Great One

It was a safe assumption based on what you implied in previous arguments/threads.way to put words in my mouth. i never anything about enjoying spot fests over triple h. i only said i dont draw lines and try to dictate what wrestling should be to everyone. kinda like what your doing now...
Once again it was a fucking return match dude, are you being this ignorant and stubborn on purpose? What about Chavo? Mark Henry? It was the same deal.i never said there was anything wrong with triple h going over booker. the build and the match itself made booker look as if he didnt belong in the ring with triple h. the same thing that happened with the carlito match. the same thing he has done for about past 6 years.
How was that the same thing that happened to Carlito when Triple H didn't even win clean.
It goes with the storyline... if HBK was in HHH's place it would be the same thing. Vince/Coach are doing all means to screw him over, so why not? Triple H is bigger and more credibile than both of those guys, so I don't see the problem...well ok, that makes sense. i was wrong i admit it. however, other than triple h pwned you with a sledgehammer, i dont really see the point in this if there is no future plans for a feud between the two. and could you please explain why needed to be a handicap match?
No, I'm telling it how it is. I'm telling it how it is in the WWE, you will get no where in the business without charisma and if you're denying that, then I'm sorry, you do not know this business at all.there you go again drawing lines, as if you decide what wrestling is. benjamin has proven on a number of occasions he can get over if given the chance to do what he wants in the ring. dont get uptight with me because your wrestling view is so finite.
Lol... no, I don't think YOU know what it is to put someone over (even though it's an opioniated phrase). Did John Cena going over Triple H not make him even more established, credible, and a bigger name? HELL YES. I'll actually agree Goldberg is arguable, but not for the reasons you listed. He got his title run then it was obvious he wasn't going to make anything out of it, so he got his ass buried again thank god. Benoit was a put over like no other, but he fucked it up, why? Because he has no charisma and you don't see that a wrestler will not get anywhere without that. Benoit should have never been a main eventer at that point. Rofl, those wins propelled him into the upper mid card, read the other Triple H bitch post in the street fight by the same guy, since I don't know how many times I've repeated myself. But yeah, Shelton/booking fucked that up as well. You don't have to be seen as a threat at first hand to put someone over... see Shelton, as I just explained.are you serious? you obviously have no idea what it means to put someone over. cena, goldberg and benoit were already over. cena made himself a star on the smackdown roster. sure he had some heat but that does not qualify as him not being over. goldberg was over because of his run in wcw. he was quite possibly the biggest star harvested by wcw. not sure how you missed that. benoit was over with "pure wrestling fans". that is what the angle with hhh/hbk was driven on. hence why they did it in his in home country. and shelton benjamin? well if puting someone over means letting them pin you on 2 seperate occasions, then yes. but that is not the case. to put someone over you need a prolounged feud in which the other is gradually built to look as a buyable threat and someone who belongs in the ring with said wrestler who puts him over. moron
Lol, for one the two biggest draws in the entire business were majorly created thanks to Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock. Others... Mick Foley, Kane, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, etc.really? i must have missed that... names please?
Um... big exaggeration. He was nowhere near at the top spot through ALL of 2002-2005, and heh, I guess Batista, who is now a 3 time WHC and was probably the only legititimate main eventer on SD all year until now (all thanks to Triple H), and Randy Orton who is the future of the business (thanks to Triple H), youngest WHC ever, and soon to be the next WWE champion don't count, eh? =p. Also, considering the fact that this was his prime, why the fuck would he have to always put anyone over (even though he did when he should have, which was at the end of Evolution, which was a PERFECT set up)? And when did I say letting someone pin you is putting them over. Now YOU'RE putting words in MY mouth. It depends on the circumstances and the way they did it with Shelton was PERFECT.this is ironic coming from a guy who has no idea what means to put someone over. the basic fundamentals of what drives the wrestling business and the recent decline of it has been subject to its detiroration. which is something triple h is largley at fault at, considering he held the top spot from about 2002 to 2005 and created no maineventers. but according to you letting someone pin you is putting them over. if you ran the wwe.. you might aswell dig a grave while your at it.
Ok, now this is addressing all the people who want to post henceforth in this thread and say how Triple H fucked up the 2002-2005 era etc. and hogged the spot light. You're doing the exact same thing people did to HBK in the mid 90's. He got the title finally and everyone blamed him for the shitty era, etc. But in all honesty, it's not their fault the star power wasn't there and the business was watered down overall. Triple H had to be fed WCW superstars to continue feuds that's how sad it was... but yeah, in the end we have an old, talentless piece of shit, and someone who has been held down for years, who booking screwed over when he got the perfect storyline (from the rub of HHH/Flair), who should have been carrying the business by now.