Now I have a problem of my own. Well, I'm sure we all know the girl I've been going on about since the inception of this thread. Now today, a buddy of mine in Year 9 came up to me in the canteen line and told me he had heard a rumour about me. He tells me that he heard I apparently rooted the girl I'm really into (some rumours I can live with

). Well I told him it wasn't true and it went on his way. Anyway, it's pretty obvious he didn't hear it and I dunno, somebody put him up to it, because nobody has said anything else about it to me or her.
So, this is where it kind of got interesting. I told her about it of course. Then me a couple of her friends were talking about it and somebody said something like 'I know who wears the pants in this relationship' (talking about me and her) and then she said 'Oh, I never wear any pants' before looking and me in that sort of flirty way, and it continue like that for a little while. For some reason lately, I'm starting to get the vibe she might be into me as well. But I'm still really conflicted about what I should do. I don't know whether to just keep things the way they are and remain friends, or tell her how I feel. It's great right now and I wouldn't want anything to ruin it, but I just need to get it off my chest, I really don't know. =/
So I have decide on my plan of attack. I'm gonna test the waters over the next couple days, getting closer to her and such to see where she really stands, which I've kind of been doing lately anyway. If I think I should, I'll go ahead and tell her. If not, I suppose I'll bide my time and just cruise along.
Good idea, bad idea? Advice would be great.