
Hey! Lay off Kennedy. He can say his name. World Champion pl0x~!
Yeah sarcasm there but so does Dolph ziggler.
All you Kennedy haters are idiots. I was going to say why all of a sudden? But i know you will say you have always felt this way. I think that Mr Kennedy is not the best wrestler ever, nore yet does his promos without 100% effort. If you guys think he is mid card at best then fair enough. I think given the right feud and person he can show us how good he really is. His feuds with main eventer's always bring out the best in him. As far as his injuries goes? Well its just bad luck and hopefully he can go a few years without injury. Shelton Benjamin injured Kennedy in the summer last year that's not Kennedy fault. All you haters are entitled to your opinions and good on ya. But as far as im concerned id like you lot to think of your current favorite wrestler pick his flaws an why should he be higher than he is now.