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@Airfixx- Look at other Orton feuds. Most usually are title feuds gone personal. HHH of the middle of 09 is a good example of that.

I dont understand why everyone wants this feud to branch into the new year, thus becoming a rivalry, all because Kofi cost Orton a match and ruined his car.

@Kizza-Not a MVP fan, I was going for a hyperbole effect by saying if Kofi gets a title shot, MVP needs one first. I love swagger,think him and Cena can put on good matches. The wrestler's is only as good as his booking but Swagger has already proven to me his champion worthiness


I think this feud will last untill RR, but honestly i do not see a World title reign in Kofi's immediate future


And why does MVP DESERVE a title shot before Kofi? No one deserves anything until they have earned it. And MVP hasn't earned squat imo.


WTF did Kofi hit Orton with a Deal or No Deal Suitcase? That was one hell of a shot!


^why should it last? Thats all im saying. Why do we to get on our high horses everytime, a youngster gets put into a program with a veteran and think that they will be catapulted to immediate success. MVP (Yes using his Heel run as an example) put on good matches with many credible guys and got knocked down the mountain

The Rated R CMStar

Why should it last? For the same exact reason yourself is listing. MVP faced many credible guys...all excepting Matt Hardy in no more than 1 month programs and look where he is now.

Besides, it is something new, and it keeps Orton away from the title picture for a while.


Why should it last? For the same exact reason yourself is listing. MVP faced many credible guys...all excepting Matt Hardy in no more than 1 month programs and look where he is now.

Besides, it is something new, and it keeps Orton away from the title picture for a while.

Your motives are perplexing. Obviously, were heading for a HHH/HBK feud. You dont Swagger to go over. You want Orton away from the title picture for God knows what reasons. You basically want Cena to lay back and do nothing as champ?

The Rated R CMStar

Where did I say I dont want Swagger to go over? I just questioned your logic as to what puts him ahead Kofi (who as of right now has a constant booking unlike Jack) in the title picture.

And I want Orton away from the title because, guess what, the champion is as you said John Cena, and unless you want more Cena vs Orton, Orton should be kept away from the belt.


Orton is the only fucking guy on Raw (besides Swagger) that can take that belt from Cena right now. Kofi is not nearly as great in the ring than these guys. No # 1 contenders Ranking list IMO

1. Randy Orton
2. Jack Swagger
3. Teddy
4. Miz
5. MVP
6. Kofi


@Airfixx- Look at other Orton feuds. Most usually are title feuds gone personal. HHH of the middle of 09 is a good example of that.

So if Orton is ready to get personal/heated over the title, what’s so hard to accept about him getting just as personal/heated over someone (in his eyes) costing him the title?

I dont understand why everyone wants this feud to branch into the new year, thus becoming a rivalry, all because Kofi cost Orton a match and ruined his car.

The Raw title scene is desperately in need of a re-fresh away from the endless combo's of HHH/Cena/Orton...

HHH has the DX thing right now and if Orton can be suitably occupied in a decent non-title fued then that leaves a gap for a contender which MUST be filled... Then maybe someone like Swagger (for example!!!) can get a shot at Cena @ RR?

Also, bearing in mind peeps are still into their exchanges after a month still with no sign of a PPV blow off match, I'd say Orton & Kofi facing off has captured the imagination of the fans and subject to an event of some description to up the ante at SSeries, then this could develop into a quality fued of substantial length a la HBK/Jericho, especially if the guys gel in the ring... PLUS, I’d love to see Orton have some matches with a more agile opponent after the endless barrage of muscle guys (Cena/HHH/Batista/Cena/HHH/BLAH).


^ That is an extremely stupid list.
Whats your list then

So if Orton is ready to get personal/heated over the title, what’s so hard to accept about him getting just as personal/heated over someone (in his eyes) costing him the title?
In kayfabe, neither wrestler is getting anything meaningful out of this feud. You stuck your nose in my buisness so we have a match to settle it. boom. its done. No need to carry on 3 or 4 ppvs for it its just not necessary. Now if Kofi beats Orton clean, then we have something to go on for. The SS match will and better end it. Kofi needs to start winning matches clean without fat ass Mark Henry and MVP. Lets start with Miz since he didint his US title rematch. beats. All these guys on raw that are in the title struggle and Kofi catrapuls ahead of them because he is in a feud (and i use that word loosely) with Orton?

PLUS, I’d love to see Orton have some matches with a more agile opponent after the endless barrage of muscle guys (Cena/HHH/Batista/Cena/HHH/BLAH).

So your ok with a HHH/evan bourne feud too huh?

Guys im not knocking Kofi Kingston here. I just think that he needs to keep his place in the WWE title line. You have to understand that WWE isnt making him a big time star because he upsets Orton or causes a rattle with the "bully". Swagger could have been main eventing by now if he didnt face Bourne every single week for crying out loud


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
In kayfabe, neither wrestler is getting anything meaningful out of this feud. You stuck your nose in my buisness so we have a match to settle it. boom. its done. No need to carry on 3 or 4 ppvs for it its just not necessary. Now if Kofi beats Orton clean, then we have something to go on for.

You have to understand that WWE isnt making him a big time star because he upsets Orton or causes a rattle with the "bully".

Neither wrestler is getting anything meaningful? Thisis keeping Orton away from the title scene, away from Cena. And Orton desperately needs to stay away from Cena right now. They've had pretty much every match that WWE does now a days.

Kingston has been the talk/highlight of RAW since the show following Bragging Rights. A mid-carder being talked about over Cena, over HBK, over Triple H, over the whole WWE title scene, that's pretty big. They're obviously doing something right there.

WWE's finally building somebody new up. I understand that you want Swagger in his place or main eventing but it's not his time. Kingston's there and the momemtem he has right now is great.

The Rated R CMStar

Guys im not knocking Kofi Kingston here. I just think that he needs to keep his place in the WWE title line.

And what is that? The place in the list of guys YOU prefer to see get push first.

I am not talking about taking the belt from Cena, I am talking about simply new main event feuds. Give us Orton vs Cena...again, Orton wins the belt, and since nobody is credible, we find ourselves with Orton vs HHH and Orton vs Cena again for an entire year.


In kayfabe, neither wrestler is getting anything meaningful out of this feud. You stuck your nose in my buisness so we have a match to settle it. boom. its done. No need to carry on 3 or 4 ppvs for it its just not necessary. Now if Kofi beats Orton clean, then we have something to go on for. The SS match will and better end it.

You don't know that.

Merely reiterating what I've already said, the fued has potential should they decide to build on it and that all they would need to do was up the ante at SSeries to run this well into the new year.

If they've had house show matches that are good quality, I say go for it.

Kofi needs to start winning matches clean without fat ass Mark Henry and MVP.

WDF you on about? ...Haven't seen Raw yet this week, but aside from then when have MVP or Henry scored a win for Kofi????? :roll:

Lets start with Miz since he didint his US title rematch. beats. All these guys on raw that are in the title struggle and Kofi catrapuls ahead of them because he is in a feud (and i use that word loosely) with Orton?

You're forgetting that Kofi owned the fuck out of the entire midcard throughout a 4 or 5 month US title reign. You've gotta break away from the mid-card at SOME point if you're gonna become a ME-er. :roll:

The lack of rematch is easily enough explained.... "It happened at a non-televised event". Finnished.

So your ok with a HHH/evan bourne feud too huh?

Again, I dunno WDF you're getting at here.

Guys im not knocking Kofi Kingston here. I just think that he needs to keep his place in the WWE title line.

None of that shit is set in stone... It's not like they announced a world title match for Swagger yet never gave him one.

Why leave Kofi as merely the hottest midcarder on the roster?

Aren't you, I and the rest of this forum screaming out for new blood in the main event???? Kofi is deemed to have got to a suitable level of overness and is now being given a program with a ME-er (i.e. a mild push)...

You have to understand that WWE isnt making him a big time star because he upsets Orton or causes a rattle with the "bully". Swagger could have been main eventing by now if he didnt face Bourne every single week for crying out loud

All that says to me is they chose to go with Kofi rather than Swagger at this point in time and that by the same token Kofi "COULD" be ME-eventing in a month or two.