can I ref then? I may or may not screw the both with a count out...
can I ref then? I may or may not screw the both with a count out...
This is like the third time this week you've spelled my name like thisManson
This is like the third time this week you've spelled my name like this
Ya know, I thought something was a little off about that....This is like the third time this week you've spelled my name like this
Manson... Mason... Tomato... Tom Brady
Don't worry, I did that, and called him "Jeffery" the first month or so I saw him in e-fedding.
This is just one Giant bowl of no one cares
Red rain to the right of me... Mason to the left of me... here I am stuck in the middle with you.I'd rather have a giant bowl of candy :
Red rain to the right of me... Mason to the left of me... here I am stuck in the middle with you.
can I ref then? I may or may not screw the both with a count out...
This is just one Giant bowl of no one cares
Had about enough of you, to be honest. If you're gonna ignore, go for it.
If you take cheap shots that means you're fishing for likes. It isn't cute, but weak and annoying.
I'm fine with this being a cute little boring thread. That's totally cool and necessary. What isn't necessary is your side jokes. The battle came and went and now you're taking cheap shots.
I can be cool and I can be not cool. Make sense? It is completely up to you.