You beat me to the punch Jeff, that was the question I had planned lmao
I had a harsh answer to this but then I remembered its theera so instead I'll give some advice and say you should ALWAYS be trying to generate some stuff, regardless of how active the game is.
Your thoughts on Barry, Tweet and Evans please
This though. Why does Tweet being emotional leads you to think he's town, when last two times he got emo he was scum and indy ,respectively.
Surely he's not so transparent to fall into that again? Yes he's emotional, but he's not pulling out insults and stating that PerC is better. Maybe it's a ruse to make gullible people such as myself think he wouldn't be so transparent when he actually is.
Thanks for being a pal
Barry's claim seems very out of character for his usual style of play. Normally he's very anti-claim, iirc he refused to claim a few games back even with info on him. I'm also highly suspect of a hider/commuter combo, but I'm not one to try and outguess the mod on role selections. The fact he just dipped after doing so raised a red flag.
Tweet is less aggressive and less woe is me, but still part emotional, so that to me indicates not scummy, but who knows with him as he is always trying to reinvent the wheel when it comes to his play so for me to gain his 'meta' is difficult. I do notice though that he isn't paper-pushing at least, with his direction towards and relentless pursuit of Jeff.
Evans, I'll admit I haven't taken much notice of due to the Jeff/Tweets exchange, but I can do a skim of his posts and add in thoughts.
And Odo, what I meant by that was I wasn't providing flavour as I felt it wasn't needed. I'm just a double voter, nothing more, nothing less.
Perhaps I went about it all wrong, but my intentions were to put an early vote in to reveal my double vote before the inevitable "who has it" game is played and then queried. I've always had the view that the DV should be up-front with their power.
Lethal, was your gut feeling initially that Jeff was the potential scum of the two of them? You still have that opinion now if so?