My Take (Beer & seXpower issue)

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This Guy

1) I think most of you are all hypocrites in this situation.

2) C4 says in one thread spam is allowed but quotes the Monkeystyle rule that says spam is tolorated but "hjthtr" (or whatever) will result in a perm ban, yet asked for infractions on both when only one did it.

3) I think its fine that you guys called for answers and wanted the bans lifted, but asking for LKP (who believe me I wouldn't miss) and C4 to be banned instead when they hadn't done anything different then anyone else had, is just stupid and doesn't help your cause. If you want change and serious discussion on how to fix something, or in this case getting a ban lifted for someone you think didn't deserve it, asking for someone you don't like to be banned instead for no reason other then you don't like them at least in my case would make me just laugh you off and not even bother trying to listen to your point of view. (Which is probably why Chaos has choosen not to reply)

4) Monk is upset and feels a warning would have been good enough, my opinion your rule saying it was a perm ban was the warning, they knew the rules (old or new)

5) I personally don't think either should have been banned either, but the spam is getting a little rediculous

6) Chaos comes in and starts enforcing the old rules and asks the rest of the staff to do the same. In which case warnings & rules updates should have been made before taking action. My opinion.

7) I do like the relaxed rules but agree with Chaos when he says that when people abuse that and take advantage of it to such an extent that it does show a total lack of respect.

8) Wrestling Station made a comment in the staff section that part of the problem was that the announcement for a mod spot for member of the month came from C4 who is not a well liked or respected member therefore the thread was not taken seriously by members (ie Beer & seX-Power). He added that it should have come from an admin directly, and I agree with that opinion.

9) I feel that Monk giving access to the dead e guerrero account to Beer and/or seX-Power is also a lack of respect to Chaos.

10) I also agree with Monk though that perhaps Chaos should have taken time to re-learn his forum and what was going on before just jumping back in after being away from the forum for so long. Adding stuff like the Casino and updating the skins was awesome go ahead, but to just assume nothing has changed and that the staff that had been left behind to run this without him hadn't made any changes is a little short sighted in my opinion.

oh and PS - No one has lost there admin powers.

How I propose this should be fixed.....

-The Bans should be lifted
-Everyone's Infractions should be reset.
-Despite Chaos absense he is still the main admin out of all of us, he does have the right to change the rules, and if he wants to fine, but lets get some warning out there first.
-If new rules are to be layed out, I think a nice blend of the original rules and Monk's rules can be found to keep everyone happy
-and I never thought I'd say this, but lets turn Casual Talk back to HIAT, Lets give people a place to act stupid since the majority of you in my opion prefer to act like 8 year olds with harsher vocabulary anyways.

Dead E. Guerrero

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May 9, 2007
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I agree with all of this. And that isn't kissing ass. My true feelings. All though I probably feel more intensely than you do in terms of Mike. I think he came in here and almost removed the activity that the forum suddenly founded.

I also dislike people who try and deny the fact that they care. They do care for the site and they can try and deny that all they like.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Eh, fair enough. If the admins can sort out this shit between themselves then let them do it. But if the old rules get enforced then expect activity to be dropped again. Hell, I already expect that activity is probably gonna die off now due to this situation in the first place.

So do what you will, I'll follow the admins decisions as I'm loyal to IWF no matter what happens.


Just want to clear out one thing since my name is randomly being tossed in all of these threads, like I said in another thread, I just reported posts of two members who were spamming up a thread. I don't see anything wrong in that. I never asked for infractions to be given out neither did I ask for bans or anything. That was all done by your administrator, why should I even be flamed over here?

I just reported spam, this spam:


tissuebox 4 smod!

It's Called Sarcasim Bitch.


Does YoungMannie still have that whore in his sig?

iunno. Thoughts of the woman in my sig. I think she's rather sexy and easy to pleasure myself over.

Beer, who are the sluts in your sig?

I'm not sure. Been looking for a quite a while now. If I find out the name Carlos said he would try and contact her.

I vote BEER.

2) C4 says in one thread spam is allowed but quotes the Monkeystyle rule that says spam is tolorated but "hjthtr" (or whatever) will result in a perm ban, yet asked for infractions on both when only one did it.

I just reported spam, whoever did it. Posting your name is just as stupid as posting hghhhfhg and I reported that too. I never asked for infractions or bans to be given out. That's a misconception.

7) I do like the relaxed rules but agree with Chaos when he says that when people abuse that and take advantage of it to such an extent that it does show a total lack of respect.

Those rules are too damn relaxed in my opinion.

8) Wrestling Station made a comment in the staff section that part of the problem was that the announcement for a mod spot for member of the month came from C4 who is not a well liked or respected member therefore the thread was not taken seriously by members (ie Beer & seX-Power). He added that it should have come from an admin directly, and I agree with that opinion.

Actually, if you read the first post of the thread, I quote Mike Chaos himself who PM'd me about the 'mod spot announcement'.

It did come directly from an administrator.

How I propose this should be fixed.....

-The Bans should be lifted
-Everyone's Infractions should be reset.
-Despite Chaos absense he is still the main admin out of all of us, he does have the right to change the rules, and if he wants to fine, but lets get some warning out there first.
-If new rules are to be layed out, I think a nice blend of the original rules and Monk's rules can be found to keep everyone happy
-and I never thought I'd say this, but lets turn Casual Talk back to HIAT, Lets give people a place to act stupid since the majority of you in my opion prefer to act like 8 year olds with harsher vocabulary anyways.

I completely agree with this solution.

Bring back Beer and seX-Power if the ban has created so much chaos on the forum. And the new rules would set everything back to normal too.


i love IWF i must admit. But without sounding all soft here but i think no matter how much you hate people on here. Everyone should start a fresh. No neg repping for no reason. No hate for someone cause they are from the middle east and no racist jokes. It is not acceptable.
I say we all continue to make fun of each other yeah for a laugh, but HIAT is a good idea. And multiple posts in a row counting to 10 or calling c4 a sand rat is just fucking pathetic. I love a laugh as much as the next guy but he more the rules are relaxed the more people act like dicks.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
You get rid of the ability to spam and you're pretty much gonna lose TBKB, Kizza, Moonlight Drive, Qwake, Sex Power, Beer, Beer Money Army, Peepshow, Stinger and whatever other Aussies I'm missing.

It's up to the Admins to decide if thats a good thing or a bad thing.

Because on one hand you lose about 10 members and lose half the activity of the entire forum, but on the other hand you kill all the racist jokes & spam and other stuff that would drive away new members.

So I'm done flaming and spamming. It's up to the Admins at this point to sort this shit out and decide what direction the forum is going to go into. I'm with IWF no matter what happens.


You know something TQO, two years back the same rules were there and the forum was a lot more active back then than it is right now.

I say we have moderate rules, not too harsh, not too soft either. Maybe then people can enjoy themselves while posting and still follow the rules.

Italian Outsider

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Apr 19, 2007
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I agree with everything, but point n.9, which is not that relevant anyways.


Making fun of c4 is fine, but racism? Making fun of his background in my opinion is stupid. I don't care what rules you got.
Spam is fine but some times it does go to far. Plus post count goes up even if you type the number 1. HIAC i think post should be disabled.


I agree with both TQO and C4 on their last statements

The quantity of members on a daily basis on this forum ranges from say 5-15 members a day. A few years back, the forum was booming with members posting and having a good time (when the rules seemed to be even the same as now). Spam has become a ridiculous way to avoid the fact of stupidity on this forum. I mean C4 went out on his OWN way to talk to Mike and have a MOTM be returned and did his part 100% well and I respect the hell out of that determined motherfucker... I know a lot of you don't really like C4, and I've had my differences too a few times in the last few years, but things to me have changed, and I have to give the guy credit where its deserved!

On the notion of seX and Beer.... I say bring them back. But the clause of spamming shouldn't be allowed. That's where TQO's comment comes in. If this idea of spamming then will lose all of our members, especially those that TQO mentioned (Kizza, Peep, seX, Beer, LKP, Mizmasta etc) then we're losing members on the site who visit daily, post daily, are active DAILY, and I know racism has been a factor as of late, spamming, sexual references, whatever. Personally, it needs to fucking stop and this forum needs to start over, new rules (not NEW rules, just rules regulated to emphasis the stupiditity on this forum, etc) and fix the holes missing to find a way to keep this place a fun environment.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
You don't really get any benefits for a high post count anyway so it's not like it's a huge problem. Like I said earlier if people have a problem with the spam than add people to your ignore lists. I'm already following my own advice as I've added C4 to my ignore list.

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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It DID come directly from an administrator.
you missed his point right there.If an admin had organized the whole thing, let's say This Guy himself, most of the members would have taken it seriously.Maybe the thread would have been spammed anyways, but not just to piss you off.

Your thread lost even more credibility when some admins said they would have never allowed certain members to become super mod.


WORDLIFE said it best if you ask me. Lets all start a fresh and get on make fun and make this the best forum ever.