Okay, so at the dance, she was still pretty much not talking to me. But this is the part that is pissing me off.
Deadset, she is either purposely messing with my head or just really fucking crazy. One minute I'll be talking to he, then we'll sorta branch off and do different things, the next time I bump into her she isn't talking to me again. There was never really a chance to do anything at the dance though, despite it being mad fun.
I don't even know whether she likes me or not anymore. One day she'll be wanting me to come down and sit down and hang out with her, then the next day I'll accidentally let slip something mean (sometimes I can't help it, I'm a douchebag I suppose =/) and she won't talk to me.
And then the not talking to me, sometime it'll be the sort of joking say hi to everyone but me kind, then I'll do the same and she'll sort of just look at me and go 'I don't even fucking care' and then turn away and ignore me. And this time when she stopped talking to me it was over the most trivial or jokes (at least in my opinion)
So now, this is what I was thinking of doing. Since this kind of 'not talking to me' should be done by Monday hopefully, I'm going to try and sort this massive clusterfuck out. We sit next to each other in English, and either then or some time at Recess/Lunch/in the morning and apologise for what a dickhead I am sometimes, and try to cover my arse and sort this out. Maybe chuck in something abouot how often it's easier for me to be cruel than to say what I really think.
Dammit, I have 2 days and I'm not liking it

. But I'm good friends with all 4 of her best mates, so that gives me an excuse to get close to her. Right now, I just want to know what is going on in her fucking head, whether she hates me or not. Every day it's either she is my best friend or my worst enemy. Girls are fucking dumb.
Help. Help now.