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TNA World Championship
Sting* defends against Samoa Joe

6 Sides of Steel
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against the Naturals

X-Division Championship
Christopher Daniels* defends against "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal

Monster’s Ball
Shane Douglas vs. Abyss vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown

AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris

“Who Made the X-Division?” You’re Fired! Match
Jerry Lynn vs. Kevin Nash

15 Man Battle Royal
(Winner Getting a World Title Shot Whenever He Wishes)
Robert Roode

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Here's mine....

TNA World Championship
Sting* defends against Samoa Joe

6 Sides of Steel
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against the Naturals

X-Division Championship
Christopher Daniels* defends against "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal

Monster’s Ball
Shane Douglas vs. Abyss vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown

AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris

“Who Made the X-Division?” You’re Fired! Match
Jerry Lynn vs. Kevin Nash

15 Man Battle Royal
(Winner Getting a World Title Shot Whenever He Wishes)
Lance Hoyt

DANTE savage

Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
TNA World Championship
Sting* defends against Samoa Joe

6 Sides of Steel
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against the Naturals

X-Division Championship
Christopher Daniels* defends against "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal

Monster’s Ball
Shane Douglas vs. Abyss vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown

AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris

“Who Made the X-Division?” You’re Fired! Match
Jerry Lynn vs. Kevin Nash

15 Man Battle Royal
(Winner Getting a World Title Shot Whenever He Wishes)
Lance Hoyt

Let's see how your Bound For Glory shapes up compared to the actual one, good luck and expect a review.

Triple H15

New Member
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
Great Preview man i really liked it. What are all these people saying everyone knows that Kurt Angl ewill kill Jeff Jarrett and Sting all the way. Kevin Nash will beat Jerry Lynn. Sorry i cannot really poreview properly i have never really watched TNA


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
I know I havent reviewed in awhile, but I saw that your posting BFG so, I have to read it. Heres my picks.

15 Man Battle Royal: Robert Roode

Nash vs Lynn

AJ Styles vs Chris Harris

Monster Ball: Abyss

TNA Tag Team Championships:
Cage and Jeff Hardy

Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett

Sting vs Samoa Joe


A little side note, you guys forgot Team 3D in all of your cards, they are in the TNA World Tag Title match as well against the Naturals and Cage and Hardy


Damn it, quit stalling. I want to see BFG!!! LMAO

But all kidding aside, Im still taking Cage and Hardy


TNA World Championship
Sting* defends against Samoa Joe

6 Sides of Steel
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against the Naturals and Team 3D

X-Division Championship
Jay Lethal vs. Christopher Daniels

Monster’s Ball
Shane Douglas vs. Abyss vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown

AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris

“Who Made the X-Division?â€￾ You’re Fired! Match
Jerry Lynn vs. Kevin Nash

15 Man Battle Royal
(Winner Getting a World Title Shot Whenever He Wishes)

Eric Young


New Member
Oct 6, 2007
Reaction score
TNA World Championship
Sting* defends against Samoa Joe

6 Sides of Steel
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against the Naturals and Team 3D

X-Division Championship
Jay Lethal vs. Christopher Daniels

Monster’s Ball
Shane Douglas vs. Abyss vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown

AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris

“Who Made the X-Division?” You’re Fired! Match
Jerry Lynn vs. Kevin Nash

15 Man Battle Royal
(Winner Getting a World Title Shot Whenever He Wishes)
Lance Hoyt



Video: Highlighting the feud between Samoa Joe vs. Sting, Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett, and Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy rising to TNA Tag Team Gold.

Pyros go off with a Sold Out Chicago audience roaring as So Cal Val blows a kiss to the camera as Bound for Glory is no underway.

: Welcome around the world to TNA’s Biggest PPV of the year! That’s right, TNA Wrestling now welcomes you to the most anticipated event in this company’s history, welcome to Bound for Glory! Don, I can barely keep in the excitement, Chicago can’t either, and the electricity in here is un-parallel!

West: Mike this is amazing, you said it best, Chicago is live and they are ready for Bound for Glory here tonight!

Tenay: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to TNA Bound for Glory 2007! Mike Tenay and Don West here at ringside and Don, what a card we have for you tonight! From top to bottom it’s going to be a fantastic show!

West: Mike, from the TNA Tag Team Championship, Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy defending against Team 3D and the Naturals, to Monster’s Ball, all the way to Samoa Joe vs. Sting for the TNA World Championship, this is going to be a night to remember!

Ring Announcer: The Opening Contest here at TNA Bound for Glory is the Fight for the Right Battle Royal match! Here are the rules…
-2 Men will start off the match.
-Every 60 Seconds another man will enter the ring.
-Eliminations occur by throwing your opponent over the top rope.
-When it is down to the final two competitors, those men will then 1 fall match which can only be won by pin fall or submission.

Triple X’s music hits as Senshi comes to the ring.
Petey Williams’ music hits as the Canadian Destroyer hails back into TNA after a brief absence.

: Wow, Don, what great first two entries, if you remember earlier in the year, these two X-Division competitors had some smash mouth matches, and now, right here at Bound for Glory, one of them can actually earn themselves a world title shot!

Fight for the Right Battle Royal
(Winner Receiving a World Title match for any time and any place he desires.)
Senshi and Williams meet in the center of the ring. Williams smirks and takes a shot at Senshi, but the Warrior ducks and fires back at Williams. He connects with several shots and whips Williams across the ring. Williams bounces off and Senshi attempts a back drop on Williams, Senshi sends him up, but Williams counters in mid air and plants him with a reverse DDT. Williams runs to the ropes and connects with a second rope Lion Sault onto Senshi.

Tenay: That’s why these great fans are cheering TNA in Chicago tonight Don, because only TNA can put on a show like this, and most of that is because of our great X-Division athletes! These guys can pull off amazing feats the no one else can!

Williams picks up Senshi and nails him in the ribs and signals for the Canadian Destroyer, but Senshi counters and gets on the left of Williams and connects with a side Russian Leg Sweep. He sits Williams up, bounces off the ropes and delivers a harpoon drop kick to the sternum of Williams.

Motor City Machine Guns’ music hits as Chris Sabin makes his way into the Fight for the Right.

Sabin jumps onto the apron then springboards and gets a seated Senton onto Senshi. Williams gets up and Sabin drop kicks Williams. Senshi gets up and Sabin hard chops him in the chest then drop kicks him into the corner. Williams comes from behind Sabin and charges at him, but Sabin counters and swings Williams forward plowing right into Senshi. Williams bounces off stumbling and Sabin nails Williams with the Cradle Shock. Senshi finds himself crumble into the corner sitting up after being plowed by Williams. Sabin sees the opening and charges and nails his hesitation dropkick onto Senshi.

West: Sabin is on a role, I have always said he is one of the most pure athletes in the world today, Mike, this guy is getting the best of both Williams and Senshi here in the Fight for the Right!

Triple X’s music hits as Primetime Elix Skipper comes into the match.

Skipper comes into the match, Sabin charges at him with a flying clothesline, but Skipper rolls out of the way. Sabin gets up and Skipper kicks him in the gut, and then bounces off the ropes and nails a running knee into the skull of Sabin, then connects with a huge swinging neck breaker. Williams charges at Skipper, but Primetime counters and stops him with a huge Atomic Drop. Primetime holds him on his knee from the Atomic Drop, while Senshi powers off the ropes and connects with a huge clothesline onto Williams as Triple X begins to dominate this match. Skipper and Senshi pick up Williams and whip him over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Petey Williams

Sabin gets up and sees Triple X staring him in the face. Triple X back Sabin into the corner and open up on him with vicious stomps and then choke him with their boot, pushing his head beyond it’s limits.

Motor City Machine Guns’ music hits as Alex Shelley runs to the ring.

Shelley jumps onto the apron then onto the top turnbuckle and cross bodies onto both Senshi and Skipper taking down Triple X. Sabin gets up and both make the sign of Motor City as Triple X gets up. Sabin connects on Senshi as Shelley connects on Skipper with combos of axe kicks and hard chops, capping off with a double drop kick knocking Triple X down and they roll out of the ring. Senshi and Skipper motion like they are done with the match and start walking up the ramp.

Tenay: Is Triple X quitting here DW?

West: Well it looks to me they don’t want anything to do with Motor City Machine Guns here Mike, this is their environment here Mike, I don’t see why they would retreat like this!

Scott Steiner’s music hits as Big Poppa Pump comes down the ramp.

Tenay: Well, I don’t know here Don, but I would rather go back to the ring then face Big Poppa Pump! We have all seen what Steiner is capable of, he is the one who put the beating on Chris Harris week in and week out, and Harris is way bigger than these X-Division stars, imagine the carnage he is capable of here Don!

Skipper and Senshi freeze staring down Steiner. Motor City Machine Guns are standing in the ring laughing as Triple X jets back to the ring with Steiner following. Triple X runs to the opposite side of the ring as Steiner comes into the ring. All four other men just stare aimlessly at Steiner not knowing how to go about this. All four men charge at Steiner, but Steiner pushes all men away. Sabin and Shelley shoot up and pummel hammers onto Steiner, but Steiner pushes them away yet again. Senshi and Skipper try to take him this time, Skipper grabs Steiner’s legs and Senshi jumps on his back.

West: This is pretty comical Mike Tenay, I mean what a shot, it is like the Japanese versus Godzilla here tonight!

Steiner flips Senshi over his back and Senshi goes over the top rope landing on the apron. Steiner easily kicks Skipper loose. Skipper bounces up quickly, but is big booted by Scott Steiner. Senshi attempts a springboard off the third rope from the apron, he shoots for a flying cross body, but Steiner catches him. Steiner hoists Senshi up in mid air and hurls him over the top rope.


Motor City Machine Guns shift it into high gear, Sabin goes for the back knee swipe from behind on Steiner while Shelley connects with a standing missile dropkick on Steiner knocking him down with the double team. They meet at the ropes and makes the sign of Motor City, when Skipper comes from behind, but Motor City Machine Guns nails a double hip toss, tossing Primetime over the top rope eliminating him.

ELIMINATED: Elix Skipper

Ron Killings’ music hits as the Truth comes to the ring.

Truth runs in and explodes with a double spinning clothesline onto Motor City Machine Guns. Truth springs up and delivers a straight axe kick to Big Poppa Pump, barely knocking him down. Truth runs back and bounces off the ropes, unfortunately right into a huge bear hug by Scott Steiner. Truth gets swung around like a rag doll at the hands of Steiner. Truth rakes his eyes and Steiner releases. Truth kicks him in the gut and runs towards the ropes only to get double back dropped by the Motor City Machine Guns. Shelley and Sabin grab Steiner looking for a double DDT, but Steiner uses his brute force and launches both of them up with a double back drop. Truth appears on the top turnbuckle and connects with a missile drop kick on Steiner. Shelley and Sabin exit the ring and stand on the apron. Chris Sabin springboards off the ropes and connects with a Hurricurana on Truth. Truth goes down and Shelley connects with a springboard leg drop onto Ron Killings.

Kid Kash’s music hits as Kid Kash returns to TNA Wrestling.

: Don! It’s Kid Kash! Kid Kash is here at Bound for Glory back in TNA!

Kash walks into the ring and is greeted by Motor City Machine Guns. Shelley and Sabin start exchanging blows with Kash. Kash blocks Sabin then delivers a strong right, then blocks Shelley’s and gives him a nasty forearm. Kash bounces off the ropes and nails them both with a double clothesline. Steiner gets up and Kash delivers a huge insuguri. Steiner doesn’t go down. Steiner backs up and Truth kicks him in the gut, bounces off the ropes and nails the Scissors Kick on Scott Steiner. Kash, Truth, Sabin and Shelley all get up and look at each other, then look at Scott, they all motion to each other to get him over the top rope.

Rick Steiner’s music hits as the Dog Faced Gremlin comes out of the entrance way.

: Rick Steiner! Don! Rick Steiner! I am speechless!

West: I am as speechless as you are Mike if not more, Rick Steiner has come out of retirement, and might I say that it couldn’t have been a better time in Scott’s case right now!

Rick runs into the ring and plows Kash and Truth down. Shelley and Sabin look at Rick and both run at him, but Rick nails a double shoulder block crumbling the Motor City Machine Guns. Rick helps Scott up and Scott hugs him. The Steiner Brothers go on the offensive as they start to tear apart the Motor City Machine Guns. Rick nails Shelley with a Scoop Suplex and Scott drills Sabin with a power bomb. Truth goes after Scott but Steiner shuts him down with a Spine buster. Scott sets Truth up and Rick scales the turnbuckles. Rick drills Truth down with a top rope clothesline nailing the Doomsday Device. Steiners mysteriously get a huge pop they pick up Truth and whip him over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Ron Killings

Tenay: The Steiners are back and are dominating this match here Don by eliminating the former TNA World Champion Ron “the Truth†Killings!

Eric Young’s music hits as Eric Young comes down the ramp.

Young comes in the ring and literally makes a joke out of the match. He starts posing like Scott Steiner and barks like Rick. Eric tries to get Rick to kneel down so he could ride him like Scott does. Scott and Rick laugh to each other. Rick kneels down and Eric sits on his back. Eric looks like he is having the time of his life, but Scott delivers a huge big boot to the back of his head. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin send Kash flying into the corner, but Kid Kash counters and runs up the turnbuckles and connects with a flying moonsault taking down both Motor City Machine Guns. Scott grabs Eric by the head and whips him into the corner. Steiner delivers repeated blows to the skull of Young. Rick runs across the ring, Scott moves out of the way, and Rick bulldozes Young in the corner. Young stumbles out of the corner and the Steiners send him over the top rope and onto the floor.


Kash picks up Shelley and clobbers him with hammers shots to the spine. He follows up with a German Suplex. Sabin goes for a dropkick, but Kash dodges and then DDT’s him.

Robert Roode’s music hits as Roode makes his way down to the ring.

Roode runs into the ring and big boots Kid Kash. Roode turns around and he is face to face with the Steiner Brothers. He starts screaming at them. Steiners look at each other and shake their heads. Roode reaches into his boot and pulls out a huge wad of cash. He holds it up to their face and points to the Motor City Machine Guns and tells them to get the job done.

West: Is Robert Roode paying off the Steiner Brothers here Mike Tenay?

Steiner take the bank roll and walk towards Motor City. Roode walks over to Kash and backdrops him. Scott Steiner picks up Shelley and Power Slams him. Rick picks up Sabin and gives him one nasty back breaker. Shelley gets up and hits Scott in the mouth and appears to have done some damage. Shelley bounces off the ropes and runs towards Scott, but Scott Steiner counters and sends him over the top rope eliminating him.

ELIMINATED: Alex Shelley

Rick picks up Sabin and sets him on the top rope. Sabin kicks Rick away and goes for a Cross Body, but Rick catches him and sends him over the top rope.


Roode points at the Steiners with a smile. He turns around and Kash nails Roode with a huge insuguri. The Steiner Brothers run towards Kash, but Kash ducks and turns with a double dropkick to the Steiners and both Steiners collapse onto the second rope. Kash bounces off the ropes and nails a running dropkick to the Steiners choking them on the rope.

Kazarian’s music hits as Kaz comes to the ring.

Kaz scales the turnbuckles and connects with a huge flying clothesline on Roode. Kash and Kaz double team Roode and whip him across the ring then connect with a double hip toss on Roode. Kaz grabs Roode and whips him over the ropes, but Roode lands on the apron. Roode goes for a right hook, but Kaz ducks and elbows him in the gut. Kaz runs across the ring and jumps onto Roode looking for a Hurricurana to plant Roode on the floor, but Roode ducks and drops him with a huge powerbomb onto the floor.


Kash comes into the picture and hits him with forearms, Roode blocks one them sets him up for a suplex. Roode hoists him up, but Kash counters and suplexes Roode back into the ring.

Homicide’s music hits as Homicide comes down the ramp.

Homicide runs onto the apron. The Steiners start to get up, Homicide springboards off the top rope and connects with a double flying bulldog onto the Steiner Brothers. Kash picks up Roode and starts to lift him up and try to get him over the top rope. Homicide comes over and helps Kash get him over the rope. Roode falls over the rope but lands on the apron. The Steiner Brothers run over and blindside Kash and Homicide. Steiner stomps Kash down into the corner. Rick hurls Homicide across the ring and nails an Atomic Drop. Roode bounces off the ropes and clotheslines Homicide.

Junior Fatu’s music hits as Junior Fatu makes his long awaited return to pro-wrestling.

Tenay: Is that? It is! Don, that’s Junior Fatu! Formerly known as Rikishi!

West: I had no idea he was even coming into TNA! This is so bizarre! Well, it works! Junior Fatu is in the Fight for the Right!

Fatu walks into the ring and stuns everyone. Rick, Scott, and Robert Roode stand in awe at this man’s stature. The Steiners charge Fatu but Fatu knocks both men down with a double clothesline. Fatu goes after Scott, he picks him up and knees him in the chest. Rick comes over and pummels his back. Fatu elbows him in the gut and he gets both Steiners against the ropes. Fatu charges and clotheslines both Steiner Brothers over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Rick and Scott Steiner

The fans go crazy chanting TNA! TNA! TNA! Roode charges at Fatu, almost knocking him over. Fatu laughs then clotheslines him. Kash runs towards Fatu, but Fatu hurls him up and slams him down with a Samoan Drop. Homicide scales the corner and nails Fatu with a missile dropkick, but still no dice, nothing can knock down the big man. Roode gets up and clubs him from behind with numerous blows. Roode bounces off the ropes then drills him down with a bulldog. Roode picks up Homicide and signals for his signature move the Pay Off. He locks him and shoots him nailing the Pay Off on Homicide. Roode drags Fatu over to the ropes and leans him on them. He gets another bank roll out of his boot and throws it at Kid Kash to help him. Kash smiles and goes to help Roode. Both men pick up one of Fatu’s legs and lift him up. Homicide bounces off the ropes and hurls himself at Fatu which takes all men over the top rope. Homicide and Fatu crash and burn onto the floor as Kash hangs onto the ropes and Roode lands on the apron.

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as the final entry into the Fight for the Right comes down the ramp.

: Well this one should be no surprise as Lance Hoyt beat Robert Roode in a very controversial finish last week on iMPACT! to earn him this spot let’s see what he can do!

Hoyt runs into the ring and Roode runs under the ropes to the other side of the ring. Hoyt charges at him, but Roode charges back. Roode goes for a clothesline, but Hoyt counters, bounces off the ropes then delivers a huge big boot to Robert Roode. Hoyt gets a huge pop and then turns around and he is face to face with Kid Kash.

Tenay: Oh Don, remember this! Kid Kash and Lance Hoyt, they have a storied past here in TNA Wrestling, Don, they were former TNA Tag Team Champions together, when Lance Hoyt was formerly known as Dallas!

Kash puts his hand out and Hoyt shakes it. They point to Robert Roode and start stomping him into the corner. Hoyt picks him up and whips him across the ring. Hoyt crouches down and Kash runs up his back and nails a flying clothesline on Roode. Hoyt springs up and while Roode stumbles around. Hoyt hooks him then nails him with a belly to belly. Kash gets on the top turnbuckle with full fan support. Hoyt points to him to focus all of the attention. Kash goes for a Shooting Star Press, but Roode gets the knees up. Hoyt runs over to Roode, but Roode low blows Lance Hoyt. Roode grabs Kash and sets him up for the Pay Off. Roode lifts him up and lets him go right next to the ropes and Kash flies over the top rope and onto the floor.


Fight for the Right Final
Robert Roode vs. Lance Hoyt
Roode walks over to Lance Hoyt smiling because he thinks this is money in the bank. Roode walks over to Hoyt and kicks him in the ribs then slaps the back of his head. Roode picks him up and back drops him. He swipes his hands together like job well done; he covers Hoyt 1…2…kickout! Roode picks him up and hurls Hoyt into the corner. He connects with a bunch of hard chops then whips Hoyt against the ropes and connects with a sidewalk slam. Roode pins Hoyt once again 1…2…kickout! Roode gets frustrated. He picks Hoyt up and whips him across the ring again, but Hoyt counters and hurls Roode into the corner. Hoyt runs and bulldozes him in the corner. He lifts Roode and sits him on the third rope then hits him with blows to the skull. Hoyt climbs up there with him. Hoyt sets him up then plants Robert Roode to the mat with a huge top rope superplex. Hoyt covers Roode this time 1…2…kickout! Hoyt sits him up and puts Roode in a head lock. Roode panics but begins to rise. He elbows Roode in the gut, then launches him to the ropes and when Hoyt shoots back connects with a beautiful flying knee to the gut by Roode. Roode shoves Hoyt down and pins him 1…2…kickout! Roode picks Hoyt up, but Hoyt counters with a jaw breaker. Hoyt bounces off the ropes and connects with a running DDT on Robert Roode. Hoyt goes to the turnbuckles and climbs to the top rope. Hoyt signals for the moonsault, but Roode jumps up and climbs the same corner and connects with a top rope German Suplex. The fans go crazy chanting TNA! TNA! TNA! Roode slowly crawls over to Hoyt and covers him 1….2…kickout! Roode starts pulling his hair out in anger. He runs around the ring and kicks the bottom ropes. Hoyt slowly rises as Roode is in a fluster. Roode turns around and Hoyt connects with a last minute superkick crumbling Roode. Hoyt climbs the turnbuckles and goes for the moonsault. Hoyt jumps and nails it on Roode covering him 1...2…3!
WINNER: Lance Hoyt

Tenay: Lance Hoyt has done the impossible! Don, Lance Hoyt fought for the right and now he finds himself in a very good place, he has the opportunity to challenge the TNA World Champion anytime he desires! This is amazing me!

West: Lance Hoyt nailing that superkick followed by the moonsault to get the pin on Roode, what a combo by Big Lance, what a kick off to Bound for Glory!

Hoyt walks up the ramp with his arms raised in victory as Roode throws a fit in the middle of the ring.


Jeremy Borash is backstage with Wildcat Chris Harris.

Jeremy Borash here backstage at Bound for Glory with the one and only, “Wildcat†Chris Harris! Now Chris, tonight, huge match, the Wildcat taking on the Phenomenal One going head to head at the biggest PPV of the year Bound for Glory, what’s going through your mind?

Harris: Well…

Scott and Rick Steiner walk into the scene.

S. Steiner
: I’ll tell you what’s going through this punk’s mind Borash! He knows that once he gets out there he’ll choke just like the past couple of weeks when your little punk ass was getting the hell beaten out of it by myself and AJ!

Harris: Steiner?!?!? Where the hell do you get off interrupting my interview? It’s about time someone set you straight, and I think the Wildcat is just the man for the job!

S. Steiner: Rick, you hear this garbage?

Scott Steiner jacks Harris across the mouth and hurls him shoulder first into the wall. Rick grabs him from behind and holds him while Scott nails him in the gut several times. Rick lets him go and Scott kicks him in the gut and Harris goes down.

S. Steiner
: Get over here Borash, this promo ain’t over! Hey Harris! Listen, just quit while you’re ahead bro, it ain’t going to get any better from here! Punkass.

Steiner delivers one last kick to the ribs and both Steiner Brothers walk away laughing.

: Highlights of the feud between Jerry Lynn and Kevin Nash.

Tenay: Ladies and Gentlemen it’s time for one of the most heated rivalries in wrestling today to take center stage here at Bound for Glory! It’s time to find out “Who Made the X-Division?â€

Kevin Nash’s music hits as Big Daddy Cool comes down the ramp.

Jerry Lynn’s music hits as the X-Division Pioneer comes down the ramp.

“Who Made the X-Division?†You’re Fired! Match

Jerry Lynn vs. Kevin Nash
Lynn and Nash meet face to face in the ring. Jerry Lynn is face to face with Nash’s chest since Nash towers over him. Jerry takes early shots at Nash. He bounces off the ropes and literally throws himself at him, but not doing any damage. Nash grabs Lynn by the head and headbutts him. Lynn falls over on the ropes. Nash puts his foot on Lynn’s head choking him on the ropes. Nash breaks the submission at the 4 count. Nash picks him up and whips him across the ring. Jerry springboards off the second rope with a back elbow to Nash’s sternum almost knocking him down. Lynn delivers axe kicks to the knees of Nash and then a straight kick to the gut. He ends it with a strong insuguri to Nash and Nash falls to one knee. Lynn bounces off the ropes again and dropkicks Nash right in the mush. Nash falls backwards and Lynn nails a standing moonsault on Nash into a pin 1…kickout! Lynn gets up and waits for Nash to stand. Nash gets up and Lynn forearm swipes Nash in the back of the knee and Nash is once again down on one knee. Lynn delivers another insuguri this time to the back of Nash’s head and Nash falls front first onto the mat. Lynn climbs to the top turnbuckle looking for a top rope leg drop, but Nash gets up and grabs him on the top rope and whips him down to the mat. Lynn desperately tries to get up, but Nash walks on and over his back. Nash picks Lynn up by the hair and whips him around still holding his hair.

Tenay: This is disgusting Don! It looks like Nash is trying to rip Lynn’s head right off his shoulders!

Nash lets Lynn go and Lynn rolls out under the bottom rope. Nash walks over the top rope and out of the ring. He walks around the ring to where Jerry Lynn is, but Lynn drop toe holds him and Nash crashes his head right onto the steel steps. Nash busted his head right open. Lynn picks his head up and smashes it back onto the steps repeatedly. Lynn gets humungous cheers. Lynn grabs Nash and tries to whip him into the barricades, but Nash pulls Lynn right into a huge clothesline. Nash picks him up and hoists him up and drops him rib first on the guard rail. Lynn falls to the floor. Nash drags Lynn by the hair and hurls him into the ring. Nash climbs over the ropes and into the ring and delivers a straight elbow drop to Lynn’s spine. Nash taunts the crowd to an onslaught of boos. Nash pulls Lynn up and Lynn gets a thumb to the eye. Lynn runs and bulldogs Kevin Nash. Lynn runs up the turnbuckles and jumps to nail a frog splash on Kevin Nash covering him 1…2…kickout!

West: Oh man I could sense how close that count was, that could have easily been 3 here Mike! I can’t believe this, Jerry Lynn wants to keep his job so bad!

Jerry Lynn slaps Nash across his woozy blood soaked face and wipes his blood on his own chest then sits him up and locks in the Crucifix Armbar choking the life out of Nash, who has lost a lot of blood. Nash taps out to Jerry Lynn.
WINNER: Jerry Lynn

Tenay: Jerry Lynn overcame the odds here Don! I can’t believe how he did it! Lynn nailed a frog splash off the top rope than locked in the Cross Arm Breaker, a.k.a. the Crucifix arm bar, a move he hasn’t used since his Mr. J.L. days in the old WCW!

West: That blew my mind Mike, but you have to automatically think of the repercussions, and that Kevin Nash is out of a job Mike Tenay! He will never again poke his nose in the X-Division no longer!

Jerry Lynn kneels up and waves to the screaming audience in Chicago as they give the X-Division Pioneer a standing ovation.


Leticia is backstage with Kurt Angle.

: I am Leticia Cline backstage at Bound for Glory with the only Olympic Gold Medalist in professional wrestling history, I am here with Kurt Angle!

Angle: Why thank you Leticia.

Leticia: Kurt, right here tonight, the biggest rivalry in the history of TNA Wrestling will come to a head, as you, Kurt Angle, take on the man who built TNA from the ground up, in the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett. After everything you two have been through since Slammiversary last June, what are your final thoughts now that you are actually here at Bound for Glory moments before your match?

Angle: Well Leticia, when you have done everything there is to accomplish in our sport, nothing should surprise you. However, I have this feeling inside me Leticia, this gut feeling…that I haven’t had in a long time. Jeff Jarrett has pissed me off to a point that it’s just destroyed me physically and mentally over the past few months, but tonight, tonight changes everything. Tonight is the first night of the rest of my life, after tonight, we will find out who the better man is once and for all. It all started last July at Victory Road when Jarrett got the clean pin on me, then I lashed back destroying Jarrett in Falls Count Anywhere, and fast forward to right here tonight, Bound for Freakin’ Glory! It’s Kurt Angle-Jeff Jarrett III, the rubber match the world is waiting to see, and Leticia, both of us are going to be contained in the most unforgiving structure that our sport has ever seen, the Six Sides of Steel! Leticia, tonight you will witness two men go out there and put on a classic that will make you want to come back to this very place, a classic that will blow your mind, tonight, 2 men will put on a classic, but only one man will have his hand raised in victory…

Angle walks away very intensely as Leticia stares at him with a distinguished look on her face.

: Don, do you know what time it is? It is time for TNA’s annual Monster’s Ball match! Don in this match, there are no rules, anything goes, we have seen some unforgettable memories from this yearly tradition and this one is shaping up to be no different!

West: I know Mike, when you look at the history between these four men, or Monsters, shall I say, the blood runs cold with these individuals to say the least! When you think of the hatred by Shane Douglas to Raven, it all goes back to Team WCW vs. Team ECW, then the wars Shane’s Naturals had with Raven and Rhino, and when the Naturals destroyed Rhino in his hospital room, that was the final blow, then Raven went ballistic. Ever since then Raven and Shane Douglas have been at each other’s throats, and now Douglas is up between a rock and a hard place because the Naturals have severed ties with the Franchise, that’s right, they are flying solo, tired of being ordered around, and now Douglas has to pay the piper!

Tenay: Let’s not forget the other two participants, the Monster Abyss and the Alpha Male Monty Brown! Brown is looking for stop Abyss’ onslaught, because in the past 4 weeks on iMPACT! Monty Brown has consecutively been Black Hole Slammed four times, yes four separate times, by the Monster Abyss and tonight Monty Brown is looking for vengeance!

Abyss’ music hits as the Monster Abyss comes to the ring.

Raven’s music hits as Raven walks down the ramp.

Shane Douglas’ music hits as the Franchise makes his way ringside.

Monty Brown’s music hits as the Alpha Male comes to the ring.

Monster’s Ball

Abyss vs. Raven vs. Shane Douglas vs. Monty Brown
Raven throws himself at Shane Douglas taking him down and mounting shots right on the skull. Shane gets up and Raven clotheslines himself and Douglas over the top rope. Monty Brown stares across the ring at Abyss. Brown smiles and starts to walk to the center of the ring and Abyss does the same as both men approach one another. Brown slaps Abyss right across the mask and Abyss gets pissed off real fast. Abyss shoves Brown back with a palm to the face. Brown powers back with a huge spear to the Monster Abyss. Raven slams Douglas’ head right off the ring post then hurls him spine first into the guard rail. Raven lands numerous shots on Douglas then whips him back spine first into the ring apron.

West: It’s just an all out brawl between these two, Mike, it has gotten nasty real fast!

Brown nails Abyss in the skull with forearm shots and then bangs his head off the canvas over and over again. Abyss pushes him off and gets up, but Monty throws himself at Abyss and keeps hammering him down and pushes him into the corner. Monty nails him with a knee to the ribs then whips him across the ring and then on his way back powers him down with a spinebuster. The camera moves to the outside where Raven pulls out a steel chair and nails Douglas across the skull. Douglas is busted open. Raven throws the chair down and DDT’s Douglas head first onto the steel chair. Raven spits on Douglas and moves into the ring. Monty Brown starts to pick Abyss up, but Raven sideswipes him clobbering the Alpha Male. Raven stomps Brown down while Abyss gets up. Abyss comes from behind and sets Raven up for the Shock Treatment. Raven slips out of the back and pushes Abyss forward into a rising Monty Brown knocking him down again. Douglas runs into the ring with the steel chair and attempts to hit Raven from behind, but Raven sees it coming and ducks and Douglas cracks Abyss across the back with the chair. The Monster Abyss doesn’t even flinch.

Tenay: Did you see that vicious chairshot! Abyss didn’t move a muscle!

Abyss turns around and swats the chair out of Douglas’ hand and grabs him by the throat. Abyss drills him up and plants him down with a huge chokeslam. Raven grabs the chair and cracks Abyss across the skull grounding the Monster. Monty Brown comes from behind and shoots Raven across the ring and then connects with a huge Pounce! He covers Raven 1…2…kickout! Monty Brown rolls out of the ring to the outside and looks under the ring. He pulls out a garbage can and throws it into the ring. He pulls out a street sign and throws it into the ring. He pulls out a chain and throws it into the ring. Then, finally, he pulls out a table and slides it into the ring.

Tenay: Looks like the Alpha Male is getting the wood!

West: Yes Mike, the Serengeti could always use some more wood!

Shane grabs the chain and wraps it around his fist while Brown gets back into the ring. Brown turns towards Douglas and Shane decks him across the jaw and Brown crumbles down. Shane picks the table up and sets it up in the corner. He turns around and is greeted by Raven holding the street sign. Shane smiles and begs Raven not to hit him. Raven asks the crowd and they are chanting HIT HIM! HIT HIM! HIT HIM! Raven smiles and cracks the sign over Shane’s skull bending the sign. Raven picks up Shane Douglas and puts him in the corner. He begins to hard chop him right on the sternum then whips him across the ring right into Abyss whole nails Douglas down with a Black Hole Slam. Brown bounces off the ropes and goes for a Pounce on Raven, but Raven ducks, Brown hops over Raven and Pounces the Monster Abyss right through the ropes. Brown goes running after Abyss. Raven picks up Douglas, but Douglas low blows him. Douglas smiles and then sets him up for Raven’s signature Raven Effect. Douglas pauses then turns around and sees the table to the side of him. He turns around to DDT Raven through the table. He closes his eyes because he has waited for this moment.

Out of the audience comes a rather large fan wearing a black hoodie with a large “D†on it’s back. He slides into the ring and pulls his hood down.

West: Mike! It’s Rhino! The War Machine is at Bound for Glory!

Shane opens his eyes to finally plant Raven with the Raven Effect, but instead of the light of victory comes Rhino running towards him and Gores him through the table.


Raven gets up and hugs Rhino as the fans viciously chant TNA! TNA! TNA! Shane rolls out of the ring trying to escape, but Rhino and Raven are hot on his tracks. Monty goes under the ring with Abyss laid out on the floor and pulls out a bag and the crowd goes nuts. He throws the bag in the ring. Abyss low blows Brown and shoves him under the bottom rope. Abyss grabs another bag from under the ring and the crowd goes nuts again! He throws the bag in the ring and stomps Monty Brown down. Abyss grabs both bags and raises them. He lets the fans decide by the crowd cheering. He can’t decide which is loudest so he pours both bags out exposing thousands of thumb tacks and broken glass. Abyss picks up Monty Brown and whips him across the ring for a Black Hole Slam, but this time Brown counters in mid air with a spinning DDT head first into the glass and tacks. Brown is ready to finish it and picks up Abyss, covered in Blood, he knees Abyss in the ribs then sets the big man up and drills him down onto the tacks and glass back first this time with a huge powerbomb. He covers Abyss 1...2…3!
WINNER: Monty Brown

West: Oh man, someone needs to come out here and help Abyss, look at the carnage, he got slammed onto that glass and tacks, not once, but twice, this is horrible!

Tenay: Well Don, Monty got wise this time and actually countered the Black Hole Slam in time, what a Monster’s Ball!

STILL TO COME on Bound for Glory 2007​







Wow, what a start man!!! The wait is finally over!!! :)

Like I said, great start and keep it up. I was really suprised by your first 2 match outcomes. I know you like Hoyt, but I really didnt expect him to get the win. Same with Lynn. I was really expecting to see Nash win this. Keep it up man. Ill have a full review once you have all 3 parts as usual

The Rated R CMStar

Great first part, a nice amount of upsets and surprises so far, now we have ahead of us the really big matches, so let's see who gets the victory. Lance Hoyt winning was good, altough I was expecting Robert Roode winning


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
I'm the prediction king! 3 out of 3!

Great so far, it is really living uup to my expectations and it proves your quality as a booker. I'm excited to see what you do now with Lance Hoyt and the title shot. I also wonder what's gonna happen now Kevin Nash is gone and also, great signing in Kid Kash :)


New Member
Oct 31, 2007
Reaction score
BFG is absolutely awesome! Alot of unexpected wins and eliminations there. I am super excited to see the conclusion! I hope it is not a long wait!

DANTE savage

Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
So far the event has been great, one of the best few matches I've read from you. I am most looking forward to six sides os steel and the main event, the X divsion title, I feel we will see a new champion. The monsters ball so far was espcially enjoyable, much better than the real life one, and with a good result, so well done there. Good to see Brown still in TNA and on his winning ways. I was delighted to see Hoyt win the fight for the right, I always thought this guy could be a huge star in TNA if they gave him a chance, I hope you capitalise on this. Decent show so far, things will pick up for sure in part 2.