Enjoyed seeing the return of quite a few characters this season, most of all Jaqen. Arya's story has really developed and I like how mysterious they've had it.
The Lord Commander Snow and Stannis had quite the bit of intrigue as well. I kinda wanted to see it play out some more. As for their stories on their own, both have been very intriguing. Finally seeing the walker army in action was really surreal, despite it being unfocused. The leader looks really well done.
Stannis' arc was pretty crazy in the latest ep. The entire season he showed how much he loved his daughter, but then he let her burned alive while even the hateful ass mother tried to stop it. Pretty fucking crazy indeed.
Tyrion and Dany finally joining forces shows a lot of potential. I just don't see Mormount's angle right now. He's got greyscale which is very contagious and he touched Dany, the person he claims he'd die for. Can people not catch it that early or is he trying to kill her?
Probably my favorite storyline this season though has to be Jaime and Bron, aside from Jaqen/Arya anyways.
You know what? We're nine episodes in and we haven't seen any of Bran's storyline. I couldn't care any less about it either. Besides Hodor anyway. I just hope they try not to focus on him a lot, or at all in the last episode.