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Wrestlemania X-Seven - The Right to Censor vs The Acolytes & Tazz


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Wrestlemania 24: World Heavyweight Championship: Edge(c) vs The Undertaker

First thing I notice while watching this match is Cole refer to Edge as a 4-time World Champion. Considering that this was in 2008 and he retired in 2011 with eleven World Champion reigns total, it shows how much of a focal point he was in his las 3 years.

Onto the match, it was a very good contest. Both men countered the others big spots. Taker takes care of the Edgeheads, only for Edge to capatilize. Edge hits the Spear, but Taker manages to turn it into Hell's Gate for the submission victory. This was the second straight Streak vs Title match for the Undertaker and considering that Taker hasn't had a bad match at Mania since the Wrestlemania match against Kane, it was just another day at the office


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 06/15/2000 - King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Edge (w/Christian) vs. Grandmaster Sexay (w/Scotty 2 Hotty)

Really good match with a weird finish idk why Shane had to get involved? I don’t remember Shane having issues with Too Cool. But ouside that this was fun and a good way to kick off tv. **1/2


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 06/15/2000 - Kane vs. Chris Benoit

Benoit is the IC title and the title is not on the line here. Kane kicks Benoit to start and throws him into a corner but Benoit hits an elbow. Benoit switches positions and gets in some some kicks and chops but Kane no-sells them and throws Benoit in the corner. Kane pummels Benoit before hiptossing him across the ring and hitting a clothesline. Kane scoops Benoit up but Benoit floats over him and shoves him into the ropes. Kane comes back with an uppercut then whips Benoit and Benoit slides under a boot but Kane connects with a second boot. Kane goes for an elbowdrop but misses it and Benoit starts to fight back then goes for a whip. Kane reverses it when Benoit trips him with a drop toehold and dropkicks him in the head but Kane powers out of the cover. Benoit whips Kane into a corner and gets a waistlock but Kane fights out of it. Benoit then tries to go for a suplex but Kane blocks it and hits a front suplex and follows up with a sidewalk slam. Kane whips Benoit, Benoit rolls under a boot and goes for the Crossface but can’t bring Kane down to lock it in. Kane grabs Benoit by the throat and goes for the chokeslam but Benoit counters and tries the Crossface again but still can’t get Kane down. Benoit goes for a whip but Kane counters it with a short-arm clothesline. Benoit rolls out to the floor to regroup and grabs his IC belt but Kane follows him out and chops him down then tosses Benoit (and the belt) in the ring. Kane climbs to the top rope and leaps off for the flying clothesline but Benoit holds the belt up to block Kane’s flight and that draws a DQ to end this. After the match Kane is down as Benoit grins at his work but Kane suddenly sits up. Benoit waffles Kane with his belt a second time but Kane again sits up so Benoit decides to do the smart thing and just leave the ring as Kane glares at him. **1/2 Was going so well until the finish but i'm not surprised by the DQ.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 06/15/2000 - Edge & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz

Christian first gets on the mic and claims Chicago is called the Windy City because the entire town (*bleep*)s. Edge adds Chicago has a serious case of the uglies such as Oprah Winfrey, Roger Ebert and the Cubs’ record. Edge says he and Christian will offer an extra two seconds to their usual 5-second pose as they proceed with it. The Dudleys then enter and Christian works on D’Von to start then goes for a whip when D’Von reverses it but Christian slides under him and grabs a waistlock. D’Von fights out of it then comes of the ropes and connects with a clothesline. Bubba tags in and whips Christian into a tilt-o-whirl slam and D’Von adds in a splash for a two count. Bubba gets in his shots and whips Christian into a corner then charges but eats a boot. Edge tags in but Bubba plants him with a Samoan Drop and chops him in a corner before he whips him into the opposite corner. Bubba then catches Christian coming in but this allows Edge to hop to the middle rope and hit a missile dropkick. E&C double-team Bubba and whip him into a corner then Edge drops to the mat and Christian hits a flying crossbody. Edge tags Christian in and the two whip Bubba but Bubba clotheslines Christian and nails Edge with a DDT. Bubba clotheslines Christian again before D’Von tags in and takes it to E&C then whips Christian into an elbow. D’Von slams Edge with a Curtain Call but Christian breaks up the pin so Bubba tosses him through the ropes and all four men head out to the floor. The two teams battle up the ramp as the referee ends up counting both teams out. The two teams reach the stage where Bubba suplexes Edge then looks out and sees a pair of tables on the floor. Bubba then sets Chrsitian up for a superbomb off the stage when Road Dogg and X-Pac come out for the save and lay out the Dudleys with chairs. E&C work them over while the DX’ers pull out a dumpster and toss the Dudleys into the dumpster. Bubba and D’Von try to fight out but are quickly subdued and the DX’ers tie the lids closed before shoving the dumpster off the stage and through the two tables below. A number of referees and EMTs come out to tend to the injured Dudleys while DX brags about it from above. ** Pretty Fun Brawl but it did fell like a waste of time.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Ring of Honor Wrestling (8/4/12) - The Briscoes vs The Guardians of Truth


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Raw Is War 06/19/2000 - King of the Ring 2nd Round Match: Kurt Angle vs. Bubba Ray Dudley

Surprisingly good match here everything clicked, I just wish Bubba wold of sold his injured ribs more before Angle started to work on them. But outside that just a real good way to kick off a show. **3/4


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Raw Is War 06/19/2000 - King of the Ring 2nd Round Match: Chris Benoit vs. X-Pac (w/Tori)

Okay match with a interference/distraction which not needed. After the match Benoit departs while the Dudleys come in and start beating down X-Pac but here’s Road Dogg in to make the save. Road Dogg plans D’Von with the pump handle slam while X-Pac hits the X-Factor on Bubba and Road Dogg holds him for Tori to get in a few kicks. **1/2


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Raw Is War 06/19/2000 - King of the Ring 2nd Round Match: Eddie Guerrero vs. Chyna
The match was what it was, but it also wouldn’t be the last time one of them manipulated the other. 1/2* Was not a fan of Chyna controlling the match but i guess Vince is aginst Men attacking females

WWE Raw Is War 06/19/2000 - King of the Ring 2nd Round Match: Chris Jericho vs. Edge
This was DAMN good and it was going so well then it just ended all of a sudden but still good work from both guys. ***


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWE Raw Is War 06/19/2000 - Handicap Match: Kane vs. The Hardy Boyz
That was almost a squash here they had some moments of sloppyness but i got what they were trying to do but the Hardys botched so much of this. **

WWE Raw Is War 06/19/2000 - Handicap Match: The Rock vs. T & A (w/Trish Stratus)
T&A in the main event :lmao who would have guessed. Anyway Rock must win this final match for the WWF Championship to be put on the line in the six-man tag at the pay-per-view. And seeing how KANE and Taker already won their matches we all knew Rock was gonna win. **


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 06/22/2000 - Intergender Match: The Hardy Boyz & Lita vs. Test, Albert & Trish Stratus

This is Trish’s first real match and I believe this stems from Lita and Trish duking it out after last week’s match. Long back and forth match which was chaotic but it felt a little too one sided for my liking. **


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 06/22/2000 - Christian (w/Edge) vs. Grandmaster Sexay (w/Scotty 2 Hotty)

Edge and Christian both come out wearing portly Elvis costumes and acting winded once they reach the ring. Christian gets on the mic and says everyone knows there were two Elvis’, the fat Elvis and the really fat Elvis, but they’ll sadly never know how big Elvis would have gotten because he’s dead just like Memphis. Edge unveils their latest 5-second pose, “Hunka-Hunka Edge & Christian” and even busts out a few kung-fu moves. Once Too Cool appears Christian shed his fat Elvis suit while Edge keeps his on. Christian gets in the first shots and applies an armwringer, Sexay counters out of it into a keylock but Christian counters that into a hammerlock. Sexay fights out of it when Christian regains control with a headlock and Sexay shoves him into the ropes but Chrstian comes back with a shoulderblock. Christian comes off the ropes and Sexay leapfrogs over him when Christian whips Sexay into a corner and charges at him but eats a stiff boot. Sexay follows up with a running bulldog then hops to the middle rope and connects with a missile dropkick. Christian bails out to the floor but Sexay hits him with a dropkick through the ropes. Edge helps Christian onto the apron when Sexay goes for a Sunset Flip onto the floor but Christian grabs the ropes and Edge breaks it up allowing Christian to hit a tornado DDT onto the floor. The referee keeps Scotty from helping out while Edge whips Sexay into Christian who tosses him into the steps. Christian throws Sexay back in and lays the boots to him then slams him to the mat and applies a chinlock. Sexay fights out and whips Christian into a corner but Christian comes back with a Russian legsweep for two. Sexay fights back but Christian stops that rally with a Slop Drop then mocks Sexay by busting out some moves. Christian whips Sexay but lowers the head and Sexay kicks the face then whips Christian and hits an enzuigiri. Sexay clotheslines Christian then charges at him in a corner but misses him and straddles the turnbuckles. Christian sets Sexay on the top rope looking for a superplex but Sexay fights him off and nails the Hip Hop Drop. Edge tries to bring the bell in the ring but Scotty cuts him off and the two of them start going at it on the floor. The referee goes out to break up the melee but that allows Edge to slip in the ring and nail Sexay with the spear (while still wearing his fat Elvis suit). The referee tries to get Edge out of the ring when Christian covers Sexay but Scotty comes in and nails Christian with the bell. Scotty then rolls Sexay onto Christian as the referee turns around and counts the pin. The Too Cool guys celebrate while Edge tires to digest what just happened. **1/2


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 06/22/2000 - WWF Intercontinential Title: Chris Benoit vs. Rikishi

So these two have a match @ the King Of The Ring PPV but they also have a match tonight for the IC title with 0 build or reason. Benoit goes right to work on Rikishi and wails on him with chops in a corner when Rikishi shoves him away. Benoit hammers Rikishi with more chops and kicks but Rikishi again shoves him away and gets in his shots. Rikishi whips Benoit and lowers the head, Benoit kicks the face but Rikishi no-sells it and clotheslines him down. Rikishi slams Benoit to the mat then goes for the big legdrop but misses it and Benoit dropkicks him in the head. Rikishi rolls out to the floor when Benoit nails him with a baseball slide then goes out to continue his assault. Rikishi starts fighting back and tosses Benoit in the ring but Benoit comes back with a legdrop on Rikishi’s arm. Benoit heads back out and throws Rikishi shoulder-first into the steps then pulls him by the arm into the ringpost. Both men roll back in the ring and Benoit continues working over the bad arm then applies a standing armbar. Rikishi fights out it and superkicks Benoit but is still affected by his hurt arm and only gets a two count. Benoit rams Rikishi shoulder-first into the turnbuckle and hits some chops but they start having no effect on him. Benoit comes off the ropes and hits a DDT but Rikishi pops right up so Benoit plants him with a back suplex. Benoit climbs to the top rope and goes for the diving headbutt but misses it and Rikishi plants him with a Samoan Drop. Rikishi superkicks Benoit into a corner and follows up with the running butt charge and Benoit slumps down in position for a stinkface. Rikishi moves in when Benoit goes for the Crossface but Rikishi counters with a belly-to-belly suplex. Rikishi quickly climbs up the ropes and hits a Banzai Drop then gets the 1..2..3 and we have a new champion! that’s how Benoit’s longest IC title run ends. While the match was fine and Rikishi earned a run with the strap the question is why have Rikishi beat Benoit three days before their pay-per-view meeting. ** Anyway The Too Cool Guys come out to celebrate with the new champion who’s still hurting from his shoulder and the three commence with their post-match dance. However Benoit interrupts their celebration by taking out Scotty and Sexay with the chair then nailing Rikishi with it before slapping him in the Crossface.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 06/22/2000 - Chris Jericho vs. Hardcore Holly

Jericho rushes the ring and the two start off exchanging shots when Jericho gets the advantage in a corner. The two go back and forth on the mat when Jericho whips Hardcore in a corner and follows up with a bulldog. Jericho gets on some chops and goes for a whip but Hardcore drops Jericho onto the ropes with a Hot Shot then drapes him on the top rope and kicks the chest. Jericho fights back with forearms and chops then goes for a whip but Hardcore reverses it and hits the dropkick. Hardcore pounds on Jericho and applies a chinlockand Jericho fights out and comes back with chops. Hardcore stops that and hits a powerbomb for a near fall then chops Jericho in a corner and pounds him down before choking him with his boot. Hardcore goes for a whip, Jericho reverses him into the opposite corner and eats a boot but comes back with a spinning heel kick. Jericho whips Hardcore and hits an elbow and whips him again into a corner. Jericho goes for the bulldog a second time but this time Hardcore cuts Jericho down with a clothesline for two. Hardcore whips Jericho but Jericho comes back with a flying forearm. Hardcore heads out to the apron when Jerihco goes for the springboard dropkick but Hardcore shoves him off the ropes onto the barricade. Hardcore goes out and whips Jericho into the ringsteps before tossing him back in the ring as Stephanie McMahon makes her way down the ramp. Hardcore then argues with the referee while Stephanie weakly clocks Jericho with her Women’s title belt. Hardcore heads back in the ring and covers Jericho but only gets a two count and Stephanie is shocked by that. Hardcore whips Jericho looking for a dropkick but Jericho fakes him out then hits the Lionsault and gets the pin! **1/2 DAMN good 5 minute match


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Dec 6, 2010
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F.I.S.T. & The Unstable vs Frightmare, Hallowicked, Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush - CHIKARA: Aniversario Zehn