Girls & Relationships

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I'm getting coaching from Beer.

Woot! You will get the girl in no time my young friend.

EDIT: CMS, I saw your post just now. You are like a Carbon Copy of Myself, just some what younger. 12 Years old, getting the piss taken out of me coz I was fat. Get slim and turn into a jackass anti-fattist. :nonono: Those times are behind me now though.

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
Reaction score
La Florida
Hehe; in the one month I've seen this girl, we finally had some worthwhile time to get to know one another, because before Friday, all I ever did was say, "Hi" to her, and ask her if she was okay, since she's on the other side of the room. We had a Pep Rally on Friday, for our Homecoming Game, and she and I, along with three other kids (all younger than me) didn't buy tickets, so we were located to one of the art rooms. Here I was, the only senior among 2 freshman and 2 sophomores. Kinda funny, and yet, it's kinda nice to be the oldest for a change (I remember I was in a similiar situation, except I was the freshman). In any case, back to the girl.

Nothing serious, obviously; she's a shy one, and I decided, for a change, I'd initiate something. So, I asked her as she was resting her head, "Wanna play a game?" She nodded her head, and we played, of all games, Tic Tac Toe. In the end, we had a tie 70% of the time; I defeated her three times, and she defeated me twice. Whenever I'd look like I'd win, she's always grab the paper and scribble whatever her symbol (X or O) was in a line so as to prevent me from winning. It was kinda cute, when she'd blush when she lost a game and so forth. The rest of the kids kinda got involved as well, and we'd rotate the game around. I defeated the two other kids (both guys) and there was another girl, but she was busy with something else. I was concentrated on the girl I like for the most part, though. She was finally opening up, and we played Hangman (another of all games) and we all rotated. Apparently, she likes Naruto and anime; cool, I guess. I sorta like anime, in a way, though I've kinda outgrown it in a bit.

Anyway, one of the other guys kept saying, "Aww..., she's so cute!" in a high pitched voice, and it was kinda annoying. Not to mention, he always calls her his little sister, even though she's a year older than him. As a result, he'd say to me, "Stop looking at my little sister!" My goodness. We traded friendly fire for some time and she kinda blushed. The other guy was busy trying to get her to talk. It was so funny. Once the bell rang, we all went our seperate ways, but she, after one month of not saying much, actually said "Bye," and smiled and waved. TBH, she made my entire day.

Moonlight Drive

I understand that feeling you mean when she made your entire day. I hate people who are like the guy you mentioned how they say the aww she's so cute stuff. I have a mate who whenever I am talking to this girl asks 'Are you two going out?'. One time she told him yes to shut him up, gave me a nice little feeling inside in a weird way, that she'd pretend to go out with me and wouldn't be ashamed to say it or whatever. Also, that little sister thing happens to me in a similiar way. There's a guy at my school (douchebag too the max, everyone thinks it to, even her) who pretty much just slaps everyone on the arse, hugs them from behind and all that and thinks he can do pretty much what he wants. I always get jealous when I see shit like that going on with her, I know it means nothing, but y'know. Good thing is though, he shoved a tampon in my face/mouth (no big deal tbh, that's the sorta shit he does to people and not to me that often) she stood up for me and told him to fuck off.

LOL at Tic Tac Toe, me and the girl I'm into played that. Except whenever it looked like it was a tie, I'd just draw two and say I won. Here's an idea for a game, knuckles or slaps. Hit 'em hard, then when they start to hurt, you can give them a hand massage :shifty:. Wish I came up with that idea, but she was the one who wanted me to give her hands massages after shit like that, so I'm not complaining.

Fuck, I want to go back to school so I can see her. I know I'm definitely gonna have to wait at least a week before making a move so to speak, the last time we saw each other she was barely talking to me. I'm still not sure whether it's an act or not, either she's extremely moody or she is joking.

I don't think I've told this story, but I might've, so yeah sorry if I have. On one of the last couple days of school, when she stopped talking to me, she started chatting to me again. I said something, she punched me in the chest playfully, and then she said sorry if that hurt. Me, in my infinite wisdom, decided to bend over and lean on my knees, pretending I was winded. She got pissed and left, and I had to talk to this guy about something, so I did.

This guy was the one who asked her out, but she said no, and well, not to be mean, but he really doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell. She went next to him while I was talking to him and had her arm around him, mouthing stuff to me and doing stuff with her tongue towards him while I talked to him, sorta feeling him up at the same time. It made me laugh, since I know she has no interest in him whatsoever.

That's one of the reasons I'm confused, shit like that. I vow to sort it out when school is back though. Question: When I do see her next, What do you think is a better approach, putting my hands over her eyes and asking guess who or just grabbing her from behind and picking her up?

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
Reaction score
La Florida
I'm not sure, man. I'm no expert on these type of things, for sure. Perhaps do the former, for the latter might startle her.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

She's obviously teasing you. She knows you like her, otherwise she wouldn't do that. There is no reason not to make a move. If ya fail, ya fail.

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
Reaction score
La Florida
I concur, BK Man. My situation is different from yours', HBK; you have a chance, because she's single and it seems as though she wants you to come forward, through doing everything she does; she's tenacious. Mine, she's taken and is shy to the core. Total opposites.

Moonlight Drive

I know what you mean by she wants me to move forward. The only problem is, whenever I get that vibe and I'm going too, she suddenly turns ice cold and gets pissed off at me and once again I'm at square one. Then I'm not sure what to do in that situation, make her laugh or act serious and apologise. I've tried both and almost always get a different reaction. I apologise seriously, she either mucks around and says 'Nope not talking to' before she turns away with one of those cheeky smiles or she'll act serious as well and say 'Fuck off, seriously'. I try to make her laugh, she either does the same and I get a giggle, or she acts serious again with 'I fucking don't care' (if I imitate her when she says hi to everyone but me) or she just flat out tells me to fuck off/noone likes me/piss off.

Fuck :confused:

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I actually find your chase quite interesting WCW. She seems to have tak en to you, as she wouldn't have opened up. Although I think being in front of a smaller group of people would have something to do with it.

Keep us updated. :D

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
Reaction score
La Florida
Me bickering with her "older" brother made her laugh a bit, which was my intention. My intentions were to make her laugh, and make her feel comfortable. I used some charm, and I was a gentlemen in our Tic Tac Toe games, though I did use a little mischief as well.

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Ah women, who needs 'em. Here's my little story...

You see, about 6 months ago I started to talk to a girl in my year. She's about 5ft 2in, and I'm 6ft 4in; go figure:shifty:. I invited her to go watch Iron Man with a few other guys and gals, we had a good night and became best friends.

Then all of a sudden out of no-where (RUSSO SWERVE I TELLS YOU!!), she starts dating her 4 time ex who hasn't she seemed to have spoken to in months. Fuck, I say over and over. But I still keep trucking.

A few months go by and we get real close. Oh, and the guy she's dating is almost a good mate of mine. Eventually, about a month ago, the two break up and he gets too jealous of me and her, and they have an argument and she ends the whole thing. Now, she's told me she's not interested in dating me, but I'm completely head over heels for her, and have told her enough. What do I do now? :(

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
Reaction score
La Florida
Damn, sucks. Why is she uninterested? Perhaps you can ask her to give you a chance, or... well, I'm not sure, TBH. And damn you for being 6'4. I'm only 5'7; the girl I like is near 5'0.

Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I do my best.
And I turn 15 next month, so I'm aiming for 6ft 9in. :tomato:

Damn, sucks. Why is she uninterested? Perhaps you can ask her to give you a chance, or... well, I'm not sure, TBH. And damn you for being 6'4. I'm only 5'7; the girl I like is near 5'0.
Ah not sure, she just says she doesn't see me in that way. I've asked plenty of times, and she's thought about, and still gives the same response.

And on height, she doesn't even come up to my shoulder :disgust1: :lips:


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Right here is an update from me....

The girl I like dumped her ex boyfriend a week ago, so I decided I'd try it. But when I asked her a few days later if she was single she said no. She's now with someone.

My best friend fancied her up until the other day when he said it wouldn't work because she's moving. (Even though the girl said she'd rather go out with me than him).

But now, every single time he finds me talking to her he'll start singing the words "Puppet on a String" becaue he thinks that she controls me. It's gotten to the point where even she's annoyed by it.

So today at school, we have a plan, me and her are going to pretend we had an argument and hate each other, then we are gonna get her to ask to do up his tie, go with her somewhere, and then BOOM! We'll start doing the "Puppet on a String".

I'll keep you updated later today...