Ken Kennedy's WWE In-Ring Return Revealed

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CT Styles

Have no fear, I am here.

John Morrison's shit could put on a better match than Kennedy. He's not overrated. Right now he's a midcarder but unlike Kennedy, he can be elevated to Main Event and be a damn good main eventer. Morrison is athletically amazing and is capable of putting on some great matches in the future. Kennedy will never be more than a midcarder. He has been overrated for so long now because of his 'mic skills'. Just because he was the first to think, 'Hmm.. maybe if I repeat my name a few times it'll get me over.' His, 'KENEDDDYYYY!!!' is like Snitsky's, 'IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!!' he's a one line wonder. His return promos were a joke and were about nothing. He failed miserably at trying to promote a straight-to-DVD movie.

Also, don't even try and compare Kennedy to Morrison.

Kennedy fails at promos.
Kennedy fails at putting on good matches.
Kennedy fails at plugging a STRAIGHT-TO-FUCKING-DVD MOVIE! WHY BOTHER?!

If I were him I'd set my goals towards maybe a spot in the MITB and maybe an Intercontinental Championship. He'll never (and shouldn't ever) be a main eventer.

Hometown Kid

That reminds me, that dvd really hurt his career. He shouldn't have been filming the movie as then was leading into Mania and a few extra wins or promos wouldn't have hurt.

The repeating his name thing is just laziness on the writers part, do some research on his OVW and early SD promos.

Oh my God promoting a straight to DVD crapfest is really easy. :rolleyes: More laziness on the writers part, he should have NOT been out there every week promoting the stupid thing.

Morrison is overrated, CT's post proved that he is by a majority with this future ME'r stuff, everyone has bought into Morrison's hype. And I wasn't comparing the 2, I just said Morrison is miles ahead of everyone on the overrated chart, which he is.

CT Styles

Watch a Morrison match, then a Kennedy one.

HK said:
Oh my God promoting a straight to DVD crapfest is really easy.
Thus I said, 'WHY BOTHER?!' don't waste TV time with him talking about nothing.

HK said:
Morrison is overrated, CT's post proved that he is by a majority with this future ME'r stuff, everyone has bought into Morrison's hype. And I wasn't comparing the 2, I just said Morrison is miles ahead of everyone on the overrated chart, which he is
If Kennedy was good, wouldn't he have hype?


The repeating his name thing is just laziness on the writers part, do some research on his OVW and early SD promos.

Oh my God promoting a straight to DVD crapfest is really easy. :rolleyes: More laziness on the writers part, he should have NOT been out there every week promoting the stupid thing.

It's really easy to say that to beat around the bush isn't it?

I'm honestly surprised that you didn't blame HHH.


Kennedy is a mid carder at best. I have seen people going ballistic over his "talent" after matches with HBK. Look at who the hell he's working with. I guarantee you that unless it's some sort of Blue booking, HBK will carry JBL to at least a decent match tomorrow at No Way Out.

He's been given so many chances by WWE to prove himself, and he just gets injured. Please don't mention Jeff here either, it's not about him. All the times WWE have shown faith in the guy, he gets injured. Point and case the MITB. They gave him MITB cos they felt he had a big future, and fair enough. So he gets injured. Screws up a massive chance.

He's a croc. Really, he's the Shane Watson of wrestling. Every time it looks like something might go right for him, he gets injured. WWE should just fire him and be done with it.

Colin Gimp

Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
Kennedys been pushed since he got here. He must have a look I don't see. Yeah he has mic skills that do have some reminiscence of the attitude era. I don't think he has the wit to keep it going week after week though.

It doesn't take some nerd on a wrestling forum to tell you the dumb that is Kennedy. He repeats his name with a stupid look on his face regardless of anything. As a heel he says it to annoy praying for someone to boo this stupid shit then as a face he does it so interrupt the heel praying for a pop. He reminds me of a smaller Cena in terms of wrestling ability. Though Kennedy gives more of a effort in the ring his wrestling psychology is off.

See his wrestling moveset is terrible. He's boring to watch and you find yourself hoping to see the outlandish flash karate kicks or whatever the hell he's doing. After watching him brawl and use simple moves with "speed" he finishs it with completely over-thetop hey look I can do it too Kenton bomb, and you wanna see something really dangerous green bay plunge.

Mr Kennedy is an idiot imo. He's not big enough for a green bay plunge and he's not high flyer enough for a swanton and that's a big duh.

To even put him in a movie is a huge flop. I always thought his acting was bad in the ring. I'm never going to watch the movie but after watching the trailers and lol's it's not a stretch at all to say that Cena is a better actor.

Most Overrated? Yes. This man should be on ECW, and not be given shitty movie deals.

Who's second
Triple H. He's leading the way and he's not doing a good job of it. He hasn't done anything innovative since what 2003? He's the same Game for ever now. Undertaker has adapted key word there trips in the years and he has the worst gimmick in the world to work with. For Wrestlemania Trips roars a little bit louder adds a lil more ompf and energy. Giving us something we haven't seen? Nevar

Way to show the young guys how to do it


Actually, yeah. I'd love to see Mr Kennedy get fed to Jack Swagger in a feud.

Beer Money Army

but how long is it going be untill kennedy re-injures himself...

plus how much ring rust will he have??

CT Styles

I actually concede saying he's overrated, simply because he's being shat on here and not being praised like he stupidly has been before.


Jul 10, 2008
Reaction score
west coast
Yeah, and if one day, Kennedy is successful, world champion etc..the same guys wll say " I always loved him, I've always seen the potential in him ", and I think it's the same people who said, when he debuted, that MVP was shitty, and who claim to be his fans now

The Rated R CMStar

The reason that his promos were repetitive was because on Raw his promo time was cut massively. On SD, during his feuds with Taker and Batista, his promos were gold.


Yeah, and if one day, Kennedy is successful, world champion etc..the same guys wll say " I always loved him, I've always seen the potential in him ", and I think it's the same people who said, when he debuted, that MVP was shitty, and who claim to be his fans now

I still think M.V.P is overrated to the moon as well. 3 years on.