
Jim Cornette stands dead center in the ring with a mic in hand. There are balloons and confetti all over the ring.
Tenay: Oh Don, we kick off this week’s iMPACT! with a man whom I thought couldn’t get any lower than he was already, that’s right I am talking about Jim Cornette!
Cornette: Alright, now you animals in the crowd shut your traps, and show some respect to the director of TNA Management! Now, I would like present to you, your new TNA World Heavyweight Champion…The Samoan Submission Machine…Samoa Joe!
Samoa Joe’s music hits as the New TNA World Champion comes down the ramp.
Samoa Joe walks into the ring with his shiny new TNA World Heavyweight Championship belt and holds it high in front of the crowd while getting a horrible reception from the fans.
Cornette: Samoa Joe, congratulations, congrats on being the TNA World Champion, congrats on coming to me on such short notice last week, and congrats on putting this whole plan together!
Joe: Well Jim, I would like to thank you, because many of these idiots in the iMPACT! Zone don’t know it, but without the genius of this man right here, none of this would have been possible. May I add, that now I am the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, you will see matches that won’t put you to sleep, you will see matches that you would have never seen before, and you will see a champion that this company has never had! Jim Cornette said it best, it’s quite simple, Samoa Joe, the new TNA Champion, means one thing, well in reality, it means two, one more money, and two, the new era. You see, TNA has been in this slump, TNA needed saving. It need saving from the Kurt Angle’s, the Christian Cage’s, and most of all, the Sting’s. You see, it was destiny that Sting retired, because all TNA needed was that small opening, and before I knew it, I was talking to Jim Cornette backstage last week and everything fell into place. I am going to make TNA my personal playground, there’s nothing…
SoCal Val comes into the ring with a telegram and hands it to Jim Cornette.
Joe: Who the hell let this tramp interrupt the greatest segment in this show’s history, and what the hell is that? Get her out of here!
SoCal Val runs out of the ring crying as Jim Cornette opens the envelope and starts reading it.
Joe: What is that Cornette? Speak up!
Cornette: Oh, it’s nothing Joe, keep going.
Joe: No, I want to know what was so important that it interrupted my speech…
Joe yanks it from the hands of Cornette and starts reading it.
Joe: What the hell is this Cornette? Oh is this that new acquisition you mentioned at Bound for Glory? (continues reading) So this chump has signed with TNA huh? …Coming to iMPACT!? When? Why doesn’t it say his name Jim? What the hell is going on, the TNA World Champion has a right to know!
Cornette: Joe, TNA has signed someone, and that man is going to debut next week on iMPACT! I am sorry for this interruption, I just needed confirmation that he agreed to debut next week, I wanted the news as soon as possible…
Joe: Well, looks like it was the worst possible time, who is this guy? You know what? Don’t tell me, as TNA Champion, I am going to handle this by myself. I am taking things into my own hands, this guy thinks he is so damn important to ruin my segment, I am going to ruin his, you watch Cornette, next week, when this guy wants to show his face finally, I will be there to rain on his parade…
Joe storms out of the ring.
Cornette: No Joe! Wait, it’s not like that!
Tenay: Looks like Joe’s parade just got rained on, and Joe is not happy!
West: What I want to know is who is this mystery man!
Tenay: Well Don, iMPACT! has kicked off with a bang, what else is going to happen tonight!?!?!?
Jeremy Borash is backstage with “Wildcat†Chris Harris.
JB: Jeremy Borash backstage with “Wildcat†Chris Harris and Chris last week was a bit of a shocker to the fans, most think Chris Harris is showing a different side of him lately, can you enlighten us?
Harris: Well Jeremy it’s quite simple to understand, at Bound for Glory I had the best match of my career, I put it on the line and went balls out, and the fans really enjoyed it, now I am dedicated to making the fans happy, so in order to do that, the Wildcat is living on the edge, living for the moment. I proved it last week, a lot of people thought the Steiners would destroy me in a 2 on 1 situation, but I thought ahead, I am not as stupid as the Steiners think. Jeremy right here tonight, I am going out there once again, I am not going to stop until I get my hands on the Steiners!
JB: You sound serious here Chris, don’t get too over your head!
Harris: Jeremy, you should have told me that a long time ago, because there’s no turning back, I am going to show everyone just how wild this wildcat really is!
Harris walks away and AJ Styles walks into the shot.
AJ: JB, I just don’t understand sometimes, he is going to get himself killed, but I understand where he is coming from, he has unfinished business, and so do I, keep watching the show Jeremy and you’ll see what I am talking about…
AJ Styles walks away.
JB: Unfinished business?
Triple X’s music hits as Christopher Daniels accompanies Elix Skipper to the ring.
Tenay: Well Mike, here is one of the most legendary teams in TNA’s history, but the legend might end here tonight, Elix Skipper is taking on one of the most unstoppable forces in TNA today, the Fight for the Right Winner Lance Hoyt!
Lance Hoyt’s music hits as Lance Hoyt comes down the ramp with Kid Kash.
Elix Skipper w/ Christopher Daniels vs. Lance Hoyt w/ Kid Kash
Skipper is in his corner talking to Daniels when Hoyt charges Skipper and nails a running shoulder thrust into the gut of Primetime. Hoyt keeps it in and lifts Skipper up then powers him down with a spinebuster. Hoyt screams towards Daniels and nails a leg drop in Skipper. He covers Skipper 1…2…kickout! Hoyt lifts Skipper up, but Skipper battles back with leg kicks to the knees of the big man then delivers a kick to the back of the knee grounding the big man to one knee. Skipper bounces off the ropes then dropkicks the spine of Hoyt. Skipper covers Hoyt 1…2…kickout! Skipper grabs one of Hoyt’s legs and puts him in a half Boston Crab. The ref focuses on Lance Hoyt while Primetime grabs the ropes for added leverage. Kid Kash shakes his head and continues to cheer Hoyt on. Hoyt gets to the bottom rope breaking the hold. Skipper lets go and kicks Hoyt in the ribs and Lance rolls out of the ring. Kid Kash runs around the ring to where Hoyt is and makes Daniels back up. Kash helps Hoyt up. Primetime springboards from the ring onto Lance Hoyt and Kid Kash. They catch Primetime and Christopher Daniels runs towards them. Hoyt and Kash throw Primetime onto Daniels and Daniels goes down. Hoyt grabs Primetime by the head and hoists him up on his shoulder. He rams him spine first into the ring post and then powerslams him on the outside floor.
Tenay: This is the power we are talking about, plus the danger that just surrounds Hoyt is just remarkable, this man is going to be somebody!
Daniels gets up and Kash tackles him over the barricade. Hoyt grabs Skipper and slides him into the ring. Skipper stumbles around and turns around and Hoyt charges him going for the big boot, but Skipper ducks. Hoyt stops, turns around, and then gets nailed with a DDT from Skipper. Skipper covers Hoyt 1…2…kickout! Skipper spots Kash destroying Daniels in the stands and runs after him. Skipper jumps the barricade and blindsides Kash. As soon as Hoyt gets his senses back he runs after Skipper. Hoyt jumps the barricade and Skipper turns around only to get big booted by Lance Hoyt. A fan hands a chair to Hoyt and Lance clocks Daniels across the skull with the chair. Hoyt smiles and shakes his head. He puts Skipper on his shoulders and walks back over the barricade, and throws him through the second and third ropes back into the ring. Hoyt grabs Primetime and power bombs him dead center in the ring. Hoyt climbs the turnbuckles and then shoots for the moonsault and nails it onto Skipper. He covers Skipper 1…2…3!
WINNER: Lance Hoyt
Tenay: And the streak continues Don! Lance Hoyt is unstoppable!
Kash climbs over the barricade and meets up with Lance Hoyt. They walk up the ramp celebrating their victory looking at Primetime motionless in the ring and Daniels bloodied in the crowd.
West: I don’t know if TNA is able to contain these men Mike!
Kristal is backstage with Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy. Cage and Hardy are already arguing amongst themselves.
Kristal: Gentlemen, stop it, we are on! I am backstage here with Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy, the TNA World Tag Team Champions! Now tonight, you are going to get a taste of the number one contender the Naturals as Jeff Hardy takes on Andy Douglas, what is going through your mind Jeff?
Jeff: Well…
Cage: Hey, hey, hey, I am the one with the mic skills in this relationship, so let me do what I do best! Listen, Andy Douglas vs. Jeff Hardy is going to be a great match no doubt, but let me tell you about next week, when I go one on one with Chase Stevens, the fans are going to love seeing the Instant Classic beat the hell out of that wannabe, they are going to cheer so loud for Captain Charisma, I am going to get the Rock Star Reception, just like I always do, Kristal, did you see me at Bound for Glory…
Hardy: Excuse me, first of all, she was talking to me, and second of all, did you say Rockstar Reception? If there’s anyone that knows Rockstar Receptions, it’s me!
Cage: Oh yea Jeff, like you attract a crowd! I attract women and men alike, I am just love by all my peeps out there, it’s not even funny, maybe if you got some peeps and pulled you half of this team, maybe…
Hardy: Hold up, hold up, are you saying I don’t have any fans? What the hell? Why I…
Cage and Hardy continue arguing.
Kristal: Well while these guys settle their differences, if they can, let’s send it back to Mike and Don!
Tenay: Woa, Don, did you see that? Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy, mere days ago were working like a well oiled machine, what happened?
West: In my personal opinion Mike, Christian has re-discovered tag team fame, it’s gone to his head fast! I know what you mean, the TLC at No Surrender, the 3 way at Bound for Glory, it’s hard to believe how far these guys have come!
Tenay: Never the less, right here tonight Don, it’s the return, I know you have been dreading this, and so have I, it’s the return of the King of the Mountain, Jeff Jarrett.
West: Oh jeez Mike, that I can’t wait for, also coming up next, it’s Jay Lethal’s Open X-Division Championship Challenge, don’t go anywhere!
Monty Brown is backstage.
Brown: The Serengeti hasn’t been good lately, as a matter of fact, it’s been great. The little Alpha Boys and Alpha Girls praise the Alpha Male for finally taking down the Monster Abyss! That half Blue, chain crunching, dribble yelling, animal can’t compare to the Alpha Male in any way. The Serengeti praises their leader for defeating the one they call Abyss last week, I defeated his wide ass with his own Black Hole Slam! However, he still lives, the Alpha Male devours it’s prey, so Abyss, I am making the challenge, at Genesis, you and me, in what I like to call a Serengeti Survival Match! That’s right, may the best man win and sit atop the food chain here in TNA! No rules, do what you have to do, to remain at the top! Abyss, it’s your call, are you man enough to answer the Alpha Male’s challenge? I am giving you one week Abyss, just one week!
Tenay: Serengeti Survival? Don that sounds heavily in Monty Brown’s favor!
Jay Lethal’s music hits as the X-Division Champion Black Machismo comes down the ramp.
West: Mike, it’s time for Jay Lethal’s open challenge for the X-Division Championship, who can the challenger be?
Lethal: Oh brother, I am a fighting champion, ohhhh, and brother, my first obstacle is right here tonight, Black Machismo’s Open Challenge! Yeeeaaaaa, DIG IT!
Motor City Machine Guns’ music hits as Chris Sabin comes down the ramp.
Tenay: Well Don this is interesting! Chris Sabin, one half of the Motor City Machine Guns! This is going to be a great match up!
West: Two pure X-Division stars going at it for the gold, what more can you want?
X-Division Championship
Jay Lethal* vs. Chris Sabin
Sabin and Lethal circle around the ring and lock up. They put the pressure back and fourth until Lethal over powers Sabin and puts him in a headlock. Sabin attempts to counter with a backdrop, but Lethal counters and lands on his feet. Lethal shoots Sabin across the ring and Sabin bounces back. Lethal bends over looking to fling Sabin up, but Sabin stops then delivers a straight kick to the face of Black Machismo then connects with a swinging neckbreaker. Sabin quickly covers Lethal 1…kickout! Sabin pulls Lethal up and knees him in the gut. Sabin attempts a suplex, but Lethal blocks it and shifts to Sabin’s back and attempts a German Suplex, but Sabin lands on his feet. Sabin hooks him and attempts his own German, but Lethal elbows him in the face. Lethal spins him around and plants him down with a DDT. Lethal covers Sabin 1…2…kickout! Lethal gets up and drops a knee right on the throat of Sabin. Lethal picks Sabin up and puts him in the corner. Lethal connects with hard chops and then nails a huge high kick to the chin of Sabin and Chris crashes to the mat. Lethal stands facing the corner and goes for a springboard moonsault off the top rope onto Sabin, but Sabin gets the knees up crushing the ribs of Lethal. Sabin rolls Lethal over and covers him 1…2…kickout! Sabin puts Lethal in a chinlock. Lethal struggles but gets up nailing Sabin in the ribs with elbows. Lethal springs across the ring and back connecting with a flying clothesline on Sabin. Lethal points to the corner for the Elbow Drop. He runs over and climbs up the turnbuckles. Sabin springs up and jumps onto the top tunbuckle where Lethal is and begins to hammer down blows. Sabin sets him up and plants him to the mat with a superplex. Sabin rolls over and covers Jay Lethal 1…2…Lethal kicks out at the last second. Sabin picks up Lethal and sizes him up then hoists him onto his shoulders. He is ready to nail Lethal with the Cradle Shock, but Lethal slips out the back and then nails Sabin with the Lethal Combination. He covers Sabin 1…2…3!
WINNER: still X-Division Champion Jay Lethal
Tenay: Jay Lethal successfully defends his X-Title against Chris Sabin in his first open challenge, congratulations; this is a champion like we have never seen before Don!
West: Well he isn’t X-Division Champ for nothing Mike Tenay!
Chris Harris’ music hits as the Wildcat comes down the ramp.
Tenay: Here’s is one of the craziest superstars I have ever seen in the six sided ring Don, this man has had a transformation since Bound for Glory!
West: Mike, last week you saw Harris surprise the Steiners with a lead pipe, I am afraid of what he is going to do this week!
Harris: Now I have heard a lot of things lately, about Chris Harris, Chris Harris has gone locko, Chris Harris is out of his mind, Chris Harris is going to kill us all! Now I am not telling you that you are wrong, but ever since Bound for Glory, I will tell you this, never say never! Ever since my match with AJ, I haven’t been the same. I have been to the top, now I know what it’s like, and now that fans know what it’s like with Harris in the lime light, and both I, and the fans…like it. I just gave you a taste last week. Who in their right mind would call out both Rick and Scott Steiner, no one that’s not a complete maniac, with the exception of this wildcat! However, it didn’t go the way I wanted it to, I didn’t get the job done. You see, that brings me to why I am out here now, I want to finish the job, call me crazy I don’t care, but Steiners! Come on out, I am calling you out!
Scott Steiner’s music hits as the Steiner Brothers come out of the tunnel and walk into the ring.
Scott: Now listen up punk ass, me and my brother, the dog faced gremlin, Rick Steiner, are particularly happy with your attitude, and your lack of respect that you are showing us these days!
Harris: Well Scottie, you should have thought of that before you blindsided me at Bound for Glory…
Scott: Listen, you don’t remember Harris you got me suspended from this company, I am sorry if that beating me and my brother Rick, along with your on and off boyfriend AJ Styles clogged your memory tuff guy!
Harris: Listen, you struck a fan, that ain’t my problem, Scott you got yourself suspended! Stop beating around the bush, we know we have a score to settle, so let’s go! Come on!
Scott: Boy, listen, last week we just got out of the ring, we gave the rookie the break, you seriously think you can fend for yourself against the legendary Steiner Brothers? Listen kid-o, you might call yourself crazy, but I call you dead ass stupid!
Harris: Scott, maybe if you got the cotton balls out of your mouth maybe I could actually have understood a damn thing you said right there!
Rick sneaks up behind Harris.
Scott: Hey punkass, I have just about had it up to here with you, I can’t stand you, I think you need some pills because you are on your way to the looney hospital…
Rick takes a shot at Harris. Harris turns around magically and catches the shot from Rick. Scott charges at Harris, but Harris nails a back elbow shot to the face of Scott. Chris nails Rick with a big boot. Both Steiners are on their knees and retreat to opposite corners of the ring. Harris laughs then pulls out the lead pipe from the side of his boot.
West: Oh lord Mike, it’s the lead pipe again, is that thing bigger or is it just me???
Scott and Rick look at each other then slide out of the ring with a huge ovation of boos from the crowd. Harris screams at them as they walk up the ramp and Harris smacks the top rope with the pipe in anger.
Tenay: Maybe he is as crazy as he says he is Don!
Jeff Jarrett opening the door from the parking lot into the iMPACT! Zone.
Tenay: Oh Don, looks like our worst nightmare has arrived, Jeff Jarrett is here, and is is going to be live in the iMPACT! Zone, get ready for a gloating session like no other!
The Naturals’ music hits as Chase Stevens accompanies Andy Douglas to the ring.
Jeff Hardy’s music hits as half of the TNA World Tag Champs comes down to the ring.
Tenay: Gee Don, I don’t see Christian with Hardy on this one!
West: Maybe it has something to do with that heated confrontation not only last week, but at the beginning of this broadcast as well!
Jeff Hardy vs. Andy Douglas w/ Chase Stevens
Jeff Hardy starts clapping to get the fans behind him and then locks up with Andy. Andy nails Jeff in the gut and then belly to belly’s him. Jeff gets up and Andy arm drags him into an arm lock. Jeff gets up and spins him arm then twists Andy’s arm behind him. Andy turns it around also and hip tosses Jeff to the mat. Jeff springs up and Andy nails him in the gut. Andy springs off the ropes and nails a running DDT on Hardy. Andy covers Hardy 1…kickout! Andy sits Jeff up and sizes him up, then shoots for a axe kick to the back of the head, but Jeff ducks, springs up, turns Andy back around, then nails Andy with a faceplant. Jeff picks up the legs of Andy looking for his double leg drop, but Andy pushes his legs and shoots Hardy into the corner. Andy gets up and nails a running flying knee to the chin of Hardy in the corner then nails him down with a bulldog. Andy covers Hardy 1…2…kickout! Andy drags Hardy by the leg to the corner and positions the steel ring post in between the legs of Hardy. He takes one leg and slams it off the post, then he takes the other and slams it off the ring post as well.
Christian Cage runs down the ramp with the tag belt in hand on the opposite side of the ring.
Cage is automatically stopped by the ref. Andy grabs a chair from underneath the ring and crushes Hardy’s knee with it against the ring post. Hardy screams in agony. Cage is furious. Andy slides into the ring and covers Hardy. The ref runs over and counts 1…2…kickout! Andy can’t believe it. Andy gets up and picks Hardy up, but Hardy counters with a jaw breaker. Chase gets on the ring apron, but Cage trips him off. Hardy climbs the turnbuckles and nails the Swanton on Douglas. He covers Andy 1…2…3!
WINNER: Jeff Hardy
Tenay: Well looks like Hardy and Cage are on the same page after all!
Hardy and Cage stare each other down in the ring.
West: Wait Mike, it looks like it’s going to go down any second now!
Cage extends his hand to Hardy and Hardy pauses. He looks to his left, then his right, then extends his hand out and they shake and Cage raises Hardy’s arm in victory.
Tenay: Don, Cage and Hardy are back, they are on the same page!
Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes down the ramp.
Tenay: We knew he was coming Don, yes, it’s true the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett is live on your TV screen right now. It has been two weeks, at Bound for Glory, where Jarrett took himself and Kurt Angle over the edge of the stage and crashed into some stage equipment, since Jarrett landed on top of Angle, he didn’t have that serious of injuries, but Angle is another story. Reported of TNAwrestling.com Kurt is still under extensive care!
Jarrett: Aren’t you glad to see me??? The King of the Mountain is back on the top, that’s right! Mike Tenay, get your professor ass on up here, I want you to interview me, come get up in this ring!
Tenay: Oh gee Don, I should have seen this one coming, I will be right back.
Mike Tenay gets up and takes his headset off and picks up a mic and walks to the ring.
Tenay: Alright Jarrett, let’s get to talking, what the hell were you thinking at Bound for Glory, faking a serious neck injury, only to dupe Kurt Angle into helping you up the ramp on a stretcher, then busting out and sending both of you off the ramp? Jarrett! That’s low even for you!
Jarrett: Mike, I am sorry you feel that way, but I didn’t even come out here to talk about that…but since you brought it up…
West: Oh here we go!
Jarrett: Mike Tenay, even Don West, sitting on his fatass over there, and all you fans, listen to the King of the Mountain speak! The Olympic Hero, your TNA Savior, your Olympic Gold Medalist, at Bound for Glory, was taken to the absolute limit, by me! The legendary rubber match, Angle and Jarrett 3, some say there was no winner, when in reality, there was a definite winner and a sure fire loser! I won, Angle lost!
Tenay: Where is it your place to make that conclusion??!?!?
Jarrett: Well Mike, you don’t see Kurt mumbling around in this ring now do you? You see, sure I might not have gotten the 1…2…3, but I sure got the W 2 weeks ago. Let’s face it, Kurt was the best TNA had to offer, I beat him, some might have said Sting was the best, but you don’t see him here either! I am not only the King of the Mountain, Mike, I am the King of TNA!
AJ Styles’ music hits as the Phenomenal One comes down the ramp.
Jarrett: AJ what the hell are you doing here, you came to kiss my feet didn’t you, I am the King…
AJ: Shut the hell up! King of TNA? Jeff are you serious? Listen here King of TNA, there is only one man that rules and embodies TNA, the absolute soul of this company, he isn’t Kurt Angle, he isn’t Sting, and he sure as hell ain’t Jeff Jarrett. He is Mr. TNA, he is Phenomenal, and he is AJ Styles!
Jarrett: You came out here to start something with me Styles? These people are tired of this kid, we did our thing years ago, stop living in the past! Nobody wants to see me kick you ass again right?
AJ: Jarrett if there is going to be any kicking, I will kick you straight in the jaw to shut your yap so you can stop suffering from diarrhea of the mouth!
West: What a verbal onslaught by Styles!
Jarrett: Listen AJ, just because you couldn’t beat Kurt and get your belt back at Hard Justice, doesn’t mean you can rag on me for beating Kurt, I always won my matches, and well, you won…most of yours!
AJ gets pissed and pushes Jarrett, Mike Tenay runs out of the ring.
AJ: Jarrett! I can wrestle circles around you anyday old man!
Jarrett: Oh old man huh?
Jarrett charges Styles and both men start beating the hell out of each other. Styles connect with hard chops on Jarrett, but Jarrett counters and rams AJ into the corner. Security runs in and breaks them up.
West: AJ and Jarrett are going at it here! Security is trying to break these guys up; we will see you next week!

TNA Wrestling presents GENESIS Live! On PPV!
TNA World Tag Team Championship
Jeff Hardy and Christian Cage* vs. The Naturals
Card soon to be announced.