Hometown Kid

I never said that Trips was the only person that doesn't put anyone over. >_> HBK and Taker are guilty of the same thing and i'm not bitching about Trips nor do I think he's Hitler. >_>
I'm just saying if you guys would get your head out of your asses and stop saying "You said something negative about Triple H, you just hate him because he married Steph! Come with valid points or GTFO." And notice that he's killing ratings and burying everyone in his path (just like Taker and HBK), you would give someone else a chance. That's all i'm saying,
Because if Boring and uninspired title reigns like the one Trips is on right now happen again a year from now we'll be right back where we are now...declining ratings, and pointing fingers at random "entertainers" to blame for why wrestling sucks so bad.
I'm just saying if you guys would get your head out of your asses and stop saying "You said something negative about Triple H, you just hate him because he married Steph! Come with valid points or GTFO." And notice that he's killing ratings and burying everyone in his path (just like Taker and HBK), you would give someone else a chance. That's all i'm saying,
Because if Boring and uninspired title reigns like the one Trips is on right now happen again a year from now we'll be right back where we are now...declining ratings, and pointing fingers at random "entertainers" to blame for why wrestling sucks so bad.