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The Rated R CMStar

Like I said before, I am not a TNA fan, but you make it enjoyable with this BtB. I am rooting for Monty(don't call me Marcus) Brown.



Official Preview Guide:
This Sunday Night, TNA Wrestling returns to PPV with one of the most stacked cards we have ever produced! From the 4 Way for the TNA World Championship to the Tag Team Battle Royal to crown new TNA World Tag Team Champions, Victory Road 2007 will be unforgettable! This guide is to give you the true insight and history between the competitors in every match on the card, so if you missed something on iMPACT!, this will definitely fill you in on what has been going on in TNA Wrestling on it’s concluding road to Victory Road!

Main Event:
TNA World Championship
“The Phenomenal†AJ Styles defends against “The Icon†Sting, “The Samoan Submission Machine†Samoa Joe, and “The Instant Classic†Christian Cage
AJ Styles has been the first TNA World Champion ever since winning the King of the Mountain match last month at Slammiversary. The night after, the Phenomenal One came out to deliver his winner’s speech, but was interrupted, by not only his “Pal†Christian Cage, nor “His Arch Rival†Samoa Joe, but also “The Icon†Sting. As a result, the Phenomenal One wanted to make his own title match for Victory Road, but was interrupted by Jim Cornette who calls all the shots. He said that it would be a four way match for the TNA World title at Victory Road. Since then, Christian Cage robbed Sting of a victory by beating him down on iMPACT!, but Samoa Joe came to the rescue of the Icon. Sting and Joe seem to have a little alliance going into Victory Road, will this play a role in the match? Also, AJ had his first TNA World title match, retaining it against the Alpha Male Monty Brown last Thursday, after an amazing victory, can this momentum save him the gold this Sunday?

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett
“The King of the Mountain†and the “Olympic Gold Medalist†can’t seem to get along. Ever since Jim Cornette brought in Jeff Jarrett to shake up King of the Mountain, these two never show signs of friendship, the complete opposite actually. Jeff Jarrett believes Kurt is shooting for his spot in TNA Wrestling, but after “Carrying this company for 5 yrs, being a 6 time NWA Champion, and creating this company from scratch,†Jarrett said he will not let his legacy down. Kurt believes Jarrett’s age has finally caught up to him. These two will meet for the first time ever this Sunday at Victory Road!

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Battle Royal
What happens when every tag team in TNA goes at it for the gold? Tag Team Battle Royal Warfare! Ever since Jim Cornette stripped Team 3D of the tag titles, due to a violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy by using “illegal†maneuvers, he decided to crown new champs in a battle royal. With teams like America’s Most Wanted, the Latin American Exchange, and the team of Rhino and Raven, among others, this 8 Team battle Royal is sure to steal the show. With the Victory by AMW’s James Storm in the mini battle royal last Thursday, could this win boost AMW’s spirit to capture the gold?

X-Division Championship
“The Warrior†Senshi defends against “Black Machismo†Jay Lethal
With the ongoing conflicts between the team of Lethal and Daniels and Senshi and Nash, these 2 men will collide for the X Division Championship, in a way representing their buddies. It will be Lethal’s first title shot, will he make the most of it?

I Quit! Handicap Match
“The Alpha Male†Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt and TNA Management’s Jim Cornette
Since coming into TNA, Monty Brown has been on Jim Cornette’s bad side. Jim Cornette employed Lance Hoyt’s services to deal with the Alpha Male. They collided last month at Slammiversary and if Brown lost, he would still be suspended, but if he won he could wrestle freely in TNA. He emerged victorious. His next task was to collide with Lance Hoyt one more time, this time inside a 6 Sides of Steel Cage on iMPACT! The match turned out to have the stipulation if Monty Brown would win, he would face AJ Styles for the TNA World title the following week. SO as it went, the Alpha continued his winning ways and bulldozed Hoyt. He went on to face AJ for the title, but Jim Cornette would act as special referee and Lance Hoyt would be ringside enforcer. After screwing Monty Brown out of the victory, Jim Cornette made a huge I QUIT match pinning Monty Brown not just against Lance Hoyt, but against himself as well. What will happen when Jim Cornette steps into a TNA ring to fight for the first time? Order Victory Road to find out!

Kevin Nash vs. “The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels
This match is a match of epic proportions to say the least. The last time Kevin Nash set foot in the ring on PPV was several years ago, but now this feud with the Fallen Angel has forced him out of retirement. It all goes back to the secret deal Nash made with Daniels to help Daniels’ career in TNA, but backfired when Nash’s star, Senshi got thrown into the mix, but now Nash will face Daniels one on one this Sunday night at Victory Road!

*SPOILER*: There has been many rumors of seeing none other than the Chairman of Roode Inc. Robert Roode roaming around the iMPACT! Zone for the past 2 days, what could he be doing here, he hasn’t been seen for months?


wow xtreme nice preview>Read half of it and skimmed the rest buit looks good.Victory road will be sweet and Im sure youll live up to my always lol
Keep up the good work man and check out WAWF
AJ Styles def everyone else
Kurt Angle def Jeff Jarrett
AMW wins battle royal
Jay Lethal def Senshi
Monty Brown def Lance Hoyt
Kevin Nash win

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
An awesome pay-per-view and an great preview as are my picks:

Styles over Sting, Joe and Cage
Angle over Jarrett
Team 3D
Lethal over Senshi
Brown over Hoyt and Cornette
Daniels over Nash

I wonder if Roode will make an appearance at Victory Road...can't wait for the ppv!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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nice preview man! your matches for the PPV are good esp. the main event and the I quit match.... wonder how can Monty beat Hoyt and Cornette (if he wins lol...) .. Check out HEW Preview if you haven't...

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Well written preview. Cant wait for the show

Styles vs Sting vs Joe vs Cage
Angle vs Jarrett
Lethal vs Senshi
Brown vs Hoyt and Cornette
Daniels vs Nash


Great preview man. I cant wait for Vicory Road. Heres my predictions:

Styles vs Sting vs Joe vs Cage
Angle vs Jarrett
Team 3-D
Lethal vs Senshi
Brown vs Hoyt and Cornette
Daniels vs Nash


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Bristol, England
Nice preview+ Nice poster= Hopefully a nice PPV

Here are my predictions...

AJ Styles vs Sting vs Samoa Joe vs Christian Cage
Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett
Jay Lethal vs Senshi
Monty Brown vs Lance Hoyt and Jim Cornette
Christopher Daniels vs Kevin Nash


New Member
Jun 6, 2007
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Styles vs Sting vs Joe vs Cage
Angle vs Jarrett
Lethal vs Senshi
Brown vs Hoyt and Cornette
Daniels vs Nash

Fatal 55

May 28, 2007
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Just to let you know, beacuse of the quality of this BTB, i will be reviewing the PPV fully with ratings and what i thought were good...

Wrestling God

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Here are my predictions

Styles vs Sting vs Joe vs Cage
Angle vs Jarrett
Team 3-D
Lethal vs Senshi
Brown vs Hoyt and Cornette
Daniels vs Nash

Check Out EWO Warzone just been posted


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Just got done reading Impact and I read the whole thing, and it was a great show, loved the tag team battle royal, the mainevent was alright between Aj and Monty, but anyways good show. Can't wait until Victory Road.



VIDEO: Video plays highlighting the Four Way match for the TNA World Championship, the I Quit Handicap match, Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett, and the TNA World Tag Team Championship Battle Royal.

Tenay: Hello, welcome everyone around the world to TNA Victory Road! The iMPACT Zone is rocking tonight, the crowd is deafening here aren’t they DW?

West: Mike! Words cannot describe it! Everyone is fired up here and why shouldn’t they be? This is going to be one of the greatest PPV’s we have ever put on! For one thing Mike, right here tonight, AJ Styles defends his TNA World Championship for the second time in a 3 day span, this time he goes into a 4 way as champ against Sting, Christian Cage, and Samoa Joe!

Tenay: We also have Kurt Angle taking on Jeff Jarrett for the first time ever! Don, I can’t wait, let’s kick things off!

Senshi’s music hits as the X-Division Champion comes down to the ring.

Black Machismo Jay Lethal’s music hits as the number one contender comes down the ramp.

X Division Championship
Senshi* vs. Jay Lethal

Both men give each other their game face before locking up. Lethal pushes Senshi back, but Senshi changes momentum and turns around pushing Lethal into the corner. He delivers a couple heel kicks and whips him across the ring to the ropes. On his way back Senshi connects with a spinning clothesline. Senshi quickly covers Lethal 1…kickout! Senshi sits Lethal up and nails him in the back with a leg kick straight to the spine. He follows up with a huge insuguri to the back of the head of Black Machismo. He covers Lethal 1…2…kickout! Senshi picks him up, but Lethal counters with a chin crusher. Lethal whips Senshi across the ring and nails a running drop kick on Senshi. Senshi gets up and is greeted with a huge T-Bone suplex by Jay Lethal. He follows with a mid air summersault backflip onto Senshi. Lethal covers 1…2….kickout! Lethal slaps an arm lock onto Senshi. Senshi struggles, but with his agility, he pulls his leg up and nails Lethal in the face, breaking the hold. Both men get up, Lethal holding his face. Senshi gets a leg hook suplex on Lethal into a pin 1…2…kickout at the last minute! Senshi goes up top and signals for the Warrior’s Way. Lethal springs up and jumps onto the top rope hip tossing Senshi off the top. Lethal goes for the quick cover 1…2…kickout! Senshi gets up and Lethal locks him and nails a scoop slam on Senshi. Lethal goes up top now, but it is Senshi who springs up and meets Lethal on the top rope. The two exchange blows back and fourth. Lethal maneuvers right over Senshi and hooks the legs and nails a powerbomb off the third rope into a pin 1…2…kickout! Senshi quickly rolls out and nails a drop kick on Lethal who was sitting down after the pin attempt. Lethal goes down and rolls out of the ring. Senshi baseball slides to the apron nailing Lethal. Senshi stands backwards on the apron and gets a springboard moonsault off the third rope onto Lethal. Senshi gets up and to his dismay, gets a standing ovation with fans chanting TNA! TNA! TNA! Senshi picks up Lethal and rams his head onto the apron and slides him into the ring. Senshi hops over the top rope nailing Lethal with a leg drop. He covers him 1…2…Senshi puts his legs on the rope and the ref sees. Senshi starts arguing with the ref and Lethal nails a backbreaker on Senshi. Lethal quickly scales the corner and nails a 450 splash. He covers Senshi 1…2….3!
WINNER: New X-Division Champion Jay Lethal!

Tenay: What?!?!?!? Jay Lethal did it Don! What a way to kick off a PPV!

West: Oh my God Mike, Lethal for the first time in his career has won the X Division championship! What an upset for Senshi!

Jay Lethal gets handed the belt and he holds it then kisses it. Senshi can’t believe it, he goes after Lethal, but Lethal slides out of the ring in time. Christopher Daniels is seen on the top of the ramp applauding Lethal. Lethal meets Daniels at the top and Daniels raises Lethal’s arm.


Jeremy Borash backstage with Kurt Angle.

JB: Jeremy Borash here backstage at Victory Road, huge night already, but it’s an even bigger night for my guest at this time, he is the Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle.

Angle: Jeremy.

JB: So Kurt, tonight, first time ever, Angle-Jarrett, your thoughts?

Angle: I don’t have to say anything that I haven’t already said. I think Double J is getting too old for the business, that’s what he means by me taking his spot. He picks on the guy who seems most promising, and just because he is secretly going to leave, he thinks I would eventually take his spot. Listen, tonight I am going to teach Jarrett the lesson that he has been waiting for 20 years, even oldsters need a “break,†As in, I am going to break his damn ankle.

VIDEO: All of the latest TNA Merchandise now available at

Tenay: Just a reminder, that this Tuesday exclusively on, you can purchase TNA LockDown and Sacrifice as a combo package for only $29.99, Don you have some pretty crazy deals on there, but this come on?

West: Mike, listen, these are our fans, I like them, that’s why I am giving them this insane deal!

Kevin Nash’s music hits as Big Daddy Cool makes it down to the ring.

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as the Fallen Angel hits the iMPACT! Zone.

Kevin Nash vs. Christopher Daniels

Nash laughs at Daniels. They meet face to face. The fans start laughing because of the noticeable size difference between Nash and Daniels. Nash begs Daniels to hit him. Daniels looks towards the audience and they are cheering him on. Daniels takes a shot at Nash and Kevin starts laughing. Nash chops him on the forehead and Daniels goes down. Daniels gets right back up and Nash begins to beg him again to hit him. Daniels gets pissed and hits him harder this time. Nash holds his chin and laughs. Nash grabs Daniels’ head and headbutts him and Daniels goes down even harder. Daniels is face down on the mat and Nash steps over his back. Nash grabs him by his head and lifts him up with one hand throwing him into the corner. Daniels bounces off and Nash hands him a huge boot to the face. Nash covers him 1…2…Nash pulls him up. Nash grabs him and gets him up for a suplex. He holds him up for about 10 seconds and drops him forwards landing on his chest.

Tenay: Oh yea, look at the big strong man! Spare me, just get it over with Nash, no use humiliating Daniels like this!

Nash walks over Daniels’ back once more. The fans start chanting “You Suck†over and over to Nash, then Nash screams sarcastically “Shut up, I am not Kurt Angle.†Nash picks up Daniels and stares at him. Daniels pulls an eye rake out of nowhere. Daniels goes all of nothing and bounces off the ropes and shoulder blocks Nash. Nash kind of stumbles backwards, but not too much. Daniels runs to the top and goes for the BME, but on his landing, Nash catches him on his shoulder. Nash flips him over and puts one leg on his other shoulder and nails the Jack Knife PowerBomb on the Fallen Angel, he covers Daniels 1…2…3!
WINNER: Kevin Nash

West: Finally, it’s over. I have lost a lot of respect for that man, Daniels put up one hell of an effort, but that’s why the X-Division stars shouldn’t go after the heavyweights. It’s the farthest from Clash of the Titans.

Tenay: Wow, Nash, okay, leave the ring, you did what you had to!

Nash grabs Daniels and signals for one more powerbomb.

Jay Lethal’s music hits as the new X Division Champion runs into the ring with a steel chair.

Lethal charges at Nash with the chair, but Nash ducks out of the way and Lethal hits the ropes, Nash worms his way out of the ring. Lethal goes over to help Daniels.

PROMO: Hard Justice Hype.


Leticia is backstage with the Phenomenal AJ Styles.

Leticia: AJ, tonight is your first title defense on PPV, you retained it last Thursday against the Alpha Male, but tonight, you are going against the top 3 contenders for the gold, your thoughts?

AJ: Well Leticia, honey, this business is all about challenges, you got a classic, an Icon, and a machine, but the one isn’t in that equation, that’s the Phenomenal One to be exact. None of those guys are on my level.

Leticia: They are the top 3 contenders for the gold though, otherwise they wouldn’t be in this match.

AJ: Leticia, if it was up to me to choose the main events, I would have made me defend the title against Sharkboy is anyone, that little blue suited weird-o is a beast if I have ever seen one.

Sharkboy walks into the picture.

AJ: Can you please tell me what the hell you are doing here?

Sharkboy: I hear you want to face the Shark for the gold? Well lets go!

Sharkboy slaps AJ.

AJ: I know you just didn’t do that…

Sharkboy slaps AJ again.

Sharkboy: That’s a challenge if I have ever seen one!

AJ slams the championship gold off the “fin†of Sharkboy.

AJ: Challenge excepted! Leticia, thanks this was a great interview, button your shirt, this is a family show!

PROMO: Hype for the TNA Tag Team Championship battle royal.


TNA World Championship
AJ Styles defends against Sting, Christian Cage, and Samoa Joe

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

I Quit!
Monty Brown vs. Jim Cornette and Lance Hoyt

TNA World Tag Team Championship Battle Royal

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
PPV has been great so far XB looking forward to part two. After you post up part two I will leave my review of the best/worse match and segment...keep up the good work...