In 2003 I was in football practice. During Hell Week, we spent 4 hours a day in the weight room. We were focusing on Squats and I was spotting on one side and my friend was on the other side. The rule in the gm was one person on each side. Well the guys next to met only had one guy spotting in front of the guy squatting. Well the guy next to us was squatting more than he could handle (375) and as he tried to stand, he lost his balance. He fell to side and he didn't have clamps on the ends to hold the weight on the bar. The weights feel off and slammed into the side of my ankle and shattered it. I was rushed to the hospital and had two plates on either side of my ankle and 8 screws. I had a cast for several months and had to give up football for good due to the severity of the injury.