I'm just sayin' (Subtitle: the definition of hypocrisy)

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Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Too bad they jobbed him out in pretty much everything he did. I would've marked for a Rock/DDP feud.


Anyone who never watched WCW wouldn't have known he was a Main eventer. WWE sure as hell didn't respect it.


The diamond cutter came from anywhere it rocked. DDP vs Raven feud from WCW was awesome.
Dec 23, 2008
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I'm still waiting for LHR to come and spew more of her fail.

Dude, it's hilarious....On the other forum we are on (allmetalforums.com) she's been RELENTLESSLY bitching. She claims I'm "trolling" her here, lmfao. She's been flaming every 2 or 3 threads because she's so butthurt about her "E-rep" here.

When's "the_model" (aka: user Electric Funeral on allmetalforums.com) coming back? :wavetowel2:
Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
I'm still not entirely sure if this thread is legit but here's my useless opinion:

A while ago I had a brief run-in with LHR and I got annoyed because she was rep repping anything I said and sending pms to flame. A lot of her posts are flames but then again I've seen plenty where she seems to be normal. Alls well that ends well.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
I'm still not entirely sure if this thread is legit but here's my useless opinion:

A while ago I had a brief run-in with LHR and I got annoyed because she was rep repping anything I said and sending pms to flame. A lot of her posts are flames but then again I've seen plenty where she seems to be normal. Alls well that ends well.

Sounds like her MO. Now if you were to do the same back to her she would be crying about it to anyone who would listen.

Like I've been saying she can dish it out but she can't take it back in return.


Discussing how LadyHotrod acts like such a hardass up until the point where she is called on her bullshit.


Anyways, the reason I don't bother is because there is no point to this. I never once denied being a hypocrite. I've been saying that for ages so this thread is basically telling me something I've already admitted to many times. On top of that, this is also quite random. We had a friendly convo at WTF and all seemed well and then this thread pops up. It's pretty cool that I can get someone to rage over shit that happened a year ago, though. Otherwise, I haven't said anything to you that would result in a sudden flame thread. I'm apparently the one hangin' with the strawmen but you bring up stuff that happened weeks ago and have bitterness over year old arguments. Cool beans, bro. I told you already that you can be a cunty admin but I have no personal issue with you. Cool to see you stalk me in other forums now.

Dude, it's hilarious....On the other forum we are on (allmetalforums.com) she's been RELENTLESSLY bitching. She claims I'm "trolling" her here, lmfao. She's been flaming every 2 or 3 threads because she's so butthurt about her "E-rep" here.

When's "the_model" (aka: user Electric Funeral on allmetalforums.com) coming back? :wavetowel2:

lmao, I love this so much. Let's do a quick rundown of who cares more:

-gates spends two years sending me flirting PMs and rep comments.
-99% of AMF start to red rep gates because he's a closed-minded elitist bitch.
-gates assumes all the reps are coming from me.
-gates then starts to troll me at AMF
-gates gets madder by the day over how far in the minus he is so he starts to rage and troll me at IWF.

I sent you a single red rep the other day here and you responded with one in a mere two seconds. I've had plenty of chances to send one back but I don't care.

Sorry fake GI Joe but you're failing hard on this one. I don't care about rep. My complaints about MS and what he did had nothing to do with getting red boxes, it had to do with abuse of power. He can go ahead and throw me back in the red all he wants, I don't give a fuck (unlike you, who randomly has a problem with me because you have red squares ;) ) It was the point that he abused his powers, not the point that WAHHHH I GOT A RED SQUARE IN A FORUM.

btw, I already proved that EF wasn't me with screenshots. Unfortunately, we had to be shown screenshots of your transexual wife, though.



Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Anyways, the reason I don't bother is because there is no point to this.

Translation: I can't argue against someone far more intelligent than me. Although there is a point to flaming others when I can win at it.

I never once denied being a hypocrite. I've been saying that for ages so this thread is basically telling me something I've already admitted to many times.

So then you will admit that you were wrong in calling me out on my abuse of power? I mostly say this because again, when Mike did it, and face facts that is what he did, you had zero issues with it because it did not happen to you.

So let's see here, will you admit that you were one, wrong on calling me out on the same thing and two, being the type of whiny cunt who is able to dish it out but not take it in return? Because these two things are facts. Let us see if you are capable of admitting to this as well as being a giant hypocrite. (Which by the way, is not exactly an endearing personality trait.)

We had a friendly convo at WTF and all seemed well and then this thread pops up.

Don't mistake civility for friendliness. And this thread pops up because after you were chased off here for the better part of a year by pretty much everyone you come back doing the exact same thing. Picking on the members who cannot defend themselves as well as someone like myself. Those are the only people you ever pick on. See, me? I'll call out anyone I think is wrong whether I like them or not. You, not so much. You only pick on those already disliked.

It's pretty cool that I can get someone to rage over shit that happened a year ago, though.

I like how I have to be raging about this and not just enjoying it. Does that make you feel better?

Otherwise, I haven't said anything to you that would result in a sudden flame thread.

It is your behaviour. Nothing else.

I'm apparently the one hangin' with the strawmen but you bring up stuff that happened weeks ago and have bitterness over year old arguments.

No bitterness over old arguments, funny you should bring that up though because I am the one who has come out on the winning side of pretty much every argument we've had.

Cool to see you stalk me in other forums now.

I didn't stalk you, I went over there to confirm exactly what I've been saying. I never even posted once or attempted to interact with you. You troll people over there who cannot defend themselves as well as others and the only reason you keep doing it is because nobody there has called you out on it yet. Funny how up until I posted this thread you were doing the exact same here and now you're not. Explain that one.

This Guy

I like both of you but will the two of you please give it up. Your both boring me in this fight