Hmmm juice looks pretty good actually
Does this mean you're mostly leaning toward Alco then?Uhhh kajuh seems pretty town too
Is this true juice....Not to WIFOM but she was around on the site doing NWA prediction results, so she was definitely around to submit the role
I think you were posting this to me after I said Jeff is more likely to be scum than Kajuh - I just meant it as in if Kajuh is scum then Jeff basically can't be town because he would have lied about usage on Kajuh. Whereas Jeff can be scum and Kajuh still town.
Also Jeff can be a hider/commuter who is scum tbf. I'm not denying at this point that he clearly has either the role he is claiming, or one close enough.
Ie Lethal's result on him is definitely legit.
what don't you like?
Different note, read back on Flay's posts and her most awkward interactions were with Kajuh and Jeff, randomly tunneling on a "weak interest" and then consistently arguing with Jeff in a manner which doesn't feel particularly genuine.
cba multiquoting but you guys can read back her posts yourselves if you want, doesn't take long
Fucking "Chloe" is a dude, shit is too confusing tbh, I'm not designed for this 21st century bullshit
Yup exactly I don't quite know how to interpret that whole situation - would scum Jeff "clear" a fellow scum for the WIFOM?
I... could see it. But I fear its diving too deep too soon to speculate on that.
I think you were posting this to me after I said Jeff is more likely to be scum than Kajuh - I just meant it as in if Kajuh is scum then Jeff basically can't be town because he would have lied about usage on Kajuh. Whereas Jeff can be scum and Kajuh still town.
Also Jeff can be a hider/commuter who is scum tbf. I'm not denying at this point that he clearly has either the role he is claiming, or one close enough.
Ie Lethal's result on him is definitely legit.
So yeah Ace sure doesn't sound like he was masons with Kajuh to me hereYeah I get you, could pretty easily be a scum commuter though.
I'm mostly talking this through for myself from a logical perspective given how I read Flay's interactions with Jeff and Kajuh to be weird.
Yes, It was just Ace and IKajuh - did you only get to mason one person? I don't think anyone has asked - who do you win with?
1) Banez
2) Jeff
3) Rugrat
4) Ace
5) Doddsy
6) Alco
7) Lethal
8) T'Challa
10) Poyser
11) CP
12) Flay
13) Grim
14) Magic
15) Juice
16) Kajuh
17) Chimp
why the scum lean on Ace?
Kajuh was not masons with Ace lmaoMy very own poor meta read on him. The more convincing he is to me the scummier he gets and I've liked his posts so far. Counter intuitive, I know.