, Ohio
Birmingham, England
  • 1x NXT Champion
  • 3x NXT North American Champion
  • 1x NXT Tag Team Champion
  • First Ever NXT Triple Crown Champion
  • 5x NXT End of Year Award Winner
  • 1x NXT United Kingdom Champion
  • 1x NXT Tag Team Champion
  • 1x NXT End of Year Award Winner
  • Co-winner of the 2020 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic

The two men step towards each other, Dunne looks under his nose at Gargano, and the dual chants break out, echoing the first encounter - November 22, 2017. Immediately the two engage in a collar and elbow tie-up, which leads to some technical chain wrestling between the pair. Dunne catches Gargano in front face lock, trying to stop any momentum firing up within his opponent. McGuinness reminds us that despite his young age, the former NXT United Kingdom Champion has been wrestling since the age of 12 years old and has mastered technicality and brutality, which he hopes will be enough to earn the victory tonight. The hold still applied, Gargano, tries to bring Dunne to his feet, getting some shots into the kidneys before attempting what looked to have been a Northern Lights Suplex, but instead "The Bruiserweight" uses Gargano's momentum against him to bring his feet back to the ground.

Dunne releases the hold and stands back, grinning and bearing his signature mouthguard...
FOREARM SMASH! But Gargano dodges it, having fallen victim to the move before. Instead, Gargano gets in a swift side headlock takeover, but the Brit is quick to get back to his feet but is met with a dropkick. At this point, Gargano is doing his utmost to make sure he maintains control of the match. Running the ropes, the leader of The Way hits a hurricanrana, while the fans cheer him on. Meanwhile. Dunne hastily rolls out of the ring, trying to create some distance between them.

Gargano rallies support, looking to slingshot over the top rope but "
The Bruiserweight" clears the way only for Gargano to laugh as he lands on the apron, having intended to feign the attack. Gargano goes for the penalty kick, but Dunne catches the leg and throws it back, causing his opponent to meet 'the hardest part of the ring' face-first. Cheers then turn to boos as Dunne pulls back the ring apron the trap "Johnny Wrestling" before delivering a beating as the referee initiates the count to ten. Dunne grabs his opponent and lifts him, looking for the X-Plex onto the apron, a fate that Gargano had suffered once before...NO! Gargano lands on his rear, hopping to his feet and hitting a RUNNING CANNONBALL TO THE OUTSIDE!

Gargano throws Dunne back into the ring, before returning to the mat himself. Johnny throws one chop....and the second...followed by a third as he backs Dunne into the ropes and just begins hammering away with chops to Dunne's chest. Referee, Eddie Orengo, warns Gargano back out of the corner. Johnny throws his hands up, looking to the referee before turning back to Pete and yelling "THIS IS FOR AUSTIN!" and executing one final knife-edge chop...but Dunne ducks out of the way and traps Gargano in the corner now, he takes a run up, but the reversals are at play once more, Johnny rolls Dunne through and executes a kick to the temple of Pete Dunne. For the first time in the match, a cover is made...




Pete Dunne still has more in the tank as he gets the shoulder up to stay alive. Gargano waits for Dunne to get back to his feet and looks to be setting up for a Sliced Bread...Gargano lifts himself, but Dunne throws him forward and runs with a fist to the back of his opponent's head. The former UK Champion grabs "Rebel Heart's" hair and begins delivering a series of boots to the jaw, trying to knock the wind out of his opponent's sails. Going behind his opponent, Dunne gets Gargano into a pump handle position, looking to set up for the BITTER END!...

But Gargano drops back and delivers an enzuigiri that sends Dunne spilling out of the ring. Johnny looks around the roaring crowd once more...
TOPÉ SUICIDA! GARGANO CRASHES INTO DUNNE ON THE OUTSIDE KNOCKING HIM BACK INTO THE GUARD RAIL. A "this is awesome!" chant breaks out from the appreciative fans while we head to replays, while both men recover on the outside.

Both men begin to exchange blows on the outside before the crowd, the referee's count is now up to six as Gargano gets the better of the exchange and for a second time, rolls his opponent back into the ring. Joseph points out that neither man will accept a count-out victory in this rivalry. Gargano is on the apron...
]SLINGSHOT SPEAR INTO THE RING! For a second time, Johnny goes for the cover...




No time to look frustrated, "Mr NXT" gets back to his feet, pulling the weight of Dunne up and looking to end this with a Tornado DDT! Gargano uses the turnbuckle to aid him, but Dunne is able to swing his opponent back around and jumps up into a body scissors - KIMURA LOCK LOCKED IN TIGHT! Gargano is already off balance, so it doesn't take him long to fall to his knees while the WWE Universe try to keep him alive in this hotly contested bout. Gargano tries to fight through and rolls Dunne onto his back, the shoulders are down but Dunne realises his mistake after one count and breaks the hold. Quickly getting back to his feet, Dunne marches around the back on Gargano and hits a roundhouse kick to the back of the head. Cover...



But this time it's Johnny Gargano, who manages to kick out. Dunne looks enraged, while Vic voices his concerns to see "The Bruiserweight" grabs Gargano's fingers and displays them to the crowd. McGuinness puts over the tactics noting that if Johnny's fingers are injured, he may struggle to apply the Gargano Escape.


Gargano rolls on the floor in agony, Dunne looks pretty impressed by himself as he lands a perfect step-up enzuigiri of his own. Targeting the fingers once more, Dunne takes the hand and removes his mouth guard as he goes to bite his opponent, despite the warnings of the referee. This is enough of a distraction for Gargano to whip his hand away and rebound off of the ropes with a lariat. Looking down on the floor at the mouth guard, he looks to repeat the spot from their previous encounter all those years ago, where he threw the item out of the ring and hit a superkick, but Dunne makes a desperate play to retrieve it - bizarrely, Johnny doesn't stop him. Dunne opens his mouth to return the guard but instead Gargano from behind lifts him up...LAWN DART! HE SENDS DUNNE FLYING FACE FIRST INTO THE SECOND TURNBUCKLE! Johnny falls to the mat, grabbing his fingers with Nigel noting that if he's not careful he could end up on the shelf with Austin Theory. Gargano crawls over to Dunne and manages to drape his arm across his opponent's chest.






Dunne manages to kick out. The match continues. Fatigue begins to set in, but Gargano calls for Dunne to sit up, he's got a super kick in mind! Dunne staggers to his feet...SUPERKICK!....DUNNE DUCKS UNDER AND PUSHES GARGANO INTO THE ROPES...GERMAN SUPLEX EXECUTED! The crowd are stunned by the display of action they're seeing as Dunne begins to yell that he is the King. Deadlifting Gargano up now, he attempts to end this with the Bitter End once more. He hoists Gargano over his shoulders...." Johnny Wrestling" drops back...POISONRANA! A desperation move if ever there was one and a risky one at that.

Dunne clutches his head while Gargano struggles to roll over. Eddie Orengo begins to make the count to ten. Once again, commentary says that the two have come too far to let this end in a no-contest draw. Dunne crawls over to his corner, where lies the very same lead pipe used to previously injure Austin Theory. However, before he can even think about using it, an exhausted Gargano throws himself into Dunne with a forearm. The two men kneeling now go blow-for-blow in the middle of the ring, but it takes its toll on the hurt fingers of Gargano, using this to his advantage Dunne grabs them again and goes to snap them a second time...
BUT THIS TIME GARGANO HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO PLAY DUNNE AT HIS OWN GAME AS HE GNAWS ON THE HAND OF HIS OPPONENT. Despite using dirty tactics, the WWE Universe seem to enjoy karma catching up to Pete Dunne. Gargano then immediately latches on with a GARGANO ESCAPE! IT'S LOCKED IN TIGHT!

Will Pete Dunne succumb to the hold!?

Johnny wrenches the hold while Dunne screams in pain, still trying to bite at the hands of Gargano to release it. Commentary notes the damage to the fingers again as the added attempts to bite his hand cause Johnny to release the hold. Undeterred, he shakes out the pain in his hand and looks for an alternative to end the match. Gargano kicks away the lead pipe from the corner, trying to rid any opportunity for Dunne to play dirty. Gargano slingshots over the top for ONE. FINAL. BEAT...




But the referee spots Gargano's foot on the ropes. At this point, it must've been an involuntary reflex as Johnny seems like he's running on empty. Dunne angrily slams the mat, scorning the referee for doing his job. STOMP! Dunne slams his foot down on Gargano's hand. He lifts Dunne into a familiar position....the Pedigree! One of the most protected moves in sports entertainment. Sensing there was trouble ahead, Johnny manages to quickly crawl through Dunne's legs and runs the ropes looking for another lariat but his arm is caught! Pete Dunne locks in the cross-arm finger breaker! THE FINGER BEND! Gargano has no choice. Gargano has to tap out!


"Here is your winner, via submission, "The Bruiserweight", PETE DUNNE!"

The referee raises Dunne's arm in victory, he brushes his hair back, the sweat glistening in the lights of the Capitol Performance Center. The fans are still torn, some applauding the young Superstar's effort while others are disappointed for Gargano. Dunne notices something on the outside - the lead pipe! It seems that he's got bad intentions as he steps outside to retrieve it but as he goes to return to the ring, he freezes. Some members of the crowd begin to pop as the cameras zoom in on members of the WWE Universe parting in the crowd to reveal Dexter Lumis, who simply stares across at Dunne. Having been warned, Dunne steps away, opting not to deliver any further punishment and not even bothering to ask where Oney Lorcan may be. "Menace to Myself" plays out with Dunne continuing to revel in his victory as he departs the ring, once again proclaiming himself as "The New King". Meanwhile, Lumis steps over the barricade and into the ring, making eyes at the man, who had saved only a week prior. Despite this, Johnny had still denied any alliance with "The Stimulus". The music fades while the fans show their respect for Johnny who cradles his hand only for Lumis to extend his.

Gargano looks around the crowd, who are all urging him to accept. What would The Way think? Would there even be a way after this loss? So many thoughts ran through his head, but with Theory out of the picture, it would be sensible to have someone else around.


Gargano winces and reminds Lumis of the damage to his fingers, causing a sharp release. Lumis holds the ropes open as the newfound rivals-turned-allies get a hero's welcome as they make their way up the entrance ramp to the back. McGuinness surmises that Dunne may have climbed a step up the singles ladder, but Gargano's dreams of tag team glory may not be over yet.

The cameras are rolling backstage, where the crew are looking to get some talking heads to discuss the end of 205 Live. Ari Sterling is up first, the man who only weeks ago walked away with the victory following an encounter with Santos Escobar. Perhaps if the brand continued, Sterling could have steaked a claim for the top spot. Nonetheless, Sterling looks hopeful about his future with NXT.


"Tonight's bittersweet, of course, it's the end of an era here at 205 Live and despite beating a former champion, I find myself back here in catering. I don't know who Kushida will be facing tonight but whoever it is, I'll be watching very closely just as I hope they've been watching me. I am the exclamation point of NXT. I have won four of my last five matches, so you can guarantee that whoever walks out as champion tonight will be meeting very shortly..."

Sterling loses his train of thought when he notices a figure approaching, the camera pans around to show Asher Hale. Hale, who had last been seen wrestling Kyle O'Reilly a week ago (in a losing effort) does not look best pleased with what he's heard so far. Donning a plain hoodie, it appears Hale is in no position to answer any challenges tonight as he steps up on Sterling - who arches an eyebrow, confused as to why "The Five-Star King" has cut in on his time.

"Can I help you?"

Hale doesn't rush to answer, instead, he simply scowls, looking down his nose at Sterling.

"Four out of five matches, huh? Congratulations, but they do say that before a fall, comes pride. You're no better than anyone else, calling yourself the exclamation point when you're not even a comma. You can count all your victories on your fingers, Ari, but you'll just never be 'that guy'.

"The Sauce" looks around his disbelief, chuckling to himself at the behaviour of the audacious Hale and looking off-camera to the crew for a reaction. Biting his tongue, Sterling opts not to escalate the situation but is fully aware that he could hold his own if he needed to.

"Whoa, Asher. I don't know why you've come in with the hostilities. I get it, you lost your last match but I thought you put up a good fight..."

Whether it was his intention or not, Sterling had hit a nerve. Hale furiously interjects, having heard more than enough.


"Don't you dare pity me! I know I put up a good fight. The powers that be, know that I put up a good fight which is exactly why I've been given a slot on the very first episode of NXT Evolve, and guess what? Not only will I show the WWE Universe why they call me "The Five-Star King", but I'll even give you the chance to take me on so I can silence the "Exclamation Point". PERIOD."

Hale snarls but Sterling avoids eye contact, trying not to give a rise to the tension in the room. Shrugging, Sterling simply turns to "The Five Star King" and calmly continues.


"Well, when you put it like that, who am I to say no? Make it happen."

The tension mounts into a stare-off between the two. Hale takes a deep breath and simply walks away while Sterling watches on, confident that he can not only put forward a case to the Cruiserweight title but take the victory on the first edition of NXT Evolve.


Before heading into the commercial, we see Ikemen Jiro and August Grey backstage in catering. It seems that "Retro AG" is trying to hype Jiro up with some music on his vintage Walkman. Drake Maverick joins the pair. He looks all smiles as he asks them to listen up.


"Right lads, I just wanted to say a couple of words if I may..."

Jiro and Grey look at each other and shrug before turning back to Maverick and nodding.

"I know you boys have already beaten Legado del Fantasma. You don't need me chewing your ear off but I just wanted to say - I not exactly had what you'd call the best of luck as of late." his thought begins to trail off into all the negatives he's gone through in recent months, his release, his tearful video that got him re-signed, coming up short in the Cruiserweight title tournament and more recently, the end of his team with Killian Dain. Noticing, that he had lost his thought, he quickly tries to get back into the right frame of mind. "What I'm trying to say is, I used to be something around here. I just want the three of us to go out there and prove once again that our victories weren't flukes. It would just really mean a lot to me if you just gave it your all, okay?"

Sensing Maverick's anxiety, August Grey steps forwards in an attempt to reassure him and offer some advice.

"Whoa, whoa! Drake, we're all on the same page. We know you used to call the shots around here
but we want this win just as much as you do. Tonight, we'll show the WWE Universe that we're the ones who should be competing at NXT: End of the Line."

Feeling encouraged, Maverick beams a smile to Grey and Jiro as the trio begins to make their way to the curtain for their match.

"Hold up."

The camera pans around to show all four members of Hit Row. Initially, there seems to be a little bit of tension between them and the three competitors before them.


"We couldn't help but overhear your little chit-chat."

"And we just had one thing to say."

The demeanour of Hit Row quickly changes as they become more jovial. Letting the three men know that there's no ill will against them. Isaiah Scott steps forward.

"Make sure you leave some for us. Ya dig? We don't want LdF giving any excuses when we put the smackdown on them next week."

Maverick looks back to Jiro and Grey, the three men smile and laugh before shaking on it with the members of Hit Row. The commentary team take us to a commercial break, reminding us that the match is next.

Back from the break and we head straight back to the ring for the second bout of the evening. A passionate Drake Maverick looks ready and raring to go as he stands at the top of the entrance ramp. August Grey and Ikemen Jiro then burst onto the scene, where the trio receive a round of applause.

"The following trios tag team match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing to the ring first, at a combined weight of 507 pounds - the team of IKEMEN JIRO, AUGUST GREY AND DRAKE MAVERICK!"

While they head to the squared circle, we are taken back to a recap of Maverick scoring a count-out victory over Santos Escobar last week, while Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza lost to Jiro and "Retro AG" in a tag team match the week prior. Additionally, we see the aftermath of Isaiah Scott's victory over Ariya Daivari this past Tuesday, in which LdF made their presence known only for Jiro, Grey and Maverick to show up and warn Escobar off.

Back in the ring, Maverick is on the top rope working the crowd but it's not long before the cheers turn to groans at the sight of the former NXT Cruiserweight Champion and his cohorts. McGuinness highlights the energy on display from Drake Maverick and just how much featuring on the card means to him tonight. Vic Joseph agrees that this match will be his love letter to the land of the Cruiserweights, so much that he has prepped his tag team partners on making sure they get the victory tonight after some had called their previous wins into question.

"And their opponents, weighing in at 565 pounds, the team Joaquin Wilde, Raul Mendoza and Santos Escobar...LEGADO DEL FANTASMA!"

The lights begin to dim as boos can already be heard upon seeing the silhouettes of Legado del Fantasma. In the middle, Santos Escobar raises his arms to bring the lights up. Despite a rocky road to their trios match against Hit Row at NXT: End of the Line, Escobar looks confident in their chances tonight. Vic Joseph reminds us that the three men in the ring are partly the cause of LdF's misfortunes, but McGuinness quickly says that it only takes three seconds to turn their luck around. At the bottom of the ramp, Escobar looks to Mendoza first and then Wilde, the two men entering the ring from opposing sides before Escobar joins them in the centre of the ring



Aja Smith calls for the opening bell with Drake Maverick opting to go first, he points to Santos Escobar who steps up to him, causing the fans to feel the build-up of tension. "El Jefe" laughs and shakes his head, pushing Maverick away. The 205 Live General Manager goes to chase Escobar, who is making his way into his corner but the wily Mendoza trips him, causing Maverick to land face first on the second turnbuckle. Mendoza lifts him back to his feet and delivers a series of forearm shots to the chin, much to the delight and applause of Escobar on the outside. Mendoza then hits a spinning heel kick to his opponent's abdomen, causing Maverick to double over in pain while Escobar is seen talking to the cameras - we get an earshot of him telling Hit Row that this will be them next week.

Mendoza continues his advantage as he runs the ropes with a clothesline, followed up by a dropkick with August Grey attempting to encourage his tag team partner back into the match. Maverick is able to get in some shots to the gut, he gets in the first, followed by a second, then a third. It appears this is enough to create some separation, allowing him to roll through and whip Mendoza into the turnbuckle. Maverick goes for the running forearm into the corner but Mendoza displays his agility as he quickly ducks out onto the apron and springboards into another dropkick to send his opponent down.





Mendoza drags Maverick up by the hair and hits an impressive twisting suplex before tagging in Joaquin Wilde. Before leaving the ring, Mendoza goes for the springboard moonsault but Maverick lifts the knees and sends him rolling out the ring in agony. However, before Maverick can gasp for air, Wilde sends him back down with a basement dropkick. Wilde arrogantly kips up and throws Maverick into the corner, delivering a chop to the chest of his opponent. Wilde seats himself on the top rope but taking the time to do so, allows Maverick to fight back into the match and begin to hammer away at Wilde. Maverick makes his way to the second rope as he looks like he could be going for a BIG-TIME SUPERPLEX...

Santos Escobar makes his way across the apron and begins to talk trash to Maverick, throwing him off his game. Meanwhile, Wilde flips over looking for a SUNSET POWERBOMB.....BUT MAVERICK HOLDS ON AND STOMPS ON WILDE'S CHEST! The fans are amped up that the underdog is back in the match as he comes off the top with a DIVING MISSILE DROPKICK!

Joseph joins the crowd in celebrating Maverick but McGuinness warns that in performing the move, he's taking up even more energy and he desperately needs the tag. Maverick rolls towards his corner but Wilde grabs his leg...Maverick is now in a wheelbarrow position...BULLDOG! TAG MADE TO JIRO WHO IMMEDIATELY HITS A SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT FOR THE COVER...





Jiro is back on his feet, he places his hands in his patented jacket to deliver a series of punches to Mendoza, quickly followed by a rolling forearm. Mendoza rolls out of the ring, where Escobar checks on him. Back in the ring, "Japan's Most Handsome" shows shades of Tajiri as he runs the ropes and executes a springboard back elbow. Vic Joseph reminds us that Jiro was a former student of Tajiri, much like our current Cruiserweight champion. Jiro looks to go high risk as he climbs the ropes, but once again Santos Escobar provides the distraction, causing Aja Smith to warn him back to his corner. Wilde grabs the leg and pulls Ikemen Jiro straight off of the mat. With the referee preoccupied, Mendoza returns to the ring and aids Wilde in hitting a rebound Moonsault! August Grey steps into the ring now and tries to clear house but Aja Smith catches him and warns him back, completely oblivious to the double-team from Legado del Fantasma.

Santos Escobar calls for the tag, to which Wilde obliges. Escobar stands over Jiro, only get receive a stiff kick to the head, sending him tumbling backwards. Jiro kips up - hands in his jacket (where have we seen that before?) and locks in the Tarantula - another move paying tribute to the former champion, Tajiri. Jiro breaks the move before the five count, before making his way to his corner but Escobar cuts him off with a double axe handle to the back. "El Jefe" follows up with a knee block to prevent Jiro from returning to a vertical base and making the tag.

Escobar goes to grab Jiro, perhaps thinking of the Phantom Driver but his opponent manages to break out of the move and hit another Jacket punch, staggering Escobar long enough to tag in August Grey. Meanwhile, Drake Maverick is still looking worn down in the corner as Jiro rolls out to catch his breath. August comes in hot, he hits an arm drag on Escobar before knocking Wilde off his perch in the opposite corner and then doing the same to Mendoza. Escobar tries to use this to his advantage and whips Grey into the corner but runs straight into a boot from "Retro AG" who pops up onto the top rope...A MIGHTY CLOTHESLINE FROM SANTOS ESCOBAR WHO SENDS GREY TO THE OUTSIDE.

On the outside, Mendoza and Wilde begin to circle Grey like sharks, this causes Jiro to come back into action (despite not feeling so fresh himself). The two men begin to stomp away at Grey while Escobar looks over the ropes and heckles his opponent. Jiro taps on his shoulder, delivering a clothesline to send Escobar over the top rope. Jiro steps to the apron and rallies the crowd, calling for Grey to get to safety...ASAI MOONSAULT TO THE OUTSIDE! JIRO HAS FLOORED ALL THREE MEMBERS OF LEGADO DEL FANTASMA!

Commentary takes us to a reply before we see a shot of Hit Row looking pretty impressed by the work of Ikemen Jiro, who grabs Santos Escobar and rolls him back into the ring. August Grey follows and makes a cover.




Santos Escobar gets the shoulder up to prevent another loss on his record. August Grey whips Escobar to the corner to deliver one chop, before repeating the same move in the opposite corner. He looks around the crowd as he lifts Escobar, it looks like he's going for the DOCTOR BOMB! Grey struggles with his footing...TAG! Grey drops Escobar and turns to see that Drake Maverick has tagged himself into the match. On the outside, Jiro is paying for his aerial attack on Wilde and Mendoza as he struggles to fend them off. Escobar causes a meeting of the minds as he throws Grey into Maverick, flooring the former. Maverick clutches at his nose while Joseph points out that it was against Maverick that Escobar took off his mask and became the man we see today and the Cruiserweight Champion in the process.

Escobar attempts to set Maverick up for the powerbomb but Maverick fights his way out and manages to seat himself on the top rope. He grabs Escobar...TORNADO DTT! COVER...






Escobar kicks out. Wilde and Mendoza get the better of Ikemen Jiro as he's thrown into the Plexiglas, allowing them to focus on Maverick, who is screaming for Escobar to get back to his feet. Maverick grabs Escobar to hit the Underdog (Sliced Bread #2) but "El Jefe" throws Maverick into the ropes, the referee misses Mendoza and Wilde both throw pendulum kicks. Escobar quickly barges past the referee and lifts Maverick...PHANTOM DRIVER!




The bell tolls as Legado del Fantasma regroup in the ring, it looks like they can't quite believe the victory themselves as Vic Joseph chastises the decision. On the outside, August Grey shakes his head in a combination of disappointment and frustration. Nigel McGuinness says that in his bid to impress, Maverick flew too close to the sun and got burnt by the rays of Legado del Fantasma.

"Your winners, by pin fall, LEGADO DEL FANTASMA!"

Backstage, we see a shot of Hit Row, who seem to have been silenced momentarily by the outcome, not before "Swerve" reassuring them "we got this!". Vic Joseph says this was the win LdF needed as they head into next week's big match against Hit Row. LdF makes their way back up the ramp to a chorus of boos while Grey checks on Jiro and the Maverick holds his head in the middle of the ring.

The classical styles of "Swan Lake" plays out as the lens turn to black and white. We are back in the familiar theatre setting, where we see a brief glimpse of a silhouette. Following last week's reveal, we don't hang on to the suspense. Instead, the curtains are opened to reveal Bobby Fish sitting in an armchair, looking refined in a smoking jacket as he leans forward to address the WWE Universe.


"Speak and he shall be heard. Last week, I said that I would no longer fall in line and be silenced and true to form, the people decide they want Robert Anthony Fish. Don't call it a comeback. Call it a reckoning. Soon, my theatre of violence will open its doors to the public and the adoring crowd will understand just why they call me..." he takes a sharp breath. "Infamous."

And just like that, the curtain falls. No further information is given, but once again Fish has made it clear that he laid his own path to follow in NXT.


We're in the interview pit with Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari, two men who have become the very definition of a 'morale issue'. Despite having a rich and colourful history on the brand as 205 Live mainstays, the pair don't seem particularly saddened. Daivari wears a baroque patterned hoodie and gold chain, looking particularly re-styled following the bounty collected from Legado del Fantasma. Nese isn't as flashy in showing off his earnings. Instead, he opts for a vest, showing off his impressive physique.

"You want us to say a few words about this show ending? Well, I've got two. Good riddance. We all know that it should be one of us out there facing Kushida, despite the fact we were good enough to compete here every other week for the past five years, there's no room for us in the main event."

The tone of "The Persian Lion's" voice becomes more frustrated as he relives his truth of the lack of opportunities he's received, despite having competed on 205 Live since the very beginning.

"Well, it seems that our attitude has piqued the interest of the powers that be..."

"I expect they checked the ratings."

Daivari smirks and nods in agreement before looking back to the camera.

"Next week, on the very first episode of NXT Evolve, they want to book us in a tag team match. I expect they want us to show some cookie-cutter nobodies from the back-end of nowhere how to lace their boots. Well, guess what? We'll take you up on your offer and once again, we'll steal the show and make it our own."

"The Premier Athlete" then adds.

"Because we're not bitter. We're better."

The interview-turned-pep rally comes to a close with both men smiling about their opportunity next week. Vic reminds us to tune in to the debut episode of NXT Evolve to see what these two do next.


We are mere moments away from the final ever bout of 205 Live as End of the Line nears its end. Before we do so, Vic Joseph reminds us that next Tuesday is the End of the Line for NXT as we know it and runs down the card:

- NXT North American Champion, Bronson Reed challenges the NXT Champion, Karrion Kross for the title

- MSK defend their NXT Tag Team Championships against The Grizzled Young Veterans

- Hit Row and Legado del Fantasma collide in a trios match

- Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly look to settle their feud once and for all in a Three Strikes Match, where the loser's contract will be terminated!

- Finally, an exclusive, following the events at the close of this week's episode in which Tian Sha's Mei Ying blew a black mist into the face of Dakota Kai - Raquel González demanded and was granted a match against Xia Li and the NXT Women's Championship WILL be on the line.

We're played a video package to hype the final ever match. In which, 205 Alumni and producers feature to discuss the Cruiserweight division and the open challenge. First up, one of the original sixteen - Cedric Alexander.

"I came to this company for the opportunity to battle the greatest Cruiserweights from around the world. What I didn't know at the time was that while I wasn't going to win, I would get the opportunity to sign for the biggest sports entertainment company in the world and compete with some of the very best and without a shadow of a doubt, Kushida is the very best Cruiserweight there is at the moment."

We then see producer, Shane Helms, who has had a long history in the Cruiserweight division across WCW and WWE. Helms is dressed in a suit, featuring a blazer in his signature Hurricane green.

"The Cruiserweight division, even dating back to WCW, was a spectacle. You knew that you were in for a good time if you were in that crowd watching a Cruiserweight match. That's what makes it so special today because it can be so many things. You can be a brawler, you can be a high-flyer, you can be Lucha libre or a technician. The Cruiserweight division is so versatile and that's why I believe the Open Challenge has really put the division back on the map and that's thanks to Kushida."

Turning our attention to Kushida's previous opponents in the open challenge series. First, his long-time friend, Alex Shelley, a man who he tagged with, travelled with, trained with and defeated a fortnight ago.

"No one works that harder than Kushida. I've fought with him, I've fought against him. Whatever title he holds, he will make sure that you know he's the man to beat."

We then see "The Irish Ace", who put up a valiant effort last week. Devlin shakes his head. He doesn't seem to be in full support of the cause.

"I'm not doing this. Sorry..."

Devlin stands from his seat and throws off his microphone before we quickly jump-cut to Nigel McGuinness.

"People get caught up in the spectacle of these open challenges they forget that these competitors are putting their bodies on the line with every match. Kushida has done this every week for nearly a month. What other champion can say that for themselves right now?"

Drew Gulak
, another one of the original sixteen stars on the debut episode of 205 Live and a former NXT Cruiserweight Champion weighs in with his final thoughts.

"I don't know who's going to answer that final call but all I can say is good luck. You can't get lost in being on the final episode or the final match. This is the moment, you've called your shot and you have to leave it all out there in that ring.

The final shot is of Kushida in action before we cut straight back to the Capitol Performance Center for 205 Live's final ever match.

For one last time, Alicia Taylor is standing by to introduce the main event of the evening. The moment that we've all been waiting for - the conclusion to the Open Challenge for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. Vic Joseph reminds us that we have seen some hints dropped by Mansoor that he may be the one to answer the challenge, further indicated by William Regal's request to see him in his office. However, nothing has been made official just yet. McGuinness says that for the past three weeks, Kushida has fought tooth and nail to make sure to prove that he is the best Cruiserweight in the company, in the country and the world and so far, his mission has been successful but it could still come crashing down tonight.

The lights go down, there's a blue hue in the Capitol Performance Centre as the crowd begin to cheer. Lasers begin to point all around the arena. The NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Kushida, makes his way out to the entrance ramp, sporting a futuristic visor-style pair of sunglasses and course, his signature puffer jacket (or gilét, if you're fancy). Most importantly, he dons the Cruiserweight title around his waist as he extends his arms to the air and throws a forearm, showing that he's here to fight tonight. Commentary questions what state "The Time Splitter" is in after two hard-fought battles to retain his title.

Kushida climbs into the ring and heads for the top rope where he poses as the lights go out again and the champion is illuminated in the blue laser show that plays out. Kushida displays the watch on his wristband, but will his time as champion come to a close? The champion steps back down, removing his shades as the bell rings.

"Your main event of the evening is the finale of the Open Challenge for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. Introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan. Weighing 192 pounds, he is the reigning and defending NXT Cruiserweight champion...KUSHIDAAAAA!"

Kushida stands before the crowd, the audience both cheer and hammer on the Plexiglas, making as much noise as they can to show their appreciation for the champion.

"And his opponent..."



The lights go out once more as the introduction is paused for dramatic effect.



There's confusion from the crowd as the happy-go-lucky Mansoor arrives, dressed in his ring attire. Mansoor throws his hands up to try and garner more of a reaction from the crowd while Nigel plays up to the reveal, stating that Mansoor is indeed putting his winning streak on the line for the Cruiserweight Championship. The Saudi Arabian standout stops halfway down the ramp as he looks behind him and gestures for his music to be stopped. "The Falcon Soars" comes to an abrupt halt as Mansoor turns his attention to Kushida, who looks to referee, Darryl Sharma, in confusion.


"I guess from the look on your face that you were the only one not expecting me? But we have much to discuss Kushida. I've been trying to reach out to you but I know you've been preoccupied with this being the last show and well, it just felt right to be here tonight. 205 Live helped me become the performer I am today. It's because of my time here that I stand before you with a 52-0 winning streak and I know you're probably all thinking - wait, didn't he lose to Sheamus a while back?..." he begins to murmur under his breath as the crowd cheer in agreement. "Yeah, I thought you might say that..." he continues. "But a DQ loss isn't my loss and I have still yet to be pinned or submitted in a WWE ring, so how about that?" he looks around the crowd to a mixed response. "Anyway, I didn't come out here to brag Kushida, not when you've been doing amazing things but I guess the point I'm making is, we're all capable of doing amazing things. Unfortunately, not all of us are recognised for it. People tried to invalidate me when I won the 51-man Royal Rumble three years ago. People overlooked me when I was winning match after match after match. I'm happy for you Kush, no one's there to taint your victories, you're putting on five-star matches week after week but I'm here to warn you to hold onto that feeling while you still can because these fans will turn on you in a heartbeat and it's only recently that I've opened up my eyes and realise that's what has been happening to me this whole time." the crowd begin to turn on Mansoor. "The Open Challenge might end tonight but you'll forever continue to put a target on your back by holding that title and when you lose that belt - because nothing lasts forever - you too may find yourself at the mercy of these fickle, uneducated pretenders in the crowd." the boos reach fever pitch with every adjective used. "But fortunately, I came to tell you, that we won't let that happen to you."

Kushida looks on the defence as it looks like Mansoor is going to approach the ring as the lights go out. Once they are turned back on, just seconds later, the fans scream to see a figure standing behind the champion...


Sensing something was up, Kushida looks around where he is decked by his actual opponent as Mansoor hangs back at ringside. The fans are outraged as the 205 Live Original begins stomping mudholes into the champion. The bell rings as it becomes clear that Mansoor's 'mentor' has brainwashed him into his pessimistic and paranoid way of thinking and setting this plan into motion. Sharma backs Mustafa Ali away to allow time for Kushida to get to his feet and into his corner. Referee, Darryl Sharma calls for the bell but Mansoor attempts to sweep the feet of the champion, causing Kushida to turn his attentions to the outside and stomp on the 'undefeated' Mansoor's hands. Once again, this plays into the tactics of Mansoor and Mustafa Ali, who immediately traps Kushida in the corner and begins delivering a series of forearms.

Commentary put over that this is the first time that these two men have met in the ring and highlights the juxtaposition of Mustafa Ali finding his way into the company as an alternate in the Cruiserweight Classic, which allowed him to step in and showcase his talents, leading to a contract and a spot on 205 Live. McGuinness says it's the old guard versus the new blood, but Kushida has been in the business a long time and is not going to go down easily.

Mustafa Ali stands back before trying to charge "The Time Splitter" in the corner but Kushida is able to get out onto the apron just in time. The referee warns Mansoor to keep his distance as Kushida tries to create some distance of his own as he attempts to strike Ali, who catches his hand and grabs the back of his head before running him into the ring post. Kushida falls to the outside while Mustafa Ali makes his way to the top rope, berating his opponent. Ali waits for Kushida to get back to his feet before diving off the top rope with a 450 SPLASH!

We return from an action replay. The crowd are on their feet in the early stages of this match, wondering how both men could withstand the move. Joseph details how Ali has felt a certain kind of way about his position in the company and is looking to reclaim his power. Following the disbanding of Retribution, it seems that Ali has still been able to hold some influence within the locker room. Ali gets back to his feet and runs the champion into the guard rail, telling him that he deserves the title and he deserves the glory as he pushes his boot against Kushida's throat. Sharma proceeds to count to 10, causing Ali to release the hold and return Kushida into the ring before planning his next move.

The referee checks on Kushida, who is struggling to get into the match after the bait and switch. Ali tries to charge Kushida from behind again but it is greeted with a big forearm smash! The champion Irish whips the challenger into the ropes and follows up with an arm drag, moments after he follows up with a dropkick to keep his opponent down. Ali quickly rolls to the outside, where Mansoor goes to check on his mentor. Making the most of the opportunity, Kushida heads to the top rope...DIVING SENTON TO THE OUTSIDE! The crowd pop as the champion lands on both men. However, McGuinness questions whether this was the wisest move considering the beating he's already taken so far. Undeterred, Kushida hits the Plexiglas to rally the crowd before throwing Ali back into the ring and making a hurried cover.




Vic Joseph points out that in the previous two challenges, Kushida didn't seem to be in any hurry to make a pin, indicating that he may be warier of his opponent for this match. Staying on top of his opponent, Kushida bends the arm of Mustafa Ali backwards and places his foot on the elbow and stomping on it as Ali writhes in pain. Mansoor tries to tell the referee that it was an illegal move, but this goes unnoticed. "The Time Splitter" delivers a knee to the gut as Ali tries to get back to his feet, he then leans him against the ropes for an echoing chop that could be heard across the Capitol Performance Center. Kushida shakes the sting off of his hand and whips Ali into the ropes again, looking to capitalize while can. A second arm drag is executed with Kushida rushing to the mat, applying a CROSS FACE! Ali tries to shuffle his feet towards the ropes but observing this, the champion gets to his feet and drags Ali back further, maintaining the grip on the arm and bridging over into the Last Chancery (modified bridging arm triangle choke). Vic notes how the pace of the match has changed, with Kushida trying to cool the frantic style of Ali with much more controlled holds. Kushida rolls over into another pin attempt but this time Ali kicks out at one and rolls over towards the ropes.

The champion approaches but Ali tries to keep himself in the match, delivering some kicks to the calf as he scoots over to the corner, still trying to make his way back to his feet. Kushida puts an end to this with a dropkick. Ali lifts himself with aid of the turnbuckles with the champion walking over to him once more. Ali delivers a palm strike to the champion, followed by a second and hits a hurricanrana to reverse the tide of the match.

Mustafa Ali begins to slap Kushida around the back of the head, trying to play the psychological game once again as the champion tries to push him off. Ali attempts a clothesline but Kushida ducks and looks to hit the second handspring back elbow of the night...Ali ducks it and rolls through with a NECK BREAKER! Kushida gets to his feet but is hit with a kick to the mid-section and sent back into the corner, allowing Ali to run up with a brutal European Uppercut. Stepping through to the apron, Ali then dives back in through the ropes and rolls through once more to hit a FACEBUSTER! The shoulders are down, the cover is made...




Ali checks with the referee, somewhat irritated by the pace of the count. Ali takes a run-up and hits a dropkick to the head of Kushida, who rolls to the outside. Ali steps out onto the apron and runs with a hard penalty kick that sends the champion over. Kushida now crawls towards the guard rail, trying to get himself up while Mustafa Ali looks over at his opponent and charges again...FLATLINER INTO THE PLEXIGLAS! Talk about ringside seats. Ali's face rebounds off the Plexiglas as he falls to the floor in this back-and-forth match. Heading back from a replay, the referee is at a 4 as both men begin to stir. Mansoor makes his way over to the competitors but is quickly reprimanded. Kushida warns Mansoor back, allowing Ali to get a shot to the kidneys and roll him back into the ring.

Now that both men have re-entered the ring, Kushida tries to stagger to his feet...SUPERKICK! ALI MAKES THE COVER ONCE AGAIN!





Sharma points to Kushida's foot as Ali angrily kicks it off the bottom rope. Dragging Kushida into position he looks to go for the 450 Splash once again. Will he get it!?



No! Kushida rushes to the corner but Ali manages to land on his feet and hit another kick to the head of the champion. Kushida slumps down against the turnbuckle as Mustafa Ali goes for another dropkick in the corner only for Kushida to roll out the way to safety once more. This time it's Kushida who rolls through...DDT! Grabbing Ali's arm behind him, he sizes his opponent up for the HOVERBOARD LOCK! A move that so far, all of the champion's opponents have succumbed to. "The Time Splitter" isn't quite able to fully lock in the move, which allows Ali to regain his footing. However, Kushida begins to hammer his elbow down on the back of Ali's head and delivers a suplex into a bridging pin attempt.






Ali is writhing in pain, the match taking its toll as Kushida looks to deliver a grizzly knee to the back of his head, he takes a run-up, Ali dodges it and delivers a kick to the midsection followed by another uppercut. Ali runs the ropes but is hit with another roaring forearm smash, courtesy of Kushida. Kushida raises his arm to the cheer of the crowd as he takes a run-up...


Both men are now down. Mansoor is trying to will Ali on as both men are trying to get back to their feet. Mustafa Ali is first, somehow, he finds enough motivation to run up the ropes, but Kushida sprints into the action and catches him with a CROSS-ARM BREAKER! Ali tries to escape the hold but Kushida transitions the move into a triangle choke, a move that's just as dangerous for Mustafa Ali in this championship match. Sharma checks to make sure that Ali has not passed out as he lifts his arm...


The referee lifts the arm again...


He goes for a third, the arm goes to drop but Mansoor pulls Ali's legs under the rope. Referee Darryl Sharma clocks it and ejects Mansoor from the match, much to the delight of the live crowd. Mansoor tries to play for time and puts up a fight until Sharma threatens to disqualify his mentor if he does not leave, which prompts Mansoor to comply. The referee is distracted, Ali delivers a LOW BLOW TO THE CHAMPION AND ROLLS HIM UP...

The referee turns to make the count.












Ali shakes his head defiantly, he wants the Cruiserweight Championship, he wants recognition. Ali scrapes his way over to the bottom rope, he has his arm extend and...


He makes it! The rope break has been administered, and Kushida has to release the hold. This marks the first time that the Hoverboard Lock has actively been broken by the champion's opponent in this series. "The Time Splitter" attempts another running knee but Ali catches the leg and spins him round to drop him with a wheel kick! Mustafa Ali tries to drag the champion back to his feet but is met by a forearm shot, Ali returns one, the pace builds and the flurry of offence is exchanged between the two men. Ali misses with a superkick attempt but ducks an elbow by the champion, he leaps up to the second rope to springboard with a DDT but as he goes to land on Kushida, he is rolled through into a SMALL PACKAGE DRIVER. BACK. TO. THE. FUTURE!

Sharma gets into position to make the count.







The bell rings and fans are on their feet to celebrate the champion's victory. Kushida tries to get back to his feet as he is passed the NXT Cruiserweight title.

"Here is your winner as a result of a pin fall...and STILL the NXT Cruiserweight Champion of the World...KUSHIDA!"

"The Time Splitter" has overcome the man once dubbed as the "Heart and Soul of 205 Live". The referee checks on Mustafa Ali, who is down and out following the Back to the Future. We head to replays of key moments from the match while Kushida lifts his title and purple confetti begins to spill from the air. Vic Joseph praises the match as Nigel McGuinness commends both competitors saying that this is why he does commentary - to view some of the very best wrestling in the world. Vic says that he could not think of a better ending to 205 Live as he says we've now reached the End of the Line. From the back, William Regal makes his way down to the ring with a microphone in hand, he thanks the champion for reinventing what it is to be a Cruiserweight competitor and says that the division will be in safe hands. Regal thanks the fans who have nurtured the land of the Cruiserweights and stuck by them over the years. He finishes that the next few weeks will be hard as they're full of goodbyes but promises that there's still much more to come. Regal finishes, "This is 205 Live. Signing off." as he raises Kushida's arm once more. The fans cheer as the screen fades to black.
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Looking Glass

Active Member
Sep 18, 2022
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Mauro Ranallo
will be making a return to NXT for the special End of the Line edition. The former commentator featured on NXT from 2017 until 2020. It has been verified that this is a special one-off appearance to celebrate the end of the black and gold era. Ranallo will feature at the table for one match, though it has yet to be confirmed which. Ranallo s also said not to be linked to Regal's successor as NXT General Manager.

One of the biggest stories coming out of this week was the misting of Dakota Kai following the tag team match on NXT. The end of the match saw Tian Sha's Boa and Xia Li stealing the NXT Women's Championship, prompting Raquel González to chase them off. Kai would then fall victim to the 'Shiniest Wizard' by Tegan Nox, to score a victory in her return match (alongside Shotzi). Furious that the loss could spell the end of her pursuit of the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships, Kai vented her anger against Mei Ying, who spray a black mist that has seemingly impaired Kai's vision. A WWE.com caught up with Raquel González, who was told by EMTs that she would not be able to travel to the hospital alongside Dakota, only for William Regal to confirm that there would be no tag team title match at NXT: End of the Line. Vengeful, González told Regal that she didn't want that match, she wanted Xia Li. Regal made the match official and declared that the championship would be on the line. There has been no word on the current condition of Dakota Kai, but we'll keep you updated as soon as we hear more. Tune in to 'What's NeXT' next week for the full rundown of the card.

The other big story was the 205 Live: End of the Line event that took place in the week. The End of the Line specials had been designed to bring 205 Live to an end, to allow for NXT's storylines to transcend the main show and encompass a larger range of talents (i.e., not just Cruiserweights). While the Open Challenge series that saw Kushida defend the NXT Cruiserweight title has drawn critical acclaim, the division itself is expected to continue across NXT and NXT Evolve. It was also noted that staff also enjoyed working with the pair of Mustafa Ali and Mansoor, who appeared in the finale episode.

The event also saw Pete Dunne defeat Johnny Gargano in a well-received grudge match. Following the match, Dexter Lumis, made another appearance to save his former foe from the lead pipe attack. The decision to have Dunne go over was said to be made at the eleventh hour, with plans in place moving forward for both men. Gargano had previously mentioned on-screen that he had intended for The Way to go after the NXT Tag Team Championships, but it remains to be seen whether this is still on the horizon and if so, whether Gargano will chase with Lumis of the injured Austin Theory upon his return.

To clarify, the previously confirmed Adam Cole vs. Kyle O'Reilly match is now under a Three Strikes stipulation. The match, also known as a 'Three Strikes, You're Out' match will see the former Undisputed Era members fight to achieve three victories of a specific nature before the other. Because of the format, wrestlers may be attempting to fulfil different victory conditions. Cole had confirmed that the winner will be declared by successfully pinning, submitting and knocking out their opponent. The match will also be fought under no count-out and no disqualification rules.

The identity of William Regal's replacement as General Manager of NXT remains a mystery. Backstage officials are keeping tight-lipped over who the new authority figure will be until the event itself, with very few clues being given on-air. The current status of William Regal remains to be seen, with some believing that Regal's departure on-screen has come following a backstage reshuffle that could also see him move away from the role as WWE's Director of Talent Development and Head of Global Recruiting. There are still those, who believe Regal is 'grinning and bearing it' until the End of the Line special and it comes as no surprise that All Elite Wrestling has shown interest in working with the veteran after picking up several members of the WWE alumni in recent weeks.

As of writing, Oney Lorcan remains a part of the NXT roster. There was backstage speculation that Lorcan's disappearance during this past week's episode was an on-screen way of writing Lorcan out of the company. Lorcan's disappearance was referenced on 205 Live, which further evidences his position with the company, given WWE's tendency to stop referencing events/storylines if it features released talent. Another talent who has been written off of television is Robert Stone, who took a bump during the Aliyah vs. Zoey Stark match. Stone was later seen being helped backstage, which was done in an attempt to make some adjustments to the character.

Two matches have been announced for the debut edition of NXT Evolve, which premiers next Friday. The matches will be taped in place of 205 Live and feature talent from the WWE Performance Center in addition to the NXT roster. The first match announced was Asher Hale vs. Ari Sterling. Hale interrupted Sterling's interview at 205 Live: End of the Line stating that he had been given an opportunity that he intended to use to silence Sterling. Sterling has recently enjoyed a string of victories, winning 4 of 5 of his past matches, the most recent taking place three weeks ago against Santos Escobar. The second confirmed match will see Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari in tag team action. The duo, who have been inserting themselves into any opportunity that presents itself had declared that they would prove that they were 'better' and not 'bitter'. It is likely that more matches will be announced during NXT: End of the Line.

Speaking of releases, it has recently been said that executive producer, Triple H, is looking to distance NXT further from the Raw and SmackDown brands. While recent talks have seen Vince McMahon attempt to bring NXT back to developmental status, focussing efforts on building new stars via the introduction of NXT Evolve, it's said that Triple H wants to use the rebrand to treat NXT as its own entity - including having the option to re-sign talent released by the main roster. Typically, Mr McMahon will make the decision to send a competitor from the main roster back to NXT but if a roster member is released from either Raw or SmackDown, there is 'little to no input' from Triple H. There is no confirmation on which release may have prompted this reaction from "The Game".

It was noted that several 205 Live originals were omitted from the opening video package during the End of the Line edition. As mentioned, it is not uncommon for the company to erase talents upon their release, this included Rich Swann, Jack Gallagher, The Bollywood Boyz, TJ Perkins and most notably Brian Kendrick. The former NXT Cruiserweight Champion had transitioned to a backstage producer role, following his 'semi-retirement from wrestling in March. At one point Kendrick had been touted as one of Kushida's potential opponents. However, in actual fact, Kendrick had been quietly released from the company - the reasons have yet to be confirmed - but one source said that WWE had been quietly covering their tracks and distancing themselves from Kendrick.

The Cruiserweight Classic winner, TJ Perkins, was also said to be disgruntled that he was not asked back or featured at all in the finale. TJP, who was released in 2019, took to Twitter to say the following:













Looking Glass

Active Member
Sep 18, 2022
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We are welcomed to what will be a historic edition of NXT as the black and gold brand faces its final hours. Vic Joseph is joined by Beth Phoenix and Wade Barrett on commentary while the cameras pan across the live crowd, who remain adhering to COVID protocols. We are promised five matches that will shake things up ahead of next week's all-new era of NXT. We're also reminded that the End of the Line also spells the final night for William Regal as General Manager. Tonight, Mr Regal himself will introduce us to his replacement, but with so much on tonight, we have to get straight to the action...
The bell tolls, readying us for our first match of the evening and one that could change the landscape of the brand forever. Alicia Taylor stands by in the ring, preparing to introduce the first match of what would be an epic show.

The opening contest of the evening is a Three Strikes match – the winner of the match will be determined as the first competitor to pin, submit and knock out their opponent. Both competitors have signed contracts that agree whoever loses will have their NXT contract terminated with IMMEDIATE effect.

Tensions had been mounting for weeks in the aftermath of the dissolution of The Undisputed Era. The history between Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly had been long and winding but tonight with over a decade of memories between them – teaming together for the first time in Ring of Honor on October 1, 2010, before being labelled as one to watch later that year. A schism in 2012 saw both men swap tag team partners before putting any differences aside, though by this time both men had focused on their own successes – “The Panama City Playboy” focusing on singles stardom while Kyle O’Reilly dominated the tag team division with another former friend, Bobby Fish.

It would be another year before O’Reilly and Cole would team up again, if only for a moment. In 2016, it seemed that the two would make amends and reform their tag team (Future Shock) only for the former NXT Champion to turn on “Cool Kyle” in favour of his Kingdom stable. Then? No one knows. It wasn’t until NXT Takeover: Brooklyn III, when the two men, alongside Fish band together to attack Drew McIntyre and usher in The Undisputed Era. Whatever had caused the former reDRagon to make peace with Adam Cole for a second time seemingly held, at least for four years as together they dominated the black and gold brand. Adding Roderick Strong to their brotherhood, the stable made history, collecting all the men’s major titles but whatever tension was there before still lingered and like a disease, it had slowly spread and consumed the four men.

Now, both men were left with nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Bobby Fish had turned his back on both, deciding to flip the script and shine the spotlight on himself. Roderick Strong had not been seen for weeks and Adam Cole’s ego had caused him to stoop to desperate new lows. William Regal saw an opportunity to end the violence, whoever this new General Manager was had seen an opportunity to get eyes on the product and so it was decided that the former friends would put their careers on the line in an unorthodox three strikes match.

The crowd are wild, almost ravenous, like spectators at an ancient coliseum. The crowd cheers for the arrival of “NXT’s Best Kept Secret” as “Axe & Smash” plays across the P.A. system. We cut to backstage where we see Kyle as we get one continuous shot of him making his way from the back, through the curtain to the applause of the limited audience. At the top of the entrance ramp, O’Reilly shows off his Mixed Martial Art skills with Vic Joseph saying that those very skills could give him the edge ahead of this match.


“Introducing first, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, weighing in at 200 pounds…KYLE O’REILLY!

O’Reilly throws back his hood and begins to thrash along to his entrance music. Beth Phoenix says that Kyle must have waited a lifetime for this moment, having always taken the high road, he now has the chance to end it all tonight. Wade Barrett accuses Kyle of being complicit with all the actions of The Undisputed Era and goes as far to say that he has ridden the waves of Cole’s success to get the very spot he’s in now. Stepping through the ropes, O’Reilly stands on the second turnbuckle and looks out across the crowd, a determined look on his face. Tonight, it’s fight or flight.

In contrast, Adam Cole doesn’t look determined at all, he looks nonchalant making his way out from the back which is picked up on by Vic Joseph. Barrett says that lions don’t care for the opinions of sheep and that Adam Cole has always been the number one in the rankings on The Undisputed Era, questioning why he would worry about low-hanging fruit like his opponent tonight.

“And his opponent, from Panama City, Florida, weighing in at 205 pounds…ADAM COLE!

Beth says that Cole best take this match seriously or he could be looking for somewhere else to work at the end of the night. Vic Joseph puts this over as a mega-opening match while Adam Cole poses at the top of the entrance ramp. Cole throws his hands up in the air and heckles the audience, saying he’s going to put O’Reilly out on the streets before climbing up on the apron and wiping his feet (some would say as a tribute to William Regal, but given the nature of their relationship, it would be hard to believe). His demeanour changes when he turns to the crowd and readies himself for the…


205 lbs
200 lbs
Panama City, Florida
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
1x NXT Champion
1x NXT North American Champion (first-ever)
1x NXT Tag Team Champion
Second NXT Triple Crown Champion
3x NXT Tag Team Champion
Awarded 5 stars at the 2018 Wrestling Observer Awards

Once he’s inside the ring, he arrogantly throws his arms up again, walking straight past his former friend as if he weren’t there. Then, suddenly, he walks straight up to O’Reilly, who initially shows restraint. Referee, D.A. Brewer attempts to step between them when O’Reilly snaps and clocks Cole with a forearm smash, Brewer calls for the bell while “Cool Kyle” immediately goes for the cover.


Despite not achieving much of a count, O’Reilly steps up and smirks, looking down at a shell-shocked Cole, who clenches his face and complains to the referee. Beth says that Kyle is trying to humble Adam Cole here tonight and get into his head, reminding him only takes three seconds. Wade says that even if that were the case, there are still three falls in place as Vic Joseph quickly runs down the rules which appear onscreen.

Back in the ring, O’Reilly quickly lines Cole up against the rope and delivers an echoing chop that further evaporates any arrogance that Adam Cole had going into this match. Cole wanders into the turnbuckle but O’Reilly is quick to turn him around and chop him straight in the chest again as he gets to the second rope for an old-school spot as he begins to deliver the ten punches in the early stages of the match. As shell-shocked as Cole might have been, he is
NOT going to allow his enemy to execute the spot perfectly and instead delivers a low blow – which is perfectly legal here! Cole then rakes the back, again perfectly legal before he delivers a backstabber to take Kyle down. O’Reilly rolls towards the ropes but “The Panama City Playboy” grabs the legs and positions him for a slingshot from under the bottom rope! Barrett says that Cole is using the rules – or lack of – to his full advantage while the crowd boos. Cole drags his opponent to the middle of the ring for a cover…



Not quite!

Cole approaches O’Reilly but is quickly kicked away as “The Martial Artist” gets to his feet and puts his fist up. Meeting in the centre, the two men begin to lobby blows at one another, going back and forth, pacing gaining as it becomes clear that this is more than a grudge match. This is hatred. O’Reilly manages to back Cole into the corner, but the latter soon battles his back into the centre of the ring, the two seemingly forgetting about wrestling until the not so “Cool Kyle” tackles Adam to the floor and begins the ground and pound. Grabbing the arm, O’Reilly goes for the armbar, locking it in tight! However, Cole manages to get to his feet and put his shoulders down.



It’s not going to be that easy.

While still on the mat, O’Reilly locks in a headscissors, prompting Cole to deliver some stomps to break free and catch his breath. Kyle approaches but is met with a jumping enzuigiri that cracks across his skull. Cole grabs the legs now and leans back into a camel clutch, pressure is applied while O’Reilly looks around the ring. Commentary reminds us that each man has a rope break that can be used to stop a pin or a submission, following that pinfalls can be made anywhere and all holds are legal.

O’Reilly reaches out and manages to roll forward, catapulting Cole across the second rope. “The Violent Artist” steps to the outside and locks in another cross-arm bar! D.A. Brewer is forced to call for the rope break as Beth gives kudos to Kyle’s tactics in forcibly removing the rope break option. Almost immediately after breaking the hold, O’Reilly locks it in once again, looking to get the submission strike under his belt. The move is locked in…


The crowd are shocked as Brewer now breaks the hold. Wade says that Cole had to decide whether to throw away a strike and conserve his strength or to wait it out and put him in a weaker position.

“Strike one to Adam Cole. Adam Cole now has two strikes remaining!”

Vic says that Kyle will be able to utilize submission holds throughout the match but he can no longer obtain a strike from them, he must now pin his rival to move on to the third strike. O’Reilly releases the hold while Cole rolls to the outside. O’Reilly runs the apron looking for a penalty kick but Adam Cole catches the leg and thrust him face-first onto the apron, rebounding off onto the floor. Once again, Adam Cole takes a moment to catch his breath before looking down at his opponent on the floor, he creates some separation, leading to commentary to speculate that he’s going for the Last Shot. Cole hitches down his knee pad and prepares himself, posing before the crowd who give an “ADAM COLE BAY-BAY!” call back.

He goes to strike…

Kyle dodges it and instead runs Cole into the barricade. Kyle is getting pumped up but Barrett says he needs to focus on trying to get a pin. O’Reilly fishes a chair out from underneath the ring and sets it up as the former NXT Tag Team Champion charges toward Cole, using the chair as a springboard….
SUPERKICK BY ADAM COLE! That in itself could have knocked Kyle O’Reilly out. Cole folds the chair and prepares to use it. Kyle struggles to his feet, flinching as his former friend takes a swing, O’Reilly attempts to dodge but Cole was ribbing him, he had no intention of hitting him…that time at least. Instead, he throws the chair straight into the face of O’Reilly to take him out once more. Vic Joseph says that Adam Cole must get the first two strikes first – a pinfall or submission – Barrett says it’s easier to win the match to wear your opponent down and go for the trifecta but goes silent when Beth asks how much Three Strikes matches he’s won in his career.

Back from the replay, we see O’Reilly attempting to make his way up the entrance ramp, prompting Cole to ask where was going. Cole swings O’Reilly into the barricade once again as he then grabs him by the hair and shouts in his ear “You should have stuck to being my sidekick!”. Cole then lays in wait, looking for another Superkick but this time O’Reilly catches the foot, kicking the calf causing Cole to fold over as he hits an axe kick between the shoulder blades –
FOREARM SMASH! Cover! Will he score a second strike against Adam Cole?




Cole remains with one strike against him as the graphic reminder pops up onscreen. Kyle O’Reilly lifts Adam Cole to his feet and begins again with the knee strikes before he pulls him in for a big-time overhead belly-to-belly suplex! X marks the spot as Cole crashes into the video wall, causing it to malfunction, receiving a pop from the crowd. D.A. Brewer checks on Cole, who is rolling around in pain at this point. O’Reilly hooks the legs, once again looking for a second strike.




Commentary puts over the former NXT Champion’s resilience but ponders how much more punishment he can take. O’Reilly now grabs his rival and runs him down the rope, releasing his grip and allowing Cole to roll down the rest of the way, now he’s just looking to wear down Adam Cole bit-by-bit to play to his advantage and win him the match. Cole attempts to crawl back into the ring and is helped on his way but as Kyle steps into the ring, Adam rolls across the mat and under the ropes on the opposite side. Playing for time might not win him the match but it allows a vital opportunity to plan his next move. O’Reilly rolls out of the ring in pursuit of his opponent but Cole smashes him over the head with the ring bell! O’Reilly looks to be bleeding from the head but somehow he’s still conscious, he falls to his knees….”ADAM COLE BAY-BAY!”…..Cole seizes the moment as he hits the Last Shot!






“Strike one to Kyle O’Reilly! Kyle O’Reilly now has two strikes remaining!”

The medic at ringside attempts to check on Kyle but Adam throws him to the side and reminds the referee it’s all legal. The score is now tied but Cole now needs to get a submission while O’Reilly needs to get a pinfall. Beth says that the ring bell may have flipped the script of the match. Cole slumps down against the announce table, allowing the medic to check on O’Reilly but “The Violent Artist” doesn’t want any help, he begins to chase Cole back into the ring. The two men come face-to-face once again, standing opposite each other, “The Panama City Playboy” gives his opponent a gun show and smiles, potentially wasting valuable time. Once again, the two begin to exchange blows with O’Reilly managing to back Cole into the corner again, looking to finish what he started. Mounting the second turnbuckle, the audience count along once more…


Jumping down, Cole staggers forward straight into a JUMPING KNEE STRIKE! An exhausted O’Reilly though doesn’t immediately go for the cover. He pulls himself over Cole.



Cole manages to get the shoulder up while Vic Joseph assesses that had he covered sooner, he may have secured the second strike. O’Reilly wipes the blood from his face and tries to recover, making his way back to his feet but so is Adam Cole. O’Reilly locks in another guillotine choke, Cole has no rope breaks but Kyle cannot win another strike this way. However, Cole manages to drive his opponent back-first into the turnbuckle to loosen the grip. Cole now lifts his friend-turned-foe above his head – what is he doing!?


O’Reilly sprawls across the mat while Cole now locks in a Figure Four leglock! The crowd are cheering and willing O’Reilly on, he tries to drag himself to the ropes. Just when it seemed that he had no choice but to tap, he begins to crawl again, and Cole’s application begins to weaken.

Rope break! O’Reilly has used his rope break and now anything goes for both men. O’Reilly uses the time to roll outside of the ring and attempt to hobble away. Cole follows him out and throws Kyle face first onto the turnbuckle, rather than rebounding, he simply rests across it but this allows his opponent to set him up in a wheelbarrow position and deliver a
GERMAN SUPLEX INTO THE APRON! A “holy sh*t!” chant breaks out across the Capitol Performance Center as “The Glamazon” fears Kyle O’Reilly’s neck could have been broken. Cole favours his shoulder after that move but plays it off to the crowd as he taunts them. Reaching under the ring, this time he finds a wooden table, which he then sets up. Vic says it looks like Cole is in no hurry to submit his opponent, but Barrett says he needs to just let Adam Cole do this own thing.

Cole puts O’Reilly into a waist lock but he receives one elbow to the head, followed by a second and then a third, causing the hold to be broken. O’Reilly lifts Cole for a suplex, the crowd are on the edges of their seats as it looks like he’s going for the table, only for Cole to drop back down and push O’Reilly into the table. Cole grabs
ANOTHER chair from under the ring and tries to sandwich Kyle between the chair and the table but in the final moments of the sequence, O’Reilly escapes and snatches the chair throwing it into the ring and rolling Cole in.

As O’Reilly steps back into the ring, Cole connects with a dropkick, this time climbing the ropes and looking for a

But O’Reilly turns this into an Alabama Slam right onto the steel chair!

He makes the cover…




“Strike two to Adam Cole! Adam Cole now only has one strike remaining.”

One strike remaining means Cole needs to stay focused and avoid getting his light switched off. We get a stern reminder that the loser of this match doesn’t just lose bragging rights in the war of the Undisputed Era but they lose their career, their contract in NXT. Everything they’ve worked so hard to achieve, the momentum they’ve built will come to a stop here at NXT: End of the Line. The referee now checks on Cole and lifts his arm to initiate the three-count to see if he has been knocked out.



But Cole keeps the arm lifted, and the match continues. O’Reilly now waits for Cole to get to his knees and hits a series of kicks to the chest, he then goes for the roundhouse kick but Cole dodges it a chop blocks O’Reilly. Kyle rolls to the apron but commentary reminds us that he has no more rope breaks in place. The graphic reminds us that the score is currently 2-1 to Kyle O’Reilly. Cole approaches O’Reilly on the apron, Kyle attempts the shoulder tackle through the ropes but Cole dodges it and drags him over the second rope for a
ROPE HUNG PILEDRIVER! Desperately, “The Panama City Playboy” locks in another Figure Four and this time Kyle has nowhere to go but to add insult to injury by punching the knee socket to inflict more pain. KYLE TAPS! KYLE TAPS!

“Strike two to Kyle O’Reilly! Kyle O’Reilly now only has one strike remaining.”

O’Reilly reels in agony, with both men now only having one more strike until their career is potentially done and dusted. Commentary can’t believe this is just the first of five great matches, with three championships on the line tonight. Back to the action now, it’s 2-2 as Cole resorts to the wheelhouse to put Kyle O’Reilly down, looking to use the very same move for the first strike as he intends to use for the last – THE LAST SHOT!

The kneepad is already down, he wearily poses to the crowd, who are just as hot in calling back. SHINING WIZARD TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! NO! O’Reilly moves to safety once again. ROUNDHOUSE KICK! But Cole catches the foot. These two men know each other too well as the crowd applause the action. Dragonscrew by Adam Cole, trying to take out the use of the legs. Cole rolls to the outside to dig for more gold underneath the ring but unfortunately for him, he can only find a trash can which he throws into the ring. Cole places the trash can over the head of his opponent and sizes him up for yet another SUPERKICK! He then removes the trash can so that the referee can administer the three-count. Brewer lifts the arm…

It drops once…

He lifts the arm again…


If it drops a third, then he earns another strike and he will be out of NXT and out of WWE. Brewer lifts the arm again.


Whether he was conserving his energy or on is nearing the end, he manages to stay alive in this match. Adam Cole is livid, he tiredly begins to quarrel with the referee and accuse him of match tampering. O’Reilly slowly makes his way back to his feet while Beth accuses Cole of being entitled and had this match been under normal rules he may have just had the match thrown out for his behaviour. Cole notices his opponent is standing and approaches but is tricked into a drop toehold that sends him into the bottom turnbuckle. While Cole tries to regain his composure, O’Reilly places the trash can in front of his opponent and creates some distance….RUNNING DROPKICK! RIGHT TO THE FACE OF ADAM COLE! The trash can is now bent in half.

O’Reilly tosses the can to the side, we can now see that Cole is bleeding from the nose but he is not down and out, so the match continues. O’Reilly lifts his foe to the top rope and delivery a forearm to the face, which doesn’t help the bleeding. Kyle goes to strike again but Cole catches it and tries to him up to the turnbuckle but instead drops him onto the apron. Cole drops down from the top turnbuckle, looking down at the chair that was thrown into the match earlier and noticing the table is set up on the floor just behind Kyle. The evil intentions are brewing as Panama’s finest picks up and chair and swings at Kyle, who somehow manages to grab and wrestle the frame away from his face, the two men now in a test of strength.

Who will get the upper hand?

Cole tells O’Reilly to give up but this just motivates the Canadian even more when he rips the steel chair out of his hands.


Cole is clutching at his face stumbling around with no idea where he’s going when Kyle grabs him and lifts him into a suplex position….SUPLEX FROM THE APRON AS BOTH MEN COME CRASHING THROUGH THE TABLE! It’s hard to tell who got the worse of that move as we head to another replay.

The crowd are now electric as D.A. Brewer climbs out of the ring and checks on both men. Both men are down, and both men’s arms are raised.

Both drop for…



Brewer lifts for a second time…


This is it. If either man’s arm drops a third time, they will earn the third strike. Will either man even be able to comply? If this ends in a draw, then what becomes of their contract?

The referee lifts for the third time.


Kyle O’Reilly quakes with his arm upright as the referee calls for the bell. The NXT Universe cannot quite believe what has happened as reality sets in. Immediately, a medic comes to check on both men as the result is announced.

“Adam Cole has received a third and final strike. As a result, here is your winner….KYLE O’REILLY!”

“Axe & Smash” begins to play, drumming some sense of reality into “The Violent Artist”, who lived up to his name tonight. We cannot even get a reaction from Adam Cole as he is helped to the back, in more sombre spirits. While the usual trope would have been to give the old goodbye song, the fans in attendance have observed such a high-stake spectacle that both men shone. In fact, you could say some have been left saddened by the result. O’Reilly looks emotional as he is on his knees looking around the arena, his literal blood, sweat and tears have gone into this match.

We cut to match highlights as we are reminded that Adam Cole’s time in NXT has come to an end. Tonight, Kyle O’Reilly walks out as the Undisputed victor.
We head to the commercial break, but still to come, the NXT Women's title is on the line.

Returning from the break, "Swan Lake" plays out as we revisit the theatre of violence, shot completely in black and white. As we've become accustomed to over the past couple of weeks, a dapper-looking Bobby Fish is standing on the stage looking out to an empty auditorium with a bubble pipe in hand.

"The world we live in is so fickle. What glitters today will be forgotten in years to come. One person's success story is another person's downfall but while my peers choose to fly close to the sun with nothing but wax and feathers, I choose to reflect, evaluate and really consider my standing. You already know the name of Robert Anthony Fish, but do you really know me at all? Next week, you will truly know my name and my art. You've merely seen the first act" he raises the bubble pipe to his mouth and takes a 'smoke'. Following a pause, he concludes. "Now we've had the intermission, you'll see just why they call me." pause, sharp inhale. "INFAMOUS."

The camera smashes to black and we see the dictionary definition.


infamous - adjective
in·fa·mous | \ ˈin-fə-məs \

having a reputation of the worst kind : notoriously evil an infamous traitor
We are backstage in the interview pit with McKenzie Mitchell, who has dressed up for the occasion.

"Welcome back to NXT, we are still in a state of shock following what just happened - Adam Cole has now gone from NXT. Don't forget to follow us on social media and check WWE.com for all the latest news as it breaks. Now joining me to discuss their next steps, The Way."

The camera pans over, where we see Johnny Gargano, Dexter Lumis, Austin Theory, Candice LeRae, Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta. Theory still has his fingers in a cast but just looks happy to be there, Candice on the other hand is trying to fight for space as she edges Persia out of the frame, sporting a baggy 'The Way' tee.

"Look at you all, I guess the family just keeps growing!"

Johnny and Candice give each other a knowing look before "Johnny Wrestling" leans into the microphone.

"You know what McKenzie? I'm just thankful to have the support of my family after last week. Losing, well it kinda sucks, but you have to pick yourself up and carry on - Peter beat me last week but the next time, the next time he might not be as lucky but together, we will continue to grow and learn from our mistakes. NXT may be reaching a new era but I will still continue to instil these core family values and move forward to success."

"Well you have already laid claim to the NXT Women's Tag Team Championships. You've made it no secret that you want to conquer the men's tag team division. I assume you'll be watching the result of that match coming up later?"

Johnny looks between Austin Theory and Dexter Lumis. Not wanting to commit to an answer that may upset the other, he realizes he has to go about this delicately.

"We will be watching all the matches with a keen eye, McKenzie."

Just then, a commotion disrupts the interview. We see Oney Lorcan storm up, dismissing McKenzie and making a beeline for "The Stimulus". McKenzie looks in shock, given that Lorcan had been gone for a week at this point.

"I am going to make you pay you little freak! I know it was you. You know it was you! Mystery Inc here were probably in it on it too."

The camera pans over to Lumis, who remains speechless. McKenzie reintroduces herself into the conversation.

"Oney Lorcan, it's so nice to see that you're well! Can you shed some light on what happened to you these past few days?"

The bags under Lorcan's eyes suggest that he is far from well as he exhales loudly and turns to the interviewer.

"Is that supposed to be some sort of twisted attempt at humour, McKenzie? Well!?...Well!? Do I look well to you? I've not slept, I've barely eaten. I am the victim of a crime, organized by that man." he points towards Lumis. "I've been held up for days in what I can only assume in his mother's abandoned basement."

"So if you were kidnapped Oney, why are you still here and why isn't Dexter in jail right now?"

Lorcan turns red, he hasn't got the answers and he didn't want to use the term 'insufficient evidence. Wanting some vengeance after carrying out the attack that injured him, Austin pipes up.

"Okay, okay hear me out. Are you sure you didn't just lock yourself in by accident?"

"The Boston Brawler" is raging at this point. He lets out a frustrated shriek. In the meantime, Lumis has taken out a sketchpad and began to scribble away.

"Wait, look, he's drawing something."

But Lorcan is having none of it, he takes the pad and without looking, tears the paper off before crumbling it in his hands and throwing it on the floor.

"I'm not playing these stupid games anymore! You and me Lumis, we're going to settle this next week in a match. I don't care who is running the show, I will make you suffer like you've made me suffer and it will be EXTREME RULES!"

Before they can even respond, Lorcan marches off, wanting to have had the final word. Bending down, Indi opens the ball of paper on the floor and shows the group.

"Hold on a second?..."

Indi shows the camera, which depicts a caricature of both Lumis and Lorcan in an Extreme Rules match with tables, chair and various other items scattered around. The group all look to Lumis, who stares blankly at the camera as the segment comes to a close.

Back at ringside, Beth Phoenix says this next match has a lot of emotion following the misting of Dakota Kai last week. She confirms that next week, Kai has agreed to a sit-down interview to discuss the attack as well as her current status and in-ring future. Vic Joseph takes us back to the earlier interview with the NXT Women’s Champion, Raquel González, who stated that there was a no-contact clause added to this match and if she had it her way, there would be no disqualification rules in place so that she could score some vengeance. Barrett applauds the decision not to fulfil the champion’s request and says that she is dangerous, much to the annoyance of “The Glamazon”.

The lights go down as a mist begins to billow from the entrance ramp, coating the Capitol Wrestling Center. A faint light illuminates the throne of Mei Ying, while Beth points out that here lies the culprit behind Dakota Kai’s attack. Wade Barrett warns Beth not to disrespect “The Mother” or she too may face the consequences. The ominous figure remains perfectly still, the tension mounting and the music reaching a crescendo. Xia Li steps forward, with Boa close behind. Boa removes the Weimoa from Li’s head, she looks around the crowd with a fierce scowl and throws her robe to “The Nobleman” to perform her combat ritual.

WWE’s first female Chinese Superstar makes her way into the ring, looking unremorseful for the part she has had to play in recent events. The lack of commentary only adds to the intensity of the challenger, who poses in the ring, it’s clear that she’s ready to fight.

The lights begin to change as Raquel González steps out from the back, her pace a lot less controlled than usually as she skips the posing and looks across to Mei Ying – who doesn’t even turn her head. González restrains herself before heading down the entrance ramp, stepping up to Boa, who also does not flinch or acknowledge the champion. Turning, González steps into the ring and takes off the championship belt handing it over to Aja Smith and attempting to walk up to Li. Smith warns her to go back as Alicia Taylor stands by for the official ring introduction.

“The following bout is set for one fall and it is for the NXT Women’s Championship.” She holds for applause. “Introducing first, the challenger, from Chongqing, China and honoring Tian Sha, weighing in at 136 pounds…XIA LI!”

Xia Li steps forward, still displaying the same intensity as she again performs the Bao Quan Li. The heat from those in attendance pours in while the cameras pan over to the emotionless Mei Ying, who watches her “Special Girl”.

“And her opponent, from Rio Grande Valley, Texas, weighing in at 177 pounds, she is the reigning and defending NXT Women’s Champion…RAQUEL GONZÁLEZ!”

González steps forward and acknowledges the crowd, clearly wanting to honor them tonight by serving justice for her friend, tag team partner and mentor, Dakota Kai. Aja Smith raises the title to show what’s at stake before handing it to the timekeeper and calling for the bell. Almost immediately, Raquel immediately runs toward Li and floors her with a big boot, which receives a pop from the crowd.

177 lbs
136 lbs
Rio Grande Valley, Texas
Chongqing, Sichuan, China​
1x NXT Women's Champion
1x NXT Women's Tag Team Champion (inaugural)
Co-winner of the 2021 Women's Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
Former Wushu Champion
Mae Young Classic Alumni

Xia Li rolls out of the ring to recover but the Women’s Champion is not letting up that easily. Vic Joseph says that Tian Sha had watched González for weeks but now it’s González who is monitoring Li while she rolls out of the ring and BUCKLE BOMBS her into the Plexiglas. Boa makes his way over, prompting Raquel to ask if he also “wants some?”. Raquel begins to stomp mudholes into Li, pressing her against the guard rail while the referee’s count is in place. Not finished, the champion rolls into the ring and then back out again to break the count.

Beth points out that Raquel’s request for a no disqualification, extreme rules match may have been declined, but she’s utilizing the hardest-hitting elements of the Capitol Performance Center and it’s all legal. González throws Li into the steel post, an audible thud can be heard as the challenger winces in pain. The cameras show Mei Ying, whose fist has now clenched at her throne while Boa takes another step forward, only to be warned by the referee. González approaches “The Nobleman” again but this time, Li grabs the ponytail of the champion and uses it to throw her face first into the steel post. Boa retreats while Xia Li takes control now, grabbing the arm of the champion and rolling back into the ring to swing it against the post. Another thud can be heard as González folds over in pain, Vic saying that could have broken the champion’s arm.

Xia Li rolls to the outside to break the count once more and grabs the arm, throwing it against the ring apron. Wade Barrett says that Li is systematically breaking down the power advantage of “Big Mami Cool”, which is exactly what she needs to do to even the playing field and stop her from using that one-armed Chingona powerbomb. Li takes González down with a knee before stepping on the bicep and shrieking at the crowd who boo her. Pulling the champion up by the ponytail again, Li returns her to the ring and rolls in shortly after to take the action inside the squared circle.

Targeting the arm once again, Xia wraps it across the rope as Smith begins to make the count two five – the challenger only just relinquishing the hold before the count is exhausted. Smith warns Li back but it’s not long before “The Special Girl” approaches once again but is met with a kick to the midsection from González. Li attempts to stay on her but the champion is fighting back as she forcefully shoves her across the ring into the turnbuckles. Raquel attempts to shake out the pain in her arm, while Li gets back to her feet, her confidence looking lost for a second before she smiles and makes her way to the center of the ring and reaches up her arm for a test of strength. Beth queries her logic, even with the champion’s arm damaged but González meets her in the middle and the two lock in a finger lock. “Big Mami Cool” begins to use her might to lift Li off her feet but the challenger chops the bicep, causing Raquel to return her to her feet.

Li immediately uses her MMA background to take down the champion in an impressive display. Beth says that Raquel needs to start wrestling with her head instead of her heart or she may stand to lose her title. Xia Li delivers a sharp dropkick to the floor champion as she looks at Mei Ying on the entrance ramp, then grabs her opponent’s arm and begins to kick away at the bicep. Smith has to warn Li back once again. This time, Li grabs Raquel’s arms and pulls them back while she drives the knee into the spine – a seat surfboard stretch! The referee checks on González but she refuses to give up. Li ups the ante as she leans back to the mat (minding her shoulders and elevating Raquel) and she now drives both feet into the back of the champion.

However, given the size advantage the champion possesses, González uses her strength to pull forward and quickly pin Li’s shoulders to the mat.


Li manages to get her shoulders off the mat in time but Gonzalez retains her grip as she lifts the challenger up and lawn darts her into the turnbuckle! González again works tries to stretch out her arm and work through the pain as she lifts Li up for a fallaway slam. Rather than going for the cover, Raquel gets back to her feet and yells for Li to get up, when she does so, the champion lifts her and once again hits ANOTHER fallway slam. “Big Mami Cool” steps to the second turnbuckle and points out to Boa and then to Mei Ying telling them both to watch…SPINNING SPLASH!

But Xia Li rolls out of the way as González crashes to the mat in a nasty landing. Li quickly follows up with a running tornado kick right onto the back of the champion. Commentary question why Li has yet to go for the pin as she smiles, looks down at Raquel and rolls out of the ring. Li drags González across the apron, panic growing in Vic Joseph’s voice, what is she going to do here?


Xia Li looks on in glee as she now struggles to grasp at the larger González to roll her back into the ring. Li hooks the leg now, has she done?




Raquel González kicks out and the fight continues. The champion tries to find solace in the ropes but once again, Li showcases her speed and striking with another dropkick square to the jaw. If Raquel wasn’t in la-la land before, she just might be now. The challenger makes another cover.



But Raquel González kicks out again. Beth highlights that it seemed like in the opening of the match, Xia Li was taking her time and just trying to inflict pain on Raquel but now there’s a growing sense of urgency as she starts going for more pins, she theorizes that this could be the influence of Tian Sha. Xia

Li hops onto González, locking in a guillotine trying to wear the champion down. At first, Raquel appears to struggle as she tries to move towards the ropes but instead she places her hands at the hips of her opponent and begins to elevate her before rag-dolling her across the ring. We can see that unlike at the start of the match, Raquel falls to her knee and takes a few moments to recover – a move that Barrett criticizes her for. The recovery time allows Li back to her feet as she charges with a running knee strike, only for González to dodge at the last minute! The champion lifts her up but the damage done to the arm forces her to drop Li once more. Regaining control of the match, Xia Li begins to hit with a series of kicks but the champion still manages to stand, Li creates some distance and then…CORKSCREW ROUNDHOUSE KICK!

But González once again lifts Li up and this time quickly hits the CHINGONA BOMB! González hooks the leg.




But Boa drags the leg of Li out and pulls her from the ring. Aja Smith decides that she’s had enough already and ejects him from the match, much to the delight of the fans. González ignores Smith and grabs Boa, who shakes his head not wanting any physicality. The champion pins him against the Plexiglas but in the meantime, Xia Li is fishing under the ring as she pulls out a Singapore Cane! Smith tries to prevent her from using it but it’s to no avail as “The Special Girl” cracks her across the back, causing the cane to break. Smith calls for the bell but at this point, it seems that Tian Sha is past caring.

“This referee has declared the result of this match as a disqualification. As a result, your winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion…Raquel González!”

Ignoring the announcement, Boa aids Xia in lifting Raquel back into the ring as he approaches the timekeeper and takes the NXT Women’s Championship once again before returning to the ring. Li grabs the belt, looking to add another foreign object to the offence list. Li looks up to Mei Ying, who once again drops the thumb like Julius Caesar but before she can strike…


Mercedes had fallen foul of Tian Sha back at Takeover: In Your House and had vowed to rebuild and come back stronger. Mercedes ignores Ying, sprinting down to the squared circle as Li drops the belt, rolling to the outside as Boa follows behind her. The pair look livid as Mercedes checks on González, telling them that she’s back for them. Aja Smith returns to the ring to check on Raquel, while Mercedes looks down at the NXT Women’s Championship – a prize that she was only fighting Raquel for months ago. “The Brass City Bruiser” grabs the title and looks down upon it, turning around slowly she holds it out to a recovering González, who accepts it. Vic Joseph rounds things off by saying that these two may have had their differences in the past but they have a common enemy as things with Tian Sha look far from over.
We head back from the break, ringside where commentary put over what a night it's been so far with so much more still to come. Vic says that through the break they had been informed that Adam Cole had left the building, McKenzie Mitchell had attempted to catch up with him but he refused to comment and simply took off. Beth says emotions are running high tonight and things are about to get more emotional as "Regality" begins to play. The fans cheer for the departing GM, William Regal, who walks down to the ring for one final time under his current position.

The British Wrestling legend wipes his feet before stepping foot into the ring and taking the microphone. He pauses as the fans chant "Thank you Regal" as he tries to refrain from blushing and allow them their moment.

"I could honestly stand here all night and listen to this but if I don't get a wriggle on, new management will have my guts for garters". he smiles and begins to pace around the ring. "A few weeks ago, I told you all that I would be leaving, leaving my role as General Manager and leaving NXT. As you know, this isn't a decision I've taken lightly but sometimes you need to take a step back and look at the legacy you're leaving behind and tell yourself 'that's enough'. I could run this show until I'm old and grey..." he pauses. "Well, older and greyer." he chuckles again with the live crowd laughing along with him. "And as you've seen these past couple of months, there's plenty here that will turn your hairs grey, I'll tell you that. I've been privileged for so long to make NXT what I want it to be and as chaotic and frustrating as it's been as of late, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has stepped foot into this ring under my management and put on their best show for me." there's a round of applause from the crowd. "Whether you liked me or not, I thank you. Adam Cole, is someone that came into this company off the back of my recommendation but it's unfortunately not always the case that the young and hungry talent you find and admire has the same admiration back but nonetheless, any person who will do what he and Kyle O'Reilly did at the start of the show will always have my respect and my gratitude." he takes a sombre pause. "But I digress. I'm here tonight because I've been sitting on a secret since I announced my retirement from NXT and I promised to lift the curtain on that secret tonight. The person waiting in the back for me to wrap up and get on with it, is someone who can bring you the best quality wrestling because he's been a top quality wrestler himself. He and I actually share a lot in common, so I hope that in some ways that will help you get over me when he starts clearing up my mess at the end of this show. So without further ado, I give to you...Nigel McGuinness..."

There's a shock from both the fans and commentary, given that Nigel has not only worked on the NXT commentary booth but formerly sat alongside Vic Joseph on 205 Live. A smartly-dressed Nigel McGuinness makes his way out to a modest reaction from the crowd. The same man who helped the launch of the UK Championship tournament that eventually became NXT UK (which had been forced into hiatus since April 2020.

Mr Reg.al holds the ropes open as McGuinness wipes his feet as a mark of respect to his predecessor. The two men shake hands before Regal hands Nigel the microphone and takes a step back.

"Thank you!"
he pauses. "I know that a lot of you may know me from behind the booth or from NXT UK or even you've seen a few of my matches at a little promotion called Ring of Honor." there's a cheer from the crowd. "Maybe some of you don't know me at all, but that's alright we have plenty of time to get to know each other. Now, William, we've known each other a long time and I cannot praise you enough. You said that you were leaving me a mess but I say you're leaving me with seeds that need to be planted and as your new General Manager, I will be looking to take the work that you and the great Dusty Rhodes started and catapult NXT beyond the Universe. I firmly believe that we can take NXT beyond Raw or SmackDown or any other promotion on the planet." the crowd to be fully supportive of this idea. "Now, much like William, I came from a wrestling background and I care about this sport but I also realize that you have to be inventive and come up with new ideas - which is NXT Evolve will feature newer names and the stars of tomorrow, as well as giving you more action and more importantly, more wrestling from the NXT brand. Like William again, I've had to be a little bit ruthless in my career. I've had to make decisions that people might not agree with for what I feel is the greater good, so let this be a warning that you might not like everything I have to say or do but I will do my utmost to provide you watching here and at home with the best content..."

Before he can continue, he's cut off by a familiar tune. The fans boo as McGuinness looks over to Regal, who shakes his head in annoyance. At the top of the entrance ramp stands the Million Dollar Champion, LA Knight. Knight isn't dressed to wrestle, which seemingly is part of the problem.

"Now I'm going to give you your moment but honestly Nigel, I couldn't sit in the back and listen to you lie to these fans about how much you love them and you love NXT when between the two of you, neither one of you booked their favorite wrestler." he corrects himself. "Sorry, favorite CHAMPION in a match tonight. I know that the two of you probably want to ship me off like Adam back there, poor guy, but if you really cared about this sport then you need to recognize who the figurehead of this brand is."

McGuinness wipes his face in disbelief, barely minutes into the job and it would seem that he had his very first interruption and of all people - LA Knight had to be the one to make the complaint.

"I would have been foolish to have thought I could come out here and address the NXT Universe without someone interrupting me." he smirks at William Regal and looks back to Knight, who does not look impressed. "Knight, you're super-talented, you've got what we would say back home, 'the gift of the gab' and you're not afraid to put yourself out there. The problem is, it's always on your terms and with me as GM, you're going to need to start listening to what I'm saying or at least start making sense. The last time I checked, as sentimental as it is, that title is not recognized by NXT nor the WWE and while you claim to defend it, you're not an actual champion. So if you're out here to tell me that you should be in Bronson Reed's spot or you should just be given championships, then I'm going to have to tell you that like everyone else, you're going to have to earn it."

The crowd cheer, much to the disdain of Knight. He smirks in disbelief. There would be absolutely no way that he would stand in the back of line.

"Oh I can think of a few ways to make you see sense, but it's your first day so I'll make it easy for you. Mr Regal - he was a DUMMY for keeping me held down for so long, that's why I made my opportunities and that's why I am "The People's Champion" today" the fans are booing in the background. "Listen, they just love me and if you can't hear that, then maybe you need to retire too, so we can find someone who means it when they say they care about talent."

Nigel and William look to each other, both trying to listen out for the non-existent display of support for the Million Dollar Champion but Knight's expression doesn't seem to indicate he's joking.

"I'll pretend you didn't just tell me to retire already, LA. I do care about talent and maybe if you had shown some willingness to compromise, we could have worked something out. However, that will have to be a conversation for another day, so are you going to leave this ring or am I going to have to get my friends to throw you out?"

LA laughs as he whips off his shades and leans forward.

"Oh, you going to get Willy here to throw me out?"

McGuinness chuckles, wishing that he hadn't had to retire all those years ago in that moment.

"William? Oh no. I mean, he could now he's not your boss but I'm assuming he wants to spend his final few hours under contract with a cuppa in the back." Regal nods in agreement. "The thing is, I want to embrace the new era but I'm not here to wipe out the rich tapestry of this brand, I've made a lot of friends here - in fact I brought a lot of friends here, perhaps if I introduce you to them you can decide if you want to 'defend' that title against them?"

McGuiness gestures towards the entrance ramp.


Knight's face drops, much to the glee of Regal and McGuiness. Knight tries to play it off as he turns round to speak. Bálor remains standing at the top of the entrance ramp.


"Hold on. Hold on. I'm not quite done yet, I'm afraid. You see, I said friends - plural."

McGuinness gestures once again while Bálor looks expectantly beside him.

No way!?


The same man who was released nearly two months ago is now back in the building, right where he belongs. "The Samoan Submission Machine" steps out and stands the other side of Bálor, the two exchanging glances as they look down to Knight.

"It's not my job to make your life easier, Nigel. I've been making dreams come true for new talent long before you rocked up with your NXT Evolve, just remember...." he thinks "You know, DeMarcus or whatever his name was weeks ago. I'm sure he's booked out plenty of gymnasiums since I gave him a Million Dollar opportunity and seeing as you're so keen to question the legitimacy of MY championship and all the terms and conditions that come with it, then I will choose as and when I defend it. Good luck with your throwbacks - Joe, I hope you don't pick up an injury scowling like that. But I will not have any part of it. Mark my words, you step on me and my fans and stop me from getting what I want. I'll just go right out and take it anyway"

The crowd boo as Knight drops the microphone and makes his way up the ramp. He stops, noticing that both Bálor and Joe are blocking his way but opts to walk around them instead. Neither of the trio starting anything that they could regret.

"Well that really is a shame. However, I don't respond to idle threats. Now, Joe, Finn. I asked you back here because you make up the cornerstones of this brand. Finn, to this day you are the longest reigning NXT Champion there's ever been and Joe, you and I go a way back, you were the very first man to hold the championship twice. Both you mean have blazed a trailed that won't be extinguished in my management, which is why next week - I'll give the fans what they want and that's the two of you one-on-one on NXT for the first time in four years."

The crowd are eating it up. Joe and Bálor cautiously turn to face each other having found themselves transitioning from allies to foes fairly quickly. Bálor slowly extends the arm, while dubious at first, Samoe Joe accepts and the match is official. Much like Nigel McGuinness' new role, the new theme of Joe plays us out as Regal gives a wave to the crowd that plays us into commercial.

Back to the action, hot off of the announcement that both Finn Bálor and Samoa Joe have re-signed with NXT under Nigel McGuinness' management.“Grit Your Teeth” plays us into the next match as we see Zack Gibson and James Drake confidently march out to the entrance ramp, both men coordinated in red trunks and bomber jackets. The two Brits don’t look at each other but move in perfect symmetry, removing their ‘GYV’ (football) scarves and holding them above their heads. The two men look around the crowd for a few seconds, before proceeding to enter the ring where Drake heads to the top rope and points to the sky while Gibson stands at his side.

“The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the NXT Tag Team Championships” the crowd pop. “Introducing first, the challengers, weighing in at 358 pounds, the team of James Drake and Zack Gibson – THE GRIZZLED YOUNG VETERANS!”

Vic Joseph
reminds us that this all started when the Grizzled Young Veterans asked for an opportunity against the NXT Tag Team Champions, to which Wes Lee and Nash Carter obliged, but from there, things soon turned sour after being ambushed by the challengers.

Wade Barrett says this is why they call themselves ‘veterans’ because they know every trick in the book and tonight they’re looking to utiutilize every trick they can to prove why they are the best tag team in the world. Beth retorts that the champions may be laid-back guys but when they are in the ring, they are just as much of a threat as anyone on the roster and warns that the challengers have already taken their kindness for weakness once and that it would be short-sighted to make that mistake a second time.

We are reminded that the last time these two teams met (in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic earlier in the year), it was the champions who walked out with the victory. Then, the lights dim. A green laser effect spills across the Capitol Wrestling Centre as we are introduced to our champions.

M. S. K.

Wes Lee and Nash Cater wear their titles proudly around the waist, charging down the ring and bounding over the steel steps where they pose with the crowd in the background joining them.


“Their opponents, weighing in at 359 pounds, the reigning and defending NXT Tag Team Champions…Wes Lee and Nash Carter…MSK!”

359 lbs​
358 lbs​
1x NXT Tag Team Champions

Winners of the 2021 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic
1x NXT UK Tag Team Champion
Won the 2019 NXT UK Tag Team Championship tournament

Carter and Lee hop onto the apron while Alicia Taylor exits the ring. Referee, Daryl Sharma, seems to take his eye off the ball momentarily as GYV immediately charged at the champions, who haven’t even had a chance to take the belts off yet. However, having previously fallen foul to the tactics of Gibson and Drake, MSK has prepared themselves as they deliver a hard shoulder block to the midsection through the second ropes. Both men springboard with missile dropkicks to take down the challengers to a cheer from the crowd. Beth comments that the Veterans didn’t see that trick coming from the champions but Barrett is quick to dismiss her. Barrett calls for some order in this match as Sharma tries to regain control. Gibson has rolled out of the ring leaving Wes Lee to hand over his belt and immediately delivers a series of kicks to Drake, bringing him to his knees.

“The Livewire” tags in his tag team partner, Nash joins Lee in striking Drake with kicks before Lee hits an enzuigiri and Carter nails a double foot stomp right on the back. Carter tells Lee to get back to the corner, where a second tag is made, Carter delivers a snapmare followed by a dropkick to the back of Drake, who is already beginning to feel the pressure of the NXT Tag Team Champions. Barrett says that the Grizzled Young Veterans need to ground MSK if they are going to stand a chance of walking about with the championships tonight.

Wes Lee kips back up, standing before the crowd, who are very much in favour of the champions. Zack Gibson is calling for the tag as James Drake crawls towards his corner. Lee gestures no and lifts Drake to his feet, hitting a palm strike and following up with a forearm. Gibson steps on the second rope and begins yelling abuse at his opponent, trying to cause a distraction. Lee moves away and sizes Drake up for the running knees…..BUT DRAKE DODGES THE MOVE! Spinning back fist by the challenger, rocking Wes Lee.

Drake attempts to whip Lee into the ropes on GYV’s side of the ring where Gibson delivers a knee to his back. Allowing himself to be distracted again, Wes Lee turns to face Gibson, who drops off the apron to the outside. James Drake immediately capitalises and tackles Lee from behind, causing him to spill out onto the floor. Despite the warnings of the referee, “Liverpool’s Number One” can’t help but get involved as he lifts Lee into a sidewalk slam position, but pauses for Drake to slingshot out and deliver an elbow to the throat of the co-champion. Drake and Gibson begin to talk trash once more as Lee tries to regain breath on the outside. The crowd boo but Nash Carter immediately enters the fray as he jumps into the ring and leaps over the top ropes, taking both members of the Veterans down.

Carter helps Lee to his feet, the two partners hyping each other up. Lifting Drake up, they roll him back into the ring as Carter returns to his corner and calls for the tag. Vic Joseph points out how much damage James Drake has taken this match so far, while Gibson tries to recover on the outside of the ring. Lee extends his hand for the tag when out of nowhere…A SURPRISE ROLL-UP!



Lee gets back to his feet and walks straight into a thunderous headbutt from the Leicester-born star. Slowing down the pace of the match, Drake grapples Lee into a hammerlock, with Barrett commending GYV on trying to ground the champions and turning around their efforts. Lee tries to get back to his feet but Drake manages to get in some shots to the kidneys, dragging Lee to his corner with the hammerlock still applied. Finally, the tag is made as Zack Gibson enters the ring and immediately delivers a kick to Lee’s ribs and hits the MERSEYSIDE DROP LUNGBLOWER!




But Wes Lee gets his foot on the ropes! Gibson scorns Sharma for his decision before dragging Lee further away. Gibson covers for a second time…



But this time Lee gets the shoulder up. Gibson tells Lee that he doesn’t deserve to be a champion and delivers a forearm for good measure. Carter tries to encourage his tag team partner to stay in the match but it’s not looking good for Wes Lee as Gibson refers to one of his favourites – the Shankly Gates! Twisting Lee’s elbow back on itself, the Liverpudlian seats himself on the champion’s back, causing him to write in pain. Daryl Sharma checks on Lee, who is trying not to fade as the pressure is applied by Gibson. Beth comments that after the springboard elbow on Lee earlier in the match, not only is the move pulling her arm from the socket but it’s adding further damage to the neck and cutting off Lee’s airway.

With his free arm, Wes Lee scrapes himself across the ring, this causes Gibson to try and adjust his own footing, which allows just enough give for him to be within touching distance of the ropes. Sensing a rope break, Gibson breaks the hold and rolls Lee over dropping a grounded clothesline. Gibson shouts “WHO ARE YA!?”, prompting the NXT Universe to respond unfavourably but as he bends down to retrieve Lee, he receives a kick in the head for his efforts. Lee hits a knife edge chop, followed by a back elbow which echoed through the Capitol Wrestling Centre. Gibson tries to play dirty and goes to stomp Lee’s feet but is instead monkey flipped into MKS territory. Vic Joseph wills Wes Lee to make the tag but while Gibson finds himself sitting in dangerous waters, Lee users what energy he has left to hit a running koppu kick! TAG MADE!

Lee stays in the ring as Carter takes a run and jump…HOT FIRE FLAME! Lee nudges Carter for the assist moonsault onto Gibson and once Lee exits the ring, the referee begins the count. Drake looks stressed from his corner.




Staying on his opponent, Carter gets behind Gibson and wraps his arms around his waist….DEADLIFTING HIM INTO A SUPLEX! ANOTHER PIN, SHOULDERS ARE DOWN!



Undeterred, Nash Carter steps out onto the apron looking to hit the hilo when he is greeted by the knees to the mid-section. Gibson quickly rolls his opponent over.



But a much sharper kick out from Nash Carter, who gets the shoulder up. Vic Joseph puts over how much both teams want to be the best in the division. MKS, who have held the titles for three months now, could lose momentum if they’re not careful. Both men are to their knees, exchanging strikes between them, getting back to their feet Carter whips Gibson into the ropes but misses a blind tag made by James Drake from the apron. Nash Carter hits a dropkick but is immediately thrown to the outside from behind. Drake immediately follows up with a TOPÉ SUICIDA! Wes Lee, returning the favour from earlier in the match, follows suit with one of his own as he then takes out James Drake. Zack Gibson remains in the ring as the crowd will him on to do the same, to which “Liverpool’s Number One” obliges!

Three Topé Suicidas later, Gibson and Drake get back to their feet and throw Nash Carter back into the ring to avoid a count-out. Commentary, remind us that the championships will not change hands in this result. Drake makes the cover but only manages a two-count. Drake throws Nash Carter into the corner, making the tag to Gibson, which raises some eyebrows considering the amount of time he’s wrestled so far. However, it begins to make sense when Gibson gets down on all fours, allowing Drake to use him as a literal stepping stone to executing a dropkick to the corner. Gibson tags Drake back into the match, with the Grizzled Young Veterans once again living up to their name. This time Zack Gibson lifts Carter into what appears to be a back supex/neckbreaker combination.




Beth says we’ve seen some beautiful tag team wrestling here tonight, but while MKS have taken some hits, they remain resilient in their bid to remain champions. James Drake now wills Nash Carter to get back to his feet, it looks like he’s sizing his opponent up for a superkick when…CARTER DUCKS AND ELBOWS GIBSON OFF THE APRON, HE TURNS AND DELIVERS A SUPERKICK OF HIS OWN! The crowd are eating it up but Carter falls to his knees and tries to crawl to his corner – can he make it?

He can indeed!

Lee throws Drake face first into the corner, allowing him to rebound before hitting a double back handspring pele kick. Lee tags Carter in again, playing GYV at their own game, but potentially at what cost? Wes Lee grabs the legs of James Drake and slingshots him straight into another superkick from the Tag Team champion. Drake slumps back on “The Livewire’s” knees, while Nash Carter climbs the ropes and hits a double foot stomp onto Drake. Lee exits the ring as ANOTHER tag is made, this time, he decides to climb to the top…

But Zack Gibson is in the ring and drags his partner away, causing Lee to drop down. Gibson tries to hit the lariat but Wes Lee moves out of the way, causing Gibson to immediately fall to the outside. Wes Lee makes the surprise tag back to Nash Carter as he hits a big TOPE CON HILO TO ZACK GIBSON ON THE OUTSIDE! Both men are down. Wade Barrett has lost count of the number of times these two teams have gone high risk, putting their bodies on the line to walk into the new era of NXT as champions.

Nash Carter returns to the ring and goes for the headscissor takedown when the weakened James Drake, somehow manages to turn it into a tombstone piledriver position! Barrett says this could be it as he looks to transition the move into a facebuster when Carter manages to drop down and stack Drake up.



Carter stumbles back into his corner, clearly feeling the effects of the match but Wes Lee is trying to get to his feet on the outside still. Refocusing on his opponent, James Drake comes flying at him with a body avalanche – but misses! Running dropkick by Nash Carter who now is calling for his partner. Carter struggles to get Drake up into a spine-buster position while the crowd cheer on Lee, who manages to make it to the apron…TAG!

Wes Lee now begins to climb the ropes but Zack Gibson isn’t far behind. Gibson grabs Lee’s leg and tries to pull him down from the top turnbuckle. James Drake manages to club Carter with some elbow shots to get out of the move and hits a forearm smash to take Nash Carter down. Now, with Wes Lee preoccupied, James Drake lifts him onto his shoulders – could they be going for aDOOMSDAY DEVICE? Shades of the LOD are on display by the Grizzled Young Veterans but as Gibson flies, Lee rolls Drake into a cover while Gibson falls into the mat and rolls to the apron.




Wes Lee tells Nash Carter to go again, making the tag as Carter lifts Drake into position in the center of the ring. Wes Lee runs the ropes and springboards into a BLOCKBUSTER! He immediately rolls out to clear Gibson from interfering while Carter makes the cover.





The crowd erupt into cheers while “Swarm” plays across the P.A. system. Alicia Taylor rises from ringside and announces the result of the match.

“Here are your winners, by pinfall, and still the NXT Tag Team Champions…Wes Lee and Nash Carter…M…S…K!

Lee and Carter are handed their NXT Tag Team titles. Vic Joseph takes us to a replay and says that this match boiled down to who could capitalise on their opportunity first, with both teams coming close multiple times. Wade says that once again, MSK have bested GYV when it counts but guarantees that it’s only a matter of time before James Drake and Zack Gibson hold tag team gold here in NXT.

Referee, Daryl Sharma, raises the duo’s arms in victory while the Veterans regroup on the outside, both exhausted and bitterly disappointed. We see Lee favour his shoulder, following the Shankly Gates, a reminder of how close they came to losing the belts but almost six months on and once again, MSK walk away with the victory and the titles!

Back from the break, we are thrown back to last week's End of the Line edition of 205 Live, in which we saw Kushida once again successfully defend his NXT Cruiserweight Championship, defeating Raw's own Mustafa Ali. New General Manager, Nigel McGuinness, is now seen backstage with "The Time Splitter" as the two men shake hands.

“Kushida. Amazing work last week, even better to watch it up close. Now, you've been the pinnacle of the NXT Cruiserweight division for some time now and with me running the show, you've got nothing to worry about. Actually, I wanted to sit down and talk to you about a potential opponent I have in mind..."

However, before he can finish his trail of thought. McGuinness is cut off by none other than Raw Superstar Mansoor. Mustafa Ali, is seemingly nowhere to be found.

"I'm beginning to like your style already Mr McGuinness. You could have made unfair decisions behind closed doors like every other suit in this company but instead you're doing it out here in an open forum...with cameras rolling!"

He breaks the fourth wall and gives a wave to the viewers at home.

“I'm beginning to wish I hadn't."

"Now, I know you've barely unpacked here but you may remember from 205 Live, I was kind of a big deal. So much so, I got drafted over to Monday Night Raw and well, I may or may not have tried to lure you into thinking I was your opponent last week Kushida but that was mostly Mustafa's idea..."

His patience wearing thin, McGuinness massages his temples briefly before looking over to the Saudi Superstar.

“What is it you want exactly Mansoor? As you said you're a Raw Superstar and we're on a pretty tight schedule tonight. You may have noticed the signs?"

"Right! Fresh management. Fresh ideas. Fresh opportunities. You see, last week out on the mic, I may have said some things that you both may not have agreed with but Mustafa, he's kind of a pessimist. Me? I try and be more of an optimist about things, so I'm really hoping you'll provide me right and agree to my suggestion."

McGuinness and Kushida look to each other sceptically.

“Which is?..."

"Picture this - the unpinned, unsubmitted, Raw Superstar, Mansoor. Who gracious gave up a spot at 205 Live: End of the Line for his friend, putting his streak on the line against the modern great, Kushida, for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship but for real this time. I mean, you were literally just talking about fresh contenders!"

“Mansoor. You're a great kid! You've had a ton of success but I've got the big relaunch next week..."

"No, Mr McGuinness. No 'buts', you see I don't want Mustafa thinking he's right. He did say regardless of who it was taking over Mr Regal, they wouldn't listen to my ideas. I mean, think of the viewers I could pull in from Raw."

McGuinness goes to think of another excuse. Truth be told, Mansoor had a streak but he wasn't exactly The Undertaker, even with Mustafa Ali poisoning his mind. Nigel stutters over his words when Kushida steps forward, not forgetting his attempts to cost him the title last week.

"Next week. You're on."

Mansoor smiles as McGuinness looks slightly annoyed. This wasn't the direction he wanted things to go.

"Well if the champion says yes, who could argue with that?" he chuckles. "I'll see you next week."

Mansoor makes his exit having gotten what he wanted, despite Nigel McGuinness' best efforts. Kushida watches him leaving, looking to pick up business once again next week.

‣ A special episode marks the occasion for a special live performance, courtesy of Hit Row. The hitmaker, B-Fab, sings live as she makes her out through the curtain with her crew tailing her. B-Fab falls to her knees in synch with the stylish young lion of the group, Ashante “Thee” Adonis, who is keen to show off his fresh fade and his fresh custom-made attire. Behind her, Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, who despite being the leader of the pack, often keeps things more mellow and chilled – but let it be said that he is here tonight for one reason and one reason only…to FIGHT (and embarrass Legado del Fantasma in the process). In contrast, Top Dolla poses behind Adonis, making it clear that he’s here to bring the fight to LdF and mark their territory.

The quarter swagger their way to the ring like only they can. Top Dolla struts across the apron before seating himself on the second rope and allowing B-Fab to continue giving the limited capacity crowd something worth showing up for. Adonis and “Swerve” shortly join them from opposing sides of the ring before they approach the hard camera in the corner, breaking the fourth wall and warning their opponents before B-Fab performs an actual mic drop.

Not wanting to disrupt, Alicia Taylor standing by at ringside quickly performs the ring introductions as the crowd applaud the Superstars in the ring.


“The following trios contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by B-Fab, at a combined weight of 740 pounds, the team of Ashtane “Thee” Adonis, Top Dolla and Isaiah “Swerve” Scott…HIT ROW!”

While Scott’s crew continue to pose, commentary notes how this will be only their second trios contest since debiting back in May. Vic does confirm that, unlike their opponents, Hit Row has had a much more successful streak as of late. Of course, this prompts Wade to bite back and remind his broadcast partner that Legado del Fantasma may have had a rocky road to End of the Line but they scored a decisive victory at 205 Live’s End of the Line edition and tonight they’re going to make it two for two.

The lights lower, and “Soul March” begins to play us in as a figure walks out and stands in front of the ‘X’ video wall holding out his arms. A spotlight hits, illuminating Santos Escobar, while Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza approach from either side, standing behind “El Jefe”. The three men make their way to the ring, Beth points out how hyper-focused Wilde and Mendoza look with Escobar twittering in their ear during the journey. Barrett doubles down and says that you’re only as good as your last match and fortunately for LdF, their victory was effortless.

“Their opponents, at a combined weight of 565 pounds, the team of Joaquin Wilde, Raul Mendoza and Santos Escobar…LEGADO FEL FANTASMA!”

We get a brief tale of the tape, which highlights the stark weight advantage in favour of Hit Row, while LdF has the experience edge on their side (both as a faction and independently). Back in the ring, Top Dolla immediately walks up to Escobar, Wilde and Mendoza, causing the referee to stand between the men. The big man retreats but it’s clear that he hasn’t forgiven his opponents for the attacks organised by Escobar and co.


B-Fab makes her exit from the ring, while Mendoza shoos the remaining members to their corner, chastising them for the lack of professionalism. Not looking to fall victim to any of LdF’s tricks, Hit Row takes matters into their own hands and jump their opponents. Top Dolla sends Wilde out of the ring with a mighty clothesline, while Scott and Escobar both exchange strikes in the centre of the ring. Adonis and Wilde duke it out in the corner, with the former eventually throwing his opponent to the outside. Escobar looks around, noticing that both of his men are now both on the outside and he has nowhere to hide. The referee cautions both Adonis and Top Dolla, who leave the ring, having established an advantage for their team.

With both leaders in the ring, Eddie Orengo calls for the bell and the match is officially underway. Commentary reminds us that these two men have a history, having fought over the NXT Cruiserweight Championship late last year but now with the numbers even, the two battle for stable supremacy. Escobar attempts to grip “Swerve” for a wristlock, leading to Scott jumping to the top rope and showboating with his team before executing an arm drag. Wilde and Mendoza both immediately jump up onto the apron, distracting him as he tries to swat them off like flies, only for both men to jump to the floor and avoid contact. The distraction was enough to allow Escobar to turn the tables with “El Jefe” connecting with a knee to the mid-section and getting “Swerve” in a headlock. Scott tries to the ropes, hoping to gain some momentum to push his opponent away but Escobar brings him back to the centre, causing Scott to lose his footing and fall to his knees. Beth says that Isaiah Scott needs to keep that balance to be able to regain control while Escobar tightens the lock.

Orengo checks if Scott is fading, but he remains resilient as ever, using his strength to get back to his feet, wrapping his arms around Escobar and hitting a back-body drop. Not skipping a beat, Scott keeps his grip on Escobar and lifts him into a beautiful suplex into the cover.


Just one!?

Wade commends the mind games of Escobar, pointing out that most wrestlers will usually choose to conserve energy and kick out at the last minute but the 20-year veteran, Escobar, is showing that it’s going to take a lot more than that to put him down. Wilde and Mendoza play up to the spot, applauding their leader while Top Dolla looks less than impressed. Not one to be disrespected, Scott lifts Escobar back and strikes him across the chest, causing Escobar to return the favour, but rather than get stuck in the throes of exchanging strikes, “Swerve” begins to pound away at Escobar backing him into the corner. Orenga begins to initiate the count but it seems that Scott has finally lost his cool.

Breaking the count, Scott throws Escobar across the ring and begins to climb the ropes but Mendoza quickly takes a run up only to be thrown off the apron. Turning back around, “Swerve” looks for the flying elbow to the back of his opponent but at the last moment, Santos Escobar leaps forwards and tags in Joaquin Wilde, who goes straight in picking at the bones left by his boss. Scott tries to fight back and whips Wilde into the corner, Wilde manages to get himself seated on the top rope, causing “Swerve” to take a run up but this time Wilde leapfrogs Scott before jumping back and executing a hurricarana.

Scott immediately rolls to the outside, trying to recuperate as Barrett suggests that this isn’t the smartest move with two fresh partners waiting on the apron. Wilde has dark intentions as he looks to get the baseball slide…but just in time “Swerve” pulls out the ring apron and traps Wilde inside. Scott back on the apron now delivers a thunderous pump kick Scott back in the ring and makes the tag to Ashante Adonis. Adonis immediately rushes to the outside and rolls Wilde into the ring but when attempting to get back into the ring himself, Escobar and Mendoza begin to make their way over. Wilde manages to get back to his feet and grabs Adonis to throw his opponent face into the turnbuckle from the outside. Wilde follows up by throwing the forearm but Adonis somehow manages to block it and deliver one of his own. Adonis springboards over the rope, rolling behind Wilde and running the ropes with a big hot crossbody to take his opponent into a pin.




Kickout! Adonis is already back on his feet, barely giving Wilde any distance as he stalks his prey delivering a series of kicks to the mid-section and a big knee to the face. Wilde remains standing but is thrown to the ropes, this time Adonis delivering a dropkick with some impressive height. “Thee” Adonis now makes the cover once more.




But this time Mendoza and Escobar break it up. Orenga immediately begins to warn Escobar out of the ring but in doing so, this allows Raul Mendoza to try and get some of his own shots in. Adonis looks for a roundhouse kick but taking his eye off the ball allows him to be rolled up by Joaquin Wilde, the legal man. Shoulders are down as we get our fourth pinning predicament of the match.




Kickout again! Adonis and Wilde get back to their feet. Wilde attempts to throw Adonis into the corner but being the fresher man in the match, Adonis manages to reverse it and again tries to stay on his opponent with some forearms in the corner. Joaquin Wilde leans back into the turnbuckle and uses his leg strength to jolt Adonis away, but the hungry “Young Money” Superstar comes back only to be kicked down again. Wilde now makes his way to the top rope and executes an impressive Tornado DDT! Adonis collides face-first with the mat as the fans boo. B-Fab on the outside attempts to motivate her team but it’s clear that move may have been a game changer.

Tag now made between Wilde and Mendoza. Mendoza holds back as Wilde now performs a tilt-a-whirl but pauses to hold Adonis in place. Mendoza leads over the top rope and hits an enziguiri into a leg sweep combination! Vic commends the teamwork of LdF while Barrett points out that this is what happens when you go up against a well-oiled machine. Mendoza makes the cover…




Scott can be heard asking Adonis if he’s good but before he can get a response, Wilde is back on the top rope again and hits a big-time Hurricarana! Scott sells the move perfectly but it’s clear this took the wind out of the sails of Joaquin Wilde. Wilde gets back to his feet but now Top Dolla is in the ring…..POUNCE! Wilde is almost sent through the ceiling as Escobar is in the ring now…Top Dolla senses something is going on by the crowd’s reaction and turns back to see Escobar approaching. Escobar tries to plead his case but Dolla is having none of it. Mendoza then launches an attack on Top Dolla but is quickly thrown to the outside as the fans cheer him on, he wraps his hands around the throat of Santos Escobar and tosses him to the outside.

Three men of the same team now on the outside of the ring? Surely that can only mean one thing? Top Dolla looks around the crowd (Eddie Orenga trying to do his best to regain some order). Top Dolla is hyped up, but the question is, can he fly? Dolla runs the ropes as B-Fab screams for joy on the outside. Legado del Fantasma collectively brace themselves and…


Top Dolla laughs at the fake-out as Wilde, Escobar and Mendoza walk up when out of nowhere, Isaiah Scott moves the big man out the way and comes over the ropes with a Fosbury flop. The crowd are cheering as Top Dolla helps Adonis back to his feet. Adonis rolls out to the ring and breaks the ring-out count by throwing Mendoza back in and hooks the leg but just bout musters a two-count. Adonis brings Mendoza to his feet and whips him to the ropes looking for another dropkick but Mendoza manages to grab the ropes to avoid any further damage.

Mendoza flips his opponent over and begins to apply a cloverleaf hold, using his strength to lift Adonis off the mat and spin him around. Dropping back into the hold, the other members of Hit Row will Adonis on as she desperately looks around the ring for the nearest rope. In contract, Escobar, who has returned to the apron, peers through the ropes and tells Adonis to give up. Adonis struggles and tries to scramble his way to the ropes, refusing to give up. Reaching out, “Thee” Adonis grabs the bottom rope – Mendoza instantly breaks the hold and stands back to mock his opponent. Adonis looks to see the other members of LdF behind him, looking back he manages to dive through the legs of Mendoza to try and get to his corner but his opponent has him by the ankle and drags him back. Mendoza throws Adonis into the turnbuckles but Adonis manages to swing out onto the apron and land on his feet, even surprising himself.

Mendoza tries to take a swing but Adonis strikes first before flipping over the top rope and executing a jumping neckbreaker. Now, with both men are down, B-Fab begins to clap for her team while the fans in attendance follow suit. “Swerve” and Top Dolla both extend their arms as Adonis crawls his way over, Mendoza grabs the ankle again while Adonis tries to regain his balance. Adonis cleverly uses Mendoza’s momentum against him and drops back, forcing Mendoza to collide face-first with the top turnbuckle on the wrong side of town.

Adonis finally makes the tag to “Swerve” Scott, who leaps back into the ring but Mendoza instantly rolls to the outside. Scott climbs to the outside and waits for his opponent to get to his feet before running the apron and hitting another pump kick. Quickly tossing Mendoza into the ring, Scott looks around the crowd once more and finally nails the diving uppercut to the back. “The King of Swerve Style” is pumped up as he stands behind Mendoza now and lifts him up for a JML DRIVER!


Mendoza rolls forward, breaking contact and looking for a Buzzsaw Kick!...

“Swerve” ducks it and hits ROLLING THUNDER FLATLINER! He makes the cover...



But Scott breaks the pin as he notices Wilde approaching and meets him with a SUPERKICK! Turning his attention back to his legal opponent, Raul Mendoza, who is now crawling to his corner. Scott cuts Mendoza off from getting the tag to Escobar with a low-angle Superkick but as he showboats before the crowd, Escobar grabs Scott’s hair causing the distraction. Scott turns around but before he can get to Escobar, he once again jumps off of the apron. Mendoza from behind hits a desperate chop block to ground Scott as Escobar steps back up to the apron and makes the tag.

Top Dolla, having been the only man to not see any action so far in the match, looks ready and raring to go, much to the delight of Escobar who plays puppet master and holds Scott’s hand out towards Hit Row’s corner. Escobar toys with his opponent until Scott grabs Escobar and rolls him into an inside cradle!





No! The surprise didn’t quite pay off for “The New Flavour” but he does manage to follow up with a knee drop to regain control of the match. Scott backs up and looks around the crow and calls out…


“Swerve’s House” is yelled back as Scott takes a run-up, looking for the House Call…but Santos Escobar rolls to the outside. Undeterred, “Swerve” stalks his opponent and climbs the ropes to the rope, looking to fly but once again the LdF brethren get involved as Raul Mendoza argues with Scott from his corner. Escobar hops on top of the apron and drags Scott onto the patented hardest part of the ring, with his back colliding on the apron. “Swerve” rolls off to the floor while Escobar re-enters the ring and dives through the second rope further knocking Scott back into the barricade as we head to a commercial break.

Back from the commercial, we see a picture-in-picture image of Escobar continuing his dominance over Scott on the outside of the ring (including throwing him into the steel steps) before eventually returning him back to the squared circle. Returning to regular footage, we see Escobar execute a suplex as Scott attempts to retreat to the corner of the ring but this only plays into “El Jefe’s” game. RUNNING KNEES TO THE CORNER! Escobar immediately drags Scott out and lifts him up into a Phantom Driver!




No, wait, Adonis breaks the count!

Escobar can’t believe what’s happening and gives a patronising slap to Adonis. Wilde runs into the ring but is immediately given a spine buster, causing Escobar to hit a backstabber on Adonis, to send him rolling out of the ring. Looking around, Escobar climbs the ropes, Wade says that LdF are feeling froggy….FROGSPLASH! BUT SCOTT GETS THE KNEES UP! Escobar clenches at his ribs as he extends the arm….TAG TO TOP DOLLA! The crowd pop as the powerhouse of the match steps into the ring.

Santos Escobar finds salvation in the corner, trying to get back up while Raul Mendoza comes into the match and finds is thrown into his own boss in the corner. Top Dolla takes a look around and psyches himself up…. CANNONBALL! Mendoza rolls to the outside, leaving Escobar who is flattened like a pancake…RUNNING SENTON! Adonis and Wilde continue to battle on the outside as he turns back to “Swerve” deciding he should do the honours. Top Dolla lifts Escobar into a swinging side slam position as Scott skips the theatrics and hits THE HOUSE CALL!

Scott hooks the leg while Top Dolla uses his own strength to further apply pressure to the cover as he presses on Scott’s back…



Mendoza is back in the ring…

But Top Dolla decks him…


B-Fab is jumping for joy as she alerts Ashante to the win. Joaquin Wilde looks livid on the outside but also wracked with guilt that he couldn’t do more. Back in the ring, “Swerve” places his foot on Escobar’s chest, setting the visual that Hit Row was the premiere stable in NXT as all four members reunite to celebrate.

“Here are your winners, Ashante “Thee” Adonis, Top Dolla and Isaiah “Swerve” Scott…HIT ROW!”

Mendoza and Wilde are left to pull Escobar out of the ring while Barrett fumes that Eddie Orengo lost control of the match and made some bad decisions. Whatever your opinion, Hit Row had once again proven that they were just as dominant together as they were apart and now without the burden of the Legado del Fantasma now behind them, the future was looking bright for the hit-making quartet. What the future meant for Santos Escobar and his team, on the other hand, wasn’t looking so prosperous.
During the commercial break, Scott Stanford runs us down the confirmed matches for this week's debut edition of NXT Evolve.

- "The Exclamation Point" Ari Sterling versus "The Five Star King"Asher Hale
- Three months on, Zayda Ramier looks to repeat history against Toni Storm
- Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari will be in tag team action
- Former North American Champion, Leon Ruff, will take on
Carmelo Hayes

And on next week's relaunch of NXT...

- It's official: Oney Lorcan versus Dexter Lumis in an Extreme Rules bout
- The re-debut of Bobby Fish
- As confirmed earlier, Finn Bálor takes on Samoa Joe for the first time in four years
- Title vs. Streak - Kushida defends the NXT Cruiserweight title against Mansoor

After a night of tribulations, we finally hit the last stop of End of the Line. Ahead of any official introductions, Wade Barrett and Vic Joseph welcome Mauro Ranallo to the commentary table (taking the place of Beth Phoenix). Ranallo says that it is an honor and a privilege to be back in the booth for this spectacle of a match, reminding us that it’s champion versus champion, which means that we will see the best of the best here tonight. Mauro concludes that whatever way you dress is, NXT is the home of the best wrestling on the planet. We cut back to Alicia Taylor, who announces that this will be the main event of the evening.


The crowd cheer as the video wall displays the helicopters flying through a skyline, paying homage to the Aus-Zilla schtick. The cameras zoom in to show the NXT North American Champion bellows down the lens of the camera, looking completely switched into gear. Bronson Reed acknowledges the fans in the crowd ahead of his first ever NXT Championship opportunity. Ranallo says it was only two years ago that he was part of the NXT Breakout Tournament and here he is today with gold around his waist, with the opportunity to walk out tonight as a double champion. Vic Joseph reminds us that Reed was handpicked by William Regal to be part of this match based on his performance over the past few months, currently sitting with a 9-3 win/loss record this year. Barrett acknowledges the success of Reed but accuses Mauro and Vic of getting ahead of themselves, given the dominance of his opponent.

Reed bangs on the Plexiglas before turning and stomping his foot down on the steel steps. Stepping through the middle rope, the NXT North American Champion removes his title and holds it to the sky before taking another thundering stomp that leaves the ringside camera crew shaking. “The Colossal” zips down his jacket and throws it to the outside before senior official, Jason Ayres, makes his way over to pat the challenger down in the corner. The lights suddenly go out, and uneasy anticipation fills the Capitol Performance Center while the crowd wait for the champion. Suddenly, we find ourselves in black and white, a veiled Scarlett can be seen standing facing the ‘X’. There’s almost a stunned silence, the crowd allowing the theatrics to play out or just simply in awe to see “The Devil of Monterrey”, who stops and clenches his fists, looking up to see his opponent in the ring. Scarlett unveils and makes her way to the squared circle, but this time she makes direct eye contact with Bronson Reed as she recites her “(the) end is near” and “fall and pray” lyrics.

The camera fixates on Scarlett, who completes her ritual just as we crash into full technicolor, Karrion Kross comes bounding into the ring behind her, pounding his chest like King Kong. Smoke descends the ring, setting the stage for battle tonight. Kross removes the NXT Championship and looks down at it, then back to Bronson Reed with a sinister smile. Jason Ayres stands between the two men as we head to the introductions for the final time tonight.

“Your main event of the evening is set for one fall” there’s an echo from the crowd “and it is for the NXT Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, from Black Forest, South Australia, weighing in at 330 pounds…the NXT North American Champion…”The Colossal” BRONSON REED!

Reed looks around the crowd who seem to give him their full support. The introduction continues…

“…And his opponent, from Sin City, weighing in at 264 pounds, he is your reigning and defending NXT Champion…KARRION KROSS!

Although there do seem to be some followers of Kross in the crowd, it is far more apparent that the crowd do not respect him. The referee holds the NXT Championship up before the crowd, while a title match graphic appears on the screen. This is it, the moment that everyone’s been waiting for. Will Mr Regal be able to fulfil his last wish as NXT General Manager and strip Kross of the NXT Championship?

We get a brief tale of the tape for the competitors before the bell is called for.

265 lbs
330 lbs
Sin City
Black Forest, South Australia
2x NXT Champion
1x NXT North American Champion

Reed instinctively goes for the lock-up, but the champion immediately moves out of the way and begins to throw fists, backing Reed into the turnbuckle. Once trapped, Kross looks to show off in a display of strength, looking for a powerslam but “The Colossal” delivers an axe handle to break things up quickly, forcing Kross to retreat to his own corner as the two competitors gaze across the squared circle at one another. The two go to lock-up but once again, Kross fakes out and this time goes behind the challenger, trying to get a waistlock – with added commentary/doubt shared by Vic Joseph on whether this was a smart idea. Mauro Ranallo says that part of “The Doomsday Herald’s” M.O. is that he is just as effective psychologically as he is physically and by showing no fear at the size and power of his opponent tonight, he’s telling Reed that he is not going to back down like the others.

Reed catches Kross with an elbow to get out of the waistlock and runs the ropes but eats a kick from the champion. Barrett gleefully expresses that tonight Reed will regret being a yes-man for William Regal, stating that he had no business involving himself in their affairs. Vic then reminds us of the disrespect Kross had shown Mr Regal, who we see watching backstage alone (and no longer in the GM’s office). Mauro also says that Reed had run the gauntlet to be here, defeating “The Beast” Killian Dain in a Pick Your Poison match, which was essentially an order from the champion to debilitate Bronson Reed.

Reed uses the ropes to help himself up, falling back into the turnbuckle as Kross shoves the referee aside to deliver a chop in the corner. “Aus-Zilla” stumbles into the opposing turnbuckle with the champion stalking him, looking to mirror the same spot as a second chop echoes through the Capitol Performance Center. Kross attempts to repeat this for the third time but this time Reed catches the wrist and delivers a headbutt to bring himself back into the match. The champion tries to rebound with the clothesline but this time Reed manages to get out of harm’s way and come off the ropes with an almighty…POUNCE!

The crowd cheer as Kross bounces off the 300+ pound frame of the challenger. Mauro says that Reed has created an opening for himself, rocking the champion for the first time this match. Kross recovers and begins to fire himself out, yelling out to the crowd and asking if Reed if that’s all he had. The champion hurdles towards the challenger but is met with a forearm, Kross once again shrieks while Scarlett looks on from ringside. Open palm strike from Kross to the chest of “The Colossal”, Mauro points out how methodical the champion is in his striking as he attempts the exploder suplex again….NO! Once more, Reed delivers repeated strikes to escape the move, the big man then hits a jumping enzuigiri out of nowhere to floor his opponent – albeit for a moment.

The NXT North American Champion gets behind Kross and attempts to deadlift him into a German suplex but the latter is able to use some calculated elbows to get out of the move, when finally…EXPLODER SUPLEX! We go straight to a replay of “The Devil of Monterrey” launching his opponent across the ring but Reed instantly gets up, no-selling the move and shouts across the ring, throwing his foot down and stomping to get the crowd hot. Kross goes to deliver a big kick to the corner but Reed hits with a big-time body avalanche! The champion stumbles forward and now, “Aus-Zilla” hits the release German suplex as Vic Joseph calls for the challenger to make the cover. Instead, Reed goes for the senton….KROSS LOCKS IN THE KROSS JACKET! Almost absorbing the momentum of the challenger, he now looks to force Bronson Reed to give up on his NXT Championship dreams. The wind is being taken from the sails of the Australian native, who tries to roll his way to the ropes.

“The Burly Bruiser” is struggling but his determination is telling his body to do everything it can to withstand the pain. Reed begins to use his size to roll towards the ropes, Kross breaks the move earlier and drags Reed to his feet to hit a short-arm clothesline at full impact! Kross once again is barking at his opponent, telling him to get up as we see another shot of William Regal watching on from the back. The champion looks for a roundhouse kick but Reed is able to dodge and make his way back to his feet as Mauro wonders how much is left in the tank for the big man. The two men begin to exchange strikes in the middle of the ring before Kross grabs Reed by the throat, is he thinking of a chokeslam? But Bronson retorts and wraps both of his hands around the throat of Karrion, the two are both thinking along the same lines playing up to their similar arsenals. Following a test of strength, it’s Reed who manages to outpower his opponent with a spinning chokeslam, causing Kross to roll out of the ring.

Following a pattern tonight, Bronson looks around the arena as he looks set to hit one of the biggest dives tonight...when Scarlett steps in the way. The referee argues with Scarlett, while Kross rolls into the ring and hits a big boot on Reed to put the odds back into his favor. Barely waiting for Reed to get back to his feet, Kross then hits a DDT and finally covers for the first pinfall of the match.




Barrett says that it’s not very often that many men are able to take down Bronson Reed, let alone pin him, which goes to show the power and strength of the NXT Champion. Kross stands back in the corner now and rotates his arm, marking that the challenger’s time is up. Reed stumbles back to his feet, feeling groggy and unaware of the fate that bestows him…

Kross approaches with the fist to the back of the head!

BUT “THE COLOSSAL” DUCKS IT! Kross turns into a Samoan Drop. Reed now makes his first cover of the match.





Scarlett wills Kross on from ringside, while Reed returns to his feet to do the same (but with very different intentions). “The Doomsday Herald” tries to get some jabs in on his larger opponent only for Reed to lift him for a suplex but rather than executing the move straight away, Reed tries to wear down his opponent by delaying the move and allowing the blood to rush to Kross’ head. He hits it and this time successfully hits the senton, with all 330 pounds crashing down on the champion. Reed gestures to the top rope, which receives a loud pop, he begins to ascend looking to hit the patented Tsunami Splash, which Mauro says has ended a lot of matches. If Reed can hit this, not only will he win the match, but he will hold both major men’s singles titles (for his weight class) on the brand.

While the cameras focus on Reed, we begin to hear boo and cut to LA Knight who is throwing his red leather jacket down and clipping his shades into his vest. The Million Dollar Champion storms down the entrance ramp, having previously made it clear that he felt he should be the headline act. Reed allows this distraction to get the better of him allowing Kross hit a forearm smash to Reed who remains seated on the top turnbuckle. Jason Ayres attempts to warn Knight, who claims he isn’t doing anything wrong by showing up. Back in the ring, Kross has now stepped up to the second rope. Vic Joseph begins to sound nervous….


“Mama Mia” exclaims Mauro Ranallo, the fans are in shock as the champion sends the challenger down to the mat. Knight looks impressed from the outside as “The Killer” Karrion Kross makes the cover.





Somehow, Bronson Reed manages to find it within him to stay alive but now, the champion is furious. He makes a second cover…




Frustration is starting to mount for Karrion Kross, but he can’t let that get in the way of him winning the match. Kross allows Reed back to his feet, standing behind him as he looks to go for the Kross Jacket again but this time Reed is able to stumble Kross back into the turnbuckle. Before Reed can proceed, LA Knight hops onto the apron and talks about how he’s a true champion (having had all of one defence of his unsanctioned championship belt in the past few weeks). Reed grabs the throat of the loudmouth but the referee warns again it. Suddenly, from the back, WILLIAM REGAL! Having handed the reigns over to Nigel McGuinness earlier in the evening, Regal now has no authority over any of the Superstars in the ring.

LA Knight jumps off of the apron and reminds Regal that he isn’t his boss anymore. Regal warns Knight to leave, but LA is having none of it asking “or what?” as he looks around the crowd for approval only for a chorus of boos to be directed at him. Knight then follows up with a slap to the face of Mr Regal, catching him off guard as he now holds up the Million Dollar title looking to escalate matters. From behind, Bronson Reed rips the title out of his grasp, causing a shocked Knight to turn back and eat a fist from Regal, who holds his knuckles to the camera and show his infamous brass knuckles. The crowd are roaring now but from behind…TIME’S UP! KROSS SMASHES REED ACROSS THE HEAD FROM THE OUTSIDE. Rising back to his feet, he steps up to Regal and smiles, looking down at the fallen “Colossal”. Regal doesn’t do anything further as Jason Ayres tells Regal to keep back.

Meanwhile, Kross rolls Reed back into the ring and hooks the leg…




Jason Ayres is in a position to see it and stops the count. Scarlett shrieks from the outside as Kross tries to plan his next move to end this bout. Karrion Kross is telling Bronson to accept his fate but Reed is stirring on the mat. The champion grips the challenger and attempts to hit the Doomsday Saito, but Reed elbows Kross down. Resorting to a backup plan, Kross comes off the ropes with a clothesline attempt but Reed lifts him up but Kross drops back down and tries again for the clothesline when…


Out of nowhere by Bronson Reed. Scarlett is starting to look genuinely panicked for the first time this match. William Regal watches on as “Aus-Zilla” takes to the skies with a TSUNAMI SPLASH!






Jason Ayres calls for the bell! Scarlett looks mortified but the NXT Universe are on their feet. History has been made as Kross has suffered his first defeat in NXT. Bronson Reed holds his head, clearly feeling the effects of this hellacious battle. William Regal takes the NXT Championship and walks up the steps, wiping his feet and taking a step into the ring to present the belt to a shocked Bronson Reed while the referee reunites him with the NXT North American Championship. Black and gold confetti pour from the ceiling as Scarlett tries to help Kross out of the ring.

"Your winner, by pinfall and NEW NXT Champion...BRONSON REED!"

Regal raises Bronson’s arm in victory as a “you deserve it!” chant breaks out. At the top of the stage, the New Man in Charge, Nigel McGuinness, steps out. Tailing him, the returning Finn Bálor and Samoa Joe – who we are reminded will be facing each other in an exhibition match on the ‘new era’ of NXT. McGuiness looks down at the new champion with an approving look, while LA Knight tries to gather himself, yelling that he is going to sue the departing General Manager.

Maura Ranallo thanks Wade and Vic for having him and says that he cannot wait to see what the new chapter brings. We have a new champion, we’ve lost a former champion and now we have two returning champions. Vic Joseph closes that as Mauro said earlier, you can try and change the past but it will never be too far in the distance and the two men on that ramp are prime examples of it. We are asked to tune in to the debut episode of NXT Evolve later this week as an emotional Bronson Reed drapes both championships over his shoulders and points to William Regal, who holds the brass knucks up before the crowd, who play us out to another
"thank you Regal" chant.

finally reached the end of the line.


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Looking Glass

Active Member
Sep 18, 2022
Reaction score

"A HUGE title change, a new General Manager and a shocking exit all went down this past Tuesday when NXT reached the end of the line - if you've yet to watch it, I highly recommend that you check it out. For now, let's look ahead to a big debut, that being NXT Evolve. Familiar faces looking to continue their legacy and the stars of tomorrow, paving those first few steps to legendary status will collide in the first initiative of the Nigel McGuinness era of NXT."


"The Exclamation Point" Ari Sterling certainly made a statement weeks ago on 205 Live when he defeated the former Cruiserweight Champion, Santos Escobar. Meanwhile, "The Five Star King" Asher Hale has yet to get that all-important victory on record but had impressed management enough if his defeat against Kyle O'Reilly that he was awarded this match against an opponent of his choosing. While it's no secret that Sterling has his eyes on the NXT Cruiserweight Championship, Hale is making it his mission to disrupt the discourse and put his name on the map, will he succeed? Tune in this week to find out.



Newcomers, Edris Enofe and Malik Blade look to make an impact in their NXT Evolve debuts this week but to make a splash, they have to go through two men with very big chips on their shoulders. Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese have made it very clear that they are going to do whatever it takes to get their moment in the spotlight, so will their veteran prowess secure them the victory or will Enofe and Blade be able to shock the NXT Universe and take the tag team division by storm?



Speaking of shocks, it was three months ago on NXT, in only her second match that Zayda Ramier overcame the odds and scored a victory against the 2018 Mae Young Classic winner, Toni Storm. Now some say this is what jaded Storm, who has taken issue with the likes of Zoey Stark and Sarray in recent times. Now, Storm looks to rewrite history and cement her dominance in an ever-competitive women's division, but with a growing list of enemies, will Toni be able to keep her focus, or will Zayda make it 2-0?



...And finally, Carmelo Hayes returns to the squared circle following back-to-back impressive matches at the start of last month. Hayes not only took NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Kushida, to the limit but impressed against NXT alumni, Adam Cole. Now, "The Top Talent" will take on another former champion, Leon Ruff, who is also looking to swing the pendulum back in his favor following a string of losses. With Evolve focusing on reinvention and reaching a breakthrough, which man will come out on top?

"With so much at stake for these young Superstars, you'll need to join us this week to find out who will be hitting all the right notes and with the fallout from NXT: End of the Line, you can guarantee there'll be plenty of action both inside and outside the ring. For now, I've been McKenzie Mitchell. Thank you for watching!"
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Looking Glass

Active Member
Sep 18, 2022
Reaction score

Following the spectacle that was End of the Line, the NXT Universe have just enough time to catch their breaths before the premiere episode of NXT Evolve. We are treated to brand new graphics using the controversial 'NXT 2.0' logo that divided fans, though they would be treated to one last glimpse of the Capitol Performance Center in its current set-up (due to tape delay). The limited crowd welcome us to the show with an 'NXT' chant before panning over to ringside, where the all-new announce team of Kevin Patrick and Wade Barrett. Barrett jokes that the new General Manager, Nigel McGuinness, had assigned his fellow countryman to the commentary desk but he had no idea what Kevin was doing there (being that he was from the Republic of Ireland). Patrick says that he is thrilled and honoured to be part of this historic episode before running down the confirmed matches for this evening.
  • Carmelo Hayes vs. Leon Ruff
  • Zayda Ramier vs. Toni Storm
  • Edris Enofe & Malik Blade vs. Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese
  • Ari Sterling vs. Asher Hale

Before we cut to the action, Kevin Patrick informs us that Adam Cole had sought medical assessment following the brutal Three Strikes match at NXT: End of the Line, but upon his release had refused any further contact with the company. Wade Barrett says that the clause in the contract means that the former NXT Champion is now a free agent and while he admires McGuinness' attempts to shake things up in this new era, losing an iconic piece of the NXT tapestry will certainly leave a bad taste in some people's mouths. Patrick chimes that Kyle O'Reilly certainly wouldn't be one of those people, having been the man to beat his former friend for once and for all, to which Barrett scorns his colleague for gloating.


The first two Superstars to compete on NXT Evolve are equally desperate to ensure they don't suffer in defeat and etch their names in the history books. We cut to a pre-taped video package, where Leon Ruff is standing by.


"When I won the NXT North American Championship" we cut back to archived footage from the November 11th edition of NXT, in which Ruff defeated then-champion, Johnny Gargano, in what many considered a huge upset. "I saw the shock on people's faces." we see a clip of Ruff celebrating with the title. "I'm used to people looking at me like I'm the underdog - you see online, people saying that I don't belong here or that I'm not the right fit - I've heard it all before. I'm here tonight to show the NXT Universe that they shouldn't count out Leon Ruff. I see tonight as a huge opportunity for me, to be one of the very first men to wrestle in Evolve means a lot and Carmelo, I know you want this but NOBODY in the NXT locker room wants this more than I do." he looks to the camera. "and you can count on that."

Ruff beams a confident smile on that soundbite and looks at the camera. A glimmer of determination in his eyes.

We immediately cut to Carmelo Hayes, who is all decked out in a beanie hat, sunglasses and an open customer letterman jacket, which shows off his impressive physique. Hayes had not been seen in a month, having impressed (even in defeat) in matches against NXT alumni, Adam Cole, and Cruiserweight champion, Kushida. Nonetheless, Hayes wasn't here for a handout, he was here to seal the deal.


e get archived footage of the self-proclaimed "Top Talent" bringing the fight in his first two matches before Hayes addresses the fans, responding to Ruff's own VT.

"Leon, I can't help but respect your drive and ambition, but this ain't a PSA, this is NXT, so I'm not gonna take it easy on you tonight. The difference between you and me is that you want people to see that you can fit the mould, whereas I'm here to break the mould." a grin appears across Haye's face but he's just getting started as he confidently puffs his chest out. "I am the walking, talking cheat code, a history-maker in physical form and tonight I will make history as the first man to score a victory on NXT Evolve and that - my friend - is just the start. I won't count you out, but the numbers don't lie Leon and truth be told yours aren't looking all that good. You might think you want this more than anyone else but you're not stepping into the ring with no rookie, this ain't day one and 'Melo don't miss. NXT may have hit the end of the line but when it comes to being at the top, your boy is NEXT IN LINE."

The segment draws to a close, leading us to cut back to the ring.

The bell ring as we head straight into the action. Dennis Arnell stands by in the centre of the ring, ready to introduce the very first match.


"Your opening contest is scheduled for one fall with a ten-minute time limit."

"Punch Drunk Honey" plays across the Capitol Performance Center, Ruff walks confidently out through the curtain and makes eyes with the camera. Walking down the ramp, we can hear the young Superstar say that he's come to fight tonight. Patrik points out Ruff's energy, which seems to be well-received by the fans but Barrett says that it's not about words, it's about actions.

"Introducing first, from Detroit. Michigan, weighing in at 157 pounds...LEON RUFF!"

Ruff stomps on the ring apron, to hype up the crowd with his intense energy levels before wiping his feet and stepping over the top rope, wrapping his legs around the ropes and leaning back to let off a battle cry. Patrick reminds us that Ruff is looking for an opportunity to get his foot back in the door of championship gold as he takes off his own branded merch and looks to the entrance ramp.

"And his opponent, from Framingham, Massachusetts, weighing in at 210 pounds...CARMELO HAYES!"

"The Greatest" rings out with mixed reviews. Despite impressing in his first two matches, Hayes had not been seen in several weeks and was still introducing himself to the NXT Universe. Hayes has a much calmer journey to the ring, though he still looks confident in going to battle with the former NXT North American Champion.



As the match starts, Leon Ruff approaches and offers his hand. Hayes shrugs it off initially but eventually agrees as the two immediately lock up in the ring. Hayes deals the first blow with a chop to the chest of his opponent and throws him into the corner where he leans Ruff back further to go for another chop only for the spritely opportunist to duck under and hit a surprise jumping neckbreaker. Looking to end this one quickly, the former North American Champion goes for a Crucifix Driver but isn't able to lock in the hold and ends up being back-body dropped. Hayes takes the opportunity to hit a thunderous PUMP KICK! Which drops Ruff as Hayes climbs the ropes.

Hayes looks around the NXT Universe but wastes too much time as Ruff takes a run and leap, landing on the second turnbuckle, striking Hayes and attempting a superplex to open the show. However, Hayes manages to get some shots into the kidneys of his opponent to stop him from entering the danger zone. Melo attempts to go for a sunset flip powerbomb, but Ruff manages to keep his grip on the ropes and delivers a kick to the face of "The Top Talent". Hayes turns as Ruff gets to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick!





Hayes kicks out in the nick of time!

Ruff kips up to get some love from the crowd and hits an arm drag, he goes to springboard, but Hayes throws himself back on the ropes, causing Ruff to lose his balance. Carmelo Hayes also opts to use the ropes to his advantage and springs into a clothesline that wipes Ruff out. Hayes goes for the cover...











Not quite! Ruff looks shocked at what happened as he turns to his opponent on the floor and is met with a penalty kick out of nowhere. Hayes quickly returns to his feet and lifts Ruff into a SUPLEX CUTTER! Ruff rolls to the outside of the ring but Hayes is in hot pursuit. Sensing that he's being followed, Ruff delivers a back elbow, but this only knocks Hayes back momentarily. Melo spins Ruff round and knees him right in the gut. The two men begin to trade shots while the referee continues the count. Ruff uses the Plexiglas to hop onto the guard rail and kicks Hayes back. The crowd are on the edge of their seats as Ruff hits an impressive hurricarana from the guard rail! Kevin Patrick highlights Ruff as a Superstar who is truly embodying the opportunities that NXT Evolve presents, but Barrett doesn't seem to agree. Heading back from the replay, Ruff rolls Hayes into the ring, realizing that he can't win the match if they're both on the outside. Cover made...






"The Top Talent" is not going down that easily. Hayes begins to fight his way back to his feet. Ruff hits a forearm, reciprocated by Hayes, which goes back and forth over five seconds before Ruff throws Hayes into the ropes, but Hayes returns with a tilt-a-whirl facebuster! Hayes lifts Ruff back to his feet, clearly not done yet but the former NA Champion hits a jawbreaker and tries to head for the ropes. Hayes manages to pull him back by the trunks and lift him into a powerbomb position and looks for a potential BUCKLE BOMB!



Ruff goes for another jumping neck breaker, but Hayes manages to catch him and throws him onto the ropes as Ruff writes in pain, straddling the top rope. Ruff falls clumsily back into the ring with Hayes now beginning to trash talk his opponent and commending him on 'getting some hits in...DOUBLE KNEE FACEBREAKER! Another impact move to the face of Leon Ruff, he could be out. Referee, Tom Castor, checks in on Ruff as the crowd will him up. Hayes begins to climb the ropes as he joins the crowd in willing Ruff back to his feet.

Patrick laments Hayes for mocking his opponent, especially when Leon Ruff has proven more of a challenge than everyone initially gave him credit for, but Barrett says that Carmelo Hayes is clearly showing encouragement and good sportsmanship. Hayes is now seated on the top and once again surprises everyone by running up and delivering some forearms to Hayes, trying to unnerve him. However, Hayes is able to lift him into a front suplex and dump him once again on his face! However, Ruff is valiantly trying to fight on, pushing himself up and trying to get to his feet when Hayes hits a DOUBLE LEG DROP RIGHT ACROSS THE NECK OF LEON RUFF!

The crowd are in shock as Hayes cuts Ruff back down to size, turning him over and hooking the leg.






It's over! "The Greatest" begins to play as Hayes returns to his feet, having secured his first-ever victory on NXT Television. Barrett says that this is the start of big things for Carmelo now that he's got a win on his record. Kevin Patrick praises Hayes' innovation and style, agreeing that he is someone that could go far on Evolve and NXT.

"Your winner by way of pinfall...CARMELO HAYES!"

Carmelo climbs to the top rope and celebrates his victory before taking a look back and seeing Castor checking on Ruff, who grasps his neck in pain and is showing signs of bleeding from the nose. Hayes looks away and notices someone clapping frantically from the audience. We get a closer look as the camera shows...


"The Finest" had not been seen in NXT in quite some time but it looks like another Superstar was taking advantage of the NXT Evolution. Reeves delivers a pearly white smile, dressed to the nine and heckling "Bravo!" at Hayes' handiwork. The admiration seems to be too much for the victory, who shrugs it off and makes his way to the back as our debut match comes to a close.

Back from the commercial break, we get an 'NXT Rewind' to April 27, 2021, when
Zayda Ramier executed a shooting star press onto Toni Storm to score an impressive victory over the former NXT UK Women's Champion. Ahead of their second encounter tonight, Ramier joins McKenzie Mitchell in the interview pit to address her ground-breaking first victory and how she looks to follow up on that tonight.


"Welcome back to NXT Evolve, I am McKenzie Mitchell, and I am joined by Zayda Ramier, who will shortly be returning to the ring for a rematch with Toni Storm. Zayda, no doubt you've seen and heard what your opponent has been up to these past few weeks on NXT, does this play any part in preparing for your rematch tonight?

Zayda paused to think before she speaks. Agreeing to this match could effectively wipe out any momentum or chance of progression if she was to lose and she had already experienced her opponent's mean streak. Still, she couldn't let that harm her chance of advancing toward the NXT Women's Championship.


"I know first-hand just how malicious and spiteful Toni Storm can be. Once upon a time, she was someone you wanted to share a ring with but now she's just another egomaniac with a chip on her shoulder. I mean when will she learn? Picking on the new girls like she's in the playground - first, it was Zoey, then she decided to start it with me and now Sarray..." Ramier shakes her head in disappointment and looks to the camera as if she were addressing Toni one-on-one "But I'm just glad she hasn't ducked out of our match tonight. You see, I KNOW that I live rent-free in Toni's brain." she puts her index finger to her temple and slowly lowers it, turning back to the camera again. "I know you're still not over the fact I beat you then and you probably don't think I have what it takes to beat you again, but I will. What was more humiliating for you Toni - the fact you got beaten by a 'rookie' or was it the fact that when this 'rookie' beat you, she did it with such finesse and style that it was trending worldwide? All those people watching your humiliation. Tonight, I won't just dent Toni's ego. I'll break it."

Liking what she hears but trying her best to remain neutral, McKenzie gives a weak smile and wishes Ramier good luck, bringing the interview to a close.

We see NXT crew members carrying a podium down to the ringside, they dress it with a red velvet cloth, which prompts some questions from commentary. There's a small cheer from the crowd for the arrival of Zayda Ramier, who had also not competed in some time as she looks to set her momentum on an upwards trajectory. Ramier bounces out of the curtain and makes her way down the ramp, hammering on the Plexiglas to get the crowd going.

"The following contest is set for one fall, with a ten-minute time limit. Introducing to the ring first, from Gilbertown, Alabama...ZAYDA RAMIER!"

Kevin Patrick reminds us that Zayda was trained by none other than WWE Hall of Famer, Booker T, but Barrett quickly retorts that she's going to need to pull off more than a spinerooni to defeat her opponent. Talk turns back to the podium at ringside, with the cameras focusing on it as we are introduced to the opposition.

The vocal stylings of Suzie Mojo play out to boos from the crowd. Toni Storm charges out and lowers her shades to sneer at the crowd. In her other hand, she grasps the Mae Young Classic trophy which she holds up before the crowd and highlights to an unimpressed Ramier in the ring. Storm walks down the entrance ramp and carefully places the trophy on the podium with Barrett describing the move as Storm's way of asserting her territory.

"And her opponent, from Gold Coast, Australia, weighing in at 143 pounds...TONI STORM!"

Kevin Patrick can't believe the attitude change we've seen over the past couple of months from Toni, who has become a total diva. Barrett says that Storm's in-ring work speaks for itself but now she's got the edge and the confidence to go further than she has ever done before. Storm rolls into the ring and immediately tells the referee to back Ramier up so she can pose before the crowd. The NXT Universe don't respond kindly, which causes Storm to whip off her sunglasses and trash talk the crowd.



As soon as the bell rings, Zayda Ramier makes a beeline for Storm, who ducks under the second rope and warns the referee to keep her opponent at bay. The crowd respond well to the fiery tenacity of Ramier, who is looking to collect her second victory over the Mae Young Classic trophy holder. Referee, Jessika Carr warns Ramier to allow the break, but this only creates distance for Storm to attempt a clothesline. Zayda telegraphs it and ducks under, hitting a sling blade!

Ramier begins to hype herself up to the crowd, with Barrett warning her to keep her focus on the match. Ramier follows up with a running bulldog to further her momentum as she goes for a cover...



Toni Storm immediately kicks out! Barrett tells Patrick that a lot of the time in a match, wrestlers will leave it to the final moment to kick out so that they can conserve their energy but, in this instance, Storm doesn't want to show any weakness. Zayda, however, wastes no time and begins to climb to the top rope with hopes of hitting her patented Shooting Star splash...


But Storm wisely moves out of the way and rolls out of the ring, calling for a time out. Ramier hops down from the apron and runs across for a penalty kick but Storm grabs the foot and throws Ramier forward, causing her face to collide with the hardest part of the ring (trademark). The crowd boo Toni, who taps her head, showing that she has it all thought out as she rolls back into the ring. Zayda tries to use the ropes to pull herself back up but Toni places her foot on the back of her head, choking her on the ropes, only breaking the referee's count at four. We are shown backstage, where Sarray and Zoey Stark are looking less than impressed with "The Golden Coast's Gold Standard". Ramier tries to find salvation in the corner, but this plays right into Storm's hands as she runs his with the HIP ATTACK!


Zayda Ramier rolls out of the way, causing Storm to hit her neck and back hard and is met with a CORNER FOREARM SMASH! Ramier goes for a spinning kick, but Toni manages to duck it but misses the jumping enzuigiri! Hooking the legs, Storm could be in trouble again...





KICKOUT! Stark and Sarray look disappointed for Ramier, who points to the top ropes to get a cheer from the crowd. Hopping to the top, she calls out crowd for a pop as she executes the Shooting Star Press




Barrett remarks that pride comes before a fall and Zayda may have flown too close to the sun tonight. Storm drags Ramier to her feet and steps to the second turnbuckle to hit a Tornado DDT!





But Storm drags Zayda up by her hair, once again generating heat from the crowd. Patrick says that Storm is fighting for pride now as she tries to take some vengeance. Barrett responds that Zayda had numerous opportunities to control the match and failed, whereas the seasoned pro knocked her out in a matter of seconds. Storm lifts Ramier behind her and hits the STORM ONE! A beautiful move. She hooks the leg and leans her body back over Zayda.






"Here is your winner, by pinfall...TONI STORM!"

The crowd immediately boo as Toni Storm gets to her feet. Jessika Carr attempts to raise her arm but Storm snatches it away, looking back to Ramier, who she grabs by the hair. Patrick questions what she has in mind as she begins to ground and pound away at Ramier. Jessika Carr issues a warning and says she will fine her if she keeps this up.

Backstage, we see Sarray fly into a fury, clearly still upset about Storm's attitude and actions. Stark tries to stop her, but the cameras follow "The Warrior of the Sun" (Goldberg-style) as she makes her way out from the back and runs to the ring! Storm quickly rolls out of the ring and says, "not today", collecting her Mae Young Classic trophy and hopping over the guard rail in the hard corner.

Sarray is in a frenzy as she stands on the second rope and looks out to Storm, warning her that this is far from over as Zoey Stark hurries down to join her. Stark tries to calm Sarray down but as we pan over to Toni Storm, it's clear to see that there's more to this.

Storm begins to smile as The Brand makes their presence known - Franky Monet, Jessi Kamea and Aliyah, hurry down to the ring and begin their assault on Stark and Sarray. Monet throws Sarray over the top rope onto the outside as they focus their efforts on Stark.

Aliyah and Jessi grab Stark by the arms and hold her up for Monet, who tells her that she doesn't belong in NXT and delivers a harsh slap to her face. However, their assault is interrupted by Shotzi and Tegan Nox, who also make a run-in, aiding Sarray in clearing the ring as The Brand also makes a hasty exit to the back. Sarray extends her hand to help Stark back to her feet as the pair thank Shotzi and Tegan, who circle the ring, trying to fend off any further commotion.

There's a split-screen showing both Asher Hale and Ari Sterling preparing for their main event match in tonight's premier edition of NXT Evolve. Commentary takes the time to remind us of how this match came to be during a backstage segment in last week's edition of 205 Live.

Ari Sterling is up first, the man who only weeks ago walked away with the victory following an encounter with Santos Escobar. Perhaps if the brand continued, Sterling could have staked a claim for the top spot. Nonetheless, Sterling looks hopeful about his future with NXT.



"Tonight's bittersweet, of course, it's the end of an era here at 205 Live and despite beating a former champion, I find myself back here in catering. I don't know who Kushida will be facing tonight but whoever it is, I'll be watching very closely just as I hope they've been watching me. I am the exclamation point of NXT. I have won four of my last five matches, so you can guarantee that whoever walks out as champion tonight will be meeting very shortly..."

Sterling loses his train of thought when he notices a figure approaching, the camera pans around to show Asher Hale. Hale, who had last been seen wrestling
Kyle O'Reilly a week ago (in a losing effort) does not look best pleased with what he's heard so far. Donning a plain hoodie, it appears Hale is in no position to answer any challenges tonight as he steps up on Sterling - who arches an eyebrow, confused as to why "The Five-Star King" has cut in on his time.


"Can I help you?"

Hale doesn't rush to answer, instead, he simply scowls, looking down his nose at Sterling.


"Four out of five matches, huh? Congratulations, but they do say that before a fall, comes pride. You're no better than anyone else, calling yourself the exclamation point when you're not even a comma. You can count all your victories on your fingers, Ari, but you'll just never be 'that guy'.

"The Sauce" looks around his disbelief, chuckling to himself at the behaviour of the audacious Hale and looking off-camera to the crew for a reaction. Biting his tongue, Sterling opts not to escalate the situation but is fully aware that he could hold his own if he needed to.


"Whoa, Asher. I don't know why you've come in with the hostilities. I get it, you lost your last match but I thought you put up a good fight..."

Whether it was his intention or not, Sterling had hit a nerve. Hale furiously interjects, having heard more than enough.


"Don't you dare pity me! I know I put up a good fight. The powers that be, know that I put up a good fight which is exactly why I've been given a slot on the very first episode of NXT Evolve, and guess what? Not only will I show the WWE Universe why they call me "The Five-Star King", but I'll even give you the chance to take me on so I can silence the "Exclamation Point". PERIOD."

Hale snarls but Sterling avoids eye contact, trying not to give a rise to the tension in the room. Shrugging, Sterling simply turns to "The Five Star King" and calmly continues.


"Well, when you put it like that, who am I to say no? Make it happen."

We get the on-screen graphic reminding us that "The Five Star King" will tangle with "The Exclamation Point" later this evening.


We cut to an exclusive scene filmed from earlier this week after NXT: End of the Line went off-air. The Million Dollar Champion, LA Knight is being escorted to the medical office following his encounter with former General Manager, William Regal and the infamous brass knuckles. The medic advises Knight to keep his head back to prevent any risk of a nosebleed and not to talk but the camera operator tries to get a quick exclusive asking if he has any words for the new NXT Champion, Bronson Reed.

Knight's head immediately whips down, and his eyes widen with fury, looking directly into the camera. Knight lets out a groan but is quickly reminded not to put any strain on the jaw. Knight is quickly whisked away but looks back to the cameras, clearly not happy with the result of the main event.

We are backstage at the Capitol Performance Center where Ikemen Jiro and August Grey are mid-interview with WWE.com for a digital exclusive about how they are still intending on working their way up the ranks of the tag team division when Drake Maverick creeps up behind them and startles the duo. Last week, all three men found themselves on the losing team after the former 205 Live General Manager got ideas above his station in a spot, some claimed had cost his team the match. Maverick laughs as Jiro musters a weak smile and "Retro AG" tries his best to look happy to see him, given that the pair were on somewhat of a winning strike before that match.


"Drake...well, you got us both there. We're kind of in the middle of something..."

Grey points off-camera to the crew, conducting the interview. Maverick looks around and realizes what he's walked into.

"Talk about timing, what am I like!?"

There's an uneasy pause as Maverick simply laughs things off, placing his hand on his hips and looking up to Jiro, who again points out that they are mid-interview.

"Can we....like...help you...or something?"

The penny drops as Maverick remembers why he approached the two in the first place.

"Right! Sorry. I came here with an 'exclusive' of my own." he gives a little wink to the camera. "Now boys, I know things didn't go to plan last week and I just don't want there to be any tensions or animosity because I know that the three of us make a good team."

Jiro and Grey look at each other, wondering where this is going.

"Which is why I've got us a trios match next week! Nigel took some convincing, but I assured him that we could pull it out of the bag this time. Isn't that great!?"

"Japan's Most Handsome" smiles and gives a thumbs up to show his enthusiasm as Maverick immediately launches in for the hug. August Grey on the other hand doesn't seem as pleased with the booking decision and hands back. Maverick looks round and beckons him in as Grey reluctantly joins the embrace, trying to show some semblance of unity.

Ain't No Rookie" blasts across the PA system, with the NXT Universe about to get their first glimpse at
Edris Enofe and Malik Blade. Blade leaps out to try and motivate the crowd, while Enofe trails him. The two men seem to have different aesthetics, Blade wears a knitted vest and gold trunks, while Enofe looks regal in a black, red and gold cape paired with sunglasses.

"The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall with a ten-minute time limit. Introducing first, the team of MALIK BLADE & EDRIS ENOFE!"

Once in the ring, both men remove their accessories and the two look a lot more visually in sync with each other. Malik Blade gets to one knee with Enofe standing behind him, they pose in the ring before giving each other a high-five. Kevin Patrick describes the duo as standouts, but Barrett says they better be prepared to stand down to the incoming duo.

"And their opponents, at a combined weight of 386 pounds..."The Premier Athlete" TONY NESE & ARIYA DAIVARI!"

The atmosphere soon sours for the arrival of Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari. Having previously been mainstays on 205 Live, the bitter duo had made several claims that they were not being used correctly across NXT television and were now taking it upon themselves to write their narratives, regardless of whose toes they stepped on. In recent weeks, the duo had been paid off by Legado del Fantasma to take out Hit Row but having failed that it seemed that the partnership had dissolved. Still, the pair seemed to be reaping the rewards of an LdF payment with "The Persian Lion" wearing several chains around his neck and Nese seemingly investing in some own-branded muscle-fit hoodies.

A picture-in-picture image, featuring the duo earlier today begins to play as they make their way into the ring in real-time.

Wade Barrett commends the duo on stepping up and taking control of their careers. Expecting that this would be the kind of initiative that Nigel McGuinness would want to see. Kevin Patrick feels that it's time the pair put their money where their mouths after what feels like weeks of moaning, this comment, of course, does not go down well with the former Intercontinental Champion. The duo poses in the middle of the ring before determining that Daivari will start the match.



Enofe and Daivari immediately go to lock up with the former getting behind "The Persian Lion" with a waist lock before transitioning into a schoolboy roll-up out of nowhere, the shoulders are down...






Daivari immediately looks around the Capitol Performance Center, feeling humiliated at the near fall while Nese has stern words with referee Jessika Carr. Caught up in his thoughts, Daivari becomes distracted by his disbelief and falls victim to a dropkick while Enofe tags in Malik Blade. Blade jumps over the top rope and delivers a high kick to Daivari, followed up by a leaping elbow from Enofe. Blade makes the cover, but it is immediately halted by Nese, who runs Blade into the turnbuckle. Enofe re-enters the ring and takes a run at "The Premier Athlete" but is thrown into his opponent in the corner. Carr warns Nese back into his corner while Daivari reaps the profits and hits a body avalanche into the corner, causing both men to fall into a seated position. Nese gets the tag and immediately comes in with a brutal running knee to Edris Enofe in the corner. In an impressive display of strength, he then lifts Enofe above his head and throws him to the outside, focusing on the legal man.

A groggy Malik Blade stumbles forward as Nese goes for a spinning heel kick but Blade is able to duck and throws Nese into the ropes, following up with a clothesline. Barrett points out that this is more of a handicap match at this rate, given that Enofe is out of it on the outside of the ring. Blade begins to climb the ropes, but Ariya Daivari tries to cause a distraction from the apron...


Undeterred, Blade lands the move perfectly, taking his opponent down.






Daivari and Blade immediately begin trading shots in the ring, allowing Nese time to get back on his feet. "The Premier Athlete" goes to strike but the rookie ducks it causing Nese and Daivari to pause, not wanting any altercation but Blade shoves the partners into each other and causes Daivari to topple off the apron onto the floor. Blade uses the turnbuckle to assist with a deep arm drag, looking to his corner and realizing that Enofe still isn't there yet. Blade turns where Nese lies in wait, but he is able to transition the attack into a backslide for a two count. Nese immediately gets back to his feet, disgruntled that he had been taken down once again by the newcomers, but Blade meets him with a stiff kick to take him down. During this time, he turns to see his tag team partner is back on his feet and making his way to the apron. Blade asks if he wants in, causing a brief pop the crowd as he holds out his hand.



Ariya Daivari once again uses his cunning to pull Enofe off the apron at the last minute. Blade is thrown round and delivered a brutal uppercut. Daivari wipes Enofe out by throwing him into the steel steps as he hurries around the other side of the ring.


"The Premier Athlete" hoists Malik Blade up and delivers a Pumphandle Driver while Daivari climbs the ropes and hits the FROG SPLASH!






It's over!

"Here are your winners, via pinfall..."The Premier Athlete" TONY NESE and ARIYA DAIVARI!"

The bell tolls to sound the end of the match as Nese regroups with his tag team partner and their hands are held in victory. Barrett says that the duo in the ring have had enough of playing games and being treated like fools, now people will have no choice but to take them seriously. Kevin Patrick agrees that this is the most confident the pair have ever looked together, and the tag team division could be looking at a new threat.

Nese and Daivari are all smiles until they notice a cheer from the crowd, initially thinking that the NXT Universe was finally giving them their flowers, they soon realize that all four members of Hit Row are present. Having remained undefeated at End of the Line, it appears that the hitmakers have not forgotten Daivari and Neese's part in their feud against Legado del Fantasma. Ashante Adonis and Top Dolla both take a step forward, indicating that they may also have stock in the tag team division.

The ominous tune of "The Lullaby of Woe" begins to play as an image slowly descends on-screen.


Wade Barrett says that Killian Dain has certainly undergone an evolution and next week, "The Beast" will be unleashed right here on NXT Evolve.

There's a brief recap of the events from this week's NXT: End of Line, including Kyle O'Reilly managing to knock out Adam Cole. Mercedes Martinez returning to help Raquel González even the odds against Tian Sha. MSK's impressive victory, retaining the NXT Tag Team Championships and William Regal taking out LA Knight with the brass knuckles. The closing shots focus on Hit Row standing tall in victory, Nigel McGuinness taking the reins of NXT and Bronson Reed raising the NXT Championship alongside the North American title.

As we fast tonight's main event but before we get there, Kevin Patrick goes through the confirmed card for the first edition OF the 'new era' NXT.

Finn Bálor vs. Samoa Joe
Oney Lorcan
vs. Dexter Lumis in an Extreme Rules Match
Kushida vs. Mansoor for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship
In-ring returns for both
Mercedes Martinez & "The Infamous" Bobby Fish
An exclusive sit-down interview with
Dakota Kai
Plus, we hear from
Kyle O'Reilly and Bronson Reed following their victories at NXT: End of the Line

We cut back to the ring for the final time this evening as Dennis Arnell stands by, ready to introduce the main event. Commentary tells the audience to brace themselves as this one could get wild.

The following is your NXT Evolve main event match of the evening..." there's a cheer from the crowd. "...and it is set for one fall with a twenty-minute time limit. Introducing the ring first, from Augusta Georgia, weighing in at 180 pounds...ASHER HALE!"

Hale doesn't even acknowledge the crowd as he makes a beeline for the ring, commentary mention that he was awarded this match for a standout performance but even that was a loss. Barrett says that Asher Hale is a future star, which is exactly why he's main eventing tonight. He points out that Hale is wrestling royalty on the independent scene and could be considered a veteran but tonight is about his elevation to NXT stardom.

The red and purple-haired aerial assassin makes his entrance to a modest reaction from the crowd. Decked with red tights and a matching red jacket, he stands for a moment at the top of the ramp to look out at the audience. Much like Zayda earlier, he bangs on the Plexiglas to connect with the fans before stepping up onto the apron and posing.

"And his opponent, from Lexington, Kentucky, weighing in at 185 pounds...ARI STERLING!"

Commentary brings up how Ari Sterling has made it no secret that he's gunning for Kushida's NXT Cruiserweight title and a win tonight could push him even closer to a title opportunity. Barrett points out that it might not be Kushida by next week if Mansoor can continue his winning ways and claim the gold. The chatter is cut off as Hale tackles "The Sauce" from behind and sends him off the apron and out onto the floor before the match can even get underway.



We are reminded that Ari won his last match against former NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Santos Escobar on the now-defunct 205 Live brand. Meanwhile, Asher Hale lost his previous match in a hard-fought effort against Kyle O'Reilly. Barrett says that both men have spent many years on the independents but are looking to prove that they have the star quality to go further and make it in the WWE. However, Hale is using some of the skills he's picked up along the way to get the upper hand in the early running, but Patrick quickly reminds him that the match isn't officially underway yet.

For the second time tonight, the steel steps come into play as "The Five Star King" runs Sterling straight into them. "Look who's making it happen now, Ari!" he says as the referee calls for order. Hale presses his boot in the face of Sterling against the steps and applies further pressure, but the referee warns him that this match will be a no-contest unless he plays by the rules. Hale backs off, showing that he's hungry for the victory but then immediately grabs the vibrant hair of his opponent and rolls him into the squared circle. Returning to the ring, the referee calls for the bell so that this match can finally get underway.

Once the bell sounded, Hale immediately chop blocks Sterling, hoping to prevent "The Exclamation Point" from any aerial assaults in the match. He delivers a kick to the lower back, which travels through Sterling's body as he lets out a yelp. As Hale approaches, Sterling lies back and manages to get a kick in to reverse his fortunes, making his way back to his feet, Hale immediately tries to reclaim control by going for a waist lock but Sterling catches him with an elbow and sends him into the ropes. Hale comes back with a test of strength, taking Sterling down with a shoulder block. Sterling immediately rolls over to cut Hale's movement off, forcing "The Five Star King" to hop over and run the ropes, Sterling leaps over the top but Hale manages to shove him forward back into the ropes as he comes back with a hurricarana! The crowd applaud the duo's back and forth so far as the match continues.

Sterling manages to hit the snapmare before executing a spinning kick on Hale that sends him rolling to the outside. "The Exclamation Point" looks to wow the fans as he slingshots himself into a seated position on the top rope, looking for something high risk but Hale hits a kick to the back of Ari's calf to send him falling back to the outside (thankfully managing to land on his feet).

Commentary discusses how both men could easily slot into any division of the brand, but their styles do complement the Cruiserweight division. Sterling has made it no secret that he wants to face Kushida for the title, while Hale has been more ambiguous about his intentions. Kevin Patrick says that 205 Live may be gone but Nigel McGuinness has made it very clear that the division will prosper in this new era.

Hale pushes Sterling back against the Plexiglas and delivers a chop before the crowd. He then clubs Sterling on the back and lifts him into a back suplex onto the apron! He quickly rolls in and out of the ring to break the referee's count as he then leans Sterling back against the apron to deliver another chop, bringing him forward only to throw him back again, each time Sterling's back hitting the hard frame of the ring. This time, however, Sterling, extends his legs and catches Hales quickly with a hurricarana on the outside. Rolling back into the ring, he returns to his original plan of seating himself on the second rope and hitting INSIDE OUT PHOENIX SPLASH TO THE OUTSIDE - something that appears to go down well with the fans.

Sterling rushes Hale back into the ring and climbs back to the apron, looking to slingshot again but once more Hale targets the legs and he sweeps the feet of his opponent, causing Ari once again to fall back onto the apron. Hale steps to the outside and puts his feet on either side of Sterling's head as commentary questions his next move. Hale twists himself around, twerking the neck, proudly smiling at this handiwork.

Hale drags Sterling from under the ropes and drags him back into the ring, pulling him up as he stomps his foot down on Sterling (reverse curb stomp) onto the bottom turnbuckle. "The Five Star King" pulls Sterling forward and makes the first cover of the match...






Returning to the attack, Hale kicks Sterling's hands off the bottom rope and begins to angrily stomp away at his ankle. Sterling begins to get back to his feet but is immediately taken back down with a shoot kick. Hale's irritation becomes more apparent as he begins to mock "The Exclamation Point", kicking away at him. Once again, he makes a cover but once more only musters a two count. Hale clocks Sterling with a forearm but Sterling returns with one of his own, echoing the exchange at the start of the night. Sterling manages to get back to his feet but is hit again, he turns and spins Hale around before hitting a lariat! Sterling hits a back elbow, followed by a second and trips Hale onto his knees. Running the ropes, Sterling hits shooting star double knees ("crunch wrap") onto the back of Asher Hale. "The Sauce" rolls his opponent over...







Sterling is in disbelief as he looks around the supportive crowd. He begins to ascend to the top turnbuckle, turning round, looking for the 450 splash!


Asher Hale rolls out of the way, but Sterling manages to land on his feet. "The Five Star King" dropkicks Sterling into the corner. It looks as if Hale is going for the Tornado DDT but Sterling stops him on the top turnbuckle with an echoing slap, taking a step back, Sterling runs up for a TOP ROPE DRAGON RANA! Sending Hale flying onto the mat. Sterling goes for the cover once again...






The signature move is locked in tight, Sterling has very few options right now. What will he do?





Sterling rolls over but Hale tries to roll back, keeping the move applied. Sterling rolls again, this time getting his feet on the bottom rope, showing excellent ring awareness for a second time. The referee calls for the rope break, causing Asher Hale to flip out. Next, he decides to play Sterling at this own game and heads to the top rope, Sterling is in a prime place for a DOUBLE FOOT STOMP!



Hale lands on his feet and tries for the roundhouse kick but Ari Sterling manages to duck underneath and hits the TACO WRAP! HE'S GOT THE COVER...






The fans are delighted with the decision as a shocked Sterling looks around the ring for validation, slowly coming to terms with the fact that he was victorious. Kevin Patrick says that once again, Asher Hale gave it his best, but it wasn't good enough tonight. Barrett gives credit where credit is due but says that Hale is going to be going places in the future.

"Here is your winner by pinfall...ARI STERLING!"

The referee raises Sterling's hand before he marches up to the cameras and he says that he is ready for Kushida or Mansoor, whoever walks out next Tuesday as champion. He turns around and sees a disappointed Asher Hale and decides to be the bigger man, extending his hand only for "The Five Star King" to decline and roll out of the ring. Nonetheless, Sterling doesn't let it dampen his shine as he celebrates his main event victory on the first-ever episode of NXT Evolve. "The Exclamation Point" celebrates at the top rope as Kevin Patrick says next week, the new era begins with the cameras coming to a close.

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Looking Glass

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Sep 18, 2022
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NXT: End of the Line had it all - returns, exits, championship changes - even a new General Manager! This week, Nigel McGuinness invites you to attend the relaunch of Tuesday Nights. Good evening everyone, I'm McKenzie Mitchell and this is 'What's NeXT'...


While we may have entered a new era of NXT, the opening contest will be an exhibition of two of the finest talents to come from the black and gold age. I think it's fair to say that Nigel McGuinness shocked the entire WWE Universe last week at End of the Line when he brought out the returning Finn Bálor and Samoa Joe - the latter of which, we all had thought we'd seen the last of. Now there's no word on if this match comes with a stipulation but with a brand-new NXT Champion, you'd have to assume that both men are looking to reclaim their former glory.



Speaking of the champion, "The Colossal" Bronson Reed will make his first appearance since winning the title from Karrion Kross last week. The match wasn't without its fair share of drama thanks to the likes of LA Knight, so what will our double champion have to say when he addresses the Universe?



Bronson Reed isn't the only champion to feature on our grand relaunch show. NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Kushida, has wowed fans by successfully defending his title against friends and foes from across the globe. This week, Kushida agreed to face Mansoor - the man who we all thought would be his opponent at the 205 Live: End of the Line finale. Will the 'undefeated' superstar be taking the Cruiserweight title back to Monday Night Raw or will he face a similar fate as his friend, Mustafa Ali, when he meets "The Time Splitter"?



It was two weeks ago when Dakota Kai fell victim to a black mist attack from Tian Sha's Mei Ying. While Dakota's friend and NXT Women's Champion, Raquel González, managed to avenge the attack by retaining her title over Xia Li last week, the effects of the hazing appear to have career-threatening consequences for the New Zealand native. Mauro Ranallo interviews Dakota for the first time as she speaks candidly about the attack and her future in wrestling.



"The Stimulus" steps back into the ring for the first time in months and he's doing it in style! In recent week, Dexter Lumis has been rushing to the aid of his former enemy, Johnny Gargano. However, it appears that Gargano may be prepared to show his long-time foe 'The Way'. Meanwhile, Oney Lorcan has an axe to grind after alleging that Lumis had not only abducted him but imprisoned him to prevent him from appearing ringside for Gargano's match against Pete Dunne. This bout promises to be a wild ride but which of these men will walk away with the bragging rights?



And finally, following weeks of welcoming us to his theatre of violence, "The Infamous" Bobby Fish makes his return to the squared circle. Determined to steer his narrative away from The Undisputed ERA. While we have yet to confirm his opponent, Fish has promised to show us why he is the lead of NXT.
Don't forget to tune in on Tuesday for all of that and a whole lot more. We may have a whole new look at NXT but if there's one thing that won't be changing, it's two hours of the world's best wrestling. You really don't want to miss it!

Back to writing all-new shows! Thanks to those who have stayed with me as well as anyone who may have joined me along the way, there are some really ambitious developments coming, which I can't wait for you to see/read. I just wanted to say a big thank you to Switchblade as well for taking the time to go through my coding and rid me of the errors that plagued the thread. Hopefully, it should be smooth sailing from here.
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Can't wait for you to get started with this New Era of NXT, LG.

As always, your GFX are beautiful.

Joe vs Balor, Kushida defending the Cruiserweight Championship, Extreme Rules match, and we're to hear from Dakota Kai & the new NXT Champion, Bronson Reed! Stacked.

I have to say, I'm most excited to see the infamous Bobby Fish and how he fares in your NXT away from the Undisputed Era.

Can't wait man! :D
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Looking Glass

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Sep 18, 2022
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The following matches were taped for NXT Evolve to air on Friday:
  • Tyler Breeze vs. Timothy Thatcher
  • Killian Dain vs. Guru Raaj
  • Imperium vs. Dante Chen & Ru Feng
  • Kayden Carter & Kacy Catanzaro vs. Jamie Frost & Skyler Storey

The new look NXT opens with a video package, breaking down some of the highs and lows of NXT: End of the Line. Including, Kyle O’Reilly defeating his former friend, Adam Cole, in a brutal three strikes match to terminate his career and banish him from the brand. MSK outperformed The Grizzled Young Veterans to retain the NXT Tag Team Championships. At the same time, “Big Mami” Raquel González avenged Dakota Kai’s attack to defeat Xia Li and keep the NXT Women’s Championship in her grasp. The fortunes of Legado del Fantasma went from bad to worse as they suffered defeat at the hands of Hit Row and “The Colossal” Bronson Reed did what many before him failed to do and knocked off the undefeated Karrion Kross to become the NEW NXT Champion – but not without a controversial appearance from LA Knight that saw William Regal bring back to brass knucks to send him on his way. Now, under the helm of Nigel McGuiness, we are welcomed to the colourful new set-up of the Capitol Performance Center of NXT.

Wade Barrett and Vic Joseph run through tonight’s card as “The Infamous” Bobby Fish returns to the ring in his grand re-debut. Sarray and Zoey Stark will take on the team of Tegan Nox and Shotzi in tag team action. Kushida will be in the building to defend his NXT Cruiserweight Championship once more, this time again the ‘undefeated’ Mansoor. Mercedes Martinez will be back in the squared circle and finally, two NXT legacy talents will collide as former champions Finn Bálor and Samoa Joe collide.



Up first, things were about to get extreme on McGuinness’ debut episode. Following previous accusations that he was abducted by Dexter Lumis, Oney Lorcan was looking for justice. “The Manliest Man” was first to make his way out to the ring, wheeling a cart of weapons with him and looking out across the NXT Universe. Lorcan reached into the cart and pulled out a kendo stick, holding it high above his head as the fans…cheered? Lorcan lapped up the attention, however, unfortunately for him the crowd were cheering for Lumis, who had crept up behind him. The unsuspecting Lorcan slowly turned round but rather than show any fear, went to strike Lumis in the ribs, only for “The Stimulus” to reach out and use his strength to wrestle the kendo stick away from him.

Vic Joseph reminds us that this is no rules and no disqualifications, nothing is off limits. Lumis looks around the crowd, contemplating whether to use the weapon but taking his eye off the ball, allows Lorcan to run and strike with an uppercut and hammer away at his larger opponent. Wade Barrett pondered whether Lumis’ decision to get involved in this match was a wise decision considering his previous injuries. However, Joseph points out that he is having to defend his name in this match, with his opponent still casting accusations against him. The two men exchange forearms outside before Lorcan pushes the shopping cart into Lumis’ ribs and proceeds to strip him of his shirt. Wade and Vic begin to question the tactics of the Bostonian Brawler but it becomes apparent when he wraps the shirt around Lumis’ neck and begins to choke him out. Lumis tries to escape into the ring but there are no rope breaks on this one, but he can use his power to back Oney into the corner to release the stranglehold. Lumis delivers a stiff chop to his opponent’s chest, but Oney returns with one of his own, getting the better of the exchange as he chops Lumis into the corner and takes to the second rope to deliver some more shots to the head. The NXT Universe began to count to ten, with ring rust potentially working against Dexter Lumis here. Lorcan rolls to the outside and begins to throw weapons from the shopping cart into the ring, clearly affected by his experience and trying to unleash his rage.

Lorcan sets up a chair in front of Lumis in the corner, he takes a run-up but Lumis manages to catch him and hits a chokeslam (of sorts) onto the chair, almost breaking it in half. Lumis brings Lorcan to his feet, almost looking as if he is trying to avoid causing further pain as we see members of The Way (Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae, Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta) rallying him on while they watch his performance via a monitor backstage. Lumis stares intensely into Lorcan’s eyes but is interrupted by a well-placed kick to his groin. Lumis falls to his knees in pain, while Lorcan embraces the extreme rules by picking up another chair and placing Lumis’ head through it for another chokehold, pressing his knee against the chair to cause further pressure. The referee checks whether Lumis wants to give up but he preservers, causing frustration for Oney, who releases the hold and goes back to the drawing board. Lumis begins to crawl towards the turnbuckle but is hit by a running uppercut from Lorcan, who uses the momentum to circle back around and attempt another but is instead hoisted up over the ropes by Lumis and ran into the turnbuckle.

Oney Lorcan falls to the outside, while Dexter recovers, turning around and doing his signature crawl towards the ropes, coming face-to-face with his opponent. Lorcan tries to strike but Lumis slams his face into the apron before getting back to his feet and flying through the ropes to the outside with a suicide dive! Lorcan rebounds into the guard rail hard, while the fans bang on the Plexiglas in excitement.

“The Stimulus” brings Lorcan back to his feet before running him into the guard rail. Looking around, Lumis looks tempted for a moment by the weapons with Barrett berating him for agreeing to an Extreme Rules match and choosing not to use weapons to his advantage. Lorcan begins to crawl along the floor. Lumis stalks his prey and looks to throw “The Boston Brawler” into the ring post but Lorcan extends his leg against the post to put up some resistance and throws Dexter Lumis’ head into the post. Turning him round, Lorcan goes for another stiff chop and is heard saying “This is for what you did to me! Admit it! You know what you did.” – but as Lorcan goes to chop his opponent, Lumis ducks out of the way, causing Lorcan’s hand to collide with the steel post instead.

Lorcan attempts to create some distance by rolling back into the ring to recover but the camera zooms in to show Lorcan has slid in right behind him, waiting for Oney to get back onto his feet to connect with a thunderous SPINEBUSTER!




Lumis sits up, contemplating his next move before grabbing the wrist of Lorcan and pulling him back to his feet. Vic Joseph notes that it looks like he’s setting up for The Silencer but Lorcan manages to stomp on Dexter’s foot, interrupting the finisher attempt. Lorcan connects with a kick to the knee, causing Lumis to fall into a kneeling position, with Lorcan grabbing the fingers and looking to show off a few things he had learned from Pete Dunne. It’s clear at this point that it’s personal for Oney Lorcan, it’s not just about winning anywhere.


Lumis writhes in pain but there’s nothing the referee can do, it’s all perfectly legal. While things aren’t looking good for “The Tortured Artist”, Lorcan uses the time to roll to the outside of the ring - shaking off the pain in his own hand after the earlier misplaced chop – and drags out a table from underneath the ring. Barrett says he doesn’t think Lorcan plans to use it for tea and crumpets as Lorcan slides the table back into the ring and proceeds to fold out each leg. Then, almost like Mark Calway himself, Lumis….sits up!

The fans begin to cheer but Lorcan has now armed himself with a lead pipe, presumably the same one to injure Austin Theory weeks ago in NXT’s main event. Lorcan holds the weapon up as a threat but Lumis back him down, Lorcan turns realising he’s been backed into his own table, leaving him no choice but to take a swipe but Lumis grabs the pipe with both hands and uses it to throw Lorcan across the other side of the ring. Lumis follows up with a clothesline to the corner turnbuckle, using his body weight to inflict some damage.

Lumis attempts to approach Lorcan but the latter throws a trash can lid to his face to try and regain the advantage. Lumis uses the lid once again to bring Lumis to his knees once more but as he tosses the trash can lid aside, he grabs the lead pipe and uses it to choke Lumis once more. The NXT Universe once again rally behind “The Stimulus”, who finds the energy to get back to his feet, prompting Lorcan to release the hold and rake his opponent’s back to maintain control of the match.

Lorcan bolts towards Lumis like a racehorse looking for the Running Blockbuster but Lumis manages to catch him in a fireman’s carry position, he looks around and is careful to avoid the table but this hesitation allows Lorcan to drop back to his feet and dropkick Lumis, who stumbles back onto the table.

With Lumis right where he wants him, Oney Lorcan begins to take to the high-risk district, a place where he’s not typically known for going. Wade Barrett points out that this is a special occasion for Lorcan, who will prove to the Universe what a felon Dexter Lumis is. Lorcan looks around the crowd before noticing Johnny Gargano standing at the ring entrance, marching down towards the ring. This had all started with the feud between The Way and The Kings of NXT and it looked like Gargano was here to back up his former foe, with whom his tensions appeared to be cooling week by week.

Barrett calls foul play but Vic Joseph reminds us that there’s no disqualification in an Extreme Rules match. Lorcan turns back and received a forearm by Lumis, who performs a rolling thunder to launch himself onto the second turnbuckle, the two men going blow-for-blow as “Johnny Wrestling” stands at the bottom of the rope trying to encourage Lumis. Lorcan hits an unpredictable headbutt, which knocks Lumis giddy but he maintains his grip on the ropes to keep his balance. Noticing this, Lorcan thumps away at Lumis’ hand trying to throw him off balance. Lumis proceeds to grab Lorcan by the throat…Lorcan begins to plead and tries to turn away to escape but Dexter manages to hit an AVALANCE SILENCER THROUGH THE TABLE! Kata Gatame is locked in, to which the referee immediately calls for the bell as it appears it’s lights out for Lorcan.

Back from replay, Dexter Lumis sits up and looks across to Johnny Gargano. Gargano rolls into the ring and sits next to him momentarily, teasing that there may still be uncertainty between the pair. “Johnny Wrestling” gets to his feet and holds out his hand, to which Lumis accepts. Gargano raises Lumis’ arm as a sign of respect to indicate that the pair had turned a page in their relationship. “Human Science Experiment” continues to play out as we head backstage with McKenzie Mitchell.


There appears to be some disruption backstage as McKenzie is heard calling out after Pete Dunne, her apparent intended interviewee. However, given what just played out, it appeared that “The Bruiserweight” was in no mood to chat. McKenzie asks if she can get anything from him to use, to which Dunne said that there were going to be some serious changes as he made his way to the parking lot to head on out of the Capitol Wrestling Centre.

Before we head to a commercial break, we see footage of Kyle O’Reilly’s epic win over Adam Cole at NXT: End of the Line. We are shown behind-the-scenes footage of Adam Cole being rushed to the hospital after the damage he sustained in the match. In separate footage, O’Reilly is being checked over, looking in bad shape himself. An off-screen camera operator asks Kyle how he’s feeling.


“That was hands down one the most physically and emotionally draining things I’ve ever done. I wish I could say we left it all out there in the ring, but honestly…I don’t know how I feel right now. I think I’m going to need a minute…”

O’Reilly looks off-camera as he’s helped away, and the footage comes to a halt. Vic Joseph announces that next week Kyle O’Reilly will be back at the Capitol Wrestling Centre. Meanwhile, coming up next, the NEW NXT Champion, Bronson Reed, will be here to address the NXT Universe for the first time.



As we return from the commercial break, Wade and Vic give us a glimpse of an interaction that took place:

Backstage, the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell are joined by Persia Pirotta, the trio still in high spirits following Lumis’ win in the opening match.

“Just when people count us out, we continue to show them ‘The Way’…” pause. “And yes, I was a little sceptical of Dexter after everything with Johnny but now I’ve come to realise that he’s just…eccentric, quirky even! It would be immoral of us to turn him away just because the rest of the locker room has this baseless opinion of him.”

Indi looks pleased with her mentor’s change of heart.


“Honestly, I think his whole staring thing is kinda intense and endearing.”

“I don’t know, I reckon he might have actually kidnapped Oney Lorcan, y’know.”

Candice and Indi’s smiles turn to frowns as they look across at Persia.


“And this is why you’re on probation, Persia. Sometimes it’s better just to speak when you’re spoken to.”

Candice shakes her head in disappointment, while Indi seems a little more forgiving of her friend’s ‘error’. Suddenly, Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro make their presence known. The trio look to each other as Candice steps towards Team Ninja.


“Sorry ladies, we’re currently not taking applications. Full house, you see.”

Candice turns back to resume her conversation with Hartwell and Pirotta. However, Carter and Catanzaro stay where they are. Kayden puts her hands in her pockets as she physically demonstrates she’s not going anywhere


“Oh you must have us mistaken Candice, we’re not looking to enrol in your cult today.”

“We were just here to remind ourselves who the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions were around here, it’s been so long since we’ve seen them defended.”

Kacy laughs at her own jibe, just to add insult to injury but before the champions can retort, Kayden follows up.


“And we’re getting impatient…”

Kayden is full of attitude tonight, having not been seen on NXT Television in some time. Candice chuckles and holds her hands together like she’s addressing a couple of kids.


“Well did you bring a photograph each for us to sign? Because this is the closest that the two of you will get to these belts. Now run along girls, maybe come back to us when you win a few more matches?”

Carter shakes her head, not taking no for an answer this time.


“Oh we can win a match but the question is when will the two of you wrestle one? Just admit it, you’re swerving every challenge you get.”

“We’re swerving nothing! Name and time and a…”

“Whoa, let’s not get hasty there Indi, remember I’m the one who has final say on all the important decisions.” She turns back and shoots a fake smile at Kacy and Kayden. “Ladies, we appreciate your hutzpah but we’re really busy tonight getting ready to scout the women’s tag team match for deserving opponents.”

A confused Persia looks at Indi before leaning forward into the conversation.


“I thought you said you were tired and wanted to go for a lie-down?”

“The Poison Pixie” looks caught in a lie while Kayden and Kacy try to fight the urge to laugh in the champion’s face. Candice turns to Indi and instructs her to take Persia for a time-out. Persia rolls her eyes and folds her arm as her friend escorts her away, leaving Candice with the eager duo.

“Don’t mind here, she’s not long off the plane from Australia, so she’s still severely jet-lagged. Anyway, Kayden…Kacy, I’m sure the two of you are really popular on TikTok doing your little robot…” she imitates the movement. “But around here, you need more than a blue tick against your name if you want a shot at these championships but 10 out of 10 on the enthusiasm!” she gives both a thumbs up. “Keep that up and maybe one day, we’ll see what we can do, kay? Good chat!”

Candice quickly turns away and flees the scene. Kacy and Kayden fold their arms, looking irked by the outcome of the conversation – fuelling further speculation that The Way had no intention of ever defending the NXT Women’s Championships.


Back at ringside, the crowd await the arrival of the new NXT Champion, Bronson Reed, who will be with us in a matter of moments. Before he arrives, Vic and Wade take us through the closing moments of the match, in which “Aus-Zilla” hit a surprise spear on Karrion Kross before executing a Tsunami from the top rope to score the victory. It is also mentioned that during the match, LA Knight - who had already campaigned to new General Manager, Nigel McGuinness, about being left off the card – ran interference after weeks of dissing his ‘fellow’ champions, only for William Regal to take him out with the brass knuckles.

The lights then go out, and the familiar tune of “Battle Tested” begins to play, we see the image of a city skyline on the video screen. As the smoke clears, we see the double-champion for the first, dressed to fight, Reed looks intense as he steps out to the crowd. For a moment, he’s allowed to take it all in, before making his way down the ring, the North American title draped over one shoulder the NXT title on the other.

Stopping before the steel steps, Reed smiles for the first time and stomps his foot on the bottom step, proceeding to make his way to the ring, taking a microphone from Alicia Taylor. As he goes to speak, a “you deserve it” chant breaks out from the limited crowd.

“Thank you…” he pauses, trying to keep his composure. “Thank you.” He wipes his face and allows the crowd to show their appreciation for a few seconds longer. “I’m not really one for words, so I’m going to try and keep this brief.” He pauses again. “Fourteen years I’ve been in this business, travelling the world to make myself the best that I could be – Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, I did it all with the small hope that one day, the WWE would look at a guy like me and give me an opportunity. Then, somehow, two years ago, I got the call and I was told that I was going to be part of the Breakout Tournament. Now, I don’t know how many of you remember but I went out in the very first round to Cameron Grimes.” He looks down at the floor, reliving the disappointment. “We condition ourselves to be the best, we tell ourselves we are the best because we want you to believe in us, but last week when I took out Kross, fourteen years down the line, I am finally living my truth as the best.” He holds his NXT Championship up to a cheer from the crowd. “Now don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely proud to be standing here as your North American Champion, but for a guy like me, from Black Forest, South Australia, holding the NXT Championship is more than I could have ever imagined.” He clears his throat. “So you’ll excuse me if I’m a little p*ssed off that LA Knight stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and tried to weasel his way into my match last week.” Reed’s tone changes to an angrier one. “Well LA, I’m waiting, seeing as you love to talk the talk, get your ass out here. NOW!”

The crowd cheer for this no-nonsense approach from “The Colossal”, who begins to pace the ring. Then…

Lo and behold, The Million Dollar Champion appears! LA Knight, who is dressed in a rather casual tee and red leather jacket pauses, looking down his red shades at the champion, keeping a safe distance. Knight looks at his jacket and winces.

“I guess I chose the wrong colour to wear tonight, huh?” he laughs to himself. “You’re charging around that ring like a wild bull, you’re going to give yourself a heart attack, CHAMP. He puts emphasis on that last word. “I never had you down for the sensitive type, but that whole thing about being from backwoods, wherever was pretty sentimental, I almost shed a tear. Of course, I couldn’t relate, because unlike you, I never had to wrestle in high-school gymnasiums, begging and pandering to be recognised. I mean look at me!” He shows holds his hands out to show himself off. “Now I know you probably are waiting on an apology but Bronson, you ain’t getting one from me tonight…or ever. You were gifted that title match without any explanation, William Regal chose his prodigy, threw the rulebook out the window and walked out the door.” Noticing the crowd’s reaction to Regal’s name, Knight looks around. “Oh and don’t go thinking that I’ve let him retire in peace, I was straight onto the phone to my lawyers once I regained the use of my jaw.” Knight self-consciously holds his jaw before looking back to the NXT double champion. “I’m not going to apologise to you Bronson, if anything you should be apologising to me, for taking MY spot. You said it yourself, these things don’t happen to guys like you and honestly, I don’t think you were meant to win that belt. Regal clearly had a senior moment and for some reason chose your name off the top of his head. I’ve already proved myself as the People’s Champion…” the crowd boo, but Knight continues to smile, basking in his delusion. “Not only do I hold one of the most precious and decorated accolades in this sport, but I give back! I’ve given guys like you a chance to become household names. Can you really say you’ve done that?” he pauses. “Well?”


“LA, I don’t know if you’re still feeling the effect of those brass knuckles, but I didn’t come here for an apology. I just wanted to give you the opportunity to explain yourself before I kick your ass around every square foot of this arena. You can tell me what I am and what I’m not, and how great you are but like I said earlier, I’m not one for talking, so if you’re here to fight the champion – STEP UP!”

Reed throws his championship belts on the floor and removes his own jacket, stepping towards the ropes to invite Knight into the ring. The crowd are spurring the Million Dollar Champion on, he takes a step forward, before pointing to the sky as if he had just come up with an idea.


“Not gonna happen, buddy! I’m not getting in that ring with a loose cannon like you, not like this. If you want me in the ring, Bronson, you’ll give me what I’m due at that’s my main event spot at Takeover. If you can’t do that, then I can’t do business with you, I’m afraid.”

Bronson places the microphone to his lips but before he can, Nigel McGuinness makes his way out, having clearly heard enough.

“Gentleman, gentlemen! If we could all take a moment please, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Now I know my good friend, William Regal, would probably come out here and give everyone what they want.” The crowd cheer in anticipation. “…but I’m not William Regal. “Bronson, I was happy to give you the time to come out here and talk to the NXT Universe, but I’ve got a show to run. In case you forgot, I’m General Manager and matchmaker of this brand now, so there’ll be no more demanding matches without my input first.” The crowd begin to boo. “I’m sorry people, that’s just how I do business.”

Reed looks perturbed by the announcement as he tries to cool down. Knight also looks disgruntled by the interruption, having potentially been mere moments away from a main event spot.

“So here’s what’s going to happen. I know the two of you are going to be like this every week until you get your own way, but if that’s going to be happening then it’ll happen on my terms. On the 21st August, we will be holding our next Takeover event, High Stakes – which, for the first time will be taking place in Sin City…LAS VEGAS, NEVADA! The crowd begin to cheer. “Now, I’ve already got some plans in motion but the two of you have really got me thinking. If the pair of you fancy yourself a flutter, then let’s do it right, shall we? I’m suggesting that at High Stakes, you two put your money where your mouths are – Bronson Reed versus LA Knight in a WINNER TAKES ALL MATCH!”

Once again, the crowd change their tune, this time in support of McGuinness’ suggestion. Bronson looks fearless but Knight looks conflicted as he peers down at his diamond-encrusted championship.


“No one mentioned anything about my title! You know what? This is just so typical, trying to make me jump through hoops to get what I should have been given a long, long time ago!”

“LA, I don’t care whether you accept or not. Either way, I will be beating you around this ring at some point.”

“Excellent point, Mr Reed! LA, I’ll cut you a deal – if the two of you consent to this match, I will put a no-contact clause in your contracts. Should either one of you attempt to lay hands on the other, I will immediately strip you of your championships.” He pauses and looks at Knight to one side of him and Reed to the other. “So what do we say gentlemen, do we have a deal?”

Nigel stops on Reed first.

“I’m not the kind of champion, who plays it safe. I beat the undefeated Karrion Kross to get to this moment, I’m pretty sure I can handle Miz 2.0.” the crowd laugh, much to the chagrin of Knight. “If it didn’t conflict with the contact, I would shake your hand, LA. I guess I’m just going to have to see you at High Stakes, instead, huh?”

McGuinness can’t help but smirk at Reed’s comment as he turns to LA Knight.


“I’m feeling pretty lucky actually and what would look better than one more belt around my waist? TWO MORE BELTS! Polish those babies up for me, big boy! I’ll see you in the main event.”

McGuinness looks impressed by his own negotiating ability and applauds the two men for being good sports. Reed and Knight exchange glances from across opposite sides of the room, Knight gestures to his waist but Reed simply holds up both championships before looking around the crowd, who pop once more. For one of these men, NXT Takeover: High Stakes would truly be the biggest gamble in their career.


Still to come tonight, Samoa Joe versus Finn Bálor will battle it out in an exhibition match as per Nigel McGuinness orders and Mercedes Martinez returns to the ring for the first time since NXT Takeover: In Your House.


We get a recap of the closing moments of the NXT Women’s Championship match that saw Raquel González successfully retain against Tian Sha’s Xia Li. Despite interference at the hands of “The Nobleman” Boa, González was able to overcome the numbers game and put Li away with a Chingona Bomb. However, just when it seemed that Tian Sha was about to resort to old tactics, Mercedes Martinez – another rival of the trio – made her return to NXT, causing Tian Sha to retreat. As we cut back to the ring, Alicia Taylor begins to introduce the next match…

An elevator graphic appears on the titantron, slowly counting down the floors until…


The ‘doors’ open and out from the curtain struts, Elektra Lopez, a recent addition to the WWE Performance Centre. Despite a string of cameo appearances since 2018, tonight would mark Lopez’ official wrestling debut but she was not alone – tailing her were two model-esque figures, introduced as Yulisa and Valentina (the recent signees, Jennifer Michell Cantú Iglesias and Rita Reis, respectively). Wade pointed out that there will be a potential numbers disadvantage for the “Brass City Baddie” in her return match, much like there was when she previously faced Xia Li in a losing effort.

Vic adds that Martinez had previously put everyone on notice that she would be back to dominate and it looks like her newfound friendship and respect for the Women’s Champion could earn her a title opportunity in the near future. Barrett accuses Joseph of insinuating the González will reward her friends, pointing out that Dakota Kai was Raquel’s friend and that ended up with her being misted by Mei Ying. Before we fall down too much of a rabbit hole, Vic Joseph says that the sit-down interview with Kai will be airing after this match.

To mark her return to action, Martinez debuts a new entrance video and song. Despite this, the veteran maintains the same intensity that she’s carried with her across her 20-year career. Martinez slowly approaches the ring, ripping off her bandana as she poses before the respectful crowd. Turning to face her opponent, Elektra looks like she could care less about Mercedes’ history within the business as she relaxes in the corner, looking to Yulisa and Valentina on the outside, who are equally as bored of the crowd’s reaction to Martinez.


As the bell rings, Lopez attempts to get behind Martinez and bring her to her feet but instead the “Latina Sensation” delivers some clubbing elbows to the head of Elektra. Lopez leans back on the mat and attempts to reverse the move into a triangle choke but Mercedes pummels away using her free hand to escape the hold quickly. Both women back to their feet, Martinez strikes with a forearm, before leaning Lopez back with a knife-edge chop against the ropes. Valentina and Yulisa look at each other with concern for their cohort as Barrett describes them as ‘Goddesses’, prompting Vic to remind him of the match going on in the ring.

The crowd remain firmly on Mercedes’ side as she continued to deliver a series of forearms to her opponent. However, things soon shifted when Lopez caught a forearm and monkey-flipped Martinez, maintaining wrist control to lock in an armbar. Valentina and Yulisa heckled the veteran, encouraging her to tap but it wasn’t long before Martinez used her strength to reverse the move into a pin attempt for the two-count.

Elektra rolls out of the move and creates some distance before attempting to strike with the running clothesline, only for it to be turned into a spine buster! Mercedes stacks Elektra up once more but this time only scores a one-count. Martinez whips Lopez into the corner, delivering some additional forearms but this time Yulisa and Valentina provided a distraction, attempting to sweep the legs only to be kicked away. Elektra takes advantage of the distraction, throwing Mercedes face-first into the top turnbuckle before climbing and seat herself on the top rope. Lopez attempts to grab the “Brass City Baddie”, perhaps looking for some sort of Tornado DDT? Instead, the vet gets in some shots to the kidney before she overpowers Lopez and hits a Fishermen’s Buster!




However, before Lopez has time to recover, Martinez rolls her over and locks in a Surfboard Dragon Sleep – Vic Joseph says that she calls this move the Brass City Sleeper!

Lopez has no choice but to tap out as Martinez quickly releases the hold. Aja Smith raises Martinez’s in victory as the NXT Universe applaud the result. Martinez embraces the love from the fans when she’s tackled to the mat by Valentina and Yulisa, who begin hammering in blows.

Aja Smith calls for the bell but Martinez quickly manages to regain control of the situation, delivering a double clothesline to ground both women. The fans begin to cheer as NXT Women’s Champion, Raquel González, rushes to the ring to prevent Valentina from striking Martinez, who is dealing with Yulisa.


Valentina attempts to fight off the Women’s Champion, culminating in a hard slap but this barely phases “Big Mami”. Valentina turns straight into Mercedes, before turning back into a…


The crowd cheer once again as Mercedes thanks the champion for help, but will her spirits be as high when she hears what Dakota Kai has to say in her sit-down interview with Mauro Ranallo? That and a whole lot more are still to come…



We’re back from the break, commentary put over tonight’s main event once more as we cut to a video package featuring former two-time NXT Champion, Samoa Joe – the man who many thought had departed the company back in April.


“NXT will always be home to me.”

We see archived footage of Joe making his debut at NXT Takeover: Unstoppable in 2015, in which he prevented Kevin Owens from attacking Sami Zayn with a chair.


“It was a risk for me, coming into this environment as a 16-year veteran at that point. How would I fit in? Would I be able to adjust to NXT, but as soon as I stepped foot in that ring, I immediately knew that this was the place I was meant to be. I’ve experienced some of the biggest highlights of my career…”

“The Samoan Submission Machine” is seen holding up the NXT Champion, not once but two times. Becoming the first Superstar to do so.


“And I’ve also experienced some lows…”

We see dirtsheet clippings announcing Joe’s suspension and release earlier in the year.


“But in the end, you always find your way home.”

We then see footage of Joe teaming with his opponent tonight, as he and Finn Bálor are seen the likes of the Lucha Dragons as part of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.


“In some of my career highlights here in WWE, it’s always felt like Finn Bálor has never been far away. We’ve gone to bat for each other…”

Footage plays of Bálor and Joe’s championship bout at NXT Takeover: Dallas.


“And we’ve gone to war.”

Finally, we see footage of both Joe and Bálor returning at End of the Line.

“I’m extremely grateful to get the call from Nigel to bring me back to NXT. I’ve now known what it’s like to be at a pretty comfortable stage of my career, to then have everything vanish in an instant. Tonight, there might not be a title or a cup at stake, but with both of us coming back to NXT, trying to reassert our legacies in this new landscape, this is going to be a huge fork in the road for both our in-ring careers. There can only be one winner and I’m sorry Finn, but…” dramatic pause. “I’m gonna have to kill you.


Wade and Vic reflect on the intense statement made by Joe ahead of tonight’s match before recapping the moment, in which a moment of frustration turned to devastation for Dakota Kai. Two weeks ago, Raquel González’s feud with Tian Sha leaked into hers and Kai’s tag team championship aspirations when they cost them a match against Shotzi and Tegan Nox in the main event. An angry Kai approached “The Mother” Mei Ying, who proceeded to spray her with a black mist, which appeared to blind the New Zealand native. In a very special sit-down interview, Mauro Ranallo had the opportunity to speak with Dakota for the very first time since the attack.

We see Mauro seated on-set as he’s informed by producers that Dakota would be making her way out. Ranallo looks across the room as we see a meek Dakota Kai being escorted to her seat – she’s wearing a large pair of sunglasses, that cover her eyes as she follows the directions of her assistants voice. Mauro thanks her for being here and asks if she’s okay before the segment begins, Kai shakes her head, her body language alone indicates that things are far from okay.

The producer informs them both that cameras will begin rolling in three, two, gesturing one and Mauro welcomes the NXT Universe to this special interview, thanking Dakota Kai for agreeing to speak with him. Dakota thanks Mauro for the opportunity to allow her to speak, she explained that these past two weeks have had so much happening that it’s useful for her to be able to sit down and talk about things, to allow her to process and heal.

Mauro asks Dakota what she remembers from that night. Kai recalls that she was enraged by hers and Raquel’s loss to Tegan Nox and Shotzi, not because she’s a sore loser but because it was Tian Sha who cost them the match. Dakota said that things with Tian Sha were on a knife edge and she was tired of them – Mei Ying in particular – for being allowed to do what they want, both in front of the camera and backstage, while the rest of the locker room would have to play ball. She says in that moment, every feeling of animosity she had just came pouring out and she wanted answers. Kai said that there’s no way that Ying is this ancient deity that they proclaimed to be, she wanted to expose Ying as a fraud and break the foundations of Tian Sha.

Mauro asked whether the fact that Raquel already held a championship affected her. Dakota pauses, clearly feeling uncomfortable. Ranallo elaborates that a previous segment on NXT, saw Dakota talk Raquel into the match because she ‘owed her’. Kai says that she understands her choice of wording may have made her sound manipulative but the fact of the matter is she did bring Raquel in. In a moment of honesty, she admits that she did feel eclipsed by her bodyguard but she also felt immensely proud that González had gone from a hired bodyguard to a champion. However, she just wanted a slice of the pie too, which caused her to become obsessive and push Raquel, who was no longer her bodyguard but her friend.

Mauro asks if Dakota has heard from Raquel since the attack, commenting on the fact that she demanded the match against Xia Li at End of the Line. Kai says that she wish she could have been able to watch Raquel pin Xia, becoming visibly upset. Answering the question, she says Raquel has been a major source of support for her, especially being so far from home. However, she’s found things have moved at a really fast pace, so while she thanks the fans and people in the locker room for reaching out, she has also felt overwhelmed at everything that’s been going on.

Ranallo then asks the big question, what is the medical update on Kai’s vision and what does this mean for her career. Kai pauses, we see a tear trickle down her cheek as she looks at the floor. Mauro looks sympathetic and tells her to take her time. Kai explains that the doctors were uncertain as to what was in the mist that Mei Ying has used on her, but when she felt it go into her eyes, it was a pain that she had never felt in all the injuries she had sustained during her career. Kai said that any residue from the mist was removed but currently, she’s only operating at 20% of her vision. The lack of certainty around the material in the mist means that medics cannot determine how severe the effects would be – i.e., whether she would ever regain any further vision or be able to see clearly at all. Dakota says that optimism is all she has and she’s taking it day by day, but makes it known that she’s extremely grateful to WWE and NXT for being so understanding. Kai says she still has time on her contract to use to recover, but she has been in talks with Nigel McGuinness and hopes that she can appear on television again in the future. Continuing, Kai explains that she doesn’t want to sit at home in self-pity. In the closing moments, Dakota tells Mauro that while her focus is on her recovery, she will make sure – whether she’s able to wrestle or not – that Tian Sha will not be around to do this a second time.

Mauro thanks Dakota for her time and wishes her good luck in her road to recovery, before the cameras fade to black.


makes his way out to the ring to a chorus of boos. The “undefeated” Raw Superstar, does not appear to be flanked by his mentor, Mustafa Ali, this time around but looks determined nonetheless. Vic reminds us that Mansoor was teased as the potential final opponent in Kushida’s open challenge for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship but instead it was all part of a masterplan by Ali. However, following weeks of Ali poisoning the Saudi Superstar’s mind on Raw, Mansoor had adopted a much more arrogant persona that he unleashed at End of the Line.

Mansoor steps up to the second rope, removing his shimmering green jacket as the fans continue to jeer him. A PIP shows Mansoor saying that tonight is the night that he will finally get what he’s been owed – the Cruiserweight Championship. Mansoor applauds Kushida for his recent string of victories but says that if they want to compare records, he’s still yet to be pinned or submitted so while everyone else may count him out, he will be the final boss in Kushida’s time as champion.

The atmosphere changes for the arrival of the “Time Splitter”, who is on a 5-0 winning streak, three of which included his successful title defences against Alex Shelley, Jordan Devlin and Mustafa Ali. Wade rubbishes Vic’s stat skills by putting over the fact that Mansoor had even said himself that he has never been pinned or submitted but Vic retorts there’s a first time for everything.

The Capitol Wrestling Centre is lit in a blue hue, with strobe lighting bouncing off of every wall. The NXT Cruiserweight Champion steps foot into the ring, ignoring his challenger and posing on the top rope as he is illuminated in blue. As he jumps back to the mat, he removes his gilet and allows official Jason Ayres to take the belt from him. Ayres pats down the champion before standing between the two men with the belt in hand. Alicia Taylor stands by to announce the following bout…


“The following match is scheduled for one fall with a twenty-minute time limit and it is for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship!”

The crowd echo back “one fall” at the appropriate opportunity. The referee holds the Cruiserweight title in the air for all to see.


“Introducing first, the challenger, from Riyah, Saudi Arabia….Mansoor!”

Mansoor poses before the crowd, only to be greeted by another set of boos.


“And his opponent, from Tokyo, Japan, he is your reigning and defending NXT Cruiserweight Champion of the World… Kushida!”


By stark contrast, Kushida gets nothing but cheers from the limited live crowd, much to the annoyance of his opponent. Once Taylor has left the ring, the referee calls for the bell and this match gets underway. In a surprise move, Mansoor offers his hand as a mark of respect, the champion looks torn but as he goes to shake it, the challenger retracts the offer to draw heat from the crowd.

Kushida immediately follows with a kick to the gut of his opponent, before delivering two chops straight across Mansoor’s chest. The “Japanese Supernova” scoop slams Mansoor before quickly locking in a Boston Crab, but while desperate to get out of the attack, Mansoor manages to get to the ropes with relevant ease. The two men lock up before Mansoor is whipped into the ropes, he manages to duck underneath Kushida’s offence before attempting a flying crossbody that the champion catches. Mansoor shakes his head as Kushida takes a moment to play to the crowd before hitting a fallaway slam.

Mansoor rolls underneath the ropes to the apron for safety but once he gets back to his feet, Kushida hits a handspring back elbow to knock the challenger off his perch. Commentary reminds us that Kushida was actually meant to find out his next challenger, chosen by Nigel McGuinness when Mansoor interrupted at End of the Line, they then speculate as to who that could be. The Cruiserweight Champion looks around the crowd before taking the attack to the outside with a Tope con Hilo, which grounds Mansoor once again. Vic Joseph points out that Mansoor is having a hard time getting into this match but Wade says she’s just warming up.

Kushida rolls Mansoor back into the ring but the challenger refuses to let go of the ropes, warning the referee to keep Kushida away. The champion attempts to go for a bridging German suplex but Mansoor sandbags himself onto the ropes and hits an elbow to try and turn the tables. Mansoor follows up with a twisting inverted suplex and makes a quick cover for the championship…




Mansoor begins to dispute the count with the referee as he gets back to his feet, turning his back on the champion and wiping his feet on the mat as if to kick dirt on him.


Kushida manages to roll to safety in the nick of time as he arm drags Mansoor into a cartwheel, followed by a dropkick in an impressive sequence that gets a round of applause from the crowd. An overwhelmed Mansoor attempts to get to his feet when the champion comes up behind him and tries again for the bridging German suplex.





Back to the drawing board, Kushida throws Mansoor to the turnbuckle but the challenger strikes with a superkick! Kushida is knocked giddy, allowing Mansoor to follow up with a step-up enzuigiri. Wade Barrett implores the challenger to make the cover but instead, Mansoor brings Kushida back up, looking for his signature Tornado DDT as he uses the ropes for assistance. However, as Mansoor looks to land the DDT, Kushida manages to roll them back backwards and lock in a HOVERBOARD LOCK!

No one has managed to escape this move yet, will the ‘undefeated’ Mansoor be able to lay that claim?


Mansoor taps! The Cruiserweight title stays with Kushida.

Following a relatively short match, Kushida gets back to his feet and is reunited with his title belt, which he holds proudly before the crowd. Vic Joseph affirms that “The Time Splitter” is the face of the Cruiserweight division, while Barrett commiserates Mansoor on losing his first match. The referee checks on Mansoor, who is complaining about his arm when…

Kushida looks to the entrance ramp where Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel both stand, hands behind their back. Wade ponders whether this is whom McGuinness had in mind, but Joseph said that the challenger was thought to be an individual, not a pairing. Both members of Imperium look across to each other and nod as they rush to the ring, Kushida has to throw his title down in order to defend himself in this two-on-one attack.

It's no use, however, as Kushida tries to take out Barthel, only for Acihner to get the upper hand. It doesn’t take long for Imperium to get the advantage as they stomp mudholes into the NXT Cruiserweight Champion. The fans are booing as Aichner lifts Kushida up for a spine buster but before Barthel can follow up, Ari Sterling, fresh off his win on the premiere episode of NXT Evolve, comes rushing to the ring. Sterling slingshots into the ring with a headscissors onto Marcel Barthel, sending him rolling out of the ring. Aichner tries to cut him off but, Sterling holds open the ropes as the powerhouse spills onto the outside.

Imperium retreats, shouting at “The Exclamation Point” for getting involved in their business but Sterling simply shrugs it off as he helps Kushida back to his feet and hands him back the Cruiserweight title.


An advertisement airs for this year’s Money in the Bank pay-per-view, airing this Sunday (18th July). Confirmed matches include, Roman Reigns defending the WWE Universal Championship against Edge, New Day’s Kofi Kingston challenging “The Almighty” Bobby Lashley for the WWE Championship and of course, both the men’s and women’s Money In the Bank ladder matches.

McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with the NXT Tag Team Champions, MSK, who are in high spirits following their victory against The Grizzled Young Veterans at End of the Line. Wes Lee says that the brutish style of Zack Gibson and James Drake really took its toll and pushed them to their limits, but for some reason people keep counting them out, which means they have to keep stepping up. Nash Carter adds that they’ve nearly gone through all the teams in the division. “Oh really?” a voice interjects as the cameras pan around to show Isaiah “Swerve” Scott, Ashante Adonis, Top Dolla and B-Fab (aka Hit Row).

“Swerve” says that they’ve been through nearly every tag team but they haven’t been through Hit Row…yet. MKS look perturbed and say there was no ill intent behind the statement, they just hadn’t considered Hit Row as a tag team given that there were four of them. B-Fab applauds the champions on their mathematic skills, “Swerve” says that it’s true, they’ve been competing in trios action as of late, including an impressive victory of their own against Legado del Fantasma. However, as there are no trios titles, the tag team is the next stop of their Hit Tour. Lee reminds Scott that as per McGuinness’ statement earlier tonight, they can’t just make matches on the fly but calls the trios victory a ‘good start’. Top Dolla looks annoyed by the comment as Adonis has to stand between them. “Swerve” says he’s a businessman, so he’ll ease off with the hard sell but promises that there will be gold coming to Hit Row in the near future and that’s not just their records

Still to come tonight, Zoey Stark and Sarray take on Tegan Nox and Shotzi in tag team action, but up next…”The Infamous” Bobby Fish returns to NXT.



Vic Joseph
and Wade Barrett welcome us back to NXT, already waiting inside the ring is the debuting, Andre Chase, the former Harlem Bravado who had previously featured in the likes of Ring of Honor and Chikara as a tag team superstar. Now going it alone, he waits along with the rest of the Universe, for the arrival of Bobby Fish.

The cameras turn to black and white, the only thing in colour is the red of the velvet curtain on the titantron. A metal-inspired version of “Swan Lake” begins to play out as Robert Anthony Fish, Esq strolls out wearing a smoking jacket and carrying his pipe.

Commentary paraphrases some of the things that Fish has said in recent weeks in his vignettes, saying that, unlike his former allies in the Undisputed Era, he has taken time to reflect and that now he is ready to be the star. Barrett explains that Fish sees his craft as an art form, which he is choosing to express in his entrance and attire as opposed to the more rough and ready aesthetic we had become used to. He describes the ring as his theatre of violence and tonight Andre Chase will be the first guest star.

There’s a mixed reaction from the crowd, some taking the bait and not buying into this new obnoxious form of the former NXT Tag Team Champion. Others, however, seemed to enjoy him in spite of the new personality. Fish slowly disrobes and throws it past Chase, trying to psyche his opponent out before the match has even begun.


The bell sounds and before anything can get underway, Fish approaches Chase and points to his cheek, indicating that he wants his opponent to hit him. Chase looks around the crowd, who warn him against obliging as he instead drops behind Fish and wrestles him into the ropes, looking for an O’Connor roll!


The surprise alone wasn’t enough to get the victory for Andre Chase. The two men circle each other but “The Infamous” Bobby Fish closes in and strikes with a forearm, followed by another as he backs Chase into the corner and delivers a series of shots to the midsection. Referee, D.A. Brewer demands Fish to get out of the corner as he holds his hands up, pleading his innocence. Fish follows up with a snapmare, followed by a side headlock but Chase is quick to make the rope break.

Chase finds himself back in the corner again as Fish tries to trap him, once again the referee is trying to get the competitors out of the corner but Fish ignores him, turning his back to Chase and threatening the elbow to the head while Chase covers up, he exposes his ribs. Fish elbows Chase in the ribs before hitting another series of shots. Barrett compliments Fish on not showing any signs of ring rust and adds that if anything, he’s showing a new level of aggression in this match.

Fish lifts Chase’s leg and holds it against the second rope before delivering a knee to leg and following with a nasty dragonscrew! Fish then charges with a basement clothesline to wipe Chase out as he makes the cover but just before the referee can make the three-count, voluntarily lifts Chase’s arm up. The NXT Universe do not respond well to this but Fish simply smiles and takes in the attention. Fish brings Chase to his feet and hits two knees to the face of Chase before showing off his agility as he hops outside onto the apron and comes back over the ropes with an impressive senton. Fish listens around the crowd and asks if they want an encore, the crowd don’t seem to be backing him, but he rubbishes their response and gets back to work.

Fish plays with his food as a dazed Chase tries to stay in the match, he kneels up to see “The Infamous One” in front of him asking him to hit him once more. Chase feebly tries to strike but Fish this time ducks behind and hits a roundhouse kick! D.A. Brewer warns Fish back as they check on Chase and quickly call for the bell. Barrett says that the signature move has been re-christened as The Final Act as Fish looks both happy to have won but saddened not to continue.

Alicia Taylor announces that Fish has won as a result of a knockout. Bobby Fish takes a bow before the crowd, looking pretty pleased with his display as we head to replay. Once we return, Fish puts his smoking jacket back on and continues to celebrate with his ‘adoring fans’. Wade Barrett summarises that whatever you think of this new attitude, Bobby Fish has reaffirmed why he is one of the most dangerous men on the roster.


Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell is in the interview pit with LA Knight, who has a very important announcement to make. Knight states that unlike some, he is a ‘fighting champion’ and while he has his sights firmly set on taking both the NXT and North American Championships from Bronson Reed, he is a philanthropist at heart and as such he has discussed and agreed to put his Million Dollar Championship on the line next week with an opponent TBA.

Timothy Thatcher then comes into shot but Knight says that one thing for certain is that it won’t be him. Thatcher reminds Knight that the Million Dollar Championship isn’t even recognised by WWE and unlike everyone else, he’s not here to humour him. Thatcher says he’s tired of knocking on doors for opportunities when people like LA Knight can just swoop in and get what they want. Knight calls Thatcher another unfortunate victim of ‘the system’ – being led to believe that knowing the technicalities of every move makes him more of a legitimate Superstar. Knight tells Thatcher that there are thousands of people like him on the roster but there’s only one LA Knight. He smirks and tells Thatcher that if he’s so mad at the fact he’s not getting the opportunities he thinks he deserves, maybe he needs to take that up with the ‘recognised multi-champion rather than invading his interview time. Looking to Mackenzie, he asks her to make sure that they cut all this out in post-production and walks off as Mackenzie tries to call out that it was a live interview. Thatcher looks to Mackenzie and looks in thought – where would he go from here?



Alicia Taylor introduces the next match as a tag team bout, featuring four of the most popular women on the roster. Out first, the team of Tegan Nox and Shotzi, who have become bonded ever since Nox returned from injury to help Shotzi, who had made an enemy out of Dakota Kai. While Tegan’s original goal was to work her way up to challenge Raquel González for her NXT Women’s Championship, she had since found herself on a different path and with Shotzi a former Tag Team Champion in her own right, there were worse positions to be in. Shotzi rides the TCB tank down to the ring with Nox on the back as they hammer on the Plexiglas to rally the fans up for this match.

Commentary put over the fact that the walls seem to be closing in on the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, The Way, after Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter had accused them of ducking challenges throughout their reign. Barrett argues that Indi Hartwell seemed keen to squash the claim but admitted that there was reluctance from Candice LeRae.

Out next, Zoey Stark, who in just a short amount of time had found herself as one of the division standouts. Much like Tegan Nox, she had not intended to align or team with anyone, but she found natural chemistry with “The Warrior of the Sun” due to their mutual dislike of The Brand (Franky Monet, Jessi Kamea and Aliyah) and Toni Storm.

Sarray joins Stark on stage, to a pop from the crowd before we’re reminded of how Toni Storm had cost the duo a match against Aliyah and Kamea two weeks ago. Vic Joseph opined that Toni Storm, had taken issue with Sarray and has forged a working relationship with The Brand to oust her from NXT. Barrett reminds Vic that the whole purpose of this industry is to jockey for position and if Sarray can’t handle the heat, she needs to get out of the kitchen.

However before Stark and Sarray can enter the ring, a familiar tune plays out…

It’s Franky Monet!

Monet poses and waves from the top of the entrance ramp when Aliyah and Jessi Kamea emerge and ambush Sarray and Stark. It isn’t long before Tegan Nox and Shotzi get involved, trying to fend off The Brand as Franky joins the fray. The referee calls for the bell, looking to throw this match out. As the action breaks down, Shotzi climbs to the top rope looking to hit The Ball Pit on Aliyah but Kamea manages to drag her teammate to safety and follow up with a spinning wheel kick on Shotzi. Kamea kneels down, dragging Shotzi by the hair and talking trash to her before trying to roll her out the ring when…


Kamea is taken out as she too rolls out of the ring but Aliyah is back on her feet. Aliyah hits a Boujee DDT (jumping implant DDT) to neutralise Nox. Aliyah doesn’t have long to celebrate as Zoey Stark slides in behind and stuns Aliyah with a back-to-belly GTS. If you didn’t know the pattern by now, you wouldn’t have guessed that Franky Monet would be next to execute her spots as she delivers a double axe handle from behind to knock Stark down, clutching her into a chicken wing position for a Glam Slam!

Franky looks around and is caught in a springboard armdrag by Sarray, who then uses her momentum to lift the larger Monet into a spike exploder suplex. Sarray gets back to her feet, being the last woman standing when…


Storm begins to ground and pound on Sarray when referees come swarming to the ring to separate all of the women. Nigel McGuinness appears at the top of the ramp to put a stop to things and says that if they all want to get involved, next week The Brand and Toni Storm will face Shotzi, Tegan Nox, Zoey Stark and Sarray in an eight-woman tag team match, much to the delight of the crowd.


Coming up next, the main event of the evening as former champions collide – Finn Bálor versus Samoa Joe. However before we go to our final commercial break, we hear from “The Prince” himself, Finn Bálor…


“It’s felt like the longest three months…”

We cut back to the 25th May episode of NXT where Bálor failed to win back the NXT Championship from then-champion, Karrion Kross.


“So much has changed, that I wondered if I’d even get the chance at all. I can definitely resonate with Joe on that.” He pauses. “I’ve given NXT some of the best matches of my career.”

We see snippets of some of his matches against Kevin Owens, Kyle O’Reilly and Shinsuke Nakamura.


“Joe is formidable, whether you’re with him or against him. I know just how dangerous he can be.”

He smiles confidently.

“But when all is said and done, Joe can’t beat me, let alone kill me. I beat Joe in London.” We see a clip from their NXT Championship bout at Takeover: London. “I beat Joe in Dallas…” followed by a mirroring shot of Bálor overcoming Joe at Takeover: Dallas. “And I beat him in the cage” a reference to Takeover: The End. “And sure, that’s not to say that you’ve never had the odd victory here and there but every time it’s counted, I’ve walked out the winner Joe, so just who is killing who here? I’m happy that you’ve got your second chance, your shot at continuing your legacy, but I’m not dead yet. You might be looking to the future, but you can’t escape your past, Joe….”

We see footage of Joe and Bálor standing opposite each other after their return at End of the Line last week as the cameras fade to black.



Vic and Wade welcome us back for the final time this evening as they immediately pass us down to their broadcast colleague, Alicia Taylor, to introduce this historic main event of the new era, featuring two of NXT’s finest.


“The following is your main event of the evening, scheduled for one fall with TV time remaining. Introducing first, from Huntington Beach, California, weighing 282 pounds…Samoa Joe!”

As you’d expect from Joe, there are no frills when it comes to his ring entrance. “The Samoan Submission” Machine has his signature towel draped around his neck as he marches towards the squared circle. Vic comments on how Joe saw this match as an opportunity for redemption. Wade sets the record straight that Finn was playing fast and loose with the truth in his earlier segment and asks Vic to remind him who he beat to win the NXT Championship the first time. Vic says that both men are accomplished but states that the records show Finn has beaten Joe more times in their encounters. Samoa Joe looks to the entrance ramp and awaits the arrival of his opponent.

The lights dim and the anticipation builds amongst the live crowd. “PRINCE” adorns the titantron as from behind the curtain, emerges Finn Bálor himself.


“And his opponent, from Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland, weighing 190 pounds….Finn Bálor!”

Bálor extends his arms out to the crowd as smoke pours from the top of the ramp before performing his signature pose. Samoa Joe looks unimpressed as he continues to limber up inside the ring. Bálor descends down the aisle and makes his way onto the apron, leaning back on the ropes and looking out at the crowd, who continue to cheer him. “The Prince” runs and jumps up to the top rope, where continues to pose before the crowd, then slowly, he jumps down into the ring and comes face to face with his opponent. Daryl Sharma stands between the two men as Bálor holds his hand out to Joe, who slowly accepts the gesture before they make their way to their respective corners.

The commentary team discusses how this match could escalate e either man if they are able to walk out victorious. Vic notes that Bálor has the history on his side but Samoa Joe isn’t one to be counted out. Wade Barrett speculates that McGuinness brought these two men back to NXT for a reason and that whoever walks out of High Stakes with the gold, should watch their backs.


As the bell tolls, the two men lock up in the middle of the ring, Samoa Joe gets the early advantage as he uses his strength to send Finn towards the turnbuckle but at the last moment, Bálor reverses the move. With Bálor hurdling towards him, Joe gets to the foot up to catch him on the chin and seats himself on the top rope. However, he takes too long, allowing Bálor to hit him in the temple with a penalty kick, sending Joe falling from the top to the outside. Joe tries to recuperate on the outside while Finn looks around the crowd. Encouraged by the cheers of the NXT Universe, Bálor comes flying over the ropes to knock Samoa Joe back down once again in this early stage of the match. Vic Joseph notes how Finn hasn’t missed a beat but Wade says that it’s still anyone’s game at this point.

Bálor climbs onto the apron while the referee continues to count. Bálor runs looking to follow up with a kick but Joe catches the leg and throws him face-first onto the trademarked hardest part of the ring. Joe rolls back into the ring to stop himself from getting disqualified before he takes a run up and comes through the ropes himself to change his fortunes in the match. Bálor is now slumped against the guard rail, but Joe lifts him up before tossing him against the guard rail and throwing him back into the ring.

Joe follows his opponent into the ring, looking around the crowd and preparing to end this one early with the Coquina Clutch – a move that has submitted many foes and could be the one to end his losing streak against Bálor. Wade applauds Joe, given that he hasn’t wrestled a match in over a year and now he looks poised to win this one. Joe waits for Bálor to get back to his feet as he locks in the hold but Bálor manages to flip back onto his feet and double stomp “The Samoan Submission Machine” right in the chest. Bálor gets floors, Joe with a flying forearm, followed by a running dropkick.

Looking around the crowd again, Finn realises he’s set Joe up for the Coupe de Grace as he climbs to the top rope but Joe quickly rolls out to safety. Finn hops down off the top rope but is met with a chop from Joe, who sends him into the ropes. Joe looks to hit a body drop but as he bends down, he’s kicked in the face by his opponent. Vic Joseph points out how well these two know each other and can seemingly predict what the other is about to do.

Finn catches Samoa Joe in a side headlock but Joe manages to overpower him again and looks to try and take him into the turnbuckle. Bálor manages to walk up the turnbuckle and jump over with a headlock takedown! Out of nowhere, Joe backslides Finn into a pinning predicament…




Both men are back to their feet as Joe looks to capitalise with another attempt at the Coquina Clutch. Balor manages to fight his way out of it before running the ropes and hitting a slingblade on his larger opponent. Bálor backs himself up in the corner and hits another running dropkick to send Joe rebounding against the corner and onto the mat. Determined, Finn climbs the ropes again – will he be able to hit the Coupe de Grace?


But Joe using his ring awareness rolls out of the ring to avoid being pinned. Bálor climbs to the top rope again, looking to take to the skies once more but as he comes down, Joe catches him and throws him into the Plexiglas once more and finishes him off with a running boot to the chest. With Bálor laying flat out, Joe begins to climb the steps and runs along the apron with a big-time diving senton!

But Bálor rolls out of the way! Finn uses the time to recover and rolls himself back into the ring with the match taking its toll on both men. Joe gets back to his feet once more and looks up to see Bálor looking to fly over the ropes again, but as he moves to safety, Finn halts and shows that he was trying to get into his opponent’s head. Bálor sits on the middle rope to welcome Joe back into the ring but an angry Joe proceeds to come in with a flurry of forearms, the two men going at each other. Joe manages to duck Bálor’s strike and come behind him to lock int the Coquina Clutch once more. Finn is starting to fade as the Universe cheers him on. The fans seem completely divided on who they want to win this match.

The lights look to be going out for Finn Bálor when in shades of a previous encounter, he manages to step up the turnbuckle to float over Joe and escape the move and hook Joe’s leg, the shoulders are down…






No time to spare, Bálor follows up with another sling blade on Joe, followed by another stomp to the chest. Bálor looks for the dropkick but Joe dodges it and hits a running boot the chest of Bálor again. Looking to exercise his power, Joe hits a thunderous powerbomb into a pin…




Joe immediately transitions the move into a Boston Crab, trying to follow in the footsteps of some of the night’s earlier victors, who had scored submission wins. Fortunately for Bálor, he is able to make it to the ropes to break the hold. Joe tries to grab Finn by the legs, but Finn has hold of the bottom rope and is able to kick his opponent back. “The Prince” now rolls under the rope and slingshots in with a cutter! Once again, he looks for the running dropkick…

Joe goes for a clothesline from hell!

But Finn is able to duck under and executes the spinning elbow drop!

Finn looks to the top rope, does he dare try for the Coupe de Grace again?

He steps to the second turnbuckle, then to the top but Joe is up and grabs the trunks, turning Bálor into the seated position for a chop. Bálor responds with some clubbing blows to the head whole Joe takes a step up to the second rope – could we be heading to superplex territory? Bálor ups the ante and is able to knock Joe back down off the second rope, but “The Samoan Submission Artist” lands on his feet…SOCCER KICK TO FINN!

The crowd are going wild now as Joe scoops Finn off the top rope into position and hits the Musclebuster! Will this be enough?




It’s over!

As Joe is declared the winner, he gets to his feet, where Daryl Sharma lifts his arm in victory. Joe cannot quite believe it, his first match in over a year and his first victory back. Wade and Vic praise both competitors in the match as we head to a replay.

Once we return, Joe looks over to Bálor and holds out his hand to help him up. At this point, Bálor has retreated in the corner, deflated. Joe holds his hand in place as his music pauses. He reaches down and pulls Bálor to his feet, shaking his hand and pulling him in for a hug.


“What are you doing Joe?”
cries Vic Joseph as Daryl Sharma frantically taps on Joe’s shoulder, calling for the bell.

Joe keeps the hold but throws Bálor off before the referee disqualifies him and reverses the decision. He gets to his feet, smiling at the damage he’s caused as he looks up to an angry and disappointed crowd. His music plays once more as he storms out to the back, leaving the world wondering, what in the hell just happened.

Wade Barrett says we’ll have to tune in next week to get answers as the NXT goes off the air.


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Looking Glass

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Sep 18, 2022
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The new era of NXT was ushered in with plenty of shocks and surprises as we make tracks towards our very first Takeover in Las Vegas, Nevada! What will unfold this week on our second-ever episode of NXT Evolve? We have four top-tier matches, featuring some of the hottest NXT talent and rising stars, let's check them out..."



"This past week, Timothy Thatcher expressed his frustrations at the lack of recognition he had been receiving for his recent efforts, with the Thatch-as-Thatch-Can pro even going as far as to interrupt LA Knight's special announcement to air his views. This week, Thatcher will return to the ring, hoping to make an impression, but to do so, he must overcome one of NXT's most treasured Superstars. While lady luck hasn't been shining down on Breezango recently, will Tyler Breeze be able to find some of his old magic to get his name trending once more or will Timothy Thatcher continue to prove that he's a threat that NXT and North American Champion, Bronson Reed can't afford to ignore?"



"Following a decisive victory against Raw's Mansoor, not only did Kushida, add another victory to his tally but once again successfully retained the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. However, despite Nigel McGuinnness' continuous efforts to unveil his new challenger, it seems the locker room has other ideas! This time in the form of Imperium. Both Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner took out the champion until they were run off by "The Exclamation Point" Ari Sterling. This week, they're back in tag team action as they take on upstarts, Ru Feng and NXT's first-ever Singaporean Superstar, Dante Chen in a bout you can guarantee "The Time Splitter" will be watching."



"Last week, viewers heard the Lullaby of Woe, warning us of the arrival of "The Beast" Killian Dain. While Dain is no stranger to the NXT viewers, he poses a brand new threat without his sANity. This Friday, Guru Raaj hopes to score a major upset in his television debut but something tells me he might just have his work cut out for him."



Our final match features action from the women's tag team division. It seems Timothy Thatcher isn't the only one about the lack of golden opportunities as of late as Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro had some stern words in a digital exclusive this past week. Team Ninja told Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell that they were growing impatient and even accused the NXT Women's Tag Team Champions on ducking every challenge. The Way dismissed the allegations and encouraged the duo to 'keep up the good work', which is exactly what they hope to do against Jamie Frost and Skyler Storey - but will a victory for either team be enough to convince The Way to put the gold on the line?"


"If you haven't checked out NXT Evolve yet, you can catch our very first episode on Peacock now. Don't forget to join us this Friday for more action from the future of wrestling. Until then, I've been McKenzie Mitchell and this is What's NeXT"

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