Are you arguing that Punk vs Bryan is IC title worthy at best 5 or 10 years ago? Like I said in the Kelly thread, they are where they are because of atrophy not their talent alone. They are there because they are the upper echelon of a depleted roster, and the company knows it. They wouldn't sniff that spot with Rey, JBL, Taker, Edge, Jeff, Dave, HBK, Trips, Flair, and the like available. The company knows it and that is why they don't close shows or ppvs. The fans know it which is why they lose viewers every quarter and have for months on end, week after week. Punk himself knew it which is why he got defensive on twitter when teased about it and why he bitched and moaned last year before letting his deal expired for any possible leverage. They are type cast out of their niche because the company has no choice and they devalue the title by simply not being good enough. The WWE title deserves better than what it is getting, as do fans who pay good money to see real main event talent that the company had accustomed them to, but sadly after Cena, they are just what is left, the best of it actually, so you have to roll with it and hope Cena can make someone better than them, a prodigy is discovered, or a guy like Dave ot HHH or HBK etc wants a last full time run