Mood Request Thread

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For everyone wondering where the Kevin Nash thing is going, the Daniels fued was very short term, it will all make sense sooner or later

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Alright, XB, I'm really curious to see where your going with this


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Bristol, England
Sorry to take so long to review but I haven't reviewed any BTB's in a few days...

Best Match- Jarrett vs Angle was a great match, Surprising to see JJ win.

Worst Match- I didn't really like the Nash vs Daniels match because I understand what you were doing but it looked like you were pulling a rey if you get what I mean.

Best Promo/Interview/Segment- AJ/Leticia/Sharkboy

Worst Promo/Interview/Segment- The Robert Roode thing seemed pretty random but I kinda understand why you did it with his surprise match with Lance Hoyt against Monty Brown

Heel Of The Night- Double J, Good ol' feet on the ropes did it for me.

Face Of The Night- Sting

Most Shocking Moment- The controversial finish to the main event. I never seen that coming and also thought AJ would at least have the title for a few more months

Additional Comments/Feedback: Great overall show as always and certainly delivered. Not your greatest PPv but that's a compliment with some of the PPv's you've written before.

Preview comments:
X-title rematch should be exiting and Naturals vs R n' R is also worth reading. I could see the Naturals pull off an upset.


Guest Exclusive Story:
When "Cowboy" James Storm arrived at the iMPACT! Zone for the TV tapings, he was confronted by TNA Management. For disclosed reasons, the former 7 time TNA World Tag Team Champion is, so far, hereby suspended from TNA Wrestling. Once again, no word has been said onto why he has beened handled this way.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Oh boy lol, i hope this leads to a good feud for the Cowboy. Well we'll see where it goes.

The Rated R CMStar

I have said it before and I am continue to say it, what you are doing with TNA is what the real TNA should do. Thanks to this BTB I decided to give TNA an opportunity. Victory Road was a hell of a PPV but I was really rooting for AJ Styles. Hope he gets a revenge match against the champion(whoever it is) or a grudge match against Christian. What I don't like is Kevin Nash in the X-division, maybe get him back in a manager position. Great BtB, really waiting for iMPACT
Jun 10, 2007
Reaction score
I am really liking this btb so far. I hope you give Samoa Joe the TNA World Title eventually lol

cant wait for your next show



VIDEO: Victory Road Highlights including all 3 new champions and Jeff Jarrett’s win over Kurt Angle.

Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Hello, Mike Tenay, Don West, here ringside for TNA iMPACT! What a night last Sunday’s Victory Road PPV was, we will get to all the action of last Sunday later in the show, we join JB, Jeremy Borash, in the ring!

JB: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, your new TNA World Heavyweight Champion, the Icon, Sting!!!

Sting’s music hits at the new TNA World Champion hits the stage with a huge ovation.

JB: Sting, this place is rockin’ tonight because you’re the champ, please, make them settle down, say a few words…

Sting: Jeremy, believe it or not, I have been waiting for this moment for awhile. I have been waiting for this moment, the moment that I can come down that ramp in front of these great fans as world champion just one more time…because Jeremy, I am getting old, this could be my last run.

JB: Sting, don’t say that you are in tremendous shape, you are in your prime!

Sting: Well thanks Jeremy I…

Samoa Joe’s music hits as the Samoan Submission Machine comes to the ring.

Joe: Well Sting, look at you new TNA World Champ, that’s great, especially the moment you locked in your signature Scorpion Death Lock, it’s a great finisher you know? It has a lot of history in this business. I still can’t believe it, you had the Scorpion on AJ, and, well, I had the Kokina Clutch on Christian. Ever since Victory Road, since this is the first chance I can get to you, don’t you think it was, just a little, controversial Stinger?

Sting: Well, Samoa Joe, no disrespect, but since I am the one with gold here, accompanied by the ref’s decision, there was no controversy.

Joe: That’s funny that’s real funny, I made Cage tap, you made AJ tap, forget it roll the footage!

VIDEO: Final moments of the Victory Road 4 Way Bout.

Joe: You want to tell me that wasn’t controversial?

Sting: Joe, listen, you know my opinion, but what can I do here, hand you the belt, that’s just not going to happen. What do you want from me Joe?

Joe: I want a title shot!

AJ Styles’ music hits as AJ Styles comes to the ring.

AJ: Excuse me Joe, what did you say you want?

Joe: Damnit AJ, are you deaf? I want my title shot that I rightfully deserve!

AJ: Joe, don’t get me wrong here, but…you don’t deserve jack. You aren’t the Phenomenal AJ Styles, you are just Joe. After all, it was I who lost his title, and I should be the one to get the first shot at Sting! Joe, listen here, I know you have done your best in this company so far, but once again don’t get me wrong; you aren’t really pulling your “weight.†Don’t get me wrong here either, but that sure is a lot of weight to pull!

Joe delivers a strong left to AJ and Styles goes down. Sting drops his belt and tries to pull back Joe, but Joe connects with a huge spinning heel kick to the Stinger. Joe picks up the belt and raises it high above his head.

Tenay: Wow, look at this scene Don, Samoa Joe raising Sting’s world title, could Joe really be the number one contender?

Jim Cornette’s music hits as Jim Cornette comes out on crutches from his tumble he took at Victory Road. He is also accompanied by Lance Hoyt, Robert Roode, and Ms. Brooks.

Cornette: Looks to me like we have another big problem here in TNA. Before I get to you animals in the ring, I would just like to tell everyone world wide, that I have a major fracture in my hip and will need his surgery, I had a bad hip as it is. As for Monty Brown, well, I am not going to concern myself with his quitting but anymore, he can do his own thing, because my boys showed him who really is boss. Which brings me to my next point, let me formerly introduce you, in the ring, and around the world, to my Personal Bodyguard, or PBA as I like to call it, the big man from big D, Lance Hoyt! Over to my left, along with his Chief Executive Offender Ms. Brooks, who is smokin’ tonight by the way, he is the founder of Roode Inc. This ladies and gentlemen is Robert Roode! These two powerhouses bring me to you guys in the ring. Since these guys can go toe to toe with Monty Brown, I have been considering both for a world title match, but since I respect both of AJ’s and Joe’s arguments, I have come to a little bit of a crossroad. So we are going to have a little tournament starting right here tonight. One of my men will face one of you. You won’t know who you are facing until the match starts. AJ and Joe will either face Lance or Roode, then the winners of those two matches will face each other in a number one contender’s match, and the winner of that will be the one to face the Icon Sting for the TNA World title at Hard Justice!

West: Wow! Huge news from Jim Cornette!

Tenay: Don, that was actually a pretty smart decision from Jim, but I don’t trust him at all!


Leticia is standing by with the New X-Division Champion Black Machismo Jay Lethal and the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels.

Leticia: I am here with the new X Division Champion Jay Lethal and his partner Christopher Daniels, tonight Black Machismo takes on Senshi in a Victory Road X Division Championship rematch, Jay, what are your thoughts?

Lethal: Ohhh yeaaa, tonight the X Champ will go to the ring and push it to the limit yeaaaa! Black Machismo is going to, ohhhh, do the same thing as he did on Sunday. I will walk out of iMPACT! tonight still X Division Champ! OOOHHH YEAAAA DIG IT!

Daniels: Nash, don’t think I have forgotten about you, no one throws the Fallen Angel around like that and thinks he will get away with it, you better watch your back! That’s the gospel according to the Fallen Angel!


Senshi’s music hits as Senshi and Kevin Nash come out of the tunnel.

Jay Lethal’s music hits as Black Machismo comes to the ring with the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels.

X-Division Championship
Jay Lethal* w/ Christopher Daniels vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash

Senshi looks seriously focused as he goes up to lock up with Lethal. They lock up and Senshi pushes Lethal into the corner. Senshi connects with back elbows and whips Lethal across the ring. He bounces back and Senshi connects with a standing head scissors. Lethal gets thrown across the ring and slides out of the ring onto the floor right in front of Nash. Daniels gets on top of the apron across the ring to tell the ref to get Nash away, but the ref is distracted and tries to get Daniels off the apron instead of Nash. Nash picks up Lethal and long darts him into the ring post. He swings Lethal into the ring. Senshi dropkicks Daniels off the apron and covers Lethal 1…2…kickout! Senshi picks up Lethal, but Lethal powers back with forearm shots. He bounces off the ropes and connects with a cross body into a pin 1…2…kickout! Lethal gets up and dropkicks Senshi. Senshi gets up and gets a neckbreaker by Lethal. Lethal goes up top looking for his elbow, but Nash gets on the apron. Lethal gives him a quick kick and Nash goes off the apron. Lethal moonsaults onto Nash. Senshi runs and springboards out of the ring onto Lethal. Senshi picks up Lethal and sets him up on the guardrail. He spin kicks Lethal and Lethal goes over the rail. Daniels runs over to the action, but Nash stares towards him and Daniels stops. Nash acts like a guard rail as Nash and Daniels have a stand off. Senshi then springboards off the guardrail onto Lethal spilling into the crowd. The crowd chants TNA! TNA! TNA! Senshi picks up Lethal, but Lethal counters and whips Senshi into the guardrail. He gets a running clothesline flipping both of them over the guardrail. Daniels backs away from Nash as Nash laughs watching him go back to Lethal’s corner. Lethal throws Senshi back into the ring and goes up top once more. Lethal signals to the crowd for a bigger rush and the fans stay with Lethal. Lethal goes for an elbow drop, but Senshi gets his knees up. Lethal rolls in pain as Senshi gets the hook pin on Lethal 1...2…kickout! Senshi picks him up and sidewalk slams him. He points to the top rope for the Warrior’s Way. He goes up top, but Lethal was playing possum and goes to the corner to throw him off. Lethal scales the corner and connects with a huge elbow drop on Senshi. He covers Senshi 1…2…3!
WINNER: still X-Division Champion Jay Lethal

Tenay: Great showing by Lethal despite the ringside influences!

Kevin Nash comes into the ring and big boots Lethal. He helps up Senshi and hands him the X-Division title raising his hand. Daniels appears right behind Nash with a steel chair. He taps Nash on the back and cracks the steel chair wrapping it around his skull. Senshi goes to hit Daniels with the belt, but Daniels ducks drops the chair, kicks him in the mid section and connects the Angel’s Wings on Senshi onto the chair. Lethal is still hurting from the big boot and remains in the corner. Daniels picks up the X Division title and holds it up. Lethal looks at him astonished at how his partner is holding up his own belt.

West: Hmmm, this looks intriguing here Mike, Daniels holding up his partner Jay Lethal’s X-Division title!

Tenay: What about Daniels saying for Nash to watch his back, he really meant it! I could only imagine what is going through the mind of Christopher Daniels right now!


Shane Douglas is talking to the Naturals.

Shane: Guys, tonight is a huge night, now listen to me right now! Jim Cornette did me a favor by granting you guys this match, so please guys take out Rhino and Raven to make our boss proud! Especially you Chase, you almost crippled the man!

Chase: How many times do I have to say I am sorry damnit! I…

Andy: Chase, it’s cool, we’ll get it done tonight Shane don’t worry.

Shane: You guys better not make me worry or I will have to take more medication! So go get ready your match is coming up!



Christian Cage is backstage in the locker room on his cell phone.

Cage: So you are going to pop up here in a couple weeks right? Great man this company needs a new breathe of fresh air, can’t wait to see you here man, talk to you soon, and see you seen, peace bye.

Tenay: Don who was Christian Cage talking to?

West: Sounded like someone who’s headed to TNA, what could this mean?

Monty Brown walks in the locker room right when Christian gets up and they collide.

Cage: Well, well, well, look who it is. I finally get to meet the great Alpha Male huh? Monty Brown! You were in the Super Bowl twice! You know what Monty? You were never a world champion! I have. That’s the real difference between you and I. I stayed with TNA and became a world champ, and you Monty, well, it’s very, very, simple, you quit, just like at Victory Road! Well damnit, say something Monty come on, are you that astonished to be in my presence? Say something what’s wrong don’t you talk?

Brown: I am not saying a word, and that proves how much talk you really are Cage. Next time you need me, show me what you are made of, not what you are full of…

Monty walks past Cage.

Cage: That son of a…

Tenay: Ouch, what a zinger to Christian Cage huh?

West: Hey, I never counted Monty Brown out, if he puts that Victory Road incident behind him, there’s no telling what he can do!

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes to the ring.

y: Oh, boy, get ready for a long session of “I told you so’s!â€

Jarrett: Well now, it’s a funny thing. Let’s just take a step back, to this past Sunday shall we? It was the biggest match this company could ever make, the clash of the titans. It pinned I, “The King of the Mountain†Jeff Jarrett, taking on, now who was it, oh yea some ex-WWE wrestler Kurt Angle, was it? Now me and Angle, well, we don’t have a loving relationship, I hate him and he hates me. We couldn’t get along for months because we simply wanted to tear each other apart. A lot of words were said, a lot of shots were landed, but it was the same result, just like any other time, I spoke the truth. Last Sunday at Victory Road I defeated the Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle! Now I am not the braggart, but I really got to hand it to myself for that amazing victory! I mean, Kurt isn’t a good wrestler to begin with, but it was pretty tough…

Kurt Angle’s music hits as Kurt Angle appears out of the tunnel at the top of the ramp.

: Hey speak of the devil, it's Kurt Angle!!!!

Angle: Alright Jarrett, shut the hell up. Listen, everyone in this freakin’ building knows that win was a fluke! I had you beat, that was one of the matches of my career, it’s a shame it was with a cheater!

Jarrett: Excuse me Kurt? Did you just say cheater? In this business kid, I have done some crazy stuff, but the number one goal is always win! Doesn’t matter what the rules are, you just have to gather your sources and knowledge in this ring and pull out the victory no matter what. That’s another reason why I will always be better than you Kurt.

Angle: Now you are going to start playing that game again huh Jarrett?

Jarrett: Kurt, if you haven’t noticed, that’s what “this†is all about. However, Kurt, thanks to last Sunday, “this†is now over, and I came out on top!

Angle: Jarrett, you can say anything out of that big freakin’ mouth of yours, but “this†is far from over! Jarrett, I say I come down to that ring and beat the hell out of you just like I did Sunday!

Jarrett: That’s very nice of you Kurt, but our play day is done, I have moved on, I proven I could beat you, and I bet if you come down here I will beat the hell out of you once again.

Angle: Okay, Jarrett prepare to have your ankle broken…

Jim Cornette appears on the screen with Lance Hoyt in the background.

Cornette: Stop it! Stop it right now! If you take one more step closer you will be suspended just like I had to do to one superstar earlier tonight, and I know for a fact neither of you wouldn’t want to be suspended because then you couldn’t beat the lights out of each other! You guys can’t seem to agree on anything, well you are going to have to learn how, because right here next week, you two clowns will be in a tag match together. It will be Kurt Angle teaming with Jeff Jarrett, to take on the new TNA World Tag Team Champions the Latin American Xchange! Now get the hell out of there before I have security do it for you!

Tenay: Huge main event for iMPACT! next week Don! I can’t wait!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with Team 3D.

JB: Team 3D last Sunday at Victory Road, it looked like you the battle royal wrapped up, but LAX pulled a fast one on you guys 3D’ing you through a table then throwing you over to win the match, what’s your next move guys?

Ray: It’s pretty simple Jeremy, when someone could decimate Team 3D like that, it must mean they got a set. I respect LAX for doing that to us, no other team could that’s for sure. Sure, me and my brother Devon definitely see Team 3D and LAX one more time in the future, but that’s all it’s going to be, one more time. There’s only room for one dominant team in this company, and over my mother’s grave I swear it will be us!

Devon:Oh, my brothaaa, TESTIFY!!!!


The Naturals’ music hits as the Naturals hit the ring along with Shane Douglas.

Rhino’s music hits as Rhino and Raven come to the ring.

: The match that was granted by Jim Cornette, I wonder if the Naturals are ready for this, they were pretty beaten last Sunday, they did lose a lot of blood you can see the bandages on their heads!

The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas vs. Rhino and Raven
Andy Douglas and Raven start out the match. Raven stands in his corner as Andy starts moving around the ring. Raven and Douglas grasp hands and Raven applies the pressure. Raven kicks him in the mid section bounces off the ropes and gets a bulldog on him. Raven pins Andy 1...kickout! Raven pulls him up and gets some shots into his skull. Andy stumbles around the ring before crashing into one of the corners. Raven runs towards him and knees him in the gut, maneuvering into another bulldog on Douglas. Raven pins him again 1…2…kickout! Raven walks over and tags Rhino in. Raven picks him up and both hurl him against the ropes, he bounces off and Raven and Rhino go for a double clothesline, but Douglas ducks and runs and bounces off the ropes and nails a double clothesline knocking down Rhino and Raven. Raven rolls out of the ring as Andy starts crawling to Chase. Rhino crawls right behind him. Rhino gets up pulling Andy up by the leg. Andy counters with a dragon whip and tags in Chase. Chase scales the corner and nails a frog splash on Rhino to cover 1…2….kickout! Chase starts stomping Rhino on the mat, bounces off the rope and nails a knee drop on Rhino. Chase puts Rhino in a modified arm-head lock and Rhino begins to fade. Rhino regains his senses and begins to rise elbowing Chase in the gut. He pushes him against the ropes and shoulder blocks him. He bounces off the ropes, but Andy kicks him in the head from his corner. Chase jumps over Rhino and tags in Andy. Both Andy and Chase gang up on Rhino. Raven runs in and gets a running takedown on Chase Stevens, but Andy pulls Raven away and begins to hard chop him into a corner. Andy holds Raven in the corner while Chase sets up and nails a big splash on Raven in the corner. Rhino gets up and the Naturals nail hammer shots onto Rhino’s back. The referee disqualifies the Naturals for being in the ring too long.
WINNER: Rhino and Raven by DQ

Shane Douglas throws some chair in the ring from under the ring. The Naturals hit the Naturals Disaster on Rhino. Andy jams a steel chair in the corner between the 2nd and 3rd turnbuckles. Chase grabs Raven’s legs and slingshots him into the chair. Raven goes head first through the chair. The Naturals then nail another Naturals Disaster on Rhino this time sending his head right onto a steel chair on the canvas. Rhino and Raven are both busted open. Shane Douglas runs in and puts the chair around Rhino’s neck. He signals to Chase to go up top and stomp on the chair. Without a pause, he does, he scales the corner and jumps off stomping the chair crushing Rhino’s throat. Rhino is bleeding from the mouth, let alone the big gash on his head, he is covered in blood.. The Naturals and Shane Douglas raise their hands in victory. Shane pulls up Rhino by the hair sitting him up and Shane has a big smirk on his face.

Tenay: What a disgusting site, this is horrible Don!

West: Mike, in all my years here in TNA, I don’t think I have ever seen this happen, I am speechless! There really is, no words to describe it. I am sick to my stomach!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner.

JB: Jeremy Borash here Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner. Now Scott, last Sunday you avertedly hit your partner DDP with a steel chair in the tag team battle royal, thus putting him on the shelf for a couple months with serious head trauma. Anything you have to say?

Steiner: Well, Borash, it’s like this, I didn’t mean to hit Paige with the chair, if you think I purposely did that you should be shot, I would never betray him like that. Listen Paige, I am sorry it put you in the hospital, but it’s just the business okay, best of wishes on your recovery, see you soon bro, now is that what you needed Borash, get it, got it, good.

Steiner walks off and in comes the new TNA World Tag Team Champions Homicide and Hernandez, LAX. They push Jeremy Borash aside and take the mic.

Homicide: This is 5150 Homicide, along with Hotstuff Hernandez, we are the TNA World Tag Team Champions, newly crowned G’s from last Sunday’s Victory Road. Now, next week is LAX’s biggest challenge to date, we got Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle. Now we going to get it poppin’ like always, and since they can’t agree on nothing, we got this in the bag homes. Team 3D, you want to go one more time, that’s fine with us, name the time and place so we can kick you adopted asses “one more time.†Doesn’t matter when or where, we going to get the job done the only way LAX knows how, come on Hernandez, let’s blow this joint.


Tenay: Well ladies and gentlemen it’s time for your iMPACT! main event. Due to the events earlier tonight, the decision by Jim Cornette was to have his boys take on AJ Styles and Samoa Joe in a little tournament to see who was really cut out to face Sting for the world title. The four guys will be either AJ Styles or Samoa Joe taking on Robert Roode or Lance Hoyt tonight and next week, then the following week, in two weeks on iMPACT!, the winners of both those matches will collide in a Hard Justice Number One Contender’s match for the TNA World Championship.

West: Let’s get the ball rolling here Mike, who is fighting tonight! I can’t wait!

Robert Roode’s music hits as Roode comes down the ring with his CEO Ms. Brooks.

: Which man is next, Styles or Joe?

AJ Styles’ music hits as the Phenomenal One comes down the ramp.

Winner Advances to the Number One Contender’s Match in 2 Weeks on iMPACT!
Robert Roode w/ Ms. Brooks vs. AJ Styles

The crowd automatically gets behind AJ Styles. AJ smiles as Robert Roode tries to block the crowd out of his head. AJ and Roode lock up. Roode puts AJ in a head lock, but AJ counters and twists Roode’s arm behind his back then drop kicks him. Roode kneels up and he is pissed. Roode gets up and locks up with AJ again, this time pushing AJ to the ropes. The ref separates them and AJ goes onto the apron. Roode is pissed at the ref, then AJ springboards and attempts the Phenomenal Arm on Roode, but Roode ducks and AJ hits the ref. AJ tries to get the ref up, but he turns around right into a big boot by Roode. Roode manhandles him getting him on his shoulders and body slams him. He pins him but the ref is still out. Roode goes back to Styles, but Styles kicks him in the ribs repeatedly. He gets up and kicks him, but Roode catches his legs, and AJ counters with a spin kick. AJ gets up and looks to the top turnbuckle, he begins to climb.

Tenay: AJ looking to go high risk right here! Wait, is that?

Lance Hoyt runs down the ramp.

Hoyt runs onto the apron and pushes AJ to the mat. The ref gets up and Roode goes to cover Styles 1…2…kickout! Roode picks AJ up and knees him in the gut and gets a big body press slamming AJ to the mat. Roode raises his arms in a premature victory stance and AJ gets a roll up 1…kickout! AJ nails a strong kick to the back of Roode, bounces off the ropes and dropkicks the back of Roode. Styles puts him in a body stretch and Roode struggles. Ms. Brooks gets on the apron and distracts the ref. Lance Hoyt goes over to Roode and pulls his arm to get to the rope. Brooks gets off the apron and the ref breaks the hold because his hand is on the rope. AJ can’t believe it. AJ looks at Ms. Brooks and automatically turns like she didn’t do anything, but AJ leans over the ropes and grabs her by the hair pulling Lance Hoyt gets on the apron across from where AJ and Ms. Brooks are. Roode charges at Styles, but Styles moves and Roode knocks Brooks off the apron and runs across the ring to knock Hoyt off the apron. Roode backs up thinking about what he just did, then turns around and is greeted by Styles who sets Roode up for the Styles Clash and nails it pinning Roode 1…2…3!

Tenay: Wow, amongst all the obstacles, the Phenomenal One truly showed that he wants his title back! AJ wins! AJ wins!

West: Well Mike, that means next week right here on iMPACT! besides the huge tag match, we will be seeing who will be facing Styles for the number one contendership to Sting at Hard Justice!

AJ Styles raises his arms in victory as Sting comes out of the tunnel, and Samoa Joe comes out of the opposite tunnel.


TNA Wrestling presents TNA Hard Justice LIVE! on PPV!

Card Soon to be Announced


Best Match: Jay Lethal/Senshi.....good way to start things out

Worst Match: Naturals/Rhino & Raven.....was just my least fav. Still a good match though :)

Best Promo: Start of IMPACT with Sting/Joe/AJ.....hell of of them were good

Worst Promo: N/A

Overall: 9/10

Loved the show and it was one of your best......cant wait to find out who Cage was talking should be suprising....maybe RVD???


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: AJ Styles vs Robert Roode

Worst Match: None

Best Promo/Interview/Segment: Sting/Samoa Joe/Aj Styles/Cornette and the Christian/Brown

Worst Promo/Interview/Segment: Team 3D

Heel Of The Night: Jeff Jarrett

Face Of The Night: Sting

Most Shocking Moment:
Daniels holding up Lethals X Division Championship

Additional Comments/Feedback: Good show, tons of promos, and some good matches

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Roode vs. Styles

Worst Match: All your match were great! good job!

Best Promo/Interview/Segment: Styles, Joe and the Sting!

Worst Promo/Interview/Segment: gonna agree with the Answer, Team 3D

Additional Comments/Feedback: Another hell of a show you've got there, looking forward on Cage's mystery person.... great job!


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Best Match: I'm gonna say the main event, great match but all the others came close.

Worst Match: If I had to choose one it would be the Naturals vs Rhy/Raven but that was a great match still.

Best Promo/Interview/Segment: Styles/Joe/Sting Those three could put on a great triple threat with a nice variety of wrestling, risktaking, well a bit of everything.

Worst Promo/Interview/Segment: Team 3D's promo. It was terrible compared to the rest of the show (sorry if I sounded harsh with terrible)

Additional Comments/Feedback: I see what you mean about how much effort you put into the show and you definately proved it. That was a great show and possibly the best impact yet!



Due to the unfortunate and tragic situation as of late concerning the death of pro wrestler Chris Benoit, his Wife Nancy, and Son Daniel, all of us here at TNA iMPACT! will keep the whole Benoit family in our prayers as they struggle through this tragedy.