Help! Im open to any tips of any kind. MUST BE APPROPRIATE.

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Irwin R. Schyster

The Showoff
Mar 31, 2013
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No worries.

Anyway, bit of a tough situation, because it could make the friendship awkward if things go sour, or if he rejects. Just something to think about. If he says he is not interested that way, he will know your true feelings and things might get weird whenever you hang out. He might distance himself if he thinks hanging around you after turning you down would be uncomfortable.

If he has the same feelings and wants to go somewhere with the relationship, it will also be awkward if things don't work out and you still have to see him at church. Assuming the break up doesn't end well.

Even though those are negative things to think about, and prepare for, in case they happen, still worth going for it, just because you would have to live the rest of your life wondering what would have happened. Gotta live in the moment and just hope that, no matter what happens, you can still be friends. Just think of all the worst things that could happen....he says no....okay, you will get over him eventually and find someone else. You wont die, you have that going for you.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I'd try to offer you advice, but looking back at my dating history, it probably isn't the best idea. Every relationship I have ever had has been tumultuous, like Diane Chambers and Sam Malone type turmoil. I was 40 years old when I met my fiancé (I turned 42 on Tuesday) and even that relationship has been rocky at times.

I guess I could tell you what I've done and then you should just do the complete opposite :D

Seriously, though, good luck :)

Nikki Nitro

The Beast
May 21, 2017
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Beyond the Grave
Lol, Thx! I understand what u guys are saying and I thank You very much for ur suggestions.
TBH, I guess Im afraid of being hurt again. I went thru the same situation in Middle/High school that actually didnt go as well as I'd hoped. Turns out that the kid I had liked in high school really hated me and he made that clear. I guess I feel like if and when I do tell him, And it doesnt go so well, I feel like i'd prob be the one to avoid him awhile. I almost said something to him two weeks ago when we were alone at church cleaning up his espresso machine. The words were litteraly on the tip of my tongue and yet I something held me back from saying so.

Nikki Nitro

The Beast
May 21, 2017
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Beyond the Grave
Tomorrow He and I and my Cousin are hanging out at either his or my cousin's house to watch some movies off of ClearPlay and Hv some Pizza. I do feel comfortable and awkward at the same time around him. I think thats a good thing. Problem is, I actually care bout him more than he even knows. And the crazy part is, Is that a good portion of my church knows Who I like. Even his Grandmother knows. He doesnt.... As of yet. Lol?

Irwin R. Schyster

The Showoff
Mar 31, 2013
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I have been in two relationships in my life (I use the term loosely for the first one).

I was 19 years old, had incredibly low self esteem, hated myself, mostly, so, at my job, a guy liked me, and, long story short, I wasted 10 years of my life with that fool because of my insecurities and being afraid to move out and be on my own, as I had gone from living at home to moving in with that douchebag, so, yeah, the fear of being in the world on my own scared the hell out of me, and I refused to go live at home, because I was an adult who wanted to learn how to deal with adult situations instead of running back home. I wanted to make it without help, as I was never, and still am not, the type of person who likes to ask, or rely, on help. I was treated like garbage, made to feel worthless, I can honestly say that, if it were not for my pets (I still have them), I most likely would not be on this planet right now. I was made to feel that I was not good enough for anyone.

In 2014, my friend told me about the place next to her being available (apartment). I finally said eff this loser and split. I thank her for that push, and I am still in this apartment, neighbour to my friend, and with a great fiancé, who treats me like a human being. I could not be happier.

Relationships will be garbage at times, but, don't let past ones mess up your future ones. You could be missing out on a great life if you keep fearing pain. I had no pain when I left, but, if my fiancé ever left me, I would be a wreck. Still, you can't let pain keep you away from possible happiness. If you have to go through pain, you know what it feels like, but, you also know it will pass.

Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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You'll never know until you try.

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Nikki Nitro

The Beast
May 21, 2017
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Beyond the Grave
I enjoyed hanging out with him and my cousin tonight. He (May as well call him by his name, Faron) made a tiny cup of straight out Espresso. I tried a taste, I liked it, then he tasted it out of the same cup i'd already drank out of. He's never done that before. Then he made a other that was his and he had me taste that one, It was a little stronger. He ended up making me a Latte instead, He tried to put a heart design on the the froth, it didnt turn out too well, But yet it did kind of look like a heart. I thought that was nice of him to try. :)
After he made me a medium latte cup, and I drank from it, He tried it out of that same cup. Hmmm...... He's never done that before. Except that one night when he had me try a sip of his to see if i'd liked it or not...

Nikki Nitro

The Beast
May 21, 2017
Reaction score
Beyond the Grave
My cousin NEVER drinks coffee. So he tried to Show Off and drank two of those tiny Taster cups. Not only did he drink them, He gulped them down. He wanted to see If he could get the same reaction it had on me, (Which I learned my lesson on) Which I'll admit was a Stupid idea for him to've thought bout doing. Luckily, He didnt do more than two shots.

Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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I enjoyed hanging out with him and my cousin tonight. He (May as well call him by his name, Faron) made a tiny cup of straight out Espresso. I tried a taste, I liked it, then he tasted it out of the same cup i'd already drank out of. He's never done that before. Then he made a other that was his and he had me taste that one, It was a little stronger. He ended up making me a Latte instead, He tried to put a heart design on the the froth, it didnt turn out too well, But yet it did kind of look like a heart. I thought that was nice of him to try. :emoji_slight_smile:
After he made me a medium latte cup, and I drank from it, He tried it out of that same cup. Hmmm...... He's never done that before. Except that one night when he had me try a sip of his to see if i'd liked it or not...

He sounds like he likes you if you ask me.
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