Moonlight Drive

The titles mean shit now. Everyone knows no matter who wins, their title reign will go for 2 months tops, maybe 3 if they're lucky. If this truly is Shawn Michaels final match, it would be an absolute travesty to not have it end the show behind of some half-baked Edge/Chris Jericho match. If it truly is the end to the streak, it would be another travesty to not have it end the show, yet have a match for a championship which doesn't even matter anymore instead.
Throughout the 90s HBK and Undertaker were the few who stuck with WWE. Bret left, Hogan left, Flair left, many more left. But they stayed. They deserve this, who knows, this could be the final Wrestlemania match of any quality these two put on, why have it in the middle when you could provide the greatest end to a Wrestlemania since Benoit & Eddie?
Throughout the 90s HBK and Undertaker were the few who stuck with WWE. Bret left, Hogan left, Flair left, many more left. But they stayed. They deserve this, who knows, this could be the final Wrestlemania match of any quality these two put on, why have it in the middle when you could provide the greatest end to a Wrestlemania since Benoit & Eddie?