My thoughts on people below, in case anyone wants an opinion or to question me given my absence yesterday. Cba to use colours on a phone:
Alco - not a fan of his reaction to the push on lethal, but feel he was jumped on for his colour-gate. Null.
Evans - role seems town provided the split is correct. Could see this as a scum role if they have a recruiter. Lean town based on the Smark interaction - reminds me of him tunnelling me over the magic thing in tiger king.
CP - Again not a fan of the lethal push based on something that happened 24 hours ago and to me appears innocuous. Capable of doing the magic test wagon as scum or town.
Ace - (I messed up the order cause my paste button isn’t working on the phone version) His reaction to my OMB post pushes him into a town lean. Makes a justifiable case for the lynch without pushing it too much.
Jeff - would push. Not impressed with his entry on D1 (although accept he was busy) and he did push the Haza wagon and has got zero suspicion for it other than from Doddsy. A good option.
Lethal - Null but will be telling if he flips later on and could unlock the game in terms of interactions.
Barry - like this thinking on Phenom, but offered very little else.
Tweet - I’ve made my thoughts clear. Vote is on.
Smark - probably town.
TKOK - Null
Phenom - backed down way too easily on what was a blah push on Poyser/Magic. Could be lazy town which would fit the meta.
OMB - census with a blah result. I’d be surprised if he was faking the result though - would need to be led to this by someone better (sorry I know this isn’t very

but it’s true.
Magic v.2 - nothing to go on.
Gambit - town lean. Good ideas and showing independent thought. Seems to be trying to work things out (e.g. Flay)
Doddsy - same as Gambit sans Flay.
Chloe - messed up his claim and reappeared at end of Day, but that’s very Flay. I’m torn but not leaning town; probably in the “would lynch” pile.
Rugrat - underwhelming. Nothing to go on save for the standard boring D1 push on a town magic. Would support a push.
Big Man - good early game but underwhelming later. Pushed the Haza lynch despite having very little involvement before it (yes I know I did this too, but I know my intentions were good and I don’t know this about others). Not commented on Flay much despite pushing that wagon whilst Gambit and I worked out the claim. Wagon for wagon’s sake?
Brutus - who?
That’s the most detailed reads list you’ll get so feel free to come at me on it.