Moonlight Drive

Despite Orton being the most over heel in years and the most entertaining thing on Raw right now.
Idk, there's always Randy Orton...
Typical Kennedy fans:
"He's the next Rock~!"
"Where's his big push?"
"It's all creative's fault that he does drugs!!!"
"Just give him a 33rd chance..."
"*insert wrestler here to avert attention from Kennedy's shittiness* is no better"
The majority of the IWC was saying that around the time before he got injured, when he was working with HBK and all that.
Well it was just before his injury when people said that, and it's pretty hard to rate someone while injured, so why should people's opinions change over that time?
Hometown Kid said:I'm pretty sure any reasonable person wouldn't consider him the next Rock or Austin.
Getting out moves makes him a good worker?Hometown Kid said:And his in-ring skills are very good, he isn't very flashy but he is polished to all getout on his moves.
I would've agreed until a few weeks ago. He has surpassed Jericho at this point. Every week the segments Orton are involved in are without a doubt the best and always leave you tuning in next week to see what will happen next. The heat he gets is intense, not to mention he has one of the best characters in the company.Hometown Kid said:Orton for example is overrated as he's the God of IWC and anyone who sees his flaws is crazy. He's not the even the best heel on RAW (Jericho) much less the company.
Explain how.Hometown Kid said:(And just for the record Morrison is the most overrated and overhyped wrestler in the WWE by a mile not Orton, he was just an example.)
Nobody is comparing him to Austin or Rock though. He had similarities in his ring attire and style to those guys but he wasn't close to their level. Anyone who thinks that shouldn't be taken seriously, that still doesn't make Kennedy as bad as is said.That is why he is so overrated. He's a mid-carder at best, and an average one at that. Rock or Austin? Kennedy has shown nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, to prove he deserves to be compared to greats like them. His promos are not what they're cracked up to be, they're repetitive and generic. Kennedy is a mid-carder, not a Main Eventer, and that is all he deserves to be
What are you talking about exactly here? :eh:Getting out moves makes him a good worker?
Explain how.