Mood Request Thread

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The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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^ so do I.... but I have read the X division match already and the match was great! and nice to see Lethal grab the gold


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Bristol, England
Great show so far, escpeccially Senshi/Lethal and i'm glad to see your pushing Lethal like you are. I liked Nash/Daniels as well and maybe Lethal and Daniels vs Senshi and Nash at Hard Justice as you are kinda mixing both of those feuds together from what i've seen, plus Daniels and Senshi have a history.

Wrestling God

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Good start man like switch said liking you pushing Lethal, the nash Daniels match was good and i can't wait for the world title match keep it up check out EWO Warzone.


WOW, What a fantastic start man.......I cant wait to see the Jarrett/Angle match and the 4 way for the gold.......great start!!!


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
So far so good, the only problem I had with the show is you made Christopher Daniels look really weak. But other than that it was pretty good, now I'm looking forward to the mainevents.



PROMO: Hype for the TNA Tag Team Championship battle royal.


Team 3D is lacing up their boots.

: Listen, Brother, tonight, we shouldn’t see this as a way to stick it to Cornette, because if we can pick up the win here tonight, we can now be called 21 time tag team champions, and that sounds way better than 20 time, am I right?

Ray: You are damn right brother; we didn’t get this far only to be knocked off our pedestal. That’s how we did it back in Philly, and that’s how we are going to do it in Orlando, let’s go…

Devon: Ohhhh yea, you know it, ohhh my brothaaaa, TESTIFY!!!

Tenay: Don, the Tag Team Championship battle royal, next! Right here on Victory Road!

REPLAY: Jim Cornette strips Team 3D of the tag team titles.

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon make it down the ramp.

LAX’s music hits as Homicide and Hernandez make it down the ramp.

Petey Williams’ music hits as “The Bash Brothers†Petey Williams and Eric Young come down to the ring.

The Naturals’ music hits as Chase Stevens, Andy Douglas, and Shane Douglas come to the ring.

DDP’s music hits as DDP and Scott Steiner come to the ring.

3 Lie Kru’s music hits as Ron Killings, BG James, and Konnan come to the ring.

AMW’s music hits as Chris Harris, James Storm, and Gail Kim come to the ring.

Rhino’s music hits as Rhino and Raven come out of the tunnel. Rhino armed with a barbed wire bat and Raven pushing a shopping cart full of weapons.

TNA Tag Team Championship
Battle Royal

All men stand next to their partners. Rhino is holding a barbed wire bat and Raven is armed with a steel chair. The Naturals charge at Rhino and Raven, but Rhino tears the flesh away from Chase’s midsection as he slams his gut with the barbed wire bat. Raven cracks Andy Douglas’ head with the chair. AMW goes after Team 3D, Harris clubs Ray across the back and Storm starts exchanging blows with Devon. 3LK, Petey, and Eric go after LAX. DDP and Scott Steiner stand in the corner looking at the destruction. Rhino holds the bat across Chase’s forehead and rakes the skin right off of it. At this point both Naturals are bleeding. Petey and Eric double clothesline Hernandez taking him down and Killings and James double team Homicide double suplexing him. Harris whips Ray across the ring and connects with a heel kick. DDP goes after Harris backdropping him. Steiner goes after Rhino to save the Naturals. Steiner picks Rhino up over his head, but Raven slams the chair into Scott’s midsection and Steiner goes down. DDP is pissed he goes over to Raven and takes him down. Rhino picks up Raven chair and cracks it across DDP’s back. Hernandez gets up and Petey and Eric are all over him, but Hernandez powers out and pushes them away. They go for a double suplex on the big man, but Hernandez counters and suplexes both of them at once. Truth gets a spinning axe kick taking down Hernandez. Homicide starts fighting back on BG. He gets him in the corner and puts him on the top. He sets him up for a superplex. Truth jumps to the second rope and hooks Homicide for a German suplex. James Storm gets a spinning neckbreaker on Devon and then goes over to the mess in the corner and sets Truth up for a powerbomb.

Tenay: Looks like it’s the…TOWER OF DOOM!!!!

James Storm powerbombs Truth, German suplexing Homicide, suplexing BG James off the top rope. DDP gets up and Rhino swipes the back of his knee with a shoulder block. Scott Steiner goes after Rhino again, but Rhino sets him up and nails him down with the Rhino Driver. Petey Williams and Eric Young charge at Hernandez once they get up from the suplex, but Hernandez flips the up and over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Petey Williams and Eric Young

Hernandez goes after Brother Ray. He backdrops Ray, but then is DDT’d by Chris Harris. Storm stumbles over to Harris and they pick up Hernandez. They send his top half over the rope, but he puts up a fight. Brother Ray and Brother Devon meet up across the ring Raven grabs the barbed wire bat and takes swing at Devon, but he ducks and sends him up and Team 3D connects with the 3D on Raven. Rhino goes under the bottom rope and grabs a garbage can. He comes in and slams it over Brother Ray’s skull. Then he takes a shot at Devon. Chase, lying on the mat, low blows Rhino. Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens nail the Natural disaster on Rhino. Homicide runs over and flips Chris Harris over the top rope to save Hernandez eliminating AMW.

ELIMINATED: America’s Most Wanted

Hernandez and Homicide pick up BG James and whip him across the ring, on his way back he double clotheslines LAX. Killings picks up Raven and nails him with a scissors kick. Killings turns around and is met with the Naturals Disaster by the Naturals. The Naturals pick up Truth and try to get him over the top rope, but BG James runs in and pulls him back into the ring taking shots at both the Naturals laying them out. DDP out of nowhere lands a beautiful Diamond Cutter on BG James. Truth gets up and Scott Steiner clotheslines him over the top rope.


Only the Naturals, LAX, Scott Steiner and DDP, Team 3D, and Rhino and Raven are left. Chase Stevens grabs Rhino and Andy Douglas grabs Raven. They brawl it out going onto the mat and all four men roll out of the ring. Scott Steiner picks up Brother Devon and they start going at it. Scott grabs the steel chair and goes to hit Devon, but Devon ducks and Steiner smacks DDP across the back of the head. Steiner pauses and can’t believe what he did. Hernandez and Homicide ambush him throwing him over the rope.

ELIMINATED: DDP and Scott Steiner

LAX and Team 3D stand at opposite sides of the ring. Rhino grabs a table from the outside and slides it into the ring, but is blindsided by Chase Stevens with a steel chair. Andy Douglas throws Raven a chair and he catches it, and Andy Douglas drop kicks the chair into Raven’s skull. Andy picks up Raven’s motionless body and throws it into the ring. Team 3D and LAX are brawling it out as the two other teams re-enter the ring. Devon sets up the table and slams Homicide’s head against it. Ray atomic drops Hernandez and pulls his legs up as Devon goes up top. Devon launches himself into Hernandez’s crotch pulling off their signature “WAZZUP!†maneuver. Devon pulls up Homicide and with the help of Ray nails the 3D. Chase comes in chasing Rhino with a barbed wire bat, but Rhino does a 360 and turns around to nail Stevens with a GORE! Andy comes up from behind, but Raven chases him down nailing him with a chair. Rhino picks up Chase and puts him against the ropes trying to get him over, but Team 3D rushes over and throws both men over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Rhino and Raven and the Naturals

Team 3D looks at the only team left, LAX, and smiles. Devon goes to Hernandez and Ray goes to Homicide. Homicide low blows Ray and nails him with an Insuguri. Hernandez gets a sudden spinebuster on Devon. Hernandez takes Brother Ray and gets him up for the Border Toss, but Ray slides out and Homicide leap frogs over Hernandez and cross bodies onto Brother Ray. Devon runs towards Hernandez, but the big man turns around and shoots him up and LAX nails the 3D on Brother Devon through the set up table. LAX raises their arms. Hernandez picks up Ray and Homicide picks up Devon and they whip them over the top rope together.

WINNER: New TNA Tag Team Champions LAX!

Tenay: Oh my God Don, I can’t believe it! Team 3D had this one won!

West: Well, never trust LAX, and never turn your backs on the Latino Nation apparently!

Tenay: Well, good job LAX for regaining the tag titles, they haven’t seen those belts since March!


Jeremy Borash with Black Machismo Jay Lethal.

JB: Jeremy Borash backstage with the new X Division Champion Jay Lethal, Jay, how does It fell?

Lethal: Ohhhh yea, well you know something Jeremy, ohhh, Black Machismo is your new, yea, X Division Champion! Ushering in the era of, yeeaaa, Black Machismo!

JB: Well what’s next for Black Machismo now?

JB: Well Jeremy, yeaaa, Borash, ohhhh, next on my list, ohhh, I am going to have a little shindig at Black Machismo’s locker room, you’re invited too, OOHHHH YEEEAAA, DIG IT!

VIDEO: History between Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle.


Robert Roode is in the interviewing area.

: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the richest, most handsome, fastest rising star in professional wrestling today, myself, Robert Roode. Now I know what you’re thinking, who’s this young punk, who had everything handed to him on a silver platter, coming into TNA, who does he think he is? Well, it’s quite simple, I am here for one reason, the TNA World title, and I will do anything to get it, because afterall, it pays to be Roode!

Tenay: Wow, Don, how impressive does Robert Roode look?

West: Well, from here I don’t know, but his pocketbook looks pretty good right now!

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as The King of the Mountain hits the iMPACT! Zone.

: Don, are you ready? First time ever, Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle!

West: This has been boiling for awhile, if you look back to the whole King of the Mountain situation, this match is going to be a fight, these are two pure wrestler, but with their history, there’s no room for wrestling!

Kurt Angle’s music hits as the Olympic Gold Medalist comes to the ring.

: Kurt Angle looks so focused if I have ever seen him!

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett
Both men stand at opposite sides of the ring just staring at each other. They finally move closer to the center of the ring. They stand in the middle nose to nose. Jarrett starts taunting Angle by raising his arms. Angle looks at his arms and then locks eyes once again with Angle. The fans are literally rioting in the audience from the chaotic situation in the. Jarrett puts his arms down, pats Angle on the cheek and spits in his face. Angle swipes the spit off of his cheek and slaps Jarrett, then takes him down. Angle maneuvers onto Jarrett’s back and slaps him on the back of the head. He gets up and Jarrett sits up with his guard up watching Angle stare back at him. Jarrett gets up and cautiously locks up with Angle. After a brief pause Jarrett gets Angle in a headlock. Angle counters and goes for a backdrop, but Jarrett lands on his feet and slaps back headlock on Angle. Angle bends over getting Jarrett off the ground and runs backwards ramming Jarrett into the corner. Angle connects with uppercuts to Jarrett then whips him across the ring, but Jarrett stops and hangs onto the ropes. Angle runs after Jarrett, but Jeff pulls the ropes down and Angle goes over landing on the apron. Angle uppercuts Jarrett and sets him up for a suplex, but Jarrett blocks. He goes for a suplex, but Angle counters this time. Angle goes for one, but Jarrett counters and unlocks then connects with a forearm knocking Angle off the apron onto the floor. Jarrett points to his head like he was thinking strategically. Jarrett slides out of the ring and picks up Angle. Angle explodes with shots on Jarrett. Angle whips Jarrett into the ring apron. Angle connects with another forearm upper cut and slides Jarrett back into the ring. Angle gets into the ring and gets on Jarrett’s back hammering his head. Jarrett holds up his arms to block and Angle tries to get a rear naked choke and Angle ends with slapping Jarrett’s head once more. Angle bounces off the ropes and delivers with a boot to the side of Jeff’s head. Angle locks his arm around Jarrett’s neck and hammers his back. He swings Jarrett’s arm over his shoulder and lifts him up for a suplex. Jarrett up in the air, counters into a roll up 1…2…kickout! Angle gets up and wipes his forehead. Jarrett signals to Angle that he was “that close†to getting the win. Angle and Jarrett lock up once again. Angle goes behind for a German Suplex, but Jarrett takes an elbow shot to Angle and turns back around, Jarrett gets Angle in a side headlock. Angle counters pushes him forward, Jarrett turns around and kicks Angle in the midsection. He sets Angle up for a suplex now, Angle turns and falls on his feet into a roll up cradle pin on Jarrett 1…2…kickout! Angle now says to Jarrett he was “that close†to the win. Jarrett gets up and kicks the bottom rope in anger. Jarrett looks towards the crowd who are booing the hell out of him. Angle sneaks up from behind and locks him in for a German Suplex. Angle nails it and goes for another one. Nailed it, he attempts the trifecta, but Jarrett hangs onto the rope. Jeff turns around and locks in Angle, but Angle pulls Jarrett’s ankles causing Jeff to fall to his back, Angle goes for a bridge pin 1…2…kickout! Jarrett doesn’t know where he is and Angle grabs his ankle for the Ankle lock, but instinctively grabs the bottom rope. Jarrett twists around and pushes Angle back. Angle runs towards Jarrett, but Jarrett hooks him for a belly to belly, he nails it over the top rope and Angle falls to the floor. Angle gets right back up and pulls Jarrett out of the ring by his ankles. He connects with chops. Angle goes to whip Jarrett into the guard rail, but Jarrett counters catapulting Angle into the guardrail. Angle bounces off it and falls right into Jarrett who looks for a German suplex of his own, but Angle counters with elbow shots to the face. Angle turns and rams Jarrett spine first into the ring post. He slides Jarrett into the ring and goes into the ring as well. He circles Jarrett then pulls down the straps. He goes for the Ankle lock, but Jarrett kicks him away. Jarrett gets up and is met with another German by Angle. He covers Jarrett 1…2…kickout! Angle grabs the Ankle and locks in the Ankle lock. Jarrett panics. He freaks out crawling towards the ropes, Jarrett gets to the ropes finally. Jarrett gets up and Angle is right behind him. Angle gets him up for the Olympic Slam, but Jarrett escapes out the back, and locks Angle in for the Stroke and nails it. He covers Angle 1…Jarrett levels himself by putting his feet on the rope…2….the referee doesn’t see…3!
WINNER: Jeff Jarrett

Tenay: Don! Jeff Jarrett just defeated Kurt Angle!!!

West: Mike, that match was complete robbery, the ref didn’t see his feet on the rope!

The ref raises Jarrett’s hand in victory as Angle sits in the corner holding his head in disbelief. Jarrett grabs his guitar and raises his arms in victory. Jarrett walks up the ramp raising his guitar.

Tenay: Angle was robbed here tonight Don!

PROMO: Bound For Glory tickets on sale now for the Sears Center in Chicago, IL this October.


TNA World Championship
AJ Styles defends against Sting, Christian Cage, and Samoa Joe

I Quit! Handicap Match
Monty Brown vs. Jim Cornette and Lance Hoyt

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
wow! second part is great except having LAX the champs once again! lol... I enjoyed reading the Angle/Jarett match! great match! I am going to post my overall comment after the last part...


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Awesome, I love the upset of Angle losing. Skimmed the tag team match, but read the entire Jarrett-Angle Match. Good job so far. Cant wait until the TNA Heavyweight Championship match.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Angle/Jarrett was a great match...could be the best match on the card it all depends on Part 3...anyway the tag team match was nicely done...LAX as tag champs is good for the division...I'm thinking it'll be Dudley/LAX rivalry...ppv is going great so far...I'll be checking for Part 3...


I see we;ve gone back to this review style lol.Anyways Xtreme that was an amazing second part.It was really good and I agree,its great with LAX as new chaamps.Their match was good...Also liked the jarrett/sting.Bothing at all wrong with this...Awesome job lookign forward to more!


there was no Jarrett Sting match......It was Jarrett/

Anyways.....great second part.....cant wait for KOTM


lol...there is no KOTM either, are you on the same stuff mike was last night? lol jk, you know we're all homies, 3rd part should be up tonight.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Damn Badass guess they dont know how to read lol only kidding looking forward to the 4 Way for the TNA Title


LMAO!!! I was just thinkin of Slammiversary this

Ya, cant wait for the fatal 4 way!!