Girls & Relationships

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Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
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I've liked this girl for about 4 months now, during theat time she's been out with about 3 other guys. Hopefully I can use my chance next weekend when we're going into town.

Fingers crossed.

Moonlight Drive

Dance. Tonight. It shall be epic

All y'all will get to find out what happened :wiggle:

Moonlight Drive

IF it does. Still half on the fence about whether to make a move not. I've got a sorta plan sorted out, hopefully it all goes the way it should.


Real talk here. I been waiting for the one and have passed up a few ahhh. Triple F's. But I'm bout to just say fuck it and go for something easy I know. Cuase It been 18 years I can't wait for the one much longer. and hell this girl wants it bad.

I hope you don't actually take that route. Getting with someone just because they are easy is something you will probably end up regretting.

The right one will come along, you just have to be patient. I'm one of the least patient people in this world yet I managed to wait 19 years for the one to come along and it was the best decision I ever made.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Real talk here. I been waiting for the one and have passed up a few ahhh. Triple F's. But I'm bout to just say fuck it and go for something easy I know. Cuase It been 18 years I can't wait for the one much longer. and hell this girl wants it bad.

Waiting or actively searching? Either way you have one life to live my man, you may as well enjoy it imo.

I've liked this girl for about 4 months now, during theat time she's been out with about 3 other guys. Hopefully I can use my chance next weekend when we're going into town.

Fingers crossed.

One word: Roofiecolada

Moonlight Drive


Okay, so at the dance, she was still pretty much not talking to me. But this is the part that is pissing me off.

Deadset, she is either purposely messing with my head or just really fucking crazy. One minute I'll be talking to he, then we'll sorta branch off and do different things, the next time I bump into her she isn't talking to me again. There was never really a chance to do anything at the dance though, despite it being mad fun.

I don't even know whether she likes me or not anymore. One day she'll be wanting me to come down and sit down and hang out with her, then the next day I'll accidentally let slip something mean (sometimes I can't help it, I'm a douchebag I suppose =/) and she won't talk to me.

And then the not talking to me, sometime it'll be the sort of joking say hi to everyone but me kind, then I'll do the same and she'll sort of just look at me and go 'I don't even fucking care' and then turn away and ignore me. And this time when she stopped talking to me it was over the most trivial or jokes (at least in my opinion)

So now, this is what I was thinking of doing. Since this kind of 'not talking to me' should be done by Monday hopefully, I'm going to try and sort this massive clusterfuck out. We sit next to each other in English, and either then or some time at Recess/Lunch/in the morning and apologise for what a dickhead I am sometimes, and try to cover my arse and sort this out. Maybe chuck in something abouot how often it's easier for me to be cruel than to say what I really think.

Dammit, I have 2 days and I'm not liking it :smh. But I'm good friends with all 4 of her best mates, so that gives me an excuse to get close to her. Right now, I just want to know what is going on in her fucking head, whether she hates me or not. Every day it's either she is my best friend or my worst enemy. Girls are fucking dumb.

Help. Help now.

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
Reaction score
La Florida
Ask her, maybe?

I'm still talking to the girl, I just acknowledge she has a boyfriend, though. Really sucks...

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I suggest you talk to her Pat. Waiting around is not going to do you any good at all.

Dub See Dub, it's good you're still talking to her. Had you instantly stopped talking to her the moment you found out she had a bopyfriend, you would have appeared to be very shallow. This way you can build a friendship, and should something happen where her and her boyfriend break up, you are close.


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
I say who cares about the boyfried WCW, if you see the opening go for it. If you don't know the dude make your move. They can't be that serious if you had no idea about him. It just might be a relationship about convience instead of love.

HBK it sounds to me that she likes you too. You said that sometimes that you say stuff that is mean but from my experience that works at for you. I had a buddy in high school that was quite rude to the ladies but somehow they ate it up. I think when you are a little mean, they get a little insecure about themselves and wonder what is wrong like why doesn't he like me?

J-Dawg I will give you the advice my father gave to me when I was in high school. My mom told me that I had to find a women that I love blah blah blah. Then she left the room and my dad leaned over and said "That is bull-shit, you need to find some easy whores and have some fun so that way when you find a girl that you do love you will be good enough at sex to keep her. At 13 years old when he told me this I thought he was crazy now being 33 it was sound advice believe it or not.

The bottom line is girls come and go. It will hurt when it happens but really it does help you out in the end. Each girl gets you ready for the real deal. You guys are all young and the best advice I can give all three of you is have fun because when you find the one you love then you are stuck forever.

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
Reaction score
La Florida
^ Well, they've been going out for four months now, from what she said. And yes, I saw him; he actually came into the classroom randomly, making a fool of himself to make her laugh, and she did, and TBH, I thought it was kind of cool of him to do that for her, you know, because she seems so withdrawn from her peers. I try to make her laugh, and sometimes I'm successful in doing so. She talks a bit more now than she used to though, which is a plus.

Moonlight Drive

I know where you guys are coming from. Most of the girls I know I'm a little rude too, and they all eat it up like you said, just like this girl does, or at least did. I suppose I've left it about 4 months too late.

Just the other day I was cracking jokes and pretty much had all her friends in a riot, but she just goes 'you digust me' (in a pretty mean way too) which sort of confused me. This was after she once again 'stopped talking to me' though.

But for some reason she can just go from flirty to serious in half a second, thats why I'm not sure if she likes me back. There's those times when I think she does, but suddenly she gets all angry on me. I do have a sorta weird feeling she is messing with me though, due to the fact when she isn't talking to me I think she's faking it, thus the whole forgetting thing.

Funny thing is WCW, thats actually the sorta thing I do with this girl, going into her class and being a douche to make her laugh. With your girl though, just keep up the friendship with her like James said. If they do break up, you can be that shoulder to cry on I suppose.