I personally think that wrestling would be better off without each wrestler having their own finisher. Finishing moves are one of the biggest reasons why wrestling matches come off as very fake. Take Sweet Chin Music for example. It’s a quick and sudden move that HBK can hit out of no where to win a match. But if it’s so devastating that it can win a match, why would he do anything besides try and hit that move? That’s why to me each guy having one move that is just about guaranteed to end a match is silly.
I would assume the reason that they don't do that would be because hitting said finisher in the beginning wouldn't have the same impact as somebody who was worn down. It's the knockout blow.
If I threw my phone at you right now, you would have a headache. If I kept punching your head, hitting you in the head with a chair, and kept kicking you, and then threw my phone, that phone impact would be a lot worse.
I think that there should be a number of high impact moves that can potentially end a match.
That would be signature moves. Or as Cole would say "Vintage (insert name here)"
Me personally, I prefur quick finisher that can come out of no where. Code Breaker, Pay Dirt, RKO. But not all moves can be like that. If a move takes time to set up, then it has to be a good one. Tombstone, The Kringo Killa, Styles Clash, Widow's Peak, etc. But then you gota take in that part of a wrestlers job is to keep the fans intertained, that's why you have moves like The People's Elbow, Cena's FU, etc.