He could be agitated that he got injured and turn on the fans.
I think Sorensen will be a heel when he returns
I like Ion, I've liked him since I seen that thing he was on trying to get in ROH. He made a mistake something many wrestlers have done in the past. Just because you mess up one time shouldn't be what you are judged off of.If you hurt people a lot that be another story. I like if he won the Title only to have jessie sorensen come back to take the title from him.
lol No. After that touching video? Nah.
Unless it'll be one big swerve and he joins up with Ion, which would fucking blow.
lol No. After that touching video? Nah.
Unless it'll be one big swerve and he joins up with Ion, which would fucking blow.
Well Ion acted like he was happy he injured Jesse. And where the fuck is Anthony Neese. He's the most talented of the new x division stars after Austin Aries.
Here's what you do....
You put the belt on Zema when you know Sorensen has about three months left before his comeback and all the while you've built Ion up as this uber-heel who laughs about taking out Sorensen and how dangerous he is. Then you can have the uber-face Sorensen who's been on the road to recovery, thanking the fans for all their support and stating that he'll win the X-Division title for them. They can even run vignettes of him doing his physiotherapy and looking forward to getting back. How perfect would it be for him to come back and challenge the very man who took him out for a year and who is now the X-Division champ? Or even better, have Ion continually duck him and make Sorensen EARN the right to face him after a couple of months of singles matches? Fucking money.
This could all be a blessing in disguise if they choose to look at it like that.
I actually really liked Nese too, what happened to him? OVW?
Actually I'd like Jesse and Ion to team up. An x division team. That'd be awesome
It could bring a pretty good feud to the X-Division something it's lacked lately and help build two people who could be big stars so this whole thing like you said could be a blessing in disguise.