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The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
What a great first part to start off Bound for Glory... the Fight for the Right match is great and I really expected Hoyt will win since I know you like him. Wonder what will happen on Nash after he taps out. I am going to check out the other parts and I am going to leave a full preview for it.


HOLY SHIT...this is already great XBA, I can't wait for the other parts...I'm dying with anticipation for the other parts....GREAT FIRST PART. Fight for Your Right was awesome


May 6, 2007
Reaction score
CANT WAIT UNTILL PART 2 Come on Sting bring the title HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!


good job mike, nailed it well there. Can't wait to see my man Sting, win, and bring the title ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THE WAY HOME TO PAPA lol, but seriously good job, can't wait for part2


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Just got done reading the first part. Great job, heres my review

BM: Monsters Ball
WM: n/a
BP: Steniers/Harris
A.C: Great job, can't wait for part 2.




Jeremy Borash is backstage with TNA X-Division Champion “The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels.

: Jeremy Borash here, backstage at Bound for Glory with the TNA X-Division Champion, Christopher Daniels, who, right here tonight, will have possibly the most anticipated X-Division Championship match in TNA’s 5 plus year history as Daniels is set to defend against his former friend “Black Machismo†Jay Lethal! Chris, just moments before your match here tonight, I have to ask, are you afraid? Confident? Are the butterflies flying in your stomach? What?

Daniels: Jeremy, I have been here for way too long, I have been with this company since the start, and I will not go out of TNA’s biggest PPV of the year without MY X-Division Championship!

JB: So would you say you are confident going into your match with Jay Lethal here tonight?

Daniels: Confident? Sure Jeremy whatever you want to call it in your mortal world, but in the world, in my world, of the immortals, it goes a little something like this, there is a winner and there is a loser, the almighty decides the outcome, confidence, fear, feelings, are just some entity of paranoia. The Fallen Angel journey in TNA is far from over, the almighty will in the end decide whether I stay or leave, but to my knowledge, the Fallen Angel is going to be here for a very, very, very, long journey to come, and the X-Division has suffered my wrath, but the Fallen Angel’s ultimate goal is a vision that extends even higher than the X-Division into the kingdom of the skies. However, Jeremy, that’s another time, another place, as for tonight…tonight, the Fallen Angel will not fall, but will rise, rise out of the ashes with the TNA X-Division Championship still around his waist, and that’s the gospel according to the Fallen Angel!

REPLAY: Monty Brown winning Monster’s Ball moments ago.

Tenay: DW, I don’t know about you, but moments ago, that was the greatest Monster’s Ball match in TNA history!

West: No doubt about it Mike, from the tacks, to the glass, to Rhino jumping out of the crowd to get revenge on Shane Douglas, all the way to Monty Brown defeating Monster Abyss by finally countering a Black Hole Slam, it was just amazing!

VIDEO: History between Christopher Daniels and Jay Lethal.

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as the TNA X-Division Champion Christopher Daniels comes down the ramp.

: You saw it for yourself Mike from that interview with Jeremy Borash minutes ago, this is a man on a mission!

Jay Lethal’s music hits as Black Machismo comes to the ring.

: Don, talk about on a mission, Jay Lethal hasn’t been the same since losing his X-Division strap at No Surrender in Ultimate X, and it destroyed the last bit of friendship between these two individuals, this match is about respect, this match is just about who is better!


TNA X-Division Championship
Christopher Daniels* vs. Jay Lethal
Daniels and Lethal move into the center of the ring. Daniels smirks at Lethal and holds the belt above his head taunting Lethal. Daniels proceeds to get up in Lethal face even more and holds the belt mere inches from his face.

Tenay: Looks like Daniels wants Lethal to know that he is champion, like he didn’t when Daniels won it at No Surrender!

Lethal slaps the belt out of his hands and backs up. He points to the left audience and they roar back. Daniels looks at him puzzled. Lethal points to the right audience and they roar back as well, Daniels still not getting the message.

West: Mike, it’s down to this, Lethal is literally showing Daniels what kind of fan support he has going into this thing, and from what I see it’s Lethal hands down!

Lethal says come on to Daniels and Daniels goes for a wide right shot, but Lethal blocks and goes for a right of his own, but Daniels blocks, and then Daniels goes for a right, but Lethal blocks, then swirls around him, grabbing his arm, wrapping his leg around his, then plants Daniels down with a quick Russian Leg Sweep. Lethal nails him with a standing knee drop then pins him 1…kickout! Lethal picks him up and hard chops him, then Daniels powers back with a head shot, but Lethal comes back with another hard chop, but Daniels follows through with a cheap knee to the gut then slides him through the turnbuckles into the steel ring post. Daniels yanks him out by the tights then works his way into a rollup on Lethal 1…2…kickout! Daniels quickly gets up and starts working on the knee of Lethal with several knee drops and elbow drops to the knee. Daniels goes for a figure four, but Lethal manages to push him away. Lethal gets up and clotheslines Daniels. Daniels shoots up only to get knocked down by another clothesline by Lethal. Daniels gets up again and then gets crumbled by a dropkick from Lethal.

West: Wow, what a string of moves, but Mike, this match is seriously in favor of Black Machismo!

Tenay: The Fallen Angel is getting outsmarted here Don!

Lethal runs and drapes himself over Daniels for a pin 1…2…kickout! Lethal lifts Daniels up and drags him to the corner. He puts him in the corner and goes for a left, but Daniels counters and reverses. Daniels swings Lethal back into the corner then connects with a huge back elbow to the face. Daniels then connects with a huge DDT. He covers Lethal 1…2…kickout! Daniels gets pissed and puts Lethal in an arm bar. The ref is concentrating on Lethal to see if he taps or not while Daniels gets on the ropes to increase pressure. The ref swings a glare at Daniels and catches him. The ref starts yelling at Daniels and the hold is broken. Daniels rises and collides face to face with the ref arguing with him. Black Machismo gets up slowly and taps Daniels on the back. Daniels quickly turns around and Lethal drops him with the Lethal Combination. The fans go crazy as Lethal covers Daniels 1…2…Daniels gets the foot on the rope. Lethal sits up and doesn’t know what he has to do. He picks up Daniels, but Daniels swipes the legs from under Lethal, grounding him, then takes both legs and goes for the quick bridge 1…2…kickout! Daniels starts scraping his bald scalp with his finger nails in anger. All of a sudden the Fallen Angel smiles and begins to climb the top rope. Daniels starts imitating Lethal on the top turnbuckle. He spits on Lethal then launches connecting with Lethal’s famed Elbow, planting his elbow on the sternum of Lethal. He covers Black Machismo 1…2…kickout!

Tenay: Jay Lethal won’t quit! This is the true passion that is the X-Division!

Daniels gets up and signals it’s over. He picks up Lethal and sets him up for the Angel’s Wings. Lethal counters, spins the Fallen Angel around, then nails the Lethal Combination for the second time. Lethal springs off the mat and lands on the top rope, then dives connecting with the Big Elbow Drop right onto Daniels and pins him 1…2…3!
WINNER: new X-Division Champion “Black Machismo†Jay Lethal

West: Mike! Jay Lethal has done it! He has defeated Christopher Daniels and regained his X-Division Championship here at Bound for Glory! Can you feel the floor shaking here Mike?

Tenay: Don I can’t even here myself think in here DW, this is amazing, congratulations Jay Lethal on becoming, once again, TNA’s X-Division Champion!


AJ Styles is standing in the interviewing area.

: So we are, once again, TNA’s biggest PPV of the year, Bound for Glory, and once again, every single person who bought this PPV, bought tickets to this PPV, or is stealing this through illegal cable, wanted to watch this show for one reason, and one reason only, to see me. I am the Phenomenal One, I am the one who put TNA on the map, without me, you wouldn’t have a Samoa Joe, you wouldn’t have a Machismo, or whatever the hell that kid’s name is, and you damn sure wouldn’t have a Wildcat Chris Harris. Chris, listen, I am aware of what you did in the tag team early days of TNA, and I thank you for that, but while you were winning your little tag titles, I was winning world titles, I was too busy keeping TNA’s head above water. Now you come in sporting your new white coat and think you can climb to the top of the Corporate Ladder just like that? It’s not that easy. Sure, maybe if you were facing someone else, you might stand a chance, but Chris look at it this way, tonight you aren’t going one on one with the Phenomenal One AJ Styles, you are going one on one with the heart and soul of TNA! Harris, you don’t know what you are getting into my friend, but here is a little piece of advice I will pass along to you, if you want to show me, and everyone else here in attendance that you belong here, that you deserve to face the Phenomenal One right here at Bound for Glory, you better give me 100% nothing less, because if you don’t, you will lose and you will never, ever, hear the end of it, it’s do or die time Harris, will you do it, will you climb one step higher on the ladder, or will you, quite frankly, die? It’s your choice Chris!

VIDEO: History Between Chris Harris and AJ Styles

Tenay: Coming up next right here at TNA Bound for Glory, it’s not going to be any other wrestling match, this is going to be a straight up fight DW!

West: When you look at that video package that just aired, you have to think of all the mind games that AJ Styles has played on Harris, and the true scars that Harris is still suffering to this day. Mike, all I can think of, though, is the Steiner factor. Chris Harris has been in a sense mauled by Big Poppa Pump over the past few weeks, plus just earlier tonight the vicious beat down by not only Scott, but Rick Steiner as well on Wildcat Chris Harris, I don’t know what kind of shape Harris will be in here tonight!

AJ Styles’ music hits as the Phenomenal One comes down the ramp.

: Despite everything AJ has done in the past, he had some harsh, yet true words just moments ago Don. AJ truly is the heart and soul of TNA Wrestling, when you think what he has done for this company, there’s just no comparing.

West: I respect what AJ has done Mike, but it’s just that more that the Wildcat can overcome here tonight!

Chris Harris’ music hits as the Wildcat comes down the ramp with his head taped up barely able to walk.

: Oh this is horrible Don, look at the guy, this is wrong! He shouldn’t be able to wrestle Don, in that condition? No way!

West: Mike, Harris is a fighter, a beat down by the Steiner Brothers will not slow this kid down, yet, I don’t know what will!


AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris
Styles leans on the top turnbuckle and laughs at Harris who looks like a cripple. AJ comes to the middle of the ring where Harris is.

AJ: Chris, come on, who are you fooling here? You cannot wrestle tonight, I don’t blame you Chris I mean, if I was coming into the biggest show of the year to face TNA’s poster boy, I would turn the other cheek and walk back with my tail between my legs also…

West: Oh that’s a low blow, how could Styles be so arrogant?

Harris looks puzzled and then drops his head down, then turns around and starts walking away. Styles claps and tries to get the rest of the crowd to clap along with him. Harris takes a few steps and stops. Styles stops clapping. Harris springs around and charges at Styles to land a huge Spear on the Phenomenal One. Harris signals to the ref to ring the bell and that match starts. Harris walks over and picks up Styles. He knees him in the gut and sets him up for a suplex. Harris snaps Styles back with a snap snare. Harris pins Styles 1…kickout! Harris picks up Styles and Styles nails him with a huge high kick to the head. Harris stumbles backwards holding his aching head. Harris fights hit and goes for a clothesline, but Styles counters and nails Harris in the back with a spin kick grounding Harris. AJ runs and kicks Harris in the ribs and Harris is now front first lying on the mat. AJ walks arrogantly over and pins Harris 1…2…kickout! AJ picks him up and whips him towards the ropes, but Harris counters and whips AJ towards the ropes and AJ springs back right into a sidewalk slam by Harris, but AJ counters last minute into a spinning head scissors on Harris. AJ stands up and laughs again.

West: This is terrible, I respect Harris’ heart but I don’t know how much longer he can go for in this Mike!

Harris rolls out of the ring in pain. Blood is beginning to soak through his head bandage. AJ runs after him but the ref stops him. The ref runs out to the floor and checks on Harris. AJ smiles, runs across the ring, bounces off the ropes, and suicide dives onto Chris Harris from the ring to the outside. The fans Boo, but chant TNA! TNA! TNA! AJ gets up and the ref is right in his face, Styles backs off as the ref checks on Harris. AJ stoles over to the commentator’s table and takes a seat.

Tenay: AJ! What the hell are you doing here coming over here, you have a match!

Styles: Well Mike, listen, when you have nursing home material as your opponent, it kind of takes a while…

Tenay: Nursing home material, is that what you call Chris Harris? He is one of the best athletes in the game today and just to actually agree to have this match with you is a…

Styles: Mike Tenay, you shut your mouth, don’t talk to me like that, I made this company, without me you, nor Don, nor Chris Harris for that matter, would be here today! Chris Harris is just a poor helpless bitch…

Chris Harris runs and dives across the announcer’s table taking down the Phenomenal One. Harris starts mounting punches on the Phenomenal One right behind the announcer’s table. Harris gets up and the fans chant TNA! TNA! TNA! Harris grabs Styles by the head and drags him over to ringside. He picks him up and rams him into the ring post. Harris grabs him and swings him into the ring. He climbs to the top turnbuckle as Styles rises and nails him with a flying shoulder block. Harris uses his last bit of strength to pin AJ 1…2….kickout! Harris can’t believe it. Harris grabs AJ and brings him up, but AJ counters with a thumb to the eye. AJ then nails Harris with a huge insuguri. The ref goes to check on Harris again while AJ stoles over to the corner and unties the top turnbuckle. The ref helps Harris up and Harris charges at AJ drop toe holds him into the steel ring of the exposed turnbuckle which makes Harris bleed profusely. The ref starts screaming at AJ once again about the turnbuckle. Harris gets up and turns around only to get impaled by a huge Pele’ by AJ Styles. AJ pins Harris 1…2…Harris gets the shoulder up! AJ picks up Harris and sets him up for the Styles Clash, but Harris pushes away and whips AJ to the ropes then nails the Catatonic on AJ Styles. Chris crumbles over AJ for the pin 1…2…kickout!!!

Tenay: How did AJ kick out of that one??? Don, are you seeing this? Oh lord, what a match!

Harris is practically dead on the canvas, he has given it his all, though didn’t start the match at 100% either. AJ crawls away and stands up. The fans are chanting TNA! TNA! TNA! with a standing ovation to both of these men. Styles takes a few steps then falls to one knee. AJ pulls out a huge explosion of adrenaline and runs up the turnbuckles then nails a huge frog splash on Chris Harris. Styles gets on his knees then crumbles on Harris pinning him 1…2…kickout!!!

West: I don’t know where Harris keeps pulling this strength out from!

AJ gets up and yanks Harris off the canvas. Harris grabs AJ and sets him up for the Catatonic out of nowhere, but AJ keeps the movement going and spins around Harris landing on the ground, then turns him around, knees him in the gut and sets him up for the Styles Clash and plants it on the Wildcat. He goes into the pin on Harris 1…2…3!

The fans go nuts after the display Harris and AJ have put on for them.

Tenay: I have to tip my hat to not only AJ Styles for winning the match, but Chris Harris especially Don, that is what TNA is all about! The rush, the intensity, the action, and most of all, the emotion!

West: This has to be the match of the year Mike, this match was amazing!

AJ gets up and picks up Harris. Harris has one arm over AJ’s shoulder holding him up. Styles extends his hand for a handshake. Harris, with a blood soaked face, not even able to see straight, extends his hand and both men shake hands after an amazing match. Styles raises Harris’ arm.

West: This is truly what TNA is about Mike, in addition to what you were saying, TNA is mostly about sportsmanship, and that’s what both of these men are showing here! I don’t know, earlier in the match, AJ wanted to rip Harris’ head off, but I guess how Harris stuck to his guns, I think it might have over whelmed AJ, because for a minute there it looked like Harris had AJ’s number Mike!

Tenay: No doubt about it, fantastic Bound for Glory match here tonight, but let’s send it to the back with Jeremy Borash backstage with the TNA World Tag Team Champions Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with the TNA World Tag Team Champions Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy.

: Jeremy Borash backstage at Bound for Glory with quite possibly the hottest team in professional wrestling today, that’s right, “The Instant Classic†Christian Cage and the “Charismatic Enigma†Jeff Hardy! Guys, bottom line, Team 3D, possibly forging the most destructive path in TNA today, I mean first, it was you, the TNA Tag Team Champs, then they went after the Naturals, I mean can possibly stop Team 3D?

Cage: Shut up Borash, I thought this interview was about the TNA Tag Team Champions, not about the Dunkin Doughnuts Brothers. If I wanted to listen to you yap your gums about Team 3D, I would have sat in the locker room watching it on the TV, because I would be embarrassed to be in the same shot as you. As long as we’re on the subject, though, Team 3D, me and Jeff kicked your ass before, and we will damn sure do it again. Last month at No Surrender, a huge TLC match, we made you look like punks! Tonight is our night of redemption, some have said, it is our night to sock it back to Team 3D, plus, we aren’t the only ones that are going to be in that match. Jeff, what is that other team we are going against?

Hardy: You mean the Naturals?

Cage: Yea, whatever, those two tiny tikes have your number also, so Borash, you seriously think that Team 3D’s path of destruction continues here tonight? You are dead ass wrong! Captain Charisma and the Charismatic Enigma plan on holding these belts for a long, long time, and if the Butter Cream Brothers don’t like it, they can stick it up their fatasses. Naturals, listen kids, this is a tough business, and as far as this match goes, it’s going to get just a little tougher! You guys are stepping into the ring with 2 of the most accomplished men in sports entertainment along with a couple of doughnut wholes. It doesn’t get any bigger than stepping onto the same mat with Christian Cage boys, and you will know what it’s like to stand in the shadow of the Instant Classic when the ref raises my arm over your body on the mat. That’s exactly how it’s going to go boys, and don’t worry about Team 3D, they can last the whole match without having a heart attack. Christian Cage is going to walk out of Bound for Glory still TNA World Tag Team Champion…because that’s! I roll!

Cage walks off with a big smirk on his face.

Is he always this self centered?

Hardy: You have no idea, and I just want to give a shout out to my brother Matt, heard you got a little cut over there on the dark side, hope you heal up, maybe your team captain could nurse you in the hospital bed, since you love tagging with him so much, just playing Matt, love ya, god bless, now if you’ll excuse me I got a big match, wish me luck. Hey Christian!

Hardy runs off after Cage.

: …good luck…

VIDEO: Team 3D’s path of destruction.

Tenay: Well Don, I have to say this is one of the most anticipated Tag Team Championship matches we have seen in awhile. Think about the teams in this match. Let’s start with the TNA World Tag Team Champions, Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy, these two have been a mainstay in the Tag title scene ever since Cage brought Hardy back into TNA 2 months ago. Then, you have the Naturals, Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas, these two men have had some brutal wars throughout the past 6 months and have really elevated themselves to Championship caliber. Finally, you have Team 3D, who took out both the Tag Team Champions and the Naturals within the past month, some say they have it easy tonight, while others say this is the final night of their careers. Don, it’s time.

West: This is going to be an amazing match here Mike.

Christian Cage’s music hits as Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy make their way out of the tunnel.

The Naturals’ music hits as Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas make their way to the ring.

: Oh, Mike, you know who’s coming out next…

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come down the ramp.


TNA World Tag Team Championship
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* vs. The Naturals vs. Team 3D
Brother Ray and Chase Stevens start off the match. Ray charges at him with a huge clothesline knocking down Stevens. Chase pops back up, but Ray knocks him back down with a back elbow. Ray picks up Stevens and swings him into the corner. Ray charges Stevens, but Stevens get the legs up jacking Ray in the jaw. Chase runs and tags in Andy Douglas. The Naturals swing Ray across the ring and Devon makes the blind tag. Ray bounces off the ropes and the Naturals go for a double clothesline, but Ray ducks. Brother Ray stops and turns around and look the Naturals straight in the face and tells them to turn around. Devon comes in and double clotheslines the Naturals, to an onslaught of boos from the crowd. Devon grabs Andy Douglas and lifts him up and nails his ribs on his left knee repeatedly then throws him back with a fall away slam. Devon runs and pins Andy 1…2…kickout! Devon picks up Andy, but Andy elbows him in the gut and lands some shots onto Devon. Andy connects with a spin kick grounding Devon. Douglas runs and springboards off the second rope into a cork screw moonsault onto Brother Devon into a pin 1…2…kickout! Douglas gets up and tags in Stevens. They grab Devon and set him up for a double suplex, they lift him, but Devon won’t budge. Brother Devon counters and double suplexes both of the Naturals. Christian screams at Brother Devon violently and Devon walks up to Cage and gets in his face. Devon slaps Cage across the face and the ref calls it a tag and Cage is now the legal man. Cage yanks Devon over the top rope onto the floor and runs into the ring and pins Chase Stevens 1…2…kickout! Cage picks Chase up and connects with a Russian Leg Sweep. He drags Chase over to Jeff and tags him in. Jeff springboards from the apron over the top rope connecting with a huge leg drop to the throat of Stevens. Jeff pins him 1…2…Chase gets his foot on the bottom rope. Jeff picks Chase up, but Chase gets an eye rake on the Charismatic Enigma. Chase kicks him in the gut, but Hardy catches it. Chase goes for an Insuguri, but Hardy counters, Chase lands and Jeff nails a spin kick of his own. Hardy gets up and signals for the Swanton. He climbs the turnbuckles and is about to go for it, but Brother Ray comes from the apron and pushes Hardy off and Hardy crashes and burns onto the guard rail. Cage runs across the ring and jumps over the top rope and takes Brother Ray down to the floor. Devon climbs down from the apron and beats down Cage. Team 3D grab the Instant Classic, but Chase Stevens emerges from the ring and suicide dives through the second and third ropes taking down Team 3D and Christian Cage. Chase gets up to a huge TNA! TNA! TNA! chant. Chase grabs Jeff Hardy and whips him into the ring. Chase covers Hardy 1…2…kickout!

Tenay: This is a real war here in front of us DW, none of these teams are giving an inch, they all want the right to be called TNA World Tag Team Champions, and only one could get it!

Chase drags Hardy over to Andy, but gets up halfway there with Chase still holding onto his leg. Hardy connects with another spin kick nailing Chase Stevens. Hardy begins to crawl over to his corner, but sees Team 3D beating Cage down on the outside. Andy runs into the ring, but Jeff connects with a dropkick taking him down as well. Jeff stares at the roaring crowd in Chicago and climbs up the turnbuckles. He is on the top rope and points to Andy Douglas then points to 3D beating down Cage on the floor, and the crowd goes wild! Jeff Hardy pauses then Swanton’s off the third rope onto Team 3D outside the ring. Hardy gets up and helps Cage up. Chase slides out of the ring and beats Hardy down. He swings Hardy towards the ring post, but Hardy counters and whips Chase head first into the steel ring post. Hardy slides Chase back into the ring. Jeff tags in the Instant Classic and Cage goes right after Stevens and gets a blatant choke to the throat on Chase. The ref pulls Cage off of him. Chase gets up and Cage runs for a clothesline but Stevens ducks and Cage goes right into Brother Ray. The ref calls it a tag and now Brother Ray is the legal man. Ray comes in and pulls Chase into a headlock. Chase panics, but then pushes Ray towards the ropes and then connects with a smooth heel kick. Chase covers Ray 1…kickout! Ray gets up and headbutts Chase. Chase stumbles back and Ray knees him in the gut then plants him with a DDT. Ray covers Stevens 1…2…Andy Douglas runs in and breaks the count. Andy starts landing hammers onto Ray’s back, and the Naturals double DDT Ray onto the canvas. Devon runs into the ring after the Naturals, but the Naturals pull the rope down and Devon goes flying out of the ring. The Naturals scream and smile then turn around and Brother Ray knocks both of their heads together and both men go down. Ray turns towards the TNA Tag Champs and says bring it. Cage and Hardy look at one another then both men proceed into the ring slowly. Ray charges at them for a double clothesline, but they Cage and Hardy duck then crouch down on their knees. Ray turns around and the Naturals run and jump onto Cage and Hardy’s backs and connect with a double flying clothesline onto Brother Ray. The Naturals turn around and stare Cage and Hardy right in the face. The Naturals scream watch out as Devon runs up behind them Cage and Hardy move out of the way and both Naturals duck as Devon charges into the empty corner. Cage emerges on the apron and tags in off Devon. The Naturals didn’t see the tag and Cage walks around the ring. Andy Douglas gets Devon up and Chase climbs the turnbuckles looking for the Doomsday Device. Cage runs in and knee swipes Douglas causing Devon to crash and burn and grounding Douglas. Cage jumps and hangs on the top rope hanging up Chase on the top rope. Cage runs up the turnbuckles and connects with a huge Superplex on Stevens. Ray runs in the ring, but Hardy springboards off the top rope with a huge missile dropkick causing Ray to stumble and fly over the top rope. Chase gets up and Cage is right behind him then nails the Unprettier, and Jeff Hardy goes up top then nails the Swanton Bomb onto Stevens and Cage pins Chase 1…2…3!
WINNER: still TNA World Tag Team Champions Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy!

Tenay: They did it Don! Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy are still the TNA World Tag Team Champs! They have done it!

Cage yanks his belt out of the ref’s hand and climbs the turnbuckles and raises his belt in victory as Hardy is handed his belt by the ref and salutes the crowd. Cage gets so emotional he kneels down and raises the belt over his head.

West: Man Mike, if I didn’t know it, I would swear Cage has thought he just won the Olympics, well, I guess the celebration is well deserved!

Hardy walks out of the ring holding up his belt as Cage whipes the tears from his eyes like he has been to hell and back.

Still to Come on TNA Bound for Glory 2007:



Wow, another great segemnt from BFG. You still amaze me with the long layoff. The promos you write are gold. THe Daniels one was absoluty amazing. The Styles one may have been a bit too long for his character, but it was still solid. Glad to see Hardy and Cage still the tag champs. :)

Ill be looking forward to the last part a lot. Keep it up :good:

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Wow! another great matches for BFG... the tag matches and the X-Division were phenomenal and good to see Cage and Hardy won and still the tag team champions... Now I can't wait to see the last two matches for your BFG... this should be great!

The Rated R CMStar

Great matches and there wasn't not one part of the promos out of character. Really dig the whole connection between AJ Styles's promo and the match itself.

The final part will be great and I can only say the wait was worthy


Another awesome part XBA, I'm surprised it was still great and it lived up to the hype of BFG...the X Title match was my favorite for some reason. I think it's because I shit myself for the X Division :08:, but I can't wait for the last (and best) part of BFG..LET'S GO STING, BEAT THE SAMOAN STRETCHMARK

DANTE savage

Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
awesome man, I cannot give you full comments I am very preocuppied and haven't had a lot of time lately, but this was great and I will give you some full feedback soon.


New Member
Oct 6, 2007
Reaction score
Man you really need to finish this. It's taken you about 3 months. It's good and all but this amount of time is crazy.

The Rated R CMStar

Havent you thought he doesnt have time to write this. It is a funny thing, the longer you go in your BTB, and in the forum itself, the harder it is to keep updated your BTB



Tenay: Well Don, coming up next here at Bound for Glory is one of the biggest, most heated, rivalries I have ever witnessed in our 5 plus year history here in TNA, that’s right, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, III! DW, as you can see the TNA Officials erecting the 6 Sides of Steel around the ring, but Don, I don’t even think the 6 Sides of Steel can house these two men!

West: Hold on here Mike, I understand something is going on Backstage!


AJ Styles is wiping the sweat from his forehead walking back to the locker room, Harris’ arm swung on his shoulder, helping him as well. They are confronted by Monty Brown.

Well, well, well, look what is on the Serengeti’s threshold! It’s none other than the Phenomenal AJ Styles and whatever this punk’s name is. AJ, what happened to you bro? While the Alpha Male has been dominating, sitting atop the food chain, you, the Phenomenal One, has stooped so low as to actually feeling sorry for this kid? Just a couple minutes ago, you wanted to rip this guy’s head off!

AJ: What the hell are you getting at Monty, because Chris needs to get some medical attention, really, can’t this wait?

Brown: Yea sure AJ, it can wait, just run away from all your problems, seems to be a trend going with you now a days…

Brown walks away.

: What the hell did that mean?

AJ helps Harris down the hallway.

West: What the hell was that about Mike? Monty Brown won that Monster’s Ball and now he thinks he can look down on AJ Styles? What did he mean by AJ walking away from his problems?

Tenay: I don’t know Don, The Alpha Male’s head is in the Serengeti, he is never all there. Anyways, back to Bound for Glory, it’s time, 6 Sides of Steel! Are you ready?!?!?

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain walks down the ramp.

: Don, this is the King of the Mountain, this man has done it all in TNA, he has went to hell and back with his opponent here tonight Kurt Angle, and tonight they go one more round! It’s the rubber match inside 6 Sides of Steel!

Kurt Angle’s music hits as the Olympic Gold Medalist comes to the ring.

: Mike, when you talk about pure athleticism, you can’t forget to mention this man, Kurt Angle, the only Olympic Gold Medalist on wrestling history, but unfortunately this isn’t Greco-roman wrestling, this match isn’t really about wrestling at all, it’s about survival!


6 Sides of Steel
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett
Angle walks to the center and signals Jarrett to do the same, but Jarrett is hesitant. Jarrett finally musters up the strength to do it. He runs up to Angle and slaps him in the face. Angle lashes back with a right and then a left forearm. Angle twists Jarrett’s arm and then connects with several Ric Flair style chops. Angle whips Jarrett to the ropes then bends over for the backdrop, but Jarrett bounces back, stops, and then delivers a blatant kick to the face of Angle. Jarrett bounces off the ropes then connects with a huge clothesline. Jarrett runs to the corner and scales the turnbuckles onto the steel trying to escape. Angle gets back up, and runs towards Jarrett. He pulls on the tights and Jarrett lands on the mat. Jarrett turns around and walks right into a belly to belly by Angle. Angle covers Jarrett 1…2…kickout! Angle picks Jarrett up. He hoists him on his shoulder and long darts him head first into the steel cage. Jarrett bounces off the cage and stumbles back and Angle levels him with a huge shoulder block. Angle runs and covers Jarrett 1…2…kickout! Angle sits atop Jarrett and mounts several punches onto Jarrett busting him open. Angle gets up and raises his arms to a huge pop. Jarrett plays possum and snags the roll up on Angle 1…2…kickout! Angle gets up but Jarrett singes in a sleeper hold. Jarrett grapevines the legs and is fully on Angle’s back as Angle is still on his feet. Angle runs backwards, ramming Jarrett into the solid steel then flips him over his back with Jarrett landing flat on his spine, then Angle connecting with a huge elbow drop into a headlock. Jarrett gets up, still deep in Angle’s headlock, and elbows Kurt in the ribs. With repeated shots, Angle releases the hold and Jarrett connects with an Atomic Drop. He keeps Angle close and pulls his legs from underneath Angle and Angle goes down. Jeff signals for the Figure Four and twists the leg, but Angle pushes him away. Jarrett goes running into a corner and stops. Angle gets up and runs to Jarrett, but Jarrett ducks and sends him face first into the Six Sides of Steel. Jarrett grabs Angle’s head and rubs his face on the cage over and over tear the skin right off of Angle’s forehead. Jarrett then slams Angle’s skull right off the cage and sends him across the ring to the ropes. Angle stops himself from bouncing back, holding onto the ropes, while Jarrett runs towards Angle. This time it’s Angle who sends the running Jarrett into the cage face first. Both men are busted open at this point. Jarrett bounces back into Angle who connects with a huge German Suplex. Angle keeps his arms locked and rolls his hips, then connects with another Suplex on Jarrett. Angle twists the hips again and keeps it locked and connects with the tri-fecta of Suplexes on Jeff Jarrett. Angle covers Jarrett 1…2…kickout! Angle holds his head and picks up Jarrett. He swings Jarrett into the corner quickly in pursuit. Jarrett crashes into the corner and Angle sets him atop the top turnbuckle. Angle looks for a superplex, but Jarrett bites Angle. Jeff shoves him off the turnbuckle and begins to climb the cage.

West: What is Jeff Jarrett doing here Mike? Seriously, this isn’t like those other promotions, you cannot win by escaping the cage, you have to win by pinfall or submission!

Angle shoots up and Jarrett is ¾ up the cage by now, and Angle runs after him and jumps to the top turnbuckle and hooks Jarrett and slams him down from the top of the cage to the mat with a Top Rope German Suplex. Jarrett lands flat on his neck. The ref automatically runs up to Jarrett.

Tenay: Oh wait a minute Don, did you see that fall? Angle connecting with the German Suplex off the top rope may have severely injured Jeff Jarrett’s neck and spine Don, this match might be over here DW!

Angle walks over to the ref and asks him what is up, and the ref pushes him away. Jarrett is shaking holding his neck curled up in a ball. The ref signals for a gurney. The outer refs unlock the cage door and slide the stretcher into the ring. The medics put a neck brace on Jarrett and put him on the stretcher. They slide the stretcher out of the ring and begin to hoist it up. Kurt walks out of the ring and looks very sorry and very concerned with Jarrett’s state. Angle is in tears worrying about his former enemy.

Tenay: Jarrett looks like he is in real bad shape here DW!

They roll Jarrett up the ramp and all of a sudden they stop. Angle stops with them. Jarrett busts out of the stretcher and jumps onto Angle and beats the hell out of him. The refs and the medics don’t know what to do. Jeff mounts punches onto Angle at the top of the ramp. Jarrett gets up to an onslaught of boos. Jarrett tells them to shut the hell up. He grabs Angle and then plants him with the Stroke making Angle go face first into the metal ramp re-busting open his scars from the Six Sides of Steel.

West: Jarrett that snake! He was faking it the whole time! I can’t believe this!

The refs try to hold him back but Jarrett slams the ref against the stage. Jarrett grabs Angle and attempts to whip him off the edge of the stage, but Jarrett counters and pulls him in for an Olympic Slam, but Jarrett slides out the back and takes Angle, and himself down, flying off the edge of the stage through tables and equipment.

Tenay: Oh lord Don!

West: Oh my God, did you see that?!?!?


The ref stands at the top of the ramp and just looks on with dismay, then signals for 2 gurneys to take both men out of the rubble.


Jim Cornette is standing in his office watching the monitor with Robert Roode sitting on his office couch in the background.

: What the hell is going on here? Robert? I thought this was a 6 Sides of Steel match, turns out, there is no winner, both men are outside the cage, and are on their way to the hospital! What the hell is going on!?!? There better be no law suits!

A messenger walks into Jim Cornette’s office with a document.

: Oh great, this is what I was waiting for, thank you.

Cornette signs for the document.

: What the hell is that Jim?

Cornette: Well Roode, TNA just got a new acquisition, and this is his contract, which he just signed, Robert, all of TNA’s problems are about to be solved, trust me!

Roode: Whatever you say boss…

Tenay: New acquisition? Did you know about this Don?

West: No Mike, this is news to me, better stay watching if you want to learn more about this, I know I will!

VIDEO: History between Samoa Joe and “the Icon†Sting.â€

Tenay: Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a monumental night for TNA Wrestling, Bound for Glory has been a fantastic night, but Don, as both of us know, it is not over, that’s right, it’s main event time!

West: Mike, we have seen some great matches, but I don’t think anything will top this one, coming up next, it’s the Icon Sting vs. Samoa Joe for, yes, the TNA World Heavyweight Championship!

Tenay: Don, the blood runs cold between these two individuals for sure, but tonight it all comes to a head. From Sting just trying to get through to Samoa Joe, to Joe blocking Sting out, then the spin kick heard around the world when Samoa Joe finally turned on Sting, it all culminates right here right now!

West: As the Stinger, himself, would say…it’s Showtime!

Sting’s music hits as the Icon Sting comes down to the ring ready to defend his TNA World Championship.

: The current reigning TNA Champion, Sting, has been reigning as champion ever since he won the fatal four way back at Victory Road, and has stopped everyone in his path ever since, but can he stop this man….

Samoa Joe’s music hits as the Samoan Submission Machine comes down the ramp.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Sting* vs. Samoa Joe
The ref holds up the belt and Jeremy Borash introduces the competitors. Sting and Samoa Joe walk up to one another and meet face to face in the middle of the ring. Joe sarcastically puts out his hand for Sting to shake and just stares right through him. Sting puts his hand out thinking Joe turned a new leaf, but Joe clobbers him with a huge clothesline. Sting rolls over and Joe nails him with a knee drop to the throat. Joe puts his forearm right across Sting’s throat blatantly choking him. The ref breaks the hold at the 4 count. Joe gets up and delivers a cheap heel kick to the head. Joe picks Sting up and hard chops him. Sting powers back with a hard chop of his own. Joe just hides the pain and delivers another chop to Sting. Sting powers back and delivers another chop to Joe’s chest. Joe connects with a back hand chop, heel kick, then finishing the combo with an insuguri. Sting goes down and Joe covers him 1…2…kickout! Joe grabs Sting and flings him into a corner. Joe charges and goes for the splash, but Sting moves and Joe eats turnbuckle. Joe comes out of the corner and Sting bounces off the ropes then connects with a face buster on the knee, then bounces off the ropes again and nails a bulldog on the Samoan Submission Machine. Sting climbs the turnbuckles to a huge pop as he raises his arms to light the fire in the crowd. Joe shoots up and from behind powerbombs Sting off the second rope into a pin 1…2…Joe puts his feet on the ropes…but the ref sees it and stops the count. Joe gets up and in the ref’s face as the ref begins to scream at him. Sting gets up and takes a deep breath before walking behind Samoa Joe. Sting spins Joe around and connects with backhand and front hand chops then atomic drops Samoa Joe. Sting then grabs Joe’s head and connects with another face crusher to the knee. He then flips him back spine first onto his other knee with a back breaker. Sting takes another breath and then covers Joe 1…2…kickout! Sting grabs Joe, but Joe gets behind him and pushes him against the ropes. Sting bounces back right into a fall away German Suplex. Sting gets right back up and charges Samoa Joe, but Joe powers him back with a huge spinebuster into a bridge pin on the Stinger 1…2…kickout! Joe sits up and can’t believe it. Joe bounces off the ropes and attempts his signature falling backsplash, but Sting moves out of the way at the last second and nobody is home for Samoa Joe.

Tenay: This might be the turning point here in this match Don, this is the opening Sting needs right now!

Sting rolls up and grabs Joe’s legs and quickly singes in the Scorpion Death Lock on the Samoan Submission Machine. Joe quickly crawls and gets the rope to an onslaught of boos. Sting releases the hold and slides out under the bottom rope. Joe is on the edge of the apron as Sting grabs his head and pounds it against the mat several times, then pulls him out and Joe crashes onto the outside. Sting picks him up and attempts to swing him into the barricades, but Joe counters and sends Sting into the solid steel. Joe runs for a clothesline, but Sting gets off the rail and shoots Joe up and Joe crashes throat first onto the steel rail. Sting grabs him by the head and slides him back into the ring. He covers Joe 1…2…kickout! Sting doesn’t believe it. Joe fires up with adrenaline and grabs Sting by the throat from the mat. Joe gets up still holding Sting by the throat and lifts him up over his head looking for a gorilla press, but Sting escapes out the back and then plants Joe with the Scorpion Death Drop. The crowd explodes as Sting crumbles onto Joe for the pin 1…2…kickout! Sting gets up and picks up Joe’s legs signaling for the Scorpion Death Lock, but Joe counters into a roll up cradle 1…2…kickout! Joe gets up and Sting gets up as well and Joe clobbers him with an Insuguri. Sting lands front first on the mat and Joe runs and grabs Sting from behind and tries to lock in the Kokina Clutch, but Sting tries to maneuver out of it. Sting rolls over and over until he grabs the bottom rope. Joe gets on top of him and then lands vicious knee shots to the head and shoulders of Sting. The ref takes him and backs him up. Joe pushes the ref out of the way and goes after Sting, but Sting elbows Joe in the gut and pushes him into the corner. Joe grabs Sting by the throat and reverses throwing Sting into the corner. Joe jacks Sting up to the top rope and then sets him up for the Muscle Buster then crashes him down to the mat nailing his famed finisher. Joe gets up to another onslaught of boos. He goes and covers Sting 1…2…Joe picks Sting off the canvas. Joe has a sadistic smile on his face as he whips Sting into the same corner then signals for another Muscle Buster. Joe charges Sting, but Sting gets the boot up and cracks Joe in the jaw. Joe backs up holding his jaw and Sting climbs the turnbuckles. Joe turns around and is greeted with a flying clothesline from the Stinger. Sting lands hard, but crawls over to pin Samoa Joe 1…2…kickout! The crowd starts chanting TNA! TNA! TNA! Violently. Sting goes once again for the Scorpion Death Lock and locks it in deep on the Samoan Submission Machine. Joe starts screaming in agony and tries to get to the ropes but they are too far. Sting goes farther down increasing the pressure on Joe. Joe props himself up and begins to crawl to the ropes. He is inches from the bottom rope, but Sting pulls him even farther into the center of the ring. Samoa Joe taps out to the Scorpion Death Lock
WINNER: still TNA World Champion Sting!

Tenay: Sting! The veteran has beaten the rising star! Sting has submitted the Samoan Submission Machine!

West: I can’t believe this match we have just witnessed here Mike Tenay, it was back and fourth the entire match, but Sting getting the boot up and then nailing the top rope clothesline was the real turning point in this match, I can’t believe this, Sting is still our world champ!

Tenay: Ladies and gentlemen, we hope you enjoyed Bound for Glory 2007, we hope to see you this Thursday night, once again, for your 60 Minute Adrenaline Rush, we will see you Thursday!

Sting holds up the belt as pyros go off from the ceiling.


-Kid Kash and Junior Fatu returning to TNA Wrestling, along with several other Fight for the Right Competitors.
-Lance Hoyt coming in at the final entry and taking on Robert Roode in the Finals of the Fight for the Right, then winning the big one by pinning Roode.
-The Steiner Brothers beating down the Wildcat Chris Harris backstage.
-Highlights of the X-Division Pioneer Jerry Lynn defeating Kevin Nash in a You’re Fired! Match.
-Rhino returning from injury beating the hell out of Shane Douglas.
-Highlights of Monty Brown defeating Raven, Shane Douglas, and Abyss in a Brutal Monster’s Ball match, by DDT’ing Abyss into glass and tacks.
-Highlights of Christopher Daniels battling Jay Lethal, losing his X-Division Championship to Black Machismo after a top rope elbow.
-Highlights of the show stealing battle between Chris Harris and AJ Styles. Chris Harris fighting through the pain, but ended up getting pinned after the Styles Clash.
-Highlights of Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy successfully defending their TNA Tag titles against the Naturals and Team 3D, and Christian Cage gloating in the ring afterward while Hardy walked back to the locker room.
-Highlights of the epic 6 Sides of Steel resulting in a draw after Jeff Jarrett was injured, later faking it and taking himself, and Kurt Angle off the edge of the entrance ramp.
-Jim Cornette telling Roode about a new TNA Acquisition.
-Sting defeated Samoa Joe in an absolute epic, retaining his TNA world heavyweight Championship.


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Nov 21, 2007
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Hey what if CMS and xtremebadass had cross PPV Show that'd raise some eyebrows