I figured it out from the clue
Who gives a flying fuck? Maybe LB hasn't seen the clue....
I figured it out from the clue
Who gives a flying fuck? Maybe LB hasn't seen the clue....
Well... Tell him to look
Patience young Fuje, I'm sure Fuji Classic will have it up soon.
I'm pretty sure number one has been spoiled somewhere in this thread but I've avoided it to build SUSPENSE~!
Well tell the little smurf to shut up. Things like this only happen with him around. Why Brandon hasn't banned his smurf ass yet is beyond me.
You never fail to amaze me with your insults. Now I'm a smurf. Ok I'm so sorry, I didn't know that you never made smart ass comments in your life. Why don't you go do something useful instead of insulting me all day because it doesn't offend me in the slightest.
Why are you so fucking condescending? Like, seriously. Telling LB to spoil himself of the #1 on this list. Learn to read, pal. He said he's avoiding it.
Apparently you didn't read Fuje calling me a fag
I could not care less whether you are offended or not.