Great One
??? I don't see how/why people still say this, it's dumb. Who exactly is 'washed out' in TNA, other than Nash, who doesn't even wrestle? The storylines are 10x better than WWE's, has there even BEEN any real storylines for 90% of this year?who would actually watch a show full of washed out wrestlers and the storylines are written so badly? 1.5 would be their highest ever imo.
Name a storyline that's even came close to Desmond/Angle, Joe/Styles/Daniels, Lashley/Steiner, Steiner/Mafia, Foley/Hogan/Jarrett deal, old guys/Rhino paranoia of new guys taking them out, and anything TBP did before Angelina left (compared to the WWE's women). After that, name any wrestler that can outwork and outperform Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Joe, Daniels, Wolfe. And MCMG (singles or tag team, idc), or any other tag team in TNA for that matter compared to the WWE tag team (no, DX/Jerishow don't count).