Spencer Perry Comingsoon.net
It’s no secret that when an actor takes on a major role with the likes of
Marvel Studios that they sign an extensive contract for the foreseeable future. Speaking with
The Hollywood Reporter, Spider-Man himself Tom Holland was asked about his deal for playing the wall crawler and replied:
“They give you options, and those could be exercised whenever. Like a cameo in Avengers. I’m unclear as to which movies, though. I do know I have three Spider-Man movies and three solo movies contracted. But if you have another movie, Marvel is so good at working around it. They’re very respectful of your life, really. They understand that you have to work on other movies, and they try and fix it up so you can work around each other.”
It’s unclear what Holland means by “three solo movies.” It could entail appearances in movies starring other Marvel heroes or it could mean appearances in group films like Avengers: Infinity War. We’ve reached out to Sony Pictures for clarification on the matter and will update.