Mood Request Thread

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Shit sorry bout that lol...Why did i thinkl angle/sting anyways I just reviewed it to make sure I wasnt going completely insane.At keast I got angle right lol but anyways like I said great

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
35 didn't say said Jarrett/! Anyway, looking forward to Part Three XB


r u kidding me.....WOW!~Xtreme sorry for like spamming up your thread here buddy lol but thats just ...Bad!Man I suck...Anyways thats so weird....Cant wait for part 3 though



PROMO: Bound For Glory tickets on sale now for the Sears Center in Chicago, IL this October.


Shane Douglas is backstage with the Naturals in Jim Cornette’s office. Jim Cornette is in a white t shirt and sweat pants getting ready for his match, he is taping up his wrists.

: Jim! Jim! Jim!

Cornette: What in the blazes do you want Shane, can’t you see I have a match coming up!?!?

Shane: I know Jim, and I am so sorry, but those hostiles Rhino and Raven, well they massacred my boys out there didn’t you see?

Cornette: Of course I saw I am running this damn show, do you think I am some maniac who doesn’t even watch his own product?

Shane: Well no sir, no I don’t.

Chase Stevens douses his head with his water bottle to wash the dried blood off his face. Shane slaps Stevens on the back dropping his water bottle and water goes everywhere.

Shane: See my boys here, it’s going to be alright Chase…

Shane slaps Stevens on the back dropping his water bottle and water goes everywhere.

Shane: All my boys want is a match with Rhino and Raven!

Cornette: Well it is one of my gosh dang many duties here in this company to make matches so you know what? You got it. This Thursday night, it will be Rhino and Raven to take on The Naturals, now Shane don’t go telling me I never did you a favor, now excuse me my match is next…

Cornette walks through them slipping on the water on the floor.

Cornette: Owwww!!!! My hip!!!! My back!!!! Shane, boys! Go get Lance…and a medic!!!

Tenay: Oh my lord, Jim Cornette, did you see the way he fell Don?

West: You know, a man of his age shouldn’t really be taking a tumble like that Mike, do you think? Will he be able to compete next???

PROMO: Hyping The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Monty Brown’s music hits as the Alpha Male Monty Brown comes to the ring.

Lance Hoyt’s music hits but no one comes out of the tunnel.

: Oh Don, this might be a problem!


Medics are taking Jim Cornette out on a stretcher with his leg in a brace.

Cornette: Don’t take me away! I got a show to run! I can’t go to the dang hospital! Lance, the match! Lance, you can’t take Monty by yourself!

Hoyt: Well Jim, man, what the hell do I do???

Cornette: Go down stairs, I had this guy on hold, but it seems like that plan is out the window, so go to the locker room down the hall, you’ll find him there, tell him to join you in the handicap match as your partner direct orders from me, go! Go! Go!

Hoyt: No problem Jim!

Hoyt runs out the door.

iMPACT! Zone:

Monty Brown
: Well, well, well, figured Jimbo didn’t have the balls to go toe to toe with the Alpha Male! I personally feel bad for the old guy, because it must turn his stomach, when he put up such a fight against me, then when it comes to actually fight me, the fool won’t step foot in the Serengeti. Wonder, if Cornette is actually injured, or maybe…

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as Big Lane Hoyt comes out of the tunnel.

: Monty are you done yapping your Serengeti yap? If you are, I hope you are, because your match hasn’t been cancelled, it just got even sweeter on my part. I don’t know if you’ll remember this guy, because you bailed out of TNA last year, but these fans probably remember him, yea he was just on tonight, the return of the Chairman of Roode INC. Robert Roode!

Robert Roode’s music hits as Roode and his Chief Executive Offender Ms. Brooks enters into the iMPACT! Zone.

: Talk about the odds stacked against the Alpha Male, Monty isn’t going to get out of this one with all of his limbs in tact!

2-on-1 Handicap I Quit! Match
Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt and Robert Roode
Lance Hoyt and Roode start to corner the Alpha Male into a corner. They start hammering him with clubs and blows mauling the Alpha Male. Monty starts fighting back with elbow shots to the gut and forearms to both men. Brown pushes Hoyt down on his back and manhandles Roode into the corner and starts shoulder thrusting him in the gut. He puts Roode on the top turnbuckle but Lance Hoyt comes from behind and double hook back suplexes him with Brown landing on his head. Roode jumps off the top rope landing an elbow on the Alpha Male. Hoyt raises his arms in a premature victory stance. Roode sits up the Alpha Male and starts shooting Brown in the face with rights and lefts. Hoyt goes to the outside and goes under the ring he throws a garbage can, chair, and he tries to get a table out from under the ring. Roode gets up and swings his hair out of his eyes, Brown gets up facing the back of Roode. Brown shoulder blocks Roode, Roode gets up, Brown delivers another shoulder block, Roode gets up again. Brown lifts him up and long darts Roode into a turnbuckle. Brown runs across the ring and back getting a thesz press on Roode. Brown starts to mounting punches on Roode. Hoyt hits the ring and smacks Brown over the back with a trash can. Hoyt pulls him up and smacks him over the head. Roode nails a bulldog onto Brown. Roode grabs the chair and smacks Brown over the back. Hoyt pulls Brown up as Roode goes to the announcer’s table to grab a microphone. He goes into the ring. Hoyt lands elbows to Brown’s face and Brown is busted open.

Roode: Listen Monty, you are only going to dig a deeper hole if we keep going, so just quit!

Brown: Only if you pay me silver spoon!

Brown elbows Hoyt in the gut and connects with a strong right to Roode. Hoyt goes after him, but Brown gets a belly to belly one Hoyt. Roode runs towards Brown and Brown hip tosses Roode. Brown picks up the chair and smacks Hoyt over the face with it. Roode gets up and is laid out by another chair shot by Brown. Brown raises the chair and signals for the Pounce. He drops the chair, but goes outside the ring. He slides the table into the ring that Lance Hoyt was trying to get. He also pulls out another chair. Hoyt gets up and gets belly to bellied again by Monty Brown. Roode comes in and clotheslines Brown. Roode sets up the table in the corner. Roode picks up Brown and manages a powerslam on the Alpha Male. Roode slides Brown into the corner sitting him up. He grabs a cahir and holds it in front of Brown’s face and tells Lance to go Coast to Coast. Lance scales the turnbuckles and balances at the top. He attempts the coast to coast, but Monty Brown moves shooting the chair into Roode’s face. Hoyt gets up and leans over the top rope to see if Roode is ok, when Monty Brown slingshots him across the ring, bounces off the ropes and nails Hoyt with a Pounce through the table set up in the corner. The fans go insane as Monty Brown picks up the Microphone and digs out Lance Hoyt from the destroyed table.

Brown: So…Lance…don’t you have something to say…?

Ms. Brooks come from behind and clocks Brown over the head with her clipboard. Brown gets up and gives Brooks the death stare. Brooks begs Brown to stop, but Monty Brown picks her up and nails her with a Alpha Bomb. Hoyt gets up and runs to Brown, Brown catches him and throws him across the ring for another Pounce, but Hoyt catches himself on the ropes. Brown runs towards Hoyt, but Hoyt ducks and Roode comes out of nowhere hiding behind the apron with a steel chair and jumps to the apron and cracks it over Brown’s skull, the chair bent over Monty’s head and wrapped around his neck. Hoyt drop toe holds him and Monty lands on the chair slipping on the mat choking him. Hoyt grabs the microphone.

Hoyt: Say it Monty! Say it!

Brown: …cough…cough…I…

Hoyt: Say it you piece of garbage!!!!

Brown: I Quit…
WINNER: Robert Roode and Lance Hoyt

Ms. Brooks runs into the arms of Robert Roode hugging him, but holding her neck from the Alpha Bomb. Hoyt raises his arms in victory as referees tend to Monty Brown taking the chair off from around his neck. Hoyt and Roode walk up the ramp.

Tenay: Oh my god! Don! Monty might just be in the same hospital room as Jim Cornette tonight!

West: Disgusting Mike, how can they have destroyed Monty like that??? It’s despicable Mike, Jim Cornette “gets hurt†and doesn’t participate in the match, so he gets someone bigger and strong, ala Robert Roode, to take his place? That sounds a little fishy to me!

Tenay: Well, just imagine how hectic the world title match will be now that no one is running the show!

PROMO: History between AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Sting, and Christian Cage


Leticia is backstage with Sting.

Leticia: I am here with the Icon Sting, and after a crazy night already Sting, how great would it be to pull of the win in the world’s title match at Victory Road?

Sting: Well Leticia, when you have had a career like mine, not a lot could top your past, except this. You see, you can have your WCW title and your NWA title, but this is TNA baby, this is the big time! To have you your name be put into the history books as one of the best in TNA, then you know you have done everything worth doing in this business. Now it doesn’t matter if I have to go at it with Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, or AJ Styles, I have been out of the hunt for way too long, and you know what Leticia, right now…it’s SHOWTIME!!!!

Sting’s music hits as the Icon hits the ring.

: Well Don, it’s main event time, TNA World Championship 4 way, here we go!

Christian Cage’s music hits as the Instant Classic takes the stage.

Samoa Joe’s music hits as the Samoan Submission Machine comes to the ring.

AJ Styles’ music hits as the TNA World Champion comes down the ramp.

TNA World Championship
AJ Styles* vs. Sting vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage

Christian Cage starts moving near Styles and Joe starts moving near Sting. AJ and Cage shake hands. Sting goes after Cage and Joe goes after AJ. Joe gets a combo of chops, heel kicks and backhands knocking Styles down and Sting gets a headlock takedown on Cage. Sting keeps the lock on Cage, but Christian gets up and pushes Sting against the ropes and backdrops him. Joe gets up and delivers a running flying heel kick to the face of Cage. Joe covers Cage 1…kickout! AJ dropkicks Joe and Samoa Joe falls through the ropes to the outside. Sting clotheslines AJ and then clotheslines Cage. He covers Cage 1…2…AJ rolls over and breaks the count. AJ picks Sting up and suplexes him. Joe tries to get back into the ring, but AJ baseball slides causing Joe to slip off. Cage taps AJ on the shoulder, but AJ takes it the wrong way and backhands him. He realized it was Cage and then goes to help him, but Cage pushes him away. They start arguing then Sting comes in and bashes their heads together.

Tenay: 2 heads are always better than 1!

Sting runs, bounces off the ropes and double clotheslines Cage and AJ in mid air. Sting goes to pin AJ 1…2…kickout! Sting goes to pin Cage 1…2…kickout! Sting can’t believe it, he turns around and Joe springboards off the apron onto the top rope, and connects with a flying cross body onto the Stinger into a pin 1…2…AJ and Cage break the pin. AJ goes onto Sting and Cage takes it to Joe. AJ hits an insuguri on Sting and Sting falls out of the ring over the top rope. Cage swings Joe over the top rope. Both men turn around seeing they are the only 2 in the ring. Cage and AJ stare each other up and down and they meet toe to toe. They lock up. AJ pushes Cage back; Cage counters and pushes AJ back. They unlock and the fans go crazy. They lock up again, Cage gets behind AJ and goes for the Unprettier, but AJ slips out and nails the Pele’ on Cage. AJ pins Cage 1…2…Sting comes off the top rope to break the pin. Sting pulls AJ off Cage and covers him 1…2…AJ breaks the pin. Cage stumbles over to the corner and takes a breather. Joe comes in the ring and runs towards Cage nailing him with a flying knee transferring into a bulldog from the corner. Joe gets up and gets greeted with a Stinger Death Drop by Sting. Sting gets up and AJ goes for an insuguri, but Sting counters grabs the legs and locks in the Scorpion Death Lock on AJ. Cage goes to attack Sting, but Joe locks in the Kokina Clutch on him. Cage and AJ tap at the same time, but the ref sees AJ tap first.
WINNER: New TNA World Champion Sting!

West: Oh My God Mike! Did you see that!?!?!?!

Tenay: YES! Don we did see that! I don’t know what you were seeing, but I think Cage tapped out to Joe first!

West: No the ref declared AJ tapped first! This is chaos! Plus without Jim Cornette here, there’s no one to actually make the call, we have to go with the ref’s decision!

Tenay: Ladies and Gentlemen, Sting is our World’s Champion!

Sting raises the belt in the middle of the ring as Joe is seen in the background kneeling down pissed at Sting.

Tenay: Would you look at this shot! You can see Samoa Joe in the distance eyeing up the Stinger! I can’t believe it 3 title changes tonight! What a night for TNA!


WOW!!! Stinger!!! LOL

Great last part of the PPV

AJ Styles defends against Sting, Christian Cage, and Samoa Joe - 8/10 Good match...I expected it to be a bit longer, but it was still better than most people would put on

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle- 9.5/10 Great match.....a classic and one to remember for a of your best

TNA World Tag Team Championship Battle Royal
Team 3D vs. AMW vs. LAX vs. 3LK vs. Petey Williams/Eric Young vs. The Naturals vs. Rhino/Raven vs. DDP/Scott Steiner- 8.5/10....I also enjoyed this one as LAX as the tag champs

I Quit Handicap Match
Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt and Jim Cornette 9/10 I love the storyline leading up to it and it was a good match

X Division Championship
Senshi* vs. Jay Lethal- 8.5/10 Great to see Lethal with tthe gold

Kevin Nash vs. Christopher Daniels 7.5/10 An ok match....not rally your best

Overall.....Id give it an 8.5/10 Great PPV!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Alright, now that the pay-per-view is finished I can post my ratings for each match. After the ratings, I will post additional comments about the pay-per-view at the bottom of the post.

X Division Championship:
Senshi vs. Lethal
Nice cruiserweight opener...liking Lethal becoming champion...

Nash vs. Daniels
3/10- reason being it was a basic squash match...

TNA Tag Team Championship:
Battle Royal
A nicely written battle royal which I can honestly say I don't see written well quite often but you were successful in writing it out.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle
Just a really great match...enjoyed reading this one alot...match of the night in my opinion...

2-On-1 Handicap Match:
Monty Brown vs. Lance Hoyt/Robert Roode
lol @ Cornetter falling on water...Roode as Hoyt's partner was unexpected...well, I figured something like that would happen but didn't think it would be Roode...

TNA World Championship:
Styles vs. Sting vs. Joe vs. Cage
A great main event...loving Sting become champion but I'm sensing another match between the four somewhere down the line...

Overall, this was an awesome pay-per-view...promos were nicely done and the matches were great...they were written very greatly...and the only complaint I have from the ppv is the squash match...I think Daniels could have had some kind of high-flying type offense but other than that it was a great pay-per-view...curious to see the fall-out...Great job, XB! Keep up the great work...overall, a 9/10 ppv...

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
X Division Match: 8/10

Nash/Daniels: 7/10

Tag Team Battle Royal: 8.5/10

Angle/Jarett: 10/10

Handicap I Quit Match: 8.5/10

TNA World Championship: 10/10

Nice Victory Road, once again, you've made one hell of a show XB! My fave match for the night is the Angle/Jarett match, what a huge upset for Angle! the main event match was great! nice to see Sting as the champ again! Overall: 9/10 great work! keep it up!!!


Nice work Xtreme.Another great part there.It colsed out the show good....
Loved it man and cant wait til next show....
I Quit Match:8/10
Main Event:10/10
Loved seeing sting win the belt
Good job...

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Best Match- Either the 4 way or the Jarrett/Angle both were really good

Worst Match- Not worst just my least favorite is the Nash/Daniels

Best Promo/Interview/Segment- AJ/Leticia/Sharkboy

Worst Promo/Interview/Segment- None

Heel Of The Night- Jarrett, he knew the foot was on the rope dammit!

Face Of The Night- Sting

Most Shocking Moment- LAX winning

Additional Comments/Feedback: Another great ppv from xtremebadass, loved every second of it, keep up the amazing work

Fatal 55

May 28, 2007
Reaction score
AJ Styles Vs Sting Vs Christian Cage Vs Samoa Joe
Intresting finish to the match, as some one said this could've been longer but the ending make up for that. I sence a Samoa Joe Vs Sting Feud ! 8.5/10

TNA World Tag Team Championship Battle Royal
I really liked this match. Great way to keep the Rhyno, Naturals feud open. The only downside IMO is that now it looks as though it's gyna be Team 3D Vs LAX again... maybe the ending could've been better... 8.5/10

I Quit Handicap Match
Well written again, i got the whole point of the match. Shame monty lost but he had the odds against him so fair enuff. 8/10

Jeff Jarrett Vs Kurt Angle
Match Of The Night, Keeps the feud going well. 9.5/10

X Division Championship
Senshi vs. Jay Lethal
Great X-Division match as always, nice to see a new champion being crowned. 8.5/10

Kevin Nash vs. Christopher Daniels

Didn't get why this match took place, + squashing your premier X-Division Talent is not the best thing to do. Other than that considering the circumstances you wrote the match out reasnobly well. 5/10

Overall... I'd give it an 8.5, The Jarrett, Angle match was by far the match of the night... The Daniels, Nash match bought it down maybe a bit and you could've done with maybe one more match on the card but i understand how hard it is to make feuds with only an hour show every week. Keep up the good work & i will be looking forward to iMPACT! to see the fallout from Victory Road!


New Member
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
AJ Styles Vs Sting Vs Christian Cage Vs Samoa Joe
Great match. Could of been longer but still great. 8/10

TNA World Tag Team Championship Battle Royal
Good match. It's funny untill 1 1/2-2 months ago I thought the tag division was your worth part. But you have provd that you do have a good tag team division so I give my hat of to you 8/10

I Quit Handicap Match
A great match. Some really great moves in there 8.5/10

Jeff Jarrett Vs Kurt Angle
Match Of The Night. WHat a great match. 9.5/10

X Division Championship
Senshi vs. Jay Lethal
Good match. I don't like Jay won but still good match 8/10

Kevin Nash vs. Christopher Daniels

eh.. wasn't a big fan of this match. But that's fine. 5/10

Best on Mic-Aj,Sharkboy thing
Worst On Mic- Very hard to do. I guess I would say the Sting one before the amin match. But what else can you do with him on mic.

Best Heel-Jeff Jarett and LAX. Both winning big matches

Best Face-Sting for winning the title

Shocker-Sting winning the title

Promoes-They were great 8.5/10.

Ovrall Rating- 8.5nice show keep it up! Also I am going t o make a TNA BTB in about 3 weeks [I need to get it ready] so watch out it wil be called the new tna. But good luck with the btb I have been reading since the begining.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match- Jarrett/ Angle

Worst Match- Nash vs Daniels

Best Promo/Interview/Segment-

Worst Promo/Interview/Segment-

Heel Of The Night- Jarrett

Face Of The Night- Angle

Most Shocking Moment-
Jarrett beating Angle

Additional Comments/Feedback:
Loved the PPV. A very TNA feel to the ending, I was hoping Samoa Joe was going to win. Ehhhh, Joe gets screwed again.... Anyways great job, my favorite BTB, keep it up.



Official Preview Guide:

Total iMPACT!
Focus Point of the Week: Last Sunday at TNA Victory Road, there was a highly controversial ending to the 4 way match for the TNA World Championship. Sting put AJ Styles into the Scorpion Death Lock, seconds later Samoa Joe put Christian Cage into the Kokina Clutch, both men tapped out to the holds, however the referee in charge, Rudy Charles, saw AJ tap out to the hold. Charles declared Sting the new TNA World Champion. There was no TNA Management present at the end of the PPV since Jim Cornette had an accident backstage sending him to the hospital, so the decision stood. Was Samoa Joe robbed? Was Sting’s victory fair? What will be the outcome of this this Thursday? Tune into iMPACT! to find out.


Main Event:
Rhino and Raven vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas

The TNA World Title situation will be confronted by Jim Cornette

Robert Roode LIVE! on iMPACT!

X-Division Championship Victory Road Rematch
Black Machismo* vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash

Plus Much More!

*SPOILER*: Jeff Jarrett has arrived for the iMPACT! tapings overcome with utter happiness, not acting in the normal Jeff Jarrett way, thanks to his win over Kurt Angle last Sunday. What could this mean?

*SPOILER*: DDP has been sidelined for 3-6 months due to the delivered by his partner Scott Steiner, accidentally, during the tag team battle royal.


Great preview Xtreme.Fallout from the ppv should be entertaining and card is good...Wondering about Jarrett though...

Fatal 55

May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Ah... i see it allready. a Steiner Vs DDP feud in 3-6 months time !!! ....i think

anyweis... good preview. Jarrett, Sting, Joe, Cornette... should be intresting. Also the Naturals finnaly go up against Raven & Rhyno, that should be great! I don't like kevin Nash in the X-division situation but that's me... Looks like a good fallout from Victory Road