This is the rule about wrestling news: If it isn't reported by, and henceforth stolen from, Alvarez, Meltzer or Keller, it's usually a garbage rumor, unless it's a news item from a local media outlet. I can see Rey crying about his pay, he deserves more since he's a merchandising machine and the E's latino meal ticket, but he never has politicked before in his career, so why start now.
Plus, where in those stories do you get politicking out of crying for more money? Or the fact that he wants to go home to spend time with his family would mean the last thing he wants to do is be involved in the main program for the world tite, PPV bonus be damned. I fail to understand how you jumped to that conclusion. They put him in there for one of two reasons: He was the one who injured Taker so he has to take his spot. Or two, he is the most over guy on the SD! roster not involved in the match, so it only makes sense to put him in there. No one gets what they want through politicking in the E nowadays unless you're the boss' daughter's baby daddy. You're being silly, McFly.