Personally I'd hold off. Cody already beat Seth 3 or 4 times now. I feel a Seth title reign is definitely in the cards now, so I'd probably make that a SummerSlam match where Seth perhaps gets the upset there. Similar to Hangman in AEW, I don't personally think it really matters much what happens after Cody wins the belt. The winning of the belt will be the climax and if he loses it a few months later, I think that's fine. He can always win it back down the line because it's not like he isn't a made man anyways.
yeah I was more thinking what I think they will do, I like your booking much more. As I said above you could always have Seth win MiTb whenever that is as well, and have him cash in after a particularly nasty match. Maybe even this simple booking ?
Gunther vs Cody at a big ppv, story being Gunther obviously wants revenge after being eliminated by Cody and lets say he lost his title to Sheamus as well for good measure so he is extra grumpy. Beats the fuck out of Cody who wins by the skin of his teeth...only to Seth to pull another heist.
I'll admit I do really want Seth as champ

and yeah Cody can just win it back