This literally never happened with me. I came back to the section after a 6-month or so hiatus following the "Hannukah joke in Christmas mafia" incident (told you in PM following that game that I was taking a break but would probably be back) and signed up for a game, deciding to let bygones be bygones and give the section another try. I played that game to completion. During that game I also signed up for the next game in the queue, since I was having fun and things weren't feeling toxic. In the post-game of the previous game I had you and Jeff throwing a lot of shit at me and drudging up past drama to deflect from my complaints about Jeff's unprompted and repeated flaming earlier in that game. So I decided I was done here given how I was treated, but forgot to remove myself from the next game I had already signed up for. When I noticed my error, I resolved it and politely requested to be removed from the list. You and Jeff responded by throwing more shit at me. So, needlessly to say, I take huge exception to your framing.Is it helpful if guys like ultra and CP and big man come back every month or so to talk about how they’re not gonna play a game?
I'm sure I'll just be met with more abuse for defending my name here, but I won't stand for being lied about. I do still check in on here now and then to read games given all of the people I know who still play here. My intention is not to stir up any drama. But please, don't speak of me if you're going to be dishonest. I *will* respond, such is my right.
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