Fuck it. I seriously need to punch someone right now.
Right. So I'm with her most of first periods, do the usual lines, the usual laughs, a play fight (I dominated, even if she bit me =/) and all that. Luckily enough, with her second period too. Then for some fucked reason, she starts ignoring me, I think it was because I touched her leg or something, IDK.
I don't really mind about the whole ignoring thing, it's just the way she goes about it. She'll ignore me completely, then she'll slap me on the back or something to get a reaction and I think 'Oh it's fine then, she's over it' yet when I say something she goes Ice Queen again. It's really fucking annoying. She'll be done by tomorrow, hopefully, but still, I'm yet to discover if she's messing me around or just a fucking bitch.
Finally, her friend. I'm buddies with her, but for some reason she changes. Eg. I have Art with her, and she'll usually be all come sit with me, you're so awesome, lololol, come talk to me etc., but when she's with the girl she suddenly goes bitch too. I'll be walking with them to class after English and she'll suddenly tell me to shut the fuck up because she's talking to her or something. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck.
I need to sort this shit out, but whenever I try, the friend suddenly appears or something happens so I can't. What the fuckmuffins.
In summary, fuck.