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The Rated R CMStar

BM: Main Event

WM: N/a

BP: AJ Styles promo

WP: N/a

AC: Well, nice to see the ending of this PPV. It took a long time to end it but know that it is complete it is awesome. Great main event, and I enjoyed the whole feeling of the vet defeating the future of the company. Nice PPV as a whole and I hope, there is an iMPACT after this.



Official Preview Guide:

Total iMPACT!
Focus Point of the Week:
Just days after the biggest Pay-Per-View event in TNA’s 5 plus year history, Bound for Glory, the TNA World Heavyweight Championship has been decided, and Sting emerged still holding the gold after making “The Samoan Submission Machine†Samoa Joe tap out to the Scorpion Death Lock. With Sting’s biggest match of his career behind him, what is next for the Icon in TNA? Sting now mans the ship that it TNA Wrestling, being TNA’s World Heavyweight Champion. “The Icon†Sting will be LIVE this Thursday night on iMPACT! What is on the Stinger’s mind?


Main Event:
Monty Brown vs. Abyss

TNA World Champion Sting will make his first appearance since Bound for Glory

Kid Kash will make his iMPACT! Zone Return to take on Christopher Daniels

Chris Harris addresses the Steiner Brothers

Number One Contender’s Match for the TNA World Tag Team Championship
Naturals vs. Team 3D

An update on Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle

And much, much, more this Thursday Night on iMPACT!

TNG: Total Non-Stop Gossip :
Junior Fatu debuted at TNA Bound for Glory last Sunday, but worked without a contract, and the internal feel backstage is that he has no interest of signing, most see it as a one time deal.

Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett are still in the local Orlando Medical Facility with serious internal, and some external injuries, due to the nasty spill both men took right off the edge of the stage at Bound for Glory. Both men are not expected to be on iMPACT! This Thursday.

The Rated R CMStar

I predict a winning of Monty Brown here. Nice to see that you are continuing and the fallout of BFG looks great. I look forward to see what's next between Jeff Jarret and Kurt, this have been a golden rivalry, too bad they will not be in the show. Junior Fatu is really no needed in your BTB so I don't have a problem with him no signing. Also, this will be your first show as an official BTB Hall of Famer! I will be reviewing

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Sting vs. Joe

Worst Promo: n/a

Best Promo: Styles one

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Another terrific show from the HOF inductee :D, the wait is over and you really made this one a great PPV. Now I can't wait for the next show to see Sting's appearance after BFG!


awsome preview, I dont think Junior Fatu is that big of a loss so its ok if he doesnt resign.



Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Hello once again, thank you for tuning into TNA iMPACT! Tonight, and thank you for the fans that joined us last Sunday for the biggest TNA PPV in history, and yes, I do mean Bound for Glory! Mike Tenay, Don West, here ringside for your 60 Minute Adrenaline Rush! DW, I am speechless, we are right off the heels or Bound for Glory, where, yes, Sting indeed retained his TNA World Championship, I couldn’t believe my eyes!

West: I know Mike, when Sting made the Samoan “SUBMISSION†Machine tap out to the Scorpion, it was a huge moment in TNA History that I sure won’t forget. Mike, let me be the first to say, that right here tonight, Sting will be in the house, and rumor has it he has a huge announcement!

Tenay: I wonder what he has to say Don….

Sting’s music hits as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion comes down the ramp to a thunderous ovation.

Well Don, looks like my question has been answered, the Stinger is here! The Icon is LIVE in the iMPACT! Zone!

Sting: Thank you. Now I presume most of you saw TNA’s Biggest PPV of the year last Sunday, Bound for Glory? For those who didn’t, judging by the gold on my shoulder, you can probably paint your own picture. Yes, let me be the first to say that the Icon is still the TNA World Heavyweight champion!

Tenay: Well deserving as well, can’t forget that!

Sting: Last Sunday night was the perfect night for your’s truly. Mere nights before Bound for Glory, Samoa Joe made me tap out to the Kokina Clutch, I am not going to make up an excuse, he beat me, but Joe didn’t get the job done that night and that’s why I managed to get the BIG win over him on Sunday. It was magical, the electricity, the adrenaline, and most of all the 1…2…3! It was a night that I don’t want to forget, it was what I always wanted out of this business, and ladies and gentlemen here in the iMPACT! Zone and around the world, I am announcing that I am retiring from professional wrestling here tonight!

West: What!??!? Sting, don’t! You can’t!

Tenay: Is he serious Don? He is our world champ!

Sting: At 48 years old, the Stinger doesn’t have much fuel in the tank and I would hate for my career to end in this ring, if I keep going I might regret it, so…

Jim Cornette’s music hits as he comes down the ramp with his body guard Robert Roode.

Oh this is all Sting needs, I doubt Jim Cornette will have anything good to say!

Sting: Listen Jim, I am not here to start trouble…

Cornette: Sting, I never said you were, I am just simply out here to say thanks. You have given these fans a show like nobody else could, just the Bound for Glory classic alone.

Sting: Why thank you Jim.

Cornette: I never said that was the only reason why I am out here. You see Sting, I am out here to claim what isn’t your’s…anymore. You see if you leave TNA, I expect you to see this one coming, you need to hand over the TNA World’s Championship belt. I know it’s hard, but it’s even harder for me to do this, considering what you have done in the past 5 months, but Sting…

Sting holds the belt out in front of Cornette as the fans are screaming for his to stop.

: Sting, don’t do it!

Cornette is about to take the belt, but Sting grabs it and takes a few steps back.

Cornette: Sting, come on, you know this was going to happen when you made your final decision.

Sting: Cornette, yes, I knew, but you don’t know how hard it is for me right now! This World Championship has been my life for the past 5 months, and now to just give it up!

Cornette: Sting, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way, what way do you want to go out Sting? The honored veteran or the veteran that needs to be carried out of this ring not being able to stand on his own 2 feet?

Sting looks at his title and looks at Cornette. He tries again to give the belt to Cornette, but takes it back right away.

: Sting, I am giving you one more chance.

Sting: Jim, alright, here…

Sting hands the TNA World Championship to Jim Cornette and begins to walk out of the ring.

: Thank you Sting for being a gentlemen about this, but wait! Where are you going? You aren’t going anywhere until we give you your parting gift!

Tenay: Parting gift?

Sting: You got me something?

Cornette: Of course, it’s a little short notice, but I know exactly what to give you. Give me until the end of the show and I will whip something up that will blow your mind!

West: Oh I can’t wait to see what this is!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with the Fight for the Right Winner Lance Hoyt.

: Huge news from Sting, the sudden retirement of the Stinger has certainly sent shockwaves through this company already, I am standing here with the Fight for the Right Winner, Lance with Sting’s retirement announced, TNA is already pretty hectic, where do you Lance Hoyt stand in all of this?

Hoyt: Well Jeremy, let me be the first to thank Sting for everything he has done, paving the way for guys like me, but Jeremy I too am a little bummed out by this. You see I was going to cash in the Fight for the Right, right here tonight, I thought I would have put on one hell of a show with the Icon, but it looks to me like I am not going to be able too. Anyhow, tonight, I am just going to kick back, relax, and watch iMPACT! waiting for the right moment to cash this baby in and become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

Robert Roode walks past Hoyt with Jim Cornette heading to Cornette’s office.

: Well, well, well, look who it is!

Cornette: Fine, Robert, you stay here and play with your little friend, I have some business to attend to, so if you need me I will be in my office.

Roode: 10-4 Jimbo, as for you Lance Hoyt, why the hell are you running around like you are the hottest thing since sliced bread, crying your eyes out because you wanted to fight Sting right here tonight! If Sting didn’t retire, the has been that he is, you wouldn’t have the balls to fight him!

Hoyt: And you would Bobby? I think you should calm down before you blow a gasket.

Roode: Don’t talk back to Robert Roode, personal bodyguard of your boss, like that! And don’t you dare call me that again! I can take you right here right now, but unfortunately for you, I have to help Jim put Sting’s big parting gift together, so another place, another time, Hoyt!

Hoyt: You name it, and I will be your ass, right then, and right there!


The Naturals’ music hits as Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens come out of the tunnel.

Here are two men here Don that looked very good at Bound for Glory, but came up a little short in their quest for the TNA Tag Team Championships.

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come out of the tunnel.

Number One Contender’s Match for the TNA World Tag Team Championship
The Naturals vs. Team 3D

Chase Stevens and Brother Devon start the match. The fans are fully behind the Naturals chanting obscenities at Team 3D. Chase and Devon circle the ring then lock up. Devon gets Chase into a side headlock, but Chase pushes him forward against the ropes and when he bounces off Chase dropkicks him. Chase runs over and pins him 1…kickout! Chase sits Devon up and puts him in a half nelson. Brother Ray storms in off the apron and clubs him across the back breaking the hold. Brother Ray grabs Chase Stevens and sends him shoulder first into the steel ring post. Andy Douglas storms in and clotheslines Ray over the top rope. Brother Devon is right on his tail and sends him over the top rope. Chase Stevens re-emerges behind Brother Devon and drop kicks him over the top rope sending him to the outside. Brother Devon lands on top of Brother Ray. The crowd is cheering the Naturals on as Team 3D gets up, but Chase bounces off the ropes and suicide dives between the second and third ropes clobbering Team 3D on the outside. Chase gets up to a huge TNA! TNA! TNA! chant. Chase grabs Brother Devon and slides him into the ring, but Ray comes right after him and spins him around. Brother Ray is ready to pound him, but Chase points behind Ray. Brother Ray gullibly turns around and Andy Douglas shoots him down with a superkick. Chase Stevens climbs the turnbuckles and focuses on Devon. He is about to nail a big splash, but Devon gets up and climbs the turnbuckles. Devon delivers shots to Stevens and attempts a superplex, but Stevens counters and pushes him back first onto the mat. Andy Douglas climbs a nearby turnbuckle and lands a huge leg drop onto Brother Devon and then Chase Stevens follows up with a moosault. The Naturals get up and Brother Ray storms into the ring looking for a double clothesline, but the Naturals duck, set him up, then plant him with the Natural Disaster. They pick up Brother Ray and send him over the top rope. Devon gets up and goes for a double clothesline, but The Naturals pull down the top rope and Devon flies over the rope landing on the apron. Devon nails a double shoulder thrust to the Naturals and looks for a double suplex over the top rope onto the floor. He attempts, but the Naturals counter and double suplex Devon over the top rope into the ring. Devon springs up, not really knowing where he is, then lands himself right into the Natural Disaster. Chase pins him 1…2…Ray comes in, but Andy clotheslines him down…3!
WINNER: The Naturals

Tenay: Wow, The Naturals defeat Team 3D, what an upset for Team 3D here Don, now they are not in tag title contention, what can this mean for them now?

West: I don’t know Mike Tenay, all I know is that Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy better get ready, the Naturals might have their number!


Kristal is backstage with the TNA World Tag Team Champions Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy.

I am here with the TNA World Tag Team Champions Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy, whom successfully defended their Championships last Sunday at Bound for Glory in a 3 way match. Now gentlemen, you just saw the Naturals take care of Team 3D to rightfully take the crown of Number one Contenders for you championships, now the question is, can you defeat the Naturals in a 2 on 2 tag match, since at Bound for Glory Team 3D…

Cage: Listen toots, don’t even mention those fat pigs in the Instant Classic’s presence again! As far as they go, they aren’t even fit to clean my boots! The Naturals on the other hand are decent, on a lower level than us however, but the answer to your question Kristal…

Hardy: Simply Kristal, we can take them.

Cage: Wait, Jeff, do you mind? I was kind of answering Kristal’s question, have some decency, you see this is why you didn’t receive the ovation that your’s truly the Instant Classic got last Sunday, maybe you should let me talk, since I have the better skills, and handle business! Now sorry Kristal, you were saying…

Hardy: Hang on there dude, what is with the hostility man, chill out, all I was trying to do was answer the ladies question, and act like a gentleman, not like a jackass who can’t keep his big yap shut!

Kristal: Guys calm down!

Cage: No Kristal, don’t tell the Instant Classic to calm down, the Instant Classic is as calm as can be, tell the kite that he flew a little too high today!

Hardy: Hey watch it man!

Cage: Alright, alright, this is stupid, let’s let bygones, be bygones, and let’s just agree that I did get the bigger ovation last Sunday, alright? Done Deal? Good!

Hardy: You just don’t get it do you?

Hardy kind of laughs and storms of camera.

: Huh, looks like fame is getting to the kid’s head, it has to sooner or later…


VIDEO: Highlights of 6 Sides of Steel: Angle-Jarrett III, and the aftermath of the match

Tenay: Ladies and gentlemen, earlier this week on, we said that Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett were hospitalized due to their nasty fall from the Bound for Glory Stage, we have an update on both competitors. Don, we have learned that since Jeff Jarrett took Kurt Angle down, Jeff suffered mild effects, compared to Kurt Angle. Jeff Jarrett has several bumps and bruises, nothing too serious, but Kurt Angle is another story. He has excessive nerve trauma, a concussion, and a few broken ribs. Kurt Angle is expected to be out for about 1-2 months, Jeff Jarrett is said to be released from medical care as soon as next Wednesday!

West: Oh man, that means only one thing Mike, that means we will be seeing Jeff Jarrett next week right here on iMPACT!

Tenay: You read my mind Don!

Kid Kash’s music hits as Kid Kash returns to the iMPACT! Zone for the first time in nearly 4 years.

: Don here is a serious X-Division competitor, Kid Kash, the Notorious K.I.D. is back in TNA and we certainly felt his presence in the Fight for the Right last Sunday doing most of the damge!

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as Daniels and Primetime comes down the ramp.

Kid Kash vs. Christopher Daniels w/ Elix Skipper
Kash and Daniels circle the ring. They meet and lock up. Daniels twists Kash’s arm, but Kash rolls out of it and counters to twist Daniels’ arm. Kash lands and elbow to the shoulder of Kash and then follows with a back drop. Daniels gets up right away and get nailed with a dropkick. Kash covers Daniels 1…2...kickout! Kash picks up Daniels and goes for a hard chop, but Daniels ducks then counters with a chop of his own. Daniels headbutts Kash and whips him across the ring. Kash bounces off the ropes then Daniels nails him with a huge scoop slam into a pin 1…2…kickout! Daniels sits Kash up and connects with a heel kick to the spine and then a kick to the sternum. Back and fourth he connects with kicks, then Daniels bounces off the ropes and connects with a dropkick to Kash laying him out. Daniels covers him 1…2…kickout! Daniels picks Kash up and sets him up for the Angel’s Wings, but Kash flips him over his back. Kash runs and springboards off the ropes, connecting with a lionsault onto the Fallen Angel. He covers Daniels 1…2…kickout! Daniels gets up and Kash lays him out with an Insuguri. Kid Kash runs up the corner looking for a moonsault, but Primetime runs onto the apron and shoves Kash off the ropes onto the floor. The ref saw it and disqualifies Christopher Daniels.
WINNER: Kid Kash by DQ

Primetime starts arguing with the ref and Daniels goes after Kid Kash. Daniels nails Kash in the ribs with a heal kick then slides him into the ring. Daniels and Primetime start beating the hell out of Kid Kash. Elix Skipper superkicks Kid Kash and then Kash stumbles backwards right into an Angel’s Wings by Christopher Daniels.

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as the Fight for the Right Winner runs down the ramp.

: It’s Lance Hoyt! DW, Hoyt is here, defending his former partner Kid Kash!

Hoyt runs in and big boots Primetime. Daniels just freezes as Lance Hoyt turns towards him with a dangerous look in his eyes. Daniels smiles and prays for mercy. Hoyt smiles and helps Kid Kash up. Hoyt runs after Daniels, but Daniels ducks and runs under him but runs directly into an Insuguri by Kash, then Daniels turns around right into a Jack Knife Powerbomb by Lance Hoyt.

West: Have you ever seen so much raw power as powerful as Lance Hoyt? This guy is one of our greatest young stars here Mike, and now that he is reunited with Kid Kash, I think Lance Hoyt is unstoppable now!

Hoyt and Kash raise each other’s hands in victory then leave the ring.


Jeremy Borash is backstage in front of Jim Cornette’s office.

: JB, Jeremy Borash, backstage awaiting Jim Cornette to come out of his office so hopefully I can get a word on what this parting gift for Sting is here tonight…

The door opens and Jim Cornette walks out.

: Jeez, Jeremy, I can’t go anywhere anymore without someone breathing down my back these days. I can take a wild guess why you are standing here kid-o, it’s to find out what Sting’s big farewell gift is from TNA Wrestling, well the thing is, it’s supposed to be a secret, if I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret, but there is no rule in giving you hints is there?

JB: No of course not, what is it?

Cornette: Who ever said it was a what?

Jim Cornette walks away.

JB: What? Wait! Jim!



AJ Styles is in the locker room with Chris Harris. Chris Harris is taping his hands up, added to the bandages around his head from their brutal battle from Bound for Glory. Styles is hesitant to talk, but finally does.

: Listen Chris, I just wanted to tell you, that…last Sunday…

Harris: AJ, there is no need for explanation, it was what it was, and we put a clinic on out there.

AJ: Listen, Chris, I need to get this off my chest if you like it or not. For the past few months, I saw you as just another rookie who thinks he could hit it big off a guy like me, but the thing is, the Phenomenal AJ Styles was, for once, wrong. Wildcat, I was dead wrong. Last Sunday night, I put on a match with someone I didn’t know existed, you were a different man in that ring last Sunday Chris, and you know what, I respect the hell out of you, if someone can hold their own at Bound for Glory taking on the Phenomenal AJ Styles, then they are okay in my book.

Harris: Well thanks Styles, we did put on one hell of a match despite the hell both of us had to go through with each other leading up to it, it might have been all worth it, sounds pretty crazy though…

AJ: Speaking of crazy, I hear you are going out there to confront the Steiner Brothers? What, Chris, we just had a clinic on Sunday, if you call out the Steiners, they might just send you to a clinic by the end of the night!

Harris: Just like Bound for Glory Styles, I have a score to settle, and after our match, I got a reputation to hold up to with those fans, they want that Chris Harris, and I am more than happy to give it to them.

AJ: Well Chris, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…

Harris walks out of the locker room.

: Don, I can’t blame Chris Harris, the vicious beatdown of Chris Harris backstage at Bound for Glory last Sunday was horrible, I can’t wait to see Harris beat the lights out of the Steiner Brothers.

Harris: Mike, but it’s a 2 on 1, this isn’t going to be pretty!

Chris Harris’ music hits as the Wildcat comes down the ramp.

Alright, now listen, Steiner Brothers! I know you are back there. I want you guys to listen very, very, closely, because you guys are pretty big and stupid, you might be deaf too in your old age, but I want you to hear this! Last Sunday, when you two took the cheap shot and plowed me down backstage, I didn’t back down, I didn’t quit, I was almost crippled, almost had a concussion, but you know what, you didn’t see me back out of my match, I couldn’t even see straight and I went out there and had the best match of my life! I even came out tonight, I am not cleared to compete, but I am here calling you guys out! My point is, if you tried to put the Cat down, you didn’t finish the job! Come out, big, bad, Steiner Brothers, I thought you two meat heads always finish what you start!

Scott Steiner’s music hits as Scott Steiner comes out of the tunnel.

: Well DW, there’s Big Scott Steiner, but my question is, where is Rick?

Harris: Wow, you must really underestimate me, you didn’t even bring the second stooge out here?

Rick Steiner’s music hits as Rick comes out of the opposite tunnel.

: Uh oh, they have got Harris cornered here Mike!

Harris: Finally, how about both of you come down here and show me why people think you are great! Let’s see the real Steiner Brothers! Come on!

Scott signals to Rick across the iMPACT! Zone and both men walk down the ramps and into the ring. Scott laughs the whole time and Rick barks his way down.

: Okay, this is far enough, don’t be crazy Harris! Someone needs to get him out of there, he is an injured man, he should have never stepped through those ropes!

Harris tells them to bring it. The Steiner Brothers smile and close in on Harris. All of a sudden Chris Harris slides a lead pipe out of the side of his boot.

: Is that a lead pipe Mike Tenay?!?!? What? I think Harris just might be insane!

Harris takes a swing at Rick, but Rick ducks and slides out of the ring. Scott is practically frozen, but charges Harris anyway. Harris ducks and then turns and attempts to strike Steiner with the pipe, but Rick pulls Steiner out of the ring dodging the pipe.

: You know what, I am glad this was stopped, no telling what kind of damage Harris could have done, but it’s not like the Steiners wouldn’t have deserved it!


The X-Division Champion “Black Machismo†Jay Lethal is backstage.

: Listen, you are, ohhh, looking at the new TNA X-Division Champ, yeaaaa, and I am issuing an open challenge right here next week on iMPACT!, whoever has the grapefruits to answer will indeed get a title shot with the One and Only, Black Machismo, oooohhh yeeeeaaaa Dig It!


Monty Brown’s music hits as the Alpha Male comes down the ramp.

Abyss’ music hits as Monster Abyss makes his way to the ring.

: Well this has certainly been the most heated rivalry as of late. He has Black Hole Slammed Monty Brown for several weeks until Bound for Glory last Sunday when Monty Brown actually countered the Black Hole Slam, and then DDT’d Monster Abyss face first into glass and tacks winning the Monster’s Ball.

Monty Brown vs. Abyss
Abyss charges at Monty Brown, but Brown ducks and backs Abyss back into the corner and delivers several shots to Abyss. Brown connects with several shoulder thrusts to the gut of the Monster and then whips him into an opposite corner. Brown charges him, but Abyss moves and Brown eats turnbuckle. Brown bounces off and connects with a back drop onto the Alpha Male. Abyss pins Brown 1…2…kickout! Abyss sits Brown up and delivers a big boot shooting Brown back down. Abyss steps on Brown’s chest pinning him 1…2…kickout! Abyss picks up Brown but Brown shoots him with forearm shots to the face and then nails him with right and left jabs. Brown knees him in the got and connects with a double under hook suplex. Abyss hits the mat then rolls back up and Brown connects with a running shoulder block. Abyss gets up still, but Brown grabs him then connects with a belly to belly on the Monster. Brown pins Abyss 1…kickout! Brown takes Abyss up and slams his head onto the top turnbuckle. Brown takes Abyss and puts him on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up as well and connects with 10 shots onto the skull of Abyss. He sets Abyss up for a superplex, but Abyss blocks then flips Brown over him and Brown crumbles to the outside floor. Abyss climbs down and stands on the apron. Brown gets up and Abyss nails a running hammer drop onto Brown’s back. Abyss takes Brown by the head and slams him against the ring post then slides him back into the ring. Abyss rolls into the ring and covers Brown 1…2…kickout! Abyss starts choking Brown by the throat and the ref breaks the hold at 4. Abyss brings Brown up and hoists him up then plants him down with a Gorilla Press. Abyss signals for the Black Hole Slam, and walks towards Brown. Brown plays possum and connects with the roll up pin 1…2…kickout! Brown pulls Abyss into the middle of the ring and slaps on an armbar onto the Monster. Abyss starts to panic, but then manages to get the foot on the bottom rope breaking the hold. Brown pulls Abyss up and throws him across the ring looking for the Pounce, but Brown doesn’t fly back, but remains there, and then Abyss bounces off the ropes then Monty Brown nails Monster Abyss with Abyss’ own Black Hole Slam! He covers Abyss 1…2…3!
WINNER:Monty Brown

Tenay: What?!?!? Monty Brown has just defeated Abyss one on one defeating him with Abyss’ own finisher! This is amazing Don!

West: Yes, for weeks Brown came up on the short end of the Black Hole Slam, but now the tables turned!

Brown laughs then walks up the ramp.

: Don’t go anywhere, Jim Cornette is on his way out here for Sting’s Farewell Gift from TNA! Don, I still can’t believe Sting is retiring!


Jim Cornette’s music hits as the Head of TNA Management Jim Cornette walks out of the tunnel mysteriously without Robert Roode. Jim Cornette is carrying a rather large box.

West: Something must be up here Mike, Cornette never goes anywhere without Robert Roode, this must be a setup!

Tenay: I seriously doubt this, but what is Jim Cornette is actually doing something nice Don? I mean the man does have a present with him! I wonder what it could be!

Cornette: Alright, ladies and gentlemen, you know why I am out here, so without further a due, for possibly the final time, I give you the Legendary “Icon†Sting!!!

Sting’s music hits as Sting lowers from the rafters one last time and lands in the ring right next to Jim Cornette.

Cornette: Thanks for dropping in Sting. Now, Sting, we were all shattered at the announcement of your retiring earlier this evening, and I am damn glad I had the past hour to ravage something up for you as a Parting gift in such a short amount of time, because it looks to me like you are all about surprises, didn’t say a peep about this to anyone, so looks to me like everything is going your way, well I am glad. I am also glad to give you this…open it.

Cornette hands Sting the box. Sting opens it fast and pulls out the TNA World’s Championship belt.

Tenay: It’s the TNA World’s title Don!

Sting: What the hell is this Cornette, you just made me give this up earlier tonight, this is a very nice gesture giving me the belt as the parting gift…

Cornette: I never said that the belt was the parting gift. As a matter of fact, earlier tonight, I said to JB that the parting gift wasn’t even a “what.â€

West: What is he getting at here Mike?

Sting: Listen Cornette, I never wanted a parting gift in the first place, if you came out here and just wanted to screw with me, I would have left after I made the announcement, I don’t need to go out with you belittling me! Now if you’ll excuse me…

Cornette: Sting, I haven’t given you your parting gift yet! Come back here!

Sting takes a deep breath and walks back to Cornette.

Sting: Let’s make this quick then…

Cornette: Well Stinger, earlier we said that the Stinger has always been about surprises, and that everything always goes your way, so I thought we would change that up, you know, you don’t want to go out the exact same way you came in right? This has to stand out and boy, will it ever! You see last Sunday night you put on a huge main event with Samoa Joe. It was such a great match that, yea, I would like to bring out Samoa Joe right now to be a part of this, that was a fantastic match Sting and he deserves this…

Sting: Um, okay Cornette…

Samoa Joe’s music hits as the Samoan Submission Machine comes to the ring.

Sting: Samoa Joe, I guess I am glad to have you here, I still don’t see what Jim is getting at…what the hell is this parting gift Cornette, I am getting tired, something is going on here and I want to know what!

Cornette: Well, it’s simple, your parting gift is…

Samoa Joe stands behind Joe then delivers a low blow kick to Sting.

Cornette: Your parting gift is witnessing the era that was supposed to begin last Sunday! However you ruined it! You killed this company momentum Sting! Kick the hell out of this has been Joe!

Joe stomps the hell out of Sting and then sits him up and locks in a headlock facing Cornette.

Cornette: Listen, Stinger, I wanted you to witness first hand, this is your territory isn’t it, surprises, right? Well how is that for a surprise!!?!?!? I wanted you to witness the dawning of the new era of TNA, and at the head of that era is none other…

Jim Cornette hands the TNA World’s title to Samoa Joe.

Cornette: …than the new TNA World’s Heavyweight Champion, the Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe!!!

The crowd boos violently as Samoa Joe kicks Sting down and puts Sting in the Scorpion Death Lock, Sting’s signature submission hold.

Tenay: This is turning my stomach Don! This is terrible, Sting is a legend in this business and I can’t believe this alliance that has formed, Cornette crowning Joe the new TNA Champion? Spare me!

Joe locks in the Scorpion even deeper and Cornette gets on the mat in Sting’s face and holds the TNA World title real close to Sting’s face and talks trash to him. Cornette and Joe stand up and raise each other’s hands as they have removed Sting permanently from TNA Wrestling.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Best Match: The Naturals vs Team 3D

Worst Promo: n/a

Best Promo: Cornette and Sting last one

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Great show with a shocking ending and I can't wait to see where you go with Sting and Samoa Joe angle see if Sting comes back or if he just leaves. I'm looking foward to your next show.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Naturals vs. Team 3D

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Cornette's surprise to Sting (ending one)

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedback: Now, this is one is a phenomenal night imo! Sting will retire and it really made excite after what Joe and Cornette have done on the champ! Are we going to witness a passing of the torch moment between the Stinger and Joe? But I also sense/predict that Hoyt will get involved here.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Monty Brown vs Abyss


BP: The final one with Cornette giving the title to Joe


AC: Another great show. It is amazing to see that the thread is not dead, lol. The future is seemingly wide and exciting and a variety of options from Sting and Samoa Joe and their feud.


May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Nashville, TN
Here’s your Review

The Naturals vs. Team 3D

Wow domination by the Naturals at the end. I liked this match; It was a fast paced and even flowing match to start off your show with. I couldn’t see any real problems with the match as the match was solid. This was my MOTN.

Kid Kash vs. Christopher Daniels w/ Elix Skipper

Ok I saw a few problems with this match, the match pace moved way to quickly as there wasn’t rest periods to help build the anticipation for the finish. As the reader, I personally lost interest in this match regardless of the DQ finish. I would suggest including some sort of rest period (or just write the match in a slower pace before speeding back up) in between matches like this, because it will help build the anticipation for the finish. Other then that The match was solid as both Daniels and Kash got in their respected offense and you didn’t over use one or the other to much in the match.

Monty Brown vs. Abyss

The only problem I had in this match was that I trouble telling the face and heel apart. One thing that you could do would be to tell how the crowd reacts to the wrestlers during the match. Do they chant anything, do they boo someone, do either of the wrestlers yell at the crowd and piss them off or try to feed off them when their backs are against the wall? IMO if you type out one or two spots during the match with crowd involvement, it would strengthen the overall structure of your match. Other then that I enjoyed this match.

Overall I think It was solid show, I would suggest you try one of my suggestions next show and see how you like it.

8/ 10



Official Preview Guide:

Total iMPACT!
Focus Point of the Week:
Last Thursday night on iMPACT! was one of the most surprising moments in Professional Wrestling history, according to Jim Cornette and Samoa Joe, but to the rest of the wrestling world, it can only be defined by the word “tragedy.†Last Thursday the Icon, and then World Heavyweight Champion, Sting, came to the ring fresh off his victory against Samoa Joe at Bound for Glory for a special promo for the fans. What the fans, nor anyone else, knew, that Sting was actually announcing his retirement from Professional Wrestling. He shocked the fans, superstars, and everyone else backstage, especially Jim Cornette, whom stripped Sting of the TNA World Championship, then promised Sting to stick around because he had a parting gift from TNA Wrestling, but needed some time to get it together. He later came out and handed Sting a present containing the World Heavyweight Championship belt. He claimed the present wasn’t the belt. He then brought out Samoa Joe to witness this moment in history because of the legendary match they put on at Bound for Glory. Jim Cornette told Sting to watch, as Joe came from behind and hit him below the belt. Jim Cornette proclaimed Samoa Joe as the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion and said it was a dawning of a new era. Joe put Sting in the Scorpion Death Lock as a final kick in the face. Now that Sting is gone from TNA Wrestling, and Samoa Joe is manning the wheel, what is going to become of TNA?


Main Event:
Jeff Hardy w/ Christian Cage vs. Andy Douglas w/ Chase Stevens

Samoa Joe’s Championship Celebration

Jay Lethal’s X-Division Championship Open Challenge

Lance Hoyt vs. Primetime Elix Skipper

Chris Harris goes for Round 2 with the Steiner Brothers

Jeff Jarrett will be live in the iMPACT! Zone for the first time since Bound for Glory

Monty Brown lays a challenge out to Abyss

TNG: Total Non-Stop Gossip :
Rhino is said to not be happy backstage. He was late to the iMPACT! taping last week which didn’t make TNA Management happy, plus he said he wasn’t going to be there this week due to some unknown circumstance.

Jeff Jarrett is not cleared to compete yet due to his wounds still healing.

Kurt Angle is still in extensive medical care.

Robert Roode is having family difficulties, don’t expect to see him on iMPACT! this week next to Jim Cornette.

Senshi and Team 3D have both asked for their release from the company, more on this will be available as news comes in.


Holy Cow! I totally forgot about this with all that time off! Ugghh! :ranting:

LOL, anyways, Ill have to be reading up on the last shows. Prolly wont have time for a review, but Ill definetly be reading to see why in the hell Angle is in medical care and Team 3D released? Joe the champion? O god! lol, Great preview as always man. Hope you can keep this up weekly now.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
I still couldn't believe Joe is the new TNA champ! Sting should beat his ass before he retires, lol.... the preview looks good and so does the Gossips... it adds some info for next week's show!

The Rated R CMStar

Great preview. Damn, you fire a lot of guys and there will also be a lot of abscenses. Curious to see what happens with Rhino, Senshi and Team 3-D. Poor Robert Roode. The Open Challenge should also kick ass