Looks like a good old fashioned bamboozling to me
Yeah you really played a blinder
I see this perspective but I worked really hard this game for me and my teammates so im not gonna feel bad about it.Getting MVP for being lynched on Day 2?
ThanksI see this perspective but I worked really hard this game for me and my teammates so im not gonna feel bad about it.
Gg btw you were a problem along with Odo![]()
I was town read. Odo was the only one strongly advocating my lynch. Dead town players had me bright blue. I wouldn't have been lynched d2 if we hadn't forced town into mass claim. My claim sucked as I had to change last second with Evans botched claim usage. Should have gone VT and I very likely wouldn't have been lynched and maybe it would have been a sweep. I digress doesnt matter now.Thanks
I just find it fairly strange you got the MVP for being town read when you were lynched on D2
You are literally the biggest sore loser there is.You didn’t force town into anything lol
this guy thinking he played well lmao
You are literally the biggest sore loser there is.
Its pathetic honestly. Not sure I'm even sincere when I say well played to you. You got me lynched but you also suffocated town of wanting to play because you are such an insufferable person so really you just played fine at the detriment of others and still lost.